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Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine (2023)

Posted: 07/28/23 18:32
by bunniefuu


[AMBER STRAUGHN] After the Big Bang,

the universe was just filled

with this sort of cosmic soup

of hydrogen and helium gas.


Eventually, those hydrogen

and helium atoms

started to form together to fuse stars.

The stars were probably

grouped into galaxies.

That was what we call the first light.

[THOMAS ZURBUCHEN] To see first light,

the first, uh, galaxies in our universe,

that distant past

is where creation happened.

[AMBER] When we look at the sky,

beyond the stars in our Milky Way,

we can only see darkness.

We've never had the technology

to see that first part

of the story of the universe.

To be able to look back in time

to see the very first light,

you need the most complex telescope

in history.

[THOMAS] Webb,

in the whole history of NASA,

is the riskiest mission ever done.

[REPORTER] This mission could be

a technological triumph

or a heartbreaking disaster.

[MIKE MENZEL] We're putting

the largest telescope in space,

a million miles away.

You know, you can think of

a thousand things that can go wrong.

[THOMAS] It's the largest number

of single point failures

of any mission ever done.

[AMBER] To try to think the unthinkable

of, "If it doesn't work..."


[AMBER] It's a scary thought, for sure.

[MIKE] Any successful

mission systems engineer

who doesn't think there was luck involved

is either a fool or a liar.



[AMBER] Those first images

will help us get closer

to answering those questions of,

"Where do we come from?"

"How did we get here?"

"Are we alone?"

That's our history, right there.

- [BILL NELSON] It is our whole history.

- [THOMAS] Our whole history right there.

[AMBER] I have no doubt

that this telescope is our next giant leap

in our search for life.

The universe is so big,

there's got to be

evolved conscious life out there.

The James Webb Space Telescope

will fundamentally change

the way we understand the universe.





[REPORTER 1] There's a new telescope

in town.

[REPORTER 2] The James Webb

Space Telescope,

named after the second administrator

of NASA, is about to become a reality.

It's going to be launching

from French Guiana, a spaceport there,

which is a reminder

that this is not just a NASA mission.

It is a joint mission

with the European Space Agency

and the Canadian Space Agency.


Three decades and ten billion dollars

in the making,

the project hasn't been

without controversy.

Multiple mishaps, budget crises,

even a threatened

congressional cancellation.

The launch

of the James Webb Space Telescope

is about as high stakes

as it gets for NASA.

If something goes wrong,

that is about ten billion dollars,

more than two decades' worth of work,

down the drain, just like that.


- [WOMAN] How you doing?

- Well.

[FEMALE REPORTER] Thomas Zurbuchen is

the head of science at NASA,

or Dr. Z, as we can also call you.

The day has come.

All these decades, all this time,

all these people

working on this telescope,

and here we are, minutes to launch.

[THOMAS] We have this telescope

on top of this rocket.

A telescope that 10,000-plus people

have worked on in many ways.

And together with that telescope,

all the hopes and dreams

of those individuals,

and also tens of thousands of scientists,

some of them not even born,

that will benefit from this data,

are there with them,

waiting for these

last minutes of countdown

for its journey to... to space.

[ENGINEER] Thumbs up, all systems are go.

T-minus 30 seconds and counting.

[THOMAS] Webb,

in the whole history of NASA,

is the toughest mission ever done.

There were manufacturing issues,

planning issues, system issues,

personnel issues.

Sometimes it looked hopeless to me.

[ENGINEER] Standing by for terminal count.

[MAN IN FRENCH] Ten, nine, eight...

of Webb as the Apollo of science.

It is a super hard thing

that's almost impossible.

And we do it despite it.


...three, two, one, liftoff!




[AMBER] It's been a really long road

to get to this launch.

I've worked on the project for 15 years.

I feel like such a core part

of my identity as a person

is my... my job, my work.

I love it, I'm passionate about it,

that's why I do it.

To try to think the unthinkable

of, "If it doesn't work,"

like, and then I've poured

my entire career into this,

it's a scary thought, for sure.


I mean, from the time I was six or seven,

I decided that that's what I want to do.

I want to be an astronomer.

I grew up in rural Arkansas

on a little farm, middle of nowhere.

There were no city lights around.

It was very dark. The sky was beautiful.

And I was just enthralled by the night sky

from the time I was a kid.


I was in fourth or fifth grade,

went up and watched.

[COMMANDER] We have been given

the go-ahead to begin commanding

a release of the forward latches.


We're seeing both blankets

unfurl on the solar array.

[ENGINEER] Looks good.

I want to wish Hubble

its own set of adventures,

that it may unlock

further mysteries of the universe.

[AMBER] They decided to point it

at a blank piece of sky,

nothing there, just to see what happened.

Like the rest of the world,

I remember just being stunned

at what we saw.

