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02x01 - A Disappearance

Posted: 08/05/23 10:12
by bunniefuu
Stupid lens cap.
Is it zoomed?

Perfect. Oh, man,
the image is so crisp,

and the battery lasts up
to two full hours!

Are you really gonna haul that thing
everywhere we go?

Are you kidding?
These are priceless moments of our youth.

- Say something to the camera!
- Something to the camera.

How do I look?

Like you're trying
to impress me with a car?

It's kind of working though, right?

Oh, get a room.

- Thought we said no books?
- Yeah, no books. I'm allowed one.

- You're gonna be a great lawyer, Callie.
- Doctor, but thank you.

- Thought you said no to Rosegrave.
- She got into Woodson Academy.

Now I just gotta
be able to afford it.

You okay?

Uh, yeah.

- Wrist still hurts.
- It's all good though.

Okay, let's go! Let's go!

Please don't fall out the back, please.

Phil, get in the truck.

Ugh, fine.

Let's go.

Thanks for the help, Phil.

Hey! Phil!


Time's up, Phil.
It's my turn with the camera.

Incorrectamundo, Dennis,
I signed it out for the night.

- Yeah, last night.
- What?

Th-that's a technicality! I obviously
signed it out for the campfire!

I don't know what to tell you.
Should we take it up with Mr. Munder?

- Come on, Phil. We're wasting daylight.
- What's your move even about?

- The local legend of Mindya.
- Mindya?

I've never heard of it.

Mindya own business?

Hey, now.

I don't like this.

This wasn't the plan.

We're improvising.
Trust me, it's gonna be better.

If you don't wanna come,
don't come.

Whatever you want, Lucy.


♪ When I look out my window ♪

♪ Many sights to see ♪

♪ And when I look in my window ♪

Come on, boys.

♪ So many different people to be ♪

♪ That it's strange ♪

♪ So strange ♪

♪ You've got to pick up every stitch ♪

♪ Must be the season of the witch ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be the season of the witch ♪

You look happy.

Yeah, I am.

Things are finally
starting to feel normal again.

How is that a good thing?


No! No! Please!

No, no, no! Don't! Don't--

Hey, honey.

- Mom?
- How about a quick game?

Capture as many gems as you can.

There's one very special one,
but be careful.

Or you'll lose everything.

Like your brother here.



... ...

It's not a game of force, Frank.
It's a puzzle.

... ...

... ...

... ... ...

Get him out of here!



Oh, I'm sorry, man.
Really gotta start locking the door.

It's a closed bathroom door.
You should be knocking by default.

- What are you working on anyway?
- Get this.

I saw a blue van driving
around town the other day.

It was stopping and starting
and lingering.

- And?
- And it seemed suspicious,

so I snapped a few photos.
You wanna join the investigation?

- Of what?
- Could be a kidnapper,

could be a dognapper. It could...

It could be a whole dognapping ring.

And then think about it.
When we solve this mystery,

we'll actually be able to talk about it
and get credit for it.

- And then--
- Joe. A blue van is not a mystery.

It's a nothing.

Find something real...

- and then we'll talk.
- Frank, it's been six months.

- This van is as real as it gets!
- I'm sorry to hear that.


As Bridgeport braces for Demon Week,

the big question on everyone's mind is

who will be crowned
this year's Demon Queen?

Speaking of demon queen,

Gloria Estabrook
has now served six months of her--


You thinking this beard
is a permanent thing...?

Alright. Let's just get over it
and move on.

- This is my new look.
- I like the new look, Dad.

- Thank you, son.
- Dad, we're gonna be late.

- Can we get breakfast to go?
- It's on the counter.

Hey, has anyone seen my sketchbook?
It's got my Demon Queen ideas in it--

- Under the couch.
- Oh...

Where are my keys?

- Thanks.
- Drive safe. I love you.

- I love you, too.
- Eh, you're okay, too.

Yeah, yeah.

Hey, do we really need
three vehicles in this house?

I mean, we're all going
to the same school.

We can carpool in my van.

We're not exactly doing
any favors for the planet here.

No, but Frank's car is way
better for our reputations.

Yeah. See, we love you, Aunt Trudy.
It's just that,

I mean, we can't be seen with you.

So this guidance counselor gig,
is this a permanent thing?

We're just going to get
over it and move on.

Hardy residence.

Will you accept a collect call

from Dixon City Minimum Security Prison?

Yes, I will. Put her through.

