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07x07 - Best Man

Posted: 11/19/13 11:52
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland":

Amy: So, you like this horse?

Caleb: Sure do, Amy. I might buy him.

I don't know, maybe raising stock could be a new career for me.

Nicole: So great you bought this place, Lou!

My grandmother actually had a cafe just like this.

Maybe this is a chance for me to start over.

Are you serious?

Joe: Ty?


What are you doin' here?

About five years.

Come on!

[Horse snorts, hooves thump]

Amy: That's good! Keep him movin'!

Joe: She was pregnant when I got arrested.

She had a boy. I have a son.

♪ Tell me what I want ♪
♪ Give me what I need ♪
♪ I found love ♪
♪ then I let it leave ♪

[truck rumbles]

♪ Took my time and waited ♪
♪ I waited every day ♪
♪ I found love ♪
♪ then I went away ♪

[car revs]

[Car thunders by]

[Car revs]

[Car tires screech, engine revs]

[Car revs]

[Tires squeal]


[Tires squeal]

[Engine roars]

[Tires squeal]

Just pass me, buddy!

[Car and truck rumble]

♪ Sleeping's but a waste, ♪
♪ here I'm gonna stay ♪

What's your problem, buddy?!

[Car revs]

[Car tires squeal]

[Car tires screech, gravel clatters]

[Truck and car screech to a halt]

Man in car: [Laughs hysterically]

Ty: Are you crazy?!

Man in car: [Laughs hysterically]

You drive like an old lady.


♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ You sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

Lou: Okay, Nicole, I'll give you the rundown.

So, three cabins, maximum four guests per cabin.

Check in after 3 P.M., check out no later than 11.

Any questions?

Nicole: Uh, I don't think so.

Lou: Well, in that case, allow me to welcome you to my humble empire.

The keys to the heartland equestrian connection, and the keys to Maggie's diner and feed store.

Thank you, thank you. I won't let you down.

You better not.

Amy: All right, all set.

Hey, Nicole. He, Amy.

So I hear you're the new manager.

You heard right.

Well, congratulations. I have a complaint.

Oh, okay, my first complaint.

Very exciting.

You see, Lou told me she was gonna hire a trail boss.

Yes, Amy, I'm sorry, I just haven't had any time.

Lou, I love helping you out, you know that, but I don't have time to do trail rides every day, especially with business picking up at heartland.

You know what? Enough said.

I'm gonna have somebody hired by the end of the week.

Thank you! See? Results.

Did I mention how happy I am you're here.

[Laughs] Me too.

I mean, would you look at this place?

It's so peaceful.

I can literally feel the stress leaving my body.

Lou: [Laughs]

Amy: You ready to hit the trail?

Boy: Yes I am!

[Horse snorts and whinnies]

Amy: Whoa! Easy, boy! Steady-
[horse shrieks] Whoa! Whoa, easy...

[Pony shudders, boy whimpers]

Easy, whoa.

What kind of a teacher assigns a science project over summer?

Just get it over as quickly as possible, like rippin' off a bandaid.
[Cell phone rings]


Yeah, we're just about to get started.

Yeah, that's fine. No problem, okay.

Uh, Lou is stuck at the dude ranch so we are gonna get started on our own.

Okay, but do I have to do the prehistoric diorama?

Why can't I do something cooler like...

The truth about ufo's?

Well, it's too late, because we've already bought all the stuff for the diorama, that's why, and, you know, honey, ufo's are more science fiction than actual science.

Dinosaurs, my friend, are tried and true, right?

[Grunts unenthusiastically]
In other words, boring!

Lou: Is everybody okay?

They're fine. Kids are a bit upset, but their mom perked right up when I offered her a complimentary night.

Thanks for taking care of that.


So what do you think happened?

It's hard to say, you know.

Sometimes horses are afraid of small animals like ponies, but I won't know until I start working with him.

You know, I can't believe this.

I just bought this guy a couple of weeks ago.

Who was the seller?

Lou: Caleb. He promised me that Archie would be the perfect packhorse.

Why don't you give me this Caleb guy's phone number?

I mean, if he sold you a problem horse, then he's responsible.

Lou: Caleb is kind of a family friend, so it's probably better if I deal with him myself.

Well, he's not my friend. I'd be a lot more objective.

