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01x12 - Homes

Posted: 07/30/23 10:09
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Martin: how about those rapids, chris?

Whew! That was fun.

Chris: I can't wait to tell zoboo about our canoe trip.

Here we are, our home away from home.

I know that, martin.

I was talking to this apple snail.

He hitched a ride with us.

He didn't leave home because his shell ishome.

One thing an apple snail needs

Is to be put back where he belongs--

In the water with all the other snails,

Like this ram's horn snail.

Check out his cool head.

There you go.

Time to call zoboo.

Let's call zoboo like...



Let's do it.


Hey, zoboo's here!

You know zoboo.

He never talks until he's finished his snack.

Who'd you see out there?

Maybe I'll give zoboo a nut.

A nut has a shell... Like a snail.

Zoboo, I have a nut.

Zoboo loves nuts.

You want it? There you go.


When a lemur isn't eating leaves or fruit,

He's eating nuts.


Excuse me. Zoboomafoo! Ha ha!

Zoboomafoo! I love nuts.

That's because you arenuts.

You guys are, too!

We're all nuts...

Nuts about creatures.

So let's have some.


Ha ha ha!

I saw an animal who was doing something

I'd never seen anything do before.

He was chewing a tree. I couldn't believe my mind.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see?

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

He was chomping on a tree.

I'm not kidding. His teeth were huge.

And he was swimming in the water.

♪ Who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see?

♪ Oh, gatsi ga, oh, gatsi ga, animal ♪

And his tail was flat-- flat, flat, flat.

♪ Hey, who, hubba, hubba, who-ha ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey

♪ Who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see?

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A big-toothed flat-tailed tree eater.

Do you know who he is?

Martin: let's see, he has a flat tail.

He chews down trees

He's--whoa! Watch out!

A beaver!

Mangatsika. Mystery animal's here.

Zoboo: that's the tree eater.

Want to get a closer look?

Yeah, right over here.

Whoa, his fur is so thick.

That keeps him warm in the winter.

Just like our winter coats.

A beaver's fur keeps him warm in the winter and in freezing cold water.

His coat is waterproof.

I wish mine was!

Beaver's feet are funnier than martin's, even.

They're not as funny as mine.

A beaver has hind feet for swimming.

See that skin between his toes? That is webbed feet.

A beaver's feet help him glide through the water.

Zoboo: hmm. Funny webbed swimming feet.

Webbed feet are really great.

You can say that again.

A beaver's tail has scales on it, like a reptile or a fish.

An iguana's scales keep her from drying out in the sun.

She's covered with them from head to tail.

Zoboo: his tail is smushed. I bet a tree fell on it.

No, zob. That's how it is supposed to look.

Yeah. Flat like a paddle.

His tail looks like a paddle.

Why doesn't mine?

A beaver uses his tail for all sorts of amazing things,

Like you use your tail to do amazing things.

Smacking the water with his tail makes a loud noise.

That's how he tells all the other beavers danger's near.

Ok. A beaver's swimming along. He sees a predator, like a wolf,

So he slaps his tail.

That tells the other beavers to swim for cover.

Zoboo: a beaver tail-slap water fight.


Look out, zob!

I knew I'd get in the middle of this.

Here, zob, use a towel.

Oh, thanks.

Hey! Ha ha ha!

Look, look, the beaver's standing on his tail.

I can't believe my mind. Martin, look!


Now you're standing on my tail!

Sorry, zob.

It's ok.

Chris: there is another way a beaver uses his tail.

He sits up on it when he's chewing on trees

Or when he's eating corn,

But a beaver usually eats wood and bark.

Yuck! Who wants to eat wood and bark?


Bark! Bark!

Not bark like a dog's bark, bark like the bark on a tree.

One time I tried biting a tree like a beaver.

It's not easy with human teeth.

We can bite corn. It's soft.


My brother's so corny.

Ha ha ha! Corny like corn.

Everybody bite like a big-toothed beaver.

But the beaver's the only one with orange teeth.

Mangatsika. I've never seen

An animal with orange teeth.

What about me?

It's an orange peel,

But a beaver really has orange teeth.

Hey, chris, your teeth are very appealing.

Get it? "A peeling."

Beavers teeth are orange

Because they don't have this white enamel covering their teeth.

That's the stuff you brush.

Zoboo: he's chewing again.

He can't chew here. If he does...

He'll wreck somebody's home.

A bird made a nest here.

A bird's nest is a safe home for her babies.

It's where she brings them food.

