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05x17 - Get Shotgun Gibbs

Posted: 08/04/23 07:36
by bunniefuu
Get ready.

I hear 'em coming.

It's the big man

with a shotgun.

That shotgun won't do him

no good.

He'll never what hit him.

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

be told ♪

(male narrator)

The Life and Legend

of Wyatt Earp

starring Hugh O'Brian.

(male narrator)

After several attempts to get

rid of Marshal Earp had failed

his political enemies decided

to go after Shotgun Gibbs.

Wyatt's close friend

and right-hand man.

By k*lling Shotgun,

the Ten Percent Ring

hoped to sicken Wyatt

of his job

and drive him

out of Tombstone.

What took you so long?

Shiloh Smith's

been waiting an hour.

- And who is Shiloh Smith?

- The new boss.

We put him in Dan Pretty's

place yesterday.

Well, I'll be right in.

I think, gentlemen,

it would be a wrong move

to bushwhack Wyatt Earp

just now.

He k*lled Dan Pretty,

didn't he?

Made it look like su1c1de.

No, Mr. Smith. Wyatt doesn't

do things that way.

- I suspect Doc Holliday.

- Then let's get Holliday.

No good either

and not just now.


Well, he has too many hoodlum

friends in and around Tombstone.

And he's cautious.

Too good.

All you can say is no, Behan.

We got to settle with Wyatt

Earp. He's slowed everything.

You talk like Earp's friend. He

was in on the Pretty k*lling.

Somebody's got to pay

for Dan.

Gentlemen, I have an idea

if you'll listen.

Alright, let's have it.

Wyatt Earp has a chief deputy

called Shotgun Gibbs.

He's very fond of him.

If something were

to happen to Gibbs

Wyatt would feel responsible

and get discouraged

and leave Tombstone.

Might not be a bad move.

Gibbs could be trapped

I think.

He's a big leather britches

from Wyoming

and not to bright.

How do you propose

to go about it?

Gibbs is found of mules.

Rides one called Roscoe.

Our best bet is to use Six Mule

Marcy to get next to Gibbs.

Marcy, good.

Six Mule would bushwhack his own

brother for fifty dollars.

Now, Mr. Smith, you send him

in to Tombstone

and I'll handle the details.

Such as selling the idea

to Marcy--

But make it stick.

- We want no excuses.

- Gentlemen, I assure you that--

Alright, alright.

That's enough chatter.

Now get on your way.

Yes, sir.

Whoa, you overgrown


Where's Pat McGeehan?

Mr. McGeehan is always

in the hotel, eating breakfast.


That's sure a good-looking

parcel of mules you got here.

Well, thank you, mister,

thank you.

Is that your mule?


Yes, sir. I'm proud

to say it is.

Well, I can return

the compliment.

Well, thank you.

What might your name be?

- Gibbs. What's yours?

- Marcy.

Call me Six Mule Marcy.

That's the way it is

with a muley man

- You kind of get nicknames.

- Yep.

Hey, you must be a new

John Law in Tombstone.

Well, kinda new.

I'm Chief Deputy

to Mr. Wyatt Earp.

Hey, that third mule's collar's

all pretty bad, ain't it?

Sure is, and I have doctored

that mule with carbolic acid

- and boric acid powder--

- You ever tried beef tallow

- and balsam of peru?

- Never even heard of it.

Marcy, them-them acid stings

too much for a mule.

Now if you use beef tallow

and balsam of peru

it stings just enough

so that the mule knows

it's being doctored,

but they don't resent it, now.

Ha ha ha. Say, you're

a real muley man.

Well, a mule is worth

giving some thought too.

Okay, you go on hitch 'em

I'll find the right medicines

for him.

Well, thank you Mr. Gibbs.

Thank you, kindly.

I'm going over to the hotel

to get some breakfast, Wyatt.

- Care to join me?

- No, not right now.

You didn't happen to see

Shotgun, did you?

This hour of the morning

I can't see anything, why?

Well, he had the night patrol,

and he hasn't checked in yet.

He's probably gone over

to make Roscoe's breakfast.

That's true love, Wyatt.

- You heard about him lately?

