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07x22 - A Question of m*rder

Posted: 07/31/23 07:13
by bunniefuu
Hit him, Bull!
Come on, hit him!

Hit him! Come on, hit him!

Come on, get him, Bull!
Come on!

Get him, Bull! Hit him!

Come on, hit him
in the face more!

Come on, Bull, hit him!

Come on, don't be afraid!

Go in there and get him! Yeah!

One, two,

...three, four...

You had him, Bull.

You had him.

That close.


But I just couldn't hack it
no more, Kevin John.

All you needed was
a couple more seconds.

Next time, Bull.

Yeah, okay, next time.

Now, look...

I got a little business
I got to take care of tonight.

Ain't we gonna get
some hamburgers... like always?

I don't know how long
this is gonna take.

I'll wait, Bull.


I'll meet you out front.

All right?

Okay, Bull, let's have it.

Look, if I give you the book,
I'm out, out clean, okay?

You weren't supposed
to write anything down.

There wasn't supposed
to be any notebook.

You're lucky you told us
and not the big boys.

If they ever found out...


I'll give you the book,
and I'm out.

A deal.

You're out.



Let's go get
them hamburgers, okay?

And have our talk?

About our ranch?

You bet.
Come on, let's go.



I'll call an ambulance.

Bull, talk to me!


Kevin John...

...he k*lled me.

Larry Gates.

You're not gonna die, Bull.

You can't.

That book I gave you...

I did what you told me.

I hid it.

Nobody'|| ever see it, I swear.


That book...





Good morning.

Oh, hi.

I'm waiting for Mr. Mannix.

It's important;
I gotta see him.

I didn't mean to fall asleep.

Well, wouldn't you like
to come inside and wait?


This cement is kind of hard.

What's your name?

Kevin John Hunter.

My friends call me Kevin John.

Most everybody else does, too.

Come right in, Kevin John.

Would you like some coffee?

No, of course, you wouldn't.

We don't have any milk.

How about a glass of water?

No, that's okay;
I ain't really thirsty.

Well, you sit over here...

and as soon as Mr. Mannix
comes downstairs,

I'll let you know right away.

I am kind of tired.

Had to start pretty early.

Well, you just relax
and make yourself comfortable.

Good morning, Peggy.

Who's he?

Kevin John Hunter.

But you can call him Kevin John;
everybody does.

Well, what's his problem?

I don't know,
but he's been outside waiting

since early this morning.

He says it's very important.

And I couldn't
turn him away, Joe.

You're a pushover.

You will talk to him, won't you?

As soon as he wakes up.

I'm up!

Well, now, what can I do
for you, Kevin John?

I want to hire you.

You want to hire me, huh?

Okay, step into my office
and let's talk about it.

How about some coffee, Peg?
I'll have to make it, Joe.

Hey, this is really neat.

You must do okay.

Have a seat, Kevin John.

Now, uh...

what's this all about?

I want you to prove
that Bull Evans was m*rder*d.

Who's Bull Evans?

He was a fighter.

Almost champ once.

He was my friend.

Uh, you, uh,
said he was m*rder*d.


Hit by a car the other night.

Oh, and you think
it was deliberate?

I was there when it happened.

But I can't prove anything.

But he told me.

Did you, uh, go to the police?

You know, they
won't charge you anything.

Yeah, I went.

They said it was hit-and-run.

Because I'm only ,
nobody'|| listen to me.

I was hoping you'd be different.

I'm listening, Kevin John.

Bull said Larry Gates
k*lled him.

Oh. Who's Larry Gates?

He's a fighter, too.

Did your friend say why
Larry Gates wanted to k*ll him?

No, but Bull said he did,
and I believe him.

I want you to prove that.

I can pay you.

I have eight dollars and...

some change I saved up.

It's all yours.

I work at Johnson's Grocery
three afternoons a week.

If this ain't enough,
I can give you more.

But you've just gotta
help me, Mr. Mannix.


let's not worry
about my fee just yet, hmm?

Now, where can
I get in touch with you?

We don't have a phone.

You can reach me
at Johnson's Grocery.

Here. Here's the number.

You just leave a message,

and Mr. Johnson'||
make sure I get it.

My address is on the other side.

Oh. All right, I got it.

You know, I've been
looking all over for help,

and you're the first person
that's even gonna try.


He's okay, you know that?

Lieutenant Malcolm, please.

You're okay, you know that?