The nothing turned out to be filled

with thousands of galaxies.

It really gave us a sense,

for the very first time,

just how old the universe is.


It's a really cool, sort of,

trick of physics...

[CHUCKLES] ...uh, that we can

literally look back in time, uh,

with these massive telescopes.

Telescopes are really like time machines

in that they let us see

the universe as it was in the past.

This sounds like science fiction,

but it's actually

just due to the simple fact

that light takes time

to travel through space.

If you look at a streetlamp,

the light from that streetlamp

takes a teeny, tiny fraction of a second

to cross the street and get to your eye.

Light from the Sun takes

about eight minutes to get to Earth.

Think about stepping that out

further and further into the universe.

Things that are much further away,

the light takes more time

to travel to our telescopes.

And so we are literally seeing them

as they were in the past.

With Hubble, we've been able

to look back into the distant past

and see some very early galaxies,

some very young galaxies.

But... we're missing the beginning.

We're missing the first bit

in the first chapter

of this 13.8-billion-year story

of the universe.

[DAN GOLDIN] We want to look out

into the vastness of space

and back to the beginnings of time

to answer the questions,

"How did, and how do, galaxies form?"

"Are there other habitable planets

outside our solar system?"

"Is life unique to planet Earth?"

Hubble and ground-based telescopes

have given us an important start.

But we must go farther,

and the Next Generation Space Telescope,

NGST, will be the next great step taken.

[AMBER] That's what ended up being

the James Webb Space Telescope.

[THOMAS] Webb is such a leap.

It's the biggest leap of any mission,

in terms of just the magnitude

of improvements in all dimensions.

This is like the mother of all telescopes.

It was clear that there's ten miracles

that needed to happen.

Entirely new technologies

that nobody had ever done.


A totally new detector,

totally new electronic system

that focused the mirrors,

ten of those.

One of the most important numbers is,

"How many single point failures

do you have?"

A single point failure

is a single thing that needs to happen

that, if it's not happening,

the whole mission is a failure.

[RADIO CONTROLLER] Navigation confirmed

that the parachute has deployed

and we are seeing

significant deceleration.

[THOMAS] Landing on Mars

is something like 80 to 90,

which is one of the riskiest things

we've ever done.

Webb is three to four times worse.

[ASTRONAUT] Oh, it's beautiful, Mike,

it really is.

They've got the flag up now,

and you can see the stars and stripes.

[THOMAS] In terms

of the single point failures,

worse than Apollo.

So, how many single point failures

do we have?

The answer is 344.

It's the largest number

of single point failures

of any mission ever done.

It's like, you know,

just an impossible project.

[MIKE] There's always unknown unknowns

in this business, we know it.

In the end, you know, technically,

it will all fall on my shoulders.

You just make the best decision you can

with the data that you have available,

but you recognize that... there's always

a bit of risk to some of these decisions.

- [MIKE] Cat?



Oh, lighten... lighten up, k*ller.

[MIKE] For the past 24 years,

I've been focused on this mission.

It's like a, you know,

a second child in a... in a way.

My children have known nothing

but the James Webb Space Telescope

since they were about nine or four.

My son is 30 now, and my daughter's 28.

The fear that... that you have to have is,

if something goes wrong,

there's going to be the press,

there's going to be the, you know,

the politicians, whatever.

They're gonna drag your name

through the mud.

He worries about everything.

It's a... It's a Menzel gene, actually.

They worry about every little thing.

He's not sleeping well at night.

All these single point failure things

that could go wrong,

you do worry about those, and, you know...

[MIKE] Damn right, I do.

Damn right, the team does, so...

That's why we put vigilance on 'em,

we put focus on 'em.


These are some of the original concepts

on, uh, what was then called

the Next Generation Space Telescope.

The bigger the mirror,

the more light you're collecting.

So, to actually see first light,

you're going to have to be big.

We had five... five concepts

that we looked at.

This was, uh, an original one.

The devil in these designs

are in the details,

so it isn't until you get

to, you know, some detailed engineering

that looks like this,

that you find the problems.

The most obvious problem,

its... its diameter is bigger

than the diameter

of the rocket that carries it.

So you have to fold it up.

We had deployments that had

the primary mirror segments stacked,

almost like a record player.

And then one of the concepts that we had

was, uh, to deploy the primary mirror

using two leaves

that look like a drop table,

which is what we're doing now.

Our preliminary design review was 2008,

and that's where the telescope starts

really looking like what we have today.

It's not one of the best models of Webb,

but it's good enough

to show most people the features.

There's the primary mirror.

Starlight comes in,

hits the primary mirror,

gets focused down to the secondary mirror,

and gets sent

into this, uh, black pyramidal structure.

After that, it goes back here

where the instruments are.

The cameras, the spectrometers...


