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07x06 - Now or Never

Posted: 11/12/13 06:10
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

Chaplin and I retired from trick riding a long time ago.

Maybe you quit trick riding, but chaplin didn't!

I better start doing something around here if I'm gonna convince Jack to let me stay for another week.

I'm not going to California.

What about surfing in Baja?

Some other time.

What are you doing?

I thought you might wanna help me take it for a test drive?

Hey, wait! It's a rental!

Amy: Well, you ready?

Sandra: As ready as I'm ever gonna be.

All right, chaplin, let's do this before I change my mind.


Amy: Georgie, open the door!


Georgie: I'm not going! You can't make me!

Amy: It's just one class.

If you don't like it, you don't have to go back.

But Lou wants you to give it a chance, please.


[Lock clicks]

[Incredulous sigh]
That's it, okay!

I'm gonna count to five and if you're not out of the truck by then, you're not riding Phoenix for a week.

One, two, three, four...

Georgie: Fine!

Georgie: You had to play the Phoenix card, didn't you?

Lou, made me promise I'd get you in there, okay?

All right, let's go.

Sandra: Okay, now continuing your stretches, ladies.

So over and just...


Very nice. Okay.

Sandra: Amy! It's so good to see you.

Yeah, you too.

I'm really sorry we're late.

Sandra: Oh, that's okay, we're just getting started.

You must be Georgie.

Lou said you were a little bit nervous, but I promise you're gonna have a good time.

Why don't you go switch your shoes and then find a place at the barre.

Go on.

Don't worry, I've had lots of reluctant students.

She's gonna be fine.

Amy: And how are you? I haven't seen you in ages.

Good, but really busy.

When I'm not teaching ballet, I'm teaching trick riding, and I just found out I'm headlining the half-time show for the stavely rodeo next week.

That's fantastic.

Yeah, except there's something going on with chaplin.

He's been really inconsistent lately, and his patterns are all over the place.

If you'd like, I could take a look at him.

Really? Yeah.

How's this afternoon? Yeah, I think so.

Why don't you bring him by the ranch whenever you're ready.

Thanks, Amy. Okay, I better go.

Okay, have fun.

Sandra: Come, come, come. Just... right there.


So, everyone, first position...

And plie.

Very nice. Very nice.

[Horn honks twice]

Jeff: Hey, Ty!

Pretty cool bike for something from the stone age.

Ha! This beauty's a 1974 Norton commando.

I restored it myself.

Nice. Maybe you'd let me take her out for a spin sometime, huh?

Yeah, I don't think so.

Besides, why would you wanna ride something from the stone age?

[Motorcycle engine rumbles loudly]

Lou: Aw... I wish I could've been there, +++ but I have been so swamped.

Cass really left me in the lurch here.

Can you hang on a sec?

One second.

Georgie was a real trooper. She looked so adorable.

Georgie: I looked like a dork!

Lou: Um, does Georgie seem like she'll go back next week?

I mean, did she have a good time?
+++ - um...

Georgie: I can't wait to get out of these tights, they're giving me a wedgie. I hate ballet!

She's thinking about it.

Lou: That's great. What did Georgie say?

[Front door opens]

[Footsteps thump]

Georgie: Hi, Jack. Jack: How'd the dancing go?

Do. [Chuckles] That good, huh?

Hey, hey! Quiet as a mouse, I just put Katie down for a nap.

Georgie: Okay.

[Door handle clicks]

Tim: Jack?


Found you.

What're you doing up here?

Lou asked me to take a look around for a box of. Yeah, well, I got a whole section of fence that needs fixing.

I could use your help.

Well, I can't. I'm looking after Katie.


Lou's really got you wrapped around her finger, huh?

Oh, it's just for a couple of days.

Plus, it gives me an excuse to clean this place up a bit.

Look at all this junk.

Jack: Yeah, well, half of it's yours.

So if you want any of it, you take it now or it's going straight to the dump.

So tell me, how many bodies you got hidden up here, Jack?

None... yet.

[Tires crunch over gravel]

Hey, Sandra!

Sandra: Hey!

Thank you so much for doing this, Amy.

Hey, no problem.

Why don't we get chaplin settled into to the sand ring and we'll have a look.

Georgie: Is that my ballet teacher?

Amy: Yeah. She's not just a dance teacher.

