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02x05 - Heading for Destruction

Posted: 08/05/23 10:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hardy Boys...

I went into the woods
with Dennis that night.

I broke up with him, and I left.

I didn't want him
to remember everything.

You need to give me The Eye.

The more you use it,
the more you're putting yourself

and everybody you care about at risk.

- What are you talking about?
- I am talking about Stratemeyer.

They can trace it.

What's the matter, kid?
It's not what you were expecting?

You're a w*r hero?

We found Dennis' tape.
It's really water damaged.

I can fix this.

- I thought you had a date.
- Yeah, I'm on it.

Belinda, this is my friend Angela.

I've heard so much about you, Belinda.

McFarlane named his boat "Ellie."

As in L-E. As in...

Laura Estabrook.

Okay. Here goes.

He's being chased!

Dennis definitely saw
something he wasn't supposed to.

- What's that white thing beside it?
- That says HO.

That's hydrogen peroxide.

Dennis saw someone making a b*mb.

There's going to be an attack
on Bridgeport!



What happened? Hey.

Hey! What happened?

She... she knew.

Who knew?

Who did this to you?


Keep it... safe...


Detective Peterson.

Hey, Sam, it's me. I'm at the marina.
McFarlane's dead.

I thought you were just gonna talk.

I didn't get the chance.
Someone poisoned him.

Get out of there. I'm gonna send
someone out to Gresham.



Anywhere in particular?

Dixon City.

That's hours away from here.

Then we better get moving.

Now! No.

I know.

- Stop! No...
- Joe, I know.

There! No. Frank,

pause it when the bomber
crosses the frame.

What do you think
I'm trying to do?!

- Go frame by frame.
- I can't go frame by frame.

Wait, what's that blur? Is that new?

No, no, no, no. That's the hydrogen
peroxide again. Watch, Dennis zooms in...

Okay, here comes the bomber,

Frank. Be ready. It's fast.

Come on, Dennis!

He ducks every time, Joe!
You know he ducks every time!

Yeah, but the bomber's about
to draw something!

- You don't have one more frame?
- I can't add a frame, can I?!

Well, maybe it's because
Callie spliced all of them out!

Hey, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't
be watching anything right now! Stop!

Got it.

- What does that look like to you?
- It's a patch.

For the school track team.

The bomber is a Bridgeport student.

We have to get this to the police.

- What did you do?
- Hey, it's eating the tape!

It's all the splices you made!
One of them came loose!

Don't bang on it!
It was working just fine

until Frank started cranking it
back and forth!

If I hadn't have cranked on it,
we wouldn't have seen what we saw!

Are you insane?!

Do you have any idea what time it is?

It's Demon Day,

and I have to be up so early
to work on Vanessa's gown,

so there better be a damn good reason
for all the yelling and banging.

Promise you won't be mad.

I don't look mad to you?
What is going on?!

You should've brought this
to me right away!

That's what I said to them.

- You knew about this?
- Oh, uh,

I knew they were investigating.
I didn't know, uh... Fenton wanted--

Fenton knew about this, too?

You and I are gonna talk about this later.

We didn't know what was
on the tape when we found it.

Yeah, and we just...
We didn't wanna waste your time

- in case it was nothing.
- We just wanted to find out

what happened to Dennis.
We didn't know we'd uncover a b*mb plot.

- That's not the point.
- Yes, exactly.

That's what I said to them.
We're on the same page, you and I.

We're still going to talk later.

This is my job. Trust me to do it.


We're bringing him in now, Chief.

Who are they bringing in?

Are you listening?
It's her job. Trust her to do it.

- We're just trying to help.
- I don't need it.

The b*mb's been found.

What? How?

We got an anonymous tip
about a suspicious package

being loaded into a parked car.

- The suspect's in custody.
- Who is it?

I'm going to hang on to this,
in case we need it for evidence,

if we can't get a confession out of him.

Out of who?!

- Who's the bomber?!
- Suspect!

Well, who is it?!

You know what? I'll come
with you so we can talk about this.

How mad are you?

