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03x01 - On Thin Ice

Posted: 06/12/13 03:33
by bunniefuu
[ growls, buzzes ]

[ whirring ]

[ whirring continues ]

Dad, it's Diego. Weaver: What?

Don't you worry, baby bear.

We'll get him safe and sound.

Matt, you about ready, soldier?

Yes, sir.

[ wire snaps ]

[ device beeps ]

[ device beeps ]

Come on, Matt.

[ device beeps ]

[ heavy footsteps approach ]

[ device beeps ]

That's the way to get it done, son.

That's the way to get it done.


Alpha-Alpha... Phase one complete.

You stand by...



[ roars ]

Let's go! Let's go!

[ screeches ]

[ whirring ]

[ roars, whirs ]

[ screeches ]

Ready, newbie? Yep.

Locked and loaded!


[ screeches ]

[ indistinct yelling ]

Nice one, Benji.

Stop calling me that.

[ chuckles ]

You love it.

No, I hate it. No, you love it.

[ breathing heavily ]

Diego! Diego! It's Jeanne!

Don't you recognize me?

He doesn't. Trust me.

We have to get him in the truck now.

Man: Yes, sir.

[ engine running ]

[ engine shuts off ]

That was easy.

Yeah. Piece of cake. Button it, the both of you.

Aw, come on, Cap. The fat lady just sang.

[ g*n cocks ]

Let's celebrate.

It's colonel now, Pope.

And, besides, it ain't over until --

[ whirring and roaring ]

It's over.

♪ Falling Skies 3x01 ♪
On Thin Ice
Original Air Date on June 9, 2013

Take cover!

Come on!

Behind you!


What the hell is that?!

[ indistinct yelling ]

[ screeching, hissing ]


[ screaming ]

Wait for it! Fire!


[ screeching, hissing ]

[ screaming continues ]

[ screeches, growls ]

[ screeching, hissing ]

I'm out of a*mo!

I'm out! I'm out!

[ rocket whistles ]

[ horses neigh ]

Oh, I got to get me one of those.

Come on, Matt.

Let's go see your dad. Jeanne.

[ Chittering ]

[ Sighs ]

Everything secure, Colonel? More or less.

Wasn't the easy mission we thought it was gonna be.


No, we were compromised, damn it. There's no denying it.

We were like fish in a barrel for those damn Mega-Mechs or whatever the hell they were.

Looks like the Espheni have got more up their sleeve than we realized.

What do you say we get the hell out of here before they figure out what happened?

Copy that...Sir.

Tom: Great job, everybody!

[ Heroic music plays ]

What do you say we all go home?

Let's move out!

[ Woman speaks indistinctly over P.A. system ]

Glad to see you made it back in one piece...Mr. President.

Please don't call me that.

That's what you are, sir.

And I'm begging you not to go off on any more missions.

It's, uh... It's too dangerous. Thank you, General.

I've been trying to tell him that for months.

Miss Peralta. Professor Mason.

For once, I agree with General Bressler here.

The deal, as I recall, was that, if elected, I wouldn't be stuck behind a desk or called President.

Yes, but that's the - fight.

We all fight until the last damn alien occupier is off the planet.

I don't think I can be any clearer than that.

No, sir.

I want all key military personnel to meet in the w*r room in one hour.

Yes, sir.

How about Anne? Any word from her yet?

I think I would have led with that, no?

I suppose you would have.

How about Arthur? How's he holding up?

Professor Manchester? Happy as a clam, doing what he loves best -hairing committee meetings.

Better him than me, that's for sure.

Matt, great job out there.

Yes, sir. I couldn't have done it without him.

Yeah, but --

Hey, no buts about it, son. You were outstanding.

It's just -- I wish I could have gotten in a k*ll or two.

That's all. Hey, Matt!

Let's go! Hang on.

See you, dad and Colonel Weaver.


See you in the w*r room, Dan, in about an hour?

You can count on it, Tom -h, sir, Professor -r. President.

What exactly am I supposed to call you now?

"Tom" will do. Nothing's changed, Dan.

Oh, I'd say, in these past seven months, plenty has changed.


[ Grunts ]


Don't worry, hot wheels.

We'll make sure we don't drop you on your head.

Just be careful, okay? Tom: You got him?

Yep. We're good.

[ Grunts ]

Oh, yeah. [ Sighs ]

Yeah, okay.

[ Grunts ]

All right, boys.

Don't mess with me now.

I am mobile.

[ Chuckles ]

We really got our tails caught in it back there, didn't we, Dad?

Not the best place to talk about it, Son.

Yes, sir. All right, girl.

I'll race you back to the barracks.

You're on.

Ben, we could use your help in the infirmary with those harnessed kids.

Of course. We just need to wrap up here.

All right. I'll see you there. What?

You and your boys --

"The fighting Masons."

Oh, it's just - think it's cute.

So this is the new order, huh?

The Mason administration -riend to all...

Any old alien that just happens to blow into our camp.

You say the word, boss.

Mexico is looking better to me every day.

I need to work on my tan. What do you say, chief?

Not gonna be any better down there -- I don't think so.

Look, we got alien battalions just looking to fry our ass.

To hell with this.

I'm gonna go begin my beer therapy a little bit early.

I'll be in the nest.


Come on. Come on.

Are we almost ready, Dr. Glass?

[ Sighs ]

Just about.

[ Sighs ]

You remember Diego?

Of course I do. He's gonna be fine.

Let's go. Grab his neck.

[ Machine whirring ]

Fortunately, the harness hasn't been on Diego very long, so this should be a fairly quick procedure with a short recovery.

Jeanne: And it'll be completely removed?

Mm-hmm. Completely, painlessly, and without side effects.

[ Electricity crackling ]

[ Crackling continues ]



Got it.

Extracting now.

Hold tight.

[ Crackling and screeching ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Screeching continues ]

Yes. All clear. Coming in.


Got it. You got a tray?

He's gonna be fine, Jeanne.

We're just gonna take him to a recovery area.

