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05x35 - The Court vs. Doc Holliday

Posted: 08/04/23 07:47
by bunniefuu
( Gasping )


Gimme a hand.

Hold this.


Doc, wake up.

Howdy, wyatt.


How much have

You had to drink?

It should be emptier

Than that.


Take a look here.

, In government bonds.

Count 'em.

I'll take your word

For it.

These are

From the robbery.

I want holliday arrested.

If you charge him,

I'll have to arrest him.

Did I hear him say

Something about a robbery?

- What is this?

- Not here.

Come on, doc.

We'll go over to my office.

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


Wyatt had been warned so often

About his friendship

With doc holliday that

The warnings merely

Bored him or increased

His loyalty to doc.

But when the wells fargo office

In tombstone was robbed

Of $ ,

And witnesses identified

Holliday as one of the robbers,

Wyatt's already difficult

Position in tombstone

Became more impossible.

Come on, doc.

Let's take a little walk.

That's a boy.

You want to sit down?

- Drink some more of this.

- No no.

- Doc?

- Hmm?


Try to understand

What I'm gonna say.

Two men blew

The wells fargo safe.

They got away

With $ , .

$ , ?

Boy, wells fargo

Must be weeping

Big brass tears.

This isn't funny.

You were identified

As one of the robbers.

I was identified?

Witnesses said

They seen you.

How much did I get?

Well, we found five

$ , Government bonds

In your saddlebag.


No, it couldn't

Have been me.

Now if there were two robbers

And I were one of them,

I'd have gotten at least

Half of that $ , .

In fact if I know

Myself at all,

My share would have been more

Than half of that money.

Doc, this ain't

No laughing matter.

- They're gonna send you

Up to prison.

- Yeah.

But right now I need

A drink and--

Some sleep...

Well, he does

Need to sleep.

Come on.

We'll take him over

To his hotel room.


Let's go out

The back way.

( Chuckles )


Cost me $ to put

Them clothes together.

Well, worth every cent of it.

Putting some mickey finns

In doc's liquor

Was smart too.

Why, he'll never know

What happened.

No, not until he wakes up.

Then he'll get caught

With them government bonds.

Well, what's our

Next move, ratsy?

Hide the money, then we

Go back to tombstone.


Not me.

You and me, both of us.

I aim to sit right there

In court till they send

Doc to prison.

Heh, I'm gonna laugh

Right in his face.

You finished playing poker

At about : over

In gayleyville

And headed back

For tombstone, right?


Somebody fixed

My drink.

I took a nap

Along the trail.

It was almost : before

I got into tombstone.

The robbery took place

At minutes to : .

That ruins

Your poker alibi.

That's right.

Looks like I'm a goner.

Who could have framed you?

This safe-blowing was

A good professional job.

They used drills

And nitroglycerin.

Not too many know

How to use it.


I've played cards with a lot

Of safecrackers, wyatt.

Boy, they sure bet


Everything on three aces

Or a full house.

Look, will you start thinking

Seriously about this?

You're in trouble.

Now if you want me to help you,

I need a lead-- and a good one.

- True.

- Try to think who it was.

Somebody who hates you.

Somebody who's careful enough

To time things out

Just right.

And smart enough

To copy your clothes.

Wyatt, I've made

So many enemies

Over a period of time

It'd take me

A long long time

- To sort 'em out.

- ( Knocks )

- Who is it?

- It's shotgun.

Doc goodfellow says

That it might have been

Mickey finns.

But he says you're gonna have

To send it to kansas city

To get a chemical


- That'll take two

Or three weeks.

- Yeah.

Mr. Thacker's all het up.

He says you're gonna have

To keep doc in jail.

When's judge spicer

Get in?

This evening, I think.

I can keep doc


For hours.

It's none

Of thacker's business

Where I have him.

And old man clanton's

Sitting downstairs in the lobby

A-waiting for you.

- He's mighty het up too.

- Clanton?

- What about?

- He didn't say.

Oh, doc, blinky davis sent

That there package to you.

Said him and the boys

All chipped in.

They want you to get

The best lawyer in town.

Blinky said he'd supply all

The witnesses you'd need.

Blinky davis,

That wonderful conniver.

Why, there must be

$ , Here, wyatt.

Every hoodlum in town

Must have chipped in.

