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07x10 - Darkness and Light

Posted: 01/14/14 18:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on Heartland...

Prince Ahmed: I want you to look at the horse I've just bought.

Zeus is not a liberty horse.

I really think you're going to get the results you're looking for.

Prince Ahmed: The horse only needs one master, so I think Amy's better off with Zeus on her own.

Ashley: I'm happy you said what you said, because it made me realize how much I care about you.

You've been drinking again.

You put the horses in danger.

You're fired.

Amy: I gotta go. Ty: Now?

With the storm, Amir's freaking out in his stall and they need me to settle him down.

Okay, fine. Go.

Fine, I will.

[Horses whinny and scream]


Ungh! Oof!

[Helicopter rotors beat]

Woman: Blunt force trauma, heart rate...

[Overlapping voices call out vitals]

Ty: The small intestine, yes.

[Phone ringing]




She's where? She's...

Is she okay?

[Truck rumbles to a halt]

[Machines beep]

Hello. Excuse me?

I'm looking for... I'm looking for Amy Fleming.

Has she been admitted here?

Nurse: Are you a relative of miss Fleming?

Yes, I'm her fiance.

Can you tell me where she is, please?

She's been admitted to the icu.

To the icu?

What happened? Is she all right?

Have a seat.

I just need to see her if that's okay.

A doctor will be with you shortly.


Prince Ahmed: Ty?! How is she?

You tell me. What the hell happened?

I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

You were with her, weren't you?

No, I wasn't.

I heard the noise of the horses, but by the time I got to the stable, Amy was down.

Down? What do you mean down?

Down, on the floor, unconscious.

I called 9-1-1.

The horses were let out of their stalls, almost trampling each other to get away.

There must have been a horse fight.

Amy and Zeus are covered with bites and cuts.

You think she got caught in the middle of it?

Maybe. I don't know.

I have no idea why she was even there.

She was there because you texted her to be there.

Texted her? I didn't.

Yeah, you did.

She said you needed help with Amir - getting him calmed down after the storm.

No, I swear, I didn't ask for her help.

What's going on?

Everything's gonna be okay.

Can you, uh, can you watch Katie for me?

Um, yeah.

Okay. Good girl.

Breath sounds are clear and equal bilaterally.

Patient has spontaneous respirations.

GCs is five.

I want an mri done on her head and neck immediately.

Caleb, I need you go to the house and watch Katie and Georgie for me.

Yeah, okay.

Uh, Amy's been hurt and-and it sounds like it's serious.

Are you kidding me?

No. She's at the hospital and I gotta go to her, so can you...

Yeah, of course.

Lou: Okay.

Caleb: Call me. Lou: I will.

Tim: Excuse me, I'm, uh, I'm Amy Fleming's father.

Where is she?

I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the doctor, sir.

Tim, we don't know what happened yet.

Well, I need to know what happened.

I need to see her. Where is she?

Jack: Oh, okay, just listen. Hi.

I wonder if you have any information, just anything at all?

I'm sorry, her status is unclear at this time.

Unclear? Why?

What happened to my daughter?

I need to speak with someone who knows something, and I need to speak to them now.

Nurse: Excuse me, only family members are allowed.

If you're not a family member, I have to ask you to leave.

Prince Ahmed: Ridiculous!

Call me with any news. Any at all.

Nurse: Dr. Berman, the family's waiting.

Lou: You okay? Ty: Hey. Yeah.

Have you heard anything?

No, nothing.

Dr. Berman: You're Amy's family?


Hello. Dr. Berman, I'm the head of neurology here.

All right then, Amy has suffered a blow to the back of her head.

Given the circumstances, it's probable she's been kicked by a horse.

She still hasn't regained consciousness, which is quite normal for a head injury of this type.

When do you expect she'll regain consciousness?

Dr. Berman: Well, that's a bit unpredictable.

Her vital signs are strong,
and as far as motor response goes, she can move her arms and legs, so there's no damage there.

But her eye response is slow.

Please, have a seat.

Well, the blow was near the occipital lobe of the brain, which contains the vision center.

At the present time, Amy is not responding to light.

Jack: What does that mean?

I'm not the kind of doctor who sugar-coats things.

You need to know that there is a possibility here of post-traumatic cortical blindness.

Now, this could very well be a temporary state, but you must also understand that if her sight does not return to normal in three to four days, that there is a sharply increased chance that there will be lasting damage.

We will continue to monitor Amy, but we won't know much more before morning.

So my advice is to go home, try to get some sleep.

I know it's hard.

You'll be called when she regains consciousness or if there is any sudden change.

Lou: Thank you. Tim: Thank you.

