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08x18 - The Empty Tower

Posted: 07/31/23 07:27
by bunniefuu

Uh, yeah, this is Joe Mannix.

Any messages?

Are you sure you didn't get
a call from a Mr. Magnuson?

Yeah, well, uh, thanks.
Good night.



All right, he's all yours.

Well, Johnny Feigen, huh?


He said in court
he'd come back and get you.

Yeah. He carried a grudge
for a lot of years.

The guy escapes from prison,
he's on the Most Wanted List,

and instead of disappearing
into the woodwork,

he tries to make good
oh a promise.

Yeah, well, that was
Johnny Feigen, all right.

Come on, you could use a drink.

Eh, no thanks, Art,
some other time.


Hey, not bad, minutes.

Tell me something, Tony,
when you were born,

were you on time?
Two weeks late.

Yeah, well, at least
there is some improvement.

Well, thank you very much.
Uh, Harry,

two more of the same, please.

I'm really sorry, Joe. Yeah,
well, what was it this time?

It was business.
No kidding.

Yes. No, really, I'm about
to make a big k*lling

with some international

Oh, how exciting-- big finance.

Yes. Yeah, well, I admit that
the precious metals business

is not as glamorous as yours.

I mean, no one takes sh*ts at
me, but my business is tricky.

It's true. Do you know
that I have to be nice

to some big money men

that you would throw
right out of your office?

Well, if they were
big money men like you,

I'd do it very gently.

You're a nice man.

Joe, uh, the reason
I called you...

I'm starting to get
a little tired of the...

the wheeler-dealer business,

and I thought maybe...

well, maybe we could take a
couple of days off, go fishing.

Yeah, well, right about now
I could use that, too.

All right, suppose I called
old man Anderson

and just said, "Tell
those fish we're on our way"?

Sounds so great. Oh, great.
Harry, give me the phone,

will you, please? Hey, no,
now, wait a minute. I...

I just can't do it.

Well, uh, I'm
wrapping up a case.

I've got to hang in there
for an important phone call.

A phone call?

Joe, uh..

I don't want to stun you
or anything, but do you know

that the phone company
now has telephones everywhere?

Yes, yes.

So couldn't Peggy
take the message

and then put the call
through to the lodge?

Hey, we did get pretty lucky
last year, didn't we?

You did, but this is
my year, Joe.

I went out and bought
a whole bunch of new flies.

You're kidding.
Ah, they're beautiful.

Why not, huh?

You're on.
Okay, good.

I will be at your office
Saturday morning, : sharp.


I'll lay eight to five.

Eight to five, huh?

It's all in the wrists.

Those poor fish don't
stand a chance.

Yeah, why don't
they just surrender

and save me a whole weekend?

Oh, Joe! Hey, your friend's

running a little behind
schedule, isn't he?

Yeah, well, that's Tony--
why should today

be any different
than any other day?

Here, let me show you
how it's done. No, thanks!

The only trout I want to see is
on a plate with almondine sauce.


Hello, Mr. Elliot.

Uh, Tony.

Yes, |, uh...

threw all my stuff in your car.

I'm sorry I'm late.

I expect it.
I plan my day around it.

That's why I do it, Joe--
out of consideration for you.


You know, I still feel guilty

leaving you to mind the store
on this long holiday weekend.

Don't give it a second thought.

I just keep thinking of all that
lovely overtime I'll be making

for doing nothing
but waiting for a phone call.

Oh, it's worth every penny, but,
now, I need that information.

As soon as the call comes in,
I'll phone you at the lodge.

Wish I could help.
Ah, he's all heart.

Have a nice weekend.

Good-bye, Peggy.

Good-bye, Tony.

Well, look at it this way, Joe--

We deserved it, we earned it,

we have a right to it.

Well, I must say
it was a great idea.

A couple of days fishing
in the mountains,

breathing air you can
see through for a change.

Yeah. No decisions to make.

Except what stream to fish.

What lures to use.

Lures to use?

Joe... Joe, stop the car.
Aw, don't...

Stop the car, Joe!
tell me you got a problem.


What did you forgot?

I forgot my flies.

Well, I can't help it,
Joe! My brand new flies,

they're sitting in a desk drawer
right there in the office.


Tell me, how does this man
get through the day on his own?

Aw, Joe, please! A fisherman
without his flies! Why...

It's only a couple
of blocks out of your way. Oh,

I'm proud of you. At least, you
remembered where your office is.

Hey, now,
Tony, don't mess around.

Now, those fish aren't gonna
wait around all day. Why?

What else have they got to do?
Oh, boy.


Hello, Mr. Allen.
Looks like you're the last one

out of the building today.
Almost. You got a customer.

