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05x32 - The Salvation of Emma Clanton

Posted: 08/04/23 07:45
by bunniefuu
( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

Narrator: friends as well as

Critics of marshal wyatt earp

Were agreed

On one point:

His abhorrence

Of sh**ting to k*ll

Gave his enemies in tombstone

An unfair advantage.

While it required

More speed and courage

To buffalo a hoodlum,

Gunfighters traded

On the known fact

That marshal wyatt earp

Would only wound them.

But the appearance

Of gringo hawkby

Brought wyatt closer

To the point of k*lling

As the only way

To preserve his own life.

( Knocking on door )

Come in.

Why, emma clanton.


I have to talk

To some woman,

Miss nellie.

Could I

Talk to you?

Well, of course, emma.

Come on over here

And sit down.

Papa wants me to

Marry gringo hawkby.

Hawkby, the rustler?

He owns that big spread

Along the mexican border,

Doesn't he?

Why would your father

Pick him?

Well, they're partners

In some things.


And you don't

Like hawkby?

I despise him.

Well, have you

Told him that,

Or your father?

I told papa.

He just said

I was being too choosy.

What about hawkby?

( Stammers )

We haven't had

A showdown yet.

I'm-- I'm afraid

Of causing trouble

Between him and papa.

Papa likes you,

Miss nellie.

I thought maybe

You'd talk to him.


I don't know,


I-- I don't want to cause

Any more trouble.

He really

Respects you.

He'd listen to you.

Well, all right.

If you think

I can help,

I'll see

What I can do.

Thank you,

Miss nellie.

Thank you very much.

So, I promised her

That I'd have a talk

With her father.

But first, wyatt,

I want to get some

Advice from you.

Now, the clantons are

Pretty violent people.

Would I just be

Making things

Worse for her?

I don't know,

Miss nellie.

Emma and I aren't exactly

What you'd call bosom friends.

As a matter of fact,

You get along with her

Better than I do.

Well, i--

I've always sympathized

With miss emma.

She's the closest thing

To a conscience

In that whole family.

At least she has tried

To keep old man clanton

And the boys

Halfway in line.

If this is a family row,

Clanton's bound to resent

Any advice from me

Whereas he might

Take it from you.

I guess you're right, wyatt.

I can't wash

My hands of it.

Hawkby is a criminal

And she shouldn't be

Forced into marrying him.

I don't think it

Would do any harm

For you

To talk to clanton.

Besides, a pretty woman

Can say things

That a man would

Get sh*t for.

And I wish you luck.

Thank you, wyatt.

And I promise

You won't get sh*t.

I won't even mention

Your name.

- ( Chuckling )

- No, that'd blow

The whole thing

Sky high.

Now you just

Go on out there

And say what you think

You have to say,

Then let it drop.

I'll see you later.

Let them

Get closer.

I don't want

Any prisoners

Or any wounded

Left to talk.

You're the boss.

( g*nf*re )

Keep sh**ting.

- Gringo?

- Yeah?

Look here.



Silver and

Pretty clothes.

We sure picked

The right wagon, boys.

( Chuckles )

Don jose must have

Ordered this from

San francisco.

That's mighty pretty,

But do you think

That'll fit miss emma?

Oh now,

She can put in

Some nips and tucks.


Keep your hands

Off of that silver.

That there's

A present from me

To old man clanton.

Hello, mr. Clanton.

Nellie cashman,

Why I feel

Right honored.

You know, I wish I could

Feel years younger.

You been ailing,

Mr. Clanton?

Well, no,

Nothing particular.

Just age.

Oh, come on now.

I was just thinking

Em had better be here

To chaperone us.

- Oh, miss nellie.

- ( Chuckles )

Em will be in

From the corral

Pretty soon.

Come right on in.

How you been?

Oh well, not--

Can't complain

Too much.

( Both chuckle )

Emma didn't have

Too much to say.

She never does,

You know.

I gathered what

She has in mind

Is staying here with you

Instead of getting married.

Well, I ain't

Gonna live forever,

Miss nellie.

Emma's got to have

A man to take care

Of her.

