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01x05 - Happy Lemur Day

Posted: 07/30/23 10:04
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running, and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Ok, chris, here comes a pitch.

[Bat cracks]


What a hit, chris!

Thanks, martin.

What a groundhog! Is today groundhog day?


Let's call zoboo first.

The world's largest and loudest lemur--

The indri.

Zoboo! Zoboo!




Hey, hey, zoboo!

Whoa! Look at him go.

That lemur's really leaping today.


I can hardly keep up with him. Wait up!

I'll catch zoboo with a snack.


He'll love these.

There you go.


Excuse me.


Hey, there! How you doing? Grapes are great.

Voky. Ha ha! Hey, where's indri?

There's no indri here.

We were making the indri's call.

You're good. Make the indri sound.

Woo! Woo!

That's a good indri sound.

Indri is the loudest lemur.

Lemurs are headed this way.

I know them. I can't believe it.

I know because I'm a lemur.

Ha ha ha!

What kind of lemur?


Come on, tell us.

There are about different kinds of lemurs.

They all have different looks, do special things,

And make incredible sounds.

There are many lemurs.

Which one's coming?

I'm not going to tell you.

He won't tell them.

Kratt brothers will guess!

You can guess. Guess the lemur.

It's a lemur...

But what kind?

Lemur, lemur, lemur! Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Behind her was a long, stripy tail with rings on it.

Did you guess who?

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Mangatsika

♪ Mangatsika, animal ♪

Then she made a sound and called her baby.

♪ Ha ha, ha ha, hoo ha ♪

♪ Heh, heh, heh, heh

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Who is this family of stripy-tailed lemurs?

A baby riding on her back...

Rings on their tails.

Ha ha!


Our mystery animal's here. Yeah.

Look, there's the mom and baby.

Zoboo: yeah, that's right--

Lemurs like me. Ha ha ha!

They earned their name.

They have rings on their tails.

Like candy canes.

We really have to take these decorations down sometime.

Martin: christmas is long over.

I'd love to live in a christmas tree.

, , , , , --

At least , huh?

That's a lot of rings. Ha ha!

Lemurs! Lemurs!


That was a great jump.

That's you making all that noise.

Hear the baby?


Bawk! Kind of sounds like me!

Hey! I found some raisins. You want one?

Zoboo: oh, yeah. Lemurs like raisins.

What a great leaper.

Look at that baby's little lemur face.

Looks like a halloween mask.

Halloween's when you dress up in costumes and trick-or-treat.


Am I a halloween creature, or am I a lemur?

Martin: there's a lot to watch for a little guy like you.

Hey. Where are you going?

Great jump.

This baby lemur's checking everything out.

Zoboo: every lemur needs a name.

What can we call you?

You're little, and you're a lemur just like me.

You love to leap. Lemurs love to leap.

Let's call you little leaper.

Martin: that's a great name.

Hey, little leaper.

Zob will call him little leaper.

Zoboo: little leaper.

Martin: little leaper is getting used to jumping.

That's a big jump for a little creature like him.

Come on, climb aboard.

All right, good job. Ooh, wow!

You have a strong grip.

Hey! Ha ha ha! It tickles, too!

Go see chris.


He's not too steady,

But he learns this way.

They jump. They might take a tumble,

But he's doing good.

Hey, little leaper.

A baby lemur hangs on his mom's back all day.

I knew that because I'm a snow lemur,

And sensit's a lemur.

Could I really be a leaping lemur?

Their names are ring, tail, and little leaper.

We're all from madagascar. That's how I know them.

What's on your heads? You look like crown lemurs.

You mean these hats?

Why are they on your heads?

My hair's messy.

We couldn't find a brush this morning.

Messy hair? Let me see.

All right.

Ha ha! Your hair is crazy!

We look like porcupines.

Ha ha! Porcupines! Ha ha!

Bawk! They call me wiggy.

I'm all wigged out. Whoa!

The kratts have porcupine hair.

Their hair is very messy. It stands straight up.

Very funny, zob.

It's funny, but most people

Don't know what a lemur is.

People don't know lemurs?

Everybody knows lemurs.

What's a lemur?

Maybe I'm a lemur. I sure leap like one.

How can we tell people about lemurs?

They don't know us.

It's like you don't know about hats.

I know about hats! They go on your head.

Right. Only one problem.

That's not a hat.

It's not?

Martin: nope. It's a cup.

You drink out of it.


I drink mostly from leaves.

No cups for me!

So what makes a lemur a lemur?

How about this: all lemurs come from...


Yeah. We are all from madagascar.

I grew up there with my lemur family.

I am a sifaka.

That's me and my mom.

We hang upside down and play.

She gives me lemur-back rides.

All lemurs love lemur-back rides.

Why, it's little leaper's favorite thing to do.

She clings tightly.

That's in case mom jumps.

Ever jumped with a friend on your back?

Let's jump with friends on our backs!

Ha ha! Those crazy kratt brothers!

Go, kratts! They're trying to be like you.

You kratt brothers give pretty good lemur-back rides!

