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02x07 - The Doctor's Orders

Posted: 08/05/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hardy Boys....

Clear the area! There's a b*mb!

Did the b*mb take out the phone lines?

Yeah, the alarm company techs

are trying to get their system
up and running, too.

Wilt's was never the target.

It's just a decoy.

This must have been the point of entry.

There's a crystal missing.

Flash Stones. They're a local legend.

Some New Age weirdos think
they contain high vibrational energy.

George pulled it out
of the ground at the beach. I saw him.

- When did you see this?
- I saw it in a vision.

Frank never had The Eye.
He is The Eye.

But we're not telling anyone.

Clearly, she's into something shady,

and my dad could be in danger.

Instead of going right at your dad,
we ease up

in case he's shady, too.

You told me to keep you in check.

Just trust me!

The Eye will lead us to the crystal.

The crystal will lead us to that
shadow man from my vision!

We didn't need The Eye last year.

Maybe we don't need it at all now.

There. That's much better.

You found the Flash Stone.

I really must quit leaving
my journal lying around.

You didn't write much about it.

Not in my journal, no.

Mustn't keep all my secrets in one place.

- What is that?
- Why...

it's everything. I'll show you.

Find a good spot.

A little to the right.

Good. To the right.


Now to the left.

Back to the right.

Now, slide down the screen
on the wall for me.

Now, push it until it clicks.

Now, turn.

What do you see?

I see the past.
I see you at the beach.

That's not me.

That's George Estabrook.

I'm just in your head.

A projection of The Eye.

Did you just have a vision?


Sorry, sometimes I don't even realize
they're happening right away.

Okay. What did you see just now?

George transformed
the Flash Stone from the beach.

It was making an awful noise,

like something was deep inside of it.

Like... like what?

I don't know.
Like-like a power or-or an energy.

George said it's everything.


Okay, we'll figure it out.

You sure you're ready for this?

Yeah. Yeah, I have to be.

I mean, the crystal started with George,
but it ended up with Gloria.

Let's do this.

- Whatcha doing?
- What are you doing?

The doors closed for a reason!
I could've been changing!

Well, you're not.

You're beating up a CB radio
for some reason.

- I'm trying to contact JB.
- Why?

We need to get
The Eye out of Frank.

I thought it was helping.

It's not.

Something's changed in him, okay?
I can tell.

He went from not wanting anybody
to know to telling everybody.

And he didn't even talk it over with me.

Sounds like it's more
about you than him.

He told me to keep him in check, okay?
So, that's what I'm doing.

Except JB's not answering.
I mean, why make a way to reach out

if you're not gonna bother reaching back?

Yeah, hard to believe
you can't count on a career criminal.

He's our best shot at stealing the relic
from the Stratemeyer vault.

Which is where?

I'm working on that.

Once we get the relic,
we can get the power out of Frank.

I'm working on that, too!

But if the power can transfer
out of the relic into Frank,

it should be possible
to reverse the process.

What does Frank think of all this?

Oh. I see. We're not telling Frank.

This will end well.


I'm so happy to see you.

I wish that you would come
every single day.

Well, let me show you around the grounds.

I mean, for a prison, they're quite nice.
We have some rather lovely flowers.

And to think, some prisons
don't even have flowers.


Oh, in case you were
reconsidering my offer,

just one phone call to
Rosegrave would do the trick.

We came here about something else.

You heard about the bombing at Wilt's.

Oh, of course.

Well, I get updates from town every day.

That was quite unfortunate.

See what happens
when I'm not around?

Yeah. Well, it turns out the bombing

was a cover-up for another crime.

There was a robbery.

At your house.

That's not possible.
I have round-the-clock security.

Yes, but Elekton Security Controls

didn't know the robbery ever happened.

The bombing took out
their main communications relay.

Anyone in town using that alarm company

wouldn't have a working system
for seconds, including you.

What did they take?
I mean, art? My jewelry?

Nothing obvious.

In fact, we don't really understand
why anyone would want this item at all.

"This item"?

You know what they took.

You know, and you are
going to tell me right now!

It was a crystal from your chandelier.

No. No, no, no.

The Flash Stone, what is it?


It's everything!

If it's so important, why did you leave
it out in the open? What's it for?

You've gotta get it back.
You've gotta get it back...

because everything knows that we're there.


As a spine!

- She's having a stroke...
- Get help. Get help, Callie!

- We need a medic!
- It's okay. I'm right here.

Doctor... Burelli!

Dr. Burelli! Burelli!
What's she got to do with it, Grandma?