You know what? You're right.

Caleb is all yours.

Great. Send me his info.

I'm gonna head back to the diner.

Amy, can you call me with any updates on Archie?

For sure.

Nicole: Great.

She's a little intense, huh?

Lou: Are you kidding me? She's terrifying.

Caleb isn't gonna know what hit him.

Joe: So I'm driving, on my way to winnipeg, and, uh, I think to myself, "why not see my old friend, Ty, stop in?"

And wouldn't you know it, there you were driving that same old hunk of junk right there on the road.

Joe, you are the last guy I expected to see.

I thought you were still in prison.

Joe: Yeah, I was, but not anymore.

There was a parole hearing and the nice folks in the monkey suits decided I was no longer a menace to society.

I had them all fooled.

I just got a few things to do here and then we can head back to my place, all right?

Yeah, sure.

So, uh, this is where you work, huh?

Yeah, just part-time though.

I'm going to vet school at the university of calgary.

Wow! That's fantastic, Ty. You really moved up.

Ty: Well, I don't know about that, but...

Joe: Hey, don't sell yourself short.

You worked hard to get where you are.

You had a dream and... You made it happen.

Well, now that you're a free man, you can start working on some dreams of your own.

Hey, I got dreams.

Remember how I told you I had a son?


Well, his name's Noah, lives in winnipeg with his mom;

That's why I'm on my way out there to see them.

We're gonna be a family.

Ty: Hey, that's great, man. I'm happy for ya!

Joe: Thanks.

Yeah, you know, he uh... Looks just like me.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

That's funny.


So what are you gonna do to this dog?

Well, this is flora. She just had an operation, so I just gave her a little bit of painkiller to make her comfortable.

Hey, flora?

You wanna come out and say hi to Joe?

Yeah, easy, easy. Easy there, easy.

Look at you.

You're the real deal, Ty borden.

Oh, be careful with that, alright?

I'm gonna check her pulse. All right.

Jack: What's going on here?

Peter: Hey! This is, uh, Georgie's science project.

Apparently we're building a prehistoric diorama.

We got dinosaurs, volcanos, the whole nine yards going here.

Jack: Yeah, I seem to recall Lou doing exactly the same thing when she was Georgie's age.

It went over very big at the fifth grade science fair.

Lou: Okay, crisis at the dude ranch has been averted. I'm all yours.

Great! Well, we're ready to go.

Good, let's get started.

Aren't you guys missing something?

No, I don't think so.

Oh wait honey. Where's the decorative moss?


Ah, ah!

False alarm. It's right here.

I'm talkin' about Georgie, for crying out loud.

Amy: Okay, Archie, meet pogie.

He's not gonna hurt you, all right?

Whoa! Come on, he's a lot smaller than you.

Hey, Amy, can I help?

[Archie snorts]

Amy: Georgie, stay back!

[Archie snorts] Can you go back to the house?

I need to work with him alone.

[Archie whinnies]

Georgie: Okay.

[Archie whinnies shrilly]

Amy: Archie, Archie, come on. Easy, boy, easy.

Good boy.

What's going on with you, huh?

[Truck rumbles]

Caleb: Afternoon.

I'm sorry, we're all booked up.

No, I'm not here for a cabin.

You don't remember me at all, do you?

Uh, should I?

Met you a few years ago - you and a your girlfriends from New York?

Caleb odell.

Oh, right, of course. Yeah, Caleb.

Did you get my message?

Caleb: Uh, which one? I mean you left five.

Nicole: Well, you don't answer your phone.

Caleb: Yeah, I was out of range.

Out of range? Is that even still a thing?

You don't spend too much time out here in the country, do you?

Well, long enough to witness the horse you sold Lou nearly wipe out an entire family.

Is, is everyone all right?

Yeah. Luckily, no one got hurt, but if Amy can't figure out how to fix Archie I'm gonna require a full refund.

I'm sorry about what happened, but I sold Lou a healthy and sound horse.

I mean you can't expect me to predict how a horse is gonna behave in every situation.

I really hope I don't have to get my lawyers involved here.

Hey, hold up! L-lawyer?!

Hey, you better watch out!

Are you threatening me?

Caleb: No, for the uh...

Nicole: Oh! [Wet squish]

Oh, every time.

You might want to think about gettin' a proper pair of boots.

