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07x09 - There But for Fortune

Posted: 12/09/13 21:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on Heartland...

What are you working on?

Nothing. No, it's nothing.

You're writing a blog?


Are you all right?

Ashley filed for divorce.

Ty: Damn.

Amy: Ah, there'll be other farms.

Ty: Yeah, I guess.

[Thunder booms, lightning strikes]

[Emir shrieks and whinnies]

Adrian: His name's Emir. Scott: This one's a handful.

Amy: It's okay now. Whoa! Whoa, boy!

Lou: A prince, like actual royalty, in Hudson?

Ahmed: I just wanted to thank you for all you did.

Amy: Oh! It's beautiful! I can't accept that!

Ahmed: Yes you can.

[Stall lock thumps]

[Hooves clop]

Amy: [Clucks her tongue]

[Hooves clop, horse whinnies]

[Bridle clanks]


[Horse whinnies]

[Hooves thud]

[Hooves thud]

[Hooves thud]

[Horse snorts]

Amy: [Whistles]

[Horse snorts]

Adrian: Easy, easy, whoa! Easy.


[Horse whinnies shrilly]

[Snorts loudly]

Easy, boy!


[Hooves thud, horse snorts]


[Sighs heavily]

[Truck rumbles]

[Truck stops, idles, rumbles in reverse]

[Truck idles]

[Cell phone keys beep]

[Cell phone rings]

Amy: Whoa.

Ty, hey!

Scott was right, you should see spartan!

Yeah! It's like he wanted me to see how well his leg has healed!

What?! Are you serious?!

Yeah, yeah, of course! Come pick me up!

Yeah, no, I'll be ready! Okay, bye.

[Laughs happily]

[Clucks her tongue]

Lou: No way! I don't believe it!

Jack: Something wrong?

Lou: Guess who I just got an email from?

Guess! No, you can't guess!

I just got an email from a publisher!

A well-known publisher: Ladelle press.

My blog, my "mom's the word" blog, they want to publish it as a book!

A book? Yes!

Georgie: That's great.

Have you seen my boots?

Under the bench.

How do they turn a bunch of your...

Whatever it is you write into a book?

Georgie: See my gloves?

[Sighs] It's right here.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey, where- where are you goin'?

To ride Phoenix.

Do not, and I repeat, do not go near the stream at the dude ranch! Why?

Jack: Because the water is high from all the Mountain runoff.

It's dangerous!

Okay. You worry too much.

Jack: [Mumbles to himself] Worry too much.

[Door shuts]

That's great news, Lou. Good for you.


I am going to be a published author.

[Doors slam shut]

Ty: Deal must have fallen through.

Amy: I'm glad it did!

Ty: [Chuckles]

But, Amy, realistically, can we, uh, afford this place?

Do we have to be realistic?

What, you don't want to be?

It's way more fun being unrealistic!

Can you imagine living here, Ty? Our very own place?

[Exhales excitedly]

Well, I mean, we could always find out what they're asking, right?


[Footsteps on stairs]

Nicole: Hey, Caleb!

Caleb: Hey there.

So I watched a few of your rodeo videos online.

Well, that's time you're not gettin' back.

Nicole: [Laughs] no, come on, it was, uh...

It was interesting.

I mean I'm a total stranger to that world, but I couldn't help but be kind of in awe.


Nicole: It was ridiculously scary, but impressive...

For a cowboy.

Well, I will take that as a compliment.

Although I can't quite comprehend why someone would deliberately try to k*ll or maim themselves.

It's a profession, and like any profession, especially the financial business, the main part is just to not get k*lled.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Ashley: Hey there, cowboy!


♪ And at the break of day

♪ you sank into your dream

♪ you dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh...

♪ You dreamer

♪ you dreamer

it's good to see you!

How you been? Uh...

Uh, this is... Let's uh...

Okay, so what are you doing here, ash?

I just came to check up on my mom's house.

She's pretty much living full time in Florida now and she's got a property in Wellington and...

Well, the truth is, I was looking for an excuse to come back here.

I miss everyone - my friends, you.

Well, it's been awhile. What are you up to?

Uh, just the usual.

Oh, um...

I started up a business, rough stock, so that's been goin' pretty well.


