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02x01 - Worlds Apart

Posted: 06/20/12 17:55
by bunniefuu
Narrator: Last season on Falling Skies...

Alien structures are going up over every city that we know about.

They flew here in spaceships and turned kids into slaves.

What's happening to us?

You really think you can deal with those lizards?

The Skitters wear a harness too.

Who do you think they are?

I don't know.

I wish we could use these against them.

We don't have enough peopleft for a su1c1de mission.

The harness... is a process.

And Ben isn't free from it.

They'll call him back... unless you go with them.

You don't want to do this.

No, I don't.

[ Insects chirping ]



[ Screeching ]

[ Engines revving ]

[ Whirring ]

Pope: Anthony!

[ Thudding ]

Open fire!

[ Screeching ]

Where the hell is our backup?!

Keep your heads down! Make every shot count!

[ g*nf*re ]

[ Screeching ]

Remember the drill, Five-O -rms, legs, then the cabeza!

You ever think you enjoying these turkey sh**t a bit too much, convict?!

Life hands you lemons...

[ g*n cocks ]

Go! blow its frigging head off!

[ Screeches ]

Cease fire! Save your a*mo!

[ g*nf*re continues ]

Cease fire! Ben! Stop sh**ting!

Weaver: Get the hell out of there!

We got...eight minutes, tops, before those beamers respond!

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

[ Engine revving ]

Jimmy, stay close!

Ben! Come on!

We're moving out. Got one still moving.

Can't get a shot.

Well, leave it!


[ Skitter screeches ]

[ Roars, growls ]

Ben! What the hell are you doing?

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Thud ]


Ben, orders are to bug out.

Ben: There's another one. I can feel it.

[ Growls ]

[ Breathing heavily ]


Hal: Dad!

It's Dad.

Dad? Dad.

Ben. Ben.


Tom: You're alive, thank God.

♪ Falling Skies 2x01 ♪
Worlds Apart
Original Air Date on June 17, 2012

Weaver: We got beamers on top of us!

Where the hell is Hal and Ben?!

That wasn't eight minutes!

Looks like the bad guys are growing a brain.

Hal: Captain, hold on! Hold on, Captain!

Ben: Got to get him in the back of the truck!

Weaver: Tom!

Hal: He's hurt bad. Get the back open.

Maggie: Let's get him in the truck!

Pope, Anthony, get out of here now!

Get him in the back!

Where's he hurt? Come on! Hurry up!


Where the hell did he come from?

[ Engines rev ]

Weaver: Go, go! Go, go!

[ Tires screech ]

[ Insects chirping ]

[ Vehicle approaches ]

Man: Easy, easy!

Hal: Dr. Glass! Dr. Glass! Anne!

Somebody get Anne!

Incoming! Out of the way, people!

Hal: Get out of the way!

Let him through! Easy, easy.

Man: Tom Mason is alive! Tom?

Is he okay? Oh, my God. Tom?

He's been shot. He lost a lot of blood.

Tom: Anne. Was it a Mech?

Tell Ben it wasn't his fault.

Uh, it was an accident -riendly fire.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

I didn't know! It was dark.

Ben, I got to go.

Ben, it's okay.

Let's turn him over.

[ Tom groans ]

No exit wound.

That means the b*llet's still inside. Okay.

Lourdes, I need his pressure.


Dad! Dad! Hey, buddy.

What happened to him?!

He's been hurt pretty bad, buddy.

But he's gonna be okay, right?

Lourdes: 90 over 70.

Start an I.V., okay, and... go get the propofol we found in Fitchburg.

I can't stop the bleeding until I find out where the b*llet is, okay?

I have to go in, Tom.

Lourdes: Guys, I know how much you want to be here, but...

She's right. Come on. Let's give them some room.

Let's give them some room.

[ Groaning ]

Come on, Ben. It's all right.

Let's give them some room.

Thanks for that.

I go in blind like this, I could make things worse.

[ Breathing sharply ]

I trust you.

[ Whirring ]

[ Grunting ]


I've been here for days!