Tom Elroy?

Beautiful portrait, isn't it?

And the perfect frame.

Tom Elroy is being framed.

We need to find the real bomber
before it's too late.

You know, I'm not sure what all
the sad faces are about.

The suspect's in custody
Isn't that what you wanted?

It wasn't him.

Okay, well, let's just let Jesse
and the police worry about that.

Okay. Black coffee
and a burrito to go. On the house.

- Happy Demon Day. Hm.
- Thanks, Wilt.

- I'll see you later.
- You're leaving?

Yeah. Mayor Krassner
has to sign off on the gown,

which means I actually need to finish it.

It's been a long night. Just...

get some food and some rest,
and I'll see you at the parade.

See you there.

There is no way Tom is the bomber.
We need to figure out

- who's actually behind this.
- It's got to be

- the guy that att*cked me for the tape.
- He was wearing

a mask, right?
How do we know it wasn't Tom?

- Why do you always do this?
- Devil's advocate.

We can't just be gung ho all the time.

- If Tom really is the bomber--
- He isn't.

But if he is,
he's already in custody.

- So, let's work another angle.
- Okay, but what if it's Tom?

Seriously? An anonymous tip?

A b*mb in the trunk of a car
that doesn't run?

Okay, fine. Who else do we know with
a military history and a hunting shack

- full of bombing materials?
- He's a patsy!

The whole thing's been set up
to look like Tom finally snapped

after all the nasty nicknames and rumors.

Like the Demon Helper
was pushed to his limit,

and he's getting his revenge on Demon Day.

Why would someone frame him
before the b*mb goes off?

Because we were getting too close.

Whoever it is is buying time.

If the cops think that
they have the bomber,

the real attack goes off without a hitch.

Is it really so hard to believe
my mom got the right guy?

It's not about your mom, Biff.

Okay, she's following
the evidence that she has.

But we saw clues off the videotape
that she didn't.

Like someone on the school track team

that was in Tom Elroy's shack with a map
of town and b*mb-making materials.

Including fireworks.

What if the real attack is happening
at the Demon Day fireworks tonight?

It'd be easy to disguise
a pipe b*mb as fireworks.

Wouldn't it be easier
to use sticks of dynamite?

Where would a high school student
get sticks of dynamite?

Guys, stop. A pipe full of flour and
hydrogen peroxide is basically dynamite.

Once it ignites an oxidizes,
it's real bad.

Surround that with fireworks and...

- Way worse.
- We need to shut down Demon Day.

Absolutely not.

Why? You said come
and see you if we need anything.

I was being congenial.

Come see me for a tour of City Hall
or a fun campaign lanyard,

not with some unsubstantiated theory

that's going to cause mass panic
and ruin Demon Day.

Yeah well, an expl*si*n at the fireworks
show'll put a real damper on things, too.

Listen, kids.

The suspicious device has been
safely recovered and disposed of.

- The suspect is in custody.
- We don't think he did it.

That's nice. Can you prove it?

Not yet.

Then the festivities
will go on as planned.

People come from all over
to see the Demon Queen

and the parade and the fireworks.

The money we make off parking alone
is enough to pay for the whole shebang.

We simply can't afford to cancel.

I thought safety was your top priority.

It is, and the economy
and tough on crime.

It's not tough on crime
if you lock up an innocent person.

You're putting money
above public interest.

I'm making morale a top priority.

You can't have four top priorities.

It's a complex platform.
I don't expect you to understand.

Look, why don't you
leave the politics to me,

and the detective work
to the police, okay?

The town needs this.

The mine collapse,
the Estabrook scandal,

now a missing-turned-catatonic kid?

The people of Bridgeport
want to exorcise

those demons on Demon Day.

- That's--
- It is time to celebrate,

and what better cause for celebration

than thwarting an attack
on this great town.

We are done here. Happy Demon Day.

Okay, are you at least trying
to salvage the videotape?

If we can prove that Tom's not
the bomber, that there's still some risk--

Guys, enough! This is police work!

