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06x09 - One Step to Midnight

Posted: 07/30/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
Mr. Baxter?

Mr. Baxter?!

Make a move, Mannix,
and you're dead.

Turn around.

Slowly now, with your left hand,
lose your g*n on the floor.

Turn around and take a step
forward easy.

That's enough.

Now, what's your business
with Raphael?

Come on.

Bruno Raphael.


I didn't know him before they
ran him out of the country.

I certainly wouldn't have any
business with him now.

I came here to see a Mr. Baxter.
He called.

All right, Mannix, all right.

We can have it friendly,
or we can have it tough.

You're a private cop.
You're working for Raphael.

I told you, I'm not.

Oh, he's been here, hasn't he?
Staked out here in this place?

He's in L.A.!

You're going at this all wrong,

Al right.

Count three.

Let's hear it!

You're making a big mistake.

You said, "one,” right?

I can't tell you anything.

You said, "two."

All right, hold it, hold it.

Maybe, uh, maybe there is
one thing.

{g*n uncocks


Peggy, I told you.
I do not want an ice bag.

Now, if you absolutely must put
ice into something,

put it into a drink.

Joe, you...

And I don't want
to talk about it either.

We do not call the police,

not until I find out
what's going on.

That ought to be Derek.

Precious princess,

how is
our celebrated master?

Oh, you better not call him that

Oh, he's breathing fire, is he?

And a good deal of smoke, too.

Hello, Joseph.

Hello, Derek.
Thanks for coming by.

It's been rather
a long time, Joseph.


Well, thank you, Peggy.
I don't mind if I do.

I wouldn't want to dull

that encyclopedic memory
of yours, Derek.

That'll be the day.

What I need are some answers.
Bruno Raphael.

Neat, love, please.

You think Raphael might have
been this Mr. Baxter

who called and said he wanted
to hire you?

The point is the people who came
after me thought so.

They believe that Raphael is
here in LA,

and he was stashed out
in that house.

They are also convinced
that I'm working for him.

But you're not working for him,
are you, Joseph?

Well, thank you, love. Cheers.

As I understand it, the
government threw Raphael out.

Yes, he just disappeared.
Department of thin air.

Thank you, Peggy.
That was a very nice sample.

Since then, the old man's been
reported as living in Italy,

Mexico and a number
of other places.

Nobody seems to know for sure.

It'll take some digging
if you want it. Hmm.

Thank you, love.

Who, uh, took over
when Raphael left?

On the face of it, Nick Horton.

But there are some who say that
Raphael is still calling

most of the sh*ts
from wherever he is.

What about personal family?

Well, there's a son

who calls himself Carl Boycer
now that he's legit.

Then there's a granddaughter

the old man was
absolutely nuts about.

She's on the stage,
lives up above Castellammare.

Her name's Susan Graham.
Mrs. Edward Graham.


Edward Graham, phone -,
address Loma Road.


They called, Joe.
They wanted you.

Something about somebody
following them.



All right, come on out.


Don't be frightened.
I'm Joe Mannix.

You called me.
Here's my identification.


Come on, Sue.

Hi. Are we glad to see you.

Come on.

I, uh, tried
to get you on the phone.

You've had visitors.

Sue's doing a play downtown,

and when I got off work
at the gas station,

I went down and picked her up,

came back here and found
the place like this.

I guess we panicked.

We ran out and waited.

We'd just come back
to get a few things,

and we heard the car drive up,

and we thought it was
them again.

Who are "they"?

We don't know.

They've been watching the house
for the last three days.

One man at a time. They didn't
follow us. They just...

Just keep watching the house.

We couldn't take any more.

Do you have any idea why they're
watching the house?

Do you think they have any

with your grandfather,
Bruno Raphael?

Go ahead and tell him, Sue.
He can't help us unless you do.

Yeah, well, we thought they
might be looking for him,

and that's why we had
to get to you.

We couldn't very well go
to the police.

They'd make such a big thing out
of it, you know?

Have you heard from your

No. Uh, they're all wrong,

whoever they are, if they think
that he'd come here.

I hate my grandfather,
Mr. Mannix, and he knows I do.

How about Carl Boycer?

