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08x01 - Portrait in Blues

Posted: 07/31/23 07:15
by bunniefuu
♪ I've imagined I'm a sailor ♪

♪ Sailing across the sea! ♪

♪ I've even been ♪

♪ A train conductor ♪

♪ Stopping at the station! ♪

♪ I engage in conversation! ♪

♪ With the people ♪

♪ Of my daydreams every day ♪

♪ I seem to be
a million miles away ♪

♪ In my mind ♪

♪ I hope to find ♪

♪ Some peace of mind. ♪

All right.
Thank you.


He's out there again.

Forget it.

He's harmless.

First came the word,
and then came the music,

and we got it all
together for you

in a new one by Danny Shepard.

k*ll the power!


What a rush.

Miss Jane Peterson?


I'm Joe Mannix.

Oh, yes.

Come on in, please.

Thank you.

You said it was, uh,
very important.

Oh, it is. It is.

Uh, is that enough
for a retainer?

That depends what you want done.

Well, there's a singer
by the name of Chris Lockwood.

He was almost electrocuted
last night.

Oh, yeah, I read about that.

Well, the newspaper said
that it was an accident,

but I think that someone
was trying to k*ll him.

What gives you that idea?

Mr. Mannix...

what are the chances of you...

sh**ting yourself
with your own g*n accidentally?


Well, uh, Chris Lockwood works

with that electrical
sound equipment

on the stage all the time--

Until last night.

Miss Peterson...

why are you hiring me?

Uh, why not Chris Lockwood?

Because he wouldn't.


Just what's
your interest in him?

, uh, happen to like
the way he sings live.

I'd like to keep it that way.

I'm impressed.

I mean, real music lovers
are rare these days.

You know, that Lockwood kid
was just plain lucky.

If he'd grabbed that hot mic
like this--

The way he usually does--

He'd be deader
than a mackerel right now.

What do you think caused it?

A short somewhere.

Been able to find it?

No, can't seem to.

You know, accidents do happen.

There was a guy playing the
guitar barefoot on a wet stage,

electrocuted himself
over in London just last year.

Yeah, the only trouble is,

Chris Lockwood
wasn't barefooted.

This could have been a
deliberate attempt to k*ll him.

By who and what for?

I was hoping maybe
you could tell me.

I'm sorry.

But I still say
accidents do happen.


This hot?

No, no, it's safe.


Uh, where does this wire lead?

Oh, that-that...
that leads to the amplifier.

It's okay.

♪ checked it out. ♪

What about that one?

Oh, that's just the ground.

And where does it lead?

To that metal pipe over there.


Well, like, uh, I said,
accidents do happen.

So do murders.

♪ Give me just
a little more sunshine! ♪

♪ I think it could be
a bit brighter ♪

♪ It's so hard to see tomorrow ♪

♪ I think it was yesterday ♪

♪ No reason to turn off
your sunshine ♪

♪ If I'm gonna be here
tomorrow ♪

♪ I'll climb me
the tallest mountain ♪

♪ And help you break
a brand-new day ♪

♪ Shine down on the man
who's not watching ♪

♪ Or listening
to what's going down ♪

♪ You'll soon feel a warmth ♪

♪ Which might get
his attention ♪

♪ You'll need more than me ♪

♪ 'Cause he's got no direction ♪

♪ He's really
no different than I ♪

♪ He's just got
no sun in his sky ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ He's just got
no sun in his sky ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ He's just got
no sun in his sky! ♪

Okay, take ten, boys.

Hey! What's going on?
Hey, how you doing, man?

How you doing, Bubba?
Good to see you.

How's it sound, Wing?

Danny, that has got to be

the best jingle you've written
since I found you two guys

doing ten-dollar gigs
in the boonies.


Hey, how was Vegas?

When did you get back?

Oh, couple hours ago.

The games people play up there
in that town-- they shouldn't.

But as the man says

in the commercials,
you only go around once.

And let me tell you something,
a couple of plugs from old Wing,

and you guys are a lock
for another golden record.

Lordy, you boys
are going to be millionaires

before you're minutes older.

Hey, tell me about it.

You know, I can remember
when the payoff

was Danish and coffee.

And I had to buy.

Like to take the food
out of my own mouth.

Uh, Chris Lockwood?


The name is Joe Mannix.

I'm a private investigator.

Hey, what is this?