She's one of the best trick riders in the country.

[Rapid hoof beats]

Forget ballet. That's what I wanna do!

♪ And at the break of day

♪ you sank into your dream

♪ you dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh...

♪ You dreamer

♪ you dreamer

[chaplin's hooves beat]

[Tack jingles, hooves beat]

One day, I wanna ride just like that.

Well, if you're serious about it, she told me she teaches trick riding, as well.

Really? Yeah.

Oh, please, Amy, please, please, please.

Well, it's not up to me.

You've gotta ask Lou and Peter.

I'm gonna go call 'em right now!

[Chaplin's hooves beat]

[Hooves thud softly]

You see, the first few tricks go well and then he just stops cooperating.

How long has he been doing that for?

Couple weeks.

Has there been any health issues or changes in his routine?

I mean we've been training him pretty hard, but that's nothing new for chaplin.

Well, if you like, you can leave him here.

And I'll start working with him right away.

That would be great.

I just really need him back in shape for the stavely rodeo.

Okay. We'll figure it out.

Tim: Remember these? I had 'em made up when I ran for president of the cowboy association.

Jack: Yeah, I'd rather forget.

"It's time for Tim."

Yeah, these are keepers. Definitely keepers.

What do you got?

Jack: Nothing.

What is that?

Jack: It's nothing.

Let me see.

That's the Dollhouse that we were making for Amy when she was four or five?

She was five.

And we don't need to talk about that.

I think you kicked me out of the house before we finished. We, not mine.

Jack: I'm going to go check on Katie.

I can't believe this is still here.

Ty: Chaplin looks good.

No signs of lameness that I can see.

I don't notice any hot spots or swelling.

That's what I figured, but I wanted to double check.

Sometimes if a trick riding horse is in pain, then they'll cut the corner and go through the ribbon.

But obviously there's something else going on.

Back to the drawing board, huh?


[Truck rumbles]

Here we go.

I didn't know Jeff was into motorcycles.

Neither did I.

Jeff: Yo, dude, check out the bike I just got.

It's so awesome!

Ha! All right!

Does he know it's orange?

Now you've had a dark cloud over your head all day.

What is the deal?

Georgie: Well, I just got off the phone with Lou and asked her about trick riding lessons.

She said she'd think about it, which usually means no.

Trick riding?

Well, that's pretty risky business, so I gotta say I understand where she's coming from.

[Heavy sigh]

Jack: How serious are you about this?

Very serious, Jack.

Well, then you need to prove it to Lou.

How do I do that?

Well, a little extra effort around the house probably couldn't hurt.

You want me to suck up?

Jack: I didn't say that.

But then again, a little sucking up can go a long way.

[With a chuckle] Where are you going?

Georgie: To start sucking up!

Ty: How many cc's is it?

I don't know, man, a lot.


So cass tells me you tried to impress her with a sports car.

Is this a rental too?

Jeff: No, man, I got this with my own money.

And besides, this has nothing to do with cass.

I like motorbikes.

Ty: You even been on a motorcycle before?

Jeff: Yeah, lots of times.

You got that?

Jeff: Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Oh, hey, we should take our bikes out for a spin, see if your old beater can keep up.

What do you say? I dunno.

I gotta get to the clinic right now, so. Aw, come on.

I'll show you first hand what this baby can do.

Sorry, man. But if I were you, I'd take it easy, all right?

These gravel roads aren't your friend when you're starting out.

Jeff: Yeah, don't worry about me, I know what I'm doing.

[Bike engine rumbles loudly]

Ty: Whoa, whoa! Hey, get your feet up!

[Engine whines]

Hey, Lou said dinner's ready, so you should put that saddle away and get cleaned up.

It's not just a saddle, it's a trick riding saddle.

Isn't it cool?

Yeah, well, they all kinda look the same to me.

Georgie: I'm gonna use it when I do trick riding lessons.

You know, I saw a girl at the calgary stampede trick riding.

It looked like a good way to break your neck.

So is riding a motorcycle. I saw it outside.

That's not the same thing.

Yes it is.

Jeff: No it's not, Georgie.

Look, you could really hurt yourself doing this.

You can't tell me what to do; You're not my dad!

Okay, no, but I'm your big brother.

Look, squirt, I'm only here for a few days.