I want to know about my son!

[ Screaming ]

[ Electricity crackling ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Electricity crackles ]


[ Gasping ]

Karen: Don't.

[ Grunts ]


Sorry for this, Tom.

I hope you're not afraid.

Whatever you think they've done to me, I'm still Karen.

This way.

You said what they were doing to Ben was a process.

Whatever it is, can it be stopped?

That's up to you.


Tom, it's time to face facts.

They've won.

There's no use prolonging hostilities for either side.

Meaning what? They're asking for a cease-fire?

No, they're allowing the resistance to surrender.

"Allowing the resistance to surrender"?

Sounds like we've been more trouble than they expected.

Don't overestimate a few small victories.

The resistance is an inconvenience.

They are offering you a gift, Tom - chance to have a life, a real life, with Hal and Matt and Ben.

After everything they've done, you expect me to take that on faith?


Not on faith.

Once you hear what they have to offer, I'm sure you'll understand... everything.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

So, they finally got the b*llet out, but Anne says he's looking pretty weak.

Your father's a fighter, Hal. I know that firsthand.

Yeah, but you saw the way he looked.

There's no telling what else he's been through.

How's Ben handling it?

He's been keeping to himself.

You know, he's got to feel like hell.

You notice anything else about him?

Look, Ben's fine, all right?

If the Skitters are still pulling his strings, I think they'd make him miss every now and then.

I still want you to keep an eye on him.

Now, I know that you're worried about your father, Hal, but we got a situation here.

Yeah, like how this eight-minute escape window just turned into two. Those munitions we lucked into allowed us to inflict some serious pain, but these ambushes were supposed to be a holding action till we got new orders.

You're not thinking about backing down, are you?

We haven't heard word one from any of the other units since that attack on Boston.

For all I know, we're the only ones still left in the fight.

And I'm for k*lling these bastards every chance we get, but we get boxed in, we may not come out.

So we don't get boxed in.

All right? We're finally drawing blood.

That was the point, right?

Got to hurt them as much as they hurt us.

I'm gonna go get some air.

If anything changes, just come outside.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

The girl told us you were a historian before we came.


It's not her anymore, is it? I'm talking to you?

She is allowing me to speak through her.

"Allowing"? She has no choice.

You took her like you took... Ben and everything else.

There was no other way.

We've studied you in great detail, Professor.

We've drawn from that to make a proposal that would end hostilities between us.

In exchange for sanctuary, we will set aside a protected area where human survivors will be relocated.

Some kind of prison camp.

A place where you would be allowed to live in peace.

You must be familiar with the concept.

It's taken directly from your own history.

The worst of it.

You can't hand-pick from our darkest moments like Cambodia or n*zi Germany.

Or Nanking, My Lai, the trail of tears.

Please, Professor Mason.

We can think of dozens of more examples.

Be honest. Oppression is in your nature.

And that is your justification for the m*rder of billions?

If those atrocities are the worst of us... what does that make you?

The ones who will decide if your world lives or dies.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Ben, I've been looking for you.

I wanted to be by myself for a while.

You heard what happened, right?

Yeah. I know you didn't mean to hurt dad.

You're going out again.

Got no choice.

[ g*n cocks ]

Pope and Anthony sent another alien patrol our direction.

We don't ambush them on our terms, they could roll right over us.

It's not fair!

I-I should be going with you.

[ Sighs ]

Okay, you're nowhere near ready.

Because everyone keeps treating me like a little kid.

I'm old enough to fight.

Old enough to know how, at least.

How about this?

When I get back, I'll see what I can do.


Maggie: Sure you're up for this?

Skitters are coming, whether we like it or not.

Hey, thanks, buddy.

Oh, sorry. Go ahead. You first.

Wow. You sure know how to impress a girl.

What's next -is and her grenade launchers?

Who knows? I might do something crazy like open a door for you.

Hey, Ben!

Hey, wait up!

Hey, I know what happened with Dad was an accident, but the next time I give an order, I need to know you're gonna listen.

Whatever you say.