It's serious, and it's dangerous,

and I can't have you involved
any more than you already are.

We've got a development.

- Did Elroy confess?
- No.

He says the only person
he'll talk to is Frank Hardy.

He must be confused.

Does he mean Fenton Hardy?
The private detective?

No, he means the kid.

Stop smiling.

You're not going in there.

It's not going to happen.

- I said alone.
- Don't push it.

Why'd you want to talk to me, Tom?

I trust you.

Everything I say to them
falls on the deaf ears of dumb cops

trying to coerce a confession.

- Just trying to get to the truth, Tom.
- You work for the mayor.

Krassner's been after
my land for years.

If I go to jail,
he gets what he wants.

So, you think Mayor Krassner's
involved in this?

All I know is I didn't do this.

- I wouldn't build a b*mb like that.
- Right,

I believe you.
I know you wouldn't hurt anyone.

I appreciate it, kid.
That's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying I wouldn't
build a b*mb like that.

I have experience with expl*sives.

C, blasting caps, det cord.

The real stuff.

The device that was found in my car

was made with flour and
hydrogen peroxide and fireworks fuses.

It's textbook anarchist stuff.

Something an amateur would make.

The only hitch is
the hydrogen peroxide.

It has to be a high concentration,

and it ain't easy to get.
Has to come from a lab.

Military, pharmaceutical.

- What about a high school chemistry lab?
- Maybe.

There's something else.

There was somebody on my property
the other night by my car.

Noise woke me up.

Never seen them before,
but they weren't a student.

- What did they look like?
- Sketchy.

Had his hood up, full beard,
was wearing sunglasses,

looked like somebody busted up his face.

It's JB in disguise, okay?

He was spying on us at the movies.

I broke his sunglasses when I punched him.

Y-you punched him?

- JB's still in town?
- What do you mean still?

- I thought he was in hiding.
- No, he's staying at the motel,

and he's working for Stratemeyer Global.

They're not just a mining company.

They're here for The Eye.

Again with The Eye.
I thought we were done with all that.

So, what, they still think
it's magic or something?

No, it's not.
It's impossible. It can't be.

It definitely isn't.

So anyways, why do we think...

why-why are Stratemeyer spying on us?

They think...

They think Joe
and I have The Eye.


Because before the chamber collapsed,

we were the last ones in there.
I was the last one to touch it.

They think I swapped it out
for a fake.

- Did you?
- No!

I don't want The Eye. I don't want
anything to do with The Eye.

Okay? It's nothing but trouble.

And when exactly were you gonna
tell the rest of us any of this?

You really want to talk
about keeping secrets right now?

- Ooh, troubles in paradise.
- Zip it, Phil.

Shut up, Phil.

So, what other secrets
have you been hiding?

Focus! We have a lot of threads
to follow, and not a lot of time.

We've got to divide and conquer.

I'll go talk to JB,

- figure out how he's involved in all this.
- I'll go with you.

Really? What about the Lucy angle?

There is no Lucy angle.

Since when?

She didn't want you questioning Dennis,

she lied about being
with him in the woods,

and she was the last person
to have his notebook.

Show him, Phil.

Oh. Yeah, here.

So, I found this
in Dennis' notebook.

It was a lightning bolt
that was circled.

I don't know what it means,

but I think that's why
he got att*cked again.

Lucy had means and an opportunity.

Plus, she's on the track team.

Now we gotta think of the motive.

Guys. Come on!
Th-there's no motive.

Okay? She's on the junior team.

The patch for the logo of
the junior team is white on blue.

The patch we saw in the video
is-is blue on white.

We're looking for someone
on the senior team.

Oh, okay.
Well, I didn't see the video, so...

So, she's not a suspect anymore.

- Got it?
- Got it.

- I'm going with Frank.
- You should still talk to Lucy though.

She could tell us who's on
the senior track team. I'll go with Biff.

Okay, and I'll dig into
the hydrogen peroxide.

I take chem with Mr. Johnson.

Soon as you guys get the names of
everyone on the senior track team,

we'll cross-reference with senior chem
and narrow down a suspect.