I don't want to spend them fighting with you, okay?

You're leaving?

Well, yeah. I gotta go back to work.

Well, why couldn't you work here?

Jack's still looking for a new full-time ranch hand.

And make minimum wage? I don't think so.

I mean, I got a real job in fort Mac.

It's just that it feels like you just got here.

Yeah, well, I wish I could stay longer.

I really do.

I mean I've had a blast hanging out with you.

Me too.

Hey, what do you say tomorrow we do something fun?

I'll take you out to that mini golf place by the highway.

Really? That would be awesome!

All right, cool. It's a date.

Now, come on in for dinner.

So yes or no?


Tric riding lesons.

Lou: Uh, I'm still thinking about it.

But I was sort of hoping you would take an interest in ballet.

Well, I tried dance class, but it just wasn't me.

Trick riding would be so much cooler, and it's even the same teacher.

What about show jumping?

What about it?

Can you do both?

Well, yeah. I love show jumping.

But I really wanna do trick riding lessons.

Sandra teaches lots of girls my age.

Right, Amy?

Yes, but this is up to Lou.

Okay, I need to talk it over with Peter and he is on a flight to Beijing, so I will call him in the morning, okay?


All right, I'm gonna get started on these dishes.

Mm. I'll help you.

No, it's okay, it's okay. I've got it.

You've had a stressful day at the dude ranch.

You should relax.

Lou: Thank you.

She's really serious about this, isn't she?

She's been talking about it non-stop.

Amy: Lou, you should've seen her face when she was watching Sandra perform.

Jeff: I think she's nuts.

I mean when did my little sister become such a daredevil?

It's like she has a death wish or something.

I think it's hereditary.

[Crickets chirp outside]

Jack: Knock, knock.

Hey. [Gasps]
Oh, you found them!

Thank you, grandpa, that is so great.

I'm planning this whole series of blog posts about passing on all my favourite childhood books to Georgie.

This is perfect.

Speaking of Georgie...

Did you really think that she was gonna enjoy that ballet class?



I don't know.

I guess I was just hoping she would find interest in something a little bit... Safer.

You know, show jumping is dangerous enough, and now she wants to hang off the back of a galloping horse with her head two inches from the ground.

Well, it is risky, there's no doubt about that, but, well, maybe that's what she likes about it.

You can't change who she is.

I don't want to change her.

I want her to stay exactly the way she is: In one piece, with all of her limbs working.

You worry too much.

I know. I can't help it.

Jack: It doesn't help anybody, you know, especially not the person doing all the worrying.

So we're just gonna take chaplin on a little trail ride?

Amy: I'm hoping if I can let him be a normal horse for awhile, then he'll be more cooperative in the ring.

[Engine whines loudly in the distance]

Ty: What an idiot.

Look at this guy. He's all over the place.

He's got zero control.

And now he's going way too fast!

There's no way he should be on that bike.

Amy: I thought the same thing about you when you got your bike.

Ty: That's different, Amy. Amy: Oh yeah?

Ty, come on, he is Georgie's brother.

Maybe we should go easy on him for a little while?

You could even give him some pointers.

Ty: I'll give him a pointer: Stay off the road.

Amy: Ty! Hey.

Ty: I'll think about it, okay?

Amy: [Chuckles]

[Stairs creak]

Lou: Grandpa?

Morning, Lou.

Lou: I thought I heard somebody up here.

Yeah, I'm just trying to tidy up a bit.

Okay. Well, I'm heading out.

Uh, Katie should be up soon.

Okay, I'm coming down.

What is that?

Oh, an old project I never got around to finishing.

Looks like a Dollhouse.


Yeah, it was supposed to be for Amy.

I should probably throw it out, but...

Well, it'd be kind of a shame.

I thought maybe Katie might like it?

Are you kidding me? Katie would love that.

Jack: Well, okay.

Might take me a few days to finish, but I'll see what I can do.

That's sweet.

Thanks, grandpa. I'm off.

See ya.

Oh, um, you haven't seen Georgie around, have you?

Jack: Uh, yeah, she is supposed to do something with her brother, but I don't think they've left yet.

Lou: Okay.

Georgie: Jeff? You there?

Time to get up.


Lou: Georgie!

[Birds chirp]

Oh, good, you're still here.

Seen Jeff?

Lou: Ah, no.