Martin: oh! Aah!

They need some more practice.

Chris: a ruffed lemur!

Zoboo: mangatsika!

I can't believe my mind.

A ruffed lemur can show us

Another thing that makes a lemur a lemur.

Open up and show them your toothcomb.


Those little teeth are a toothcomb.


These teeth make the toothcomb.

Lemurs use their toothcombs

To care for each other.

Red ruffed lemurs live in groups.

A lot of lemurs live in groups.

Often lemurs toothcomb each other.

That keeps them clean.

It feels good, too.

Lemurs have a natural comb in their mouths.

Lemurs are great!

How do we fix the problem

Of the world not knowing about lemurs?

We must figure something out.

That's my toothcomb.

Yeah, I see it.

Maybe that's the answer to our other problem.

What other problem?

This problem.

Oh, thatproblem.

That's messy hair.

Luckily, there are lemurs here with toothcombs.

Ready? Ahh...

Those toothcombs really work.

Ha ha!


Lemurs know how to comb hair.

Thanks. That's why our fur's so soft.

Yeah, it is really soft.

That's because lemurs take such good care of it.

We toothcomb to show other lemurs we're friends.

Martin, you're next.

Ok, you asked for it.

Ok, lemurs, it's toothcomb time.

Imagine if your lower teeth

Were like a comb.

You wouldn't need a brush.

You could brush your friends' hair

Like lemurs can.

I feel like a new lemur!

I feel like leaping.

Let's leap like lemurs.

You want to?

Feeling lemurish!

♪ I'm not different, still the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's just one thing I always do ♪

♪ I feel lemurish, how about you? ♪

♪ Lemurish

♪ I feel lemurish

♪ Lemurish

♪ I'm a leapin' lemur, I'm from madagascar ♪

Chris: let's leap like lemurs!

You can do it!

Zoboo: ♪ lemurish

♪ I feel lemurish

♪ Lemurish

♪ I'm no monkey, I'm a l-l-lemur ♪


♪ Lemurish

All this leaping reminds me of sensit in, uh...

In zobooland. Ha ha!

Zoboo, voice-over: I was leaping along--

Leap, leap, leap, leap--

When I bumped into sensit.


[Sobbing] oh, zoboo, I'm sad!

Why, sensit?

Because I don't know what I am!

I thought you were a lemur.

Well, I do have grabby hands.

And big eyes, too,

And a nose that can really smell.

I smell real good.

You have amazing ears.

Right, and I love leaping!

Let's leap together!

Zoboo, voice-over: so we spent the rest of the day

Leaping around zoboomafooasaurus,

And we had lemur fun. The end.

Leaping lemurs are great.

We have to tell people about lemurs.

What are they up to now?

Ha ha ha! They turned it on.

That's us when we were kids.

And our dog heidi.

Mom made a cake for heidi.

Zoboo: what was it made of?

Dog food. Heidi ate a dog food cake.

That was some cake.

Did she like it?

Yeah. We all had a great time.


You thinking what I'm thinking?

Yeah. Do you know?

How about a party for me? I'm a lemur!

Hold that thought.

Thought? What thought?

Martin: this thought!

Chris: over here!

Martin: to let the world know about lemurs...

We are officially declaring today

An international creature holiday.

Today is lemur day.

Both: so...happy lemur day!

Look at this.

Happy lemur day!

Zoboo: is this for us?

Yeah. It's your lemur day present.

We'll spread the word.

We'll be back.

How do we open this?

You guys go first.

This is great! This is great, huh? Mangatsika!

What a surprise! Ha ha!

Wow! Look at all this.

There's stuff for all of us.

Fruit! Wow! What a great lemur day present.


Hey, hey!


Hey, creature adventurers!

We'd like to announce a brand-new holiday!

All right!

Today is lemur day!

Happy lemur day!

Bye! We'll see you next year.

Yay! It's lemur day!

It's officially lemur day.

It feels great! How do you feel?

We're voky.

We're hanging out. It feels good.

How's little leaper doing?


Do you like your name? Yeah?

Ha ha!

It's time for them to go.

Bye, ring. Bye, tail. Bye, little leaper.

Good-bye, lemurs!

And hello?



He's not a duck. He's moonface.

He's a barn owl.

A message from jackie!

Let's see what she's doing.

Hi, guys. Jackie here.

You won't believe what happened today.

I was walking home when I saw two turtles

Walking straight for the road.

There were many cars.

One was a water turtle.

The other was a land turtle.

I wasn't going to let those turtles get hurt by a car.

I let them go in safe places.

I let the land turtle go in the woods.

I let the water turtle go in a pond.

The land turtle ate a blueberry.

The water turtle ate some grass.

That's how I helped my animal friends today.

See you later.

By the way, happy lemur day!

Thanks, jackie.

Word gets around.

We forgot to let lemursknow it's lemur day.

We have more lemurs to see.

Let's find as many as we can...

And wish them...

Happy lemur day!

Come on.

♪ They're going to the closet

♪ They're going on a trip

♪ They're going to the closet

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪

Whoa! Ow.