Mrs. foster: Excuse me, the power's not working in my cabin.

Can you come and...?

Well, I'll just be on my way.

Mrs. foster: Hello?

Nicole: Yeah. Right away.

Georgie: Are you sure this prehistoric diorama is a good idea?

Lou: Are you kidding? Of course it is!

Lou: I did this exact same project when I was in fifth grade and I came in second at the school science fair.

I would have come in first if it wasn't for Mary Jane sutka and her ridiculous model of a guillotine, but of course, the judges were so impressed when she cut the head off her cabbage patch doll.

Peter: [Laughs]


Lou: No, not really cool, and if you think about it, not really scientific.

Peter: Well, that's true.
[Cell phone rings]

Lou: It's Nicole.

[Phone beeps on]

Lou: Hello?

Nicole: The power's out at all the cabins.

Lou: What? Nicole: Yes! So I-

Lou: No, no, no, I'll be right there.

Nicole: Okay. Lou: Okay.

The power is out at the dude ranch.

Can you believe it?

Peter: Ah. Go, go, I got this.

Lou: Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?

Peter: No problem.

Lou: God, can anything else go wrong today?


[Sighs heavily]

You're not really into this whole diorama thing, are you?

Not at all.

I tell you what. Let's...

Let's just do something else.

Can we do the truth about ufo's?

Yeah, I mean we could, we could, but here's an even better idea.

I got two words for you: Potato battery.

[Laughs excitedly]


Amy: So the first time I brought Archie into the round pen with the pony he totally spooked, but I've had them spend the day together and he seems fine now.

Jack: Well, problem solved then.

Amy: I guess.

Jack: Well, you don't sound so sure.

Amy: Well, it's just that it happened too fast.

You know, most horses would take a lot longer to get over a fear like that.

I'm just worried it was something else that spooked him.

So what do you wanna do about it?

Well, I'm gonna take him on a test trail ride tomorrow, pack him up with supplies and see how he does while he's workin'.

Sounds like a good plan to me.

Yeah, do you think maybe you could give me a hand?

Count me in.

Okay. Thanks, grandpa.

Now look what the cat dragged in!


Caleb: Hey, guys!

I didn't know you were in town.

Jack: How's the buckin' horse business treatin' ya?

I can't complain. Well, actually, I can.

Nicole gave me an earful about that packhorse.

How bad is he?

Well, to be honest, I just started working with him so I don't really know.

From the way she was talkin', I half expected to see him kickin' down walls.

You know, she even threatened to call her lawyer.

That must be how they do things in New York.

Hey, Jack, I don't suppose I could spend the night in the loft?

I'd spring for a hotel, but I might be getting sued.

Oh sure, why not?

Besides it wouldn't feel right if you weren't moochin' somethin' from me.


[Car rumbles loudly]

Ty: So, this is it!

Ty: So hold on, she said yes to you and you live in this thing?

Ty: Well, not at first, but eventually I wore her down.

[Chuckles] That's huge, buddy.

I can't believe you're gettin' married.

Congratulations, man.

Ty: Thanks.

So you'll be in the trailer.

I'm gonna be sleeping out here on the couch.

Joe: No, no, no, no. I'll take the couch.

Ty: Are you sure? Joe: Yeah.

Ty: It gets pretty cold out here at night.

Joe: No, no, no, I've had enough cramped sleeping quarters for one lifetime.

Sleeping outside feels like freedom.

Ty: All right. You want a beer?

Joe: Sounds good to me.

Ty: Comin' up.

[Cell phone buzzes]

[Engine rumbles and cuts out]

Lou: Okay, thank you.

So apparently a truck hit a power line down the road and they're not gonna be able to fix it till the morning.

Nicole: You're kidding.

Lou: How's it going with the generator, grandpa?

Jack: Well, I've got good news and bad news.

This thing is shot. It's unfixable.

So what's the good news?

Jack: Well, the good news is this time of year, the sun's up at 5 A.M.

It doesn't set till near 11 P.M.

Who needs electricity?

Pampered guests from the city, that's who.


Ty: [Truck doors open] Ah, all right.

[Truck doors slam shut]

Hey, Amy.

You remember Joe?

Oh, yeah. Hi.

Don't look so surprised to see me, Amy.