Georgie: Well, we were supposed to go mini-golfing, but I don't know where he is.

That sounds fun. I'm sure he's gonna show up.

Don't worry.

Lou: Ah, but listen, Georgie, I haven't been able to get a hold of Peter, but I've been doing a lot of thinking about this trick riding and...

I'm sorry, Georgie, I just don't think it's the right time.

You know, you are so busy with your horse shows and I really think you need to concentrate on your show jumping.

Well, how come I have time for ballet, but I don't have time for trick riding?

Okay, fine.

It is not just a matter of time.

You're only twelve years old, Georgie, and I really just think trick riding can wait.

Well, I need to start young if I wanna get any good.

Lou: I'm not saying no forever. You can try next year, okay?

What's the difference if I'm 12 or 13?

Lou: I know you're disappointed, but that is my final decision.

Now I'm late for the dude ranch.

We can talk about this more when I get home, but for now, no trick riding.

Tim: Lou, I've got a bone to pick with you.

Lou: What is it, dad?

Tim: You've got Jack so busy taking care of Katie, that I am running the ranch on my own. Again.

Lou: He's just helping me out until Nicole gets here.

You do know that he is not your personal nanny, right?

Grandpa likes spending time with Katie, for your information, and you should see how good he is with her.

You know, he's actually building her a Dollhouse right now.

A Dollhouse?

Ty: Need a lift?

Jeff: No. I'm good.

What, you run out of gas?

What makes you think that?

Don't sweat it. Happens to newbies all the time.

When that red light starts flashing, you might wanna stop and get some gas.

Jeff: Really? Thought it meant stop and get a beer.

Ty: You want a ride or what?

Suit yourself.

[Truck engine rumbles]

[Hooves thud rapidly]

Wow, Amy!

I didn't know you could trick ride.

Amy: Well, I can do some of the easier tricks.

But nothing like Sandra can do.

So is chaplin better now?

Well, I think so.

You know, he's seems a whole lot more cooperative after a few trail rides.

I think maybe he just needed a change.

Hey, Georgie, I'm gonna run into town, go to the feed store.

Do you mind settling him into his stall for me?

Georgie: Yeah, sure. Amy: Okay, thanks.

You are such a good boy.

You are.


Tim: I know what you're trying to do, Jack, and it won't work.

Jack: Hello to you too, Tim.

Tim: You're gonna give Katie the Dollhouse and take all the credit.

Jack: What are you talking about?

Tim: You're already making me look bad with all this free babysitting and now you're trying to out-gift me with the Dollhouse.

You know, leave it to you to turn this thing into some kind of competition.

Tim: You're the one trying to be the hero.

I'm not trying to be a hero.

Just thought Katie might like the Dollhouse.

Like it?! She'll love it.

And I am not letting my granddaughter grow up thinking it's her "great grandfather's Dollhouse" when we started building it together.

That makes it our Dollhouse, not your Dollhouse.

Jack: That was a long time ago.

And if you recall, it didn't exactly end well.

Tim: I want in, Jack.

I'm not taking no for an answer.

Georgie: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, all the way from Hudson, alberta, the amazing Georgina crawley Fleming Morris!

[Pained yelp]

Jeff: Georgie!


You okay?

Yeah, I think so.

Jeff: What the hell were you doing?

Georgie: Don't! A trick.

I told you not to do that!

And I told you you can't tell me what to do!

Look, stop doing stupid stuff!

[Pained whimper]
You don't even care!

What are you talking about? Of course I care.

No you don't!

Two words: Mini golf.

Georgie, I'm sorry.

Look, I had a problem with my bike, okay?

I ran out of gas, but...

Look, I will make it up to you, okay?

You know what? Don't even bother.

If you can't wait to get back to fort Mac, why don't you just go?!


You know, what you did was really dangerous.

I know.

I just wanted to know what it felt like...

For a second.

Well, you need to respect what Lou says, and she thinks you're too young.

[Sighs] I know.

Are you gonna tell her what I did?

That depends.

You have to promise not to pull anything like that again.

Cross my heart.

What's all that?

I found it online.

Sandra is super famous and I can't believe I know her.

Do you think she'll sign one of the photos for me?

I think she probably will.

[Laughs warmly]

[Sandpaper rasps]

You know, by the time we're done this Dollhouse, +++
Katie ought to be ready +++to leave for college.

