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07x04 - The Penny Drops

Posted: 10/29/13 12:21
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland":

Jack: Sheep? Who gave you permission to bring in a herd of sheep?

There's never been sheep on this ranch and there never will be.

Lou: Maggie's is for sale? Oh my gosh.

Jake: You'll find another job.

It wasn't just a job, Maggie's was a huge part of my life.

Why don't you buy Maggie's, Lou?

You'd be a great owner and I could be your manager.

I got a job on a wild west show.

In Paris?

So they accepted the offer, and we just bought Maggie's.

Being a manager is a huge job.

For someone who's only waitressed part-time, I just, I don't think you're ready.

Jack: Oh, will you look at this?

Tim: Oh, come on, I don't believe it.

What are those sheep doing way up here?

Jack: I got better ways to spend my time than chase down sheep every time they get out.

Tim: Are you kidding me?

The money we stand to make, it's worth the time.

Money? What money?

Market's down, my expenses are up.

Yeah? Well, the guy I bought 'em from was a weekend rancher who didn't want the aggravation, and would sell them at any price.

What are we talkin'?

Twenty bucks a head.

They're already worth at least ten times that.

Tim: That's right.

Of course, if you want to get out of the sheep business, just give me the word.

Amy: Ty, I only told Scott I would think about it.

Well, he's pretty sure you'd come around.

Oh, he was wrong.

Do you know what my schedule is like?

I've got a tonne of client horses, and Lou wants me to take some dude ranch person out on a trail ride.

Don't even open that door.

Ty, just take them away.

[Gate clanks open]

Ty: This is Bobby Jean.

She's a champion cutting horse.

Her owner's really pushing to get her back in the show ring as soon as possible.

I'm not even looking.

[Hooves clop]

Ty: Well, you're missing the best part:


Really something, isn't he?

Ty, he's so cute.

Ty: So you'll do it?

You know what it's like weaning a foal this young.

If it's not done right, there could be severe problems.

He could have weight loss, stress, immune deficiency issues.

Ty: I know, I know.

That's why Scott needs your help, Amy.

The owner, he's, he's old school.

He's a bit of a jerk.

He wanted to split them up; Dump the foal off at the clinic and leave us with the fallout.

Well, how long would I have?

The mare has to be back home day after tomorrow.


Lou: Okay, Georgie, we only have a couple of hours to get everything ready.

Georgie: Yeah, yeah, but I don't get it, why are we opening up early and what's so important about this Nicole person?


In New York, she graduated top of our class.

She got the best job right out of school.

She's super smart, super committed, super ambitious.

Georgie: She sounds like a super pain in the butt.

She is, actually, but she's also a really good friend.

Okay. And I wanna pitch her on this place as a corporate retreat.

A what?

You know, trail rides, team building.

It could be a real game changer, so we're all pulling together to make it happen.

And here is a list of chores...

And don't forget to sweep the porch, okay?

You're the best! Thank you.

I'll be back soon.

Amy: I still don't know about this, Ty.

I mean, a week, maybe, but two days?

Well, Scott had to do a lot of fancy footwork to even get you that.

Look at them, though.

They're inseparable.

Ty: If you don't give it a shot,
it's gonna be a lot worse for them.

Well, they are settling in okay.

[Sheep bleat]

Oh, great.

Let's get them before grandpa sees them.

Or has another heart attack.

Amy: Go! Shoo! Come on, sheep!

Ty: Push them into the corner there!

You got those ones?!

Amy: Yup.

Ty: Yeah, run!


[Door shuts]

Okay, I have got a big list of stuff I need, but you can start me off with a low-fat latte.

And hello to you, too.

The hello was implied, mallory.

What's going on? Where is everybody?

We ran out of coffee.

We ran out?

Okay, mallory, we can't run out of coffee.

Maggie's is all about coffee.

Believe me, I know, and if I were manager I would have put in the order, but I'm just the waitress and waitresses can't place orders.