You're the reason I'm not in prison anymore.

I am?

I was ready to quit that mustang gentling program, but, uh, you got me to stick with it.

It looked great at my parole hearing.

Well, that's good.

Ty: Joe's gonna stay with me for a few days.

He's just on his way up to winnipeg to see his girlfriend and their son.

Oh, that's right.

I think Ty told me you had a son.

Yeah, Noah.

Cool. Do you have any pictures of him?

Yeah, you know what? I just got this new phone and I haven't transferred the photos over yet.

I'm terrible with technology, you know.

Uh, Amy, do you think Joe could stay for dinner?

It would be great for him to meet everybody, you know?

Yeah, I guess so.

I'll tell Lou to set another place.

That's very sweet of you, thanks.

[Door opens and closes]



Sweetie, what's all this?

Oh, yeah, Georgie wasn't really feeling the diorama so we came up with something new.


Yeah. We are gonna power an I.E.D. Light with a potato.

It's so cool. Georgie's totally into it.


Yeah, I really think that we should just stick...

[Clears throat]
With the prehistoric diorama.

Dah, dah, dah, don't-!

Because it's a surefire winner.

Okay, you know what? So is the potato battery, okay?

And I'm sorry, I didn't wanna steal your thunder earlier, honey, but I too won a ribbon at a grade 5 science fair, okay, but mine was for first.

Really. Yeah.

I don't like to brag, but my potato battery got me all the way to the provincial finals.

Lou: Oh, okay, so you're saying you peaked in grade five?

Peter: [Chuckles]
that's very funny.

You know what? This is Georgie's homework assignment, so she should be the one to decide which project to submit.

Yeah. Hey, sure, absolutely.

But I gotta tell ya, Georgie loves the potato battery idea.

Yeah, we'll see about that.

[Chuckles] Oh, yeah, we will.

Can you move your workstation over there, please, so I can finish up here?

Oh yeah, there it is.

That's the problem right there.

Nicole: We're working on it. Thank you. Sorry.

Caleb: Hey, Nicole, I was thinking that maybe we got off on the wrong foot.

Nicole: Not now.

[Door bangs open, trunk slams shut]


Mrs. foster: We're leaving.

Mrs. foster, I think you should really reconsider.

I mean, spending the night without electricity could be... romantic.

You know, I've got vanilla-scented candles!

[Car door slams shut, car starts up]


Couldn't help but overhearing your predicament.

What predicament? What predicament?

I've got everything under control here!


It's just, you know, I was thinkin', I have a friend that owes me a favor.

He's got a generator just sittin' in his shed.

Yeah, you got everything under control.

Wait, wait.

Jack: I could use a hand getting this table set.

Georgie: Yeah, I'll be there in a sec.

Hey, I noticed you haven't been helping out much on that science project.

You can't let your parents do all the work for ya.

Well, I never wanted to do the diorama or the potato battery.

Well, why didn't you say something?

Peter and Lou just seemed so into it.

I don't want to hurt their feelings.

Maybe you could talk to them?

Oh, no, you gotta speak for yourself.

Now, come on, let's get that table set.

Georgie: [Sighs heavily]

[Generator whirs loudly]

The hollier's DVD player is plugged in, all the fans are runnin', everyone's happy as a clam.

Nicole: Yeah, you know, thank you. I appreciate it.

It's loud, but, uh, yeah.

But I hope you don't think that this puts you off the hook for the packhorse.

No, but, uh, you know, it helps you out.

I figured the least could do is call off your lawyers.

And miss the chance to watch you squirm in your boots?

I don't think so.

Georgie: Is it true that prisoners make license plates in jail?

Lou: Georgie... Joe: [Chuckling]
No, no, no, it's okay.

Um, yeah, there were a lot of guys who worked in the metal shop, but me, I was more into horses.


Joe: Yeah, wild mustangs.

I spent most of my days, uh, you know, in a round pen trying to gentle them.

So you got to work with horses everyday?

Joe: Yeah, that's right, pretty much.

Jail sounds awesome!

Joe: [Chuckles]

Jack: I don't think Joe would say it's awesome, would you, Joe?


No, you know, it's definitely a place I don't ever want to go back to, so...

Stay in school, kid.

Jack: Ty says you're goin' to winnipeg, you're gonna move there.