"A love that passeth

All understanding," wyatt.

I need a sharp lawyer

And good witnesses

Who don't care how

They perjure themselves.

You can't pull that

On judge spicer.

Well, they're trying

To frame him!

You can call me as

A character witness.

Thank you, gibbs.

Now wait a minute!

I'm a marshal and

An officer of the court.

You can't rig a defense.

Doc, I told you before.

This is not a funny matter.

- Now you could get years!

- ( Chuckles )

Take it easy, wyatt.

I'm gonna be my own lawyer.

Shotgun, return this cash

With my thanks.

Well, if you say so, doc.

Wyatt, you better find out

Why old man clanton's

A-raring so.

Maybe he knows something.

Maybe he does.

You stay here with doc.

Don't let him drink anything.

I want him to think about

Who framed him.

You're not only

A john law.

You're a thick-headed

Sanctimonious john law.

I'm sorry you feel

That way, mr. Clanton.

You know blame well

Doc holliday ain't no thief.

Why, he cleaned out

The faro game and the poker game

At gayleyville last night.

If he had any money on him,

He won it honest.

- Well, he was framed,

Mr. Clanton.

- Framed?

That's right.

Two men pulled that job.

One of them was

Dressed like doc.

They spiked his liquor

And planted stolen

Government bonds on him.

Why, that's

The lowest-down trick

I ever heard of.

Doc's your friend.

You letting them

Get away with this?

I haven't got

Any leads yet.

Typical john law hogwash.

I'm gonna get a list

Of the names of the men that

Doc has had trouble with.

- That may lead us somewhere.

- Yeah.

You get them names,

But don't bother

With the kilt ones.

Just the ones that

Got back on their feet

And started hating him.

Why... Why are you

So interested in doc?

Well, there's only

Two people in this town

I got any use for:

Miss nellie cashman

And doc holliday.

And I ain't letting no passel

Of safecracking hoodlums

Frame doc.

Doc has got more friends

Than he thought he had.


You send me them names.

And then keep outta my way.

Go sit in the shade

And polish that tin star.

I'll do some real police work.

Git up!

( Humming )

Now what do you got

To be humming about?

This affair

Amuses me, mr. Gibbs.

A term in prison

Makes you smile, does it?

Yep. Do you know

The meaning of the word

"Irony," gibbs?

- Nope.

- Well, when a man

Escapes punishment

For what he did

And gets punished

For what he didn't,

That's irony.

- The idea fidgets me.

- Hmm.

My sense of irony

Has not been

Entirely satisfied.

The jury should vote

To hang me.

Hush up talking

That way, will you, doc?

Hanging would be

My artistic end.

Probably what I deserve.

But instead I guess

They'll just let me

Sit out the rest of my days

In a prison cell.

Anticlimax is the word

For that, gibbs.

Ah well, what a day

I'll have in court.

I'm gonna be

My own lawyer.

Wyatt, you talk to him.

He just don't seem

To care no more.

Wyatt, do you think that

Old man clanton framed me?

No, he wants to help you.

Hmm, that's incredible.

First blinky davis

And now old man clanton

Wants to help me.

The reward

Of a misspent life.

Change your tune, doc.

You're a friend of mine,

What happens to you

I'm serious about.

All right.

You name the tune.

Just sit down,

Make out that list

Of all the men that

You've tangled with.

The dead ones too?

No, just the survivors.

Now think hard.

I want the time,

The places, names--

Everything you can

Think of.

Look, we're here

As cattle buyers.

We check our g*ns

And keep out of trouble.

- Two over here, bartender.

- Right away.

Let's see if there

Are any more.

Yes, there was a bank robber

By the name of...

Ratsy melbourne.

But he's kinda doubtful.

- Doubtful?

- Mm-hmm.

I shot at him

In van horn, texas,

About four

Or five years ago.

Why are you doubtful?

Well, I think he died.

There wasn't time

To make sure.

Write him down.

I'll take you

On over to the jail.

I don't want

Thacker complaining.

What are you gonna do

With this list?

I'll send a copy of it

To clanton. He'll know

Most of these hoodlums

And where they are now.

Come on.

That's what I said.

You know what I'm

Talking about.

And you owe me $ !

Are you calling me

A liar?

You're a liar

And a horse thief!