Art, Joe.

What can I do for you, Joe?

I, uh, need a favor.

So far, it's routine.

It's about a fighter
known as Bull Evans.

He was k*lled
the other night by a car.

Oh, yeah, an old-timer.

A contender some time back.

I've got that right here.

Yeah, here it is.

Yeah, Tuesday...

: p.m.

Outside the Circle Arena.

What about him?

You sure it was an accident?

So he got to you, too, huh?

The kid.

He's been in and out of here
the last couple of days,

telling us it was m*rder.

You find out anything?

Joe, we're still
looking for the car.


What about Larry Gates?

What about him?
He fought a good fight.

Well, if you do
find out anything,

let me know, will you?

We're going to find
it was hit-and-run.

Who'd want to k*ll Bull Evans?

There's no motive.

Well, let me know anyway, huh?


...get me two tickets for
the next time Larry Gates

is on the card
at the Circle Arena.


Who are you taking?

Art Malcolm.

He's on the case, too,
only he doesn't know it.

Hit him! Hit him!

Hit him!

Sorry I'm late, Art.
Anything happen?

Oh, lots.

Harry Mulligan beat
Jim Crawford to a pulp.


And on the
Tuesday night special,

the Mighty Atom got a draw
with T.N. Teeney.

The Atom and T.N. Teeney?

The midgets, son.

You asked, Joe.





What do you mean, where was |
when Bull Evans got k*lled?

You don't have to tell me
unless you want to.

Why not?

Okay, Gabby, that's enough.

I was upstairs in the office
getting my cut.

The winner's share.

Well, so what's the difference?

Who're you?

His manager.

We were together.
We heard the ambulance...

We had no idea it was for Bull.

Did you know him well,
outside the ring?

We had a beer once in a while.

You had nothing against him?

Hey, I hardly knew the guy.

Like I said:
a beer once in a while.

Just before he died,
Bull Evans said:

"Larry Gates... he k*lled me.”

Wait a minute, what are you guys
trying to pull?

Easy, Larry, easy...

We've got a witness.

Larry here fought Bull
that evening,

not even an hour before
he was hit by that car.


So, he said Larry
k*lled him? Sure he did.

Wiped him out, finished him,
put him away for keeps...

in the ring.

That's all he meant.

We were upstairs.
You can check.

When you were upstairs,
who else was there?

The cashier,
a couple of sportswriters.

Enough witnesses
to make you sweat

if you've got any ideas
about hanging this on Larry.


I don't like it.

There could be trouble.

Stay cool.

They don't know a thing.

That's it, Joe-- Larry Gates
k*lled him in the ring, period.

Oh, do you buy
that explanation, Art?

Why not?

A punchy fighter who had his
head knocked out of shape?

Sure, I buy it.

Maybe the kid had
a rich imagination.

Forget it, Joe.

So you're eight bucks behind.

Big deal.

Good night, Art.

Mr. Mannix...

Hey, Kevin John.

I heard what
the Lieutenant said.

That all Bull meant was that
he got k*lled in the ring.

It's a possibility.

But it isn't!

I know what I saw.

That car was parked there.

It started up and those
headlights came right toward us.

It didn't even try to miss us.

It wasn't an accident.

You've gotta help me,
Mr. Mannix!

You've just got to.

Now, you're sure about the car?

That it was just waiting there?

It started up and
came right toward us.

Okay, Kevin John.

I guess you got a little more
coming on that eight dollars.

Mr. Johnson?

I'm a friend of Kevin John's.

Oh, then you'd be
Mr. Mannix, right?

That's right.

Ah... heard a lot
about you from the boy.

About your secretary, too.

Don't hardly talk about
anything else here, lately.

I'd like to ask you some
questions about Kevin John,

if it's all right.

Fire away.

What kind of a boy is he?

He's a good boy.




Set your watch by him
when he comes to work:

: , Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday.


He ever tell stories about
things that never happened?

You know, the way most boys do?

Unusual boy that way.

I've got a feeling
Kevin John would tell it

exactly the way it was,

Even under strain?

You know, some great
emotional strain?


I guess maybe his schoolteacher,
Miss Crawford,

might be the best judge of that.

He talk about her a lot, too.

Miss Crawford?

My name is Mannix, Joe Mannix.

Kevin John's talked
quite a lot about you lately.

So I gather.

He seems to be expecting

something rather
important from you.