Yeah, that's right.

Oh, he's got a kid there. Noah.

Oh, that's nice. How old is he?

He's two.

Really? Two?

Yeah, I mean they grow up really fast.

[Baby starts crying]

Terrible two's. We know all about that.

I got it, I got it.

Ty, I'm gonna run out and check on Archie.

Do you want to give me a hand?

Jack: Yeah, you guys go.

Joe and I, we'll... We'll clean up here.

Good luck with that.

Joe: Yeah.

Amy: Have you asked Joe why he's here?

Ty: Yeah, he's on his way to see his kid.

Amy: Right. The kid he doesn't have any pictures of.

Ty: That doesn't mean anything.

Amy: Maybe not, but didn't he tell you he had a son at the prison ranch?

Uh, yeah, I guess.

Well, that was over three years ago.

Ty: So?

Amy: So, how can he only be two?!

I don't know, Amy.

Everyone was asking him a lot of questions, maybe he got confused.


I know Joe's a little messed up or whatever, but he was my friend when there was no one else there for me, okay?

So I'm not gonna turn my back on him.

I'm not saying you should.

I'm just saying that there's something... I don't know, a little off about him that's all.

Okay, okay, I'll talk to him, all right?

There's nothing to worry about.

Joe: I had a great time having dinner with you guys.


Jack: Any friend of Ty's.

You know, back in my rodeo days, I knew a guy who got into some trouble like you.

Joe: Okay.

Jack: Served a few years before he got out on parole.

Yeah, okay.

Yeah, they used to make him check in with his parole officer once a week.

So that meant that leaving the province wasn't an option.


I've got special dispensation 'cause of my kid, right?

Right, yeah.

Well, I think we're about done here.

Thanks for your help.

Yeah, don't mention it.

You know... Ty, he's worked real hard to earn his place here, and uh...

I'd hate to see anything...

Or anyone get in the way of that.

Ready to go? Yeah.

Um, yeah, I'm ready to go. Let's go.

Joe: Ty, we're gonna do this. You gotta stop fighting me.

Caleb: Hey, guys!

Ty: Caleb, how are you, man? I heard you were in town.

This is my friend, Joe. We go way back.

Caleb: Hey, nice to meet ya.

Joe: How are you doin', buddy?

Caleb: I'm doing well.

So what are you boys up to tonight?

Joe: Well, I'm trying to convince Ty here that we should go down to the local watering hole.

Joe: Are you in? Caleb: Absolutely.

Ty: Hey, guys, I...

I gotta work early tomorrow. Come on.

Joe: There's no way that I am letting you worm out of having fun tonight.

Caleb: Yeah, come on, Ty.

You're not an old married man yet, right?

Joe: See? I like this guy.

You need to listen to him, all right?

Because you gotta live while you still can, my friend.

Ty: One drink, okay?

Caleb: Excellent. I'll meet you boys there.

Joe: Let's go before he changes his mind.

Ty: One drink. Joe: Let's do this.

Joe, Ty and Caleb: [Shot glasses clink, laughing]

Ty: Cheers, guys.

[Bar band plays loudly, customers chatter]

Caleb: Okay, next rounds on me.

Ty: No, I got this.

Caleb: You sure? Ty: Yeah.

Ty: Besides you always come back with these girlie drinks.

Caleb: So how do you know Ty?

How do I know Ty? I know Ty...

Well, I met him when, uh, he was just a skinny little punk.

He used to pull all kinds of stuff back then.

I hardly recognize him now.

Yeah, well, I guess we all gotta grow up sometime, right?

Yeah, I guess.

All right, I'm gonna go outside and try to bum a smoke. You wanna come?

No, I'm good.
[Bar band plays loudly, customers chatter]

There we go.

So is your friend some kind of klepto?

A what?

I just saw him take some money off the table over there.

Are you kidding?

Mmm-mmm. Saw it with my own eyes.

[Bar band plays, customers chatter]

Hey, what's going on?

Joe's had a bit of a rough go.

Sometimes he pulls stuff.

It's not a big deal.

Why is it your job to bail him out?

Because he's my friend.

He's trying to get his life back together, all right?

Could have fooled me.

You don't know him like I do.

What good is bailing him out gonna do him?

Would you just spare me the lecture, Caleb?