- Which brings us back to motive.
- No, there's no time for motive.

Someone's going to blow up Demon Day.

- Okay, so we got to ask why?
- No!

The real question is, where's the b*mb?

Could be with the fireworks, right?
Go check the fireworks.

Copy that. I'll go to the staging area
and do some behind-the-scenes filming,

and if I catch anyone being suspicious,
I can ask them what their motivation--

- No! Phil!
- I'm just saying,

if motive is a concern... Is it a concern?

Just... don't draw...

any attention to yourself.

Okay? J-just...

- snoop around.
- Okay.

We meet back here in an hour. Let's go.

Why didn't you tell me
JB was still in town?

- Slipped my mind.
- Really?

'Cause it's kind of important.

There's kind of a lot
going on right now.

- Sure this is it?
- Yeah, this is it.

When we were fighting,
his room key fell out of his pocket.

Room two.

You know, I don't get it.

Why is JB working for
Stratemeyer anyway?

After everything
we went through last year,

I thought we were friends.

There's something else
I forgot to tell you.

JB said that Stratemeyer
had a way of tracking The Eye.

He said if we use it, they'll know.

It's got to be a bluff.

What if it isn't?

He's just trying to scare you
into handing it over.

Look, if they could track it,
they'd come get it.



Sorry. Wrong room.

No, you've come to the right place.

But if you're looking for JB,

it appears he skipped town.

You should've done the same.

- No-Hey!
- Hey! Hey!

- Frank!
- Joe!

Okay, we're here.

Stop the car and k*ll the engine.

So, is this just
a regular old kidnapping,

or are you going to k*ll me, too?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Your lipstick on that
drinking glass says otherwise.

McFarlane had information
he believed would keep him alive.

He was wrong.

So, you're working for
The Circle of the Eye?


I'm working to destroy them just like you.

That is what you're doing
in Dixon City, isn't it?

to fix up your old house

while secretly tracking down
the remaining members of The Circle?

Trying to avenge your wife?

How long have you been following me?

Long enough to know
that if you are not careful,

you're going to end up like McFarlane.

Like Laura.

- Who are you?
- I'm curious, Fenton.

If McFarlane had been alive,

what were you willing to do
to get what you wanted?

How far were you willing to go?

So much more efficient
to cut out the middleman, isn't it?

Of course, without JB,
it would have taken us much longer

to focus our efforts on you two.

So, where's The Eye?

We don't know.

Answer honestly,

and we can avoid
any unpleasantness.


We'll answer your questions
if you answers ours.

Where's the b*mb?
What are you planning?

No idea. None of your business.

- What'd you do to Dennis?
- Nothing.

See? It's not so hard
to tell the truth.

- Now, you try.
- Come on, guys.

We know this is a fake.

- How could you possibly know that?
- Because if it was real,

this little doodad would be lighting up
like a Christmas tree.

Maybe your doodad's broken.

It took us a little longer than
I would've liked to get up and running,

but we've locked onto
The Eye's energy signature.

We can trace it remotely.

So, what do you need us for?

Yeah, why don't you just
lock on and go get it?

For some inexplicable reason,

we can only get signal
when The Eye's active.

Like when you used it at
your grandma's house yesterday.

Or the police station this morning.

Did you stash it in
an evidence locker to keep it safe?

You think an evidence locker is safe?

You're very sure
of yourself, Joe.

I can see why JB likes you.

He thought you hid it on Tom Elroy's farm.

I figured you'd kept it on you.

Guess we were both wrong.

Where's The Eye?

I told you.

We don't know.

Suit yourself.

We'll come back a little later
and try this the hard way.

- Ow! Watch it!
- Sorry. Hold still.

So, you need
teenagers to do your job?

No, sir, but they do have
a track record of being right.

Have you seen the videotape?

We're still working on it, sir.

Bring me something concrete
and we'll talk, alright?

In the meantime, keep pressing on Elroy.


Oh my gosh.

This is the car. Th-this is it.

