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06x24 - Clanton and Cupid

Posted: 08/05/23 07:02
by bunniefuu
The life and legend

Of wyatt earp

Of all the twisted, shifty,

Double-crossing john laws,

You're the worst.

You never had any

Intention of marrying emma.

Well, did you have

Any intention of

Breaking up

Your outfit of

Cattle thieves

And murderers?

- That's not the point!

- Well, what is?

You was in cahoots

With that city lawyer.

You still are.

Well, let me tell

You something, earp.

My boys have got

Every trail blocked.

They have?

Now that's

Right interesting.

You're under arrest,

Mr. Clanton.

All right, sonny.

Send for my lawyers.

- Not tonight.

- What do you mean?

I'm holding you

Incommunicado for a while.

On what charge?

Threatening the life

Of your future son-in-law,

Mr. Tom ware.

Well, emma ain't marrying

Him, by heaven!

I've got a father's right

To protect a child from

Making a mistake!

And as for you,

Mr. Earp...

I'm gonna whip you

With my bare hands.

Now look, mr. Clanton,

I don't wanna have to

Wrassle with you.

Wrassle?! I'm gonna

Knock your ears off!

( Groaning )

Why, you no good--

Stop it!

You useless excuse

For a marshal!

One of these days I'm gonna

Get a hold of you!

( Clanton shouts

Indistinctly )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


"The life and legend

Of wyatt earp"...


Emma clanton was

The one respectable member

Of the notorious

Clanton outfit.

The girl's determination

To reform her father,

Old man clanton,

Had aroused wyatt's sympathy.

But her way of accomplishing

What she wanted

Confronted marshal earp

With a perilous choice.

Got him all fed

And watered for you, phin.

Well, that's fine.

Look, papa wanted me

To tell you

A couple of things.

Number one:

My sister em is

Coming in from

New orleans.

- Ooh, trouble.

- Number two:

All guards are to remain

Out of sight.

Number three:

A guard is to be posted

At the front gate

And that's to see that

None of the men ride in drunk...

You got that?


Oh, one more thing.

My sister em is a lady.

So there is to be no fighting,

No sh**ting of g*ns.

Nothing like that around

The bunkhouse or the corral.

You understand?

I've gotta go collect

Ike and billy

And deliver them

To papa sober, so they

Can say "howdy" to sis.

How come the old man

Put it all on you, phin?

Ringo and brocius

Are in charleston,

And the mclowerys

Are dipping cattle,

So papa says

I'm it.

You pass the word

About sis, hear?


Ha! Ha!


Here, take this out there.

And step it up 'cause

She'll be here any minute.

Just pump yourself now!

Now you-- you go out

And wash them windows.

Oh oh, wait a minute.

Come here.

You see them crystals?

I want every one

Of them crystals

Polished till they

Shine like a diamond.


How 'bout miss emma's

Room, boss?

Why, lucifer!

I plumb forgot that.

Ooh! Why it ain't

Been touched since

She left.

Go get a clean mop

And dust rag--

And will you stop

Fiddling with that doll?!

- Yes, sir.

- And hurry it up.

- Yes, sir.

- Keys.



What's holding you up, brad?

I'm a-coming, boss!

I'm telling you,

I aim to persuade that gal

To stay home

Where she belongs.


I thought I told you

To move that thing.

Now get a rug big enough

To cover that wet spot.

It'll never get dry

By the time she gets here--

Hold this.

Don't drop it!

That cost $ .

Hey, boss.

Hawkins just brung this

From tombstone.

Well, it's about time.

Brad, you do what you

Can there.

I gotta put these flowers

On mrs. Clanton's grave.

( Inhales deeply )

Fresh this time.

If they hadn't been,

I'd have p*stol-whipped

That hawkins personally.

Here, you help the boys.

Well, get at it.

It'll take more than

Dust cloths and flowers

To convince miss emmy.

Awfully good supper.

I haven't had food

Like this since I left.

And my,

Isn't the clanton family

Putting on airs.

Well, it's all in

Your honor, emma.

Yeah, we missed you.

Papa most of all.

Going to college,


- Well, i--

- Him?

He figures that

He's too smart already.

Well, you got

A big mouth, ike!

Oh, come on, billy.

He's only having fun with you.

( Chuckles )

What about you, ike?

I thought you'd be

Married by now.

( Billy laughs )

Ike married?

The kind of girls

He runs around with

Nobody'd marry.

Hush up, phin.

Mind your manners.

Yeah, I don't see you

Doing so good either.

That reminds me.

Sally's waiting.