Joe and I go way back.

I don't expect you to understand this.

All right, well then why don't you try to explain it? Just drop it, Caleb!

No, I'm not gonna drop it! The guy's stealing and you're making it out to be noth-

I covered the bill, man! What the hell's going on?!

Caleb, get off my back about this, all right?!

All right, you know what? Just relax.

If I'm buggin' you so much then I'll just leave.


Caleb: Yeah, there's other bars in town.

Joe: Where are you goin'?


What's his problem, eh?

Ty: I don't know.

You okay? Yeah. Cheers.

Cheers, buddy.

Amy: Morning.


Can I ask you something?

Yeah, sure.

What's the deal with Ty and his buddy Joe?

What do you mean?

Well, I was having drinks with them last night, and, uh, you know, I'll tell you something, Joe's a real piece of work, but Ty kept defending him like he's some kind of Saint.

Ty kind of has a blindspot when it comes to Joe.


Awhile back, they got into some trouble.

Joe took all the blame and ended up back in juvie and Ty was placed here.

So now Ty's eternally grateful.

Pretty much, yeah.

Well, you know what they say. With friends like that...


Joe: Goin' to work?

Ty: Yeah, there's some coffee inside if you want it.

[Yawning] Thanks.

Hey, Joe?


Did you take some money off one of the tables at the bar last night?


You heard me.

Look, it was stupid.

Come on, man, do you want to go back to jail?


I'm just... Strapped for cash right now.

That's no excuse.

Yeah, you know, you're right, you're right.

It's just uh...

When I go out to winnipeg, there's gonna be expenses.

You know, kids aren't cheap.

You'll find that out one day.

I just need some cash
until I can get a job, you know?

In fact, Ty, you know, I hate to ask, but um...

If you could help me out, I'd sure appreciate it.

What do you need?

Five grand.

You'll get it back, you know that, as soon as I'm on my feet.

I don't have that kind of money.

It's a lot, I know.

I just figured, you know, since I helped you out in the past a few times, that uh...

Forget it though, don't worry about it.

It's fine.

Let me see what I can do.

Are you sure?


I'm not promising anything, but I'll... I'll try.

You're a good friend, buddy.

Amy: Yeah, so far Archie seems to be the perfect packhorse.

Jack: Maybe he just needed some time to settle in.

Amy: Yeah.

Jack: So that was an interesting dinner last night.

Amy: You can say that again.

You know, I'm trying to keep an open mind, but there's something about Joe that...

Ah, I don't know.

Jack: I'm listenin'.

Amy: You know, maybe I'm blowing this way out of proportion, but something about his story just didn't add up.

Jack: I agree. Amy: Really?

Jack: I think that guy's playing pretty fast and loose with the truth.

Amy: And it's like Ty doesn't see it or chooses not to.

I just don't know what to do.

Jack: You talk to him about it? What'd he say?

Amy: Yeah, he got all defensive, so I just sort of left it at that.

Jack: I think you oughta try again.

You've got good instincts about people, Amy.

If you've got something to say to the man you're gonna marry, I think you better say it.

[Clicks his teeth, horse nickers]

[Electrical sparks]

Oh, yup! It's working. It works.

[Nervous chuckles, clears his throat]

So you see, uh, Georgie, how this works, is more potatoes means more phosphoric acid, which in turns means more electricity, right?

Now that is science, huh?!

You know what else is science? The Jurassic period.

Now this is just an example of what your diorama could look like should you choose to make one for yourself.

I didn't have time to rig up the flying pterodactyls, but you get the idea.

Peter: You know what one of the coolest thing about this potato battery is, Georgie?

Is that it's an atomic phenomenon that's measurable on your kitchen table.

[Patient grunt]

You know what's cool about this prehistoric diorama?


[Bubbling and fizzing]


What do you think?

I think you're both nuts.



Look, I know you both spent a lot of time on all this, but both of these projects are totally lame, and I wanna do my own thing.

Peter: Uh, okay, sure. I mean, of course!

That's-that's totally fine, but your can't do the ufo thing, honey, because it's just- it's not a science project.

Fine! I'll do something else, but I'm doing it on my own.


This is your fault.
[Safety goggles clatter]

I think it's just getting brighter, isn't it?

[Truck door slams shut]

Ty: Hey.