Well, I'm not leaving. I've gotta go see her.

Amy, come on, you gotta wake up.

You're going to be okay.

[Machines beep]

Amy! Come on, you gotta wake up, okay?

I know you can do it.

Come on.

You can do this, Amy.

Come on.

♪ And at the break of day

♪ you sank into your dream

♪ you dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪ You dreamer

♪ you dreamer Amy: [Laughs] come on, I'll race ya!

Ty: Honey, I'm home! Amy: Oh.

Oh, gee! [Laughing]

Hey! Wait!

P.A. Announcement: Dr. Foster to O.R.
2. Dr. Foster to O.R. 2.



Amy, I'm right here.

Right here.

Any change?

They said she was kicked in the back of the head.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.

I feel, in so many ways, that it's my fault.

I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this whole bizarre situation.

My security team is trying to find out who is responsible.

I have my suspicions, but nothing I can prove.

Is there anything I can do?

I'm sorry.

Jack: You should never have encouraged Amy to take that job.

For you, it was all about the money.

Oh, that is not true.

Amy wanted to go on her own.

I couldn't have stopped her if I tried.

Yeah, but you didn't try.

Like I said, you encouraged her.

Please, grandpa, dad, let's not do this.

What about Ty, hmm?

What about Ty?

He never should've let her go to the stables alone.

He should have gone with her.

Ty isn't Amy's protector.

Tim: With a storm coming, he should have gone.

Georgie: Ty didn't want her to go, but Amy said she had to.

I needed Ty to help me with Phoenix.

It's all my fault.

[Door slams shut]


It's not your fault.

George, it isn't.

You didn't do anything wrong, okay?

I was mad at Amy.

I made her feel bad that she wouldn't help with Phoenix.

What if I don't get a chance to say I'm sorry?

Come here.


No, no, shhh.

Hi. I'm Jenna.


Just a heads up.

Dr. Berman wants to do more tests.

I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to pop out when he gets here.

Maybe go to the cafeteria, or even better, go outside and get some air.

So you're Amy's fiance?

Yes, I am.

Tests shouldn't take very long.

I'll be right back.

I love you.


Amy. Amy, hey!


Ty?! Ty?! Ty?!

How can you just stand there telling me that my daughter might possibly be blind?

Dr. Berman: I understand your distress, Mr. Fleming.

We're doing everything we can to keep Amy calm and comfortable.

As far as her sight returning, only time will tell.

This is a brain injury.

Tim: We need to know. We deserve to know.

You've seen these cases before, what are the odds?

Dr. Berman: There are no odds in these situations.

Lou: But there has to be some kind of treatment, something we can do.

Ty: You're gonna be fine, Amy.

I'm not fine, Ty, I'm not fine.

It's okay. You will be, all right?

Take a breath.

That's good. That's good, Amy.

What happened to me?

You took a hit... On the back of your head.

From what?

Y-you don't remember?


Amy, the injury affected the part of your brain where the vision centre is.

The doctor said this is usually a temporary state.



I'm sorry, Ty, but now that Amy's a little calmer, I would like to speak with her.

Yeah, of course.

Hello, young lady.


I don't wanna upset you, but do you think you might be ready now to answer a few questions for me?

Okay, good.

Do you remember your name?

Amy Fleming.

Well, that was easy.

Can you tell me what day it is?

I don't know.

Okay, no problem.

Who's this here, this handsome young man who's holding your hand?

It's Ty borden, my boy-, my fiance.

Dr. Berman: Fiance? Hmm. Congratulations.

Do you know why you're here?

Ty said I was in an accident.

My head...

Okay, do you remember what happened?


Do you remember going into the stables, Amy?


You have no recollection at all?

Ty: What's the last thing you remember?

What happened-Dr. Berman: [Warningly] Mr. borden. Ty, please.

It's all right.

Amy, I want you to understand something, okay?

The way that you're feeling -

the memory loss, the lack of vision - is all absolutely normal after this type of head injury.

I'll come back in a while and check up on you, okay?

In the meantime, you get some sleep.

Jack: Thank you, doctor, hey, Ty.

Lou and Tim, they went home to the girls.


Yeah. Yeah, it's me.



You should go home and get some rest, I think.


No, I don't need that.

Jack: Yeah, you do.

I'll stay here with Amy and I'll call you if there's any change.

I'm all right.

Ty, you're no good to her if you're gonna fall apart from exhaustion.

All right.


All right.

Love you.

You're gonna be fine, honey.

You're gonna be fine.


[Water running]




[Shaky emotional exhale]


[Loud thud, glass breaks]


[Doors open and shut outside]

[Knock on door]

[Clears throat] Uh... Uh, just hold on a second.

