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05x27 - The Scout

Posted: 08/04/23 07:42
by bunniefuu
Hey, mose.

Lookie who's

Come into town.

That there

Is the listener.

The listener?

Yeah. He just got back

From leading the soldiers--

Caught them renegades,

Francisco and them.

Why do they call him

The listener?

You see that neck string

Around his neck?

Did you ever see

A set of beads

That look like that

In your life?

Can't say.

What are they?



Why sure!

Indian ears.

One for every redskin

He ever k*lled.

Why the apaches say that

Tom barrows has so many ears

That he can hear

Almost everything.

'Course now

That don't mean

That he can't

Lose his someday.

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


The life and legend

Of wyatt earp...


By , throughout

Most of the west,

The indian was

A defeated man.

But in arizona territory,

The toughest

And the deadliest of all,

The apaches were far

From conquered.

Some lived

On the reservation

In what was, at best,

An uneasy truce.

Others in renegade bands

Roamed the desert

Around tombstone

And brought trouble

For ranchers and townspeople,

And sometimes

For wyatt earp.

Ah. Hello,

Marshal earp.

I figured you'd be here

After you got finished

With francisco's bunch.

Oh, you heard?

Papers carried the story.

Spell my name right?

( Men laughing )


That was some job.

Good to be back,

Eh, tom?

What do you think?

Two months out.

I need a drink,

And I'm a little itchy too.

Well now, you come

To the right place, listener.

We got exactly

What you need.

I'm only stopping

For one drink.

You ain't got nothin'

In this town

That I ain't got

More of and better of

Up at my place

In the hills.

Oh, you mean that, uh,

Pretty little indian gal?

Say, I hear she's

Some pumpkin, all right.

Mister, you're talking

About my wife.

Now now now, i-- I didn't

Mean nothin' by that, tom.

Now, there ain't nothin'

Wrong with that.

Of course

You didn't, friend.

Now where's that, uh--

Where's that

Fire water, huh?

Come along, marshal.

I'll buy you a drink.

No thanks, tom.


( Men chattering )

Oh, howdy, john.


You looking for a story

For your paper?

Oh, I don't have

To interview barrows

To write his story, wyatt.

I've lived it

A few times myself.

Barrows and I

Once rode together

After geronimo.

You, uh, been hearing

Apache talk?

Wyatt, they never

Liked him very much,

Even when he married

That indian girl

And half became

A member of the tribe.

After that, they took

His scouting for the cavalry

As, uh...

Well, kinda personal.

But apache scout

For the cavalry

Against renegades?

These renegades

Were tired, wyatt.

They were all in,

Ready to give up.

He didn't have to

k*ll francisco.

The other scouts,

Even the peaceful tribesmen...

They're gonna hate him

For that.

- What'll they do?

- Oh, I don't rightly know.

Except I wouldn't give barrows

More than a - chance

Of reaching

That lonely place of his

In the hills tonight.

( Men laughing )

Well, but don't believe

All you read in the newspapers.

Wasn't so much.

Like most them,

Francisco wasn't so brave.

You corner an apache,

He doesn't believe

In fighting too much.

He'll give up quick,

Hoping to save his own neck,

And then many be later

s*ab you in the back

With a Kn*fe

And make his getaway.

Not with me. Mmm.

No, sirree.

Not with you.

This here apache

Didn't get away with

Nothing like that.

Hey, what'd you do,

Uh, listener?

Well, when he came out

Of the brush

With his hands clawing

And scratching at the sky,

I just gave him

A bellyache--

- Bellyache.

( Men murmuring,

Laughing )


Wait a minute.

I figured he had it coming--

All those women and kids

That he slaughtered.

Saved you taxpayers

Money too.

( Men concur )

Change your mind

About that drink, marshal?

No, thank you.

I just, uh,

Thought we might

Talk a little bit.

Sure sure.

( Men chattering )

I'd like to try

And change your mind

About riding out

To your ranch tonight.

If I were you,

I'd ride along

San simon stage

In the morning.

No thanks, marshal.

I wanna see

My wife tonight.

But right now

When they're riled up

About francisco,

- It seems it--

- What about back

At my ranch,

Just me and the missus

And a couple

Of hired hands?

