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06x14 - Billy Buckett, Incorporated

Posted: 08/05/23 06:55
by bunniefuu
The life and legend

Of wyatt earp

( Chuckles )


( g*nsh*t )

Wasn't that a shot?


For awhile it was

So quiet around here,

I thought something

Was wrong.

You think we oughta see

What's going on?

Nah, that's

Wyatt earp's job.

Besides, I just about

Got this game won.

Your play.

( Laughs )

Just what I wanted.

What can I do for you?

What is it, mister?

I'm billy buckett,


I've just been robbed

Of $ , in gold.


And I've been m*rder*d.

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


"The life and legend

Of wyatt earp"...


Wyatt earp, marshal

Of tombstone, arizona,

During the turbulent s,

Daily faced the problem

Of v*olence growing out

Of human greed for gold

And silver.

He often declared that for

Sheer fantastic ruthlessness,

No crime ever matched

The one involving

The celebrated billy buckett,


Well, how's billy buckett,

Incorporated today?

Better than last night,

But he's still feverish.

Keeps yammering

About $ , in gold.

( Breathlessly )

Tell 'em I died gamin'.

Give me a fine funeral.

Looks like

He's gonna be

On my hands

For a long time.

Can't you move him over

To your hospital, doc?

Not enough room.

He's better off here.

You can be a nice fella

For a while.

What makes him so sick?

You said the wound

Wasn't nothing, just

A crease in his scalp.

Well, lead poisoning isn't

The only thing that makes

A man sick.

I hear the rustle

Of black wings.

And I want a fine funeral.

What'd you find out

About him, wyatt?

Just a desert rat.

Came through here

About six months ago.

Claimed he knew

About a lost gold mine

Someplace or other.

$ , ...

I was robbed.

I... Was robbed.

I think we better let

The old boy alone.

You know, I got a hunch

That mr. Billy buckett

Isn't as delirious

As he makes out.

And what makes you

Think that?

Well, if he had struck gold

Anywhere around here,

Everybody in arizona would

Know about you.

Can't keep things like that

A secret.

Do you have to be

A lawman every minute

Of the day, wyatt?


Now that's my job.

Besides, I think

He's plain lying.

I say the man's sick.

And I'm the doctor.

Well, even if

You ain't a doctor,

I think you're right.

Something mighty peculiar

About that sh**ting.

Tallest story

I ever heard.

- Mr. Rickabaugh?

- I'm rickabaugh.

I read

In the paper that you're

Sheltering billy buckett.

Would you mind

If I talked to him?

What do you want

To talk to him about?

This is marshal earp

And deputy gibbs.

How do you do?

I'm paul scott

Of the bank of tucson.

Billy used to work

For me.

Sort of swept out

The place.

I thought perhaps

I could help him.

Go ahead.

This way.

Thank you.

Well, ol' billy buckett's

Got important friends.

( Door closes )

A banker, no less.


It's mr. Scott.

$ , .

, .

They robbed me.

Tell me, billy.

- Who?

- ( Exhales )

Who was it?

Bury me deep

And give me a fine funeral.

Who was it?!

Ask... Jack morrow.

Jack morrow?

Did he do it?

, Dinero.

Did he do it?!

It sure do beat all

What some people...

Would do for gold.

You sure you don't want

Anything else, wyatt?

No. Thanks, chung.

Where can I find

The owner of this place?

That's me.

I wanna see billy buckett,

The old boy that got shot

Last night.

What do you wanna

See him about?

Who are you?

I'm marshal here,

And I asked you

A question.

Oh, sorry, marshal.

The name's morrow--

Jack morrow from yuma.

Billy's a friend of mine.

He ain't gonna die,

Is he?

I doubt it.

Go on in.

That door.


I want a word with you.

Well, you know

Where to find me.


Billy, wake up.

It's me,

Jack morrow.

$ , .

Who took it?

Where's scott?

What about him?

Oh, it do beat all...

What some people do

For gold.



"Billy buckett case

Baffles wyatt earp.

Gold and gunman

Still missing."