I'm sorry, the... the glue

is coming a little loose on this,

but this right here is the sunshield.

The sunshield blocks out the light

from the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon.

We want our telescope to be cold,

so that it doesn't glow brighter

than the faint stars it's looking at.

Of the 344 single point failure items,

225 are associated

with the sunshield deployment.

That is a never-before-done deployment.

The first thing that happens,

those two big pallets

that you see on each side,

fold down one, then fold down the other.

They're holding the folded layers

of the sunshield.

Then a very complex system

of pulleys and tensioning motors

expand the sunshield

at each of the six vertices.

And we will individually tension

each of those five layers

to get not only the right shape,

but the right position,

relative to each other.

There are 34 single point failure items

associated with the tensioning

of the five layers.


on three, two, one...


[THOMAS] The thing that's really different

from this space mission

to pretty much any other space mission

ever done, is how flimsy it is.

It's not a piece of metal.

It's more like a folded-up umbrella.

[MIKE] We did three

full-scale deployments,

and the refolding put wear and tear

on the sunshield.

The tearing of the sunshield

that we were seeing

got to the point where we said, "No."

"It's time to stop testing

and overtesting."

When you're doing things

like, you know, large sheets,

it's miles of cables,

things that can get tangled,

can go in places

you don't want them to in zero-G.

You can think of a thousand things

that can go wrong.

We bust it up, fold it up,

we're going to put it on a rocket,

and then we're going to

literally rebuild it robotically in space,

and that's, uh... that's

never been done before.

Fourteen days after launch,

we latch both sides of the primary mirror.

There are ten single point failure items

associated with the primary mirror,

five for each wing.


Having 18 individual segments

was a good way to build the mirror.

Each individual mirror's movable.

That helps us to position

each of those hexagons

to robotically focus our telescope.

It's going out about a million miles

away from the Earth,

four times farther than the Moon.

You don't want

the telescope cracking, breaking,

when it gets down

to cryogenic temperatures.

[AMBER] NASA actually retrofitted

the biggest Cryovac chamber

down at Johnson Space Center.

It was used for Apollo era.

It took years to be able

to accommodate this huge telescope.


[MIKE CHUCKLING] It's the size

of a three-story building,

tested at temperatures, you know,

at 50 degrees above absolute zero,

and it worked great.

That's almost miraculous.


this awesome day at Goddard

that people have been looking

forward to for years, really.

They raised it upright

and rotated it towards the viewing area,

and we all got to see that mirror.

And that was just a, like,

"Whew, don't start crying" moment.


I mean, because you're... you're seeing

your own reflection

in the same mirror

that's going to detect light

from infant galaxies and distant planets.

And to think that it's also seeing me?

Like, that was... that was really cool.

We've designed this telescope

specifically to see

the universe in infrared light.

The most distant galaxies are so far away

that they are emitting

all of their light as infrared light,

light that's a little bit more red

than what your eyes can see.

Even if we had a telescope like Hubble,

a visible-light telescope,

that was much, much, much bigger,

we still wouldn't be able to see

the light from these first galaxies.

While we designed this telescope

to primarily study early galaxies,

the fact that it's so big and so powerful

means that it will have

unprecedented capability

in helping us learn more about exoplanets,

about planets orbiting other stars.


In particular, about whether or not

any of the nearby planets

might be potentially habitable.

The way it will do that

is by looking at the molecules

that are in that planet's atmosphere.

It would be able to detect

methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor.

Where there's water, there's usually life.

It's not a stretch

to say that this telescope

is our next, sort of, giant leap

in our search for life in the universe.

I mean, how amazing would it be

if I said, "Look, here are five planets,

it looks like there is life there"?

Can you imagine? That changes everything.


Webb is humans at its best,

a selfless pursuit

of what's really out there.

Learning more about ourselves,

our history, about the world itself.

I think it's incredibly amazing.


I grew up in Switzerland.

My father was an evangelist pastor

in a fundamentalist church.

We hardly ever heard about science.

I was taught all my youth

that the whole universe

was built in seven days.

And then I went to one class.

The teacher explained how science

changed the trajectory of history.

And I thought, "That's the job I want."

"I can do science, and through it,

change the course of history."

I've been in the job for five years.

Many people think of me

as not patient enough.

My way of accountability

sometimes can come across as harsh.

But suppose it failed.

It would set the whole history

of world science back

by one to two decades.

I track all my miles.

The whole year...

A thousand is the goal every year.

Depending on how stressful the year is,

it's more or less.

The more stress, the more miles.

Closing in on 1,200.

NASA, right? This is the agency

that has coined the... the tagline,

"Failure is not an option."

It's a tagline that sounds really good,

but every time we do a mission,

failure is an option.


There are all these challenges

from the very beginning.

This institute will be managing

a telescope

with a launch projected for 2007.