What else do we need?

Basically, all the stuff on this list, but it's really hard for me to say for sure

'cause it's not really my department.

This is exactly why I didn't give you the manager job.

And this is exactly why I'm not doing the job you didn't hire me to do.

[Car rumbles up]

Hi. Um, are you Nicole?

I am.

You must be... Georgina?

Georgie. Right.

Georgie: So, can I help you with your luggage?

Nicole: Oh, I think I can handle it.

This trip was sort of a spur of the moment, last minute kind of deal.

Wow! The place looks, uh, looks fantastic.

Which, which cabin am I in?

Oh, this one.

Oh, perfect. Same as last time.

Georgie: Watch out for the horse cra-p.

Nicole: Oh my...

Are you kidding me?


Why didn't you warn me?

I tried.


All right, wait, wait, wait. Just let me, okay?

Oh, just get it off.

I know, I'm trying.

I've got it, I've got it.


Okay, what do you want me to do with them?

Just throw it away, as far as possible.

Are you sure this is the right cabin?

You think this is bad, you should see the others.

Hmm. I'm going to, I'm going to change my shoes and then I'm going to help you fix this place up.



Georgie, what have you been doing?

This place is a disaster and someone tracked crap all over the deck.

Nicole is going to be here in any second.

Georgie: Lou. Lou: No, no, Georgie, you have no idea what we're dealing with.

If this place is not perfect, she is going to turn around and storm out of here like some park Avenue princess.

Lou, would you-


It is so good to see you.

You know what, Lou? You're right.

But obviously it's not.

Sorry, I'm going to storm out of here, just like you said I would.

Little warning.

♪ And at the break of day

♪ you sank into your dreams

♪ you dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh...

♪ You dreamer

♪ you dreamer

Lou: Nicole, just wait.

Nicole: Don't even bother trying to sweet talk me into staying, Lou.

I'm calling a cab.

Lou: Okay, well, you know, that's good, that's a relief.

At least you're not going to, I don't know, drown yourself or swim for freedom.

Just, just stay back, Lou, okay?

I'm just, I'm going to call, I swear.

Okay, do it, but I should warn you, the cell reception is pretty spotty out here so you might just wanna dive right in.

Just watch out for leeches.

Nicole: Okay, yeah.

I actually, I miss this, Lou.

You know, having someone call me out on my ocd bs.

Yeah, just like the good ol' days, except back then we only did it behind your back.

I was just jokin-Nicole!

Okay, listen, I'm really sorry about the cabin.

I'm gonna fix it up, it'll be okay.

It's not the cabin.


Well, is there anything I can do?

Georgie: And it took Lou an hour to get her to stop crying.

Amy: [Groans]

Georgie: Oh, is that them?! Look how cute he is!

How long are they staying?

Just a couple of days, so if you're going to help me with this weaning process, you have to promise not to get too attached.

Georgie: Okay, I promise.

When do we start?

Amy: Well, you see foals like shiloh, their main source of food is their mother's milk, but that can't go on forever, so we need to separate them.

You're taking him away from his mother?

That's so mean!

Amy: Well, yes, it can be, but we're going to make sure we do it right, and nice and gentle so that neither of them get too stressed out.

All right, let's back up and give them some space.

[Snorting softly]

Georgie: Foal's eating the mom's food.

Is that okay?

Amy: That's really good.

That means we can start giving him some grain along with his milk substitute.

[Amy chuckles]


Look at that.

See, he's keeping a close eye on his mother but he's looking at the other horses.

He's only been here a few hours and he's already beginning to socialize.

But he can't do that if he's stuck to his mother's side all the time.

[Bleating loudly]

[Startled whinny]

Georgie: Oh no, Amy, look! They're scaring them.

Amy: Those stupid sheep,
they're gonna ruin everything. Come on.

Okay, come on, sheep, get out!

Georgie: Shoo! Shoo!

Oh good, grandpa.

You know I am trying to wean a foal out there, right, and these sheep are really getting in the way.