I've been hired
to investigate your accident

on the theory that, uh,
someone wants you dead.

You mean maybe
somebody set it up?


You got to be putting me on.

Hey, listen to the man, Chris.

Chris, he's right.
Listen to the man.

Ah, I don't need
anybody to babysit.

Hey, who hired you?

A Miss Jane Peterson.


Says she's a fan.

Well, tell her
she's wasting her money.

You sure of that?

No, he's not sure!
Chris, baby...

Hey, cool it, Wing.

No way!
Danny, tell him.

Few days ago,
a guy sideswiped Chris's car,

trying to run him
off Malibu Canyon.

Some drunk--
he wasn't even that close.

Look, friends,
nothing's going to happen to me.

Ready any time you are, C and D.

Yeah, right on.
Let's get it on.


I don't need you around,
Mr. Mannix.


It's your life.

You got it, baby.

He doesn't care.

♪ think Chris kind of thinks
he's indestructible. ♪

Nobody's luck guarantees him
against a m*rder try.

If you know of any enemies...


We're paying heavy
for this hall.

All right, all right, all right.
Hold it a second.

There's this weirdo--
his name is Walcott.

He comes to the club
every night.

Maybe you ought
to check him out.

Mannix, I've been
knowing these two kids

since they owned
two pair of Levi

and a beat-up guitar
between them,

so if there's anything
I can do, you...

I'll howl.



Is Miss Peterson in?

I'm Miss Peterson.

You live here?

I pay the rent, so I must.


Tiresome, isn't it?

Are you from the Census Bureau?

Uh, no.
Uh, earlier today,

I talked to someone
right here in your apartment.

She told me
she was Jane Peterson.

I can show you my credentials.

Or, better yet, why don't |
just phone the manager?

No, that won't be necessary,
Miss Peterson.

Uh, my mistake.


Some case.

You have a famous man to protect
who doesn't want protection

and a client who isn't the girl
she's supposed to be.

That's just beautiful, Joe.

What do you do now?

Well, now, uh,
you are going to check out

Chris Lockwood
and Danny Shepard.

Friends, business deals,
lovers and enemies.

While you do what?

Try and locate
my anonymous client.

Uh, call Chip.

Tell him to tail Miss Peterson.

There's Walcott.

He's sitting at the table
alone by the bar.

Man, that cat makes me sweat.

It's like he's drowning,
going down for the third time.

He's got ice needles
in his brain.

What makes you think
he wants Chris dead?

He's got some freaky idea
Chris k*lled his daughter.

He didn't, I take it.
No way.

She was just another groupie,
but really hung up on Chris.

She tagged along with us

from gig to gig
on our last tour.

It really bugged Chris.

Every time he turned around,
there she was.

Well, one night
in San Francisco,

♪ told her to split. ♪

That Chris couldn't stand
seeing her around all the time.

She flipped.

She jumped out a hotel window.

k*lled herself.

What makes Walcott think
Chris figured in that?

It was Chris's room
she jumped from.


Mr. Walcott,
my name is Mannix.

I don't remember inviting you.

I'd like to talk to you
about Chris Lockwood.

You a friend of his?

Something like that.

I, uh, hear you don't like him.

Whatever gave you that idea?

Chris Lockwood,
the all-American kid?

He was almost electrocuted
last night

right here in this club.

Why, that's terrible.

Almost, you say?

Better luck next time.

I understand you're here
every night, Mr. Walcott,

which means you
would know the layout.

That's no proof
♪ tried to k*ll him. ♪

Even if I did, Chris Lockwood's
not going to prefer charges.

Why not?

I can wreck his career.

He as good as m*rder*d
my daughter.

My baby.

She meant more to me
than anything.

Tell him I'm watching
and waiting,

and one day,
I'll see him buried.

Hey, relax.

Let's watch the show.

These boys are terrific.

♪ Help is on the way,
help is on the way ♪

♪ Good God Almighty ♪

♪ I thank the Lord ♪

♪ For your love ♪

♪ Your precious love ♪

♪ Good God Almighty ♪

♪ Who's sitting there
up beyond ♪

♪ Once above ♪

♪ You are driving me right! ♪

♪ You are driving me right... ♪

♪ Up into space ♪

♪ We fly ♪

♪ In an air-conditioned sun...! ♪

Am I supposed
to understand this?

That's the scoop
on David Walcott.

He's Mr. Clean.

He's been
an electronics technician

for the past years
with the same company.