The target price for doing this

will be 500 million dollars.

[THOMAS] The first time somebody

talked about the price of that telescope,

everybody who had... had worked

on... on the Hubble Space Telescope,

which was close...

more than six billion dollars,

knew it's total bullshit.

As the project grew,

all of a sudden,

the cost went to six billion dollars.

Mr. Howard, did you ever see

The Money Pit?

[HOWARD] Yes, absolutely.

I think the standard line in that movie

was, "It's only two more weeks."

Mm-hmm. Now, how can we justify this

to our constituents?

[THOMAS] There was

an investigation by Congress.

And they basically said,

"Let's k*ll that thing."

It felt like it wasn't going to happen.

Congress was going to cancel us.

It was a shock.

I'm a... a young scientist

anxious to do science with this telescope,

and now we're stopping

after all this time?

[THOMAS] Congress said, "We'll give you

the money," and that's when I came in.

Nobody wanted to talk about it.

It's like,

"Oh, it's... it's not... it's fine."

It's like, "Well, how are you performing?"

"We're losing time, but it will be fine."

It was not fine.

I remember it getting ready

for vibration and acoustics.


[THOMAS] What you do

is you try to break the telescope.

Of course you want it to survive,

but you shake it

just like it will be shaken in the rocket.

And we blasted sound at it,

just like it will see during a launch.




[THOMAS] The first test

went really, really well.

Then, when we tested it

with the spacecraft and the sunshield,

the fasteners started falling down.

There's 10,000 screws on that thing.

Now, if you've ever fixed a bicycle,

you realize if you put the fastener on,

you need to tighten it, so it locks.

The fasteners were not locked.

How can that be?

It needs to go to space.

The fasteners need to be locked.

So we had to redo all the fasteners,

find all of them.

It took six months

and cost 150 million dollars

to fix the problem.

Frankly, people are making

more mistakes than they should.

It's embarrassing.


In the meantime, we got the largest

number of negative news stories

of that mission,

as compared to any and all of them.

Nobody wants to be part of a stinker.

Everybody wants to be part of a success,

just like any sports team.

You need to turn it around.

You need to stop losing.

The team, they were always amazing people.

I consider it a leadership issue.

We run the risk of scratching

and damaging the mirror,

so we have to be very careful about that.

[THOMAS] What I needed to do

is replace leaders

to bring that team together

and create the attention that it requires

to do something this magnificent.

Right, so you want the energy,

"Yes, we're going to do this."

And then I think that's what happened.

I remember the day where I basically...

For the first time,

I was really surprised.

The two halves,

the primary mirror and the sunshield,

they had to come together.

I knew that was going to be really hard.

They had never seen each other,

those two halves.

All the systems,

all the cables, everything had to work.


When the two halves came together...

it worked the first time.

The team were just barely

where they needed to be,

and they were not ahead,

and all of sudden, they got ahead.

They were better than what people

had expected them to be.

That is amazing.

We have a mission that's basically ready.

If somebody asks me, "How certain are you

to launch Webb right now?"

I'm betting my house.




[AMBER] All of these years

we've put into getting this telescope

to the launchpad.

Part of me is like, "Is it really here?

Is it really happening?" [LAUGHS]



I feel excitement

and... and, uh, happy nervousness.


[MIKE] Do I like launches? Well...

[CHUCKLING] I like... I like them

when they're over.

It's like jumping with a parachute, right?

[CHUCKLING] When the parachute opens,

it's always a nice... a nice ride.


We are just about 12 hours from launching.

Fingers crossed that the weather holds,

and we'll be able to launch

this telescope tomorrow morning.

I can't believe... I can't believe

that we're almost here.

I'm so excited. I can't wait

to get this telescope into space.


[THOMAS] I write both speeches by myself.

I think it's absolutely critical

that they're authentic and personal,

uh, especially in a time

of disappointment,


that I'm there authentically as a human.

So that's important.

The positive speech, nobody will remember.

It won't matter.

I can say whatever I want to.

The negative speech really matters.

So, it's really important

to think about it carefully.

Seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one, liftoff.


the first Ariane 5 failure.

I still remember how it looked.

[MAN IN FRENCH] Liftoff.

burned in my... in my head.

[MAN IN FRENCH] All propulsion parameters

are normal. Trajectory is normal.

was not successful,

and Webb did not reach

the orbit as planned."



"This is a setback for all of us,

and for science

and exploration of our universe."

"We surely are disappointed."

"However, as difficult as the setback

we're experiencing right now is,

there's one thing that will not change."

"Our commitment

to the scientific exploration of space."

[WOMAN 1] The coolest thing

of the decade, possibly the century,

is about to happen.

The successor to the Hubble,

three times as large

and way more technologically advanced,

is about to be launched.