Hey. Hold up. Hey.

What's up, man? I don't get you.

I mean, as much as he got into it with Weaver, Dad always understood chain of command.

I'll follow your orders, but you're not Dad, okay?

[ Engines rev ]

Pretty sweet spot for wasting Skitters.

Put a sh**t up on the roof with a Barrett.

Yeah, a .50-Cal will put a hole through anything.

Maybe get a cross fire going with that dry cleaner right there.

While you kids get that started, me and the brain trust, we'll get the cooties' attention.

We'll come back to the north side.

[ Whirring ]

Hal: Get out of the truck! Take cover!

Maggie: Get out of the truck! Do it now!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Get down!

Not the Harley!

[ Whooshing ]

Lyle: Pope! Stop! Stop!

[ g*n clicking ]

[ expl*si*n ]

[ Clicking continues ]

Come on, man. Let it go, bro.

Let it go!

Come on!

[ Indistinct conversations ]

What the hell went wrong?

Damned if I know. Never even got off a shot.

They're onto us. There's something else.

The way they kept laying fire into the truck after we bugged out -t's like that was the target.

We know they can pick up heat.

Could be the engine is what got their attention.

First time they've targeted vehicles.

First time for everything.

With these beamers on constant patrol --

We're screwed and blued, and you can kiss this ambush plan goodbye.

If we can't run our trucks, we're not mobile.

The Skitters got to know we're close.

Won't be long before they catch our scent.

Captain, you wanted to see me?

Dai tells me that you're doing a fair job of taking over for Scott.

He did?

I can only hope he's right.

We think that the aliens have recalibrated their beamers to pick up the heat coming off our vehicles.

Probably using some infrared sensor.

As long as we stay put, engines off, they can't see us.

Only that's not an option.

Our patrols just saw three alien units all walking around out there, all within five miles.

It's only a matter of time before they nail us.

If we can't move our vehicles, we lose our mobility, and we lose most of our supplies.

We need to find a way to mask the heat coming off those engines long enough to put some distance between us and those patrols.

Well, how far?

At least 20 miles.

20 miles?

That would mean keeping the engines cooled out for at least an hour.


All right. I'll try.

You don't get points for effort.

We don't find a way to move those vehicles, people are going to die.

No pressure.
I don't care what you wanted from us.

There must have been a way to get it peacefully.

You didn't even try to talk to us before the attack.

This was never a negotiation.

That's why we'll never stop fighting you.

We have no patience for empty bravado.

So those are our alternatives -ive as prisoners or die?

Why would you expect better from us than you do from yourselves?

Because I look around this ship, at the technology that brought you from another world, and I want to believe that only an advanced species could have achieved so much.

But I would be wrong.

You will lead your people to the neutral zone.


Then the choice has been made.

I would be careful about drawing too many lessons from the past.

Why is that?

Because our history has yet to be written.

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Screeching ]

[ Growls ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Tom Mason, 2nd Mass.

I didn't know they had anybody else.

Neither did I.

Bonnie Garcia, Vermont militia.

Bastards wanted me to lead them to my guys, talk them into buying this sanctuary bull.

That's why they took us -o finish what they started.

This isn't right.

[ Whirring ]

Oh, my God.

[ Whirring ]

[ Chitters ]

Everybody run! Don't give it a target!

Woman: Run!

[ All screaming ]

[ Gasps ]

[ w*apon cocks ]

[ Chitters ]

[ Whirring ]

[ Thudding ]

Find your stance.

Lean forward a bit.

Hal: Hey, Ben!

What's Matt doing with a g*n?

Ben's teaching me how to sh**t.

Figured it was time.

He needs to learn how to defend himself.

So you just gave him a r*fle without asking me?

I might have to follow your orders on missions, but not here.

Hal, wait!

Go back to camp, Matt.

Go back to camp.

You know, maybe he's ready, maybe he's not, but we both know Dad didn't want that for him.

Three months ago. How do you know what he'd say now?

I don't know what he'd say right now, and neither do you, okay?