Prep the next patient. Yeah.

Welcome back.

[ Exhales deeply ]

It's good to be back.

Marina. Dr. Glass.

So, can I talk you into sticking around for awhile -t least until our baby is born?

Uh, I think I can arrange that.

What about you? Why are you still working so close?

I hardly have a choice.

I'm the only one the aliens taught to work this machine.

Still -rofessor.

One second. Just take it easy, okay?

I promise.

Okay. See you later.


Man: Ten-hut! Sorry I'm late.

As you were, gentlemen.

Somebody mind telling me what our alien friend Cochise is doing here?

The Volm are our allies, and they deserve to have a voice in any assessment of our missions.

As my son Hal just pointed out, we got our tails caught in it... Big time.

Is that a fair assessment, Colonel?

Fair enough, yes. It had nothing to do with Colonel Weaver's meticulous planning.

It sure seemed to me like they knew we were coming.

Damn straight. Walked right into it.

First time ever on one of these missions we were ambushed.

What are you saying, Tom?

We got some kind of an infiltrator, some kind of spy?

A damn traitor?

This is the possibility we have to consider.

Weaver: And in this age of alien doodads -ye worms and the like -t could be anybody in the city of Charleston.

Or any thing.

I mean, we have Skitters camped right next to us, walking around our city like nobody's business.

Rebel Skitters -oyal to the cause.

Skitters nonetheless, sir, who, not too long ago, were indiscriminately k*lling humans at the bidding of their masters.

Many of them have died side by side with humans, General.

They have given us no cause to doubt their loyalty.

Gents. Gents.

Can an old soldier put his two cents worth in here?

Please do.

One year ago, if you'd asked me what our chances were to win this fight, I'd have said slim to none.

Now it's seven months down the track, and we've done more than just stick the occasional finger in the enemy's eye. We've put a hurt on him.

Yes, but in the long run, you are not gonna get a--

General, let me finish my thought.

In fact, it's so effective that the enemy has had to resort to espionage as a counter.

And in my opinion, that's good news.

Cochise: Thank you, General.

I am pleased to hear you say that, and I agree with you wholeheartedly.

It is indeed most

I beg your pardon.

Is it not an appropriate moment in which to comment?

It's quite appropriate. Please continue.

Not only have the Espheni resorted to espionage, as General Porter has pointed out, but they have been forced to deploy their superior terrain droids, usually reserved for more technologically advanced forces.

You have unnerved the Espheni, sir - worthy and unique accomplishment, I assure you.

But there's been no decisive battle!

But the Espheni know and understand large offensives, General.

What bedevils them is our consistent skirmishing.

[ Scoffs ]

That makes no logical sense.

Well, human logic is to be discarded when at w*r with extraterrestrial beings.

[ Sighs ]

Well, we still have this damn mole to deal with, no matter what.

[ Sighs ] Agreed.

[ Clears throat ] I suggest that we appoint Arthur Manchester to head an investigation. Seriously?

He's got a head for these things.

And he's the only one that didn't have any prior knowledge to the planning of the mission.

[ Sighs ]

Thank you, gentlemen.

[ Breathing heavily ]

I'm glad you came, Hal.

I wasn't sure you got my message.

Loud and clear.

[ Both sighing ]

Hal, I've missed you so much.

I've missed you more than you can ever imagine.

[ Both breathing heavily ]

Another nightmare?

Do you remember what it was about?


[ Breathing heavily ]

Well, it's got to be something to make you wake up in a cold sweat.

I said I don't remember.

Okay? Okay.

[ Sighs ]

[ Groaning ]

Maybe you can talk to someone at the clinic about it.

I don't need to talk to anyone about it, okay?

What I need is my wheelchair...

Which someone put all the way on the other damn side of the room.

[ Breathing heavily ]

What are we doing today? Another crazy day.

Citizens' forum in two days?

That's right.

[ Munches ]

Public works committee?

That's -hat's Arthur's.

Not since you put Dr. Manchester in charge of this secret investigation you have going.

I'm sure the rumor is already out that we have a spy.

They are, so be prepared for the forum to be less than fun.

Hello, Ben. Denny. Got a minute?

Sure I do. What's up?

The leader of the rebel Skitters is requesting a meeting with you.

Did he say what it was about?

Just that he'd like you to come to their camp tonight.

He can't come here?

They don't feel comfortable within the city limits.

'Cause of the anti-Skitter talk.

Anti-Skitter talk?

Fine. Tell him Colonel Weaver and I will come see him tonight when I get free here.

We'll tell him, Dad. Thanks.


[ Coughs ]

He's doing much better.

I think so.


[ Chuckles softly ]

Yeah, I mean, four months ago, he couldn't move.

Considering that, he's come a very long way.

And he's got the right attitude, you know?

He certainly is working hard.

I know.

It's just...

I mean, he's putting up a good front and all, but...

He's been having these nightmares the past few weeks.

Bad ones.

And he won't tell me what they are, but...

I can tell they're freaking him out.

Well, like Dr. Glass said, there's nothing physically wrong with him.

But something is wrong with him.

Something happened to him.

I think it's something she did to him.



[ Sighs ] I'm not saying it's not possible.

But we examined him thoroughly...

As best we can, anyway.

I know.

And we didn't find anything.

I know. Yeah.

Thank God he's had you these past seven months, though, Maggie.

He never would have made it without you.

Hey, good-looking.

You want to dance?

[ Breathing deeply ]

Look, I just want to say, um...

I'm sorry for acting like such a --


Yeah. That.

All is forgiven.

[ Both chuckle softly ]

Get back to work.

Yes, ma'am.

I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am that you agreed to meet with me, Anthony.

Well, I don't know how much help I can be, sir, but Professor Mason did ask me to meet with you, and, well, here I am meeting.

[ Sighs ]

I'm given to understand that you worked for the Boston Police Department prior to the invasion. Yes, sir.

Five years in blue.

Five years undercover narcotics.

Impressive. Thanks. I guess.

We have a situation - bad situation.

You mean with the spy.

