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05x02 - Cold Trail

Posted: 07/29/23 13:45
by bunniefuu

Hey, I thought you were going
all the way to the top.

Well, I did.
You sure dropped down in a hurry.

Well, I had to. It must have been
degrees below up there.

Oh, it's pretty cold right here.
We were hoping a St. Bernard would find us.

I'll tell you what I'll do--

I'll have some hot rum grogs
waiting for you down at the pub

the minute you come through the door.
How does that sound?

Oh, like new life!

One order coming up.

Go ahead. My safety strap's come loose.



How's your drink, Paula?

It's all right.

Maybe you'd like another kind?


Oh, hello, Mrs. Corot.

You look frozen.
Why don't you join us?

I'd love to, but there's a hot rum
already waiting for me.

Our loss.

Your cold seems better.

Yes, your pills seem to have done the trick,
Dr. Wellesley.

Thank you for coming to my rescue.

Excuse me.

Hi, there's a hot buttered rum.

Ah! And I am ready for it.
Where's Barbara?

Give her a chance.
You just got here yourself.

She came down ahead of me.

I've had my eye on the door.
She hasn't come in yet.



Something's wrong.

Something's happened to her.

Why do you say that?

I don't know. I just feel it.

...while we were skiing.

It was horrible.

No, nothing at all.

I'm fine-- absolutely fine.

But I couldn't reach Dad,

and I wanted to get word to him
before he heard it on the news.

Would you please?

Yeah-- find him

and make sure
he understands that I'm all right.

Thank you.


Is this all complete now, Miss Fenlon?

I believe so.

Much obliged for your cooperation.
Yours, too, Mr. Mannix.

Sheriff, I'm curious,

in the coroner's preliminary examination,

did anything unusual turn up?

If you mean were there any marks or injuries
not wholly attributable to the fall,

the answer is no.


Was there someone with reason
to hurt that girl?

Well, apparently not,
according to Miss Fenlon.

Then what made you ask?

Well, there's something
about the geography that bothers me.

Mind if I show you?

Go ahead.

Now, uh...

the three of us were right about here.

That's right-- Shinbone Ridge.

Now the ski trail to the lodge
starts out slightly southwest

until you hit this dog leg and sh**t
directly south right into the lodge.


Barbara's body was found about here.

Now that's quite a distance east
of the ski run, isn't it?

That's right.

Well, that's what bothers me.
Now Barbara was an expert skier.

She knew the slopes.
What was she doing way over here?

Mr. Mannix...

you're not too familiar with our mountain,
are you?

No, I just arrived yesterday.

Then I'll bet you're not aware
that you can swing off Shinbone,

lay over real tight and wrap all the way
around to the east face of Jackboot.

No, I didn't realize that.

You, Miss Fenlon?

Well, I never tried it,
but yes, I know about it.

Your friend did, too, didn't she?
I suppose so.

Well, there's your answer--
the girl was heading for Jackboot.

Now my guess is
she didn't lay over soon enough

and she was just roaring into her turn
when she caught the edge of this icepack

and lost traction.
Yeah, Chief, one more thing--

Where does Jackboot let you out?
How far from the lodge?

Oh, I'd say just about a mile.

Well, then I just can't believe
Barbara would go that way.

When I saw her up here,
she was half-frozen.

All she could think about
was getting to the lodge and getting warm.

Skiers are funny people, Mr. Mannix.
You put them on those boards

and they forget all about being cold
or hungry or tired or anything else.

They even forget they're mortal.

Every once in a while they leave their luck
behind them on the top of some hill.

Yes, come in.

Well, it's all set.

You've got a seat on the : flight.
I'll drive you to the airport.

Something tells me you're not
going to get much more in there.

Something tells me
you're going to have to close it.

Say when.

I think that's everything.

Ah, my book.

What is it, Marie?

This was taken a week ago,
the day Barbara and I arrived.

I guess it's the last picture
ever taken of her.

With your ski outfits on,
it's pretty hard to tell you apart.

Dark glasses don't help much, either.

If it wasn't for your yellow outfit, I'd--
No, you've got it wrong.

Barbara's the one in yellow.
I'm in the blue.

But you were wearing yellow yesterday.

Yes. That's my new outfit.

I bought it the night before last
in the ski shop.

This one here is is my old outfit.

You've never seen me in it.

Let me get this straight--

Now all week until yesterday,

you were going around in a blue outfit?