Fenton. You're not an easy man
to get hold of these days.

What do you want, Gloria?

Let's talk about what you want.

Dude, what happened?

Turns out my sore wrist
was a fractured scaphoid.

Spent all night at the ER.

Six weeks with this bad boy
and if that doesn't work, surgery.

- Goodbye, baseball season.
- Dude, that sucks.

Taking it a lot better than I would be.

What choice do I have, right?

- Catch you later.
- Later.

- Hey! Hey!
- Hey.

So, I know I've been super busy
with all my prep school stuff,

but I've got my scholarship call
with Trudy and Woodson today,

and then after that,
I'm totally in the clear.

You wanna come over later and... study?

I have work tonight.
You should come by Wilt's and study.

Uh, not exactly what
I was suggesting, but it'll do.

- What were you suggesting?
- See you later.

Wait, what were you suggesting?

- Let's talk about your adoption.
- No.

Find another mystery.

Why'd you tell me about it
if you didn't want me to look into it?

Beginning to wonder that myself.

Alright, wait. Let's make a deal.

You tell me what you found out
about your birth dad

that scared you so much
you stopped looking into it,

and I'll leave you alone.

- Promise?
- Yes.

- Cross your heart and hope to die?
- I swear.

Swear on your mom's grave.

That's not fair.

Whereas Turing is
a Pascal-like coding language,

a descendant of Euclid, SP/k,
and, of course, Pascal,

with a clean syntax and precise machine...

Biff, why's your mom here?

- I'm not supposed to say.
- Well, now you have to say.

Mr. Hardy.

If you don't pay attention,
you'll never know the difference

between static manifest

and multi-paradigm
object-oriented procedural.

I think I can live with that, sir.

Hilarious. Of course, its creator

famously cracked the Enigma code

- using a crib cipher...
- Biff.

I can't talk about it.

Fine, let's talk about your dad.

He's a gangster, isn't he?
What, m*rder*r?

Is he a pirate?
It's about Dennis. Okay? Happy?

Stupid Dennis. What'd he do now?

Steal a video camera
and make his way to Dixon City?

No, idiot. He didn't come home
last night. He's missing.

Get this. Dennis never
came home last night.

He was out filming a secret AV Club
project and blew way past his curfew.

So, his parents called Jesse,
and Biff overheard them on the phone.

Now, Jesse and Deputy Riley
are questioning Lucy

because she was
the last person to see him.

They think that he's missing or worse.

Sorry, who's Dennis?

Phil's arch-nemesis.
Mesh ball cap,

- thinks he's all that.
- Okay, and Lucy is...

His girlfriend. On the track team.
With the nice eyes-Whatever!

We gotta talk to her
and find out what she knows.

- Is this really about Dennis?
- Hey,

you said find something real.

This is what we've been waiting for.

No, it's not. It's what
you've been waiting for.

Cops are on it.
Let them handle it.

Oh, okay, come on.
I mean, no offense to Jesse,

but Bridgeport's finest were looking
into Mom and Grandma and the Eye,

and we're the ones who solved it.
Not that anyone knows that.

Are you really going to do nothing
while Dennis is in trouble?

I will do this one thing.

Hey, Lucy.

Can we ask you a few
questions about Dennis?

Why? I already told
the cops everything I know.

Do you know where
he was filming last night?

You're friends with Phil, right?

- Well, I mean--
- Yeah.

- So?
- So, telling you where Dennis went

will give away what his film's about.

And he doesn't want Phil to know.

We have ways of finding out.

Maybe you do, Hardy boys,
but it's not going to be from me.

- Okay, Dennis' cubby is over here.
- Good.

Lucy gave us a lead by accident.

She said that where Dennis was filming
would give away what his film's about,

so we can reverse engineer it.
If we know what the film's about,

- we know where to start looking.
- Genius. How long on the lock?

Got it.

He was sh**ting up at Demon's Paw.

Let's pop in the tape, see if we can
narrow down the search radius.

I swear I saw it.

By the ridge... I gotta be quiet.

Oh my god. Oh my god...

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait, go back.

Oh my god. Oh my--

What the hell is that?

It's the Bridgeport Demon.

Dennis got the demon on tape.

That means he must have
gone back last night.

What if the demon got Dennis?

- The demon, Phil? Really?
- Heck, yes, the demon.

It lives at Demon's Paw and it gets
stronger during Demon Week.

Which is what exactly?