Amy: Hey.

Ty: I got your message. Is everything all right?

Amy: Yeah, I just...

I wanted to talk to you about something.

Ty: Well, I wanted to talk to you about something too.

Amy: Okay. You go first.

Well, you know how Joe's trying to make a fresh start with his family?


Ty: Well, he's struggling a bit financially and I want to help him out, but I'm a little strapped for cash, so I was thinking about asking Lou for a loan.

A loan? Are you serious?


It would really help if you could back me up on this.

[Sighs] Ty...

I respect that you have history with Joe, I do, but lending him money, that's a really bad idea.

Don't do it.


I don't know how else to say this, but... I think Joe's using you.

He knows you're the guy who will always bail him out, every time, no matter what.

Amy, I'm helping my friend out. I owe him that.

No, you don't!

Okay, just forget the loan, okay?

You don't understand this.

Ty, listen to me!

Joe made his own choices, okay?!

He's responsible for them!

Don't walk away from me! You need to hear this!

You don't owe Joe anything!

Yes, I do!


I told you before.

He's the reason I got outta juvie.

He's the reason I didn't go back to that life.

No, no, you did that.

You changed your life because you worked hard and because you're strong and decent, not because of Joe.

You don't understand, Amy.

You don't understand.

[Truck rumbles, meat sizzles on the grill]

You like your steak rare, buddy?

Ty: Yeah, that's fine.

Joe: Good.

'Cause mine's gonna be rare. I'm ready.

All right, all right, all right.

Listen, Joe, uh...

I'm not gonna be able to front you that money.

That sucks, Ty.

I was really hoping you could help me out.

Sorry, man.

But, hey, you're gonna be with your son, right?

That's the important thing.

The money will work itself out, you'll see.


Ty: So Noah's two, right?

Yeah, that's right.

You, uh, you told me about him at the prison ranch.

Did I?

That was three years ago.


Well, he's gotta be older than two now.

I know how old my son is.

All right, he just turned three a few days ago.

I got mixed up.

Yeah, sorry, I...

I didn't mean anything by it.

I was just curious, you know?

[Car rumbles outside]

[Car rumbles loudly]

[Whispers] Joe.

[Keys jingle]

[Lock clicks, keys jingle]

[Sighs heavily]

Ty: Well, this is low, even for you.

What do you get for morphine on the streets these days?

Fifty bucks a pop?

Look, I didn't want to do this, Ty, I just... I'm in trouble.

I borrowed some money from the wrong guys, all right?

So the story about your son was a lie?

It wasn't a lie.

I tried, I tried to find him.

By the time I got out of jail, Noah and his mom were gone. They didn't want to be found.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah, thanks. A lot of good that does me.

Look, I need to pay these guys back their money, so how about you do me a favour and just let me sell 'em, all right?

[Hand slams down]

I can't do that.

[Angry sigh]

I can't do that.

Ty, uh, do you remember the night we broke into the brewery?

They arrested me, they didn't arrest you.

I coulda turned you in, but I didn't.

I protected you. Do you remember that?

Yeah, I remember that.


Because they threw me in juvie afterwards and it was all downhill for me.

You, you went on to heartland.

There was nothing but sunshine and rainbows for you, so how about you show me a little bit of gratitude and you just help me out, okay?

I tried to help you out, Joe, I did.

I did whatever I could, but it's never enough.

I thought you were my friend.

I am your friend, Joe!

I thought you were my friend, come on!

That's why I might not call the cops, but you have to leave now don't say that. Don't talk about the cops, Ty.

Yo, okay? Don't do that, please.

Don't toss me aside like I'm some stranger, all right?

I don't even know you anymore.

[Violent shove]

Joe and Ty: [Breathe heavily]


Okay. Okay, Joe.

Joe, look at me.

[Ragged breathing]

This isn't you, okay?

You're better than this.


[Breathes hard]

[Knife clatters on the floor]


[Relieved breaths]

[Rooster crows, birds chirp]

[Archie's hooves thump, he snorts]

Amy: Here.

Caleb: Hey, Nicole can thr*aten me with as many lawsuits as she wants.

There's nothing wrong with that horse.

Georgie: Hey, Amy, whatcha doing?!

[Archie snorts, whinnies shrilly]

Amy: Whoa! Watch it! Caleb: Amy!