It seems like dameron

Ain't never gonna stop

Riding you

In that newspaper

Of his, wyatt.

Well, we've made mr. Dameron

Eat his words before.

I think it's time that

Billy buckett and I

Had a little

Heart-to-heart talk.

Oh, hi, wyatt.

- Morning. Any more visitors?

- Nope.

- ( Glass shattering )

- Trying to poison me, huh?!

Get out of here!

Get out of here,

I told you!

Hey hey hey,

What's the ruckus?

( Groans )

All my life I wanted

Breakfast in bed

And now I got it.

This sidewinder

Brings me food,

- A whole mess of food.

- So what's wrong with that?

Whiskey's what I want.

Lots of whiskey.

And a great big steak.


He's still here!

Get out of here!

Now you calm down,

Old timer.

This isn't a hotel.

It ain't, huh?

Where am i?

This is the back room

Of my saloon.

My name's rickabaugh

And this is marshal earp.

Marshal earp?

Marshal, you're just

The fella I wanna see.

I was-- I was robbed

Of $ , .

You keep on saying that.

How were you carrying

The $ , , billy?

In cash.

$ Gold pieces.

Well, now $ ,

In $ gold pieces

Would weigh more

Than you would, billy.

Must have had

An awfully big poke.

No, I didn't carry it

In no poke, you fool!

It was in a pack

On jenny my burro.

Oh, but...

Now it's all gone.

And billy buckett,

Incorporated's gone bust.

What do you mean incorporated?

That's me.

I'm a corporation.

People own stock

In the gold I dug up.

Well, how did you, uh,

Manage digging up

$ , Worth of gold

And not have everybody

In arizona know about it?

I-- i--

I dug it up in mesa, durango--

Close to the border

In mexico.

Well, I guess

That answers one of

Your questions, wyatt.

Well, I have another.

What kind of a claim yields

$ Gold pieces, billy?

Oh, now don't turn stupid

On me, marshal.

I dug up nuggets.

Then I changed it

For $ gold pieces

At the bank in tucson.

Who are your stockholders?


They only wanted to believe

This old desert rat

When I come through here

With a map showing

Where the gold was.

Yes, they--

They grubstaked me.

Each one of us owns %.

Jack morrow,

Paul scott?

Yeah, that's right.

Who's the other?

Well, uh--

Here she comes now!

Marshal, I want you

To meet the widow doane.

I believe I know

Mrs. Doane.

I just read about it

In the newspaper.

Is it bad, billy?

$ , They robbed me.

Would you mind

Leaving us alone, marshal?

I couldn't leave billy

In more charming hands.

Who robbed you, billy?

Uh, I did what I promised.

I found gold.

Who stole it from you?

Jack morrow.

Go see him.

Get it back.

But don't--

Don't tell the marshal.

I don't--

Don't trust him.

Well, good evening.

May I come in?

What brings you here?

You didn't seem to care

For the saloon.

I thought we might

Be able to continue

Our conversation

In more pleasant


I have nothing further

To say to you, marshal earp.

Will you please leave?

Why can't I join the others?

What others?

Let's make it five,

Shall we?

A widow lady has

To make a living.


We got another starter.

Marshal earp.

Sorry, gentlemen,

The game's over.

I have some business

With mrs. Doane.

I said

The game is over.

How'd you, uh,

Find out about

All this?

Doc holliday told me

Some time ago you were

Running a little game.

Just to kinda

Make ends meet.

Uh, I didn't think

It was any of my business

- At the time.

- Oh, what changed your mind?

Just a hunch.

King of spades.

Deuce of diamonds.

Jack of hearts.

Ten of spades.

Seems to me you know

A little bit too much

About marked cards to be

Strictly on the level

Yourself, marshal.

Well, I make it my business

To keep informed.

So you did need money.

Enough to cheat at cards.

Not enough to try

To k*ll billy, if that's

Where you're getting at.

I can't figure out

Why anybody should

Want to k*ll him.

Well, $ , , of course.

How'd you know

He had $ , ?

I just know.

He said--

What'd he say?

He said jack morrow

Robbed him.