Jack: Yeah, well, good craftsmanship takes time.

Tim: Yeah, fifteen years and counting.

Jack: You can thank yourself for that, I guess.

If you weren't so messed up back then, I wouldn't have had to kick you out and we'd have given this Dollhouse to Amy for Christmas just like we planned.

There's nothing I can do about that, Jack.

I might have been a lousy father back then, but I've more than made up for it.

Yeah, well, that's debatable.

You know how much I do for my girls!

How do you think Lou was able to buy the diner?

I figure Lou made that happen all on her own.

Well, you figured wrong.

Lou and Peter didn't even have enough money for the down payment, so I pitched in I became a silent partner.

And Lou was okay with that?

She doesn't know.

What do you mean she doesn't know?

Well, I knew she was too proud to take my money, so I told Peter not say anything.

Buying Maggie's was Lou's dream.

You are a piece of work, you know that?

I did it for Lou.

I don't need recognition.

Well, I guess that makes you father of the year then, doesn't it?

Tim: Where are you- where are you going?


What's your problem?

Well, there's too much hot air up there for my liking.

Well, what do you care if I gave Lou the money?

You know what? Just keep your voice down.

She's in the other room.

Now, I don't care what you do with your money.

But not telling Lou that you're a part owner in this diner, that's a huge mistake.

And forcing her husband to keep your secret?

Well, that's just plain dishonest.

Tim: You're making a big deal out of nothing.

Jack: When Lou finds out about this, and she always does, this is gonna blow up in your face.

You mark my words.

You're wrong. You're wrong, Jack.

I got nothing to feel bad about.

I did a good thing for my daughter.

Well, if it's such a good thing, why don't you tell her the truth?

I'm going to bed.

[Footsteps thunk on stairs]

Hey. Hey.

You're leaving?

Uh, yeah, yeah. Gotta head back up north.

Duty calls.

Well, did you even say goodbye to your sister?

Nah, she's pretty mad at me.

Thought I'd let her cool off.

I'll call her when I get home.

Huh. Well, it's too bad you're leaving.

I was thinking we should go for a rip on our bikes.

Give you a few pointers, you know.

But if you gotta go, you gotta go.

Yeah, you wouldn't be able to keep up with me anyway.

[Laughs] Huh. I.

Guess we'll never know.

Wait... Hey, Ty! Wait up!

[Cabin door closes]


Lou: Hey, dad.

Can I have a word with you?

Yeah, but I've got four guests arriving any minute, so make it fast.

Tim: Well, there's something that I should've told you awhile ago about the diner.

Lou: What about it?

Well, you and Peter didn't have the money to make the down payment.

Yeah, we did, dad.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm the owner now.


So I made up the difference.

What do you mean?

Peter said you were short, so I pitched in some funds.

Actually, I pitched in a lot of funds.

In a way, I think, I guess that makes me your silent partner.


Look, I know I should've told you, honey, but...

You and I weren't exactly getting along at the time and I was afraid you weren't gonna take my money, and I knew how important it was to you, so I didn't want anything to stand in the way of your dream.

And don't go blaming Peter for this because I told him to keep his mouth shut.

So if you're gonna blame anybody, you should be blaming me.

You hugging me 'cause you wanna strangle me or...?

Thank you for believing in me, dad.

Well, I love you.

[Bike engines whine]

Ty: All right, here's the plan.

We're gonna head up to my trailer a couple Miles up the road.

Jeff: Yeah, whatever you say.

You need to get a feel for your bike before we add any speed.

So take it easy, okay?

Jeff: You take it easy, old man!

[Jeff's bike revs loudly]

Hey, where are you going?!


[Engines rumble loudly]

[Jeff's bike revs loudly on acceleration]

[Engine rumbles]

Ty: [Victorious laughter]



[Engine rumbles loudly, idling]

Where is that kid?

[Tires crunch over gravel]



Jeff: Seriously, guys, I'm fine.

I, I slowed down before I slid out.

I barely have a scratch.

Jack: Yeah, well, I'm taking you to the clinic just the same.

Okay, but it's really not necessary.

We'll see about that.

[Ladder clunks]

I tried to warn him about the curve in the road, Jack.

He wouldn't listen. He just took off.