Thanks, Charley. I forgot
something. I won't be a second.

You still have to sign in
anyway, Mr. Elliot. Sure thing.

And I'll check you out,
Mr. Allen.

Check me out and sign me
in a box seat at the stadium.

That's a big game today.

I'll hear it anyway.
I've got my radio back there.




Hi, yeah, a friend of mine went
up to his office

about minutes ago.

Uh, Tony Elliott.

Yeah, I'd like to go up
and find out what's keeping him,

drag him out by his heels
if necessary.

We're going fishing.

Oh, it's all right by me, but
you'll still have to sign in.


Elevator's around the corner.

Yeah, I know,
I've been here before.

Yeah, you'll have
to use the first one.

It's the only one working today.


I'm sorry to bother you.

No bother.

Any company is a pleasure
on a day like this.

Too bad you're stuck.



It's okay,
I saw him come in from up here.

We'll take care of him.

I seem to be interrupting

You could say that.

Put your hands on the wall.

A friend of mine came up here
a little while ago.

What happened to him?
He's all right.

You're gonna be okay, too.

Just do as you're told
and you won't get hurt.



It's okay, we've got him.

Don't forget, his car
is still parked out there.

Don't worry about it.

Just keep your eyes open.


He's clean.

Keys to your car--
let's have them.

Where's Tony Elliott?

I told you he's okay.

The keys, the keys.

The keys.

Drive it down in the garage.

Now, where's Elliott?

The vault.


Is that it?

That's everything.




Oh, Joe, oh.


Well, let me take a look at it.

Keep your hands away from it.


Oh, it hurts, huh?
Yeah, Joe...

All I can say is,
it's a good thing

you've got such a thick head.

Yeah, and it's got
a bell in it right now.

Oh, my hair hurts.

Well, I guess
we can take it for granted

they weren't
after your new flies.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I think
you could say that, yeah.

Probably not trout fisherman.

Oh, really?

Hey, who handles your security?

Uh, Peterson's.

The whole building is wired
into it, everybody.

Goes straight to headquarters.

What kind of an alarm system?

I don't know,
it's some sort of, uh...

electronic bounce-back thing.

Uh, it's, it's, it's the best
that money can buy, Joe.

Obviously not good enough.

Well, what is that
supposed to mean?

Yeah, you're beautiful,
you know that?

We start on a nice little
fishing trip

and we end up in the middle of
a large-scale looting operation.

Well, it's hardly
large-scale, Joe.

It'd take them about a,

a half hour
to clean this place out.

I'm talking
about this whole building,

and they got a nice long weekend
to do itin.

What are you talking about?

Well, didn't you see
the bins out there?


I'd say they're after every firm
in this building

that's got anything of value.


Boy, that'd be some haul.


Well, Joe, look.


Oh, boy.

I must have twisted my ankle
when they jumped me.

Oh, swell.

Well, it doesn't matter
very much, does it, Joe?

I mean, considering
we're stuck here

until my secretary arrives
on Monday morning.

We'd better not be here.

We could be dead by then.


There's not enough air
in here, Tony,

at least not for the two of us.

Joe, we have
a ventilating system.

Tony, they probably
turned it off.

They wouldn't do that.

We've seen their faces, Tony.

Now, you don't really think
they're going

to leave us behind
to identify 'em.

What are we going to do?

What kind of vault is this?

It's a Hauser.

It's the best you can get.

You know me, Joe,
always the best.

And what series is it in-—-
eight, nine, or ten?


Joe, Joe, what are you doing?


Joe, that door cost me $ , .


Well, since you have managed
to ruin

a perfectly good vault door,
now what?

The Hauser eight series features

free-floating gears
and tumblers.

Now, the gears make it tougher
to get in from the outside,

but... it just might
make it possible

for me to work these tumblers
from the inside.

Now, if I work this backwards... would be the same
as opening it from the outside.


I told you, this is
the most expensive vault made.

Yeah, well, all the engineering
is done from the outside

to keep people from breaking in,
not breaking out.

Mallory, Mallory.


You wrapped up
the brokerage office yet?

Yeah, this is getting to be
too much like work.

But it pays a lot better.

You really think
there's going to be $ million?


Too bad there's going to be
a couple dead bodies around

when the weekend's over.

Don't sweat it.

$ million a body ain't bad.

They're not going cheap.

Hold it, I'll give you
your next move.

Yeah, wait a minute.

Industrial Diamonds.



Okay, that should be zero.

Now, what's the combination?

Joe, look, don't you think we
ought to think about this first?

There are three guys
out there with g*ns.