Come on, come on. Come on.

Who do you belong to?

Where is it?

So, exactly how long are
we going to wait here?

Just a few more minutes.

I'm still waiting for
an answer to my question.

I'm not a k*ller.

You asked what my plan was? Pretty simple.

Identify and expose
all the members of The Circle,

not k*ll them.

Don't tell me the idea
didn't cross your mind.

Regardless, I'm not sure The Circle
will show you the same courtesy.

Cuff yourself to the wheel.
I'll be right back.

- Seriously?
- If you're not willing to k*ll anyone,

I'm not bringing you up there with me.

Alright, let's go, Fenton.

Both hands.

Nice and tight.
There we go.

And I'll take these,
so you don't get any ideas.

- Don't go anywhere.
- Yeah.

- What'd you do?
- Drive.

No! I'm not going anywhere
until you tell me what happened up there!

- And what is this?
- Go!

- Go now!
- No-On second thought.

- Clover McCoy.
- Nope.

- Tony Predo?
- Nope.

- Juna Hayes?
- Nope.

How is that no one on the senior
track team is taking senior chemistry?

I think you just answered
your own question.

Maybe it's not a student.
Maybe it's a teacher or a janitor.

We'll cross that bridge
when we get to it. Um, Ken Blake?

- No... Nope.
- Coco Jones?

- Donald Dukay?
- No.

Wait. Yes!


Dude, what is that, strawberry?

Dude, what are you, ?

You're eating strawberry.

- Hey, Donald Dukay.
- Oh boy, here we go.

What imaginary thing did I do
to ruin your life this time, Kerry?


- Whatever.
- You recognize that voice?

Yeah, sounds just like the punk
who lit up Tom's house with fireworks.

No idea what you're talking about.

Cut the crap, Donald!

Where's the b*mb?
What are you planning?

Okay, now I actually have no idea
what you're talking about.

It's over, genius.
We know you're the real bomber.

You're on the track team,
you're in chemistry class,

and you had access to fireworks.

Tell us where the b*mb is
so we can tell the cops.

You think I have a b*mb?


Because I like to mess
with the Widowmaker?

Because I like to sh**t off fireworks?

Can I go enjoy Demon Day now,

or do you guys want
to keep being weird at me?

- You have a blue car.
- So what?

Do you know how many
people have blue cars?

My-my-my cousin has a blue car.

My ex-girlfriend has a blue car.

Hey, why don't you go ask her
if she's the bomber?

While you're at it, you can ask her
for my track jacket back, okay?

Your ex-girlfriend
has your track jacket.

Yeah. She never gave it back
when we broke up.

She's a little crazy. It was fun at first,

but it's kind of why I dumped her.

Who is she, Donald?!

Vanessa Bender.

Well, Vanessa,
you look absolutely stunning,

if I do say so myself.

Enjoy your big moment.

It's going to be a blast.


What are you doing?

- Get back in the car.
- No.

We lost the sh**t.
I'm not going anywhere

until you tell me what is it
you stole from them?

- You know, I don't mind gettin' shot at--
- You don't mind being shot at?

I usually have an idea why.

You'll get answers soon enough.
Get back in the car, Fenton.

Or what? What are you gonna do?

You gonna sh**t me?
You'd have done it by now.

Hey. You don't mind, do you?

Next one will be an inch to the left.

Who are you?

My name is Olivia Kowalski.

Your mother's Anya Kowalski.

The fortune teller.

Fortune tellers
are a sideshow act at carnivals.

My mother has a gift.

In fact, your boys went to her
for help with a case, didn't they?

- Keep my family out of it.
- Circle of the Eye didn't.

They destroyed both our families, Fenton.

We have a chance for revenge.

I want justice.

Keep telling yourself that.

With Gloria Estabrook in jail,

The Circle is vulnerable
for the first time in years.

But we have to move fast because
someone else is vying for control.

- You know this.
- Yeah.

It's the same person
who ordered Laura's death.

Do you have their name?

That's why you hunted down McFarlane,
isn't it?

Give me their name.