Come in.

Hey, Ty. Hey.

You holdin' up all right? Yeah.

We've got some supplies for you.

How's she doing?

She's, um, she's conscious.

Good. That's really good.

Ty: No, it's not...

She's um... She's b- she's blind.

I know a tonne of guys, they got tossed off of bulls onto their heads and they went blind too, but it's just temporary, it'll come back. You'll see, it always comes back.


Ashley: Is there anything that we can do?

Anything you want, man, you name it.

Uh, no, thanks.

I'm just gonna go back to the hospital.

If you could give Scott a call, just let him know?

Hey, you got it.

Go. We'll lock up here.

Ty: Thanks.

Pa: Dr. Martin, dial 256. Dr. Martin, dial 256.


Nurse: Excuse me? Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, Amy Fleming, where is she?

Uh, miss Fleming?

She's been moved to a private room.

[Relieved] Oh, God.

I'm sorry, someone should've told you.

No, it's okay.

Come with me. Okay.

[Relieved sigh]

Hey. Hey.

Well, she's been sleeping on and off.

They moved here.

Well, apparently that prince guy, Ahmed, he's responsible for the private room.

Well, I should go.

Lou is upset.

Looks like Peter can't make it back.

Call me. Okay.

Hey, Amy. [Startles awake]


Amy: Grandpa? Ty: Hey. No, it's me.

Amy: Ty, where are you? Ty: It's me.

I'm right here, I'm right here.

It's okay. It's okay.

Ty, my head.

It's all right. It hurts.

Don't move. Just relax, okay?

Ty, can you tell me what happened?

Do you remember going to hill hurst the other night?


There was a storm, it was pretty bad - lots of thunder and lightning.

Amy: I don't remember.

It's okay. It's okay.

What do you remember?

I think... I think there was a horse, but not at heartland.

That's right.

That's right, Amy.

You had a new job at hill hurst.

You were working with a new horse, Zeus.


And, the night before last, you went back to help out and you had an accident.

They found you in the main stables.

The doctors think that you were kicked in the back of the head by one of the horses.

[Frightened whinnying]

[Striking thuds]

Ty! Hey, hey.

Hey, I'm right here, I'm right here.

Amy: [Crying] I'm so scared.

I've never been so scared in my life.

Ty: Shh... it's okay.

Hey, we're going to be okay.

You're going to get better, okay?

[Calming exhales]

It's okay.

Tim: Got to be something that doctor can do.


How can it be good enough to just sit and wait?

Time will tell, he says.

Come on, what is that?

That is ridiculous.

We need a second opinion, we need it pronto.

Jack: Tim, calm down.

Tim: I am calm, we just have to do something.

[Door shuts]

How is she?

Uh, she's sleeping.

Look, Dr. Berman is one of the top neurologists in alberta.

I know it's tough to just wait and see, but she's in good hands and it's the only thing we can do.

Tim: No, it isn't. She can't see.

We need a better doctor.

We need to move her to a better hospital.

No, we need to bring her home.

What, and do without the only medical help we're getting?

Look, I know Amy.

She's completely disoriented in that hospital.

She's gonna get better a lot quicker if she's here, in a place that she's familiar with.

We need to bring her home.

Lou: I'm sorry, Ty, but I think that she's better off in the hospital for now.

I have to agree.

Well, I don't. I don't agree.

I have to get some of her things.

[Computer keys clack]

Amy: [Moans in her sleep]

[Shrill, frightened whinnying]

[Shrill whinnies, hooves strike blows]

[Scared gasp]

Ty?! Ty! Where are you?!

It-it's all right, Amy.

Ty? It's all right.

Where is he? Just calm down.

Just breathe. Breathe.

Just breathe.

Oh no! [Crying]

You're okay.

You're safe.

[Amy sobs] It's okay.
[Computer keys clack]

[Phone ringing]


Nurse: Hello, this nurse Jenna calling from the bow hospital.

Is this Ty borden?


Nurse: Amy Fleming has been asking for you.

Is she okay?

Nurse: She's quite agitated and- yeah, okay, I'm coming now.

Yeah, I'm leaving right now.


I gave her a mild sedative.

Buzz me if you need me.


[Softly] Amy. Hey, hey, hey.


I'm right here. Right here.

Are you okay?

Amy: I'm so scared.

I don't know where I am. I hate this.

I'm right here.

I just want to go home.

Please take me home. Please.


[Birds chirp]

Dr. Berman: So you've done some research.

What did you find? Thank you.