You know about it?

[ Chuckling ] There isn't a soul in Charleston that doesn't.

And, frankly, people are pretty upset about it.

Well, I've been tasked with the job of investigating the mole, and, frankly, I could use someone with experience.

I'm not sure if busting a couple of small-time drug dealers qualifies me for espionage work, Dr. Manchester. do you know

I'm not the spy?

Well, I don't, actually.


...I'll tell you why I'm not the spy.


It's the first thing you look for.

What in the hell would my motive be for helping the same bugs I've been trying to k*ll for two years?

I see your point.

[ Sighs ] Uh, there... are some files that I would like you to take a look at.

And here's the list.

There are a lot of names here that I recognize...

[ Chuckling ]

Some I know really well...

[ Sighs ]

Fought side-by-side with.

Yes, I'm afraid so.

What do you need me for?

Because I've got about 50 possible suspects on that list, and to be candid, I could use some help narrowing it down.

[ Chittering ]

Thank you for coming on such short notice, Professor, Colonel Weaver.

Tom: You said you had something important to tell us?

We have received reports that the Espheni are once again preparing a major offensive against Charleston.

Weaver: Let them try.

They failed the past three times.

I agree. Thanks to the Volm, our defenses are stronger than ever.

Suddenly they want to attack us?

Gluttons for punishment, I guess.

They have put them behind schedule.

The Espheni do not like their timetables disrupted.

Glad to know we've been making it tough for them.

True, but it bears repeating that the humans are not the ultimate target -he Volm are, and their troop ships are heading toward your planet.

To destroy the Espheni?

So they say.

[ Chitters ]

Thank you for the advance warning.

We'll discuss the strategy and inform you of our plan.

As always, we're standing by to assist, Professor.

There is one more thing.

A new overlord has replaced the one k*lled by you.

It is rumored to be even more dangerous and ruthless than its predecessor.

That's hardly surprising.

Ordinarily, I would agree, except that this particular overlord is human.


[ Chitters ]



What are you doing?

You fell asleep on top of the bed with all your clothes on.

Oh, I was trying to sneak in a nap.

[ Sighs ] It's been a long couple of days.

I bet.

[ Sighs ]

25 kids de-harnessed -ot one complication.

That's got to feel good.

It does. A lot.

[ Sighs ]

I only wish we had the Volm's technology a couple years ago -o many children lost.

[ Sighs ]

How are you?

How is your day going?

The same -- crazy.

[ Chuckles ]

Miles to go before I sleep, I'm afraid.


[ Sighs ] This is Marina and her scheduling neurosis.

This isn't Marina.

Somebody needs to stop telling her to play White House.

White House and the president have 20 square blocks.

[ Sighs ]

Charleston's growing.

Refugees are coming in every day.

There's got to be a feeling of safety and security... or it will all end up in chaos.

I never thought I'd say this, but I miss being on the road, being chased by Skitters.

It seems like we had more time together.

I know.

I'll see you later.

[ Sighs ]

It's just something he needs.

Hey. Hi.

You want to grab a bite to eat?

Someone opened this shawarma stand in Pope town I've been dying to try.

I'm sure we could barter a couplf house calls for a meal or two.

Honestly, I'm beat.

I'm gonna check on that appendectomy in bed 17 and then crash in my bed like a 10-ton weight.

I totally get it. Rain check, then?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Hey, got it. No, I got it.


My water broke.

Dad, Anne's having the baby --now.

[ Panting ]

Tom, I think I've done it. Done what, Arthur?

Narrowed the list down to a dozen possible suspects.

Now, you're not gonna believe it, but --

Uh, I-I can't talk right now.

Anne's having the baby.

Oh. Oh. It can wait.

It can wait.

A militia group from Wisconsin spotted your camp when they were crossing over the Black Hills in Kentucky.

Kentucky? Really? Mm. [ Sighs ]

We've been trying to rescue as many of the harnessed kids as we can ever since the new aliens provided us with technology to safely remove the harness.

Did you know I'd be there?

Every camp we went to, I looked for you.

This time, I got lucky.

Is that their place -he new aliens?

That's it. How many are there?

20, 25.

No one knows for sure, since they mostly stay in their bunker or whatever they call it.

Where did they come from?

Not exactly sure.

They told us their planet had been invaded, same as us.

For hundreds of years, they've been chasing the overlords, trying to liberate planets they've tried to destroy.

Do you trust them?

Well, it's because of them Charleston is safe.

They've given us new weapons and strategies.

It's hard not to believe what they say is true.

Who can argue with winning?

But do you trust them?

[ Sighs ]

They're aliens.

Who's to say they're any better than the Overlords -r worse?

Curfew is not for another half an hour.

I want to show you the horses.

Denny: So, he's a Butler?

Ben: Right. From 19th-century England?

Yes. Fighting what?

Grim reapers? With his 10-year-old master?

He's 12. Look, it's Manga.

It's weird, is what it is.

Give me some plain old superhero any old day.

No, no, no. You can't compare comic books to Manga.

Says who?

[ Rock music playing ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Call, raise, or fold -hat's it gonna be, sweetcakes?


[ Laughs ]

Yes. Yes, Jim. I'm telling you!

It was either the lobsters or the elephant men.

Either one of them could have tipped off the fishheads.

That's what I'm hearing.

Now, we should be kicking them both out of town right now.

What are we waiting -ars, my boy.

Listen, I know you've had a long and hard day in the trenches.

You mind if I offer just one small, little piece of advice?

What? Shut up! All right?

Keep that kind of stuff you're talking way down inside that thick skull of yours, all right?

Save it for your memoirs.

So, what -- are you an alien lover now, Pope?

You got all the answers, huh? That it?

You got all the smarts, is that right?


Tell you what. I'll buy you a drink.

Huh? On the house.

Everybody! Chill out!

All good things can be had right here at the nest!


[ Cheering ]

Lyle, do me a favor and buy those boys a round on me, all right?

The cheap stuff. Keep an eye on them, as well.