Uh... What about you? How are you doing?

Well, I just graduated, and big news, I got accepted into law school.

Law school? [Chuckles]

[Laughing] Crazy, huh?

Too bad you didn't have that degree when we were still married.

Coulda gotten divorced for free.

Damn. I, uh... I got a thing I gotta go to, so... Oh, uh, well...

Maybe we can meet later... If you want to?

I can text you my number. Call me?


[Hooves thud]

Adrian: Whoa! Easy, boy!

[Horse whinnies shrilly]

[Horse whinnies and snorts]

Adrian, take charge!

[Horse snorts loudly]

Adrian: Easy, boy, easy!

Ahmed: You're giving him mixed signals!

Adrian: Hey!

Ahmed: Here, let me ride him.

[Horse pants]

It's all right, Zeus.

You're fine.

Settle. Concentrate.

That's better. Good boy.


[Hooves thud]

Adrian: That's what he does.

Ahmed: [Chuckles] So... You think you can get the better of me, is that it?!

We'll see about that.

His breeder said he's a problem.

I like a challenge, but if you're not up for the job, I know somebody who might be.


[Rooster crows, hooves thud lightly]

[Tool clanks]

[Uneven hoof thuds]

What's going on with him?

Georgie: Jack, he's limping.

There's something wrong with his leg.

Okay, we crossed the stream.

Even when I told you not to?

[Soft kicking]
Give me your foot.

Georgie: Well, it was really shallow and it wasn't dangerous at all.

Jack: Yeah?


[Phoenix pants loudly]

Yeah, see? Stone bruise.

Probably stepped on a rock on the stream bed.

Is that bad?

Well, it can be, yeah, real bad, especially if it starts to abscess.

What it's gonna take to get you to do what you're told?

Jack: Come on. Georgie: I'm sorry, Jack.

Lou: I am just so blown away that you like my blog.

It's totally amazing!

Ellen: [Laughs]
We're excited too!

We think its prospects in the marketplace are very promising.

Lou: What was it that attracted you to "mom's the word" in the first place?

I mean, was it how many hits I got?

That it was very, you know, well written?

[Embarrassed laugh]

Ellen: We were impressed with the number of hits you get, and, you know, we're always interested in real life stories, especially ones related to family and all the joys and pitfalls of making it work.

Or not. [Laughing]

Ellen: Especially the "or not" part.

My publisher firmly believes that readers want to feel like they're looking through a keyhole into someone's private life, complete with all the gory, juicy, spicy details.

Spicy, juicy details.

That's what makes a best seller.

Got it.

Jack: Ashley? Here in town?

Tim: [Snorts] Poor Caleb!

Ty: Yeah, he'll be all right though.

Jack, did Amy tell ya?

That ranch you saw, it's back on the market.

Really? You don't say.

Tim: A ranch? Why are you looking at a ranch?

Jack: So did you call the agent yet?

Yeah, we looked it up.

Tim: What, are you serious?

Come on, land's crazy expensive and if it's got a house and outbuildings, it's gonna be right through the roof!

Yeah, well, some of the outbuildings are a bit of a writeoff, so I don't think they can price it sky-high.

Tim: So the building's a writeoff?!

So what are you gettin' for your money?

And what money are you talkin' about?

Amy: Dad!

Lou: Um, everyone, I have a bit of an announcement to make.

Tim: I'm just saying a bank wouldn't give you a cup of coffee.

Really? Seriously?


Lou: Hello! I am being published!

My blog is going to be published as a book.

That's great, Lou.

Lou: Ellen Wigmore, the editor, I spoke to her today and she could not be more positive.

In fact, she even said it might be a best seller.


Lou: Yeah, apparently nothing sells like spicy, juicy details from real life.

Your blog is about juggling work and kids.

How is that spicy or juicy?

Okay, for your information, my life is very spicy and juicy.

Obviously that's why they're interested.

Georgie: Okay, well, I'm gonna go check on Phoenix.

[Cell phone chimes]


Do you remember Adrian?

That, uh, prince's groom?

Well, apparently they're back at Hillhurst
and the prince requests to meet with me.

[Laughs] "Requests."
Wow, that's real friendly.

Tim: There's your money, and you can't buy a dump without money.