An electronics engineer
could rig a microphone wire.

Maybe, Joe, but he doesn't
even have a moving violation.

Yeah, but his daughter is dead.

Hi, Joe.


Beautiful day, huh?

Birds are singing.

Which means
he's dug up something.

Right, Chip?
Oh, I don't know.

Oh, come on, stop with
the cutesies. Give.

I got a line on your client.

A girl answering her description
had coffee and conversation

with Jane Peterson...
this morning.



: a.m.

Coffee shop-- Riebold Building.

I followed the little lady
back to her nest.

Her name is Susan McAndrew,
and she works for Todd Corvin.

Todd Corvin.

TC Music Company?

And TC Records
and TC Publishing and so forth.

Susan's in public relations.

And Jane Peterson
is a real estate agent

with offices
in the same building.

Anything on Todd Corvin?


They call him
the Little Napoleon.

Sometimes the Octopus.

Seems he has his tentacles

in every phase
of the music business.

How about, uh, Chris Lockwood
and Danny Shepard?

Yeah, he owned them
until last month

when his contract ran out

and the boys refused
to sign with him again.

I like it.

I'll take it, then, okay?

Good. I'll write it up.
Thank you.

Well, you are quite
some detective, Mr. Mannix.

Well, I work at it.

Now, why the charade,
Miss McAndrew?

Well, I couldn't let Chris know
that I was involved,

or he would have gone
right through the roof.


Excuse me, please.

Jane Peterson
is an old friend of mine.

She, uh, did me a favor.

She lent me her apartment
and her name.

Mr. Mannix, is Chris all right?

He's alive and kicking--
kicking a lot.

He doesn't want me around.

You're not listening
to him, are you?

What's your real interest
in Chris Lockwood?

I love him.

And he's in danger
because of me.


I was ambitious.

The music business,
it's so competitive.

People are hard, like...

Todd Corvin?


The way he lusts for power.

You know,
but emotionally, he's a baby.

Why do you work for him?

Oh, I wanted to be someone.

I... I wanted to be a woman
with a career.

Now I don't even like
what I am at all.

Oh, here. Thank you.

Corvin used me as bait
to try to hook Danny and Chris

into re-signing
with his company.

And Chris took the bait.


The only trouble is,
I got hooked, too.

And then Chris found out
that Corvin put me onto him.

That, I take it,
broke up the romance.


Into little jagged pieces.

Tell me a little
about Mr. Corvin.

Todd Corvin usually gets
what he wants,

and it doesn't matter
how he does it.

Would he, uh,
go as far as m*rder?

Well, I told you
he was a baby emotionally.

Children are always breaking
their toys, aren't they?


All right, I tell you what.

Uh, I want that London group
signed before the day is over,

or just don't bother
coming back at all, okay?

Hear that, Smitty?

How'd you get in here?


Who are you?

Name is Mannix.

I represent Chris Lockwood.

Oh. An agent, huh?

All right, go ahead and talk.

I understand you'd like to get

Chris and Danny's names
on a new contract.

Yeah, all right, all right.

So he's not in the hotel--
so he's in New York.

Just find him, right?

Try every bar in town.

Try every chick in his stable.

He's busy.

I don't like
Chinese fire drills.

Now we talk.

Mean and tough, huh?

You'll find out as we go along.

Yeah, sure,
I want a new contract.

I mean, that's no secret.

But I only want
Danny's name on it.

I want his songs.

Why not Lockwood?

Come on.

He's just another guy
with cute tonsils.

He's as replaceable
as a lightbulb.

But he's the one who gives me
all the static.

Be nice if you could get rid
of Chris Lockwood, wouldn't it?


He's excess baggage.

And a big, fat pain
in the neck, to boot.

And listen, Mannix,
if he and Danny try

to make it on their own
with a publishing company...

I'm going to smash their action
like it was a popcorn stand.


You know,
I'm getting the impression

you'd do anything to get rid
of Chris Lockwood.


Like I said, a lightbulb.

This is, uh, Little Lamb.

He's my director of protocol.

I guess the meeting's over.

Uh, would you
show Mr. Mannix out?


Don't push it.


Easy, Little Lamb. Easy.

Just, uh, deposit him outside.

Next time, little boy...

Daddy's going to spank.

The door is open.

You again.

Afraid so.

I thought I ought to warn you.

I've been doing some checking.