- Who?

Roscoe, he's

feeling melancholic.

Got Shotgun worried.

A mule with melancholy in it?

Well, that's possible.

Roscoe has no pride of ancestry

and no hope of posterity

as they say.

I think Roscoe is

just off his feed.

You know that mule was

Shotgun's biggest weakness.

On the contrary, Wyatt

I think that Roscoe

is Shotgun's strength.

Just like that's my strength.

I also think that a certain

stubborn muley courage

flows from Roscoe into Shotgun.

Have it your way, I'm gonna go

and try and find him.

- See you later.

- Right.

There now, Willy,

how do you feel. Better?

Don't worry you do.

Listen, Mr. Marcy.

You cut yourself a shiny pad

for the top

of Willy's collar.

Couple of days,

he'll be cured alright.

Why, sure, Shotgun, I'm gonna

stand you some drinks.

Ain't no charge needed,

ain't no charge at all.

- Good lesson for Roscoe.

- 'Mr. Gibbs.'

Morning, Wyatt.

- Marshal Earp, meet Mr.--

- I had the honor back in Dodge.

That's right, you are

Six Mule Marcy.

You forgot something,

didn't you?

Forgot? What's that?

You forgot to check in

from evening patrol.

By George, I sure did,

didn't I?

I was awful worried

about my mule.

Well, I'll be coursing on. That

offer still stands, Shotgun.

I'll be seeing you, Marcy.

Bartender, another round

for everybody.

Let's get a game

started, Six Mule.

I ain't thinking about cards.

Hey, don't you fellas

ever have any

horse or mule race

in here in Tombstone?

You can't race in the mountains.

Some of the boys over

at Charleston and Galey

will do some racing.

Oh, that's mighty interesting.

Shotgun! Come on over here.

Well, stick around boys.

Shotgun may be a John Law,

but he's a friend of mine.

And what he don't know

about mules, nobody knows.

Honey, let Mr. Gibbs

sit down here.

Come on, friend, have a seat.


I got that pad

for Willy's collar.

Tell me, has Roscoe

perked up any?

No, he ain't.

- Feel awful mournful like.

- Too bad.

You know, I despise

to see a mule give up.

Well, you're a fool Marcy.

Mule might bark at a man

'but I never heard

of one givin' up.'

I had a mare mule named Sadie.

She got homesick, just

laid down a trail, and d*ed.

Well, Roscoe ain't homesick.

He never did care nothing

about that old place

up in Wyoming.

Say, I got an idea.

Can that mule of yours run?

Can he run? Why,

of course, he can run.

He's the fastest mule

you ever seen.

Are you game to put him

in a race?

A race?

Well, I don't know

about that that, Six Mule

- he's feeling so miserable--

- Well, that's just it.

Roscoe wins the race

that might be the cure.

You know, build up

his self-confidence.

- I don't know...

- I've seen your mule travel

I'll back him up

against anything you got, Marcy.

I ain't in it for the betting.

Why, it's Roscoe

I'm thinking of.

What do you say, Shotgun?

By George, it's worth a try.

A real good run might shake

up his liver at least.

I tell you what, I'll put two

of my best mules in against him.

Pretty risky though.

If Roscoe got b*at real bad..

...he might feel worse

than he does now.

Well, Roscoe ain't gonna

get b*at.

Not a chance, I'm betting

a hundred on Roscoe.

Well, I'll cover that.

[insects chirping]

- He fell for it.

- Good, when is the race?

Not certain yet.

Tomorrow's his day off.

- You let me know.

- Alright.

Well, it's your life

and your responsibility.

I'll just say that it looks like

a bushwhacking setup to me.

Who would want

to bushwhack Roscoe?

He needs this race, Wyatt.

Here you go again.

Well, you darn

said yourself that

Roscoe might be remembering

he was nothing but a mule.

How'd you like to be

nothing but a mule.

Well, sometimes I wish I were.

Oh, no, you don't.

Life's been dull for Roscoe just

packing me around on his back.

At this race,

now that's exciting.

Roscoe gets out there, stretches

'em zebra legs and win..

...I believe he is going

to perk up a bit.