And I don't exactly see the funds pouring in with your vet student status and your part time job.

Ty: Okay, okay, I have had enough. Thanks for dinner, Lou.

Lou: Uh-huh.

Ty: I gotta go.

I have any early start tomorrow at my loser part-time job.

Tim: What? He...

I'm speaking the truth, that's all.

Well, apparently what I have accomplished means nothing.

Tim: Kids, you know...

[Chair scrapes back]

I'll tell you this, I'll tell you this...

Okay, fine.

Ty! Hey!

Don't let my dad get to you, all right?

Ty: I'm trying, Amy.

Every once in a while, I'd like to pop him one.

Come on, take it easy.

We're gonna get this place, okay?

We will.

I promise you we're gonna make this happen.

See ya. 'Kay.

[Shrill whinny]

Georgie: Easy, Phoenix.

[Door slams shut, truck starts up]

Amy: When did he come up lame?

Georgie: Today. Jack thinks it's a stone bruise.

[Scraping, Hoove thumps down]

Amy: Uh, yep. Georgie: Whoa.

Amy: I think grandpa's right.

Georgie: [Sighs] So can you fix it before it turns into an abscess?

We'll soak his foot in epsom salt, and I know my mom has some remedies that will help prevent infection.

[Cell phone chimes]

[Chuckles] Adrian again.

"The prince demands a response."

Demands? I don't think so.

[Crickets chirp, truck door opens and shuts]

[Front door opens and closes]

[Light switch clicks, Ty gasps sharply]

Ty: Geez, man, you scared the heck outta me!

Caleb: Sorry. I just-I really needed to talk to you.

You gotta help me out. Ashley's back.

I heard.

Just tell me what to do.

Well, how do you feel, you know, seeing her after all this time?

I feel like I'm frozen, and I'm, like, afraid to unfreeze 'cause I'll crack and just go to pieces.

She-she left me a voice message.

[Cell phone beeps]

Ashley: Hi, cowboy!

Just wondering what you're doing.

Please don't be afraid to call me.

You got my number. [Cell phone beeps off]

Yeah, I got her number all right.

[Sighs heavily]

Amy: [Whistles]


Good boy.

[Car rumbles up]

[Car hums loudly and shuts off]

[Car door bangs shut]

[Lightly slaps Spartan's neck]


Good boy. Whoa.

[Whistles, spartan snorts]

Ahmed: Liberty training.

Very impressive.

Did you not get the message from my groom?

Amy: You mean from Adrian, your go-between?

[Spartan snorts]

Is that what you expected me to do?


No, that is not what I expect you to do, but I want to know why you didn't reply.

Have I offended you in some way?

Amy: No, not at all.

I just thought if you wanted to talk to me, you could come ask me yourself.

I am asking.

I want you to look at a horse I've just bought.

[Hooves thud, Zeus snorts]

Amy: Adrian! So nice to see you.

Adrian: You too.

What do you think?

Amy: I think he's pretty impressive.

Ahmed: He should be for what I paid for him, but I admit, money did not enter into it.

It was love at first sight, not something that happens very often to me.

[Hooves thud, Zeus whinnies shrilly]

Adrian: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Easy, Zeus!

Ahmed: But he's not performing as he should and I'm tired of being disappointed.

[Hooves thunder] I want results.

Adrian: Take it easy! Take it easy!

Ahmed: Isn't that right, Adrian? We want results!

Adrian: I told you, from the beginning, this horse is a problem!

[Zeus snorts wildly]

Ahmed: Why don't you let the "miracle girl" have a go?

Adrian: Of course.

[Zeus snorts]

Amy: [Clucks her tongue]
Come on, walk on.

[Railing thumps]

[Zeus snorts erratically]


Come on.

Move on.

Hey, hey, hey!

[Zeus snorts]

Come on, cut it out!
[Clucks her tongue]

Adrian: [Knowing snort]

Hey! Hey! [Zeus snorts angrily]

Hey! Hey!

What are you doin'?

Taking the saddle off.


I have an idea.

Bareback? I don't advise it.

Amy: Can you give me a leg up?

Adrian: Yeah.

One, two, three...

Amy: Okay, Zeus.

[Clucks her tongue]

[Zeus snorts]

Hey... it's okay.