Why didn't you

Tell me that?

Where can I find

Jack morrow?

He's here in a warehouse

In town. I'll show you.

- Just tell me.

- ( Chuckles ) oh, no.

If he's got the money,

I want my share.

You know something,


Billy buckett

Doesn't trust you.

Now you know something?

I don't trust

Billy buckett either.

Let's go find

Mr. Morrow, hmm?

( Screaming )

( Breathlessly )

Jack morrow.

Hanged, you say?


Well, that's the way

Somebody wanted it to look.

But he was hit in the head

So hard,

He must have been half-dead

Before they strung him up.

Now why would anyone

Want to do that

To poor jack morrow?

Maybe somebody found

Jack morrow there

With a load of gold

And took it away from him.

But what makes you think

Old jack stole the money?

Wait a minute.

Didn't you tell mrs. Doane

That jack robbed you?

I did?

I don't remember.

What do you remember?

Well, I just remember

Walking along the street

With my burro jenny

And from the other side

Of the street was a shot--


Are you sure

You were robbed, billy?

That's the only thing

I am sure of.

Who was it exchanged

Minted coins for your gold?

Mr. Scott,

The tucson banker.

Matter of fact, he rode into

Tombstone with me last night.

And he's the only one

That knew about your gold?

Yeah, sure was.

Oh, it do beat all

What some people do for gold.

Did-- ( coughing )


I hear the rustling

Of black wings.

All I want

Is a fine funeral.

If you're lying to me,


You just might get one.

Oh, marshal.

Why would I be lying?

( Exhaling )

Yes, marshal,

I made that transaction

And I did ride in town

With billy buckett.

Now what's wrong with that?

As far as I know,

Mr. Scott,

You're the only one

Of the partners

That actually knew

That billy struck gold.

And your deduction is that

I shot billy in the alley,

And then made off with a

Burro-load of gold pieces?

Well, that's my general

Line of thinking.

There's only

One flaw in your

Thinking, marshal.

You see, I wasn't

The only one that knew

That billy had

Struck it rich.

He had notified us all

By letter.

Me, uh, jack morrow

And the widow doane.

That doesn't clear you,

Does it?

Yes, and I'll tell you why.

Billy wanted the division

Of his bonanza

To be the occasion

For a celebration.

He'd written ahead

To reserve a banquet room

At the american hotel.

The partners were all

To meet him there

For a champagne supper.


I was there.

And who else?

Jack morrow was there.

You see, marshal,

Jack and I furnished

Perfect alibis

For one another.

And jack morrow is dead,

So that still

Doesn't clear you.

Mrs. Doane didn't

Show up that night?


Well, neither did billy,

Of course.

Now jack and I waited

For about an hour,

And then we left.

What time?

Between and : .

That's when billy

Was shot and robbed.

All right, that's all

For now, mr. Scott.

Just don't leave

Tombstone yet.

Oh, whatever you say,


Oh, uh, give my regards

To the widow doane.

She's mighty attractive,

Isn't she?

Yes, isn't she?

You be careful of her.

Well, what'd you find out?

Well, I checked with

The hotel manager,

And scott was there

At the time that

Billy was shot.

So was jack morrow.

What about the widow doane?

Where was she?


I checked with

Her neighbors.

A widow lady sometimes

Gets lonesome, you know?

- Yeah.

- Let's say that

Billy's three partners

Were far away from the spot

Where he was shot.

Well, anyone of them

Could have had an accomplice.

Well, that's the fifth ace.

I'm gonna go inside

And find out

What cards billy's holding.

Howdy, marshal.

Howdy, billy.

How do you feel today?

Oh, mighty poorly.

( Coughing )

Doc says--

Doc says I got

The graveyard cough.

Well, now that's funny.

I just talked to doc

An hour ago

And he said you were

Well enough to get up

And move about.

Are you gonna believe that

Old croaker or believe me?!

Now mr. Scott said

That you were planning on

Throwing a great big

Champagne party

For all the stockholders

That night.

You remember that?

No, I don't recollect.