... ...

- ...
- Shh... Just rest, Dennis.

You've got a big day ahead of you.

I thought you were
working from home today.

I was. West Coast is k*lling me.

Hm. All those fake conference calls?

Very funny.

So, the...

Angel-A of Death, huh?

Do we need to talk about me and Angela?

I'd love to. How'd you meet?

She was the listing agent for the house.
Not a bad perk, huh?

- Are you serious?
- I was trying to be funny.

- No, I mean are you guys serious?
- You know what? That's a good question.

I haven't quite worked up
the courage to talk about it yet.

So, when does my character get a cover?

Please, Dad.

"The Brain" isn't exactly cover material.

You know? He's just... a boring blob.

Ooh. A little too real.

Where did I put my tie clip?

What are you doing?

You can't be snooping
through my work stuff, Belinda.

It's confidential. You know that.

I just needed a fine point
to ink the cover.

Your clients' secret identities
are safe from me.

- Just ask next time.
- Okay.

Love you.

Is Grandma gonna be okay?

I don't know. It's too soon to tell.

Prison doctor said he would keep us
updated on her condition.

- Should Aunt Trudy and I come up?
- No, no.

They're not accepting
visitors now anyways.

- You okay?
- Yeah. Are you?

Yeah, it was just scary.

She was trying to tell me something, Joe.

All I could make out was "Dr. Burelli."

Wait, Dennis' psychiatrist?

What's the connection?

I don't know,
but she could be dangerous.

Me and Callie are on our way
back to Bridgeport now.

You need to keep an eye on Dennis.

Okay, I'm on it.

I got some sustenance for the road.

Red licorice for me, black licorice
for you 'cause you're gross.

We need to follow him.


George. George is in the car.

Frank, there's no car.

Are you having a vision right now?

He's leaving. Come on.

- Let's go.
- What about Dr. Burelli?

This is important. Trust me.

I'll tell you where to go.

Listen, I'm an idiot, okay?

I never should have said
your dad was shady.

He's not shady. He's obviously
getting played by Angela.

Angela's the problem,

so let's forget about
your dad for a moment

and focus on her and her lying

because we need to expose her.

- Okay.
- Okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

So, I was thinking

I'll get my dad to take us all
out to dinner tonight.

Somewhere public.
We ask her some hard questions,

back her into a corner
that she can't get out of.

Speaking of the devil.
Think we might've summoned her.

She's coming over. Be cool.

- I'm always cool.
- Shh.

Hey, you two.

- Hey...
- I thought that was

your very yellow truck
parked out there, Chet.

You know, I swear I saw it
the other day, too.

Parked down the block
from the Estabrook estate.

What were you doing there?

What were you doing?

Working on a proposal for Gloria.

No way. She'd never sell the place.

No, but I have a unique property

I think she would find quite interesting.

In fact, I'd love to tell you
more about it, Chet.

- Me? Why?
- Come by my office tonight.

You know where it is, right?

The Hardy Boys can give you directions.

- We'll be there.
- Great.

I'll see you then.

What did you just agree to?


- Where's Biff?
- She stopped on the third floor

- to see her mom. What's going on?
- Well, we got a problem.

Lucy came to see Dennis,
but they moved him to a different room,

and now the door's locked,
and no one's allowed in.

Wait, Lucy's here?

Hey there. Is everything alright?

Th-they're moving Dennis

to the Dixon Institute for...

neuro... something.

They won't even let me
see him to say goodbye.

Maybe that's a good thing?

I-The-the first part,
not the second part.

Maybe it'll help him get better.

I just don't understand why
Dr. Burelli's moving him now.

What changed?

Wait. Dr. Burelli's moving him?

- When?
- Tonight.

His parents are okay with this?

She told them it was for the best.

I bet she did.

What does that mean?

Okay. Lucy, you trust me, right?

Did you want me to fax
that for you, Doctor?

Uh, n-no. That's alright.
I just need to double-check the number

for the Dixon Institute
for Neurophysiology.

Okay. Mm-hmm...

Yep. That's right.

Ah! Pudding pies!

Give me back my money! Come on!

I love chips.

Ah, it's coming!

It's almost there!
It's getting really, really close!

I did what you asked.
You'll have the boy at :.

But, you need to know--

- That was way too close.
I- 've had closer.

It's Dennis' transfer form.

Something tells me they're
not moving him to Dixon City.

We have to go.

I'll be right behind you.

What is it now, Doctor?

What are you doing in my office?

I was...

I was actually looking for you.

I have a few questions
about my friend Dennis.