We're just gonna take it nice and easy.

There you go.

[Laughing] Good boy.

Ahmed: You see?

That's how it's done.

Good boy.

[Truck rumbles]

Tim: You're off the clock early. What, banker's hours?

Look, Tim, let's get somethin' straight: I've only got two more years of vet school and Scott said I can pretty much partner with him once I graduate, so my future is not lookin' all that depressing.

That's not what I said.

I said your present is looking depressing, so it's probably not a good time for you to be lookin' for places you can't afford.

You know what I mean?

[Car hums loudly]

[Tim chuckles]

Amy's just like me.

She sees an opportunity, she jumps on it.

Amy: [Laughing] I had fun.

Any time you need help, just call me - yourself.

Right, no messengers.

Amy: [Laughing] okay, see ya.


What's this?

It's a cheque.

For what?

I'd like you to work with Zeus, get to the root of his problem.

But I want you to concentrate on him, so you won't have much time for other clients.

Think about it.

[Car hums, accelerates away]

Ty: Hey.

Something crazy out of the blue just happened.

What?! Are you kidding me?

I know.

What's this for?

Don't look at me like that.

He wants me to work with a new horse of his, Zeus, get him rideable.

Ty: Amy, that's a lot of money.

Amy: I know. It's a ridiculous amount of money.

[Sighs heavily]

I don't know.

It should be Adrian working with that horse, not me.

It just would be awkward.

No. You guys have worked together before with Emir.

He likes you, right?

Yeah, but if you thought the tension was high between him and Ahmed before, you should see it now.

I just don't know if it's a good idea to get in between them.

Amy, I wouldn't worry about Adrian.

Yeah? Maybe you're right.

He probably has loads of other horses to work with.

He's probably relieved to have Zeus off his plate, right?



I have to say, this is tempting.

I would think so.

[Small laugh]

And Ty...

We could put this money down on the ranch.

Yeah, yeah, you could.

Zeus is a gorgeous horse.

I really think I could do something with him.

What do you think?

I think it's up to you.

Amy: [Sighs]

[Car rumbles to a stop]

Ashley: I'm glad you called.

Caleb: Twelve messages are kinda hard to ignore.

Ashley: Our favourite lookout. I forgot how beautiful it is.

Caleb: Look, ash, I'm kinda confused, so I have to ask again: What are you doing here?

I told you.

My mom wanted me to check on her house.

I don't buy it. What are you really doing here?

[Sighs] Okay.

I wanted to see how you were doing.


No. No, that's not a good idea, not at all.


I am just starting to get back to normal.

Well, that's kinda nice to hear; That I was hard to get over.

Caleb: I don't think you understand. I loved you,

I married you, and I took that very seriously.

Obviously, you didn't.

Yes, I did.

I took it very seriously.

And it's not like I don't have any regrets, but if you don't know that then...

[Door slams shut, car starts up and roars away]
Georgie: You might take the job?

Amy: Yeah, I'm thinkin' about it.

It would be a real challenge to figure this guy out.

Jack: Yeah, the horse or the prince?

Amy: Very funny, grandpa.

Georgie: Phoenix has been limping more than ever!

Jack: And who's fault is that?

Georgie: You promised you'd help me with Phoenix!

Amy: I'm not gonna be at Hillhurst 24-7, okay?

And even if I'm not here, Ty can help out with Phoenix, right?

Ty: Uh, yeah, sure, I can do that.

Lou: You see, it's just like this book deal; When life presents you with an opportunity, you have to grab it!

Ty: I just hope it works out for you, Amy.

Why wouldn't it?

Well, you remember how you first felt about the guy.

Jack: Ty's right about that.

Ty: I know you guys are friends now, but I'm just saying he could be an ass when he wanted to be.

You said this was a good idea.

And I guess it is.

You guess it is?!

No, it is, I'm just saying don't get carried away with it.

I'm hardly getting carried away, Ty!

Lou: You see, this is what I'm writing about: Family conflict, juicy details.

[Cell phone rings]

Amy: [Laughs]

Ahmed, hey.

Yes. Yeah, I would love to work with Zeus.

Yeah, I can start tomorrow.

[Laughing] No, you don't need to send a car.