And Barbara--

What color outfit was
she wearing all week?

Yellow. But then yesterday morning
she switched, too,

because the zipper broke in her jacket.

Naturally since I wasn't
using my blue suit, I insisted she--

She was wearing my suit when--

Marie, now you and Barbara
skied Shinbone

most afternoons, didn't you?

Every afternoon.

At a particular time?

Somewhere around :.
That was our ritual.

We'd hit Shinbone
and then head for the showers.

Joe, don't!

You're only making it harder.

Stop trying to prove that something vicious
happened to her.

I told you she
didn't have any enemy in the world.

What she did have was a blue ski outfit

that you'd been seen in constantly.

I wonder if that's why they grabbed her.

"They"? Who's they?

Whoever was waiting on Shinbone
yesterday afternoon...

for you.
For me?

Who'd want to k*ll me?

Maybe they only intended
to kidnap you.

What for? Ransom?

My father's a college professor.

The most he could scrape together
would be a few thousand dollars.

Marie, you don't believe

Barbara was going to ski Jackboot,
either, do you?


I find that hard to accept.

Yet she was found some yards
or more east of Shinbone.

How? She was dragged there
and dropped

because they realized that they had
made a mistake and grabbed the wrong girl.

At that point, they couldn't turn her loose

so they k*lled her
and made it look like an accident.

So they'd be free to come after me.

Look, I'm going to see
that you get home safely.

I'm going to drive you to your door.

When we get back to Los Angeles,
I can arrange for protection

until we can find out who and why.
I'll get my ski gear together.

I'm going to pack my car and come back
and pick you up. Lock this door.

And don't open it for anyone but me.

Yes, this is Professor Fenlon speaking.

Why, Judy, of course I remember you.

You roomed with Marie in college.

Well, what about Marie?

Well, why shouldn't
everything be all right?

Well, what happened?

Yes. yes.

That is all?

Very well.

No, no, no,
there's nothing for you to do.

I will take care of it.
Yes, Judy, thank you.

Is it what I think?

They made their move,
but they blundered.

Instead of Marie,
they eliminated her friend.

How did they cover it up?

The girl was found at the bottom
of a crevasse. It was taken for an accident.

Then Marie doesn't suspect?

No. How long will it take you
to get up there?

I'm on my way.
Set it up for me, will you, John?

I'll need a plane reservation
and a car at the other end.

Marie, it's me. Open up.

Okay, let's go. Forget your gear.
We've got to get out of here fast.

You feeling easier now?

I just hope Dad got my message.

I take it you and your father
are pretty close?

No, not really.

I love him,

but I couldn't exactly claim
that he loves me.

I mean,

he worries a lot about me and all that,
but he's always--

I don't know-- distant.

In fact, as long as I can remember,

he's always kind of pushed me away.

Well, that's probably because
he's so wrapped up in his studies,

like most professors.

I suppose so.

There are always lots of research assistants
hovering around.

But I think it's also because
he's only a foster father.

My real parents were gone
by the time I was three

so he kind of got stuck with me.

What's wrong?

It seems as if someone is in as much of a
hurry to get down the hill as we are.

Tighten up that seatbelt
as tight as you can.

Keep your head down.

When we come to a stop,
you get ready to come out my way!


Well, we'd better check in with the police.

Ah, that wheel's bent.
We'll never make it down the hill.

It's dead.
This must be our day.

Gilbert. It's all right, I know him.

I thought it was you, but I wasn't sure.

We almost passed you right by.
What's going on?

Some men were chasing us in the car.

It went over the mountain and it burned
and they were trapped in it.

We should notify the police.
Could you get us to a phone?

Well, you're welcome to use our phone.
We're just down the road.

We'll probably need another car.
Is there a rental agency nearby?

The nearest is Beaver Canyon.

How far is that?
About miles.

But all we have to do is call.
I'm sure they'll be happy to bring one by.

What are we doing here standing on the road?
Hop in, please.

Thank you.

Yes, Sheriff, that's correct-- shot at.

Yes, they're both sitting here right now.

No. Mr. Mannix had to leave his car
on the road.

But we're planning to have it fixed.

My son is arranging
for temporary transportation.


Well, come right up into the courtyard.
The gates will be open.

Good. Bye.

The sheriff is sending some men
up the highway

and he'll be coming here himself.

I'm afraid there will be some questions
asked. Niles, see that the gates are open.