There seems to be
more than one person

who would like to see you
in the morgue.

Oh, yeah?

Name someone.

Todd Corvin.

He's all wind.

Dave Walcott.

He says you k*lled his daughter.

Ah, Walcott's nuttier
than a fruitcake.

What was his daughter doing
in your room that night?

She was hiding.

She was stoned out of her gourd.

I didn't even know
she was there.

Look, I got more sense
than to rub bones with groupies.

I wasn't even in the hotel
when she jumped.

Did you tell her father that?

I tried, but he wouldn't listen.

Wing Dobson has some clout
with the media,

so he laid on a hush-hush job,

so her father
figured the worst: a cover-up.

Listen, before you get
out of my life,

I'd like to know one thing.

Who hired you?

Susan McAndrew.


I suppose she thinks
she's doing me some big favor.

She told me she was worried
about you because...

she loved you.

Tell her again, Mannix,
straight from the source--

She's wasting her money.

Stay down!

Rover don't much like that disc.

A tough critic, Rover.

He eats up newcomers alive.

Why don't we try
another new platter here

by Lockwood and Shepard?

There, that's the ticket.

♪ Makes me think
I'm losing my mind ♪

♪ Too often you're left behind ♪

♪ Some leave you cold,
some leave you blind ♪

♪ Then a voice comes to me...! ♪

Colder than the witches
in there.

How's Chris?
Have an olive.

No, thank you.
So far, okay.

Well, hang in there, Mannix.

I intend to--
with a little help.

Well, listen, you name it, baby.

Come on.

Danny Shepard's songs.

Uh, how much would you say
they're worth?

Over the long haul?

Oh, my.


Rock is big business,
and Danny Shepard is on the...

on the top of the talent heap.

Strictly big-league operation.

And really, I... I wish
I had a piece of the action.

Oh, why don't you?

Strictly a matter of ethics.

A deejay has got to be clean,
or else he'll...

he'll wind up
on a witness stand somewhere.

What about, uh, Todd Corvin?

Oh, my...

Arrested development.

When he was little, he used to
tear the wings out of flies.

Now he tears the...
the guts out of people.

I suppose you heard someone
took a potshot at Chris.

Danny told me.

Whoever did it was a pro.

Does Todd Corvin
have Syndicate connections?

Connection...? Oh, my...

The Syndicate owns Todd Corvin

all the way down
to the lifts in his shoes.

Chris and Danny know that?

Sure, they know it.

That's the main reason
they didn't sign a new contract.

And now Toddy boy
is in mucho trouble.

How is that?

Well, without Danny
and Chris's contract,

maybe, uh, his toy empire
is going to fall apart.

And when it comes crashing down,

guess who's going to be
in the front row

of the cheering section
waving pom-poms.

Little old Wing Dobson.

Let me tell you something.

The music business
used to be fun.

Now it's... it's big money.

Danny and Chris aren't just
a couple of nice kids.

They're million-record sellers
on the hoof.

Concert gigs with
a quarter-of-a-million gross.

It was more fun
when we were all scratching.


Factory whistle.

Got to go, Mannix.

Hey, uh, Wingy.

Thanks a lot.


Pioneer Insurance Trust.

What about it?

The company wrote
an insurance policy

for half a million dollars--

Chris Lockwood
and Danny Shepard.

Wing Dobson.

Oh, beautiful.

I spent half the night
listening to him

do a father-figure number on me.

Only there's a gimmick.

Wing Dobson only collects
if both of them die.

How nice.

they set up something

a few years ago when he
was kind of sponsoring them.

In case of a plane crash
or something like that.


Might cheer you up.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Yes, he is, but...

Susan McAndrew.

She sounds very upset,

and she wants to see you
right away.

Do you know where she lives?

Yeah. It was in Chip's report.

Mr. Mannix.

Okay, why'd you set me up?

Todd Corvin's idea?

What are you talking about?

Look, you called my office
and told me to meet you here.

I did not call you.

Don't lie to me!

I'm not lying to you.

I didn't call you.


I'm, uh... I'm sorry.

I guess I had you figured wrong.

Wh-What happened?

Somebody took a shot at me
outside my office.


I didn't have time to notice.

Oh, no.

Maybe they're trying
to get past you to Chris.

Here-- you do it, please.

If Danny answers the phone,
he won't let me talk to Chris.

Danny hates me.

I'll, uh...
I'll do it in person.