Yeah, and there are
two of us in here

without enough air
to make it to Monday.

Yeah, but we don't know that
they turned off the ventilation.

Maybe they don't want m*rder
on their hands.

You really want
to bank on that, Tony?



Now, what's the combination?

All right, it's, uh...

left .

So we reverse it

and make it right .

Car's in the garage.

Who's next on the hit parade?
Industrial Diamonds.

Great, diamonds are
my best friends.

Also, they fence out high.

Sure I can't help?

Just don't forget
the combination.

What next?

Right .

We make it left.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Oh, yes.

Yes, Mr. Magnuson.


Oh, thank you,
thank you very much.

He's been waiting for this,
and I'll call him right away.



Now, what's next?

Left .


Anderson's Landing.

Anderson speaking.

Oh, hello, I'd like to speak
to Joe Mannix, please.

So would I.

By the time
him and Tony get up here,

all the fish are going to be
frying in someone else's pan.

He's not there yet?

That's right.

He should have been there
hours ago.

I wouldn't know about that;
they're just not here yet.

Well, as soon as he gets there,

would you have him call
his office, please?

It's very important.

Sure will, miss,
soon as he gets here.

Thank you very much.

How's it going
with Industrial Diamonds?

It's done, it's done.


Your next stop is
the Davis Galleries--

The pen and ink originals
on the left wall.

Got it?

Pen and ink
originals on the left wall.

That's all you take, understand?

All right, all right.

Okay, now,
what's the last number?

to the right.



Mobile operator, please.

One moment, please.

Mobile operator.

I want KG - .

Your number, please?

- .

Thank you.

One moment, please.

I'm sorry,
but the unit doesn't answer.

Can you tell me why?

Oh, it could be any
of a number of things.

Maybe the party
switched off the unit.

No, he wouldn't do that;
he's expecting this call.

Well, in that case, I'd say
he's probably out of the car

or else he's going through a
poor reception area

like a rough road,
maybe a tunnel.

Why don't you try again
in a few minutes?

I'll do that.

Thank you, Operator.


that should open it.


Every phone line in the building
must have been cut.

What's in there?

That's my dressing room.

Okay, you're going in there.


Because when they come back
and see this vault door closed,

they're gonna think
we're still in there.

Now, I'm going out for help
and you're gonna stay in there

for the whole weekend
if necessary. Come on.

No, no, Joe,
I'm going with you.

Now, come on.

Why don't you do that?

Come on.

Now lock the door
and don't open it

unless you're sure it's me.

Joe, why don't you just
stay here with me.

They're never going to know
that we're out.

No, and don't open it.

Lock it.


That's only half of it.

I don't know
where we can make room.

I'll take these down to the
truck and bring up an empty bin.

Make it two bins.

We've got to get the police.

There's a heist
going on upstairs.

There sure is.



Charley, what is it?

They got the vault open.

Mannix just showed.

He's on the loose.

He's headed
for the bottom garage level.

What about the garage exit?

It's tight as a drum.

Then we'll get him.

Just keep
that front door locked.





He's not in the car.

There he goes!

He stopped on two.

Wait a minute, he's going again.

Stopping on three.

Going again.

He could be getting off
at any floor.

I'm sorry to bother you again,
Mr. Anderson,

but I wanted to be sure.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

I got your message about Joe.

What's wrong?

That was the fishing lodge.

I called them again.

Art, he hasn't shown up yet.

Look, Peggy,
anything could have delayed him.

Can I have some coffee?


Maybe they stopped off
for a long lunch somewhere.

Or maybe they decided
to try their luck

at one of the other lakes
before going on to the lodge.


Joe was waiting for a call
on the Magnuson case.

It was very important to him.

He would have checked
with me by now.

Even if he got locked up
in the holiday traffic,

a real jam?

Art, he has a phone in his car.

Oh, well, call him on that.

I tried.

There's no answer.

Art, I know something's wrong.

Something has to be.



Just a second, please.

It's for you, Art.



Roll all the black-and-whites
that are available.

We want every location covered,

I'm on my way in.

And I thought it was going
to be a quiet weekend.

What happened?

Peterson's Security Service
found out

their alarm wires were cut
last night.

They've got clients
all over town,

any one of which could be
getting hit right now.

Oh, about Joe,

if we hear anything,

you'll hear it next.

But if you ask me,

you'll hear from him
before we do.



Thank you.

Tony, it's me, Joe.

Joe, where've you been?

What's been going on?

I couldn't get out.

Your guard in the lobby,
he's in on it.

Charley? Well, that takes care
of that, Joe.

You're going to have to stay

in here with me until Monday.

Tony, they know we're
out of the vault.