Don't talk to me. You talk to your father, he's the one who brought 'em here.

I thought you two were partners?

Well, that depends on how you define partners.

According to him, we're fifty-fifty.

He bought the sheep, but I've been paying for everything else in more ways than one.

Okay, so let's just get rid of them, right now!

Here's the situation.

The longer those sheep are here, the more money I spend.

Now the more money I spend, the bigger my share is.

Now, when I add labour, vet bills, and aggravation to a carefully calculated grazing fee, your dad's fifty percent will have shrunk so small I'll practically own the whole flock myself.

Grandpa, you hate sheep!

I sure do, and when they're mine I'm gonna sell them so fast it'll make your head spin.

That'll teach him to dump those sheep on my land.

You should have seen the look on Lou's face when I told her about the coffee.

I thought you wanted to be manager?

Yeah, but according to Lou, I don't have the maturity or the experience to do so.

So what are you gonna do?

Well, from now on, it's work to rule.

If she wants a manager, she can hire me to do it, or pay someone else.

You sure you really want this job?

I mean, most people would try to show their boss they can handle it.

You mean, act like a manager and she'll see me as a manager.

Yeah, but you're basically doing the exact opposite, so it's like you don't want the job, right?

Oh my gosh, you are absolutely right!

When did you get so smart?

I've always been smart, you just never noticed it.

Maybe too smart.

Hey, dad.

Hi, Amy. What can I do for ya?

If you really want to do something for me, you could move those sheep that are at heartland out here.

I'm keeping things going while your grandfather's waltzing around Arizona.

He was not waltzing, okay?

He was recovering from a heart attack.

Yeah, well, that's why I let him in on the deal.

High profits, low maintenance, perfect for the golden ager.

And I threw in a dog.

And what thanks do I get? I get nothing but grief.

You know, I am sure that you meant well, okay?

But I cannot work with those sheep around, so just load them in a trailer and bring them up here.

Take a look around. This is prime cattle country.

You think I'm gonna let a bunch of sheep eat my grass?

Nicole: Wow! It's so great you bought this place, Lou!

You know, my grandmother used to have a cafe just like it.

Lou: Really? You never told me.

Yeah, in high school.

I spent every summer there just working in the kitchen, waitressing.

Mallory: Enjoy. Hi, guys, how're the first few bites tasting?


Lou: Whoa!

Mallory: Bye.

[Phone rings]

Hello, Maggie's.

Yes, I need you guys to double our order.

Okay, just one second.

Hi, Lou, I'm so happy you could drop by.

I placed in these orders, I got the new menus, next week's special, and the resumes for the waitress job.


Hi, sorry about that.

Okay, thank you. Bye.

Um, mallory, you remember Nicole?

Nicole, of course.

Let me guess, two non-fat lattes?

Uh, that sounds great.

I'll get those right away.

Lou, I wanted to apologize about this morning.

I just remembered why I pushed you into getting Maggie's in the first place.

Because you lost your job and you were hoping to get it back?

No, because Maggie's is more than a cafe and a tack shop.

It's a place to go, to meet with old friends, to make new friends.

It's a place where you can feel a part of something.

Anyway, I'm just happy that I could help make it all possible.

Oh, wow, you really lucked out with your manager.

Mallory? She's not the manager.

She wants the job, but I told her she wasn't ready, so she's just trying to impress me.

Well, I was managing my grandmother's cafe at her age.

Yeah, but mallory is not you.

Here we go, two of Maggie's special non-fat lattes, voted best in Hudson.

Anything else I can get for you two?

[Lou sighs]

Okay, mallory, you win.

You want the job, you got it.

Yes! You won't regret this.


Amy: All right, I'm just gonna hang on to her.

Georgie: What do I do?

I want you to back away and show shiloh that that grain in the bucket is way more important than his mom.

Okay. Here, shiloh!

Come get it!

Come on, I've got something tasty.

Over here!