Okay, it wasn't totally his fault.

I kinda raced him a bit, so I'm a bit of an idiot.

Jack, the guy pisses me off, man.

He sees my bike, he goes out and buys some over-priced crotch rocket, acts like he owns the road.

I had to knock him down a few pegs.

Yeah, well, mission accomplished.

Do you feel good about that?


Why do you think he went out and got that bike in the first place?

'Cause he's got more money than he knows what to do with.

No. It's 'cause he's showing off just for you.

You gotta remember, he grew up without parents, probably didn't have a lot of people to look up to.

So, like it or not, you're a role model for that boy.

I'm not a role model, especially not for that kid.

Mm, well, that's too bad.

He could use someone like you in his life.

That is, when you're not being an idiot.

Ty: [Half laughs]

[Hooves thud rapidly]

Amy: Wow. [Laughs]

Sandra: Whoa...

Amy: Yeah! Georgie: Woo!

Georgie: That was incredible!

Sandra: Thanks!

Oh, chaplin's totally back to his old self.

Amy: You know, he loves performing, but horses are a lot like people.

Sometimes they get bored if they do the same thing over and over again.

Sandra: From now on, I'll change up his routine, make sure he gets a lot of variety.

Thank you so much, Amy.

No problem.

Can I?

Ye. Okay, okay.

Georgie: Sandra, can you sign this for me, please?

Really? Sure, I'd love to.

I haven't seen this picture in ages.

[Marker squeaks on photo]

There you go.

Thank you!

I can't wait to show Lou.

Sandra: Oh, and Georgie?

You should think about coming back to ballet classes.

If you want to be a trick rider, there's no better way to work on your balance and flexibility.

Okay, I will.

I'm sorry, I didn't know she was gonna choose that picture.

She doesn't know about your sister.

That's okay, I love that picture.

How are you?

I mean, things must still be difficult.

It's getting better.

Used to be that I didn't wanna perform without Diana.

It was just too painful to think about her.

But now, I don't wanna stop trick riding because it's what keeps her memory alive.

I really appreciate everything you've done for me, Amy.

If there's anything I can do for you, just ask.

Actually there might be something.

Tim: [Exhales and chuckles]

"Thanks for believing in me, dad."

What are you going on about now?

That's what Lou said.

"Thanks for believing in me, dad."

I told her everything.

Wasn't even mad, not even a little bit.

In fact, she pretty much called me the world's greatest dad.

Well, you should put that on a t-shirt then.

You know, between Lou and Katie's Dollhouse, I'm on a fatherhood roll, Jack.

You know, actually, I've been doing some thinking about that Dollhouse.

You're Katie's grandfather, so I think you should be the one to finish it for her.

It won't be as good if I'm not involved, but it'll go a lot faster.

Yeah, no. No, no, no.

We started together, we finish together.

Jack: Why? Whenever we do anything together we just fight about it.

Tim: Well, then, we're just gonna have to get over ourselves, aren't we, Jack?

Come on, for Katie's sake.

For Katie's sake.

Amy: Lou, I know you already said no to trick riding lessons, but I think maybe you should reconsider.

I didn't say no forever.

I just said to wait until she's older.

Well, how old?

I don't know... Thirty-five.

Lou, you can't bubble wrap Georgie and protect her from every scrape and fall.

I know, Amy, but it's trick riding and I can't help but think of everything that could go wrong.

Okay, I understand that, but Sandra is a professional and she is gonna teach Georgie to be disciplined and not take dangerous risks.

Lou, would you please just have an open mind?

I'd like to try something.


Sandra: Nice. Good. Okay, straighten your knees.


So how are you doing?

Sandra: Great job, Georgie.

I guess it's not as scary as I thought.

So much for ballet lessons.

Sandra: Nice!


Okay, are you ready?


Very nice! Ha!

One thing's for sure, Georgie sure didn't smile like that in dance class.

Jeff: [Pained exhale]

[Ty knocks]

Ty: So you gonna live?

Jeff: Yeah, doc said I was fine.

Ty: Well, you're lucky.

That stunt you pulled was pretty stupid.

Jeff: Hey, you're the one that pulled ahead of me.

Ty: Okay, then I guess we're both pretty stupid.

[Jeff and Ty chuckle playfully]

Jeff: Stop!

[Grunted exhale]

You know, this um...