Georgie, go back to the house, okay?

Georgie: Why? Amy: Please, just go!

Georgie: Okay.

A:: Caleb, where did you get that horse from before you sold it to Lou?

Caleb: Ah, a family in okotoks.

Amy: Did they have any kids?

Yeah, they had a whole litter - six of them, all under the age of ten.

Bunch of little terrors.

Amy: See, it wasn't the pony that spooked Archie at the dude ranch, it was the kid riding the pony.

Caleb: Well, if that's true, then we best keep Georgie as far away as possible from Archie.

Amy: Naw, I think, actually, she can probably help.


Peter: Honey.

Lou: Oh, um, Georgie, we wanted to talk to you about the science project.

We might have gotten a little bit...

Overly invested yesterday.

Peter: So from now on, we promise we will not interfere.

Yeah, but we're around if you need help, but only if you want it.

Of course.

Well, actually, there is something you can help me with.

Can I have those strawberries?

Lou: Uh, yeah, but they're going bad.

I was just gonna make jam out of them.

I know. That's why I want them.


[Truck rumbles]

Peace offering?

No of fence, Ty, but if Joe is still here, I don't think I'll be stickin' around for a beer.

He took off.

I don't think I'm gonna be seeing him anytime soon.

Listen, Caleb, uh...

The reason I wanted you to come here is 'cause I wanted to ask you something.

When Amy and I get married, I'm gonna need a best man and I can only think of one guy for the job.

You're talkin' about me, right?

Ty: Well, yeah, I'm talkin' about you.

What do you say?

Caleb: I say thanks.

Is that a yes?

Hell yeah, that's a yes!

Of course!

Ty and Caleb: [Laugh]

Ty: All right!

Georgie: When sugar is added to strawberries, it draws the water out of the fruit.

The water molecules bind with the sugar molecules leaving no room for bacteria to grow.

These strawberries are decomposing, but by adding sugar and allowing the molecular reaction to occur, the fruit is preserved.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the science of jam.

Everyone: [Claps]


So what'd you think?

I think you nailed it.

So can I go help Amy now?

Of course.

Georgie: Thanks!

Well, it looks like Georgie really stepped up to the plate all on her own.

Okay, grandpa, we get it.

Your hearts were in the right place, and that's why I've got a surprise for ya.

Follow me.

Lou: Okay. Come on, honey.

Jack: I thought since you both worked so hard you deserved a little recognition.

Now I know they don't say "science fair" on 'em...

Lou: Okay, grandpa, you made your point.

Peter: Hey, at least we both tied for first place.

Jack: No, no, red ribbon is for winner.

Blue is for participation. Good effort though.

Lou: [Amused chuckle]

Peter: A-ha.

[Door opens]

Caleb: Now that Amy's figured out what's wrong with Archie, she should have him fixed in no time, so I am ready to accept your apology whenever you're willing to give it.

Oh, you sold Lou a horse that's afraid of kids.

I think you should be the one who's apologizing.

Caleb: Okay, well, how about we call a truce?

Perhaps be could discuss it over lunch.

Nicole: I don't think so. Caleb: Friendly coffee?

Nicole: Yeah, I don't think it's gonna happen.

Caleb: Okay, well then, the next time I see you we can just go ahead and pretend we don't know each other.

Sounds good to me.

Right. Of course.

[Dishes clatter]

[Door slams shut]


Amy: All right, Georgie, let's give this a try.

[Archie snorts nervously] Oh easy, boy, easy.

Georgie: Why is he so afraid of me?

Amy: It's not you he's afraid of.

See, the kids from his previous home were probably pretty rough on him.

So now he thinks all kids are gonna treat him badly.

We have to show him that not every kid is like that, okay?

Why don't you grab a handful of oats?

[Oats clatter]

Go ahead. [Truck rumbles up]

[Archie snorts]

Now that's definitely progress.

Ty: Hey, Amy, you got a sec?

You go ahead. I'll keep an eye on things here.


None of us want to argue but all of us wanna be right Ty: Amy...

I shouldn't have walked away from you.

But none of us wanna die I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have said that about Joe.

No, you were right about him, you were.

But you were wrong about something else.

I didn't turn my life around on my own.

I had you.

And you know what else?


I can't wait to marry you.