No, I don't hate Susan.

I just didn't go
for the way she used Chris.

Ah, that's ancient history.

Look, I appreciate the fact
that you're worried,

but I'm not going to live
like a hunted animal.

Well, you better
get used to the idea.

Someone's trying to k*ll you.

And he's desperate enough
to want to k*ll me, too.


I didn't get a look at the man
who shot at me.

Hey, listen, why can't we
call the police in?

I mean, after all,
Walcott threatened Chris.

No, no, no.

That poor gonzo's
half out of his mind.

Well, you can't have
a man arrested

until he's done something.

That'll be the delivery
from the pharmacy.

I ordered some pills.

I guess it is getting to me
a little.

I got it, Chris.

Mr. Chris Lockwood?
I got it.

Orders are to deliver these

It's a prescription.

I'm Chris Lockwood.

Okay, sir. Here you are.

Thank you.

Is that the, uh,

delivery man
the drugstore usually sends?

Never noticed.

Yeah, hold it.
What's the matter?

It's the first time
I've ever seen a delivery man

wearing a pair of $ shoes.

Who wrote this prescription?

Danny's doctor.

Abe Galloway.

Private investigator?


Are you here about the break-in,
Mr. Mannix?

Uh, yes.

Yes, I'd like to know more
about it, Doctor.

Uh, exactly when did it happen?

Oh, uh, over a month ago.

The building's night custodian
had been knocked out,

and the burglar or burglars
forced the lock on my office.

You, uh, reported it
to the police, of course.

Oh, of course, of course.

Place was a mess.

Files scattered,
cabinets opened.

Did they, uh,
come up with anything?

Oh, some barbiturates
were taken.

And frankly, I believe
they assumed a drug addict

had, uh, burglarized
the premises.

Now, drug addicts aren't usually
interested in medical files.

Were any of them stolen?

Uh, case histories?


Danny Shepard your patient?


Could the burglar
have gotten a look

at Danny Shepard's medical file?

It's possible.

His file had been tampered with.

But so, uh,
were a dozen other records.

Dr. Galloway, what's wrong
with Danny Shepard?

Oh, sorry, Mr. Mannix.

And I don't see what that
has to do with anything.

Doctor, you wrote this
prescription for Chris Lockwood?


Danny asked me to.

It's perfectly harmless.

Well, I got a lab analysis.

It's cyanide.

One pill could k*ll a horse.

I don't understand.

Doctor, it's not idle curiosity.

This is literally life or death.

You're making it very difficult
for me, Mr. Mannix.

What's wrong with Danny?

Danny has chronic leukemia.

Of the monocytic variety.


I urged chemotherapy,
but he refused.

So now his physical condition

is deteriorating
at an alarming rate.

Danny is dying, Mr. Mannix.

That's funny.

Oh, funnier.


I, uh...

I have to talk to you.

See you inside.

I quit Todd Corvin.


Any particular reason?

Todd, uh...

wanted me to make a play
for you again.

Funny, huh?

Yeah, yeah.

It's a tired joke.


You, uh... you want to hear
something really funny?

He, uh, asked me, "Why not?"

And I said to him...

because I love you.


That's a word you use
in, uh, song lyrics.

Oh, I could have been
really smart except I...

Except I...


I love you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I mean, nobody likes sentimental
good-byes anymore, do they?


Hey, why don't you stay
for a while?

Listen to the set.

I always do better
with a live audience.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

The man's due here
in about five minutes.

Yeah, well, vamp
for a couple minutes.

Uh, I'll be back in a flash.

Joe, Chip just called in.

Chris Lockwood and Danny Shepard

just canceled
their recording session.

They said they had to get
to the club early.

Any reason?

They got an urgent message.

From who? Saying what?

Nobody knows.

Wing Dobson's
at the recording studio.

He was with them,
and he didn't know.

Okay, uh...
tell Chip to stay on it.

I'll be at the club.

I saw you with that girl.

A new one?

Like my daughter?

Mr. Walcott,
I never even met your daughter.

You're lying.

You're lying.
She was in your room.

That's right.

She bribed the hotel clerk

while Danny and |
were giving a concert.

She was high.

And angry.

'Cause I wouldn't let her
move in with me.

So she wrecked the room and...

then she k*lled herself.

It's all in the police report.

I'm sorry.

Maybe it was my fault.

Maybe, if I'd talked to her...