So how about we wait and let Dad make that decision?

Only way we win this w*r is by k*lling every Skitter we see.

If Matt's old enough to load a g*n, he's old enough to sh**t it.

After what happened with Dad, you think you're the best one to be giving lessons?

I just don't want him to be taken away the way they took me.

Or your girlfriend, Karen.

[ Grunting ]

I'm not the math geek you used to push around.

Deal with it.

[ Grunts ]

It's like I don't even know him anymore.


[ Sighs ] Michigan.

[ Wind whistling ]

[ Crow caws ]

Teresa: Stop! Jared: Quit struggling!

Stop! Get off of me! I swear, if you don't let go of that bag, I will sh**t you! Leave me alone! It's all we have left!

Please! I will sh**t you!

No! Do you understand?!

Every store within 20 miles has been picked clean!

Please! Please!

[ g*n cocks ]


If I see you again, I'll use this!

My name's Tom.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I just wanted to see your bike.

No! It's mine!

Hey! Hey!

Stop it!

I'm not letting you steal it!

Come on. Come on.

I'm sorry. I should have asked.

[ Sobbing ]

Look, I know that you're scared.

But I'm not gonna hurt you.

If he comes back, we don't want to be here.

We had a few cans of soup. That's all.

Go ahead! Take it and leave me alone!

You hang on to it.

I'm on my way into Boston.

I left some people there -riends and family.

They can help us.

Bike's yours, but I sure would love to borrow it.

You can come with me.

Boston? That's hundreds of miles.

Oh, I know it.

I've been on foot for weeks already.

So...what do you say?

Just remember it's a loan.

And only as long as I say.

And only if we don't leave her like that.

[ Sniffles ]

Fair enough.

Anne: Captain.

I'll have the med bus packed and ready to go in a half-hour.

How's Tom?

I need to know what happened to him on that ship.

Ben and Lourdes are with him. He's weak.

But if we have to move, I think it's all right.

Dr. Glass!

Do you know anything about scotch?

Some's good, some's better.


I found this... couple of stops back.

It's a Glenfiddich.

30 years old.

Someone has good tastes.

If we have to run, it's just dead weight.

Seemed like it'd be a shame to waste it.



Maybe it's a sign -om coming back.

How do you mean?

I mean that if I hadn't let him get on that ship...

...if he'd been here, he would have warned me that we were pushing our luck.

He would have warned me.

But he wasn't here.

Second-guessing doesn't change where we are.

I think you're wrong.

I remember something he told me once, about making the price of the occupation so high, the aliens have to leave.

That was the idea.

He would have said your strategy is risky but worth it.

And when he wakes up, he's gonna be proud we're still fighting.

Hell, he might even have a historical anecdote to put it all in perspective.

Jamil: Captain.

What the hell is this? Fiberglass.

It's light, it's an insulator, and these warehouses are full of it.

We wrap our engines with it, we'll get a good hour before it heats through.

I want people going through every house, every warehouse on the block.

We're moving out A.S.A.P.

Ben: Dr. Glass?!

Anne?! Ben?


It's my Dad. Something's wrong.

Let's go.

[ Sleepily ]

We're close now.

We got to keep going.

I don't know what happened. He just started bleeding again.

I must have missed a fragment.

He feels feverish, too.

We still have a few bottles of I.V. antibiotic.

Okay. Okay.

I'm sorry, Ben.

The school's only a few miles that way.

But they'd be long gone by now.

I've been seeing a lot of airships heading southwest to Connecticut.

Could be they went that way.

The woman we buried.

That was my mom.

I'm sorry.

You never told me why you helped me out with that guy.

That's what people are supposed to do.

Not anymore.

I don't believe that.

And I'd hope that someone would do the same for my kids.

We were going into the mountains, trying to find a place to hide.

I don't think that we can hide from them anymore.

[ Bag zips ]

My middle son, Ben -ou'd like him.

He's about your age.

He's dead.


They're all dead. That's what happens now.

The aliens find you, and they k*ll you.

Unless we k*ll them first.