Papa, may I be

Excused please?

"Sally's waiting."

Galeyville sally.

( Laughs )

All of you

Is excused.

- Bye, em.

- Em and I wanna have

A little visit.

- All right.

- Bye, em.

Nice to have you home.

- Have a good day.

- Hey, ike, give me my hat!

( Mutters )

Bye, emma, papa.

( Chuckles )

What are you

Looking at, papa?


You know being

In new orleans

Has changed you?

Oh, really?

Well, you're much more


You haven't fallen

In love?


I'm not certain.

Well, who is he?

He's a lawyer.

His name is tom ware

And he wants

To marry me.

But-- but I decided to

Come home and think

About it.


He know anything

About cattle?

- No.

- Hmm.

He ride a horse?

Not very well.


Can he sh**t a . ?

( Chuckles )

He's a lawyer, papa!

Yes. Mm-hmm.

Ain't you--

Ain't you still

A mite sweet on

Wyatt earp?


I'm just asking.

Well, he's not sweet

On me.


He's a john law.

Well, he's a man,

By jove!

You know, uh,

I've been thinking.

Maybe a man of my age

Oughta take it easier.

Are you joking me?

No, I ain't.

If he'd just quit

Being a john law!

You know, I'd be

Mighty tempted to

Turn over most of

The ranches to you

And him.

Mind you,

Earp would

Have to quit.

I wouldn't rest easy

Knowing a john law

Was married

To my onliest daughter.

Papa, you mean it?

You'd-- you'd

Give up all this--

Now talk straight out, em.

I know I ain't

Always been law-abiding.

But you would retire?

You'd-- you'd break up

The clanton outfit?

Ask earp what he'll do.

I-- I just can't go

And propose to wyatt.

I've got my pride

Same as yours.

All right, I won't think

No more about it.

- Papa?

- Talk straight out, em.

I'd marry just about

Anybody to...

Get you out of

The business you're in.

You and my brothers.

( Exhales sharply )


Right now...

You sure do remind me

Of your ma.

( Both lightly chuckle )

But I ain't promising

Nothing in advance.

No, of course not.

( Chuckles )

All right.

I'll talk to wyatt.

Well, you can't run

Into him accidental

Out here.

You better move in

To a hotel in town.

Uh, the best one.

And don't you do

No proposing.

You just sound him out.

A smart young lady

Knows how to do that.

Your ma did.

All right, papa.

I'll try.

( Chuckles )

I'll try.

You sure do remind me

Of your ma.

I know you're not

In love with me, wyatt.

But I have to find out

If papa really will retire

And break up the outfit.

Well, I sure hope he does.

He's powerful

And he's clever.

But one of these days,

His luck is gonna run out.

And I wouldn't enjoy

Having to k*ll him.

Well, then you'll help me?

It'll only be

A pretend engagement.

You see,

Papa's hinted that

If you will stop

Being a john law...

And marry me,

He'll stick to his part

Of the bargain.

I know it's shameless of me

Even to ask such a favor,

But this could be

Papa's last chance to quit.

Miss emma...

I'm very fond of you.

If you weren't a clanton

And I wasn't the marshal

Of tombstone...

Well, we both know.

Look, honestly, i--

I think you should go

To new orleans

And marry the lawyer.

Papa doesn't approve

Of tom.

( Laughs )

Well, frankly,

I don't think that

He'd actually like me

For a son-in-law either.

Besides, this idea

Of yours might not prove

That he's really

Willing to retire.

Well, the engagement

Doesn't have to be


If you're ashamed

If somebody found out.

Now that's not it

And you know it.

It's just that

It's complicated

And dangerous.

Oh, I'll help you.

It's just that i--

I wanna talk

To the old man first.

Your father isn't the kind

Of a man to fool around with.

You're welcome to

The use of my name,

But I think we oughta

Make sure it's gonna

Work first.

Thank you.

I mean that.

Come on in.

Get comfortable.

It's safer

Talking in here.

That guard of mine

Has got bigger ears

Than a tattletale wants.

Sit down.

( Sighs )

Now, uh, did, uh,

Em and you talk

Real personal?

Well, yes, we did.

Well, what did em say

In plain words?

Oh, just that, uh,

She was hoping that

You would retire.


Well, ain't neither

Of you schoolchildren.

Why didn't you

Get down to cases?

Well, my deal

With em was...

That if, uh--

If you and her

Figured on marrying,

And if you'll get

Shed of that star--

Well, then I'd turn over

The business to you.

Lemonade for courage.

Might make me

A little bit dizzy

But, uh,

Here goes.