I'll see you in the morning.

Bye. [Cell phone beeps off]

Lou: "So Georgie was on her first school trip away from home" this past week.

I was hoping she wouldn't miss Peter and I too badly, "yada, yada, yada, yada."

My God, this is terrible!

I'm putting myself to sleep.

[Sighs heavily]

This is not what they want.

Okay, they want juicy?

[Sighs deeply]

[Keyboard keys clack]

[Gate whirs]

Amy: Hey, Emir.

[Clucks her tongue]

Hi, bud, so nice to see you. Yeah.

Adrian: He's still terrified of lightning and thunder.

He probably always will be, but other than that he's been very good.

So are you ready for your next big challenge?

I sure hope so.

Well, we'll see won't we?

Adrian, you're okay with me working with Zeus, right?

Of course. I'm glad to have your help.

[Zeus whinnies shrilly]

Adrian: Hey, Zeus!

[Emir pants wildly]

Adrian: Two stallions.

Wouldn't want these guys to get too close to each other.

[Emir snorts]

[Zeus snorts sharply]

Adrian: He's very moody. Don't take that personally.

Amy: Well, I'm not.

[Whip snaps, hooves thud]

Amy: [Grunts with effort]
come on, Zeus, settle down!

Hey! Hey!

[Grunts with effort]
Whoa, Zeus! Hey!

[Zeus whinnies sharply]

Amy: [Clucks her tongue]

[Zeus snorts, hooves thump]

Amy: [Gasps sharply]

[Whip snaps, Amy clucks her tongue]

Hey, Zeus!

[Zeus whinnies shrilly]

Adrian: Well, it looks like even "miracle girl" can have an off day.

[Clock ticks steadily]

Lou: So? What do you guys think?

I mean these are just some sample chapters I whipped off.

Come on, somebody say something.

Ty: Wow! Thanks, Lou. So I really am a loser.

I gotta go give Phoenix some antibiotics.

Amy: Antibiotics? Why don't you just use my mom's recipe for the poultice?

Ty: If you want to do that, Amy, you can.


What do you think?

Jack: Did you have to go on and on about my heart attack?

You even got some crazy mushy stuff about Lisa and me in here.

Tim: Illegitimate child.

Drug and alcohol abuse, not to mention you make me look like some egotistical opportunist.

Georgie: "Unpredictable with anger issues."

You make me sound like I'm some spoiled brat who never does what I'm told!

Tim: Nobody's gonna read this.

It's like make-believe. It's all exaggerated.

Of course it's exaggerated! I had to spice it up a bit!

I mean, what did you think I would do?

It's pure Pulp Fiction!

Do you want the publisher to just dump the whole project and forget about the whole thing?

Is that what you want?

I don't want anybody reading it.

How am I gonna face anyone at school?


"Socially awkward around people."

You make me sound like I love horses more than I do people.

Actually, that's the one part that's true.

No it isn't, Lou.
[Stressed sigh]

You know, I've had a really bad day today and this didn't make things any better.

Really? How bad? Maybe I can use it.

Amy: Lou. Lou: No, I just meant- Amy!

Why, grandpa? Why doesn't anyone understand what a huge opportunity this is for me?

Jack: Is it worth getting published if you have to lie to make it happen?

Lou: I'm not lying!

I'm just stretching things a bit.

Jack: Whatever you want to call it.

Fine! I'll call the publisher and tell them I changed my mind!

Ty: So Phoenix is doing a little better.

Amy: I'm glad.

Ty: Rough day?

Amy: You could say that.

It didn't go well, with Zeus, with Adrian.

He couldn't hide his obvious joy that I wasn't making any progress, and Ahmed barely said two words to me.

Maybe I shouldn't have taken it on.

You don't want this to work, do you?


I can just feel it.

No, Amy, of course I want this to work for you.

Well, then what is it?
'Cause something's going on.

No, nothing's going on, it's... Ty...

Is it Ahmed? I know you don't like him.

It's not Ahmed. I don't even know the guy.

It's just...

It's just what?

I don't know, I guess...

I wanted to be the one to make the money and to put the down payment on the place, you know?

Amy: Wait, are you serious?

What does it matter if it's your money or my money?

It doesn't matter, Amy, I'm just...