You got it, boss. Thank you.

[ Exhales deeply ]

You should get some sleep.

I'm fine. No, you're not.

[ Creaking ]

Hal: We miss it?

[ Sighs ]

No. Just my water broke.


[ Sighs ]

W-what? Geez.

Sorry. I thought she was having a baby.

That's fine, Matt.

[ Breathes deeply ]

You guys, it's gonna be a long night -- trust me.

Tom: We could be here for awhile.

Might be a good time to break out the old --

Monopoly. I'll go get the board.


It's kind of a Mason family tradition.

[ Chuckling ] Okay.

Oh, I didn't even hear you come in.

Is it that time already?

So it's you?

[ Footsteps approach ]


Look, I'm no ballistics expert...

But it's a safe bet Dr. Manchester was shot with a g*n modified with Volm tech.

That narrows it down to the military.

We're the only ones with access to the modified weapons.

We should at least make sure all those are accounted for.

Yes, sir.

This is my doing.

No. Hell no, Tom.

You're not responsible for this.

Arthur claimed he was getting close -hat he narrowed down the list of suspects.

That is possible, I suppose, but if he wrote it down...

It's not here.

Which means his k*ller took it with him, which means he must have been close.

Too close, I'm afraid.

Dr. Manchester was basically a good man...

Sometimes misguided...

But his heart was always in the right place.

Anthony, I'm gonna need your help to get to the bottom of this.

If this is the work of the spy, we need to know who -- and fast.

I'll do my best, but I don't have much to go on -ust that list that Dr. Manchester gave me.

That's a start.

General Porter. Sir.

Coordinate with General Bressler.

I want a full vetting of all military personnel.

Yes, sir. Keep Ms. Peralta in the loop.

It probably doesn't need to be said, but I'll say it anyway -e need to find this bastard before anybody else gets m*rder*d and any other mission gets compromised.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm about to become a father.

[ Screams ]

Okay, come on, Anne.

One more big push, okay?

[ Screams ]

Oh. [ Sighs ]

[ Baby crying ]

[ Laughs, cries ]

It's a girl.

[ Laughs ]

It's...a girl.

Oh. Come here. Oh.

[ Sniffles ]

Oh, hi, baby. Oh, baby.

[ Laughing ]

Look at you.

Oh, hi.

Oh. [ Laughs ]

Tom: Before we begin the traditional citizens' forum, I hope you'll allow me to announce the arrival of our newest citizen to the new United States --

Alexis Denise Glass-Mason.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you.

We also lost a good man this week -- Arthur Manchester, whose legacy will live on forever right here with us -he citizens of Charleston.

He is just the latest casualty in a w*r that's already claimed more than we can count.

Our enemy is hell-bent on our destruction.

They will accept nothing less than our complete and utter annihilation.

For two long years, we have suffered at the hands of our oppressors, and yet, against all odds, we have survived.

And in these last seven months, we are finally winning!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Our alien allies, the Volm, have given us superior weapons.

They've given us hope. They've given us encouragement.

But our real w*apon...

The w*apon that will ultimately gain us victory is the strength and tenacity of the human spirit.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Mexico, boss -'m telling you.

We ought to be headed for Mexico.

Lyle, have you ever known me not to have a plan?

No. Guess not.

[ Breathing heavily ]

I don't understand. What am I doing here?

What are you doing here?

All I ever wanted was for us to be together.

I've never stopped thinking about you, even after the transformation.


When I became one of them.

You did something to me.

I planted a probe... in your cerebral cortex.

A simple device, really.


So we'll be connected to each other always.

No. No, no. It's not right.

It is right.

We were meant to be together.


I woke up paralyzed from the neck down.

That was you... fighting the probe.

You can walk now, don't you see?


'Cause this is a dream.

Who cares if it's a dream or not, Hal?

This... all that matters.

[ Whirring ]

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.

I...I've been saving this for a special occasion or something.

Well, anyway. Should be good.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

Thanks, Dan. That means a lot.

[ Sniffs ]

Have a seat.

You want scotch?

Oh. Well, I won't say no to that.

[ Scotch pouring ]

Thank you.

To you and to Anne.

To the future.


That's good.

Arthur certainly knew his scotch.

You ever wish that we'd left when we said we were going to?

You remember?

Before these damn Volm landed?

[ Chuckles ]

Sometimes, yeah.

Mm, but...

I know.

I know.

[ Clicks tongue ]


You mind if I just directly speak my mind?

I've never known you to do otherwise.

This alliance that you've created with this new set of aliens -, for one, think what they're selling us is a load of crap.

Yeah, I get the impression you've the felt that way... over the last seven months.

I mean, what are we doing here?

What are we really doing?

We're winning... Dan, pure and simple.

And we've got Cochise and the Volm to thank for it.

[ Sighs ] And, uh, you honestly think that after the Overlords are wiped out, these guys are gonna just -hat?

I don't have any illusions about our allies if that's what you're getting at.

Well, that's exactly what I'm getting at, Tom, with all due respect.

You think Roosevelt and Churchill wanted to work with Stalin?

They knew what he was about.

They needed him to win the w*r.

[ Sighs ]

This is our w*r, Tom.

It's a human w*r.

[ Sighs ]

And the minute we start forgetting that, the minute we start depending on somebody else to do this work for us, we're on a bad road -nd you're never gonna get me to change my mind on that.

And if I could?

[ Sighs ] What - don't understand.

Come with me.


[ Baby coos ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

[ Clattering ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Grunts ]

What you doing over there?

I'm looking for your boots.

They were right here.

That's where we left them last -ast night. Well, they're not there now.

[ Clicks tongue ]

You sleep okay last night?

Yeah. I did.


No nightmares?

No, not a one.

That's great.

Here they are... way at the back.

That's weird.

Do Bressler and Porter know about this?

I'm the only human that knows about this project, except for you now.

Cochise and I agreed it posed too much of a security risk.

You and Cochise?

All the skirmishing, all the missions -verything that we've been doing has been designed to keep the Espheni off the scent of this.