I've been thinking

A heap about this

Family inheritance


And I made up my mind!

Now what do you say

About the deal?

Well, if you really

Wanna quit--

Soon as you quit

Being a john law.

Well, all I have to do

Is resign,

But it, uh--

It may not be so easy for you.

Why not?

There's brocius, ringo,

The mclowerys.

Even your own boys,

They might make trouble.

Not if you're smart.

Now I called you

A lot of things, earp.

But I never called you


Well, thank you.

Tom mclowery

Is talking about

Pulling up stakes.

Frank will go along

With tom.

Ringo can be

Bought off.

Might have to g*n

Brocius and

Take care of behan,

But that ain't

No problem.

Why do you mean by

Take care of behan?

Well, you don't know as much

About my outfit as I thought.

When I and you

Start after behan,

We can send him up

For years

Without even firing

A shot.

Is this the clanton ranch?

Who are you?

My name is ware.

I'm from new orleans.

Is miss emma clanton

At home?

No, she ain't.

How about mr. Clanton?

He's busy.

Oh, fine.

Then I'll wait.

Hold it, mister.

You just state your business

And I'll see if the boss

Wants to be bothered.

Is this some kind

Of a practical joke?

My name is ware.

Tell mr. Clanton

And his daughter

That I'm here

To see them.

I'm clanton.

Oh, mr. Clanton.

I wasn't expecting to have

r*fles pointed at me.

How do you do, sir?

My name is ware.

Oh, yes, emma

Told me about you.

Shyster from new orleans,

Ain't you?

I don't quite understand, sir.

Well, where is miss emma?

She and I are engaged.

Not anymore, you ain't.

I called it off.

You get.

Uh, I'm marshal earp,


Things here are, uh,

A mite complicated

Right now.

I'll take mr. Ware

Back to tombstone.

Well, we ain't finished

Our business.

Later, mr. Clanton.

I'm sure that miss emma

Will have a few things that

She might wanna explain to

Mr. Ware.

Oh oh, yes. Well--

Uh, well, you settle

Things with em.

But I don't wanna

See him no more.

Uh, dr. Holliday

Is meeting us on

The trail.

I'm sure that

He and I can explain

Part of this to you.

I certainly hope so,


It's bad manners to

Point g*ns at visitors, friend.

- Why, you--

- Hold it.

Let's have

No trouble.

Get in the wagon,

Mr. Ware.

Very well.

You better get miss emma

And mr. Ware started for

New orleans.

- If she'll go.

- Why wouldn't she?

Mr. Ware promised

To tell her the truth

About the way

Old man clanton acted.

She doesn't want tom;

She wants you.

Come on, doc.

If I know women,

She's probably announced

Your engagement already.

Try jilting emma clanton.

You're hooked, wyatt.

That's nonsense.

She knows I'm not

In love with her.

Look, you got

This whole thing wrong.

She's in love with tom.

There's not gonna be

Any sh**ting about it


Will you stop playing

With that g*n

And go take yourself

A nap?

When a man's tuckered,


Well, he thinks silly.

Morituri te salutamus


- We who are about to die--

- Will you stop it!

Die or marry,

It's not much

Of a choice, wyatt.

But I'll stand up

With you at the altar

Or against

The clanton g*ns.

I had to be honest, tom.

I'm just not sure

I love you.

Is it wyatt earp?

Well, I'm not even sure

About that now.

You must think

I'm an awful fool.


I think you're in love

With marshal earp.

He's everything I'm not.

He can hold his own

With your father

And his gunslingers.

Oh, no no.

It's-- it's not that.

Let me talk to wyatt.

I'm so mixed up.

I don't even know

What papa said to him.

And wyatt has always

Treated me like just

A sister.

Give me a little time?


Whatever you decide,

I'll always love you.

( Door closes )

What she say?

No luck.

She wants you.

That's just a notion.

She's been using me

To try and persuade

Her father

That he should retire.

That doesn't sound

Like emma.

Look, mr. Ware,

She's desperate.

She's not thinking


Well, I don't know.

Oh, she said she'd

Talk to you.

- When?

- Right away, I gathered.

Look, are you willing

To help me with

A little play acting?

- How do you mean?

- Let's go out the side door.

I'll tell you.

Hold on now, earp!

I want this settled

Before you talk to emma.


There's nothing to settle.

I think there's

A lot to settle.

You don't love emma.

You just want the old man

To give you a big spread.

Well, what's wrong with that?

He offered me

, Head of cattle

And , acres!


And you went for it?

You're so lowdown,

You'd marry emma

For that?