- First, I need something from you.
- What?

Your trust.

Meet me tomorrow at the Grand Hotel.

Why don't you just give me
the information now?

'Cause I have a little more work to do.

- Where's Vanessa Bender?!
- On the float, why?

We think she's the real bomber.

What? Why do you think that?

She's got a blue car,
she's in chemistry class,

and she was wearing
her ex-boyfriend's track jacket.

"It's going to be a blast."
Oh, that little...

Where's the float now?

The parade starts here,
goes down Spruce,

cuts across Tradition,
then on to Main,

across Seven, back on to Main,
and goes all the way down to the water.

If I had to guess,
I'd say Vanessa is about to hit Main.


What are you staring at?

It's a lightning bolt.

Dennis must've seen
Vanessa draw it on the map.

The b*mb isn't gonna be
at the fireworks show.

- It's somewhere on the parade route.
- Not somewhere.


That's Dennis' drawing.
What's in that radius?

Uh, shops, restaurants, uh,

a law office, an alarm company...

Wilt's. Wilt's. It's got to be Wilt's.
He got broken into the other night.

We thought of some stupid
Demon Week prank,

but nothing was stolen.

What if something was left behind?

- I'm going to call him to warn him.
- We've gotta go after Vanessa.

First, we call your mom,
then we go after Vanessa.

Come on, come on, Biff.

- Where's Phil?
- Where are Frank and Joe?

Can you stop?

Just-I almost got it.


The way I see it,

our best option is...

someone gets close enough to head butt.

- And then what?
- I gotta think of everything?

It doesn't matter. If we break free,

who knows how many Stratemeyer
g*ons are out there?

What are they gonna do?
Keep us down here forever?

No, I'm sure they'll k*ll us eventually.

You know, I'm starting to think
she wasn't bluffing.

That they really can track The Eye.

Yeah, me, too.

We're sitting ducks down here.

- What if you have another one of your--
- Joe.

They could be listening.

Panic att*cks?

I was going to say panic att*cks.

Well, it's a good thing
there's nothing to panic about.

Oh, my head...

Oh my god. Oh my god.
I'm in the trunk.

Help! Help!

I'm in the trunk! Help!

Since when do you pick locks?

I've been hanging out with
Frank and Joe for too long.

- Or just the right amount.
- Okay, come on.

We gotta check everywhere.
It's been two days, and no one's seen it.

- I'll check behind the counter.
- I'll start back here.

I'll clear the shelves.

Don't forget the freezers.
The b*mb could be tucked anywhere.

Guys, it was... it was moved.

- What?
- Robowar.

It was moved. I helped Frank move it back
against the wall and plug it in.

You think the b*mb's inside the game?

There's only one way to find out.

Oh my god.

- We should call the police.
- Don't touch it.

Don't do anything
except get the hell outta here.

Riley, it's Chief Hooper.

I've got an IED at Wilt's.

No timer.
Trigger's a garage door opener.

I need DCPD b*mb Squad
on my radio right now.

Copy that, Chief.

Vanessa must have the detonator.
She's getting closer every second.

I need your help.
Clear the area outside.

- Get those people out of here.
- Okay. Go. Go, go. Come on. Let's go.

- Move! Move! Move!
- Get back! Get back! Come on!

What are you doing?!

My job! Go!

Everybody, get back!
Get back! Clear the area!

There's a b*mb! Everybody!

I need you to listen!

There is a b*mb that is about to go off!


Vanessa Bender, don't you move!

Stay down.

- Nice hit.
- Yeah. Congrats to me.

Check her for a detonator.

You're too late.


Give me that! Stop!


Okay, Chief.
I'm gonna talk you through this.

You're going to need
to disconnect the detonator

from the power supply.

No, no, no.




Last chance, boys.

Okay, we'll tell you everything.

Just... come a little closer.

Where... is... The Eye?

I told you, we don't know where it is.

Stop. Lying.

You know where it is, Frank.

You know where it is, Frank.


Relax, Frank.

We haven't even started the hard way yet.