There's no way they're gonna let
us out of the building alive.

Now, I'm gonna try
and get to the roof

and attract someone's attention.

They'll never figure
you stayed behind.

Just make sure
the door is locked,

and if you hear someone coming,
don't make a sound, huh?

All right, Joe,

be careful, huh?



Go ahead, Kirby.

I want you to lock
the stairwell door

to the main floor, got it?


Art, I know you have
your hands full, but...

Oh, that's all right, Peggy.

Still no word, huh?


I checked the Highway Patrol

and all the hospitals
along the way.

No sign of either one of them.

Art, they couldn't have
just disappeared into thin air.

They've got to be somewhere.

Charley, I want an APB
put out on Joe Mannix.

Blue sports coupe,

license number -FNW.

I'll get on it right away.



Listen, Mallory's on the roof,
working his way down.

Harper's on ,
working his way up.

I'm starting
out on two in the elevator.

Now, he's not calling out,

and he's not going anywhere.

It's just going to take us a
little longer to flush him out.

Now, you just stay cool
and sit tight.

We'll get him.



Hello, Kirby?
Yeah. What do you got?

He's not on the roof.

I'm starting to search the gym.

We left the doors open.

I'll have a look,
and we'll get back to you.




Mallory, you see anything?

Come in, Mallory.

We're on our way up.

Any sign of Mannix?

Mallory? Mallory!

Cover the gym!

Get up there--
something's wrong!

I'll be right up.





Kirby, he's still loose,
and now he's got my g*n.

Mallory. Where's Mallory?

In there.
He's in bad shape.

Listen, and listen good.

I turned the elevator off
on the floor below this,

and I walked up the stairs.

Now, he's not in the gym.

There's only one place he
can be, and that's on the roof.

Now, you get in there

and get Mallory's g*n

and follow me up there--
and no mistakes.



Got the alert out statewide--
so far nothing.

Lieutenant, it's Gregg
on Peterson Security.


So keep checking.

Hey, there has got to be
something happening

somewhere in one
of those buildings.

Now, I want them all

till we find out what it is!


I-I know it's
grabbing at straws...

So grab.

Well, Tony Elliot is

in the bullion
and precious metals business,

and I was just wondering
if his office building

is on the same system?

I mean, maybe
they stopped off there.

What's the name
of that building?

The Warren.

Charley, the Warren Building.

It's on our list, Lieutenant.
Call Peterson's.

Have them send someone
to meet us there right away.


Thanks, Art.

Hey, Charley?

All right, keep your eyes open.

Mannix may be on his way down.







Hold it!

Right there, that's it.

Now lose the g*n.

Lose it.

Move away.


Hey... let's make a deal.

There's enough for everybody.

Sorry, the rip-off is over.

Not yet, Joe.
Don't turn around.

I have a p*stol in my hand,
and I'll use it.

Now, put your hands
over your head.

Put them up!

All right,
you can turn around, Joe.

Glad to see
your leg is so much better.

It's part of the story
that you had to buy.

Oh, I bought it,
all right, all of it.

I had no choice, Joe.

You know how
I've always been with money.

Well, Tony Elliot
always had to have the best,

and this time I got in
over my head

and the business
wouldn't keep up with me.

Next choice was jail.

Jail, Joe!

Cooped up like that?

You know me--
I couldn't have taken it.

So you and your friends

put together
this nice little rip-off.

It's gonna straighten me out.

You figured that
the minute the police

looked at your balance sheet,

they'd nail you
as a hot suspect, huh?

Which is why you needed
an alibi, right, Tony?

And I was it.

Well, they say if you
ever need a really good alibi,

always call on a friend.

That's right, Joe, because
I knew it would hold up.

Hit over the head, locked in
a vault for a weekend with you.

That'd hold up anywhere.

How would I know that you'd be
smart enough to open that safe?

That wasn't smart, Joe,
that was stupid,

because if you hadn't done that,
I wouldn't have to do this.

You can count us
both dead, Tony.

Don't tell me you've forgotten
about the air in the vault.

What are you talking about?

The ventilating system;
I checked.

It was turned off.

They wouldn't do that.

Take a good look at him.

You think he
didn't turn the air off?

Don't listen to him.
Stay where you are!

Go ahead, Joe.

You think he wanted you alive
after all this was over?

He's just stalling for time.
Stay there!

He's using you
like you used me, Tony.

Take a good look at him.
What do you think's going

through his mind? You think
he wanted to split the loot

with you, or you
think he wants you dead?

You're out, Tony!

Now, that memory of yours,

this is one date
you should've forgotten!

How'd you get here?

With a little help from Peggy.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm just fine, Art.