It's kind of a big thing to have kept from me, wouldn't you say, Tom? I know.

I have to take responsibility for that action, Colonel Weaver.

I asked Professor Mason to keep this project secret until the very last moment.

You know the tower in Boston we tried to blow up?

All too well. It's one of thousands.

They create a sort of defensive web that prevent the Volm ships from being able to enter our atmosphere.

Eliminating just one of those towers will be enough to open up a gap sufficient to let one of our ships enter the atmosphere.

This is what the mole has been after.

[ Weaver exhales ]

I don't get it, Tom.

What? A big g*n?

What is this?

More than just a g*n, Colonel.

When completed, it will be the decisive factor in ending this conflict.

A chance to win this w*r, Dan.

Think of it.

What's this bad boy supposed to do, anyway?

Hate to say it Benji.

[ Both panting ]

Believe me now? Oh, my God.

Look at all those shiny new Mega-Mechs.

All waiting in line to gas up.

Rebel Skitters were right, as usual.

If those Mechs top off their tanks, we're toast.

It's not just that group, either.

This plant makes all the fuel for all the Mechs and Beamers on the East Coast.

The fishheads invade our planet, but they forget to bring enough fuel?

What's that about?

We can't worry about that.

Our problem right now is that the only road in is guarded by Mechs, and they're all powered up.

They'll pound us to road k*ll if we try to go that way.

Then we'll go where they won't expect us.

They're not defending that cliff.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Those tubes must contain the fuel.

Oh, my God.

You think it's the radiation?

It could have been us.

Okay, let's go.

♪ Falling Skies 3x02 ♪
Collateral Damage
Original Air Date on June 9, 2013

Ah, you're wrong, Pope.

The Volm are freedom fighters, like the Contras.

Tector, do you honestly think when this is all finished, they're just gonna what -ide off into the sunset?

No, they got plans for this place. Think about it.

You got your Volm family.

They're cruising across the cosmos in their interstellar S.U.V.

They got to make a rest stop, right, some refreshments.

No, no, I'm telling you, when this w*r is finished up, you, my friend, are gonna be standing behind a counter serving hot dogs and super slurps to bubble heads in Hawaiian shirts.

Hey, glamour grunt, is that a love bite?

What, this? It's a dueling scar.

A little hand-to-claw action with a Skitter.

You fought a cockroach bare-handed?

Oh, yeah. Big fat one.

Jumped out of a tree, smack on my back.

Holy crap. How did you survive?

Ah, I just flipped him over my shoulder lucha libre style.

That's when one of his buddies charged me from behind.

He's lying. When he told me that story, he fought off three Skitters and a Mech with a tire iron.

[ Laughs ]

If you expect a girl to hop in the sack with you, you're gonna have to do a whole lot better than that, Lars.

Well, if that girl was you, Mags, I certainly would.

[ Laughs ]

I would start with a bouquet of fresh-cut wildflowers, followed by dinner at Pope's bar, a bottle of his best champagne, Oh. and then...

Hal, what are you doing here?

I knew you were coming off the line.

I thought we could grab some breakfast.

Looks like you're busy.

Hal. Hal!

Lars and I are battle buddies.

You know what it's like. We're always busting each other.

Yeah, hey, I know what it's like...

With us... and where that led.

What, you seriously think I'm sleeping with Lars?

Are you?

I can't even believe you asked that after what we've been through the past seven months.

Maggie, I'm sorry. You don't deserve that.

You're damn right I don't.

You're not trapped in that chair.

You know you can get up anytime you like.

I don't want to hear anything else about the mud on my boots, all right?

I'm not walking in my sleep.

Then how did the mud get there, Hal?

You know damn well how.

You think Dumbo's magic-feather trick's gonna make me walk again?

Look, I know Karen did something to you.

I don't know how. But she put you in that chair.

And now, for some reason, you don't want to get out of it.

You're holding something back, Hal.

I can see it every time I look in your eyes.

I know you think I'm lying to you, I'm playing games with you.

You' the one who's keeping a secret from me.

I just wish the hell I knew why.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

We all know it's a tough nut to crack.

Dan's got the only plan that might get us by those Mech emplacements.

It's tactically unsound. It's damn near insane.

On the other hand, it just might work.

I like the sound of it already.

The main entrance is heavily guarded by Mechs.

We'll never get through it.

Our only hope is to come through these dense woods, down this cliff -et them from behind.

But no matter how good the plan is, if our spy leaks it to the enemy, we'll be walking into an ambush.

But the Volm feel that this is an essential target to hit, and I'm inclined to agree with them.

These Mega-Mechs -hey're part of the forces the Espheni want to use against Charleston.

We deny them their fuel, we knock these pieces off the board.

Will the Volm be joining us on this mission?

No, they will not.

We can't leave the city unprotected.

You will take a small unit of our best fighters.

General Bressler's troops will stay on the perimeter, and the Volm will stay in Charleston to assist them.

Yes, sir.

We still haven't talked about the elephant in the room.

I can get a team close enough to destroy the reactor with one of Cochise's big g*ns.

But if we blow it up, we're gonna spew radioactive fallout sky high.

It'll be a homegrown Chernobyl.

Depending on the winds, it could poison everything, even as far away as here.

Maybe these Volm have some kind of high-tech gizmo which can prevent that from happening.


And they don't have anything that can help us contain a massive radiation leak.

Is there anybody in Charleston that has any expertise in nuclear reactors?

Dr. Roger Kadar. He runs our power grid.

Kadar taught nuclear engineering at the University of South Carolina before the w*r.

Have him meet me in my office.

Not gonna happen. Kadar is agoraphobic.

He never leaves the power plant beneath the city.

If you want to talk to him, we have to go to him.

Dr. Kadar is among the first people to arrive in Charleston.

Arthur Manchester struck a deal with him.

If Kadar would help provide power to the city, Manchester would make sure he gets everything he needs, he wouldn't have to leave his power plant.

We've continued to honor that agreement.


You have enough on your plate, Tom.