But she's not in love

With hawkby.

Love? Well, that gal

Won't give herself a chance.

She holds that boy off

With a -foot pole.

I realize it's a family matter,

Mr. Clanton.

I don't want

To butt in.

I only came out here

Because emma seemed

So upset.

Now now now,

I'll tell you

Something about it.

You see,

Young hawkby and I are--

Well, we're sort of

Mixed up together

In business,

You know.

Now, this boy

Is real smart.

He ain't afraid

Of nothing.

Well, my ike--

Well, my ike

Is kind of a coward.

And phin, he don't

Think too sharp.

You've still

Got billy.


Yeah, he was

My last hope.

But he turned wild.

He drinks too much.

He's trigger-happy.

So if a man's own sons

Can't take over

A big spread,

Well, he'd better be

Looking for himself

A good son-in-law.

Whoa up, em.

We got some

Talking to do.

Yes, sir.

Emma, your dad and I

Have been talking about you.

I asked miss nellie

To talk to you.

I ain't forcing you

To take young hawkby.

All I said to him was

I'd feel easier

In my mind.

I'd like to pick

My own husband,


That sounds

Reasonable enough.

Oh, sure.

Sure it does.

Yeah, and the only man

She looks twice at

Is that john law.

That wyatt earp.

That's not fair.

I don't even

Like mr. Earp.

The only time I've

Ever spoken to him

Was when papa had

Some business for

Us to discuss.


All right, miss nellie,

I put it to you straight.

- Papa!

- Hush up.

You seen the two

Of them together.

Is she sweet on him

Or ain't she?

Well, that's ridiculous.

Emma's too loyal to you.

She couldn't like somebody

You didn't even

Get along with.



How does that earp feel?

Emma, has wyatt

Ever so much as

Held your hand?


Well, he's kissed me.

But it didn't mean love.

Mr. Clanton, as far

As emma's concerned,

You've got nothing

To fear from wyatt.

By jove, nellie.

I'm mightily relieved

To hear you say that.

You know, this idea's

Been fidgeting me

For quite a spell.

Daughter, i--

I reckon I've been

Pestering you about marrying

Just for that reason.

All right, we'll

Forget about it.

Thank you, papa.

You've done us a big favor

Coming out here.

Why, you straightened

The whole thing out for us.

Well then,

I'm happy too.

For emma's sake

And for your own.

( Door opens )

Why, em was scared.

Well, of course she was.

She didn't want

Any part of gringo hawkby.

Well, she won't

Have to marry him.

You can bet

Your life on that.

Emma's daughter

And son to me.

Hide the wagon

In the brush.

We'll send the buckboard

Back here

To haul the stuff

To old man clanton's.


You really gonna

Marry emma clanton?


Emma ain't the prettiest

Gal in the territory,

But she's got

Other assets.

( Chuckles )

Like the old man's

Spread, huh?

Just a-waiting

To be took over.

( Both laughing )

Hurry it up, boys.

Gibbs: wyatt.

No sign of her yet, huh?


Why don't you quit

Associating with good women?

Good women?

We warned you

About miss nellie.

It's the good women

Who lead men to ruin.

I shouldn't have let her

Go out to clanton's.

Old man probably

Got sore at her.


Here she comes now.

What's the matter?

Well, wyatt was a mite

Worried about you,

Miss nellie.

Oh, for goodness

Sakes, wyatt,


Went along fine.

Old man clanton isn't

Gonna be tough with emma?

No. As a matter of fact,

By the time I left,

The old reprobate

Was practically

In tears.

Nehemiah h. Clanton

In tears?

Cross my heart.

A ragweed must

Have got him.

Oh, come on now, doc.

You don't have to be

So cynical

All the time.

No, the trouble's

All taken care of.

I gotta get back

To the office.

See you boys


Good work,

Miss nellie.

Well, I'll put

Your buggy away.


I've met this

Gringo hawkby.

You'd better keep

Your g*ns loaded.

There'll be trouble.

It's all fixed.

You heard miss nellie,

Didn't you, doc?

It ain't fixed

With hawkby.

In addition,

One good woman is ruined.