Come and get it.



Looks like he wants a buddy more than food.

Oh, he likes pogey.

Sheep: [Bleating]

Amy: Oh no! No, no, no! Not again! Not again!

Georgie: Shiloh!

Amy, what do I do?

Amy: Those sheep have got to go.

Georgie, can you just deal with them, please?

Hey, you, get out of here.

Beat it! Scram!

[Claps] Go on!


Uh-oh! Whoa!



One coffee, no milk, no sugar, nothing on the side.

So no more working to rule?

Yeah, I realized you were right.

The only thing I was proving is that I wasn't manager material.

And besides, who wants to spend their whole gap year being a waitress at Maggie's when they can be manager?

You got the job?

Mallory: Yeah! Man: Bye, mallory.

What's wrong?

I mean it was your idea. Aren't you happy for me?

Yeah, of course, but there are other options.

Such as?

Travel, see the world, stuff like that.

But if you're happy, I'm happy.

Gotta go.

[Door opens and clicks shut]

I don't care how much it costs, I've gotta get those sheep trucked out of here now.

Oh, really?

Okay. Well, no, that's fine. Thank you.

[Frustrated groan]

What's the problem? Can't they do it?

Oh, they can do it - next Wednesday.

I've only got until tomorrow.

Hmm. You know what?

Yeah, we're gonna herd them out of here ourselves.

We can take them up across big river, up to dad's lease land.

That should only take a couple hours, right?

When do we start?

[Sighs] Right about now.

[Hooves clop]

Amy: Oh no.

Georgie: "Oh no" what?

I forgot about the trail ride.

Lou: Hey, Amy! You look like you're all set.

Amy: Yeah.

You remember Nicole?

Amy: Hey, Nicole.

Nicole: Hey! How's it going, Amy?

Amy: Great. Good.

Can I talk to you for one second?

Uh, sure, yeah. I'll be right back.

Nicole: Yeah.

Lou: What's up?

Amy: Well, I have to talk to you about something.


Lou: Amy, what is it? What's wrong?

Nothing. It's just I don't have time to go on a trail ride right now.

I've got to do something with these sheep.

No, no, Amy, you promised me, and Nicole, she came all the way.

I know, I know, but Lou, I am trying to wean a foal and with these sheep around it's not gonna happen.

Well, then ask grandpa to move them, or dad.

You think I haven't tried?

Dad says it's grandpa's responsibility, and he won't even lift a finger, and then grandpa has suddenly decided that he's determined to keep them here.


Lou, this foal's health is at risk, and Scott's depending on me. Please?

Lou: [Sighs]

Nicole: Hey, Lou, you know I don't really need to go on a trail ride. I mean there's- actually, you know, we aren't gonna do the trail ride, but we are gonna do something that's way better.

It's like a full Western experience.

And you know what, I'll come too.

It'll be great.

Okay, good.

Ready? Let's move 'em out!

[Hooves clop]

[Gate rattles open]


Lou: Let's go!


[Dog barks]


Lou: Come on, sheep!

Georgie: Come on, sheep!

Lou: Let's go, sheep, come on.

I'll follow right behind you.

Nicole: Okay.

Come on, sheep!

All right, ladies, let's bring 'em out.

Lou; Come on, sheep, let's go!

Amy: Come on, sheep, get up there!

Let's go!

Amy: Come on, let's go!

Come on, sheep! Come on!

Georgie: Come on! Lou: Let's go!

[Unhappy customer chatter]
Where is our order?

Mal, I gotta run.

Okay, eight seventy-five, from ten... Yup, close enough.

Hey! Hey... Look who it is.

Oh, it's my- I've got her, I've got her.

I'm capable of sitting with a child on my lap.

Oh yeah, if you're so capable, why is everybody asking me to get rid of these sheep for ya?

Well, 'cause they know I'm doing all the heavy lifting.

Heavy lifting? Oh, come on.

I'm not the bad guy, Jack, those sheep are worth money in the bank.