I'm going to start crying.

[WOMAN 2] Feliz Navidad. I got up

at 4:50 a.m. this morning

to watch the JWST launch.

[MAN] Just praying to all the science gods

that everything goes without a hitch,

and that in six months,

we'll be able to get this wonderful data.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

[CONTROLLER] From the Jupiter Control

Center here in Kourou, French Guiana,

you are looking live

at an Ariane 5 rocket on its launchpad,

ready to send

the James Webb Space Telescope

on the initial phase of its journey.

[THOMAS] Tens of thousands of scientists

are watching this launch right now.

Their entire future depends

on the success of that launch.

Merry Christmas!

We're here and ready to watch

the James Webb Space Telescope launch.

[CONTROLLER] Right now,

we have a green board,

no issues as the countdown proceeds.

No issues again being tracked

by the flight control team here in Kourou.

I'm not a very superstitious man,

but I am going to take

three, uh... three lucky charms

with me today.

I have my old man's taxi license.

I have my grandfather Menzel's bow tie

and my grandfather DeLeo's logbook

from his, uh...

when he was a private pilot.

[FEMALE REPORTER] It's all looking

very good here at the spaceport

for a Christmas Day launch.

Operations running smoothly,

the countdown ticking over nicely,

all the systems are green,

and we are go for launch.


[MALE REPORTER] The weather is go.

NASA officials carefully, uh,

watching, uh, the telemetry,

standing by for terminal count.

[MAN IN FRENCH] Ten, nine, eight...

four, three, two, one...






[MAN] Whoo!

[MAN IN FRENCH] ESC shutdown.

All onboard parameters are normal.

17 seconds away from Webb separation.

Springs will gently push Webb away

from the upper stage of the Ariane 5.


Separation of the Webb Telescope.




- Thank you. Yes!

- [THOMAS] Congratulations, eh? My gosh.

[MALE REPORTER] We do have confirmation

of observatory separation,

that will lead, uh, to the deployment

of Webb's solar array.

Webb will remain on internal battery power

until its singular solar array unfurls.


[MALE REPORTER] Webb now, uh,

has its array out,

confirmation that it is power positive.

- [ENGINEER] Solar array is out.


[LAUGHING] All right! All right!


[ENGINEER LAUGHING] Now we're talking!


[REPORTER 1] As it moves to its workplace

about a million miles away from Earth,

it will be deployed

by the telescope controllers

at the Mission Operations Center,

the MOC, as it's called.


[REPORTER 2] Over the next few weeks,

Webb will continue deploying

its antennas, sunshield, and mirrors.

Each procedure,

a critical and complicated step

to fully assemble the seven-ton telescope.

[REPORTER 3] The Webb Telescope is created

by some of the brightest minds

in the world,

and all of them are gonna be watching

at the edge of their seat.

[REPORTER 4] Anything goes wrong

at any point,

there's basically nothing

humankind can actually do about it.

[MIKE] Everybody's congratulating people

here about the launch,

and we're all... we're all very happy

for the congratulations.

But we all know that, you know,

the hard stuff is yet to come.

Deploying this telescope

is like rebuilding an IKEA desk

from a million miles away, robotically.


Webb's going about a mile a second.

We'll be passing lunar orbit pretty soon,

so we're close to 230,000 miles

away from us right now.

Webb is traveling to the L2 point,

a million miles away from the Earth.

If you're here on the Earth

and want to see faint stars,

you don't look at them from the city,

you go out to the country.

So going out to L2, for us,

represents going out to the country.

And it's a place

where the gravity of the Sun

and the gravity of the Earth can combine

to form a stable orbit around the Sun.

It took the Apollo astronauts

roughly three days

to go from the Earth to the Moon.

To get out to the L2 point,

it takes us about 30 days.

And on its way out there, we're deploying.



This is my first deployment.

I feel nervous.

Especially with this mission.

It can't be serviced, right?

So any problems that arise,

any challenges,

we have to take them head-on.

There are hundreds of us working, uh,

in the Mission Operations Center

around the clock,

especially the flight operations team.

We're able to communicate

with the telescope

via this Mission Operations Center.

We send commands to the telescope,

or blocks of code,

to tell it what to do,

what activity to perform.

We can't actually see

the telescope in space, it's too far,

so we have a tool

that's an animated model of the telescope,

where we can see the telescope unfolding.

As a woman, being Latina,

it makes me a unicorn in this industry.

And I didn't have anyone like me

to look up to in this space.

I got my NASA badge

when I was 19 years old.

I didn't expect to get there that fast,

to such a big and prestigious place.

But as soon as I got there,

I knew I was going to make my mark.

I develop code and procedures

for the deployment system.

No matter what activity

we're performing on orbit,

all of those systems combined

have to function and flow as one.


that CR is pulled up.