Two good women

Are certain death.

Hawkby will find out

You're friendly with emma.

Well, I am not friendly

With miss emma.

That's what you think.

She might have

A different idea.

She does hanker

A little after you, wyatt.

Women came close

To getting me hanged.

On three different


You know, a horse leads

A nice simple life.

Willie, unload the stuff

And bring it into the house.

All right.

How's this

For a gal's trousseau?

Mighty handsome,


Hey, what's keeping emma?

This is for her.

I don't know.

I'll call her.



Emma: yes, papa?

Gringo's brought you

A lot of presents.

Now you mind your manners

And come on out here.

Just a minute.

That won't work

With emma, son.

Why not? They all

Like pretty clothes.

You can't buy her

With pretties.

I tried it myself.

Billy and phin

And ike,

They all tried it,

It just won't work.

These are san francisco


You know where

This one comes from?

Paris, france.

( Door opens )

Good evening, mr. Hawkby.

Good evening, miss emma.

I brought you

Some fancy clothes.

Here, how does

This one fit?

It's a nice dress.

If it weren't for

The blood on it.


Where's the blood?

You bushwhacked

Three mexicans...

Who says I did?

One of papa's cowboys

Saw the whole thing.

It's all over the bunkhouse.

They're all talking about it.

Now emma, he could

Have been mistaken.

That's a dirty lie.

You tell me who said it.

He'll take it back.

I'm not that interested.

Goodnight, mr. Hawkby.

You gonna let her

Act like that?

Son, I warned you before--

I don't take warnings.

Women don't

Walk away from me.

You're a visitor

In my house.

I'm offering to marry

Your daughter, emma.

Clanton: I know that.

Gringo: I've been your partner

For three years now.

We've whacked up thousands.

Every year.

Clanton: I can count.

I can count.

I don't have to

Stay your partner.

I can just as easily

Throw in with somebody else.

Well, emma ain't no

Smashing beauty, son.

Why are you taking

This so hard?

If a gal

Walks out on me,

That's the one

I want.

And you'd bust up

A good business arrangement

Over that.


I think I will.

Funny thing

Is you need me

Worse than

I need you.

That's your opinion.

That's any

Smart man's opinion.

You ain't gonna

Live forever, you know.

Who's gonna carry on

Your business?

Ike, phin, billy?

Ah, they wouldn't

Last six months.

No, I reckon not.

Now, me and emma could

Carry it on for you.

Keep the name

Clanton and hawkby,

Just like it's been.

No, you say emma's

Too good for me.

- I never said--

- But she said it.

Well, you didn't give

Her a decent chance

To know you, son.

You just rushed

Right at her.

When I want something,

I go after it.

- So do you.

- Sure I do.

But I gotta consider

Emma's feelings.


Give me a few days

To bring her around.

Not a few days,

Mr. Clanton.

One day.

We'll find out whether

You are the boss

Inside this house,

Or whether you ain't.

So you see,

It didn't work, miss nellie.

He just switched papa

Around to his side.

Doesn't your father

Have any loyalty at all?

- I thought he did.

- ( Knocking on door )

That must be wyatt.

Oh wyatt,

Come in.

Emma's father has

Changed his mind.

He's gonna force emma

To marry hawkby.

Now she can't

Go back to the ranch.

She'll have to

Stay here.

Oh, no thank you,

Miss nellie.

You've gone to

Enough trouble already.

Now you just sit

Right back down.

Well, I don't want anyone

To get into any fight

With papa about me.

If he comes into town

And tries to take you

Against your will,

Then it becomes

Wyatt's job.

Well, you don't

Expect her to stand up

Against her father

By herself, do you?

Or with a g*n?

( Sighs )


All right, I'll send

Mr. Gibbs over.

But I promise you both

That, by tomorrow morning,

We're all gonna be

In real trouble.


I don't know why

I play checkers

With you, gibbs.

There's certainly

No money in it,

And your conversation

Is somewhat less than



Checkers keeps you

Away from faro

When your luck's

Running bad.

Now hush up.

I'm gonna think.

If I'm there...

