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01x18 - The Big, Small Rescue

Posted: 08/01/23 10:23
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

-[Wedge] Stand back! -[Hot Shot] We're coming through!

-[Hoist] Yeah! -[Medix] Woohoo!

[Whirl] That's it! All clear!

What a rescue!

The way you kicked through that vault, Wedge? Bam!

Seriously impressive.

Yeah. But did you see Hoist?

Well, if it wasn't for Medix, I would've been stranded.

That is an accurate assessment.

One thing's for sure, the bigger the rescue, the better we get! [gasps]

Oops! Sorry, Professor Boulder.

Didn't see you there. [nervous chuckle]

When you're my size, that doesn't happen too often.

Think you recruits can take a break

from training for a real mission?

-Is Cybertron made of metal? -[all laugh]

Yes. Oh. That's what you meant.

I have to warn you--

this rescue will be a huge challenge.

Those are our favorite kind!

Then follow me to the Space Bridge.

[all] Alright! Awesome! Wahoo! Yay!

Space Bridge? We're leaving Earth!

This mission is important!

Ooh, ooh!

I bet we're gonna stop an asteroid from hitting a planet!

Or, saving mining ships near Orion before...

Kaboom! A supernova obliterates the area!

Perhaps we will be protecting the giant moon of Gigas

from the event horizon of a black hole.

[gasps] Or maybe it's all of those things!

I'll tell you more when we arrive.

Hurry! We don't have much time.


Where-- where are we?

The rock planet of Parvus.

All its life is underground down here.

-[rattle, crack] -[all gasp]

Doesn't seem like a very safe place to call home.

Exactly. Quakes have made these caves unstable.

That's why we're here. To save the Galax!

We're going to rescue an entire galaxy?

The Galax is a singular plant.

What? We came all this way for that?

I mean, there's only one left.

It's the last of its kind.

And it's counting on you for its survival.

That does sound like a big responsibility.

Our mission is to dig up the Galax,

and bring it safely back to Earth.

I am unclear. Why does that require six bots?

The cave can just about hold five bots.

If I go with you,

my larger size could cause a catastrophic cave in.

Pffft, we got this.

How hard could it be to grab a plant?


You were saying?

-[rumble, crash] -[all] Aghhh!

That was way too close.

No plants are getting smushed on my watch!

And I don't even wear one. Stand back!

[clank, whirr]

[crash, rumble]

Whirl stop!

What happened?

I was just going to change into my helicopter mode.

That's the problem. This cavern is too unstable

for any big moves or transformations!

We'll have to stay in bot mode for this rescue.

So, how do we get down there?

I think I have an idea!




Still not close enough to grab it.

[Boulder] How's it going, recruits?

Well, we're near the plant.

But, we're not sure what to do next.

[Boulder] Try to find the gentlest way to dig it up.

So, we need to think small,

to make big things happen!

Small to be big, small to be big!

Maybe, we can dig up the plant with water! Try it Hot Shot!

Hope you're thirsty, little guy!


Stop! That's too powerful.

You're doing more harm than good!

Huh? Oh! Oops!

Sorry little guy!

Aww... one of us has to get closer.

And by one of us, I mean Wedge.

What? Why me!

'Cause you're the one with the most digging experience.

Ugh! [grunts]

-Ugh! -[crumble, crackle]

Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down!

-[crash, crack, bang] -Whoa!

Don't look up. Don't look up. Don't look up.

-[cracking] -Whoa!

Just a little bit further, Wedge. You're doing great!

Please, don't talk to me right now.


Hey, buddy.

Whaddya say we make like a galax plant and leaf?

[loud pounding]

-[hisses] -Gah!


That... looks like a no.

Pull me up! Pull me up!

Ew! What is that?

-[rumble, rocks crumble] -[all scream]

Well, at least we're closer now.

Not sure if that's a good thing.

Fascinating. A surprisingly strong web-like substance.

It must be the plant's way to ward off enemies.

But we're not its enemies! We're trying to save it.

-[Boulder] Checking in. -[all] Whoa!

[Boulder] Is everyone alright? Did you get the Galax yet?

Um... not exactly. But we have made first contact.

[Boulder] Try to hurry if you can.

[Boulder] When startled, the Galax has a sticky, strong spray.

Yeah. We noticed.

Maybe I can tow the plant free?

If you do that, you might damage its roots.

[Medix] We need to dig the Galax up before we attempt to move it.

Small to be big, small to be big.

Ah! That's it!

We're just too big for this gig.

We can't transform and our tech is too strong.

We need mini versions of ourselves.

That is impossible. Unless, one of you has a shrink-ray.

I mean, we need tiny tools that do the same thing we do!

These are too powerful for a little plant.

But if I had mini rotors, they'd be perfect for the job!

Yeah! We need Galax sized versions of our cool tools.

I can make those, but I might need a little help.

[action music]

Do you think he knows what he's doing?

-I hope so. -[rumble]

For all our sakes.

And that's how it should work! Any questions?

Seven hundred and fifty-two. But, I'll save them for later.

Let's do this thing!

-[action music] -[whoosh]

Like my wind rotors, but tiny!


Gah! I'm trying to help you!

-[growl] -[sighs]


-[rumble, thud] -Ah!

-Hold tight, buddy! -Nice save!

Sure, it doesn't spray you!

Awww, hey there little fella!

Aren't you the cutest?

Don't worry, we're taking you to a new home.

Galax is in hand, Professor Boulder.

-We are on our way back up. -[rumble]

I may have spoken too soon.

[Boulder] I'll send you a new route.

This should get you out safely.

-Received. -Take it slow,

but be as fast as you can.

Small to be big! Slow to be fast!

Does any part of this mission make sense?

The saving a whole species part.

[rumble, crash]

Hot Shot? You and Hoist stay with me to keep our way clear.

Wedge and Whirl, protect that plant!

Go on, you know you wanna say it.

Rescue Bot recruits, roll to the rescue!

Feels good.

[crackle, rumble]

Ugh, talk about being between a rock and a hard place!

Why would you talk about that?

He means we're stuck between two really hard situations.

Then why didn't he just say that?

[dramatic music]

And now we're really stuck.

Uh, Professor Boulder,

-is there another way out of this place? -[static]

We must be too far underground for a com signal.

I can clear the way with my shovel!

But transforming is too dangerous!

[loud rumbling]

So is staying here! Get ready to run, everybody!

-[engine revs] -[crash, thud]

Go, Whirl!

Don't worry, I got you!

[action music]

-[rumble] -Whoa!

The cave's instability will hold for another few minutes.

-But... -But?

This path is made of limestone.

Which has had years of water and carbonic acid dissolving it!

What does that mean?

It means... Watch out for sinkholes!



Good thing we stuck together, huh, little fella?

Okay, plant. I take back everything bad I said about you.

-[loud crash] -Go, go, go, go, go!

-The way out is blocked! -[crash]

Welcome back, recruits. Nice job.

This has gotta be the biggest, small rescue we've ever done.

-It was epic. -Amazing!

And completely unpredictable!

Whaddya say we go home, little guy?

So? How's our favorite Galax doing?

I think it could use a little company.

-Hey there, buddy. -You sprayed anyone lately?

-Remember us? -Your best friends?

[all] Wow! Whoa!

I guess there really is no such thing as a small rescue!

To the one you're saving, it's the biggest thing in the world.
