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05x09 - A Choice of Evils

Posted: 07/29/23 13:49
by bunniefuu
Sunny California, eh?

Oh, I'm sorry to get your floor wet.
Oh, that's all right. It'll dry.

Well, did you come in
to get out of the rain, or...?

On business.

Oh, I'm sorry,
Mr. Mannix isn't in right now.

He should be back in about an hour,
though, if you'd care to wait.

I'm afraid we can't.

Oh, well, then I'll take a message,

and I'll have him call you
as soon as he gets in.

That will be fine.

Uh, would you mind typing it?


I'd appreciate it
if it's not too much trouble.


Please call...

Mr. Lawrence Powers,

President of the...


Investment Company.

It is a matter of life and death.

Oh, that's fine.

All right now, if you'll just add, um...

"I've gone out shopping," and sign it.

But I hadn't planned
on going out shopping.

Well, maybe not shopping, but out.

Please, Miss...

just do what he says.

Good, thank you.

Don't worry, Miss.
Everything will be just fine.

Here, put your coat on.




This is Joe Mannix.
I'd like to speak to Lawrence Powers.

Sure you won't have something stronger?

This'll do.

All right, Joe--
if you don't mind if I call you Joe?

"Mr. Mannix" seems so formal
for business associates.

Hmm, just when
did we become associates?

You see, I need a private investigator.

Well, you'd better
check the classified ads.

Find someone that doesn't care
who signs the checks.

Now that's no way to talk, Joe.

After all, I'm just a business man
trying to make a living.

It won't wash, Powers.

I've seen the file on you downtown.
Oh, a file-- words.

Nobody's ever proven anything.

My guess is that they're about to
or you wouldn't have called me.

But you did come.

Well, you might say I'm the curious type.

The message said,
"A matter of life and death."

Whose life?
And whose death?

This is Powers. Everything set?

Good. I'll put him on now.

For you, Joe.

This is Mannix.

Joe, it's Peggy.

Yeah, Peggy, where are you?

I don't know. I was blindfolded.

You all right?

I'm scared, Joe.

But so far, they haven't hurt me.

Look, Peggy, don't worry, I'll see that--

Business associates, Joe?

Powers, you hurt--
Easy, Joe. Easy.

Nothing's going to happen,

as long as you do what I want.

Which is what?

I've got big plans.

They could be destroyed.

I've got a stoolie in the company.
You're going to find him for me.

Why don't you do it yourself?

I've tried.

It's taken me almost a year.

I've narrowed it down to three men.

They'll be here this afternoon.
They don't even know I suspect them.

I've got to find the right man...

and soon.

And if I find out which one it is?

The girl goes free.
Everything's forgotten.

What about the inside man?

You'll be off the payroll by then, Joe.
It won't matter to you.

If you don't mind, Miss,
I'd like you to go in

and unpack the groceries
and start lunch.

Look, it would be easier
all the way around if you'd do it.

Come on, Miss.

Thomas! She split!

Take the back way.

Easy, Miss.

Let me go.
I can't.

I've got her.

That was stupid, Miss--

Just plain stupid.

Please let me go.
I won't tell anyone. Please.

I can't.

You could if you really wanted to.

I'm sorry.

You're afraid of him, eh?

No, just can't do anything.

Look, I know what you're thinking--

He's white. You and me, we're black.

But you're looking at it wrong.

The color don't matter. The job does.

You-- you won't help me?

I can't. I'm a professional.

I do my job.

Come on.

Did you talk to your mother, Toby?


Well, then who told you
to stay here at Mrs. Frost's?

The principal at school.

Oh, what'd he say?

He said my mother called and told him
you were sending her away for a while.

Wipe your hands, Toby dear.
Yes, ma'am.

Anything wrong, Mr. Mannix?

Uh, no, no.

Well, I'll see you later, Toby.
Goodbye, Mr. Mannix.

Mrs. Frost?

You don't mind taking care of Toby
until Peggy gets back?

Not at all. It's a pleasure.


Oh, come in, Joe. Come in.

Nice to see you right on time.

Sit down.

I've told them all about you, Joe--

That you're going
to find the stoolie for us.

They don't seem too happy
with the idea.

Oh, what they think is unimportant.

Now come on, Larry, you know hiring
an outsider is bad business.

He could learn a lot more
than he's supposed to.

I'll see that he doesn't.