Come on. We got to keep going.

This engine-blanket thing better work, or we'll be wearing this truck for a hat.

That's another thing.

When the hell did I become a damn baggage handler?

[ Laughs ] I was gonna say it kind of suits you.

Yeah, well, I'll tell you, if I had any brains, I'd steal one of these rice rockets and kiss Weaver's glorious revolution goodbye.

Yeah, you try that, and your brains will be scattered across two states, Pope!

You really are a true believer, aren't you?

In k*lling Skitters, yeah.

Yeah, well, that's pretty, but, uh, you know, there's no law that says you got to do it with me.

My merry ex-band of outlaws wasted your buddy, and yet here you are, Tonto to my lone ranger.

Well, first, I think you got that "Lone Ranger" thing a bit backward.

And don't think that I forgot about Click... or when you patched me up after we went in on that alien structure.

I can't make sense of either.

We all make mistakes.

Hal: Captain!

[ Laughs ]

Hal: Captain!

Anthony: Hey, Cap! Incoming!

Anthony, where's Cap? Right there.

Captain, we got a Mech convoy about a mile away.

They're straight east. They're coming this way.

We move that med bus now, Tom's not gonna make it.

Convoy goes!

Medical stays with Dr. Glass until she can stabilize Tom.

I need four volunteers to stay with the bus in case the Skitters show.

You know I'm in. Sounds good.

Make that three.


Gather all the a*mo you can carry.

Dai's got the map. We wait for you 20 miles out.

Stay safe.

We're moving out, people! Five minutes!

[ Whirring ]

All right, guys, we got incoming.

Okay, we're gonna go dark.

There's something there.

I just can't get ahold of it.

All right, guys, we're gonna lay low and hope the Mechs pass us by.

Nobody sh**t unless I give the order, okay?



[ Thudding approaches ]

[ Whirring ]

Hal: Get down!

Not yet.

[ Groaning ]

Lourdes, we have to hold him steady.

[ Thudding ]

[ Whirring ]

I think I've got it.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Not much to it.

It was enough. We can close now.

[ Thudding continues ]

[ Thudding departs ]

I think they're gone.

[ Sighs ] Oh, God.

[ Chuckles ]

I think that was our lucky day, right?

[ Laughs ]

Come on. Let's go.

Hey, good job, man.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Brakes hiss ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ g*nf*re, explosions ]

This is bad. We need to keep riding.

It's close.

I don't want to be here anymore!

[ Weapons firing ]

That's Mech fire.

[ g*nshots ]

That's a shotgun.

That means there's people.

You said when we started it was just a loan.

Got to see who's out there.

I'll come back when I know it's safe.

My mom wanted to show me the mountains.

I'm going there.

For her.

[ g*nf*re, explosions continue ]

I hope you find your family.

[ Engine revs ]

Weaver: Cease fire! Save your a*mo!

[ g*nf*re stops ]

We got eight minutes, tops, before those beamers respond!

So let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Weaver?

[ Skitter growls ]

[ Screeches ]

[ Screams ]

[ Screeching ]


[ Indistinct conversations ]

You're still here.

I never left, Tom.

You gave us quite a scare.

You feeling all right?


My boys?

They're fine.

I should have had faith... that you'd come back for them.

Not just for them.

[ Sniffles ]


It's okay.

Dad, I, uh...

I didn't mean to hurt you. I know.

It was an accident. Come here.

It doesn't matter.

All that matters now is that we're together.


Oh. Ben, don't --

Look at what the cat dragged in.

I missed you, old man.

I missed you, too.

I missed all of you.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]


How you feeling?

Like it's good to be home.

Captain, we should talk.

Plenty of time for that. You just get better first.

A lot of people will be glad to see you.

Welcome back, Tom.

Thanks, Dai.

Pope: Professor happen to mention how he, uh, busted out of Skitter Central?

He did not.

[ chuckles ]

Man strolls onto an alien rocket, only to just come waltzing back three months later.

I don't know about you, Cap, but I'd be throwing a flag on that play.