My uncle?

Have you talked to him?

About these people watching
the house?

No, it never occurred to me.
I hardly ever hear from him.

Do you know where he lives?

Yes, I've got his address
and phone number someplace.

Where did, uh,
you two plan to go?

Well, there's a scene dock

next to the theater,
and there's a room upstairs.

We've stayed there before
when Sue worked late.

Oh, uh, Susan,
uh, try your uncle.


Well, he wouldn't know anything.

Well, we can't be sure of that
until we ask.

No answer.

Eddie, uh, make sure
this place is locked up,

then put out those lights.

And don't answer the phone.

I'll be back, okay?

Hello, Art.

What are you doing here, Joe?

Is Carl Boycer in?


Could I see him?

Come on in.

A neighbor heard the sh*ts
and called us.

What's more to the point, Joe,
how did you know?

I didn't.

A client asked me
to look in on him.

What client?

Sorry, Art,
I can't tell you yet.

He was Bruno Raphael's son.

Yeah, I know.

There's a rumor
Raphael's in town.

Yeah, maybe just that, a rumor.

Joe... exactly what is going on?

I really wish I knew, Art.

But my client may be in even
more trouble than I thought.

Sounded up high.

Come on.

We can't stay here.

But Mannix said
he was coming back.

I'll get to the phone.

No, Eddie, please.

It's our only chance.



Eddie. Eddie.

Oh, Eddie.

Well, there doesn't seem
to be any concussion.

Actually seemed to come off it
fairly well.

A little rest and quiet
should do it.

Rest and quiet.

See you, Lieutenant.

Thanks, Doc.

My office at : a.m., right?

I don't know who it was.

It was dark,
and he was after me.

Whether you think
you can identify him or not,

come down and look at
the book anyway.

Okay, okay.

You're working for these
two kids, not Bruno Raphael?

You're sure about that?


Why were those two men
after you last night?

Eh, guys like that get an idea
in their heads,

it tends to stay with them.

They tend to act
on said idea, too.

I'll keep it in mind.

Until we round them up, Joe...

Yeah, I know.

I can consider myself
a sitting duck.

There's one thing
that's pretty clear.

It's an organized att*ck.

For whatever reason,
someone's out to get Raphael

and everyone
that's close to him.

I don't know exactly
what kind of protection

I can give those two.

Well, I got a place
I can put them.

Another thing bothers me.

These people seem to stay
one jump ahead of you.

Yeah, I know.

I haven't figured out how yet.

And what about this guy
that took over for Raphael,

uh, Nick Horton?

Bad blood?

That you'll have to ask Horton.


My name is Mannix.

Ooh, that's a cute name.

Mr. Horton said he'd see me.

Well, we were just
having some breakfast.

Must be nice to sleep late.


Straight ahead, cherub.

You want some breakfast, lunch?

No, thanks.

You know, I really expected
a turn-down when I called.

You hadn't come to see me,
I might have come to see you.

So you're working for Bruno?

I told you on the phone.

I am not working for Raphael,

and I'm tired of
telling people that.

What are they trying to do,
hit the girl or snatch her?

And then they hit Carl Boycer.

Now, there's a surprise.

Why anybody would want
to bother with that dummy

is a question, uh,
maybe you got an answer to.

Afraid not.

What's more of a surprise
is you, Mannix,

your being in on it.

Maybe you'd like to tell me
how that happened.

There's one thing
we'd better nail down first.

I am not working for
Bruno Raphael,

I don't know where he is, and |
don't know how to find him.

So who's causing the trouble?

I thought maybe we could
work together to find out.

You want a job, you got one.

Write your own ticket.

Now, I personally
haven't heard from Bruno,

and that's kind of strange,
wouldn't you say?

It's a mystery.

You solve it.
That's your business.

I'm your client, okay?

I've got a client.


I'm working for Susan Graham.

So why come to me?

You figure
I'm making the action?

It crossed my mind.

You got guts, Mannix.

I'll say that for you,
right here in my ballpark.

If it isn't you, you're still
in the best position

to know who is trying
to get Raphael.

You could wake up
and find yourself wasted,

you know, Mannix.