All he has to do is nail the inside man.

Or maybe set up one of us
to take the fall.

If it isn't you, there's nothing for you
to worry about, is there?

That's Neil Riggs.
His worrying keeps us on our toes.

Neil's kept us out of trouble
over and over again,

worrying about the right things.

Uh, Neil's defender is John Phillips.
Been with me for two years now.

Best investment planner
in the business.

Someday, I think he'll want to take over.

Just a second. I've never--

I said "someday."

And I wouldn't trust a man
without ambition.

And me? What about me?

Steven Greer, Joe--
an opportunist.

He thinks he's ready to take over,

but he, uh,
he's afraid to commit himself.

One happy little family.

If you need me, Mannix,
I'll be in my office.

I have work to do.
Same here.

What makes you so sure
it's one of them?

Checking, narrowing it down.

They're the only ones who had access
to all the information that was leaked.

Now you find out which one it is.

I want to see my secretary first.

You'll see her
when you've finished the job.

How do I know she's still alive?

Because I said so.
No deal.

I want to see her.

Look, take my word for it--
she's all right.

Not good enough.

Every day I'm on the job, I want a photograph
of her holding the morning newspaper

or the deal is off.

You'll get your picture.

Now get to work. Time's running out.

Take it easy.

Now there.


Make sure you've got one every day.

Have you learned anything yet?


It's one of three men.

You'd better get busy.
You have hours to find him.

That doesn't give me much time.

That's how it is.

Why hours?

For good and proper reasons
that don't concern you.

And if it takes longer?

It won't matter.

Your secretary will be dead.

Hold it right there.

Police, Mannix.

All right, throw your |.D. over.



You, uh, shouldn't sneak up
on people like that.

Lieutenant Malcolm wants to see you.


How'd you know where I was?

I had you followed, Joe.

Since when do I rate a tail?

Since you went to work for Larry Powers.
Ah, so that's it, huh?

That's it.

When you work for criminals,
sometimes you get treated like a criminal.

You in trouble, Joe?

Then why?

You know you could lose your license
for consorting with hoods.

Well, I need the money.
The bills are piling up.

Joe, what's going on?

You know we've been
after Powers for years.

That phony investment company of his

is a front of every crooked operation
he can swallow.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

He knows.

I ought to lock you up
for your own protection.

On what charge?

How about breaking and entering?

You did break into Riggs's apartment,
you know?

Joe, maybe we can help you.
Give us a chance.

You can't, Art.

Thanks, but I've got to do this alone.

Sorry, I'm getting
too much pressure from upstairs:

"Get Mannix off the case."

Look, Art,
you've got to give me some time.

All right.
But I can't protect you for long.

Just hours.

I'll try.

Thanks, Art.

But I'm not making any promises.

What's the matter?

We'll finish the game
when you can concentrate on the cards

instead of the chick, okay?

I'm going out.

Try to keep your mind on business.

Don't worry.

When I was a kid,

I always dreamed someday
I was going to have me a house on the beach.

Gonna have it, too.
Almost got enough saved.

You have a nice job.
No reason you shouldn't have a nice house.

Well, I do what I do.

The other kids used to laugh when I told them
I was going to make a lot of money.

Well, they don't laugh anymore--

Not anymore.

Is that why you take orders from Powers?

Sure. He helped me,

made me what I am,

taught me all I know.

You sound as though
you're proud of what you do.

I'm good at my trade.
I'm a professional.

m*rder is not a trade.

It is if you do it right.

I know how you feel,

but you're wrong.

I know what I'm doing.
Do you?

What do you want me to be?

An entertainer,

an athlete?

Well, I ain't got any talent
for that kind of thing.

I been on my own since I was
when my father disappeared.

My mother scrubbed
every floor in LA for us.

She grew old.

I couldn't stand it.

So I took off when I was .

And Powers found me walking
on the waterfront. He took me in.

And he helped me,
almost like he was my real father.

And you do his k*lling for him.

You don't understand.

And you are going to k*ll me?

Won't have to.

Mannix does what he's supposed to,
and you'll be out of here, home free.

Don't worry, Miss.
He's good at his job, too.


This is Greer.
I can help you find the inside man.

Can we talk somewhere?

Why help me? Why don't you go
and tell Powers yourself?

Because he would think that I was trying
to get myself off the hook.

Aren't you?