Mallory: [Gasps] Oh my gosh! She swallowed it!

Tim: Just, just... Mallory: She swallowed a penny!

Okay, come here, honey, come here, come here.

W-what are you doing?

Tim: I'm gonna do some first aid.

Don't even think about it. Mallory, call 9-1-1.

Tim: No we don't have time for 9-1-1, Jack, let's get her to the hospital.

Let me see now.

Mallory: Hello? Hello? Emergency services.

Ty: Hey guys, what's up?

Well, Katie swallowed a penny.

Tim: So make a hole, we gotta get to the hospital.

Whoa, whoa. Is she breathing?

She looks fine.

Tim: She swallowed a penny, Jack.

Jack: Mallory, tell them to hurry.

Ty: This happened to a beagle at the clinic once.

If she's not choking, then the best thing to do is just wait.

Well, thank you, Dr. borden, except wait, you're not a doctor.

You're not even a med student, you're a vet student.

So move, we're leaving!


She swallowed a penny; There's only one way out.

Wait, stop! Ty's right.

Emergency services concurs.

If there's no obstruction, let nature take its course.

Jack: Well, that's a relief. Ty: Thank you.

Thank you.


Tim: It's okay, we'll wait.

Lou: Good dog. Move 'em up!

Amy: Keep on movin'!

Georgie: Move up, sheep!

Come on! This way!

Amy: Good goin', Georgie!

[Dog barks, sheep bleat]

Nicole: Whoa! Easy, easy.


Lou: Are you okay there?

Nicole: Uh, I don't know. Georgie: This way!

Nicole: Whoa, stop.

Lou: All right, loosen up on the reins and stop kicking him.

Well, he's not stopping.

Hey, whoa! What's he doing?

Lou: You know what? Amy and Georgie have the sheep under control...

Nicole: Okay, whoa! Whoa!

Lou: Why don't we just take a breather, lean back, and let the horses calm down a little.

Nicole: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa!

Easy! Whoa.

Lou: I got him, I got him.

All right, you good? Hop off.
Nicole: Oh! Thank God.

Lou: Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm going to be walking funny for about a week.

You're doing great.

You know, at least you can tell everyone at work that you went on a real sheep drive.

Maybe you could even mention it to your boss, you know, tell her how great it would be for all your coworkers to come out here.

Yeah, Lou, it's great, except I'm not going back to work.


I don't have a job to go back to.

That's it, honey, concentrate.

[Katie moans]

Come on, honey, you can do it.

You know, I'm surprised you two aren't out with Amy and Lou, right now.

What are you talkin' about?

You don't know?

They're moving the sheep out to the lease land.

They're probably in the foothills right about now.

I knew they were up to something.

Mallory: Wow, that sounds pretty bad, you guys, just leaving the girls to do all the work?

Yeah, I thought they were your sheep?

Well, if I'd have known, I'd have done something about it.

Well, you might still have a chance.

Amy's great with horses, but I don't know about sheep.

She might not even make it there with them.

So where are you going now?

It's okay, Jack, you just rest easy and I'll handle this.

Can you handle Katie for a couple hours?

Yeah, I can watch her.



Lou: So you lost your license?

Well, it's been temporarily revoked, and I've been suspended pending the results of an investigation by the sec.

And what exactly are they investigating?

You know, the usual, cooking the books, insider trading, pump and dump schemes.

But you weren't involved with any of that, I mean, were you?

Of course not, but I heard rumours, enough so that I probably should have known that they were true.

And just knowing about it makes you a criminal?

No. Knowing about it and not doing anything to stop it makes me guilty by omission.

And that's kinda why I'm here, Lou, to just sort of prep me for my appearance before the commission.

The problem is, if I tell the truth, I'll never work in the financial industry again.

[Trunk rumbles]

Where do you think you're going?

Amy and Lou need help.

I figure I'm the best man for the job.

Yeah? [Slams door]

Well, we'll see about that.