If you happen to see Raphael,
you tell him

that we can play it
any way he wants, tough or easy.

Take care of yourself.

The weather's changeable
these days.

Mr. Mannix?

That's right.

Will you step over
to that car with me, please?

I've got a friend
who would like to talk to you.

Well, now,
around that corner is an office,

and in that office
is where I hold conversations

with anyone who would
like to talk to me.

So if your friend
would like to come in

to see if I have
time for him, fine.

Otherwise, forget it.

Now, I don't want to have
to show you how it's done.


Please accept my apology.

But, uh, you're a little
expl*sive, huh?

Just getting tired
of being pushed around.

Your man said you wanted
to talk, Mr. Raphael.

Mr. Mannix...

I don't send for you
to come to this house in, uh...



No, I never even heard of you
before my friend telephoned

and told me what happened.

You have my word.

Of course.

Now that we have talked,
was it like my voice?

Yes, it was.

They have that much knowledge
of me then?


But why?

Why would they want to call you?

That's one of my questions.

You don't believe me, huh?

Frankly, Mr. Raphael,

at this point,
I don't know what to believe.

No matter.

You are a very serious man.

I'm glad she has you,
my granddaughter.


When I hear about this att*ck
on my granddaughter,

I... I'm shocked.

Do you understand?

In my time, it could not be.

Oh, never could
such a thing happen.

It is these young men today.

They have no respect.

No traditions.

They will pay.

You will take me
to see Susan, please.

Mr. Raphael, there are other
ways you can help.

If you want my help,
you will take me to her.



Susan, I'd like you
to do me a favor.


I'm sorry, but no.


No, please.

You know what I think.
I don't want to talk to you.

Shouldn't you at least listen

to what your grandfather
has to say?



I'm sorry you...
you have this trouble.


No, please stay here.

I'll say it once more.

I'm sorry I'm your

It's an accident I can't help.

I hate everything you stand for.
I hate your money.

I hate your trying
to buy me with it.

I don't want anything you have.

Sue, honey, come on.

She, uh, she has a temper, huh?

She gets it honestly.

Sit down.


Look at me.

I want to say I will see
you have no more trouble.

No one can be allowed to hurt
a girl of my own blood.

Oh, you mean to protect me,
in your own quaint way.

Yes, I remember
what that used to be.

You are my judge, huh?

You know my life
from the beginning?

You know it day by day?

You know the times I have
to make a decision?

To be a walked-on doormat
or to fight!

Al right.

You think I have been wrong.

But I tell you this.

I wish nobody harm
in this world.

From the beginning,
I have wished nobody harm.

When, uh, when I was a young
man, I have a force inside me,

and I have a dream.

I think if I work hard,
if-if I am smart,

when I am old,
then I will be rich,

and I have a family.

I have sons.

I have grandchildren,
who will respect and love me.

I know now what you will learn
when you are wiser.

The money is nothing.

The only thing is
your own blood.


Well, now I have no sons, and
you say I have no granddaughter.

Al right.

I failed, huh?

All the same,
I tell you this.

I protect my family.


I give you a name and a number
where you can reach me.

I want nothing from you that
you don't want to give me.

But I want you safe.

Mr. Mannix?

I went down to police

You know I don't want
to get involved.

So I said I didn't recognize
anybody they showed me.

But Sue said you ought
to know that I did.

You saw a mug sh*t of the man
who was at the scene dock?

Yeah, if it'll help.

Who was he?

Just a face. Uh...

The name underneath
was Paul Emmons.


She's stubborn, huh?

You know, I'd give anything if
she'd change her opinion of me.

I mean, I could visit her once,
twice, Christmastime maybe.

What do you think?

Miracles happen.

You know, I'm a very rich man.

I would guess you are.

You try to make a miracle?

Then I suppose I could write
my own ticket.


You know, a man could make a
fortune working on this case.

I had another blank check
offer this morning.

The answer was the same.
No, thanks.

Who offered?

Nick Horton.

Kind of surprised
he hadn't heard from you.

He sent a message,
just in case I saw you.

He said you could play it
either way you want.

Tough or easy.

Maybe the two of you ought
to get together.

Me and Nick?