You have first command during the window.

[ENGINEER 1] Proceed. We are good to go.

[ENGINEER 2] Copy that. Code execute.

[CONTROLLER 2] The command line

looks good. You're a go to execute.

[SCARLIN] Execute.


[MIKE] Most of the single point failures

reside in the sunshield.

- If these mechanisms don't release...


...that's a bad day.



[CONTROLLER 2] Okay, Dep Lead,

your motor has moved to the hold state.

- And you're go to continue.

- [SCARLIN] Executing.


[CONTROLLER 2] Copy that, boss.

I am happy with that move.


[MIKE] No matter how many tests you do,

just like a parachute,

it's only going to be as good

as the last time you fold it.

And you're never gonna know

how good that is

until you jump out of the plane

and pull the rip cord.


[CONTROLLER 3] Go to proceed onto step 031

for the group six.

[CONTROLLER 2] Copy. On the wing.

[CONTROLLER 3] And OC, that looks good.

You are go to continue.

[CONTROLLER 2] Good to go. Proceed.

Go ahead and continue with a go.

Proc looks good. You're go to execute.

[SCARLIN] Executing.

[CONTROLLER 1] You are go to fire.

[CONTROLLER 2] Good to go.

Let's see how they both fire.

And OC, you are go to execute deploy.

[SCARLIN] Execute.

[CONTROLLER 4] I can confirm

that all five layers of the sunshield

are fully tensioned.


[MAN] All right!

Thank you, Dep Lead.

Significant milestone accomplished.

Job well done, sunshield team.

Job well done.

[MIKE] All right, congratulations,

everybody. Congratulations.

It was a good day.

You know, it was hard... hard to predict,

and there it is.

Cooling the telescope,

just the way it should.

It is a beautiful thing.

As of right now,

we, uh... we have eliminated 266

of the 344 single point failures.

They can't fail because they're

no longer needed, they worked.

But you got to maintain

the sense of caution,

because there's still some stuff to go.


- [MAN] Morning, Thomas.

- Hey, everybody.

- [MAN] Morning.

- [WOMAN] Good morning.

[THOMAS] Good to see you.

[CONTROLLER 1] Stations at Madrid

are green and standing by for handover.

[CONTROLLER 2] And OC, Dep Ops on ops.

Dep Lead has verified those parameters.

We are go with the motor move.


[MIKE] If the wings

of the primary mirror didn't latch,

they would actually vibrate

in ways that we didn't want them to.

And that vibration would actually show up

as a blurring of the image.

[CONTROLLER 3] We have reached

our full preload, so at this time...

- [MAN] Oh, wow, that's it.

- ...we are go to proceed onto step 046

to enable and activate SCS-256.


this is Dep Lead on deployment,

and those parameters look good.


proceeding with motor move.

[THOMAS] Come on, ball. Pitch it in there.

- Look, it's starting to come out.

- [MAN] You can see it moving. Yeah.


[THOMAS] All right,

we're almost halfway there at 54.

Look at that.

- [MAN] It's coming in.

- [THOMAS] Yeah. Keep going.


- Ninety-five now. Ninety-six.

- [MAN] Yeah.


- There we go!

- [MAN] Alright.

[ALL] Four...

three, two, one.

[CONTROLLER 4] And we have

a fully deployed JWST observatory.


- [MAN 1] Whoo-hoo!

- [MAN 2] Primary mirror.

- [THOMAS] We're there!

- [MAN 2] That sure looks beautiful.

[MAN 1] Yeah.

- [MAN 2] Whoo!

- [MAN 1] Wow.


[THOMAS] God Almighty.

[MAN 2] How hard was that?



- [MIKE] I was looking for you, first.


[THOMAS] Talk to me. How are you feeling?

[MIKE CHUCKLES] How the record is,

it's been going smoother

than we ever thought.

So to actually

see it... see it come together

the way it did was beautiful.

[SCARLIN] Everything went so smoothly,

just really exciting.

Wanted to pop some champagne,

but unfortunately, I didn't have any so...


[THOMAS] I want to tell you just how

excited and emotional I am right now.

We have a deployed telescope on orbit.

I personally appreciate your sacrifice

that you've given

to this magnificent telescope,

the likes of which

the world has never seen.

So how does it feel

to make history, everybody?

[MAN LAUGHS] It feels awesome!



[WOMAN] JWST has completed

all of its major deployments.

Things are going spectacular.

We have the biggest,

most complex observatory

we've ever sent to space,

and we can expect some awesome images.

Y'all, we did it!

[AMBER] It's hard to conceptualize

what those first images will be.

I study how galaxies change over time,

so I'm interested

in how stars form in galaxies,

and how black holes form,

and how those processes change over time.

So, I am most excited

for the deep field images.

It's in these deep fields

that we will be able to see

the most distant galaxies.