What do you mean, "maybe next week"?

Man: Excuse me, miss! Mallory: I need it today!

It's the same order as always.

Okay. Okay, Thursday. Wonderful.

See you then.
[Phone beeps off]

Bad news?

I don't know what I'm doing here, Ty.

I had all these options, but I couldn't make up my mind so I picked the safe route.

Now I'm stuck here doing the same thing I've been doing for years.

Well, if you don't want the job, why don't you just talk to Lou?

And say what?

Thanks for promoting me, I quit.

No, those aren't the words that I would use.

It's all Jake's fault.

I mean him going to Paris to work at a wild west show is amazing in comparison to working at Maggie's.

So you and Jake, after all these years.

You think I like Jake?

Are you kidding? That's ridiculous.

Yeah, sure.

Everybody used to think it was the cutest thing - the little cowboy with the big crush on mallory and the way you'd pretend like you weren't interested.

You guys aren't kids anymore.

Maybe it's time you tell him how you really feel, one way or the other.

That would be easier if I knew how I felt.

Amy: Come on! Let's go!

Georgie: Come on!

Amy: [Whistles] Come on!

Georgie: Move it!

Come on, sheep! Go!


Good job, Georgie.

Just keep 'em from heading off in the trees.

Georgie: Okay. [Clicks tongue] Come on, copper.

Lou: Amy! Amy: Hey, Lou!

Lou: What do you want us to do?

Amy: Just help keep drivin' 'em.

Lou: All right. Come on, sheep!

Let's move them up here, Nicole.

Nicole: Come on, sheep!

Lou: Come on, sheep! Amy: Come on!

Let's go!

Heel! Come on.

Georgie: Why are they stopping?

Whoa! What's... What's going on?

It's dad. Dad, no!

There's grandpa!

Grandpa, slow down!

Stop, dad, no!


Oh no! Oh! Oh! No!

Lou: Easy, Nicole! Oh no! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Easy, boy.

Hang on!

Oh! Ungh!

Lou: Nicole!


Lou: Nicole!

Nicole, are you all right?

I'm so sorry. Oh...

Amy: Dad, what did you think you were doing?

Well, I don't know about Jack, but I'm here to help you with these sheep.

Well, you guys are doing a great job so far.

Jack: Well, maybe if you'd asked before setting out like this.

I did ask, and you guys didn't seem too concerned about it.

Tim: All right, all right, everybody just calm down.

We'll work together and we'll get the sheep up to the lease land.

Lou: You know what? I have a better idea.

How about you two deal with it yourselves.


Are you okay to get back on your horse?

Nicole: I don't know.

Come on, it's all right.

We'll be there the whole time.

Tim: [Whistles] Come on, sheep, let's go!



Yeah, okay, I can do it. All right.

Lou: I'll give you a leg up, if you want.

You know what? I think I got it.

All right.


One, two... Yeah, Nicole!

Okay, next stop, a hot bath and a cold Pinot grigio.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

Where's Katie?

You were supposed to be looking after her.

Everything's fine.

Katie's with Ty, at Maggie's.

Yeah, and it turns out it's perfectly fine to swallow a penny.

She swallowed a penny?

Yeah, Tim's penny.

I don't believe you guys.

Okay, you know what? I need to get out of here or I think I'm going to k*ll somebody.

Amy: Come on, Georgie. Tim: Lou...



Hey, Jake, I'm just closing up.

Yeah, I was wondering if you'd like a ride home?

You know I have a car, right?

The one parked right across the street?

Oh yeah, of course. So... never mind.

Come on, Jake, what's going on?

I guess I was hoping that even if Lou gave you the job at Maggie's, you would consider maybe going to France.

You mean, with you?


Maybe, yeah..

Meet in Paris, go visit soraya in London...


I really wish you would've asked earlier.

I know, I should have.

Stupid idea.

It's not stupid, it's just bad timing.

Speaking of timing, I should go.