Apache hands.

The mountains behind us

Crawling with apaches.

I imagine you can protect

Your ranch pretty well,

Mr. Barrows.

And they know that.

There's probably

Only a few of them

You have to fear--

Francisco's friends.

Marshal, I don't fear

None of them.

And I don't need no nurse.

Obviously you can take care

Of yourself, mr. Barrows.

You don't need me.

But I'm paid to prevent k*lling,

And the kind of k*lling

I want to prevent most

Is between whites

And indians.

Either way.

That's a pretty big job

For one man.

You know I've never seen

Your ranch and I've never

Met your wife.

I'd like to do both...

If you'll let me.

Suit yourself.

What is it?


Look, you can see

Their sign on the slope.

Yeah, I can see it now.

Never would have

Noticed it, though.

The air's

Full of apaches.

- You don't like 'em

At all, do you?

- Why should i?

Well, I just thought

Spending so much time

- With them, i--

- Because I married one?

I'll tell you about that.

You don't have to.

I didn't ask you.

I'll tell you anyway.

I'm not ashamed.

When I took her,

There was no white woman

Within , miles.

What lily-handed schoolgirl

Would agree to live the way

I live out here?

As long

As you're both happy.

( Humphs ) happy?

That's something

I don't know too much about,

But she's plenty woman.

She cooks good

And she sews good.

She takes good care

Of my place when I'm gone.

She's content

And so am i.

Why, they're going away.


They came back

Down the draw.

That means

They've been here

And done what

They wanted to do!


House, barns--





Here, tom.



Oh sal.

Oh sal.

I called her sally

After my ma.

Francisco's clan.

That won't

Mean anything to her,

Nor to me either.

At least it will mark

The grave until you can

Get a permanent one.

Apaches don't

Mark their graves.

They hide them.

We'll run the horses

Over it.

- Suit yourself.

- Marshal.

What are you gonna

Do about this?

It wouldn't do us much good

To try and pick up

The trail now.

You couldn't catch 'em

In six months of tracking.

They're probably

Over the border already,

Heading for the sierra madre.

I'll notify the cavalry

At fort buchanan.

That'll do even less good.

And I'll ask questions,

Try and find out what I can,

- Exactly who did it.

- Doesn't matter who did it.

They were apaches.

- That's enough.

- Not for the law, tom.

We've gotta know

Exactly who.

Now look,

I know how you feel,

But you leave this

To the cavalry...

Or to me.

Sure, marshal.

You ask your questions.

Tom, I'm sorry.

Sorry? Why?

I can build me

Another ranch.

No, I meant about sal.

I can get me

A new squaw too,

Just as good.

To serve you

And be content?

Like an animal?

Sure. Like an animal--

Why not?

You didn't love her at all?


( Humphs )

An apache?

Where are you going?

Ride up

To the reservation,

Ask questions.

It's a fool's

Errand, wyatt.

They won't know anything.

Well, I have to try.

For tom barrows?


For me.

I sent for tahzay,

Asked him to come over

Here and meet you.


He's the oldest son

Of cochise, isn't he?

One of the most influential

Of the chiefs since

The old man d*ed,

And one of the few

Who works for peace.

But this is

A special case.

- Barrows?

- Yes, barrows.

They've got no love

For him.

Even though he married

An apache?

Wouldn't that make him

One of the tribe?

Ordinarily it would.

It did with tom jeffords,

But not barrows.

How'd he treat the girl?

Like a servant.

No, more like a sl*ve, I guess,

When anyone was around to see.

You know, I honestly

Don't know why she

Stayed with him.

- ( Knocks )

- That must be tahzay.

Come in, tahzay.

Buenos dias.

This is

Marshal wyatt earp

From tombstone.

Tahzay, I'm very happy

To know you.

I'd like to ask you

A few questions,

If you don't mind.

You are

The law here, marshal?

Yes, I'm the united states

Deputy marshal.

Then it is I who must

Ask you questions.

For instance?

Why does your law allow

One of your men to come

Into our reservation,

- sh**t my people in the back?

- What's this?

Someone on

The reservation sh*t?

Not one.


Since the coming

Of the last sun.