But it's about a million miles from Earth,

and there is definitely still a lot

that could go wrong.

There always is.

[MIKE] There are still 49 single point

failure items that never go away.

And if any of those

single point failure items fails,

we can lose the mission.


[ANNOUNCER] An embarrassingly blurred

Hubble Telescope.

One of the telescope's two mirrors

is thought to be defective,

blurring its images.

The Hubble Space Telescope,

we turn it on, it was out of focus.

The primary mirror,

the focal length was wrong.

It was a disaster for many scientists

that had counted on these images.

[AMBER] To the astronomers working on it

at the time, I can't imagine what...

what a letdown that was.

It was bad, you know?

Even for me as a kid, I remember.

Like, "Oh, no!"

[MAN] Jeff, you'll have your hands full.

You might wanna go ahead

and put your helmet lights on.

Good idea.

[THOMAS] Astronauts went up there

and included a little optical piece.

Almost a little... Like, glasses, right,

that fixed that focal length.


- One bright pixel.

- [MAN 1] Right there!

[MAN 2] Oh! Ho-ho-ho!

[MAN 3] There, there, there.

- [MAN 2] We can see the pixels.

- We did it!

[THOMAS] The hard part about Webb,

it's too far away.

If there's any problem,

we cannot send astronauts to fix it.


[MIKE] We'll align the telescope.

Essentially, refocusing it.

That's a complicated process.

[AMBER] The ghost of Hubble definitely

haunts this team and has for decades.

[MIKE] Many of my mentors

were involved in Hubble.

They all warned me

about what that bad day is like.

That it's public, it's visible, it's ugly,

and you don't want to live through that.


So over the last few hours,

we have taken a bunch of calibration data

to measure the state of the telescope.

Literally none of us

have looked at this yet.

There we go.


[MAN 1] Galaxies all over.

[WOMAN] Galaxies.

[MAN 2] There are a lot more galaxies

than there are stars.

It is just gorgeous and sharp.

This is how it's supposed to be.

[MAN 3] He's correct.

[REPORTER] Six months after

the most powerful telescope ever made

launched into space,

the team inside the Webb Space Telescope's

flight control room is preparing

to reveal what astronomers

all over the world

have been waiting for for decades,

the telescope's first full-color images.

You think this is, like,

the best, sort of, orientation for this...

- For this grouping?

- Yeah, you know...

I've tried different rotations,

but because it is, like,

basically a square,

- we can do whatever we want.

- Yeah.

[ALYSSA] That infrared information

is giving us so much more detail

than we could get with the Hubble

in the visible.

But to actually see it,

and you're like, "There's just no...

There's no doubting it now."

[DEPASQUALE] The raw material

we get from the telescope

starts out as a black-and-white image.

Then I dive down into the pixels

and make the color image pop

as much as possible.

Because really, the... the job

is trying to unearth

the... the richness and the complexity

of the data

without changing anything in the data.

It's all there.

The universe is, sort of,

hiding in the darkness,

and we have to bring it out.

The colors in the image

are really important.

They have astrophysical meaning.

We work with the scientists

directly on this

and... and get their take

on what they're seeing in these images.

This is the red channel of the image,

although it's black and white. This is...

When I combine everything in color,

this will be red.

And so every distant galaxy in here,

all these faint fuzzy objects,

these are gonna be the ones

that show up and really pop as red.

Then I can bring in

the green channel here,

and now you're seeing,

as color comes to life,

just red and green.

And the greens are confined

more to the, sort of, nearby galaxies,

and, of course, the stars.

And then, when I bring in

the short wavelengths in blue,

the image comes to life.

These images have been so precious.

They're like our children.

And, like, we've been, like,

you know, nurturing them,

trying to get them ready

for when they're revealed to the world.

I think that's just an important moment,

because it's not just

an important feat for science.

I think it's... it's

an important feat for humanity.

And I think it's, like,

a very exciting time.

And to be a part of something

I think is so important

is just a huge honor.

[REPORTER 1] Today, our understanding

of the universe is about to get clearer.

[REPORTER 2] It is.

President Biden's going to unveil

the much-anticipated

first full-color image

from NASA's Webb Space Telescope.

[KLAUS PONTOPPIDAN] I think we should

start with the image the President

is unveiling tonight.

- If that's okay?

- Perfect.

This is what we call

Webb's first deep field.

Uh, this was the original reason

for the observatory.

And we think this is

the deepest view of the universe so far.


- Please.

- Wow.


- Wow.

So the deepest Hubble images

took weeks to do.

We did this in a few hours.

- What you see is a...

- [BILL] Beautiful. a massive galaxy cluster.

When we look at a swirl like that,

is that an entire galaxy?

[KLAUS] An entire galaxy.

Every point you see here,

almost, is a galaxy.