Well, what you do in your

day off is no business of mine.

Well, no, it ain't none

of your business

but you say the word,

there ain't gonna be no race.

I can't do that, Mr. Gibbs

I have no proof that Marcy

is trying to set you up

and I'd look kind of foolish

if he turned out to be

on the level.

Oh, I think he's

on the level, Wyatt.

Marcy's a real muley, man.

Even if he did cause disturbance

in Dodge City

it's just kinda noise-making,

wasn't it?

Well, that's a ??

from setting up an ambush.

I believe Old Six Mule

likes me and Roscoe.

He understands us.

Well, I wish you luck.

Thank you, boy.

I'll tell you

something else too

and I'd thank you even more


well if you just wish Old Roscoe

a little bit of luck.

Alright, you tell Roscoe

I wish him luck also.

Well, I sure will.

- Oh, howdy, Doc.

- Howdy?

Well, what did you find out?

Just rumors, Wyatt,

but they're all bad.

They are racing uphill

from Contention Mine

but all the smart gamblers

are betting against Roscoe now.

That is bad.

Roscoe, he could even overtake

a horse in five miles.

Everybody in town knows that.

You couldn't persuade

Shotgun, huh?


With Marcy mixed up in this,

it's bound to be a setup.

That trail goes right through

thick brush country.

That's bushwhacking

country, Wyatt.

I guess we ought to set up

a patrol, huh?

Well, we can try it,

but it's not gonna be easy.

I've still got $

on this shiny mule.

Anybody wants to do it?


'I got $ here on this mule..'

[indistinct chattering]

Alright, quiet. Quiet.

You see those bandana markers

on the course?

Any rider who strays

off the course

or tries to take a shortcut

is disqualified. Agreed?

What's the idea his carrying

that cannon, Marcy?

Better leave the g*n.

It adds or pounds.

That's a hefty handicap

over miles.

There were no rules

that I couldn't carry it.

- I'm carrying it.

- Well, it's alright with me.

Tote the g*n.

Nobody said he couldn't.

- No, if he wants to.

- Alright.

Now, any mule that kicks

or bites is out of the race.

- Are you ready?

- Yeah.

Alright, here we go.

[crowd chattering]

Alright, on your mark,

get set.


[crowd cheering]

That start

looked alright, doc.

We'll scout the brush ahead

up to the three mile point.

- You wanna wait for them there?

- No.

When they catch up to us, we'll

patrol ahead to the finish line.

- Watch the end near there.

- If they get there.

Come on.

Hey, Roscoe, we got

a pretty good lead.

Hold up a bit.


Alright, alright.

Have it your own way.

I see dust.

Must be getting close.

Don't get anxious.

We got a piece

on a good clean k*ll.

Won't be too long before

they get here.

You scout that side,

I'll take this one.

Pull up a bit, you blasted fool.

You're gonna run yourself

all out of wind.

[horses galloping]

Yeah, Roscoe. We're in the lead.

We're in the lead.

[g*ns cocking]

Let's take him down.

What are you stopping for?

Come on, let's go.

- Wait.

- What the hell are you doing?

Come on, mule.

Come on.

Now, Roscoe,

come to me.

You ain't quitting

halfway, boy.

Oh, come on, mule.

They're right behind us.

- Come on..

- Yippee! He's quitting.

Tough luck, kid.

Look at that, Roscoe,

you long-eared idiot.

Come on out of there.

- I'll take him now.

- 'Come on, Roscoe.'

- Wait.

- 'We got a race to win.'

Let the others

get out of sight.

Come on boy.

Come on.

Get on out of here.


[horse neighs]

I'm gonna make sure

he's dead.


[Roscoe braying]

Wyatt, there's two men

dead up there.

Me and Roscoe got to

finish this race.


I just don't understand

how we missed seeing them.

I do.

We needed a hundred men

for this job.

And we got these two.

We probably didn't hire

any others.

Look, do me a favor,

will you?

See if you can find their horses

and take their bodies to town.

I need to be back in Tombstone

before Shotgun is.

- No telling what he'll do.

- I know what I'd do.

Yeah, so do I.

- Who would you do it to?