Face to face?

I could try.

How about tomorrow?

Call. Make a meeting.

Okay, well, if you see him,
tell him Sheila, hmm?


You sure you don't want
that drink, Mannix?

Oh, I'm just happy sitting
here admiring the house.

Did you decorate it yourself?


I'm just part of the decoration.

Well, I admire that, too.

Uh, Paul?


You know where Nick went?

He didn't say.


Who's Paul?

Uh, he's one of Nick's boys.

Paul Emmons.

Uh, tell Nick
I'll get back to him, hmm?


Are-are you absolutely sure,
about the drink?

No, thanks.
I'm, uh, driving.

Hi, mind if we talk?

About what?

Bruno Raphael's granddaughter.

Who's she?

You ought to know.

You went after her in the
scene dock last night.

I was nowhere.

I was home watching TV.

Look, one of my men got k*lled,
gunned down,

standing in the yard to my own
house, talking to Mannix.

That's all I know.
I wasn't there.

If I have any enemies,
I don't know.

There was no trouble
with Bruno Raphael.

I don't know any reason he'd
have my guy gunned down.

Just find out who was out
there with a r*fle.

That's all.

You said the Graham boy
identified Paul Emmons, huh?

That's right.

And Emmons worked
for Nick Horton.

Well, maybe the expl*si*n
just now was just an act.

Maybe Horton decided we'd catch
up with his man sooner or later,

so he had him knocked off.

Or maybe Emmons was working for
somebody besides Nick Horton.

Someone with big ideas.

Well, whoever it is, he's
still one step ahead of me.

You have no idea how?
No, just why.

I think I was brought into it

so that when Raphael showed up,
there'd be a point of contact.

He'd be sure to get
to me, which he did.

Thanks a lot
for letting me know.

Sorry, Art,
I couldn't tell you before.

And someone is after Raphael,

And knows he can get to him
through the girl.

Susan? Eddie?
It's me.




Mr. Mannix's office.

Peggy, any calls from Susan
or Eddie Graham?

Not a one.
Aren't they where you put them?

Call Art Malcolm and tell him
to put out an APB on them.


It's something more
than a theory now, Joe.

They did tag you,
and they found those kids again.

Horton or somebody has Raphael
exactly where they want him.

The thr*at to Susan
brought him back.

The thr*at to her now
is going to deliver him.

What's the matter? It fits.

I got a feeling it's what
we're supposed to think.

There's something else.

Like what?

I don't know.

It just hangs there,
but I can't make it out.

Something that fits better.

Well, you find that something.

I'm going to concentrate on
finding those two missing kids.

Thanks, Charlie.

That about the phone number?


An answering service.

They don't know Mr. Cowan.

They've never seen him,
so they say.

He had one call at :.

No name; just a number
to be called-- -.

Cowan called,
was given the message at :.

Is there an address
for that number?

Oh, yeah.

Poncha Street, Venice.

A little fix-it shop.

Only it's been closed
for a week.

Well, this door lock's
been jimmied.

It's the right number.

Ashes, no butts.

Whoever jimmied that door
came in,

made a call,
waited for an answer.

I'll check that for prints,
but if he was that careful...

I think Raphael could be
in a pot of trouble.

Call for you, Lieutenant.

All right, I have the address.

I'll be there.

They found something.

The kids?

A pot of trouble.

Two slugs in the stomach,
point-blank range.

You can see for yourself,

Powder burns on the shirt front.




Since :?




Mr. Mannix.

I'm sorry.
I guess I drifted off.

Do you realize
how many man-hours

the police have spent
trying to find you and Susan?

Yeah. I'm sorry, Mr. Mannix.

It's, uh, just that we didn't
want to be a bother to you.

Especially Susan.

Got to be a real big thing
with her.

So I said it's better
that we, uh... we tell no one.

I mean, after all,
they always seem to know.

Where is Susan?

At the house-- our house.

When you first came by
to see us,

well, we thought that'd be

the last place
anybody would look.

You'd better call her.

She's all right. Nobody saw us.

Uh, just do what I say, Eddie.

Peggy, you'd better
let Art know.


Eddie, why did you run?