I feel that...

I don't know, I...

Forget it, forget it, okay? It's fine.

I don't believe you.

[Door shuts softly]

Adrian: Amy!


Amy, what do you think you're doing?

You can't just take Zeus out of his stable without permission!

And he doesn't train here, he trains in the indoor arena!

Amy: He just needs a change, okay?

He needs to be out, free, in the open, without walls.

He needs to be a horse.

Adrian: Oh, does he?

Well, I'm still the head groom here.

It's still my job to tell the prince when I disagree with something, and I intend to do just that.

Amy: Okay. Prince Ahmed hired me to do what I think is best for the horse, and this is what I think is best!

Adrian: I need to speak to the prince.

Well, where is he?

Amy: Let's try this.

Good boy. Switch, switch.

[Zeus snorts and whinnies sharply]

Hey, settle down!

[Zeus whinnies shrilly]

[Amy clucks her tongue, whip snaps]

Good boy.

[Clucks her tongue]

[Clucks her tongue]

Amy: That's it!


Do you know what I think his problem is?

I think he was started badly.

He really needs to go back to basics.

You know, it's almost like he has a little bit of a-d-d or something.

Ahmed: And you think this kind of liberty work will help?

Amy: Yeah, I do.

It will definitely help his concentration.

[Whistles, whips snaps] Zeus!

Here, Zeus!

[Laughing] Hey, my! It's definitely a start!

Yes, it's a very good start.

Adrian: Zeus is not a liberty horse. Zeus is a jumper.

Now, if you'd like to take him down to Las Vegas and introduce him to the circus, that's fine, but we don't.

I really think you're gonna get the results you're looking for.

Yeah, and I think I'm just gonna keep training him the way I'm used to.

Actually, Adrian, the horse only needs one master, so I think Amy's better off with Zeus on her own.


Amy, with Zeus, on her own.

Ahmed: Yes, I'm seeing some improvement for the first time.

Carry on, Amy.

Amy: Thank you.

Oh, yes, please, carry on, Amy.

Your time might be better spent exercising Jigsaw.

So I'm relegated to a second string horse with a novice trainer, is that it?

You had your chance with Zeus and it clearly wasn't successful.

Lou: Ellen, I hate to say it, but I can't do it.

I've spiced up my blog just to make it interesting, put in all the spicy, gory, juicy bits your publisher wants...

Ellen: Sorry, what do you mean?

Lou: My family feels betrayed and I don't blame them.

Ellen: Lou-Lou: Look...

My blog is about my real life, my real experiences, my real family, and if you people liked it the way it was in the first place, enough to offer me the book deal, then I don't see why I should change it!

And I won't, even if it means losing the book deal.

Ellen: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Who asked you to change anything?

But you said that it's the gory, juicy bits that make a best seller, and I have no gory, juicy bits.

Ellen: What I said was our readers want to feel like they're sharing someone else's life.

They want the truth, not lies.

That's why we liked your blog.


Please just send us your favourite entries and I'll get them to my publisher.


[Chuckles] Really.

And if you could do that sooner rather than later that'd be great, because we're already organizing a book tour.

A, a book tour? Okay. Done.

I will get them to you asap.

Ellen: Super!

Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

[Relieved exhale] Not at all.

Ellen: Let's talk soon.

Bye! [Key clicks, lid shuts]

A book tour? [Gasps excitedly]

Look who left 10 messages this time!

Hard to ignore.

Caleb: Yeah, well, I didn't really like how we left things off, so...

I'm glad.

It'll be good to clear the air.

Caleb, we used to be friends -

good friends - before you... we...

[Nervous laugh]
You know, got married.

Maybe we could be friends again?

You want to be friends?


After what you did to us? To me?

Ashley: What I did to you?

It wasn't just my fault!

We wanted different things! We grew apart!

Caleb: We didn't grow apart! You grew apart!

I moved to Vancouver to be with you!

I gave up my career to be with you!

I tried, Ashley, I really did, but you could have cared less!

That's not true!

Caleb: No, it was pretty obvious to me you just want your little college life all on your own.


Maybe I was a little self-involved, but that doesn't mean that we can't be close again.

You really don't understand how bad you hurt me, do you?