You're free to go.

There was an incident in town.
A b*mb went off at Wilt's.

- Was anybody hurt? Did-did--
- I don't have those details,

and I don't want to add to the confusion
by keeping you two here.

Go. Now.

What, we're supposed to
just forget about all this?

I'm sure our paths will cross again.

Until then, I'm going to notify the police

that two nosy teenagers were
trespassing on private property

and were detained for security reasons.

Just to avoid any misunderstandings.

What the hell was that? You okay?

Yeah, I am for now.
The tracker works. She got a signal.

Why'd she let us go?

Because it wasn't coming from me.

It was coming from somewhere else.

Come on.

- Did Jesse get out?
- I don't know!



She's over here!

- Is she...
- She's alive.

It looks like she took cover just in time.

- The counter saved her.
- What do you need, Deputy?

- She needs an ambulance.
- Copy. There's one en route.

Come on, what's the ETA
on the ambulance?

Minutes away.
Stay with us, Jesse. Stay with us.

Chet! Belinda!

It's Lola! It's Lola Burton!

- No, no, no, it's Vanessa.
- No, no, no. It's Vanessa's car,

but Lola was driving it. She had
the detonator and I tried to stop her,

but she got away.
She has a mask and a cloak.

She has to be here somewhere. I...

Lola! Lola, stop!

Go get the cops! Go get the cops!

- Get your hands off me!
- It's over, Lola.

There's nowhere to run.

- Nice timing, guys.
- Thanks.

Saw you guys a few blocks back.
We pieced it together.

Let's catch up later.
I want to know why she did it.

- Go to hell.
- You could've k*lled someone!

The expl*si*n wasn't
supposed to be so big.

Vanessa must have messed with it
without me knowing.

- No one was supposed to get hurt.
- Oh yeah?

- What about Dennis?
- I didn't do anything to Dennis.

Oh, I suppose that was Vanessa, too?
How convenient.

It wasn't her, either!
I swear we didn't do anything to Dennis!

Dennis caught you and Vanessa
on tape planning the attack.

You chased him through the woods!

We chased him, we didn't hurt him.

He was fine when we handed him over.

- We just wanted the money.
- Wait, handed him over to who?

Nope! No, no.

What money?

What money?!



Mom! Mom, can you hear me?


- Mom? Mom!
- Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay...

It's okay, I got you. Biff, I'm here.
Everything will be alright.

She's going to pull through.

What if she doesn't?

I don't have anyone else.

Yes, you do.

Your mom's a fighter,

and she's still mad at us.

No way she passes up
a chance to lay down the law.

Let it out, Biff. I'm right here.

Thoracic surgery, call .
Thoracic surgery, , please.

Alright, Deputy, let's make this quick.

There's a lot going on,
and we need to get our stories straight.

What have you got?

Tom Elroy's been released.
He's not going to sue.

Oh, finally, some good news.

The girls confessed, but they're
claiming they never hurt the Gilroy kid.

That someone paid them
to do the bombing.

- Did they say who?
- No.

- Never saw a face.
- Are they sure?

Yeah. Whoever it is wore
a demon's mask, used a voice changer.

Alright, let's, uh, keep this quiet.

As far as anyone knows,
the girls did it alone.

Can't have people thinking
there's a maniac on the loose.


Wild day, huh?

You alright?

Yeah. I mean...

Here I thought my life got crazy
when the Hardy Boys came to town, but...

things seem to have gotten to a whole
new level since you've been here.

Do you want me to leave?


I want you to stay for good.

Something about all this
still doesn't feel right.

This was bigger than a bombing.

We need to talk about our fight.

I was wrong.

And I'm sorry.

I don't care that you went
to go see my grandma.

I mean, after today,
it feels like such a small thing

when we could have
lost each other.

I don't want to lose you.

And I don't want us
lying to each other.

Or keeping secrets.

There's something that I need to tell you.

Something really strange.

What is it?

Capture as many gems as you can.

There's one very special one.

Frank, what is it?

This is just the beginning.

Something worse is coming.