- The week leading up to Demon Day.
- Not helpful.

- You mean that parade?
- No, no, no.

It's more than a parade.

It's like Summer Solstice meets Halloween.

There's masks, fireworks,
and there's a Demon Queen.

And that creepy old poem.

Have you guys not heard the poem?

- No.
- No.

"Beware all listeners
for this I am sure.

"My tale is more than a dream.

"When the birds return north
and the spring comes forth

"and the woods are not what they seem.

"Far down in the deep,
where the rocks are steep,

"since the very first season,
you'll find what will dread

"the most dead of the dead.
Its name?

"The Bridgeport Demon.

- Its eyes glow red"--
- Okay, Phil, we get it.

Let's go tell the rest of the g*ng.

No, no, I'm not-I'm not...

Come on.


Guys, you are truly Bridgeport locals
if you're buying into Demon Week

- this hard.
- So, you don't think there's a demon?

- I do not.
- Why not?

Because demons aren't real.

Just like how ancient
supernatural magic's not real,

except that, oh wait, it definitely is.

This is different.
Dennis is a filmmaker, right?

Maybe he was just making a movie.

Yeah, a documentary.

He's going to get
so rich off that footage.

- We should call the police.
- Or an exorcist.

My mom's never gonna
believe there's a demon.

- Why not? She knows about The Eye.
- No, she doesn't.

She knows about a secret society
that worships an old rock.

She doesn't know about
the magic inside it.

All the people that know
about the power of The Eye

are sitting at this table.

- Or in jail.
- Right.

Us and my grandma.

And Stacy and the Nabokovs
and Rupert and the Khan family,

and probably Anya Kowalski
and maybe even Dean McFarlane.

- And JB Cox.
- And your dad.

It's already enough people.
Let's not add to the list.

Look, whatever.

Okay, it doesn't matter
if the demon's real or not.

Dennis went into the woods,
and he didn't come back out.

Could be a rabid wolverine
or a psycho with a chainsaw.

We gotta find him, alright?
Who's in?

My mom hates it
when I cut school. I'm in.

Me, too.

I'd like to be very clear
about something.

I'm not in.

I will drive you up there,
make sure there's no psycho.

Yeah, I'm out. I got detention.

Detention? Did you park
in the teacher's lot again?

Nope. Fell asleep in English class
'cause I was up all night.

- It's been a banner hours.
- Well,

I can't go either. I've got my call
with Woodson Academy.

- Right. Good luck.
- Have fun.

Alright, according to this map, Dennis
was up at Skull Mountain last night.

There's an old boarded-up cave there
where the Demon brings his victims.

"Once you cross the mouth
of the cave to the south,

- you will sleep the endless sleep."
- Got it.

"As your world goes black
with its claws in your back,

it'll drag you down to the deep."

Got it, Phil!

Legend has it, the demon traps you,

wounds you, and keeps
you in its lair for later.

"And there you will wait
until it's your fate

- to become one of its meals."
- Oh my god, Phil!

- No, I'm saying that's good news.
- Why would that be good news, Phil?

Well, Dennis is probably still alive.
So if we hurry up,

we could get him out of the cave
before the demon eats him.

What is it?

Nothing. Just deja vu.

Why are you smiling?

Feels good to be solving a case again.

Haven't solved anything yet.

We're going to get
our names in the paper.

We'll be famous at school.
We'll be flooded with new clients.

Hey, Biff?

Last chance for me to look into
your adoption before I get too busy.

I'll take my chances. Thanks.

Friends and family discount?

Whoa, guys! Check out all these sticks!

What's that?

- It's a shrine.
- Is that blood?

Something was k*lled here.

- Or someone.
- Ew!

What are you doing?

It's okay. It's just corn syrup.

You didn't know that!

Guys, this is clearly all staged.

Okay, it's a movie set.

Dennis wasn't making a documentary
about the Bridgeport Demon.

- He's faking one.
- He's such a cheater!

I mean, he's incredibly talented,
and he had me fooled,

but that wasn't part
of the assignment at all!

I kind of wanted it to be real.

Just 'cause it's a movie doesn't mean
Dennis didn't get lost

or hurt up in that cave.

Could still be a murderous fugitive
holding him c*ptive.

This is private property.

Since when?

Since it was purchased
by Stratemeyer Global.

We're just up here looking for a friend.

He's not here.

I didn't say "he."

Your friend's not here.