Yes, ma'am.

I must say,

this adventure of yours
does sound a little incredible.

It certainly was.

Why were you being chased?
You haven't said.

Well, we haven't
quite figured that out yet.

The only thing we know
is that I'm the one they're after.

Come, come now.

Surely in your pretty young life
you haven't done anything so terrible

they'd have to sh**t at you.

No, no, I won't believe that.

Mr. Mannix, what is your line of work?

Oh, Mother, really.

I'm a private investigator.

Ah, well, that does make the whole thing

a little less bizarre,
if you don't mind my saying so.

Well, I'm sure he does mind
your saying so.

I mean, that's not exactly tactful, Mother.

Your mother's quite right, Gilbert.

It's not unusual

for a private detective to be shot at.

However, in this case,
I don't think I was the target.

I take it you and Marie
have known each other for quite some time.

No, no. We just met

at the ski lodge.

What were you doing there?

Were you investigating
the accident yesterday?

Well, I...

I, uh...


You were asking a question.

Yes. What were you doing at the lodge?

Were you investigating yesterday's accident
on the ski slope?


Are you all right, Mr. Mannix?

Maybe you should take a rest.

Yes. You have had quite a day today.

Marie, wake up.

Take it.


We haven't left a thing.
I've made sure.

Then we're all set.

Marie? Attagirl, come on.

Hang on. Let's go.

Let's go.


Hold it, Mannix.

Bring the wheelchair.

Put her in the chair.


Open the door.

Put her in the car.

Take care of him.

Okay. In here.

Hold it, Mannix.
That's far enough.

You don't look like the type, Gilbert--
not for m*rder.

You can identify us.
We have to k*ll you.

Did Niles tell you that?
Why doesn't he do it himself?

Turn around.

What's the matter?
It's not dark enough in here?

You can still see my face?
Is that what's bothering you?

Turn around.

Are you going to gamble on taking the rap
for the others, Gilbert?

How much extra are they paying you
to do this job?

They're not.
It wasn't part of the deal we made.

Hey, Mannix!

What was in the deal?

Just that I help them grab the girl,
that's all.

Why? What do they want with the girl?

Something about her father.
That's all I know.

Now, Gilbert,

you pull the trigger on that g*n,

you're gonna go
to the gas chamber alone.

They've probably planned it
that way all along.

You're the patsy!

Remember, Mannix,
I could have k*lled you.

Now turn around.

Turn around!

All right, let's go.

Aren't you forgetting something?

This house is rented in your name.

What's going to happen
when Mannix's body is found?

I never thought of that.

Well, I did, Gilbert.

I thought all about it.

Well, now I can take him someplace.
I'll get rid of him.

No, you won't.
He stays and so do you.

We can't have the police
digging into this affair.

We want to give them something
that'll add up right away.

So you two had a fight and nobody won.

Neat, clean, simple.

Goodbye, Gilbert.

That you, Frank?

Yeah, I'm at the lodge.
Then you did not get her?

No, sir. She'd already gone.
She took off with someone named Joe Mannix.

Any idea where they're headed?

Probably Los Angeles.

I got a look at the register.
His address is Paseo Verde.

I'll check it out.

Frank, start back. You'll be needed.

Yes, sir. Heading back now.



Got it, Vivian.

Oh, that's great. Thank you. Yeah.

Hey, listen, how about taking
the kids to the movies tomorrow night?

Peggy, wrap it.

I'll-- I'll call you back later.

Boy, you must have
had a marvelous vacation.

Well, I've had better.
Did you get hold of Lieutenant Tobias?

I told him about the car that went off
the road and I told him about

the body in the house.

He said he'd relay it
to the proper authorities.

Then tell me about
the West LA, Rent-A-Car.

They rented the limousine
to a Gilbert Douglas.

The late Gilbert Douglas.

His credit application says
that he was a ski instructor in Colorado.

And prior to that, he drove an ambulance
for the Inglewood Neurological Institute,

which I'm told no longer exists.

Yeah, it closed its doors about a year ago.
What about Doctor Wellesley?

First name Norman. And there are
several Norman Wellesleys in the area--

Nine, to be exact.
How many of them are doctors?

None. But one's a male nurse.
Would that qualify?

Yeah, it might. He'd know enough
about medicine to get away with it.

Where did he male nurse?

A rest home called Casa Cava.

Are you sure?