We were just standing,

Talking and having a drink

And he got in an argument

Because I just asked him

For some money he owed me.

He drew first, marshal.

Honest he did.

It was self-defense,

That's what it was.

My friend, do you know

Old man clanton?

I ought to,

I work for him.

You tell clanton that

Ratsy melbourne is in town.

Also tell him that

The message comes from

Dr. John h. Holliday.

For $ I'll raise

Plenty of dust.

The other one died.

I thought I told you

To wait in the jail.

You did, but I met

An old acquaintance.

Come on.

Let's go.

- Evening, wyatt.

- Howdy, judge.

Looks like

You had an expl*si*n at

The wells fargo office.

Yes sir, we did.

I'd like to talk to you

About it.

All right,

Supper can wait.

Wyatt, your friendship

With doc holliday

Has been the one mistake

Of your career.

Your friends have been worried

About it for a long time.

I know what you're going

To say, and loyalty is

An admirable trait.

Well, doc has been

Loyal to me.

He saved

My life in dodge.

Look, judge, I'm going

To ask you one simple favor:

A continuance of the case

For a few weeks.

It's going to take time

To trace doc's enemies.

I can't give it to you--

For your own sake.

I don't care

What people say.

Let 'em talk!

Well, I do!

This is a hoodlum town.

And there are only a handful

Of decent people on our side.

If we give them the idea

That the law

Is granting favors

To doc holliday,

We'll lose even

The support of them.

Doc holliday goes

On trial tomorrow.

I took an oath

To serve the law.

Yes sir, so did i.

There's one other thing.

We've got doc under guard

In his hotel room.

You know

He's a very sick man.

Well, the court will

Stretch a point there.

He could get out

On bail anyway.

- Thank you, sir.

- Warn him not to try

Any tricks.

- Tricks?

- Cook up evidence,

Phony alibis,

Hoodlum testimony.

Judge, the hoodlums

Gave doc $ ,

To hire a lawyer

And provided him

With alibi witnesses.

- He gave the money back.

- Huh, that's a surprise,

I must say.

Well, doc is a very

Strange man.

He's lived with death

For a long time.

He's the one absolutely

Fearless character I know.

I think he wants

To be convicted.


His last grim joke

On the law--

Die in prison

With his boots off,


I reckon you boys know

The job we got to do.

Ratsy melbourne

Framed doc holliday

And I aim to catch up with ratsy

And make him tell the truth.

Wyatt earp couldn't

Do that in years.

It takes the clantons, by joe,

To see that justice is done.

We're going to tombstone.


One moment.

- Now, sir?

- I just talked

To judge spicer.

You go on trial

In the morning.

All right.

Your move.

Wait a minute.

Now spicer isn't

Going to be prejudiced,

But he's gonna be tough.

That jury's going to be

Loaded with prominent citizens.


Then you hire a lawyer and keep

Your own mouth shut.

I appreciate

Your advice, sir,

But the answer

Is no.

Doc, you're gonna

Get them folks

All riled up.

I wouldn't miss this

For anything in the world.

Too bad I can't win.

It's your move.

You know, this is

Really living, hoss.

Yes sir.

In about two hours we'll be

Sitting at doc's trial.

( Chuckles )

You know, I bet doc

Gets years.

Well, years

Will be enough.

- He can't live

That long in prison.

- ( Knocks )

See who that is.

- Who is it?

- N.h. Clanton.

Open up.

It's old man clanton.

Let him in.

Hey, what's the idea?

You lowdown wicked scum.

What'd I do to you?

Framing doc holliday.

You oughta be k*lled right here.

Of all the--

You're a good one

To be lecturing me,

You cattle-rustling

Old buzzard.

- Take him!

- Come on.

I never framed nobody

In my whole life.

It takes a mean criminal type

Like you, ratsy,

To even think

Of such a skunky trick.

- Who says I framed doc?

- I say it.

And before we're finished,

You'll say it,

Right out in court.

Oh, you think so?

( Grunts )

Take 'em out

The back way.

- Come on.

- The livery stable's

More private.

Iffen I was you,

Ratsy, I'd talk.

You ain't me.

All right,

Swing him.

Let's go.

That's high enough.

You can't get away

With this.

- There's some law

In tombstone.

- Oh sure.

A button-head name

Of wyatt earp's over

At the courthouse now

Trying to hang doc holliday

For what you fellas done.