Yeah, well, I don't know that
I can deliver what he wants.

He's placed a great deal of
faith in you, Mr. Mannix,

about the Bull Evans matter.


Did you know Evans?


But I know he was
a hero to the boy.

He told me all about
what happened that night.

Do you believe him?

Well, it's not
a question of that.

Kevin John is very intelligent.

He's also very emotional.

I wouldn't expect him
to think clearly

with Bull Evans
dying in his arms.


I think I understand.

Well, thanks for talking to me,
Miss Crawford.

Mr. Mannix...

we haven't talked about what's
really important in this matter.

What's that?

Do you believe him?

Well, there's not a shred of
what we call hard evidence,

but I'm doing my best to prove
he's telling the truth.

You looking
for somebody, mister?

Yes. Bull Evans live here?

Well, you're about
four days too late.

He's dead.

Yeah, I know.

It's really his apartment
I wanted to see.

Well, the cops
been through it.

It's closed till whoever
comes from the county

to take his junk out.

Well, I'd still like
to take a look at it.

What for?

Who are you?

Alexander Hamilton.

Oh, I voted for you.

Did you vote for someone else
before I showed up?

I didn't let anybody else in.


Joe, it doesn't mean a thing,
not by itself.

Peggy, the place was searched.

Now, somebody was
looking for something.

Maybe something that would
explain the hit-and-run

that wasn't an accident.

Joe, was Bull Evans's death
reported in the papers?

Yeah, a paragraph
on the sports page.

So every second-story man,
every sneak thief,

every cat burglar in the area
knew the place was empty.

Yeah, sure,
and the first man there

turned the place upside down?

That's par for the course
on Fifth Street.

Why did they rip
the mattress apart?

Joe, in that neighborhood,

sometimes a mattress is
the First National Bank.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

Art checked out Larry Gates.

His alibi is airtight.

Joe, I know how you feel.

You want to help Kevin John.

But there's simply no case.

So what do I tell Kevin John?

The truth.

That his story doesn't add up?

That he has to accept
the police report?

How do I do that?

As gently as you can.

Just a moment.

Mrs. Hunter?

Yes. Come in, Mr. Mannix.

Kevin John told you about me.

He described you to a T.

He should be home
from school any moment.

I've got coffee on.
Would you like some?

Yeah, thank you.

Cream and sugar?

No, thanks.

You know, Mr. Mannix,
I've been meaning to call you.


Kevin John's been kind of lost
lately, since his father died,

and I'm worried about him.

I work nights as a waitress,
so he's alone a lot.

That's how he met Bull Evans.

A prizefighter.

Who knows where a boy'll
put his dreams?


I want to thank you
for trying to help him.

I'm afraid he's going to think
I haven't been much help.

Hi, Mom. Hi, Mr. Mannix.

I saw your car outside.

Did you find out something?

Is that why you're here?

Did you pin it on Larry Gates?

Get the goods on him?

Hey, slow down.

You're gonna run out of gas,
Kevin John.

You did find out something,
didn't you?

Well, not much, Kevin John.

I, uh, had a look
at Bull's room.

It was broken into-- robbed.


I thought for a while that, uh,

maybe they were looking
for something special.

Did Bull have anything that
someone might have wanted?

No, what would he have?

Oh, nothing, I guess.

Kevin John...

there are things we're
going to have to talk about.


Have you ever been
up in a plane?

You mean flying?

Well, now and then,
I rent a plane.

It's a lot easier to think
and talk up there.

How about it?

Can |, Mom?

Tomorrow's Saturday.
How's that?


Pick you up at : .

He won't sleep a wink.

Good-bye, Mrs. Hunter.

Good-bye, Mr. Mannix.
See ya.


I thought we'll have dinner
early, Kevin John, okay?

Kevin John, I'm talking to you!


How does it feel?


You ever watch
birds turning in the wind,

you know, with one wing up?


Want to try it?


Okay, here we go.

You okay?


I was just thinking.

This is probably like dying.

What do you mean?

Well, there's nothing
to hold you back.

You're just going right up
into the arms of the Father.

I was referring to God.

I know.

Do you ever think about dying?

Oh, it's crossed my mind
once or twice.

I guess you have to
in your kind of work.

I bet people sh**t at you
all the time.

Now and then.

Will they sh**t at you when you
prove Larry Gates k*lled Bull?

I don't think I can prove it,
Kevin John.

But it happened!