No need to deal with Kadar until now.

Dr. Kadar? It's Marina Peralta -- aah!

Kadar: No, no, no! No, no, no, no!

You'll contaminate the reaction system.

I've been trying to obtain this combustion efficiency for over a month!

What the hell kind of contraption is that?

This facility's off limits to unauthorized personnel.

What are they doing down here, Marina?

This is Tom Mason.

The...The president.

I didn't vote for you.

[ Laughs ]

I won't hold that against you.

[ Clears throat ]

Uh, this is, uh -ne of my top military aides.

This is Dan Weaver.


Well, that's not the right ratio at all.

Mathematically, that's not -o, it's a chemical reaction.

I mean, the numbers shouldn't even be...

Oh, come on. Okay.

This is a waste of time. No, that's not even...

Yes, it is. I have work to do. Right.

Uh, Dr. Kadar, we understand you're the person we have to thank for all the electricity in Charleston.

That's right, and with this generator, I'll be able to produce 10.5 kilowatt hours per day.

Your team has done an amazing job down here.

I-I don't - don't have a team.

I've done this all myself. Oh, no team? Well, then you're -ou're probably the only person who can help us.

Help you with what?

We need to know if there's a way to safely destroy the Wakonda Reactor.

By "safely," I assume you mean you do not want to rain radioactive waste over the state, leaving it uninhabitable for the next 24,100 years?

That's right. We'd like to avoid that if possible.

Well, that's -hat's -- that's -hat's a bit of a poser.

That's a fun one.


I'll have something for you tomorrow.

Well, I guess the interview's over.

[ Cooing ]

Yeah. There you go, little girl. All clean and warm.

I love you. I love you.

You're so cute.

What are you looking at?

You're just a week old.

You shouldn't be able to track like that.

[ Cooing ]

[ Laughs ]


[ Giggles ]


[ Giggling ]


Oh, God. What...


[ Giggling ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Sighs ]


[ Fussing ]

Sorry I'm late.

Is she still awake? Barely.

She just ate, so her eyes are getting heavy.

Here. Yes.

Oh, I have been dying to get back to you all day.

She's a very different little girl.

Different? Yeah.

Different in what way?

She's very advanced.

I don't follow.

[ Laughs ]

Maybe it's just my imagination.

Anyways, I'm gonna be late for my shift.

Milk's in the fridge. All right.


Oh, Lexie.

Oh, that's good.

Hello, Lexie. I'm your daddy.

I'll check in on you a little later.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

Got to admit I'm envious.

Of what?


Why is that?

'Cause whenever new mothers bring their babies in for check-ups, I look into the kid's eyes and realize they don't know.

A baby has no way of knowing there's been an apocalypse and that we're at w*r and people are out there dying every day.

To a baby, everything's new and wondrous.

And it thrills them just to be alive.

It must bring you so much joy having her.


Are, uh... Are you all right?

Yeah. I'm fine.

I mean, you still seem...

Is everything okay with Alexis?

She's really good.

I'm gonna go check on Ms. McManus.

Duct tape.

Math class started

10 minutes ago.

Oh, how I wish I could be there with Mr. Hooper and the g*ng learning all about trapezoids and parallelograms.

Stop! My head is going to explode from that!

Yeah, it's so stupid learning that crap.

How's math gonna help us kick the aliens off this planet?



Do you think it'll make too big a bang?

I mean, we could get in trouble, right?

Relax. It's only a half stick. It'll just blow out the window.

Yeah, don't be such a wimp.

This is going to be k*ller.

[ Glass shatters ]

That was totally epic!



[ Laughs ]


All: Tick, tick, tick, boom!


Man: Hold there! Oh, my gosh.

Got movement!

Come on. Come on. Run! Go!


Matt? What the hell have you been up to?

You're lucky you didn't blow yourself to pieces.

Do you know people heard the expl*si*n and thought we were under attack?

Did you stop to think about how that would scare them?

Not really.

Why would you do something like this, Matt?

[ Sighs ]

I don't know. Bored, I guess.

[ Scoffs ]

Is that why you haven't been going to school?

Your teacher, Mr. Hooper -e stopped by a little while ago to say you haven't been to class in four days.

And you haven't done any of your homework for the past week.

So what? School's useless. I'm not going back.

Yes, you are, Matt!

You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mother!

You're right, Matt. I'm not your mother.

But as a concerned citizen, I'm gonna ask Anthony to escort you back to school.

School ended half an hour ago.

Not for you. You have an extra two hours of detention for the next two weeks.



[ Sighs ]

Kadar: I've thought about your problem.

[ Sighs ]

It's, uh...

It's tricky.

If you demolish the reactor building, you destroy the cooling system, as well.

So the nuclear fuel overheats, and the steam...

Would blow up the reactor and rain radioactive debris all over the countryside.


So you have to turn the reactor off before you blow it.

That would mean sending a team into the facility.


And that's just the first part.

Then you have to render the system inoperable without compromising the integrity of the reactor containment vessel.

That means destabilizing precise structural tipping points so the building's collapse will entomb the reactor without impairing its shielding.

I didn't understand a damn word of what you just said.

I got about half of it.

Just give it to us in laymen's terms.



If you put your detonation charges in exactly the right places, then, yes, you can destroy the building -ou can wreck the system without leaking any radiation.

Can you show us where to put the charges?

Sure, once I see the facility's plans, and, uh, elementary physics. It'll be fun.

Well, the fun has just begun. We don't have any plans.

You're gonna have to come up and show our demolition team where to set those charges.

I never go topside. And I can't. I'm sorry.

Dr. Kadar, you are the man for this job. Mr. President, that's --

Okay, goodbye. Goodbye. Dr. Kadar, you can do this.

I can't. You can go.

Nothing good happens up there.

You can do this. It's easy.

I can't. You can.

I can't! I can't!

I had a deal with Manchester. I had a deal...

I know.

...that I would neveave to go topside again.

I remember, but things are different now.

All of our lives depend on this mission.

You can do this.