I'm really sorry I called. I shouldn't have.

This obviously isn't going anywhere.

[Door slams shut, truck starts up]

Ashley, don't! Come on!
[Door shuts]

You're right.

I wasn't thinking about you, I was thinking of myself.

I wanted a student life, not a married life.

Caleb: Just go!

Ashley: No!

I'm happy you said what you said, because it made me realize how much I care about you more than anything!

[Door opens and slams shut]

Ahmed: You put in a long day.

Amy: I know it doesn't feel like much is happening, but I really want to take it slow with Zeus.

We'll do the liberty work before I even attempt to saddle or ride him.

It's gonna take some time though, so I hope you understand.

It's worth it and we have time.

You know...

I never got a chance to tell you how much your gift, the "miracle girl" saddle, meant to me.

It really was more than a present, it was an inspiration.

Thank you.

[Loud thumping, horse whinnies]

[Loud thumping, glass shatters]

What the hell are you doing?!


Broken glass for the horses to step on?!

If I ever see you with a bottle in here again...


What?! Tell me what you're gonna do!

[Horse whinnies]

Adrian, I've talked to you about this before.

You're drunk! Go home!

Oh, "go home." Is that an order?

Is that an order, your highness?

Is that an order, sir?

Yes, it is.

You don't talk to me like that.

You just don't get it, do you?

You just don't get it! The stable hands, they're already laughin' at me!

Don't be ridiculous! You're head groom!

Now pick that mess up and then go and sleep it off!

Don't you walk away from me!

You count the years that I worked for your father.

He never woulda treated me like this.

But then you're not half the man he was.

You're just a little boy, aren't ya?

You're just a little boy in a man's world.

You've been drinking again!

You put the horses in danger!

You're fired!

[Emir snorts nervously]

[Thunder booms, Zeus snorts sharply]

[Thunder booms, lightning cracks loudly]

[Thunder booms]

Georgie: [Sighs] It's okay, Phoenix. It's just thunder.

The antibiotics Ty gave Phoenix are really helping.

Amy: [Chuckles] So is this.

And I'm not saying that antibiotics are bad, but...

[Sighs heavily]

Ty: Is this your mom's concoction?

Georgie: Peat moss and pine tar.

Ty: Ah.

All right, well, I'm pushing off.

I've got some studying to do. See you later?

[Cell phone chimes]
Okay, see ya.

Oh, great, not again. I gotta go.

Now? Why?

[Sighs] 'Cause with the storm Emir's freaking out in his stall and they need me to settle him down.

Ty: Well, they got plenty of stable hands to handle that.

You don't have to go, Amy.

Yeah, and you were gonna help me put the poultice on Phoenix!

Why don't you just give him a call back, tell him you're busy right now.

Amy: No, I have to, okay?

Emir could be hurt. I've gotta be there.

You can help Georgie with the poultice.

[Thunder rumbles loudly]

Okay, fine. Go.

Amy: Okay, fine, I will.

Ty: [Sighs] Okay.

All right, Georgie, let's get this done.

Georgie: All right.

[Thunder rumbles loudly, horses snort nervously]

[Truck rumbles]

[Light box clicks, horse whinnies]

[Horses whinny shrilly]

[Gates clank open]

[Horses whinny shrilly, hooves clatter]

[Truck rumbles]

Adrian: Yah!

[Hooves clop]

[Horses shriek and whinny]

[Hooves clatter]

[Horse squeals]

Amy: Ahmed?!

[Emir and Zeus whinny and bray, hooves thundering]

Zeus! Hey!

Hey! Stop this!

[Emir and Zeus whinny wildly]

Emir! Zeus!

[Horses whinny erratically, hooves clattering]

Emir, get back!

[Violent thudding kick]

Hey, settle! Settle!

Come on, Emir, it's okay!
[Zeus whinnies shrilly]

[Thunder booms, lightning cracks]

[Gate clanks]

[Violent kick, hard thump]

[Distorted voices]

[Breathing bag hisses]

[Distorted voices of emergency workers over radio]

[Rotor beats loudly]

[Rotor beats loudly]

[Rotor beats loudly, breathing bag hisses]

[Heartbeat thumps, breathing bag hisses]

[Rotor beats loudly]