I'm afraid there's no evidence.

I checked it out.

At the time of the accident,

Larry Gates was in an upstairs
office at the Circle Arena.

He couldn't
possibly have k*lled Bull.

He could be lying.

There were witnesses,
Kevin John.

I've done all I can.

There's just no proof.

That's why you brought me flying
today, isn't it?

To tell me
that you're gonna quit.

That's right.

Okay, you've told me.

That's enough flying for today.

You can take me down now.

I'm gonna check the plane in;
I'll be right back.

How'd the boy like the flight?

I don't think it was exactly
what he had hoped for.

Oh. Scared?

No, disappointed.

Thanks. See you next week.


Kevin John?!

Kevin John!

Oh, Joe, Art Malcolm
just called.

He talked to Mr. Johnson at
the store, but no Kevin John.

He also checked with his school,
and nothing.

Did you talk
to his mother again?

Yeah, I just came from there.

Kevin John hasn't been home
all night.

Don't worry, Joe.

He can take care of himself.

He'll be all right.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Oh, yes, he is.

Just a moment, please.

It's Miss Crawford,
Kevin John's teacher.

Hello, Miss Crawford.

What? Kevin John.

Is he all right?

I'll be right over.

Apparently, he just wandered
around yesterday,

then spent the night in
the park.

He walked in here
a little while ago.

His mother must be worried sick.

Well, I've sent word that
I'll be bringing him home.

He told me
about the airplane ride.

I thought if I could get him

to feel like
Jonathan Livingston Seagull,

I could say what I had to say
without breaking his heart.

Mr. Mannix, for the first time,

I'm really afraid
for Kevin John.

Well, part of growing up

is learning
to face the facts of life,

which aren't always
what we'd like them to be.

I know, but my feeling is,

he survived
his first hero's death

because, suddenly,
he had another.



I'm afraid so.

And now that he's rejected me,

you think he's got nothing
to hang onto.

Just when he needs someone most.

Well, I guess
I'd better get him up.

Kevin John...

it's time to go home.

I guess you're pretty mad
at me, huh?

You had everybody
pretty worried.

I wanted you to find me, honest.

Okay, I found you.

Now, let's go.
Your mother's waiting.

You won't give up, will you?

You didn't mean it.

I meant it, Kevin John.

But I knew Bull Evans
as good as I know my mom.

She can say something
with just a look

and I know what she means.

It was the same way with Bull.

I know what he said
and what he meant.

Somebody wanted him to be dead.

Somebody sent that car
to k*ll him!

But who? There's no motive.

Everybody loved Bull.

Maybe you could ask Mr. Barlow.

Maybe he knows something.

Who's Mr. Barlow?

He owns the gym
where Bull worked out.

Keep that left up, Charlie!

Mr. Mannix, you've no idea

how good
Bull Evans was in the old days.

One of the best.

More talent than most.

He listened to me,
he took directions.

And he worked hard.

One punch.

He came within one punch of
the Western Division Title.

That was or years ago.

Then he got hurt and...
never was the same after that.

Downhill all the way.

I've been carrying him
for five years.

You know, get him a fight
here and there; eating money.

Keeping his spirits up.

But I was glad
I was able to do it.

Did you book him
against Larry Gates?

Yeah, I talked the Arena
into the fight.

Sort of a comeback stunt,
you know.

A lot of fans remembered Bull.

They liked him.

They bought
a lot of tickets, too.


You don't know
of anyone along the way

who might have wanted him dead?

I didn't know anyone who knew
Bull that didn't like him.

He wouldn't have hurt a fly.

Didn't have
an enemy in the world.

Yeah, well, thanks a lot,
Mr. Barlow.

I hope I've been of some help.

All right, Charlie, up!
Keep 'em... keep 'em up!

Keep 'em up! Jab! Move around!
Move, move, move!


You put the beeper on his car?

Yeah, it's in there.

That way you can keep out of
sight while you tail him.

Find out where he goes,
who he sees.


A private cop
asking about Bull. Why?

Maybe somebody knows there's
an original notebook.

Maybe somebody knows

that you let Bull palm off
a copy onto you.

Hello, Joe. Come on in.

What's so important you couldn't
tell me on the phone?

Sometimes people listen on
the phone.

I've got something
for you on Bull Evans.


We've just been brought into it
on the local level.

The Feds have been staking out
the Organization

for almost a year now.