He's gobbling that whole worm...whole!

Chris: hey, don't chew here, buddy.

Whoa, he's heavy.

A beaver can weigh as much as you do.

A beaver is a big little creature with a huge urge to chew.

I hope he doesn't chew anywhere else--whoa!

Zoboo: you're all wet now and muddy.

Nice one, chris.


Mud baths are like jelly baths in zobooland.

I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap.

Leap, leap, leap.

When I landed in a big puddle of goobleberry jelly.

It felt squishy and gooey,

And it tasted good.

And then I noticed I wasn't alone.

Whoa! Wha--

Hi, green puppy.

Hi, zoboo.

Green puppy lives in goobleberry puddles

Because she likes goobleberry baths.

Goobleberry-jelly bath, what a splash.

She said splash, so I splashed her.

And she splashed me back.

Goobleberry baths are fun but also very messy.

Ha ha ha! Uh-oh. Here comes gooble.

Goobleberry jelly! Oh, boy!

Bye-bye, puddle.

He sucked up all the goobleberry jelly.

Sorry, green puppy. I sucked up your home again.

I'll find a new puddle.

The end.

Hey, guys.

He chewed on the tree.

You can't chew here. This is a flying squirrel's home.

Her babies are inside the tree in their nest.

Why's he chewing on everyone's home?

That's it! The beaver is chewing on these trees and posts

So can build his lodge.

Lodge. Of course.

What's a lodge?

A lodge is a beaver's home.

It looks like a pile of sticks, but there are rooms inside.

Oh! Does that mean the beaver's going to build his lodge here?

Not likely. A beaver builds his home--


Beavers build lodges near running water.

Beavers feel safe in the water.

I bet they feel even safer in their lodge,

But how do they build it?

After they chew down trees, they carry branches to the spot they picked

Then they put them into a big pile.

Then they go underwater and chew their way through the branches,

Making a hollow that turns into a cozy home.

That's why the beaver was chewing up everything.

He was looking for wood to build his lodge.

I'm feeling beaverish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel beaverish, how 'bout you ? ♪

♪ Beaverish, I feel beaverish ♪

Ha ha! ♪ Beaverish

♪ I'm a bucktoothed beaver chompin' on a tree ♪

Eee. Eee.


Hey, guys. Do you see that?

He could have chewed right through animal junction!

Chris! Martin!

But, guys, guys, I can't believe my mind.

What's going on?

The beaver. He took your paddle.

I bet he was using it to build his home.



Hi, moonface. Did you know a beaver's home is called a lodge?

A message from jackie!


Bluebirds are so pretty,

But do you think he'll fly around forever?

I don't think so.

Bluebirds live in holes in dead trees.

But sometimes they can't find one,

So my friends and I built a bluebird box.

She likes it. She really likes it.

Bluebirds need more homes so they'll never, ever disappear from the creature world.

A beaver...with a paddle?

Are you guys missing a paddle?

Our paddle!

Let's follow that beaver to his house.


Yeah, lodge.

We can help build the lodge.

To the closet!

♪ They're goin' to the closet, they're goin' on a trip ♪

♪ They're goin' to the closet to grab their stuff and split ♪


Yeah. I got my goggles!

And I have these web-footed flippers

Because most of the lodge is underwater.

♪ They're goin' on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet, and they're headed out the door ♪

Bye, guys.bye, zob!

Hey, chris, look.

Wow! It's a box turtle.


This box turtle is like the snail.

They both have shells for homes.

Her shell is really hard.

That keeps her safe.

She puts her head and feet into her shell, and she disappears.

She's the best hide-and-seek player around.

And then when she feels the coast is clear,

She takes off.

Let's get going to the lodge.

To the lodge! Let's find that beaver.

Chris, you see any sign of him?

Not yet.

Where could he be?

Martin, look, a hole in the ground.

That must be somebody's home.

A chipmunk. She's looking for acorns to eat.

She puts it in her cheek and takes it home.

We are finding a lot of animal homes today.

This is great. Whoa!

Hey, chris, I think we're on the right track.

Look at this--a beaver chewed this tree.

We're headed in the right direction.

To the beaver lodge!

Our bikes! They're under the tree!

Let's ride.

I think we found it. Listen.

[Water rushing]

That sound is running water.

Beavers live around lakes, streams, and ponds.

We must be close. Let's go.

I don't see the beaver lodge!

Must be around here somewhere.


What's wrong, chris?

I guess we don't need baths today.

Hey, there's the beaver

And the beaver lodge!