But-- but it sounds

Like me.

( Chuckles )

You get a dollar,

Spend cents.

Live high, wide

And handsome.

But I'm saving up

For a fine funeral, is i.

Yes, I've often heard you

Say that.

A fine funeral shows

You ain't lived in vain.


Them powder burns

Itch like fire.

Powder burns?

I thought I heard you say

That you were shot from

Across the street.

Did I say that?

What you chawing on

Now, marshal?

How could you get powder burns

From across the street, billy?

Well, now how can

A dying man

Tell just how

He was k*lled?

You know, I think you're

The biggest liar I ever knew.

Wyatt, would you

Come out here please?

What is it?

This note was

Slipped under my door.

"The gold is in

The warehouse.

If you wanna make

A deal, be there

At : ."

And no signature.

You think it's

Some sort of a trap?

Whoever took that money

Wouldn't tell you that,

Would he?

I think I'll have

A look around that warehouse.

Well, I'm going with you.

You're determined not

To miss a chance at

Finding that gold,

Aren't you?

Want me to go along

With you?

No, you stay here.

Don't let anybody

In or out

Of billy's room.

That includes billy.




Who's there?

It's me, hetty!

Hetty doane.

( g*nsh*t )

You talk to him.

I'll try and get around back.

What are you sh**ting

At me for?

Forget it. I've already

k*lled once for it.

Did you get a note too,


( Groaning )

It said that

Gold was in here...

In a wells fargo box.

Somebody wanted you to do

Just what you tried to do.

k*ll mrs. Doane.

Did you k*ll morrow?

Billy buckett told me...

Jack morrow robbed him.

I accused morrow.

We fought.

( Inhales sharply )

You know who shot you?

You did.

No, somebody else

Was here.


( Whimpering )

( Exhales sharply )

We can't help him now.

Why don't we look for

That wells fargo box?

You won't find anything

Like that here.

I'm convinced that

Billy buckett wrote

Both those notes

To you and scott.

What would he do that for?

It's been his plan

All along.

To turn his greedy partners

Against one another

And k*ll each other off.

He k*lled scott

Just to make sure.

You'd have been next

If I hadn't been here.

Well, somebody shot billy.

Who did that?

He gave me the answer

To that tonight.

He complained

Of powder burns.

- What do you mean?

- I mean he creased

His own skull

With his own g*n

To make it look

Like a robbery.

I don't believe it.

He's too sick.

- Wyatt?

- Over here.

Hey, wyatt.

Billy buckett got away.

He went out the window.

Take care of him.

( Singing a tune )

♪ Kicking up my toes

At the dancehall... ♪

Howdy, billy.


Howdy, son!

Where you heading?

Oh, just thought I'd go out

And find me another stake.

Isn't $ , enough,


But I was robbed,


And shot too.

Now you saw me.

I also saw scott die

Last night.

You got in that warehouse

And k*lled him, didn't you?

It do beat all what

Some people would do

For gold, don't it?

Yeah, it do beat all.

What put you

On to me, marshal?

Well, like I always say,

You give a monkey a tree,

Sooner or later

He'll climb high enough to...

- ( Coins clinking )

- the rings

On his tail.

Hmm. ( Chuckles )

You'll go far, marshal.

You have brains.

( Chuckles )

Beautiful, ain't she?


Would you like some, son?

Maybe a whole handful

Of 'em, huh?

You trying to bribe me,


( Chuckles )

Sure I'm trying

To bribe you.

( Stammers )

I have to take you back,


( Coins jingle )

What's gonna become

Of all this...

Beautiful, shiny stuff?

Well, I imagine the estates

Of morrow and scott

Will get their share,

And so will the widow doane.

You can use yours

To get a good lawyer.

I worked too hard

To find this gold

To fritter it away

On no lawyer!

All my life I dreamed

Of having breakfast in bed.

I-- I got that

And the other thing is--

I know.

The finest funeral

That money can buy.

There will be enough

For that, billy.

I'll see to it.

Thank you, son.

You got a big heart.

Come on, jenny.

Marshal says

We gotta go back.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