Demon's Paw's closed for public safety.

I suggest you head back
to the main road...

before you get hurt.

Let's go.

Chief! They're here!

What the hell were you thinking,

disappearing from school
without telling anyone?

We went to find Dennis.

This is the search party for Dennis.

We already have one missing kid.
We don't need four more.

We didn't mean to scare anyone, okay?

- But, we found something up at Demon's Paw.
- The Demon Shrine?

We know.
Deputy Riley already looked into it.

Dennis wasn't filming
at Demon's Paw last night.

An eyewitness put him
on the other side of town

- in the East Woods.
- But, the demon lives in the West Woods.

I don't have time for this.

There was a guy up there in the woods.

His name's Mack Malone.

He works for Stratemeyer.
They've got the whole area sectioned off

while they rebuild the mining tunnels.

- Really didn't want us there.
- No kidding.

It's his job to keep nosy teenagers

from falling into an old
abandoned mine shaft. Again.

Do not let them out of your sight.
I'm calling their parents.

- We're going to talk later.
- We were just trying to help.

You're my daughter, not my partner.

Let's go!

- Hey, you new here?
- Yep.

- What you working on?
- My 'zine.

- Wanna play a game?
- Is that allowed?

Definitely not.

So, what do you think she's in for?

Well, if I had to guess,

I'd say carjacking a monster truck.

Hmm. How about her?

- Securities fraud.
- Nah.

She definitely k*lled her boyfriend.

Gotta watch out for the pretty ones.

So, how about you?

You get busted
for cutting up textbooks?


I, uh, carved my logo on a desk.

That's my go-to move.

I always get myself sent to detention

on my first day at a new school.

Helps me figure out who's cool.

I'll let you know if I find anyone.

Keep me posted.

Who's Brad?

Not Brad.

It's B-Rad.

That's my name. Belinda Conrad.

Chet Morton. Nice to meet you.

Got that right.

Are you kidding me?!

You're skipping school now to go
wander the woods up at Demon's Paw!

You know how dangerous it is!

There's cliffs, caves,

underground mines.
You already fell through once!

We know it's dangerous.
That's why we went to go find Dennis.

The police will find Dennis.
I want you two nowhere near this.

- Why?
- Because you're kids, and it's not safe!

You know what?
You're both grounded.

No leaving this house.

No friends over. No nothing.

Except school and work.
Do you understand?

And no car.

How am I supposed to get to work?

You forget how to walk already?
Give me the keys.

This isn't fair.

Life's not fair, Joe,
and you're not a detective.

There's leftovers in the fridge.
Your Aunt Trudy'll be home soon.

- Where are you going?
- Going to join the search party.

Stay here!

That can't be right.
Just check it again.

- Anything?
- Yeah.

Six months of nothing,
and I just had a major breakthrough.

You can tell by the look on my face.

Spare me the sarcasm, Angela.

Are those kids in the woods
gonna be a problem?


I took care of it.

You wanna take a run at our guest now?

Let him stew a bit longer.
No one knows we have him.

- What are you doing?
- Biff knows a back way up to the cave.

Takes a little longer to get there,
but it bypasses the area

that mining guy's patrolling.
You coming?

Are you serious? No, did you not
hear anything Dad just said?

I heard what Dad said.
I just don't care.

Dennis is out there somewhere,
and I'm not just gonna sit around here.

Are you seriously not coming?


Joe, stop!

What happened to you, Frank?!

When you wanted answers
about Mom, you didn't slow down.

- You didn't stop.
- It wasn't Dad telling me to.

That's 'cause Dad wasn't here!

He was off gallivanting overseas
while we solved the case.

Right, and look at what
that did to our family.

Grandma's in jail and Mom is dead!

I get it. You're scared.

- You're being reckless.
- Not every case

is gonna lead to some deep,
dark personal trauma, Frank!

And not everything is a case, Joe!

It's like you don't know who you are

unless you're playing detective!

Grow up.

Joe, I'm sorry, okay?!

Now you locked the door?
Are you serious?

What did he say to you?

Because I heard what you said to him,

and I know you wouldn't have said it
unless it cut pretty deep.

You wanna talk?

No. I gotta walk to work.


You okay?

Yeah. Just, uh, family stuff.

- You wanna talk about it?
- No. No, I don't.

I wanna make us milkshakes.
I wanna forget about it.

How'd your call at, uh, Woodson go?
Full scholarship?