Couple of guys stopped their car
down by the beach house

and started walking back.

Well, we panicked again.

We didn't want to wait and see
what was going to happen.

So we went down along the beach,

worked our way
back up the highway

and, uh, hitched a ride.


You all right?

Yeah. Yeah, he's here.


Mr. Mannix,
Eddie tell you what happened?

Don't worry about it.

You're sure you're all right?


But tell him to get back here,
will you?

I mean, being alone is no fun
when you're married.

Just hang on
a little while longer, okay?


By the way, they caught up
with Bruno Raphael.

Caught up with him?

sh*t him. He's dead.

Oh, wow.

Joe, the Lieutenant wants
Mr. Graham to come downtown.

Well, uh, you'd better
take him downtown, Peggy.

They've been one step
ahead of me all the way.

This time, I'm going to make
sure I'm not being followed.

Go on, Eddie.


Uh, Susan, it's me again.

Is something wrong?

Now, listen to me
very carefully, Susan.

I'm on my way there.

In the meantime,
don't let anyone in-- anyone.

Bolt your door, you understand?

Hello? Hello?






Drop it.

Can't be.

Now, take it easy.
It just can't be.

Take it easy.
Did you know him?

Ramsey Tate, just...
just someone from the beach.

All right, sit down.

It's okay.

I'm all right now.

Was he a friend?


He... he was just around.

Just... he never seemed to do
much of anything.

We always felt sorry for him.

Where's Eddie?

I sent him downtown

to the police station
with my secretary.

Uh, they should be here
any minute.

Well, at least it's over.

No, I'm afraid it's not over.

He was just a hired hand.

We've still got to get the man
he was working for.

Well, who could that be?

I think we'll know soon enough.



I'm home, hon.

Maybe Joe took her away.


Surprised to see her alive,

You thought Tate
would have taken care of her

like he did Paul Emmons, right?


And Peggy
was the perfect witness

coming straight here
from the police.

Sorry, Eddie.

Tate is dead.

Eddie, don't.
Hold it!

That was a pretty good scheme--

Getting Raphael back here
by k*lling his son,

and then stirring up a blood
feud between the two factions

by fighting off that phony
att*ck on you and Susan.

And once Raphael was dead,
you and Susan

would inherit
all that fabulous money.

Oh, no.

You knew Susan
would never take the money.

But you knew it would be hers
after Raphael's death

and yours after her death.

She was next on the list,
wasn't she?

It was perfect.

It would have worked, too,
except for one little mistake.

You took that slip of paper

with Raphael's phone number
on it, so Susan tells me.

Eddie, I don't believe
you want to k*ll me.

I can't believe that.

I didn't know what he was after
when I told him about that slip.

That was the convincer, Eddie.

You were the only person

Raphael would trust enough
to meet alone.

The only person who could have
gotten close enough to him

to put a g*n up
against his shirt front

and fire two slugs in him,
because he was worried,

'cause he thought the meeting
was about Susan.

Look it, Susan, I never...

I never planned anything
like that.

Listen to me.

I had no part of it,

and if Tate said that,
he was lying.

Susan, whatever I did,
I didn't mean to hurt you.

We could have had
the money together.

And I could have made you see
it was right, Susan, but...

he was no good.

You said that yourself.

You said he was evil,
he deserved to be k*lled.

Look, Susan,
you can't blame that on me.

Hold it right there, Eddie.

You wouldn't have hurt me?


I swear.

All right, Eddie, let's go.

Drop it, Mr. Mannix.

Joe, she's got a g*n.

Don't turn around.

Just drop it.


Look, I-I'm sorry,
but I can't let...

Susan, it's no good.

He didn't mean to k*ll me.

It's true.

I can't let you lock him away
for life.

He's my husband,
and I believe him.

Don't go out there.

The police know
I was waiting here for you.

They were following Peggy's car.

Nice try, Mr. Mannix.

Let him go.

Susan, the police are out there.

Somebody else could get k*lled.

I'm warning you, Mr. Mannix--
I'll sh**t.

I don't think you will, Susan.

It's all over, Eddie.

It's all over.


I just didn't want to pump gas
for the rest of my life.

That money-- I knew it was evil.