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01x47 - Flying Hunk-A-Junk

Posted: 08/01/23 11:47
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪

-♪♪ -[crinkling]


Recruits, after you've cleaned up in here,

can you all meet me at the Sigma launch pad?

We're going on a satellite repair mission.

-Awesome! -Yeah!

We can dispose of some of the trash here,

but most of it can be recycled.

[garbage smashing]

Come on, Hot Shot.

The recycling machine is this way.

Sure thing. Right behind you.


Make that ahead of you.

[engine roaring]

[Boulder] Okay, Recruits.

We're approaching the crippled satellite.

Go unpack the tools and parts we need for the repair.

Whoever's ready first can help dock the Sigma.



What's the triangle mean?

It means the packaging is recyclable.

[Hot Shot] All done.

Not before you take your trash to the recycler.

Too far. I've got a ship to pilot.

Hot Shot, what are you doing?

What's one bit of trash

in the infinity of space?

Hey, Hot Shot, wait for us!

I'm only doing what he did.

The recycler is really far.

His argument does have logic.

But, it's hardly only one piece

if you all just... keep... [sighs]

I'm impressed with how fast you all were.

[Boulder] Hot Shot, Whirl, will you take the pilot

and co-pilot seats?

When we get closer, Hoist, I want you on radar,

and Medix, you'll guide them in.

-Roger that. -Wedge,

I'm surprised.

Your teammates were twice as fast as you.

-Oh, that's because-- -Because Wedge did twice

as much unpacking as the rest of us, sir.

Oh, okay.

Well, in that case I apologize. Good work.

The wing of the satellite is full of holes, sir.

-[Whirl] What caused that? -Space junk.

-What's space junk? -Pieces of old Earth rockets,

broken satellite parts, even trash left by astronauts.

This stuff just hangs in orbit, circling the Earth.

Okay team, prepare to pull alongside the satellite.

Wow, look at the Earth, it's so beautiful!


Totally worth protecting.

What island is that, sir?

In the middle of the Pacific?

It's not on any map that I remember.

It's trash.

Trash Island? Hm. Never heard of it.

No. Sadly I mean it's actual trash.

If we can see it from space, there must be a lot of it.

Miles of it. And the worst part is,

it's damaging the oceans and hurting the wildlife.

-Uh, so sad. -And preventable.

Which makes it even sadder.

It's all stuff that could've been disposed of properly.

Why didn't the humans recycle it?

Because some people can't be bothered, or think that

recycling is somebody else's responsibility.

And when too many people do it, that's the result.

But thankfully, that doesn't apply to you guys.

[awkward mumbling]


[music builds]

[Sigma Computer Voice] Exterior door opening.

Whoa. That's high!

I forgot you were afraid of heights, Wedge.

How 'bout you fetch parts?

Medix can tell you what to get.


Hoist, you reel parts out to me on your cable

and Hot Shot and Whirl,

hold the Sigma steady.

Steady as a rock, Professor.


I'm feeling guilty

about not disposing of that trash properly.

Do you think we should tell Boulder?

Have you got space rust in your logic circuits?

It was just a small amount,

besides it's not like we'll ever see it again.

[alarm buzzing]

Something unidentified is incoming.


Professor, I think there's a comet or a meteor

-coming our way. -I assure you, Whirl,

there are no comets or meteors coming.

We track those things far in advance

and nothing is scheduled.

I am afraid you are both correct.

Something is coming, but it is not a comet.

-What is it? -It appears to be

a giant ball of... erm...

space junk!

[dramatic music]

Where in the name of Primus did that come from?

I think the more pressing question is where is it going?

And from my calculations,

it's on a collision course with the satellite!

Sir, you need to get back into the Sigma

and we need to undock!

Not an option, Hot Shot.

We must protect this satellite.

Its job is to relay vital medical information

between doctors around the world.

But look at the size of it!

There's no way we can stop that thing!

So if we can't stop it, we need to change its trajectory.

Medix is right. Even one degree of change

means it misses the satellite.

Physics dictates that it must be met

with an equal and opposite force.

-Meaning what? -We hit it with something.

We only need to shove it one degree.

But what do we hit it with?

We haven't got anything heavy enough!

You've got me. You need something shoved?

I'm your bot. Stand back.

What am I doiiiinnnngggg?



It's going to be close, Recruits. Hold on.

[effort grunt] Oof!



-[crash] -[yelling]


Wedge, you did it!

-Amazing! -Time to let go, buddy.

-Wedge? Let go! -I'm trying, guys,

but I'm stuck!

Don't panic, Wedge. Everything will be fine.

Everything won't be fine.

I've calculated the junk ball's new trajectory

and it's going to fall into the Earth's upper atmosphere.

[Wedge] Uh, Medix, I can still hear you!

Apologies, Wedge. One moment.

So what happens when it hits the atmosphere?

-It will be destroyed. -[Wedge] It'll be what?

Ain't gonna happen, Wedge.

Boulder, we have to go after him.

Agreed. Take the Sigma.

I'll stay here and finish the satellite repair.

Hang in there, Wedge. We're coming!

[engine roaring]

Good luck, Recruits.


-So, what's the plan? -We'll fly alongside the ball,

and Medix will space walk out to Wedge,

secured by Hoist's cable.

It's a good plan, but the Sigma's not fast enough.

She's right. At this velocity,

we won't catch up in time to save him.

-We need more speed! -What are you going to do?

We need speed? It's my middle name.


[engine roaring]


Hang on, everyone!

[Rescue Bots] Whoaaaa!

[Whirl] It's working! We're catching him.

Get ready, Medix.


Hey hey, Medix. Good to see you.

Is it me or is it getting warmer?

[Hot Shot] You're hitting the atmosphere!

-[Hot Shot] Hurry, Medix! -Just give the word

and I'll reel you in!

-He did it! I'm free! -Please hang on.

Hoist, reel away.

-Woo! -Yeah!

Whirl, get us outta here.

You're safe now, Wedge. You can let go of me.

Uh, not 'til somebody closes that door, I'm not.

-[laughter] -You okay back there, Hot Shot?

I'm fine. Let's get back to Boulder.


Team, that was a spectacular rescue.

However, I still don't understand

where that junk boulder came from?

It was me, Professor.

I was in so much of a hurry to do the fun stuff,

that I just threw my trash into space,

rather than dispose of it properly.

We all did, sir. All except Wedge.

We didn't realize the harm

that carelessly disposed of trash could cause.

-And we're sorry. -I see.

I won't pretend I'm not disappointed,

but the satellite is repaired

and you all learned an important lesson.

So all in all, it was a successful mission.

-[cheering] -Phew.


So remind me, is this recycling?

Uh huh.

I can understand the other recruits doing this,

-but why is Wedge? -He volunteered.

He understands it's everyone's responsibility

to dispose of trash properly,

even if the trash isn't yours.



-Aaaahhhh! -[thud]

[laughing] Yes, Chuck.

That's recycling too.

-[laughter] -Ah.