My flight's tomorrow and I gotta pack my stuff, and I guess the reason why I'm here is just to say goodbye.

Goodbye now?

But if you ever change your mind... I'm really gonna miss you.

♪ You got a ticket to ride I'm gonna miss you, too.

♪ Oh, it's not as bad as it seems ♪
♪ Go...

You remember that time when I promised that I was going to take you on a real date?

Good, 'cause the deal's still on.

♪ ...the one word you need to hear most ♪
♪ Go...

Lou: Do you have to leave?

I really wish you weren't going.

I feel bad, I wanted everything to be perfect.

Well, I'm not leaving because everything wasn't perfect, I'm leaving because it was.

And, uh, what was the perfect part exactly?

Getting thrown from a horse or...?

Nicole: No, it was... I don't know, getting back on the horse.

It just made me realize that if I can handle that, I can handle anything they throw at me in New York.

I mean, so what if I never get my broker's license back.

Maybe this is a chance for me to start over like you did.

Yeah, except I didn't really start over again, I just came home.

Yeah, well, when you took me to Maggie's, that kind of felt like coming home to me, too, you know?

It made me remember what it was like to do a hard day's work, an honest day's work.

Something real.

I swear, when you hired mallory, I...

I don't know, I just wished that you were actually hiring me.

Right, yeah.

It'd just be a little bit of a pay cut.

Are-are you serious?

Yeah, I mean... I don't want to take the job away from mallory, but...

Okay, show the grain to shiloh, just like before, and then back away towards the gate.

Georgie: Here, shiloh, look what I got you.

You gotta come get it though.

You gotta come get it.

Good boy, shiloh!

[Gate clunks and creaks open]

Good boy...


Amy: That's good.

Now put the bucket down by pogey and then walk away.

Okay, go ahead, you can have it.


[Happy laugh]

[Sniffing and snorting]

Okay, guys.

Here you go.

Thank you, this looks really good.

Good, good. Enjoy.


How's Katie? Katie is fine.

Um, but you know we're just still waiting, so...

Uh, mallory, do you remember when you first told me you wanted this manager job and I...

And I said I didn't think you were manager material?

It's funny how wrong someone can be, isn't it?


Well, yes, but um...

Also, you know, I know I gave you the job and you are really good at it - you are - but um...

I just can't help but thinking, you know, you are young and you have a whole year off, you should just go and do something crazy.

Be adventurous. Try something new!

Lou, are you firing me?

Mallory, okay, please, it's not like that.


I promise I didn't make any kind of commitment, but I was just talking to Nicole in like a blue sky sort of way, and I sort of offered her the job and she sort of said she would consider it.

You gave Nicole my job?

Lou! Thank you!

Thank you so much!

This is what I was hoping for.

Mallory, I thought this job was exactly what you were hoping for?

It was, I swear, until I got it, and then I was just too afraid to tell you.

So you just let me tie myself up in knots trying to let you down easy?

Yeah, and you did a great job I mean, doing me a favour and firing me at the same time.

Lou, it was perfect.

[Truck rumbles up]

[Sheep bleat]


Surprised to see you here.

What're you doing?

Counting sheep.

Just want to make sure we got 'em all.

I didn't know you cared.

I care plenty.

At the price you paid for them, you caught my interest.

I can't believe what I'm hearing.

So you're saying that I did something right; That we're all good now?

Yeah, things worked out just the way I'd hoped.

Tim: Yeah, well, the only part I can't figure is that...

I bought the sheep, they're on my land, so I don't know where you fit into the equation.

Well, do the math, Tim.

See, these sheep, they're mine now, lock, stock, and barrel.

They were my investment, completely.

They were my idea.

Ideas are cheap unlike vet bills and supplements, and the grazing fees you owe me.

Grazing fees? You take a look around, buddy.

You wanna talk about grazing fees? Not to mention the constant headache I've had since you dumped them on me.

Tim: I never had a headache while you were in Arizona.

Jack: You think my time's free?