- Ratsy?

- I hear ya.

Time we get

Through with you...

You-- you can't

t*rture us

Into confessing.

- It ain't legal.

- Legal?

I ain't legal.

That's how come I can

Do better police work

Than wyatt earp.

( Blows )


You're bluffing.



Well now, I ain't

Dressed a hog since...

Hmm, could be five,

Six years ago.

I might be

A bit rusty,

But anyhow, lower him down

To hog-dressing height.

That's good, that's good.

Now let's see--


No no, I give up!

R-ratsy's schemed

The whole thing.

( Whimpering )

All right, boys.

Let's let hoss down.

We'll start

On ratsy.

The prosecution will

Show that the defendant,

Dr. John h. Holliday,

Was seen leaving

The wells fargo

Express office

By reputable witnesses.

Further we will show

That when the defendant

Was arrested

He had five

$ , Government bonds

In his saddlebag.

Now, your honor,

The serial numbers

On these bonds prove

That they were among those

Taken from the wells fargo


And finally, we will show

That the defendant

Could not account

For his whereabouts

Both before

And after the robbery.

- Thank you.

- ( Murmuring )

Dr. Holliday?

- Yes sir?

- You are appearing

As your own counsel?

Do you have

An opening statement?

I most certainly do.

I move the court

Declare a mistrial.

On what grounds, sir?

The law provides that a man

Charged with a crime

Be tried by a jury

Of his peers.

That is correct.

Are these men my peers?

I know each

And every one of them,

And I say this to the court,

That they are swine,

Incapable of weighing

The law or the evidence.

( Onlookers laughing )

In fact, your honor,

I doubt if half this jury

Could weigh pounds

Of hominy grits

- Without tampering

With the scales.

- ( Laughter )

That will do, sir.

Your opinion of the jury

Is irrelevant

And immaterial,

Dr. Holliday.

You have failed to challenge

One venireman.

All donkeys look alike

To me, your honor.

( Laughter )

And speaking of donkeys,

I should like to refresh

The court's memory

Of what peter the great said

About lawyers.

The court

Is not interested.

A judge is supposed

To be a lawyer

And he should

Be interested.

- ( Laughing )

- That's enough!

Any further disturbance

And I will clear the court!

When peter the great was

Visiting london, he said,

"I have but two lawyers

In my kingdom.

I mean to hang one

Of them when I get home."

( Laughter )

- You want them to hang you?

- The court will tolerate

No more remarks

From this defendant.

An opening statement

Is to be confined

To what the defendant

Believes he can prove.

Now is there anything you can

Prove in your own defense, sir?

Yes sir.

I was framed.

And I expect to prove it.

Well, do you have

Any reputable witnesses

To support your claim?

I'll take their word

Against any witnesses

For the prosecution.

Indeed, sir.

Your honor,

My defense depends

Upon the testimony

Of hoodlums.

I wouldn't have it otherwise.

A good honest hoodlum is

The noblest work of the devil.

His lesser creations turn

Into judges and juries.

Marshal earp,

Clear the court.

All right, get out.

Come on.

Dr. Holliday,

The jury has found you

Guilty of grand theft.

There has been no

Recommendation for mercy.

However the court is willing

To hear medical testimony

As to your physical


If you choose

To present it.

My physical condition

Is excellent.

And my spiritual condition

Is better than any legal


In this country,

Including you, sir.

Very well.

I shall pronounce sentence.

( Rattles )

- What's the meaning of this?

- Will you hush up?

I brung you

The two varmints

What robbed wells fargo

And framed doc holliday.

Swear 'em in,

They'll tell the truth.

Mr. Clanton, have these men

Been under any duress?


What's that?

- Have they been manhandled

Or threatened?

- Why!

How about it, ratsy?

No sir, we're confessing

Of our own free will.

But you gotta keep him away

From us until we're safe

In prison.

Mr. Earp,

Remove the prisoners.

Yes sir.

Well, doc,

You had horseshoes

In both your pockets?

I couldn't help you

And it was only

By the slimmest chance

That clanton could.

Now one of these fine days

One of your hoodlum


Is gonna k*ll you.

Please, deacon, no sermon.

Like I said before,

Not while I'm enjoying myself.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told ♪

♪ Long may his

Story be told. ♪