I've read a tonne of articles that say stress can be a key factor, and the more stress that Amy is under, the less likely it is that her vision will improve.

Stress can be a factor, yes, that's true.

Well, she is stressed here. Completely stressed.

She had a panic attack last night.

That is completely understandable given the circumstances, Ty.

Well, I've also read that blindness can be purely psychological, caused by a traumatic event.

There was trauma. Blunt trauma.

This is not psychological, this is physical.

I'm sorry, Ty, but I've got very little patience for websites and self-diagnosis.

Okay, look. Wait.

If there are medical reasons that are keeping her here that I don't know about, I respect that, I do, but if there aren't, what's the difference between her lying here and her lying in her own bed?

She can be monitored here.

She has twenty-four hour care here.

I can monitor her.

I can watch her, twenty-four seven.

And we have a family doctor five minutes away.

Please, she'll get better faster, at home.

I know her.

[Truck rumbles]

We're home.

Dr. Berman said to keep the room dark.

Amy: Not that it matters.

Hey, come on, Amy, it's gonna change.

Now that you're home, it will.


I got you some orange juice.


I got it, I got it.


It's okay. It's okay.

Okay, you just need to relax.

Relax, okay? Lay back.

Get some rest.

You're gonna get better, all right?

You're gonna see again.

And what if I don't?

What if I can't see, Ty?

What if I can't see you ever again?!

Shh, shh. Shh.


You will.

You will.

[Door creaks shut]

Bad idea.

Who gave you permission to bring her home?

Dr. Berman did. It's the best thing for Amy.

Well, you and the doctor are both wrong.

This is a family decision.

I am family.

We know that, Ty, we do, but dad's not entirely wrong.

I wish you had talked to us first.

Ahmed: I'm sorry to barge in.

I just came from the hospital.

They told me about... Her sight, and Amy is home.

I am surprised.

So are we.

Ahmed: But that's good.

Does that mean there is change for the better?

No. No change.

Ahmed: All right.

I want to make you an offer.

I have a jet.

Understand that it's at your disposal.

I can get Amy to the best specialist in the country, in the world if need be.

Thank you, that is so generous.

Yeah, we should do it.

Just wait a second.

Ahmed, that's a very generous offer, thank you, but ultimately this is Amy's decision.

Just let me know.

Amy: I don't want to. I don't want to go anywhere.

Lou: Amy, just listen-Amy: No, Lou, I don't want to leave, okay?

This is the only place that feels certain to me right now.

Are you sure?

Amy, it could change everything, it could- no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want what's best for you, and I would never forgive myself if you-Amy: Don't.

It feels good to be home right now, to be my own bed.

At least I know where I am.

Okay. I'll call Ahmed and tell him we appreciate his offer, but we're not going to go with it.

[Dialling beeps]

Ashley: Hey, I've been looking all over for you.

Amy's home. Did you hear anything?

Caleb: No, nothing.

What's the matter?

It's like you've been hiding from me.

I just don't want to get used to this.

Used to what?

Us. It's been feeling too good, too like it used to - the old days.

I just, I can't go there because it's probably going to go away again and I know I can't handle that.

I'm not going anywhere.

It feels right for me too.

There's a reason that I came back and it wasn't to check on my mother's house.

It was to see you.

[Paper rustles] Uh...

Hey. So? You call him? Ahmed?

Yeah, I called him.

Good boy. Okay, so we're on.

No, we're not.

What do you mean?

I turned him down.

Are you out of your mind?

Do you realize that he's the difference between Amy being blind and Amy being able to see?

Tim, it's not that simple.

Besides, it's Amy's decision.

No, Amy can't make a decision.

Then I made the decision, okay? I'm her fiance.

I'm not some stable boy you can push around.

I don't care who the hell you think you are.

Don't touch me!

You guys! Dad! Stop!

You had no right to make that decision.

Well, I made it!

Give me his number, I'm gonna call the guy.

Lou: Okay, would you both just simmer down?

Amy is trying to sleep.

Amy is gonna do far better here recovering than she is with the stress of getting on some plane.

Are you an expert now?

Ty: I'm not saying I'm an expert on this.

Tim: Well, that's good, because you're not.

[Shrill whinnying]

Ty: Understand the situation, Tim.

[Shrill whinnying]

You don't know what you're doing!

What do you know?

[Shrill whinnying and screaming]


Would you just both stop?! Amy is sleeping!

Jack: What is going on?

Tim: He... he just...

[Shrill whinnying]

Tim: Ruined any chance we have of getting the best medical attention at our disposal.


It wasn't just Ty. Amy didn't want to go.

Amy can't make a decision for herself!

Amy: Ty?