There's more than 7,000 in this picture.

Galaxies that we did not...

- Seven thousand in this picture?

- Mm-hmm.

The size of this field

is if you take a grain of sand,

and you hold it out...

- Yeah.

- That's the angle.

It's a tiny field in the sky.

And everywhere else we have looked,

the sky is filled with galaxies.

We see them immediately.

- See the little red dot there?

- [BILL] Yes.

- It is the most distant one we found.

- [BILL] My goodness.

- [KLAUS] That's 13.1 billion years.

- [BILL] Wow.

[KLAUS] We're going to show that...

- The universe is 13.8 billion years old.

- [KLAUS] That's right.

When I describe this to the President,

what do you want me to tell him?

What you're looking at is our own origin

and the origin of every galaxy

and star in the universe.

- That's our history, right there.

- [KLAUS] It is... It is our whole history.

[THOMAS] Our whole history is right there.

The more that we find

this cosmos is so large,

I want to know who I am and what I am.

And how do I fit in all of this?

[BIDEN] Today is a historic day

for America and all of humanity.

We're gonna get a glimpse

of the oldest documented light

in the history of the universe

from over 13 billion...

Let me say that again,

13 billion years ago.

It's hard to even fathom.

And now let's take a look

at the very first image

from this miraculous telescope.




Oh my gosh!

The first image

from the James Webb Space Telescope.

And here it is.

Uh, galaxies to the edge of time.

Oh my gosh.

[LAUGHS] Okay...



It really is amazing.

Oh, my God.

I have no words.

The whole thing

is a bit mind-boggling, everybody.

It's just... It's just fantastic.

- Ah! Can you see the arcs?

- [WOMAN] Yeah.

- It's... It's max clusters.

- [MAN] It's amazing, right?

It's a pretty cool photo.

It's just gorgeous.

Oh, my gosh!

[IN ARABIC] Another message

they're trying to convey through us,

is that this type of research is called...

[IN RUSSIAN] ...with the space telescope

James Webb...

[IN SPANISH] We have never seen it before

and we owe it

to the James Webb Space Telescope.

The reaction of myself

and all my colleagues

was of sheer joyful amazement.

That image made us giddy when we saw it.

We knew in our hearts

that whatever's out there,

we're going to see it.




[FEMALE REPORTER] So, let's get ready

to reveal our image.

There it is.

- It's called Stephan's Quintet.

- [MAN] Oh!

- And it's wondrous.

- [MAN] Oh!

- Giovanni, what do you think?


The rays coming through.

It's like fog.


[AMBER] The Pillars of Creation is

a star-forming region

within our Milky Way galaxy.

Each of the dots of light

that we're seeing in this image

is a star not unlike our own sun.

We, our own solar system,

and even ourselves,

were born out of the same material

that we're seeing

in these beautiful images.

The iron in our blood

and the calcium in our bones

was literally formed out of a star

that exploded billions of years ago.

Newborn stars are enshrouded in dust.

We need to be able to see

through that dust,

and infrared light allows us to do that.

This is a dying star

in its last gasp of its life.

This beautiful view

of the Cartwheel Galaxy

gives us a closer look at what happens

when galaxies collide.

The new discoveries from JWST in the field

of exoplanet science are just incredible.

There was this recent discovery

of carbon dioxide in a gas giant planet

orbiting a Sun-like star

about 700 light years away.

It really is the first clear,

detailed evidence for carbon dioxide

ever detected in a planet

outside the solar system.


Still, it just blows me away.

It's overwhelming. I mean...


Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming.

I think it's so... it's such a good example

of what, you know,

what we humans can do

when we work together for something good.

There's so much bad

in the world right now.

It's a really tough time.

And this is... this is good.

This is a... a little bit of light...

[CHUCKLES] what is otherwise

a little bit of a dark time,

I think, for sure.


[THOMAS] Webb is a demonstration

of what's possible

when we come together

and, uh, do something hard.

Ten thousand people,

all of them with strengths and weaknesses,

all of them with many reasons

why it shouldn't work,

coming together as an excellent team,

and being successful at it.

We can do that,

imagine all the other problems

we can solve.

So for me, it's... Yeah, it's that hope

that is up there in... in space now, right?

You know, demonstrating

its power every day.

[SCARLIN] We made history,

that we're looking back

13 and a half billion years.

I feel proud. I feel filled with hope.

You know, because these images today

just show the world

that there's so much more

to explore in our universe

and how we're connected.

This is only the beginning.

[MIKE] I hope I can tell my grandkids

I was on the team that built the telescope

that'll solve

the really, really big question.

Right? "Are we alone or not?"

Every space telescope that's been put up

has found something

they just didn't anticipate.

And I hope with something

the size of James Webb

that, you know,

we see something completely,

completely unexpected.