Look, Mannix, I'm nobody's patsy--

Powers or yours.
Do you want the information or not?

Yeah, where do we meet?


I'll be there.

All right, Greer, talk.

Powers lied to you.

It's not an inside man you're after,
not one of our own.

Go on.

We've got a federal agent on the payroll.
That's who you're looking for.

What makes you think so?

Powers is not the only one checking up.

He's playing it pretty smart,
but I know he thinks it's one of us.

He's wrong.

What do you want me to do about it?

I think it would be better
if you left things as you found them.

We'll find the federal agent,
turn him over ourselves.

Sorry, I can't do that.

You don't think Powers is really
going to let your secretary go,

whatever you find?

I'll just have to take that chance.

I'm giving you a better one.


All right, now he gave you a chance,
Mannix, and you didn't take it.

This is your last warning.

We're not going
to take the fall for anybody.

Next time, you turn up dead.

What did he say happened?
He said he fell.

Mm-hmm. I'll take over.

Hi, Art.

So, you fell, huh?
Yeah, hard.

What were you doing
down in that part of town anyway?

Oh, just taking the night air.

Is that it, Doc?

Yes, but you're going
to hurt for a few days.

You'd better take it easy.


Oh, uh, Art, would you do me a favor?

Drive me back to my car.


All right, Joe, what did happen?

I was ordered off the case
by some gentlemen,

but they weren't as polite as you were.

I suppose you're
not going to listen to them either, huh?

I can't.
Why not?

You know the answer to that.

You sure do make it tough
on your friends, Joe.

You promised me hours.

Joe? Joe, listen to me.

I said I'd try.

I'm sorry, but the pressure's building up.


You must really have hit a nerve.

My orders are if you don't drop the case,
I'm to bring you in...


I've got to stay out, Art.

Why? Just tell me why.

Sorry. I can't.

Well, you don't give me any choice.

Get in. I hope you understand.

I hope you do, Art.

I helped myself. You don't mind?

What do you want now?
I haven't got time for games.

How close are you
to finding the undercover agent?

Close enough.

And when you do find him, you're going
to turn him over to Powers, is that right?

That's what I was hired to do, remember?

My secretary's life is at stake.

The Department will find your secretary.
Don't worry.

You're the undercover agent?

That's right.

Keep talking.
I need time.

Sorry, you haven't got much.
Powers gave me a limit.

I've got just hours left to find you.

Well, that figures. He's afraid.

The syndicate is putting pressure on him.
There's something big in the wind.

And if Powers can't find me,
the whole thing goes up in smoke.

His life is on the line.

Oh, and about tonight, I'm sorry.

I had no choice.

I take a beating
and you're in the clear?

Something like that.
Mannix, look, try to understand.

We can't afford to let all the work
we've done go down the drain.

The least you can do is stall for time.

Now you listen to me, Phillips--
I just slugged a police Lieutenant.

In a few minutes every cop in town
will be out looking for me.

My secretary is living from day to day.

Now I just don't much give a damn
about your job.

We'll find her.
You'd better, and fast.

Hold the paper higher.


Now take the picture.

Now, take it easy.

Come on, Sam.
Take the picture. This isn't a contest.

Come on, Miss. Let's go inside.

Well, the Rams did it again.

That makes five you owe me.

I know. I know.

Is it all right?
It's fine.

You know, miss,
you take a good picture.

Are you going to take a picture of me
after you k*ll me, too?

I told you before: Mannix does the job
and you're as free as a bird.

You really believe that.

Tell her, Max.

He's right, Miss.
You don't have anything to worry about.

Now what'd I tell you?

Sam, the picture.

I'll run it into town.

You see, Joe, I'm keeping my word.

Yeah, and I'll keep mine.

I heard what happened.
The cops'|| be trying to stop you.

That's my problem.
But you haven't got much time left.

I'll let you out the back way.
You won't be spotted.


Mannix, a meeting like this
is dangerous.

We've run out of time.
You've got to--

I can't stall Powers any longer.

Then what do you plan to do?

Tell him I found the man.

You found him?

And I'll give you his name as soon
as I see my secretary safe and sound.

Will you really?

That's the only way you'll get the name.

But I don't want his name.

Hmm. You're too trusting, Joe.

I'm waiting.

You're sure about who it is?

I'm sure.

Then k*ll him.

That wasn't part of our deal.

It is now.