[ Breathing heavily ]

We don't want to lose any more children.

Proceed, General. Yes, sir.

People, what we're about to discuss in this room is highly classified.

What that means is whatever's said in this room may not be repeated outside this room.

This is a need-to-know basis only.

Anybody involved in the mission is being told only what they need to know for their part of the operation.

All right, Dan. Yes, sir.

The success of this mission rests upon surprise and speed.

If the Espheni get wind of it, mission failure is probable, death all but certain.

We're taking the risk because this operation can cr*pple the enemy w*r machine.


Anthony. Ben. Pope.

I will lead my core group of fighters north along Mill highway.

We will then head east on 10-81, secure our vehicles, travel by foot to this bluff overlooking the reactor.

We will then descend into this gorge and enter through the back end of the facility.

Pope: So you think we can just sneak in from behind and take the Espheni by surprise?

[ Laughs ]

Well, that's insane.

Which is exactly what the enemy thinks.

Which is why they have left the back end of the plant un-defended.

Any more questions?

Crazy Lee: Wish to hell they'd tell us where we're going.

Don't worry about it.

Tom told Pope our real target, and Pope told Tector.

Spill it, big man.

Fort Knox.

Turns out the Espheni came here for our gold.

Tector told you that? And you believe him?

Okay, I'll prove it to you.

Hey, Benji. Where we headed?

You'll find out when we get there.

See what you started? Now everyone's calling me that.

Hey, Ben.

You guys stay close to each other.

Be careful out there.

"Don't be a hero."

I know.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

See you in the morning.

Don't worry, Mr. Mason.

I won't let anything happen to him.

A lot rides on this one, Tom.

It's a solid plan. It's gonna work.

They're all solid plans till the first b*llet flies, and then they're as relevant as yesterday's racing forms.

Oh, you'll pull through. You always do.

When I have you by my side.

To ask the hard questions?

Give you a swift kick in the butt if you need it?

[ Laughs ] have your job to do now.

I have mine.

I guess that's the way it's got to be.

Hey, Dan. Yeah?

Stay frosty.

Like a winter in Buffalo.

People, stow the talk and your gear!

We're moving out!

[ Engines revving ]

[ Screeching ]

[ g*nf*re ]

They knew we were coming!

We walked right into it!

Shut up! We need more firepower!

[ Screams ]

I thought you said this part of the reactor wasn't defended!

It's working.

The Mechs are leaving the gate to attack Weaver's team.

You were right.

The mole leaked Colonel Weaver's plans to the enemy.

I'm using my own people as bait, and they're paying in blood for every second that we waste.

[ Groans ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Refresh my memory, Cap!

Was being massacred part of the plan?!

[ g*nf*re ]

Weaver's team has bought us a window.

The road to the power plant's wide open.

We're going in.

Don't sweat it, Doc. You can only die once.

Thanks, that thought will be a great comfort to me.

No matter what happens, just stay close to me.

Okay, I got your back.

How do you do it? What's that?

All these people depending on you?

How do you carry that load?

I don't have much of a choice. Let's go.

Thanks, Anthony.

Be careful. Weaver's getting pounded out there.

I'll, uh, see you on the other side, okay?

Be safe. All right.

Come on. Let's roll, Tec.

We got people that need our help.

[ Engine turns over ]

It's wide open.

Okay, let's go.

[ g*nf*re ]

Take cover! Get down!

Spoke too soon!

Man: Those are harnessed kids sh**ting at us.

Try not to k*ll them. Maggie: It doesn't matter!

It does matter.

Forrester, you're up. Try to push them back.

[ g*nf*re ]

Cover him!

[ Screeching ]

[ Screaming ]

All right, cease fire!

Man: Cease fire! Cease fire!

Boy: Help me. Please.

It hurts. Please.

Mommy, please.

It hurts.

It's a child.

It's a harnessed soldier fighting for the Espheni.

A kid's a kid.

It's not his fault they slapped a parasite on his back.

No, it's a trap. It hurts!

That's a chance we got to take. Please!

Help me, please!

It hurts!

[ Weakly ] Mommy.

Barely looks human.

The harness is in too deep.

Kadar: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.

Is he...?

Tom: Yeah. He's gone.

His name was Scott.

[ Screeches ]

Maggie: Lars!

[ Grunting, growling ]

I'm right here, bud. I'm right here, bud.

I'm right with you, Lars.

Forrester, finish bandaging him up.

Get him to the rendezvous point. We'll meet you there.

Let's go! We're gonna go back with him, right?

Like hell we are. We're going in. Let's go now!

Okay. I'm gonna see you soon, okay?

You hang in there, you hear me?

Let's go! Let's go!

Wait, wait. There could be more of them in there -- a lot more.

Then we'll smoke them.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Screams ]

Man: Lyle, 2:00!

[ Engine revving ]

Just keep down!

[ Indistinct shouting in distance ]

Colonel Weaver, this way! The road's open!

About time!

[ Clicking ]

Okay, if we're out of here in 15 minutes, we should be able to get home with a little nausea and no hair loss.

Let's get to it.

Where do we set these charges, Doc?

[ Panting ]

There and...There... And there.

That could bring down the building without rupturing the containment vessel.

"Could"? We need to do a hell of a lot better than "could."

Call it a high order of probability, then, if it makes you happy.

All right, Anthony, set the charges.

The control room should be that way.

Let's go turn the reactor off.

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Screeching ]

[ Grunts ] My glasses!

Tom: They're broken! Get up!

I can't see anything without my glasses!

[ Panting ]

What's wrong? They've re-routed everything.

If I only had my glasses.

You don't have your glasses, so figure it out.

We got people dying out there.

It's no use! I can't see! I can't see anything!

It's not gonna work! It's not gonna work!

Okay, come on. You can do this. You can do this.

Tell me what to look for. I'm looking for a... a button -h, something that says "scram."

Scram? Scram!

Got it.

Push it. Push it.

All right. Do you see anything that says "reactor power"?

Reactor power -- 93%.