They're almost ready
to round up the whole crowd.


One of them was your hit-and-run
victim, Bull Evans.

He was a bag man.

They used fighters moving
from place to place as drops.

Ah, so, suddenly,
there is a motive.

You're sure about Bull Evans?


Maybe the kid had something
after all.


something he's not gonna accept
without a battle.

Hi, Mr. Mannix.

Did you see Mr. Barlow?

I sure did, Kevin John.

He give you any leads?

No, but the police did.

The police?

Why don't we sit down?

The police found out why
Bull might have been k*lled.

See? I was right!

He was k*lled.

Yeah, but, uh...

it looks as though he was
mixed up with some people

who were doing something wrong.



Well, uh,
he was working for them,

and they were selling dr*gs.

I don't believe that!

Bull would never do anything
like that!

The police have evidence.

I don't care!

Kevin John,
I know how you feel...

but we're gonna find out
who did it.

I don't want you
on the case anymore,

if you're gonna talk
about Bull that way.

Hold it.

That black kid,

isn't he the one I used to see
hanging around Bull Evans?


The night I hit Bull,
the kid was with him.

Maybe that's it.

Maybe he slipped
the notebook to the kid.

So what do we do now?

Wait till school's out.

Learning about Bull Evans,
well, that was hard to take.

I can understand that, Joe.

When the police close in on that
operation, it'll all come out.

He'll have to face it then.

And he had no idea Bull was
mixed up in anything?

No, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Come on, kid,
where's the notebook?

Bull never gave me anything!

Please, leave him alone!

Stay out of this, lady.

You're lying, kid.

We tore his room apart,

and we didn't find a notebook.

Now, he must've
done something with it.

Maybe he didn't have a notebook!

Oh, he had a notebook,
all right.

And it's not
the kind of notebook

you'd give to just anybody...

except, uh... maybe a kid,
who wouldn't know what he's got.

Please! He told you he doesn't
know what you're talking about!

I said he does!
The kid!

{pounding on door

Mr. Mannix's office.

Oh, yes, he is.
Just a moment.

It's Mrs. Hunter.

Yes, Mrs. Hunter?


Yeah, I'll be right there.

Kevin John's in trouble.

Call Art Malcolm.


Get the car!


Look, I don't want to hurt you!


Come on, kid.

You can't hide in here forever.



There he is!

All right, kid.

Al right.

That's enough.

Now where is it?

Okay, I'll tell you.

He's out cold.

Well, bring him to.

Two men came in...
started asking questions.

Kevin John ran away.

I'm afraid they're
going to hurt him.

Where'd they go?

Out the window,
around the corner.

I'm not telling you anything.

Look, now...
hey, look at me.

You've got a very
nice-looking mother.

You, uh...

you wouldn't like to see
anything happen to her,

would you?

Let's go.

No! No, wait!

Okay, I'll tell you.

Where is it?

In the arena.

The basement.

Where in the basement?

Under an old boiler.

Hey, fellas, you know Kevin John
Hunter, lives around the corner?

Yeah, sure.

Did you see two men
chasing him just now?

Yeah. They went into the
warehouse, then they took off.


They cops?

Kevin John?

Up here.

Kevin John, what happened?

I fell, from up there.

Where does it hurt?

I can't move my leg.

I kind of ache all over.

Now, you just lie still, huh?

I'll get an ambulance, okay?

Mr. Mannix?

I told them where
the notebook was.

What notebook?

The one Bull gave me.

He told me to hide it
and not to show it to anybody.

I promised him.

Where is it?

The arena.

In the basement.

Okay, Kevin John.

Now, don't move
until help gets here, okay?





Hold it right there!

That's it, right there!
Drop it!

Okay, let's go.

How's Kevin John?

On the way to the hospital.

Nothing serious.

Well, this is what
it was all about.

Then it's true.

Bull was mixed up
with those men.

Was, Kevin John...

He was through as a fighter,
and broke,

and I guess
they talked him into it.

But he did try and get out.

You're not just
saying that, are you?

This was addressed
to the police,

but, uh... Bull really
meant it for you.

What does it say?

Read it.

If you're reading this,
I'm probably dead.

I wanted out of the operation

after I met the kid
who brought you this.

See, I just didn't
want him to know

what I was doing, you know.

He's a good kid.

And you tell him...

tell him that
ranch idea was... was okay.

I just...

just wish I could've made it
with him, that's all.