A lot of kids
hang around the concerts.

Not because of Danny and me.

We're not even real to them.

There's something missing
in their lives,

so they grab onto us.

Your daughter
was just one of them.

Just one of the kids.

I never even talked to her.

I know.

She wrote me that she hated you.

You wouldn't let her
be with you.

I guess I had to blame somebody.

I couldn't stand thinking
it was my fault.

Maybe it wasn't anybody's fault.

Can I do anything?


No, just leave me alone.

Hey, come on, man.

I did two sets and an encore.

Sorry, man. I got hung up.

Yeah, I can dig it.

Everything cool?

Hey, I... I know you're tired,
we've been working hard,

but we close tonight.

Our last night.

For a while.

Hey, we need a nice, long rest.

Hey, what do you say Hawaii?

You know, all that sun
and surf...

Lay off, Chris.

Hey, what's bugging you, Danny?

Remember five years ago tonight?

We played our first gig here.

Sure, I remember.

Geez, those years
have gone by fast.

Good years.

They're my whole lifetime.

There won't be any Hawaii
for me, Chris.

Hey, something
is bugging you, Danny.

Real bummer.

I'm dying.

You got to be putting me on.

I'm not putting you on, Chris.

I'm checking out.

I'm dying of leukemia.

Just a clean-cut...

white-blooded all-American kid.


Hey, you know I can't stay
on key without a solid backup.

You'll manage.

You'll be alive.

Let's make music.

♪ Lovers won and lost
too many times ♪

♪ Makes me think
I'm losing my mind ♪

♪ Too often you're left behind ♪

♪ Some leave you cold,
some leave you blind ♪

♪ Then a voice! ♪

♪ Comes to me ♪

♪ Opening something to be ♪

♪ Everything's fine.! ♪

Of course, everything's fine.

Come on, let's make some music.

You got it.

♪ Give me just
a little more sunshine! ♪

♪ I think it could be
a bit brighter ♪

♪ It's so hard to see tomorrow ♪

♪ I think it was yesterday ♪

♪ No reason to turn off
your sunshine ♪

♪ If I'm gonna be here
tomorrow... ♪

♪ I'll climb me
the tallest mountain ♪

♪ And help you break
a brand-new day ♪

♪ Shine down on the man
who's not watching ♪

♪ Or listening
to what's going down ♪

♪ He'll soon feel a warmth
which might get his attention ♪

♪ He'll need more than me
'cause he's got no direction ♪

♪ He's got no sun in his sky ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ He's just got
no sun in his sky ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Give me just
a little more sunshine! ♪

♪ I think it could be
a bit brighter ♪

♪ It's so hard to see tomorrow ♪

♪ I think it was yesterday ♪

♪ No reason to turn off
your sunshine ♪

♪ If I'm gonna be here
tomorrow ♪

♪ I'll climb me
the tallest mountain ♪

♪ And help you break
a brand-new day ; ♪

♪ Shine down on the man
who's not watching...! ♪


Any time.


You really blew your cool,

The word is out there's
a heavy contract out on Chris,

and I was keeping
an eye on him-- with that.

Just in case.

No kidding?


How much gambling money
does Wing owe the organization?

, maybe grand.

Chris and Danny
are my best friends.

Except Danny's dying.

If you got rid of Chris,

you'd pick up a half a million
insurance bucks.

Two for the price of one.

I'm sorry, guys.

Nothing personal.

You win some,
and you lose some.

Get me out of here.

You got a match?

Sorry, Danny.

It's a dirty business, huh?

Except for the talent--
that's pure gold.

Come on.

Let's go, Little Lamb.

♪ Give me just
a little more sunshine! ♪

♪ I think it could be
a bit brighter ♪

♪ It's so hard to see tomorrow ♪

♪ I think it was yesterday ♪

♪ No reason
to turn off your sunshine ♪

♪ If I'm gonna
be here tomorrow ♪

♪ I'll climb me
the tallest mountain ♪

♪ And help you break
a brand-new day ♪

♪ Shine down on the man
who's not watching ♪

♪ Or listening
to what's going down ♪

♪ You'll soon feel a warmth
which might get his attention ♪

♪ You'll need more than me
'cause he's got no direction ♪

♪ He's really
no different than I ♪

♪ He's just got
no sun in his sky ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ He's just got
no sun in his sky ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ He's just got
no sun in his sky! ♪