I can gobble you up.

If I go over here...

I can take only one

Of your w*r men.

( Door opens )

Mr. Gibbs,

I'd like you to go

Spend the rest

Of the night

Over in the lobby

Of miss nellie's hotel.

Emma clanton

Ran away from home.

Well, I thought

Miss nellie had done

Fixed it about hawkby.

Well, old man clanton

Changed his mind.

Get over there

On the double, will you?

Yes, sir.

Don't forget

It's my move.

I'll remember where

Them checkers was, too.

Is gringo hawkby

In town yet?

No, not yet.

I'll k*ll him

For you, wyatt.

No, thank you.

All right.

You k*ll him yourself then.

He's already a menace

To two women.

Also there's talk

That he m*rder*d

Three mexicans


You know, wyatt,

Old man clanton's

Losing his grip.

Hawkby's trying

To take over.

The old man's

Letting him.

It would make it

Rougher on me.

Too rough, wyatt.

The old man at least

Exercises certain moderation,

But hawkby?

Well, I won't

Be crowded.

Then you'd better start

Thinning the crowd, wyatt.

One clanton tomorrow.

Another in a few days.

You'd be surprised.

In six months,

You won't even

Know boot hill.

Did you find her?

She's in

Nellie cashman's hotel,

Guarded by

One of earp's deputies.

Wyatt earp, eh?

How does he

Figure in this?

Go rest yourself, willie.

I knew it.

She's been sweet

On that earp all this time.

Your daughter

And a john law?

- Yeah.

- Well now,

That's easy fixed.

Dead man ain't

No good to a woman.


Earp's awful fast,


So am i.

You're in town

Mighty early this morning,

Ain't you, friend?

I sure am.

I'm looking for

Miss clanton.


What might your name be?

Gringo hawkby.

Miss clanton's papa

Wants her home.

We've been expecting

One of you.

Well, is that so?

Yeah, that's so.

Wyatt earp says

She don't have to go.

And he also says

If you try to take her,

You'll wish you had

Never been born.

You tell earp

I don't scare easy.

He's mixing

Into my business.

I don't take kindly

To interference.


Watch things here,

Will you?

It's time I went

On patrol.

Hawkby's laying for you.

I'll go with you.

No, thank you.

I can handle him.

You'll k*ll him, huh?

Otherwise, I must

Accompany you.

You stay out of this.

I'll give you

First cr*ck at him.

That's all I promise.

First cr*ck?

Fair enough.

Do you know anything

Of wyatt earp?

Uh, he's around,

I guess.

Thanks, mister.

I'll find him.

Marshal earp.

I'm gringo hawkby.

I got your message

This morning.

And I got yours,

Mr. Hawkby.

What are you

Waiting for?

Go on.

Go for the other one.

You didn't k*ll him.

It's my turn.

- No.

- ( g*nsh*t )

He'll wish

He was dead.

Is he going to die?

No, he's not

Gonna die.

Well, I'm glad of that.

I didn't want him k*lled.

You owe me a favor,

Miss emma.


Don't you?

Why don't you take

A nice long trip someplace?

Go to texas and visit

Your relatives.

I can't do that.

I have to stay here

And take care of papa.

Wyatt, did you have to

Break both his legs?

He may be

Crippled for life.

Well, I'm sorry,

Miss nellie.

Maybe I should

Have k*lled him.


I didn't mean that.

You stop blaming him.

We both of us

Pushed him

Into this.

Thank you very much,

Miss emma.

Now you go on home and take

Real good care of your papa.

Because when

Gringo gets well

And this starts

All over again,

It's your papa that's gonna

Wind up with broken legs.

I heard that, sonny.

You'd better show

More respect for emma.

Ain't no daughter of mine

Gonna marry gringo hawkby.


Anybody can

Get hisself k*lled.

But it takes

A plumb fool

To let a yankee

Target practice on him.

Good day, miss nellie.

Come along, sis.

We got to get

Back to the ranch.

Thank you.

Clanton: well, come on.

You didn't finish

Making out them

With that cook

Before you left.

I'll bet we have

Hash again.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be told.