Uh, eh, it didn't go, actually.

It needs to be rescheduled.

But, I'm sure it happens all the time.
Trudy's gonna get it back on the books.


It's just I've been working so hard
towards prep school for so long, you know?

Rosegrave was a lock,

and then everything happened with Gloria

- and the Circle of the Eye--
- I know, Cal,

- I'm sorry.
- No, no. It's not your fault. I mean,

Woodson's a great school, too.
It's just...

I need financial aid or I can't go.

And I'm so close to
getting my life back on track.

- I just want to get it done.
- Hey, Cal,

listen to me.

Try not to spiral.

You know, like when you freak out
after tests and then you get perfect.

Okay, all-all the time,

all the sacrifice...

you earned it.


Yeah. No, you're right.
I'm just being paranoid.

Yeah, a little bit.

Of course the back route to Demon's Paw
is through a creepy cemetery.

I like it here. It's peaceful.

I'm sorry. I'm here.

- Are we ready?
- Yeah, it's this way.

"For most of the year,
the town has no fear,

as the Demon lurks in its lair."

You're k*lling me, man.

Hey, are you sure
there's a path over here?

- There's nothing on the map.
- It's right here.

Trust me, I've been here a bunch.

What did I tell you?

- We'll see about that.
- We'll see about that.

- Hey!
- Callie, Frank, this is Belinda.

- Hey! Nice to meet you.
- Hey.

Yeah, she just moved here
and she doesn't believe me

that Wilt has the best
milkshakes in the world.

Or maybe they just taste
better 'cause they're free.

- They're what?
- Mm.

They're not. They're $ each,
like they always are.

So, um, where are you from?

Oh, uh, Gresham, but not originally.
I move a lot for my dad's job.

- Seven cities in the last five years.
- Wow.

Frank, it's your Aunt Trudy.

Your brother snuck out.

Damn it. He went to the Demon Cave
at Skull Mountain.

Not the cave that's all boarded up.
It's full of stink damp.

- Of what?
- You know, stink damp.

Sour gas. Swamp gas. Stink damp.

- Stop saying stink damp.
- Wait, wait.

Swamp gas is hydrogen sulfide.

If that's a sulfur cave,
it's full of poisonous gas.

- That's what I'm saying.
- Sorry, what happens if Joe

- goes into that cave?
- The further in he goes,

the worse it gets.

Anything from headaches
and fatigue to brain damage and death.

Wilt, call Jesse, tell her
what's going on. We gotta go.

Do you have your truck?

Yeah, but I only got three seats.

No, it's okay. Go. Yeah, just go.

"You must heed the path
to avoid its wrath

"or it'll eat you where you stood.
Find hundreds of eyes

that look to the skies
'round the lady of the wood--"

Phil, enough with the poem!

- I find it comforting.
- Well, it's creeping me out!

You know what's creeping me out?

The demon that lives
in the woods that we're in.

- We need to light a fire to stay safe.
- Phil!

- There is no demon.
- You don't know that!

All we know is that Dennis
is faking his documentary.

There could still be a demon!

And if I'm being completely honest,
it could still have Dennis.

- Didn't think about that.
- Yeah.

Did you think about any of this?

What if we don't find Dennis?

What if we do?
What if he's hurt or worse?

How are we gonna get him out of here?

We'll get to that when we find him.

Come on. The cave should be
just over this hill.

Dennis! Are you in here?

- Dennis!
- Do you have the video camera?

- Phil!
- What? I'm just asking.

Alright, let's go.



Ah, gross. Why's it so slimy?

Looks like the inside of an alien.


Joe! Wait!


I'm a little light... headed.

Guys. Guys...

Biff! Phil!


Biff! Phil!



- Hey.
- Joe, buddy.

- Joe.
- Joe, wake up.

The Demon!
The Demon's real! I saw it!

Whoa! Whoa! Calm down!

Let me go! We gotta
go back for Biff and Phil!

Hey, Joe, it's okay! Deep breath.

- We're right here.
- We're okay, man.

You're just lucky we got
to you when we did.

Can you walk?


Come here.

Nice and easy.

Let's get out of here.

I'm sorry about what I said, okay?

Me, too.

Frank? Wait up!

- What are you doing?
- Not sure.

I heard the water, I just had this
feeling I should check down here.

Check for what?


It's Dennis' hat.

- But where's his pin?
- What pin?

You know,
his stupid camera pin he always wears.

