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03x48 - Zou and the tortoise

Posted: 07/30/23 12:04
by bunniefuu
(bell ringing)


♪ Say hey say hi say how do you do ♪

♪ To a fine young zebra by the name of Zou ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

(whistling) ♪ Meet Mom and Dad Nanna too ♪

♪ Grandma Grandpa All of you ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪


♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪

♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪




- Good morning, sleepyhead.

- 'Morning, Grandpa.

- What do you feel like doing today?

- I've got a school project to do. We're doing nature.

But I'm not too sure what to write about.

- I always think better on a full tummy.

Let's have some breakfast and see if that helps.


- I still don't know what to do for my project, Grandpa.

Nature is such a big thing to write about.

- Sometimes when I'm stuck for an idea,

I think about something else for a while.

Why don't you come and help me in the garden?

- Okay.

(Zou laughing)

- That's the way, Zou! We'll put the weeds on the compost heap.

- Compost?

- Compost is the gardener's magic ingredient.

We put the fallen leaves and weeds and potato peelings and so on onto the heap,

then they rot and make compost,

which is a sort of plant


It helps make the plants grow.

- Oh! So that's why you brought all the peelings and stuff from the kitchen.

- That's right. They'll help make some lovely compost!


That's the way!

We'll have plenty of compost for my roses soon.

- Oh, there are a lot of leaves, aren't there, Grandpa?

- Yup. This time of year, leaves start to fall off the trees ready for winter.

Those leaves can go onto the compost as well.

- Hey, Grandpa!

Why don't I do my nature project on leaves?

We could go to the park and see how many kinds we could find.

- Great idea! Lead the way, Zou!


- Hmm.

- That's a sycamore seed, Zou.

Drop it and see what happens.

(Zou laughing)


- It's like a helicopter.

- Yes. It spins, so it drops more slowly,

and the wind can blow the seed to where a new plant can grow from it.

- Oh, pity it's not a leaf,

because all the other leaves look sort of the same.

I don't think I want to do my project on leaves anymore.

- Zipster?

- That sounds like Mrs. Zolli.

- Zipster?! Zipster!

- Ah, Mrs. Zolli.

- Hello, Mrs. Zolli.

- Oh, hello, you two.

- Who's Zipster?

- He's a tortoise. I was looking after him for my nephew.

I put him in my back garden to walk around.

Next thing I knew, he'd gone missing!

- Well, he must've moved quickly.


Is he a very speedy tortoise?

- I suppose he must be.


I really have to find him. My nephew will be so upset!

- Don't worry. We'll help you.

- Of course we will.

- Zipster?

- Zipster?!

- Zipster?

- Hi, Zou.

- Oh, Elzee.

We're looking for Zipster.

- My nephew's tortoise. You haven't seen him, have you?

- No. Mom, can we help look for Mrs. Zolli's tortoise?

- I think we should.

- Alright, everyone, let's get on with Operation Find Zipster!

(Mrs. Zolli sighing)

- Hmm.

(both): Hmm.


- I must've searched every inch of the park twice now,

and still no sign of Zipster.

- If he's not in the park, perhaps we need to widen the search.

- Hmm. Grandpa, I think I've got an idea.


- "Lost" posters! Oh, what a good idea, Zou!

- Well, I've seen posters for lost pets before.

But never for a tortoise.

- There's a first time for everything, Zou.

Your phone number's on the posters, Mrs. Zolli.

If anyone finds Zipster, they can call you.

- Oh, I hope someone does soon.

- In the meantime, we have lots of other places to search.

- Oh, dear. Still no sign of him.

Maybe he's gone home! I'll go and look.

- Good idea. And we'll carry on looking here.

- Okay. Thank you!

- Uh...

(both): Hmm.

- Hey, Zou. I think I found Zipster. Look!

(Zou laughing) Oh.

(Elzee sighing)

- It does look a bit like a tortoise, I suppose.

- Sorry.

(laughing) I was decorating some rocks last year.

I wondered where that one had got to.

(Zou sighing)

- I know! Maybe he's hungry!

Mrs. Zolli said he likes lettuce and cucumber.

Maybe we could tempt him with that!

- Good idea. I bought some lettuce earlier today.

I'll go and get it.

(Zou laughing)

- Zipster?

- Zipster?

- Here, Zipster!

- Zipster!

(Zou gasping)

- Hear that, Grandpa? It could be Zipster.

(rustling) Zipster?




- Oh, it's just a mole,

no doubt going to dig a hole in my flowerbeds.

Cheeky mole.

- Hmm.

Oh! Look! Over there by the bushes!

(tweeting) That looks like a shell.

- Hmm.

It's not Zipster. Oh.


- Grandpa, could Zipster have gone into your shed to keep warm?

- It's possible.

Let's go and see.


- Hmm.




In that box! I found him!


- That's just an old garden ornament.

I bought it for your Nanna years ago.

- It looks very real.

- It does.

Hey! If we put it in the garden,

Zipster might try to make friends with it.

- Now that is a good idea.

It's got a bit chipped here and there, but I don't think Zipster will notice.

- We've been waiting ages, and there's no sign of him.

- Well, I think Zipster might be too clever to be fooled by a garden ornament.

- We didn't find Zipster,

and I still don't know what to do for my nature project.

What are you going to do for yours, Elzee?

- I thought something about autumn harvest.

- Good idea. I wish I'd thought of that.

- Elzee? Suppertime.

Has Zipster turned up yet?

- No. But all this looking's made me really hungry.

- Me too!

- In that case, let's go and have our tea as well, Zou.

- See you tomorrow. Let me know if you find him.

- I will. See you tomorrow.

- Still no sign of Zipster.

Maybe he made his way back home.

- Yes, I hope so.

(phone ringing)

- Hmm.

Ah, hello, Mrs. Zolli.

No, I'm afraid not. And not at your house either?

Oh, dear. I'm sorry to hear that.

But I'm sure he'll turn up soon.

We'll carry on the search tomorrow.

Hmm. Yeah. Bye for now.

- You'd have thought Zipster would've been found by now.

- We looked everywhere.

- Someone will find him.

They'll see your posters and take him back to Mrs. Zolli.

- Hope so.

- Anyway, what are you going to do for your project?

- I don't know. I thought about falling leaves.

I helped Grandpa put some on the compost today.

But then I changed my mind.

- I'm sure you'll think of something, Bizou.

Talking of compost, could you take these peelings out there, please?

- Okay, Mom.


Uh, Grandpa,

there's a sort of hole in the compost.

I don't think it was there before.

- You're right, Zou. It wasn't there earlier.

- Hmm. I think something's in there,

but it's too dark to see.

- Hello. Is that you?

- It's Zipster!

We found him! Yay!


Hmm. He's not hungry.

- I don't think he will be, Zou.

That compost will feel warm and cozy to a tortoise, and because it's cold outside,

he's hibernating.

- Hibernating?

- Hibernating's when some animals go to sleep all through the winter

and wake up in the spring when the weather gets nice and warm again.

- Wow! We'd better let Mrs. Zolli know we've got Zipster here.

- We better had! Right away!

- There you go, Zipster.

You'll be cozy in this box all through winter now.


- Zipster looks so cozy in there,

he's making me sleepy.

I think I'd like to hibernate.

- You'd miss out on a lot.


All that fun we'll have in the snow,

sledging and... and Christmas too!


- Suppose you're right, Grandpa.

But at least I know what to do for my nature project now.