Well, that's what it says, Joe.

Peggy, when Inglewood Neurological
folded about a year ago,

what do you think it became?
Casa Cava?


Now Gilbert Douglas
worked for them.

Now Wellesley, that phony doctor,
works for the new owners.

That might just add up to something.

What would they want with the girl
to begin with?

I hope to find out.

We're being watched. Inside.

As soon as I'm gone,
you call Tobias back.

Tell him where I headed and tell him
to send some men out there.

How did you get in?

Please don't complete the call.

This will make you feel relaxed
and comfortable.

Now I want you to count backwards for me.

You won't find it difficult.

Just start with ten and count backwards
as far as you can.

All right?

Ten, nine,

eight, seven--

You've got the wrong girl.
You've made a mistake.

Have I?
Yes, we both think so.

I think she's the right girl.


Marie, relax.

I'm your friend.

You're my friend.

Go back, Marie.

Go back to when you were .

You are , Marie.

Do you remember?


I'm .

I remember.

You go to school-- to high school.

And you live with your father.


Do you remember
when you were truly happy?

It was...


a long time ago.

Then there is only one thing
you can do.

We have to make you younger.
Would you like that?


You are seven years old.

Seven years old.

Go back, Marie, go back.

Are you happy now?

Yes, I'm happy.

What is your father's name?

Brooks Fenlon.

What does he do?

He's a teacher.

But he's not your real father, is he?


Your real father loved you very much.

You were very happy with him?
Do you remember?


Then we'll have to make you
younger again.

Shall we do that?


You are four years old--

A little girl of four,

such a pretty little girl.

No wonder your daddy loves you.

Where is my daddy?

Is he here?


but perhaps I--

I can have him come here.
Would you like that?


Al right.

But now you will have to help me.

You see, I'm not sure who your daddy is.

I told you.

You did?

I forgot. Tell me again.

My daddy is Brooks Fenlon.

He's a teacher.

Well, I hope you're satisfied.

I warned you right from the start--
you're quite wrong.

The responsibility is entirely yours
and you'll have to answer for it.

Come on, let's go.

I know it's hard, Marie,

but you can go even further back.

You can.

Just a little.

There, that's better.

Such a bright little girl,

and only three years old.

Do you remember the nursery rhyme?

Of course you do.

You say it all the time.

Here, I'll help you.



You speak Russian very well
for a little girl.


Believe me, I'm very impressed.

Did your father teach you?


And his name is Anton Brukov?

Da. Anton Brukov.

And you, little girl, what is your name?

Da! That's it. Yeah yeah!

Hold it right there!

Where's Marie?

She was taken ill.
She's being attended to.


Hold it right there, Niles.

I don't want to have to sh**t you.

Now drop the g*n.

Mannix. US. Government.
I'll explain later.

He's dead.
Where's the girl?

Inside somewhere.

In here!

She's heavily sedated.
We'd better get her to a hospital.

Hey, you said something
about an explanation.

Do you recall reading about a man
named Brukov? Anton Brukov?

I'm going back
more than years now.

Brukov? Yeah, sure.

He was in charge of Soviet Intelligence
for all of North America.

He defected to the West.

It was the most significant coup
of the Cold w*r.

He exposed the entire Soviet network
throughout Canada and the States.

Then he simply disappeared.

Only to resurface
as Professor Brooks Fenlon?

That's right. We gave him a new face,
identity, new life,

and adopted daughter,
plus around-the-clock protection,

a succession of research assistants
like myself.

The other side never gave up.

How did Niles make the connection
that Fenlon was Brukov?

Luck. A one-in-a-million shot.

He heard the professor give a lecture
on a local radio program--

Something in the voice, the timbre.

But nothing else seemed to fit.

That's right.

So he kidnapped Marie and regressed her
to the time she lived in Moscow.

Well, when she began to babble
in Russian, he knew he had the right girl,

and therefore, the right man.

What about the others?
Wellesley and Mrs. Corot?

Well, they're convinced
that Niles was mistaken.

So the professor's cover remains intact.

You're forgetting about me.

We're not worried about you, Mr. Mannix.

After all these years.

It's a long time to be in the dark.

Why couldn't he have told me
he was my real father?

Well, if he did,

you might have given it away
and endangered your life.

They were looking for a man
with a natural daughter.

He had to keep it from you.


Thank you, Mr. Mannix,

for giving me back my daughter.