Beavers are great swimmers. They have see-through eyelids.

That's how they can see underwater while they're building their lodge.

We can see underwater, too, if we wear our goggles.

And we can swim fast like a beaver with our flippers.

Flippers have webbing,

Just like a beaver's feet.

Let's swim with the beaver.

Look, he's carrying another tree branch to add to his lodge.

This is great.

Now he's heading back for another branch.

Let's do what we came for--help the beaver build his lodge.

When it gets cold, this mud will get as hard as cement.

Twigs and sticks help make the lodge really strong.

And the paddle...

The paddle!

He did use it for his lodge.

Should we take it with us?

Let's leave it.

Let's head back to animal junction.

The beaver's going to be pretty cozy in his new lodge.

Zoboo: how's that, eagle?

Did zoboo say beagle?

He said eagle.

It's a bald eagle!

Bald eagles are one of the largest raptors in north america.

Martin, look what she built.

What a home!

Hi, guys. We're bald eagles.

You're right. You are.

You bald eagles make the largest nests in the world.

And you need to.

With a big baby like an eaglet, you need lots of space.

She's a bald eagle, but she isn't really bald.

She's only called bald because her head is white.

Just like mine!

Here's a bald creature--

Their whole body is bald.

Bald is beautiful.

She's using her beak to put down twigs.

Let's help her.

No. You got to use your beak.

Ok. Yeah.

Whoops. I need a little practice with my beak.

I'm going to put mine right here.

I'll get more twigs.

Look at these wings. Bald eagles have a -foot wingspan.

Wide wings help a bald eagle soar high in the sky,

But an eaglet needs practice.

When she's about weeks old,

She does a lot of wing flapping to strengthen her muscles.

More twigs coming up.

Thanks, chris.

Zoboo: can I have a twig?

Oh, that's excellent. Excellent.

All right, zob.

Nice placement.

Some birds are amazing nest builders,

But few are more amazing than the weaver,

Who takes grass and makes a basket nest for his babies.

Watch how he weaves that piece of grass like he's sewing.

And check out these termites.

They're building a humongous mound out of mud and termite spit.

You know what? I helped a friend make a home in zobooland.

Ha ha!

I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap, leap,

When I bumped into noggendrill.

Hello, noggendrill.

Ouch! Ooh.

Hello, zoboo. Have you seen a home that I can live in?

There's a hole. How about that?


Bwack! No! My home! My home!

This is already taken by wiggy waxwing.

Every home I find is already taken.

You make your own home, noggendrill.

Just use your head.




How's your hole, noggendrill?

It's perfect. Thanks. Come on in.



The end.

That was great to teach noggendrill how to make a home.

Yeah. Well, he especially needed one.

Hmm? Wait! Where you going?

Come back.

She'll be back.

Eagles use the same nests year after year after year after year--

For years.

I like things best about today.

What was your favorite part?

I liked when we found the beaver.

There's the beaver and the lodge!

My extra favorite part was eating corn with the beaver.

My favorite part was when we rode our bikes into the pond.

What? Tell me again.

My favorite part was when we rode our bikes into the pond.

You guys are silly.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by

♪ We're glad you came

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today, yeah! ♪

The beaver's back. Think he's been chewing on anything else?

I don't know. Your shoelace is untied.



He must have chewed on that chair.


I guess the beaver's back for more wood.

Now I have to get back to my trees.

Ok. See you later, zoboomafoo.

Bye, guys!

Bye, buddy!

We better get home, too.

Yeah. Mom's making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

See you next time!

See you later, beaver. Help yourself to the wood.

Hi. My name is claudia, and these are my pet goats.

They're both one month old.

Pets are great animal friends.

But some like to play and be petted...

Others are shy and can get scared.

You should only go near an animal when an adult says it's ok, right?

Now for some jokes to learfrom zoboomafoo... M

Did you know that skunks actually do handstands

When they spray their skunk stink?

These baby skunks are practicing their handstands.

- They're doing pretty good.

I bet they'll be really stinky when they get big.

Hey martin!

Why are skunks so smart?

- Why zob?

- Because they have lots of sense.

Stinky sense.

Stinky sense! Ha ha!

Stinky sense!

Ha I like that!

- Did you know that a baby chick has a special tip

On the end of her beak called an egg tooth?

That helps her crack out of her egg.

- That reminds me of a joke.

Hey chris?

- Yeah zob?

- What did one egg say to another egg?

- I don't know! What?

- Get cracking!