This visit didn't really turn out the way I expected.

I bet you'll be real happy to see me leave.

Actually, no.

I was hoping you'd stick around.

I mean, at least until you've worked things out with Georgie.

Nah, man, I've been messing up big time.

She's better off without me.

I get it.

I used to run away a lot too.

Things would get complicated and I'd just take off.

I'd disappear.

Sticking around and working things out, it's hard.

See you later.

Sandra is the coolest teacher ever!

I can't believe she gave me a private lesson.

I was so scared, and I was sure I was gonna fall off, but then I did it!

Amy and Georgie: [Laugh]

Jeff: Hey, I just came to say goodbye.

I thought you already left.

No, I'm heading out tomorrow morning.

Okay. Bye.

Amy: Georgie... Jeff: No, no, no, it's okay.

She's mad at me 'cause I screwed up our plans yesterday.

You know, I meant what I said, Georgie.

I'm gonna make it up to you, okay?

Maybe if I get some vacation time, I'll come back at Christmas.

I'll call you when I get home, okay?

See you around, squirt.

Lou: Georgie, that wasn't very nice, especially considering he came all this way to see you.

I know, but... I guess I just thought I'd get to spend more time with him.

But he's too busy.

Yeah, but you're busy too.

The important thing is your brother is here, and he may not be perfect, but he's trying.

Amy: Hey, you know who this girl is in the picture with Sandra?

Georgie: No.

Amy: Well, her name's Diana.

She's Sandra's sister.

They used to perform together and they were absolutely amazing.

But Diana passed away a few years ago.

That's awful.

You know, Georgie, sometimes we think we have all the time in the world with the people we care about, but the truth is, we don't.

[Exhales, thoughtful]

Jeff: Hey, what are you doing with my bike?

Ty: Fixing it, and you're gonna help.

You wanna learn how to ride a motorcycle, you gotta respect it, and that starts with knowing how it works.

Are you in or are you out?

Yeah, sure.

All right.

I know you gotta get to fort Mac, so we'll work fast.

Uh, actually, um...

I was thinking about what you said yesterday.

I'm gonna stick around for a bit, see if I can patch things up with my sister.

Good. That's good.

Okay, we're gonna start with the brake lever.

Jeff: Okay...

Jeff: Yeah, screw's up here. Ty: Yeah, that's right.

Ty: Throw that in the top.

Jeff: Jam it in here.

Tim: Are you ready for this?

Lou: [Gasps in amazement]

You guys, it's beautiful!

Lookit! I can't believe it.

Katie, look! It's our house.

Tim: Yeah. It was my idea to make it look like the house.

Jack: It was my idea.

Tim: It was our idea.

Ratio's still out on the roof.

Jack: Yeah, well, I told you to fix that, but you didn't.

I was busy doing the brick work, Jack.

I don't know what you guys are talking about, it's perfect.

Thank you. Both of you.

Hey, Katie? We both love it.

♪ Looking out at the world we're in ♪
♪ We are the love ♪ we are the love we give hey.

Georgie: Are you still planning on leaving today?

Well, um, not if you don't want me to.

Do you feel like going on a trail ride?

Or are you still too bruised from falling off your bike?

[Half laughs] No, I feel okay, I'm just... I'm not much for horses.

Well, you should at least give it a try.


What if we never have a chance to go riding again?

Maybe we have all the time in the world, maybe we don't.

What's with you?

Nothing. I'm just happy you're here.

Me too.

♪ We are the love all right, squirt, let's saddle up.

[Grunts with effort]

[Water splatters]

Hey. Hey.

How'd it go with Jeff's bike?

Not bad.

He did a pretty good job with it.

I'm really glad you gave him a chance.

Oh, I didn't do anything.

I think you did a lot, actually.

[Laughs playfully]

Mm. [Laughs] Thank you.


Hey, why don't we get outta here, go back to my place?

Well, I would love to, but I promised Lou we'd be home for dinner.

Oh... That's too bad.

You know, if we leave right now...

♪ This is not some one-way mirror ♪
♪ Looking out at the world we're in ♪

Jeff: This is crazy!

♪ We are the love we give ♪

Jeff: Hey.

♪ I'm starting to see it clearer ♪
♪ We belong to those who live
♪ we are the love
♪ we are the love we give