You must see my problem, Joe.

If I k*ll the agent
and let your secretary go,

there's no way of preventing you
from going to the police. But this way--

You'll have a m*rder rap
to hang on me, huh?

Why not do it tonight
and get it over with?

And, Joe, not that I don't trust you,

but I'll want witnesses.

Maybe if I invite the press?

The other two men will do.

I'll have the three of them
meet you tonight at :

on one of our piers.
They won't know why.

All right, Powers,

I'll take care of the agent.

But you'd better remember one thing--

Peggy better show alive,

or I'll be back.

Oh, you have my word.

What's it all about, Steve?

For the tenth time, I don't know.
Would you relax?

Relax. It's easy to say.

Do you see who it is?


John, what are we all doing here?

What makes you think I'd know?

Powers said to meet you here,
that you would explain.

I don't like this. It smells like a trap.

What's this all about, Mannix?

Don't you know?

Suppose you tell us.

You're witnesses...

to a m*rder.

Come on now, quit your kidding.

I'm not kidding.

Only two of you leave here alive.

Powers ordered you
to k*ll the undercover agent.

That's about the size of it.

And you know who it is?
That's right.

Now look, Mannix,
I'm telling you for the last time--

You see, Joe,
I'm keeping my word.

I must confess
I didn't think you'd keep yours.

Where's my secretary?
Oh, she's safe.

I want to see her now, alive.
That was our deal.

Just as soon as the story
hits the papers.

The story?

Riggs and Greer saw it happen.

All they saw was Phillips
fall into the water.

What else do you want?
The body.

I don't sleep nights with loose ends.

When the body washes up,
you'll see the girl.

Now get out of here, Joe.
I'm busy.

Art, I'm sorry about the other night.

I thought you'd flipped
until Phillips filled me in.

Well, Powers is not buying it yet.
What does he want?

The body.

Oh, great.
And Peggy?

He says he'll turn her loose
as soon as the body's found.

Do you believe him?

No, but it'll give us a little more time...

till your body shows up.

I could have helped you, Joe.

I couldn't take that chance.

Well, there must be
something we can do.

Yeah, but what?
He's holding all the cards.

How about the photo?
The same as the others--

Somewhere near the Pacific Ocean.

That's a lot of help.

Well, it's got to be someplace close by
in order for them to get the paper,

take the photo
and get it to Powers every day.

That's still a long stretch to cover--

At least miles of coastline.

Hi, Mr. Mannix.

Hi, Toby, come on in.

I thought my mommy might be back,
so I rode my bicycle down to see.

Not yet, Toby, but don't worry.
She'll be home soon.

I'm not worried.
She always comes back.


What's the matter, Mr. Mannix?

Oh, nothing, Toby.
I guess I'm just a little tired.

Look what Mrs. Frost bought me.
Hey, a marble. Oh, that's a beauty.

And a good one, too. With that one,
I won three more at school.

Mr. Mannix?

Toby, look, it's getting late.
I think you'd better be getting on home.

Now we don't want
Mrs. Frost to worry, huh?

All right. Bye, Mr. Mannix.
Goodbye, Toby.

Now be careful going home.

Five numbers and the ocean.

It's Malibu. It's got to be.

But, Art, tell the Sheriff's Department
to hold back.

If I'm right and Powers's men
spot a uniform,

they might k*ll Peggy and run.

That floater better turn up soon.

What does it matter,
even if he walked out of the water?

What's that supposed to mean?

It means the girl.
What are we waiting for?

Nothing, I suppose.

It has to be done.

Yes, sir, Mr. Powers, I understand.
That's what you want.

Get it done and get out of town.
You'll get paid in the usual way.

All right, sir.
Don't worry about anything.

Mannix took care of that federal agent.

See, Miss?
I told you everything would be all right.

The boss wants us to take care of her.

But Mannix did the job.

You want her walking around
able to identify us?

Take care of her.

I'll pack our things.

Stay where you are.

You can't.
I have to.

I have a son.
He-- he's only years old.

Please don't do this.

Don't you see, I don't want to?

But it's my job.
What I'm trained for.

I'm sorry, Miss. I really am.

Drop it!

See, Miss?

It all worked out.

Shhh, we'll get an ambulance.

It won't help.

I saw you lower the g*n.
You couldn't have done it.

It was just harder than most.

But I would have done it.

I told you--

I'm a professional.