His hat was in the water.
He might be somewhere upstream.

- What's up there?
- There's an old mill up there.


- Dennis!
- Dennis!

- Dennis!
- Dennis!


Did my guys do that?

We never touched him.
He was like that when we found him.

You live an interesting life, Mr. Cox.

I know that JB Cox isn't your real name.

It's not even your only alias.

But, for the sake of simplicity,
I'm gonna call you JB.

You good with that?

I'd be a lot better with it
if you untied me.

Let's see how this goes,
and we'll see about that.

What is this? What do you want?

Never seen it before.

- Right eye.
- Right eye?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait! You didn't let me finish.

I was... gonna say

that I've never seen that
before in one piece.

Looks good.

Go on.

What do you wanna know?

Dennis has a concussion.

He can't remember anything
from the past hours,

- but he's gonna be okay.
- You thinking foul play?

No. As far as we know,
he fell, hit his head,

made his way to the mill to lie down.

So, a nasty bump
and a case of misadventure.

- Got it.
- Wait, that doesn't make any sense

'cause we found Dennis in the West Woods.

What about the eyewitness
who saw him going into the East Woods?

Witness got it wrong. It happens.

- Who was the witness?
- Guys.

Dennis is safe thanks to you.

That's all that matters right now.

Let's take the win tonight.

Leave it at that.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Could we at least go give him his hat?

Quickly, go.

Hey. Hey, Dennis.

Do you remember me?

Sadly, yes.

He doesn't have amnesia, man.

No, no, I understand.
I was just trying to be sensitive.

Here's your dumb hat, Dennis.

- Why is it wet?
- We pulled it out of a stream.

You have any idea how it got there?

Or where your pin went?
How you lost it?

- And where's the video camera?
- Phil.

No, no. I'm just asking. I mean,
like, it could be anywhere, right?

What's this stain on your jacket?

I don't know. Water?

No, it smells sweet.

You have any idea how it got on here?

Okay. Done.

We said you could see him,
not interrogate him. Out.

Get some rest.

Not so fast.

If you guys hadn't gone into the woods,
Dennis might still be lost.

Or worse.

I was wrong to get so angry.

I'm sorry.

You're a pretty good
detective, Joe.

You're okay, too.

We still grounded?

Just be smart about it.

Protect each other.

I can't lose you, too.

- You don't gotta worry, Dad.
- We're not going anywhere.

Come here.

Now, you guys wanna chase down mysteries?

You do it right. You do it together.

Get upstairs.

And go to sleep! For once.

Might as well put up the photo
of the blue van as well.


You never know.
It might lead to something.

It does.

It belongs to that guy.

And I see you don't
have a photo of his partner,

which is probably for the best
'cause you do not wanna run into her.

- What are you doing here?
- What happened to your face?

This? Don't worry about it.
It's not important.

Let's just try to focus
on the task at hand, okay?

Which is what? What do you want?

Well, I can't believe
I'm saying this again,

but I am here for The Eye.

Okay? The real one.

And I know that you have it.

- What are you talking about?
- What am I talking about?

Joey, buddy...

Don't play dumb with me, okay?

I know you swapped out
the real one for a fake one,

and it's not the first time
you pulled the old switcheroo, either.

Honestly, I'd be impressed.

I would, if your little stunt

hadn't gotten me kidnapped
and interrogated by Stratemeyer.

- The mining company?
- Did they do that to your face?

Stop worrying about my face!

Just tell me where I can find The Eye.

We don't have it.
It was buried in the chamber.

The one in the chamber's a fake.

How do you know?

Because I've held
the real one in my hand.

I know what it feels like.

It's got an energy to it.
It-it-it's powerful.

It's dangerous. You can feel it.
The-the one that they have?

It might look real, but it isn't.
I held it...

Nothing. Power's gone.

Gone where?

That's what you are gonna tell me.

- Your last chance.
- Or what?

We don't have it.

Okay, for all we know, it was destroyed.

- That's your story?
- It's the truth.


But, just...

be careful. Okay?

If Stratemeyer can get to me, you can
be very sure they can get you, too.

Was that a warning or a threat?

I don't know.

But if any of that's true,
whoever grabbed him let him go, and it...

it makes me wonder why.

Makes me wonder why he gave me
that radio, if he's just gonna show up.

Hey, uh...

What do you think they found
in the chamber?

Because if the power is not
in the relic, then...

where is it?

Are you okay? Frank?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.