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03x10 - Zou gets framed

Posted: 07/30/23 11:27
by bunniefuu
(bird chirping)

♪ Say hey say hi Say how do you do ♪

♪ To a fine young zebra By the name of Zou ♪

♪ Oh oh oh Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Meet Mom and Dad Nanna too ♪

♪ Grandma Grandpa All of you ♪

♪ Oh oh oh Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪


♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪

♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪


- A little more to the left.

(effort grunts)

No, no a bit more to the right.

(giggling, piano scraping)

The place is as sparkling as a new pin!

- Well, I'm glad you approve.


Just as long as you don''t want me to move

the piano again.



- These frames, Nanna,

did they have some of your paintings in them?

- Oh, I gave up painting a long time ago, Zou.

- Well, in that case, we''ll take these away for you.

- Oh, please do.

I'll be glad to see the back of them.

They've been taking up space in my cupboard for far too long.


Thank you both for all your hard work.

I'm going to listen to ladies hour now.

- Yes, Nanna. You relax.


- Good idea, Zou.

You think on your feet, like me!

(bright music)



- Oh, hello!

We've just dropped by to remind everyone

about our event this week.

Art in the modern world!

- Ah yes, yes, it's a date.


Oh, they're Nanna's castoffs.

You're welcome to them for your gallery.

- Thank you, but I don't think they're our kind of thing.

- Oh well, no problem.

They're going into my shed for now.

- Are you two ready yet? Your tea's getting cold.


(bright music)

- You know, Grandpa,

if we cleaned these up a bit,

I could start my own gallery.

- Oh, that's a good idea, Zou.

- I'm going to paint some new pictures,

just for these frames!


That should do it, Poc!

I'll be able to do some cool pictures now.


(Grandpa humming)

Hmm, I'll make a picture for this one first.

(Grandpa chuckling)







(Poc chirping)

What do you think, Poc? Do you like them?

(excited chirping)


Glad you do, Poc.

I don't think they're very good.

- Well, I think this is lovely!

- Oh!

- Oh, and this one too.

Oh, they're all good, Zou!


- I really don't like them much at all, Grandpa.

- Even famous artists have their off days, Zou.

Sometimes a change of scene

gives you a different view on things.

- Really?

- Absolutely.

I''m sure if you do something else for a while,

you''ll feel better.

- But what should I do

if I don''t want to paint?

- Hmm, well...

cleaning up the frames might be just the thing

to help you feel more creative!

What do you think?

- Alright, Grandpa! I guess I can try.

- This polish will clean up the frame a treat, Zou.

- Thanks, Grandpa!



I think you need a change of pace.

Why not help me in the garden for a bit?

- Alright, Grandpa.

(effort grunts)

- Right, Zou.

We're going to mix this sand in with the soil.

Sand is very good for my vegetable patch.

It makes the soil drain water better.


(effort grunts)

- This is fun, Grandpa.

It's taking my mind off painting.



- Never mind, Zou.

It'll do for compost.

- Oh, that's a pretty colour.

It would look nice on a picture frame!

Oh... But it's sand.

- Ah, but we can use it as paint!

In fact, sand painting is a wonderful idea!

- Do I have to squash more beetroot

to get the colour?


- Oh no, Zou.

Mr. Zoey will have everything we need.

Come on, let's go and see him!

No time like the present!

- You'll have fun with those today, Zou.

What are you going to paint?

- Sand!

- Sand?

- Yes! Can we have these too?

- Right

-o! We'll take all these

powdered paints please, Mr. Zoey.

That should cover the cost.

- Thank you! Enjoy the sand painting, Zou.

Have fun!

- See, Zou?

Shaking the sand and paint powder together

colours the sand.

- Oh, that's clever, Grandpa!


- You try it, Zou.

It''s easy to do.


And try this one, Zou.

- Thanks, Grandpa!

(excited chirping)

- Right

-o, Zou. Now for another fun bit!

We just need to put glue on the frame first.

And now you pour on the sand paint!

- Alright, here goes!

Like this, Grandpa?


- That's perfect!

See, Zou, we can use the bits that fall off another time.

And then you''re left with...

- Oh, wow!

Grandpa! The sand paint stuck to the frame!

- That's right!


And I've only put the glue in places on here,

so you can add different colours later.

- That's brilliant, Grandpa!

Orange would look nice too!

- Orange it is, Zou!

You give the pot a shake, and I'll put on more glue.

(bright music)


Oh, careful!

- I love this, Grandpa!

- Yes, Zou, I'm having fun too.


Let's see how many different styles we can do.

- Grandpa, they look really good.

- Hmm...

Yes, but they look a bit empty.

I know what to do.

(chuckling) What do you think?

I think the orange in the frame looks lovely

with the butterfly!

- You're right, Grandpa.

It looks nice.

- Oh, Poc thinks so!


Now, that gives me an idea.

(Zelda): Yoo


Only us!

- Hi!

- Hello!

- Hello, I... We...

Well, we



- We thought we could

take those frames off your hands after all.

- Yes, some of ours have got broken in storage,

so it would be great if we could take yours.

- Oh, I''m sorry.

- Oh...

- ...but you're too late.

- Oh!

- Follow me, and all will be revealed.

(bright music)

- Ooh...

- Hmm...

- Oh!

- Ah!

- Well, I never!

What is on those frames?

- Oh! Yes, what is that?

- Sand paint!

- My, what a clever idea.

They look wonderful!

- I agree.

I've been watching from upstairs.

It's lovely to see my old frames looking so pretty.

- Yes, well done, Zou.

Great frames, great pictures.

I'm sure you have a future as an artist.

- Thank you, Uncle Zavier.

but I don''t think you would've said that earlier today.

- Why not, Zou?

- I wasn''t having a good day

and didn''t like what I painted.

I thought I''d never want to paint again.

- Ah, yes, but then I told you

that even the best artists

have days when they don''t want to paint.

- Oh, that''s so true!

Zigmund and Zoroaster are just like that sometimes.

- Yes, and then they go off and do something else!

And when they come back to their painting,

they feel better.

- Just like I did!

- Exactly, Zou.

And the end result is wonderful!

Look what you''ve done to those old frames.

And your pictures are super!

- They certainly are wonderful, Bizou.

- Indeed they are.

I''m a very proud dad.

- Thanks, Mum! Thanks, Dad!

- And I''m a very proud Nanna.

(laughing) Yes, Zou!

You certainly have your talent for painting from someone!

But not from me!

(all laughing)

- Nanna!