Why, sure.

If she's fool enough

To let clanton

Buy her a husband.

It might as well

Be me.

- You filthy--

- Ah!

Tom! Tom!

Tom, stop it!


Tom! Tom!


( Groans )

Come on, get up.

No, that's enough.

You gave him just

What he deserved.

He had a lot

Of temptation, emma.

That's no excuse.

Will you take me back

To the hotel, please?

I'd like to get

Out of this town.

Of course, dear.

( Knocking on door )

Doc, it's wyatt.

All right.

( Sighs )

All right.

When's the wedding?

No wedding.

Not to me.

Decided to take

Mr. Ware.

Miraculous escape.

How did you manage it?

Never mind.

Here, put these on.

If I know clanton,

He's gonna send somebody

To g*n ware.

I may need some help

To get him out of town.

- Now get your hat and coat.

- Gladly.

You know, I thought you'd

Either be dead or married.

There they are.

( Indistinct yelling )

Quick, come on!

Let him go.

The two of you

Get in the hotel

And stay there.

Mr. Clanton will be

Coming to see me.

You two stay out

Of it.

I'll send word when

It's safe to leave town.

- Very well.

- Go on.

All right,

You've seen men bleed before.

Get them over

To dr. Goodfellow.



I wanna talk to you.

Evening, mr. Clanton.

Don't you "evening" me.

Some boys I sent

To scare that no-good lawyer,

And you shot 'em up.

Another thing,

Where's emma?

Let's talk inside.

Of all the twisted, shifty,

Double-crossing john laws,

You're the worst.

You never had any

Intention of marrying emma.

Well, did you have

Any intention of

Breaking up

Your outfit of

Cattle thieves

And murderers?

- That's not the point!

- Well, what is?

You was in cahoots

With that city lawyer.

You still are.

Well, let me tell

You something, earp.

My boys have got

Every trail blocked.

They have?

Now that's

Right interesting.

You're under arrest,

Mr. Clanton.

All right, sonny.

Send for my lawyers.

- Not tonight.

- What do you mean?

I'm holding you

Incommunicado for a while.

On what charge?

Threatening the life

Of your future son-in-law,

Mr. Tom ware.

Well, emma ain't marrying

Him, by heaven!

I've got a father's right

To protect a child from

Making a mistake!

And as for you,

Mr. Earp...

I'm gonna whip you

With my bare hands.

Now look, mr. Clanton,

I don't wanna have to

Wrassle with you.

Wrassle?! I'm gonna

Knock your ears off!

( Groaning )

Why, you no good--

Stop it!

You useless excuse

For a marshal!

One of these days I'm gonna

Get a hold of you!

( Clanton shouts

Indistinctly )

Here you are, emma.


( Knocks on door )

Who is it?


Come in.

Miss emma.

Mr. Clanton has men

Guarding the trails.

I arrested him.

His rig is out

In the alley.

These are his.

Put 'em on.

Emma, you still

Determined to run for it?

Yes, tonight.

Very well.

My idea is that

You head for the ranch.

You drive.

Tom, you act like

You're drunk or asleep.

I think anybody watching

The trail will think

That you're taking

Your papa home.

It might work.

If it does,

You swing off the trail

And shortcut

To the benson stage.

All right.

I think it's the only way

To avoid more sh**ting, emma.

I said all right, tom.

Has the marshal

Any other suggestions?

Just one.

I think you should write

Your father a letter.

Tell him that you'll love

And forgive.

In his way,

He loves you very much.

I've written.

Would you mind

Giving this to papa?

Not at all.

I wish you luck.

Thank you.

I'll be following you

With a posse

Till you get to

The benson depot.

Well, thank you, sir.

- Well, hi, doc.

- Hi.

I assume they got away.

Yep, safe on the train

To new orleans.

Let the old man out.

Where's that earp?

He ain't heard the last

Of jailing me!

Your g*ns are right there,

Mr. Clanton.

Your hat

And your coat.

Here's a letter

From miss emma.

Reckon I know

What it says.

I don't think you do.

You better read it.

"Dear, papa...

I want you to know

That we forgive you

And still love you.

We hope we got

Your blessing.

Tell wyatt

No hard feelings."

After all I done,

My little girl

Still loves me.

Em says to tell you

"No hard feelings."

But that don't go

For me, earp!

You're nothing but

A jib-headed judas!

( Door slams )

Now tell me, wyatt.

How did you ever slick

Out of marrying emma?

I didn't.

She loves another man.

Always bet on love, doc.

And let the cynics weep.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