[ Sighs ]

The needle's not moving.

[ Screeches ]

Open it.

There should be two wires sticking out coming out from under the switch.

What color are they?

Red and orange.

Follow the orange wire -t should lead to the control-rod motor-relay socket.

I got it.

It's been cut.

[ Screeches ]

Hurry up in there! I can't hold them much longer!

Kadar: You got to run a wire from the red side of the switch to the orange side of the relay socket.

From the red side to the orange side.

[ Growls ]


Reactor power --

63% and dropping.

She's shutting down. Okay. Let's go.

[ Screams ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

Been busy? Those charges set?

Yeah, ready to blow this place to hell.

All right, let's go. Start the ball, Anthony.

Why not?

That's the last of us. Nobody left behind.


For what it's worth, Colonel, it worked.

Your unit bought us the time we needed.

And the spy never learned the real plan.

Where's your father?

He should have set the charges already.

He should be out anytime.

You see what our great allies, the Volm, are doing now?

Using our own soldiers as sacrificial lambs?

It's funny 'cause I don't see any of them out here dying with us.

Put a sock in it and keep moving, Pope.

Yes, sir.

What are you gaping at? Move your asses.

[ Breathing heavily ]

I want you to wash this down for me.

Head injury.

Hey. How's Lars? Hey.

The bite of the harness kid introduced an extremely aggressive bacteria into his system.

It's releasing toxins that are destroying his internal organs.

I tried the most powerful antibiotic we've got.

It's had no effect.

What about that thing we did with Colonel Weaver where we take the blood out and heat it up?

It's too late for that. It's already in his liver and his lungs.

He's got a couple hours at most.

All we can do is make him as comfortable as possible until it's over.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Porter: But you performed courageously out there.

You can enter your house fully justified.

Thank you, sir.

He's right. You did a hell of a job.

I wish I had a medal to give you.

Oh, I don't need a medal.

I'm honored that you took the time to see me, sir.

It's Tom. And the honor is mine.

Get some rest.



My dog tags...

Would you keep them for me?

You're the only family I got.


[ Sobbing ]

To Lars. To all of them.

To all of them. Good kids.

Good soldiers.

Good soldiers.

Well, we did it. We fooled them all.

The Espheni only knew about my team, not yours.

It had an element of surprise.

I hope I never have to send you out on anything like that ever again.

That wasn't easy.

Yeah. I never had any doubts.

No? [ Laughs ]

Not even a little bit?

[ Laughs ]

I never had any doubts about you.

But the Volm -- you still have your doubts about them, huh?

What are we doing with these new allies of ours, Tom?

I mean, we don't even know where they came from.

They pointed to a star. They said, "that's our home."

Why should we believe that? I don't know.

But everything that they have told us is consistent with everything that we do know.

I do not believe that they are these crusaders that are going around saving all the planets that the Espheni have conquered.

I don't believe that. That's too good to be true.

And even if it's only partly true, there's no getting around the fact that since they showed up, the tide has turned.

If they ever finish that big w*apon of theirs, we might win this w*r.

How do we know that's a big w*apon they're building?

They could be creating something entirely different.

We don't even have the slightest idea how that thing works.

That's...a good point.

It's a good point.

Maybe Dr. Kadar can help us with that.

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.

Gentlemen, congratulations.

When my team first arrived on this planet, I had doubts about our mission's chance of success, but... over the past seven months, I have watched you hone your soldiers into a highly skilled force.

And after the way they acquitted themselves on this latest engagement, I am certain we will prevail over the Espheni.

Don't need you to tell me that.

But thank you, Cochise.

We are very proud of the way our people conducted themselves.

And I guess we won't be hearing from the Espheni anytime soon.

On the contrary.

You can expect them to attack Charleston in force.


It seems we knocked a lot of their assets out today, destroyed most of their fuel supply.

Most, but not all.

We have learned that they are bringing in every surviving Mech and Beamer in this region, consolidating whatever supplies they have left and will hit you hard to prove you have not weakened them.

So I advise you to keep your soldiers on the perimeter at high alert.

[ creaking ]


I, uh, guess you heard about me blowing a hole in that building.

Uh, yeah, I did.

I, uh, realize it was a stupid thing to do.

It scared a lot of people. That's an understatement.

Did you know that that building was one that we were planning on refurbishing so families could move back into it?


I thought it was abandoned.

I figured as much.

Anyway, I signed you up for a work crew after school so you could help repair the damage.

That's okay.

I don't mind fixing what I blew up.

But...I don't see the point of school.

You know, memorizing the names of dead people won't help us win this w*r.

Matt, one day, this w*r's gonna be over.

And when it is, we're gonna need some people with a lot of skill to rebuild this country.

I may not live to see that day, but you will.

That's why you're staying in school.

Even math class?

Especially math class.

How come you're being so nice?

I thought you'd be doing a lot more yelling.

'Cause this isn't entirely your fault.

I've been so busy with this job I haven't really paid you any attention.

That's gonna change starting tomorrow.

I'm gonna come home and help you with your homework.


I guess I like the sound of that.

[ Chuckles ]


Can...I talk to you about something else?


I-I did something really bad.

You mean worse than blowing a hole in the side of a building?


I said something mean to Anne. Really mean.

I'm not sure if she'll ever forgive me.

Hmm. I don't know.

She's a pretty understanding person.

What should I do?

You should talk to her.

I'm... sorry about what I said.

I was mad, and I didn't mean it.

I know. Thank you for saying so.

Would you mind...

Mind what?

...if I, like... called you mom?

I wouldn't mind at all.

[ Chuckles ]



[ Sniffles ]

[ Sighs ]

She's such a happy baby.

Have you noticed she never cries?

It's true.

You and your brothers used to scream your heads off.

But she does -he seems quite content.

She's a very... unique little girl.



Hal! Hal!



Hal! Wake up! Wake up!

What? What? What's going on? Huh?

You're walking. You're walking.

See? You're not paralyzed.


I'm walking.

I'm walking?

Come on. Let's get you home.