Ha ha.

Hey, toothcombs! We better take these.

Hurry back because I've got a surprise--

Two more super-duper visitors.

All right, zob.

♪ They're going on a cool adventure... ♪

We'll be back before time runs out.

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

[Lemur squeaking]

Did you hear that?

Yeah. There must be a lemur around here.

That's the sound of a bamboo lemur.

There he is.

[Imitates lemur]

That's a bamboo lemur.

Happy lemur day!

Martin: happy lemur day.

[Lemurs grunting]

Did you hear that?

Sounds like pigs.

Those are crowned lemurs.


You enjoying the holiday?

Her name comes from that orange crown on her head.

Happy lemur day!


Happy lemur day!

We still have some time.

Maybe we can find more lemurs.

[Lemurs cackling]

What was that?

[Lemurs cackling]

That sound is making my hair stand on end.

Sounds scary... Like a monster?

[Lemurs cackling]

Ruffed lemurs!

Ruffed lemurs are among the loudest in the world.

Now we know who's making the sound. We're not scared.

It's time for our toothcomb.

Chris: I'm glad we brought these.

Everyone should have a toothcomb.

Happy lemur day.

Happy lemur day!

Yikes! Time is almost up.

We told zoboo we'd be back to meet his visitors.

Let's get back to animal junction

Like lemurs-- by leaping.

Leap like a lemur.

Happy lemur day!

Whew! We made it!

And right on time.

Let's see who those super-duper special surprise visitors are.

Come on.

Both: whoa!

Wait a minute. I don't believe it.

Do you see what I see?

There are zoboos!




How can there be zoboos?

Zoboo: they think there are of me.

There's only one. The others are my mom and dad.

Your parents came to visit!


Meet my mom. You can call her "zoboo's mom."

You can call my dad "zoboo's dad."

Martin: nice to meet you, zoboo's mom...

Chris: and zoboo's dad.

What are they saying?

They want a snack.

I'll get something great.

More surprises! I like being a lemur.

Martin: to celebrate, I want to take a family picture.

I'll get the camera.

Chris: you have film, martin?

♪ Happy lemur day to you

♪ Happy lemur day to you

♪ Have a happy lemur day

♪ Hope your day is voky bay

♪ Have a happy lemur day to you ♪

Zoboo: that looks really yummy.

♪ Have a happy lemur day

♪ Hope your day is voky bay

♪ Have a happy lemur day to you ♪


This will make a great picture.

Say "grapes."

Zoboo and parents: grapes!

I'm going to taste this cake.

A sweet potato lemur.

Chris: how is it?


Garbanzo bean icing!


This is a great way to tell people about lemurs-- like the great snow lemur.

Ha ha!

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap, leap.

Ha ha! Hoo!

Leap, leap, leap, leap...

When I bounced into sensit.

Happy lemur day, sensit!

I finally found you. Where's snow lemur?

Hmm. I don't know.

We have to find him.

He's on mount zoboomafoo.

I can't go there. It's too cold.

You don't have to go up there.

Ahem. Hello!

Aah! Snow lemur, it's you.

Happy lemur day!

Thanks. Happy lemur day.

It's my favorite day, but I don't know how to celebrate.

I know.

Ta-da! Lemur day cake!

Let's dance on it. We'll eat it later.

Let's go.

This is the best. Yeah.

♪ Happy lemur day to you

♪ Happy lemur day to you

♪ Have a happy lemur day

♪ Hope your day is voky bay

♪ Have a happy lemur day to you ♪

Zoboo: everybody in zobooland sang and danced

Because it was a happy lemur day.

♪ Have a happy lemur day

♪ Hope your day is voky bay

♪ Have a happy lemur day to you ♪

The end.

Snow lemur? I don't think it snows in madagascar.

Happy lemur day!

We know about lemurs.

If you meet anybody from madagascar...

Like me...

Who leaps...

Like me...

Who uses toothcombs...

Like me...

You know it's...

A lemur!

Like me!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by

♪ We're glad you came

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Bye, zoboo.

Bye, zoboo's mom.

Bye, zoboo's dad.

See you next time at animal junction.

But for now...

Have a happy lemur day.

♪ Happy lemur day to you

♪ Happy lemur day to you

My name's jasmine. This is my dog lucy.

We're the kratt brothers.

Be careful around animals.

An animal can get scared of you

And try to defend herself.

Ask an adult before getting close to an animal.

Right, zoboo?

To learn more about zoboomafoo,

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Chris, I got a joke for you.

- What is it?

- What do you get when you put together

A bird, a car and a dog?

- Hmmm... Let me see.

A bird,

A car

And a dog.

I don't know zob, what?

- A flying car-pet.

- A flying carpet!

- A flying carpet because the bird flies,

And a car, and the dog is a pet.

Oh, I thought it was funny!

I'm glad somebody liked it!

- Did you know that ducks can fly

Over two thousand miles when they migrate?

- I got a joke.

Why don't ducks tell jokes when they are flying?

'Cause they would quack up!