Ty, I think I remember something.

♪ [Dramatic]

There was this massive horse fight and all the stall doors were open.

But, Ty, it wasn't just a dream, this is what actually happened.

There was something else.

There was someone there.

In my dream, I saw someone running.

I couldn't see their face.

Okay. Amy, you should lie down.

Ty, I am so tired of lying here.


Feeling any better, Amy?

Hey, Georgie.

Yeah, a little better.

Well, do you want to go out to the barn to see Phoenix?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that.

Ty: It's okay.

I don't think she's feeling up to it right now, Georgie.

Amy: Actually, I would love to go out to the barn.

Ty: Here we are, Amy.

This is stupid. I can't do this.

Hey, hey, hey. Okay, we can go back.

Do you want to go back?


No. No?

It's okay.

All right, right here.

[Door slides closed]

Here's Phoenix.

He's right here, Amy.

Hey, buddy. Look, it's Amy.



Hey, hey, hey, easy. You okay?

Yeah, I want to go to spartan.

Okay, he's right up here.


Hey, spartan.

You're such a good boy.


You got better for me, I'm gonna get better for you, okay?

I promise.

[Spartan snorts wildly, Amy gasps fearfully]

[Horses neighing]

Adrian. It was Adrian in the stable that night.

I saw him running away.

I suspected it was Adrian all along, but I had no proof.

The security cameras couldn't pick up anything in the darkness, so we had no recorded image available.

I have the local police tracking him down and then we'll get some answers.

So it was Adrian that texted you, not Ahmed.

I had completely forgotten until now.

He did it deliberately, then?

He set me up?

Why would he do that?

He had begun to drink again.

That's why I fired him, and this was his revenge on me, I suppose.

I am so sorry that he took it out on you.

[Owl hoots]

Feeling better? Less pain?


Whatcha thinkin' about?

Just that...

I still can't see and I probably won't ever again.

Amy, you will.

I know it, you will.

You know I've had a lot of time to think, probably too much.

And there is a good chance that I won't get better, and that I'll be blind.

No. Ty, please listen.

Look, you didn't sign up for this, and you don't need to follow through.

I'm not going to hold you to any promise.

What are you talking about?

I just want you to think about it.

Amy, I don't need to think about it.

We're engaged, and we're gonna get married.

I'm here for you no matter what, I promise you.

And if anything, this whole thing has made me love you even more.

It's made me realize how precious our time is and how we shouldn't waste it.

Any of it.

[Birds chirp, rooster crows]

[Sleepy sigh]

[Happy exhale]


You have the greenest eyes.

[Sighs, relieved and happy]

[Doors creak open, sighs]

[Phone vibrates]

Yes, her vision is improving by the minute.

We'll bring her in to see you, absolutely.

Thank you, doctor, thank you.

Lou: That's what she said.

Yeah, no, it's amazing.

We're all just so, so happy here.

Okay, I'll see you soon.

I love you, too. Bye.

That was Peter.

He's on his way, and he said to give you a big hug.

Tim: Ty, can I speak to you for a second?

I'm sorry things got a little out of hand.

Forget it, it's not that big a deal.

Well, you gotta know that it's difficult for a father to sit back and watch someone else fill his shoes.

Tim, I'm not trying to fill your shoes.

I know, I understand.

You're the real deal. She's safe with you.

[Sighs pleasantly]

Morning, cowboy.

What's the matter?

You got a text.

Who's Andy?

He's a friend.

[Sighs] All right, he's a boyfriend.

[Sharp exhale]

Okay, he wants to marry me, but I wanted to be sure that there was nothing between you and me before I fully committed myself to him.

And now, I'm totally confused because I'm still in love with you.

You played me.


No, I'm happy I did what I did.

Now I know that I love you.

Look, I'll go to Vancouver and I'll break up with Andy.

I want you gone.

No, Caleb, you love me.

I know that you love me.

I'm leaving.

When I come back, I don't want to see you here.

No, please, please, Caleb, don't.

♪ In your eyes, in your eyes ♪

[Gate clunks open]

♪ Oh the stars, they survive ♪
♪ They survive ♪ no regrets to be left Ty: What do you think?

♪ For the sun you still love it?

Even more.

♪ It's a brand new life of love ♪

Well, it's still here, so are we.

We're gonna make this happen, okay?

♪ It's a brand new life of love ♪
♪ And before it gets swallowed up ♪
♪ Yeah, we'll drink from the holy cup ♪
♪ My love, my love ♪ it's a brand new life of love ♪
♪ And before it gets swallowed up ♪
♪ Yeah, we'll drink from the holy cup... ♪