I have traveled much

This day to see the bodies--

Three men,

A woman, a child.

All unarmed, all sh*t

From ambush

By the same strong

White man's r*fle.

- Who could have

Done such a thing?

- We know who did it.

We know who owns

Such a r*fle.

- Oh, just because--

- And who thinks he has even

More reason for hating us.

You mean for k*lling

His wife?

For the k*lling

Of his wife.

Tom barrows?

But these people are not

- The renegades

Who k*lled the girl.

- This matters little to him.

He's got

His own private w*r.

Why should barrows

Do such a thing?

Like we were saying,

He didn't seem to care

Too much about the girl.

Who knows how it is between

A man and his woman

When they're alone?

Beside he wishes us

To know who has done

This thing.

He has left

His mark each time.

His mark?

The ears.

He takes pride

In his name--

"The listener."

Well, if what you say is true,

It won't stop here.

There'll be more than five.

That is why I ask you:

What is it that your law

Will do now?

Well, I'll try

And stop him,

Arrest him if I can,

But I'll need help.

My men are outside.

Let's go then,

Before he kills any more.

The ear.

Tell every man

In your clan,

"Find barrows."

They will find him,

This man who makes w*r

On woman carrying water.

They must not k*ll him.

They must bring him to me,

To white man's law.

That's very important.

You wish to save the life

Of this k*ller?

The law says

There must be a trial.

- Did she have a trial?

- Tahzay,

Rules must be followed,

As in your ancient ceremonies.

I cannot promise.

These scouts are

Apache warriors.

Some are kin,

Other friend to the dead.

Tell them anyway.

You and I will try

And find him first,

Take him ourselves.

( Speaking spanish )


I wish I knew what was

Going on up there.

Tahzay isn't talking,

But I think we're close.

We've got

Barrows on the run,

No doubt about that.

He's probably

Trying to lose himself

In these hills.

( Chuckles )

That's a laugh.

- Why?

- He might lose himself,

But he'll never lose

These apaches.

They know every

Blade of grass.

These ears he didn't get.

He must be close.

- He didn't have time.

- He's very close.

- ( g*nshots )

- ( Horse neighs )

( Groans )

I'm all right.

It's just a nick.

I'm afraid I won't be

Much help to you now.

- I got plenty of help.

- ( g*nshots )

- Sure you're gonna

Be all right?

- Yeah yeah.

Go on, go on.

Tell your men

To stop f*ring.

( Shouting )

( g*nshots stop )

What is your plan?

You found him,

Now he's mine.

- You think you take him alone?

- I'm gonna try.

No use in any more

Of your people dying.

And you?

He will not mind

k*lling you.

Just tell me exactly

Where he is up there.

Between those two rocks,

Next to boulder.

Good place for him,

Bad for you.

Hold this.

( Shouting, echoing )

Barrows? Tom barrows?

Barrows, it's wyatt earp.

Tom, you hear me?

( Shouting, echoing )

I hear you, marshal.

- You should've

Stayed in tombstone.

- You're surrounded.

- Give yourself up!

- And rot in your filthy jail?

No thanks.

Tom, you haven't

Got a chance.

This is as good a way

As any to end it.

And as good a place too.

I can take a few more of

Those devils with me.

So tell them to come on!

Tell 'em all!

No, tom.

I'm the one that's coming.

I'm arresting you

For m*rder.

Now lay your g*n down.

I'll pick you off

Before you come yards.

- I'm coming, tom.

- All right, earp, come on!

( Cocks )

- ( g*nsh*t )

- ( r*fle cocks )

All right, earp,

You want to be a fool,

Come on.

I'd just as soon

k*ll you as anybody.

( g*nsh*t )

Come on!

( g*nf*re )

( Cocks )

( Grunts )

( Grunting )

Whoa, boy.


( Tahzay shouts )

You made it.

I'm sorry it had

To be this way, tom.

Better this way

Than the rope.

You knew it had to be

One or the other,

Yet you did it. Why?


But you said

You didn't care for her,

That you could find

Another squaw just as good.

I lied to you, marshal.

I loved her.

I did.

( Grunts )

Go ahead and say it.

Say what?

What you're thinking.

I'm only thinking

I hope you said that

To her sometimes.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