Tim: Nothing with you is free.

Jack: Chasing these miserable critters around every day since they got here.


Tim: The little one's cute.

Okay, we should get going.

Just give it one more minute.

I just want to make sure we're not rushing things.

I'd say so far, so good. Yeah.

Oh wait, he's looking for his mom.

Just don't move.

Oh, good.

Ty: He looks like he's made himself at home.

All right, I'm gonna go.


Thank you.

See you later.

Well, let's go.

You all right, Georgie?

Well, I already miss Bobby Jean and I'm really gonna miss shiloh when he goes.

I warned you not to get too attached.

And I tried, but I don't know how you stand it, always saying goodbye.

It's just part of the horse business.

But you know what the good thing is?

You get to say hello just as often as you say goodbye, so it kind of balances out, right?


[Door shuts]

Hey, Jack.

What will it be? Coffee? Pie?

No, what I'd really like is a stiff drink, but I guess I'll settle for coffee, decaf.

Don't get too used to this personalized service.

It's my last day.


Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

What's your plan?

Not too sure.

I mean, my track record in big life decisions hasn't been too good lately.

I mean, what if I screw up again?

Make a bad decision, do something stupid that I'm gonna regret for the rest of my life?

Mallory, everybody's got regrets.

But here's the thing.

When you get to my age, you realize that what you end up regretting aren't the things you did, they're the things you didn't do.

So you're saying I should go to Paris with Jake?

Paris with Jake?

It's not what you think.

We're friends, buddies, bff's.

Well, it might be that way right now, but things can change, you know, especially when you're thousands of Miles from home.

But if things are gonna change, they're gonna change here just as much as they will in Europe.

There's still a seat available on Jake's flight.

♪ Everything's changing ♪ but nothing is new ♪ and I've been wondering...

Oh, I must be getting soft in my old age.

♪ How to believe what are you doing here serving me coffee then?

♪ I've been wondering Jack, I'm gonna miss you most out of everybody.

♪ We're all wondering I'm gonna miss you, too.

♪ How to believe Amy: Mallory's leaving today.

That's impossible! She would have said something.

Ty: Yeah, I was just talking to her yesterday, but not about Europe.

It was about Maggie's and Jake.

Lou: And oh my God, I basically told her to get out of town before it's too late.

All she had to do was hit a couple buttons on her computer and she was booked on a flight to Paris, just like that.

What time is she leaving?

Oh, I think she's on her way; She's probably at the bus station now.

What happened to two weeks notice?

Jack: Does it matter, Lou?

Oh hell, I'll wash dishes and serve tables if you need me to, just don't make me wear one of those uniforms.

[Katie moans and passes gas]

Lou: Oh! Honey, you...

You know what, grandpa? If you really wanna help, maybe you can handle bathroom duties.

After all, she was on your watch when she swallowed the penny.

You should deal with the consequences.

Jack: Okay, okay. Come on, Katie, you want to take a ride on a porcelain pony?

Come on.

Amy: It just doesn't seem fair.

You know, we didn't even get to say a proper goodbye.

Ty: We gotta do something.

We could send a text.

Amy: Yeah, but that seems so impersonal.

Hey, you know what?

I think there might be a better way.

[Shuttle bus rumbles to a stop]

♪ Show me a sign ♪
things will be fine bus driver: You getting on?


♪ I see the world, the same one you do ♪
♪ But I want to believe that we'll make it through ♪

[Toilet flushes]

Jack: That-a girl, you did it!

Good news, everybody, the penny has... dropped.

♪ I'd like to think that we're smart enough ♪
♪ To do the right things no matter how tough ♪
♪ I see the world...

Bus driver: Good afternoon, folks, just wondering if there's anybody on the bus named Mallory?

If so, you might wanna take a look out the right side window.

♪ And I've been wondering

♪ how to believe

♪ we're all wondering

♪ how to believe

♪ we're all wondering

♪ how to believe

[happy sigh]