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03x34 - Zou and the gymnastic competition

Posted: 07/30/23 11:49
by bunniefuu
(bell ringing)


♪ Say hey say hi say how do you do ♪

♪ To a fine young zebra by the name of Zou ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

(whistling) ♪ Meet Mom and Dad Nanna too ♪

♪ Grandma Grandpa All of you ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪


♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪

♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪


- Okay, let's try it.

- Aw.


-tempo music)








- Wow!



- Wow!

- Excellent!

- That was really good, Elzee!

(Elzee chuckling)


- Do you think I stand a chance?

- Of course you do! That was a brilliant routine!

- Yes!

- Zowie said he could only pick one boy and one girl.

- Practising for tomorrow, Elzee?

- Yes.

- Looking good. Let's hope you've done enough.

Only the two best gymnasts get the chance to compete in the regional competition.

- Oh! It's going to be tough!

- Do you think my routine is good enough?

Maybe I should change the last bit.

- Oh, no, you don't need to change anything.

- Aw, thanks. Can you hang on while I get changed?

- Hi, Elzee.

- Hi, Zinnia.


- Oh, guess what.

I've been practising all weekend and I'm really, really good.

Mummy gave me lots of helpful tips.

- Hmm. Heh.

- Um...


-tempo music)


(both): Wow!



(camera shutter clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)

- Yeah! Wow!!

- Hmm?

- Great work, Zinnia!

You've come along loads since last week!

- And it wasn't as good as I did it yesterday.

I messed up my backwards extended salto flip.

(camera shutter clicking)

- Backwards extended... what?

Where did you learn to do all that, Zinnia?

- I'm just really talented.

- Wow!

- That's what Mommy says.


- Hmm.

- So, all ready for the, uh, gym trials?

- Yes. I was going to make a change to my routine, but Zou said I didn't need to.

- Um... I know. But perhaps



- I'd love to be in the competition. I really hope I get picked.

See you tomorrow!

- Yes! Bye!

- Bye, Elzee!


- Is something the matter, Zou? You don't look very happy.

- Oh, it's just that...

I told Elzee her routine was fine,

and then I saw Zinnia's.

It's a lot more... impressive.

- So why didn't you tell her?

- It was too late. I only realized after I saw Zinnia doing her stuff.

If Elzee isn't chosen, it'll be my fault.

- Of course it won't, Zou.

But it's not too late to let her know what you really think.

- Isn't it?

- Of course it isn't.

It's always best to be honest with your friends.


- Hmm. Grandpa's right.

I've got to tell Elzee the truth.

But... oh, she won't be very pleased.

How am I going to do it?


- Still practicing? Zowie's going to be proud of you.

- Maybe. But Elzee won't.

- Oh? Why not?

- It's her routine. It's not as good as she thinks.

And I don't know how to tell her.

- Ah. What if you gave her some advice?

You know, to encourage her. Say something positive.


- Thanks, Mom! You're right!

Maybe I could help her improve.

- Of course you could, Bizou. Show her some of your moves. You're very good at gym.


Oh! Well done, Elzee! Really polished.

Um, hang on. I'll be right back.

- Hey, Zou, you were right. Mom loves my routine.

I think I'm going to get picked for the competition.

- Um, yep. I hope so. Hmm.

- Zou?

- Uh, Elzee, I wanted to



- Darling? Could you go through your routine again?

I'd like to record it.

- Yes! Zou, were you going to say something?

- Oh. Nothing. Um...

- Ready?

- Just good luck. I hope you get picked.

- Thanks, Zou. And good luck to you, too.

- Hmm.


-tempo music)

- Nice work, Zou. You can go and sit down now.

- Hmm.

- You did great!

- Okay.

Everyone's shown me what they can do.

So how about I tell you who's going to take part in the regional gym competition?



So, for the boys: Zou!

(Grandpa): Oh, well done, Zou!

- Yeah!

- And for the girls: Zinnia!

- Yeah!!!


- But Zou,

you said my routine was really good.

- It was! It's just...

well... maybe it needed a bit more technique?

- So why didn't you say so before?

- I... didn't want to hurt you.

- But we're friends. Friends should always tell each other the truth.

(Zou sighing)

(sighing happily)

- Hey, Zou!

- Uh...

- Just you and me got picked!

- Hmm.

- Yeah. Hmm.

- Well done, Zou! You too, Zinnia!

- My word, Zou! That routine of yours was really good!

- Thanks, Grandpa.

- Still, it's a... it's a pity about Elzee.

- Hmm. Yes. And it's all my fault.

I should've spoken to her like you said.

Oh, I wish she could have another chance.

- Maybe you could ask Zowie.

- Oh! Yes, I could!

(Grandpa laughing)

- Hey, wait for me!

- Can Elzee do another routine?

- It's very kind of you to think of her, but it's out of my hands.

- Hmm.

- I've already entered you and Zinnia.

- But she'll practice. You'll see, her routine will be much better!

- Yes, I'm sure it will, Zou. But like I said, it's been decided.

- Hmm. Right.

Thanks, Zowie.


Hmm. Uh...


(gasping) Hey, Poc, you're brilliant!


Look, Zowie, I've had an idea.

- Go on.

- Elzee! We'd better get practicing.

Zowie said he'd have a look at a new routine!

- But there isn't time to think up a new one.

- Yes, there is! I'll help, and we'll have fun. You'll see!

- Yes, but...




Okay, let's go!



- I know! We'll start with a roll.

- Yeah. That'll kick the routine off really well.




- Wow! They're really good!





- Ho


-ho! Well done!

- Great!

Really, really excellent.

In fact, good enough for you both to take part in the competition!


- Brilliant!

- Hmm. So what about Zinnia?

- Oh.

- Yes. I thought there were only two places.

- There are, but Zou reminded me there's a pairs category,

as well as the singles one this year,

so instead of just having two single competitors



- Elzee and I will be a pair, and Zinnia will compete on her own.

- Oh! Ooh, goody!

Just think! All three of us!

- Hmm. Thanks, Zou. I wouldn't be in the competition if it wasn't for you.

- Can I come and be cheerleader?

- Of course you can, Zak. And Poc can come and help you.