- Well, Johnny Behan and Marcy.

They had bets down that Shotgun

wouldn't finish the race.

When he finds out, and he will,

he'll k*ll them both

unless you are fool enough

to try and stop him.


No use turning uphill..

- You sure they bushwhacked him?

- Heard the sh*ts, didn't ya?

Well, somebody's wrong.

Look who's coming.

Come on, boy.

Come on, Roscoe.

[people cheering]

- Get off them mules.

- What's the big idea?



Now, who set that ambush

back down there?

What ambush?

You know what ambush

I'm talking about.

I got two men dead

and I got another slug

itching to find a target.

So one of you better

start talking fast.

We-we don't know nothing..

...except that

Marcy and John Behan

were betting you wouldn't

finish the race.

So Marcy and John Behan, was it?

Well, that's good enough for me.

Come on.

Wait up there, Marcy.

Why, Mr. Gibbs.

I was wondering

about the race.

I didn't think it would

be over so soon.

That ain't all you didn't

think either, Marcy.

- Get down off that horse.

- Why, sure. Might as well.

Hey, who won?

'You haven't said a word.'

I won because your K*llers

were sorry sh*ts.

Take off that g*n.

What's the matter

with you, Gibbs?

What K*llers? I don't know

what you're talking about.

Them fellows you hired

to bushwhack me.

That's what K*llers.

Take off that g*n, Marcy.

Why...Shotgun, you know me

better than that.

I didn't hire nobody

to k*ll you.

I just put my mules

in against Roscoe.

You denying you bet I wouldn't

finish this race?

Well, I got to ride the bet

on my own mules, ain't I?

But you didn't bet

on your own mules.

You bet I wouldn't

finish this race

and that's

a mighty difference.

Look, I didn't do

none of it, Gibbs.

Behan just said it was a sure

thing you wouldn't finish.

I just bet on that,

that's all.

So it was John Behan,

was it?

Well, he's next and

I'm gonna k*ll him.

But I'm gonna

whoop you right now.

I'm gonna teach you a lesson.

If you're going to the race,

Johnny, it's too late.

Is the race over?

Who won?

- Don't you know?

- No.

I don't know.

I'm sorry if it didn't

turn out to your liking.

Well, it turned out fine.

Yeah, just fine.

Don't you waste your sympathy

on me, you save it for yourself.

For myself?

You're in a lot

of trouble, Johnny.

What are you getting at?

Your bushwhack didn't work.

Mr. Gibbs is still alive

but two other men are dead.

And if Marcy isn't gone

before Mr. Gibbs finds him

he's gonna be dead too.

What's that got

to do with me?

Well, just that this job was

real important to the ring.

You know, Johnny

there's one thing

about dirty politics.

There's just no excuse when

a man fails to do the job

he's supposed to do.

I dunno what you mean.

I had no job to do.

Well, then you got nothing to

worry about. Have you, sheriff?

Nothing at all.

I got two men dead out there.

But you're happy 'cause

you won your race, ain't you?

Well, I'll tell you one thing.

It's a human enough feeling

but it ain't decent.

- You gonna get that arm fixed?

- Plenty of time for that.

I'm heading for Behan,

move out of the way.

No need to,

I just talked to him.

Talked to him? I ain't

gonna talk to him.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

Why don't you just let his

friends take care of it?

You can get yourself

in trouble by sh**ting.

sh**ting's too good for him.

I'm gonna go in there,

drag him out here

and stomp his head

in the dirt.

Besides, he ain't got

no friends.

Now, wait a minute,

Mr. Gibbs.

Now, the way I figured

he's gonna have an awful time

explaining to that bunch

in Tucson about the fact

that you're still alive.

When they find out that he

isn't as smart as he says he is

well, then they're gonna take

care of him in their own way.

Wyatt, you know, you're

a showing off genius..


Well, Roscoe boy, looks like

we both done one

something today.

I'm gonna get you

an apple right now.

Mr. Gibbs,

don't you ever learn?

Now, you get

that arm fixed first

and you can stuff

Roscoe with apples

as far as I'm concerned.

Why, you ain't got no regard

for my mule at all.

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The Legend of Wyatt

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