Why can't we see him?
Why are you moving him now?

To fully recover.

He needs a facility that
specializes in neurophysiology.

Well, then why did you throw this out?

Because it's already been faxed.

You don't keep records of
your patients' transfer orders?

I also don't explain myself to kids.

Why didn't
the Dixon City Institute pick up

when I hit redial on your phone just now?

You really did something
you shouldn't have.

Why'd you come to Bridgeport?

- How do you know Gloria Estabrook?
- Security.

I caught this boy snooping in my office
and messing with my files.

I want him escorted from the building
immediately and banned from returning.

Unless, of course, he finds
himself terribly injured.

Let's go, kid.

Alright, take it easy. I'm going.

- Let's go.
- Where?

My house. I'm banned from the hospital.

Burelli knows The Shadow Man.
She's gonna give him Dennis.

But what do they need Dennis for?

- What's a Shadow Man?
- I'll explain on the way,

but we need to stop Burelli
from moving Dennis before it's too late.

- Stop her how?
- We're gonna move him first.

- You want to heist Dennis?
- This is crazy risky. I love it.

We're not going to heist him.
We're going to hide him.

Dennis'll be safe in the hospital,
just not in his room.

- Are you sure the transfer is fake?
- Uh yeah, pretty sure.

When I redialed the number
on Burelli's phone,

- all I got was a modulated voice.
- Like an operator?

Like a k*ller, Phil! Like the guy that
Lola said hired her to do the bombing.

So, unless the Dixon City Neuro-whatever

is run by a heavy-breathing creeper,

Dennis is in big trouble.

That's where we come in.

Careful. Someone broke a lamp.

Shouldn't we tell
Dennis' parents or the police?

And say what?

Look, Burelli has power, authority,
and respect on her side.

Okay? Unless we have proof,
it's our word against hers.

The only way this op works
is if you guys are on the inside,

and I'm running it from the outside.

Where are my walkie-talkies?

Oh, the walkies are in
my locker at school!

- Why didn't you say anything?
- Why didn't you say anything?


Lucy, you need to get us
a floor plan of the hospital.

You two get the walkies and meet me

in the hospital parking garage
at the van. Got it?

Got it.

What van?


What are you doing?

Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you.

My nerves are shot.

Thought you might want some company

and your sweater.

Thank you.

You want a fry?


You know...

Jesse's lucky to have you.

I mean, we all are.

Dad, Frank, me.


It's just you take care of everyone.

Don't know what we'd do without you.

Oh, you want something, don't you?

I mean, I'll take another fry.

All yours.

I better get back in there.

I'm, uh, reading to Jesse.

Hoping if I butcher enough Russian names,
she'll wake up and correct me.

Solid plan.

You know, why don't
I clean up in here for you?

Least I can do.

You... want to clean up my van.

Well, I mean, it kinda smells
like my gym bag in here, so...

Okay. Um, just...

lock up when you're done.


Thanks for checking in on me.

You got it.

Are those phone books?

Why do you have those phone books? Phil?

- What did you do?
- I didn't do anything, I swear.

Look, you said your birth mom wasn't
listed in the Bridgeport phone book,

so I checked the surrounding
areas for their phone books.

Th-that's all I did, and...

this was before your mom got hurt and...

Please don't be mad.

I'm not mad, but I'm not looking
for Abigail Owens anymore.

My mom is my mom, and when she wakes up,

everything will go back to normal.

Totally. And I should probably
get rid of these, I mean...

Hey, you two. The school's
closed to students today.

Oh yeah, I know. I was--
I was just getting some stuff.

Let's go. The janitor's locking up.

Really sorry to hear
about your mom, Biff.

Let's get out of here.

Come on, he went this way. Hurry.

If you say so. This is bonkers.

I can't believe I'm following you
following a ghost.

He's not a ghost.

He's a projection of The Eye.

Thanks for clearing that up.

He must've gone in the secret room.

What is it?

Dr. Burelli wrote a book.

This must be what George
is trying to show me.

Or maybe what Gloria
was trying to tell you.

- Gloria didn't say anything about a book.
- No, but she did say spine.


It's a secret code.


- What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?

How do you even know about this place?

I told you, my work is confidential.


Did I double book a meeting down here?

Sorry about that.

You two were never dating, were you?

No, Belinda.

It would be very inappropriate

for me to date my boss.

I'm a senior operative
with the Department of Special Affairs.

- I manage a team of--
- Kidnappers?

I didn't know Angela and Mack
took the Hardy Boys until after.

Need to know, boss.

You said you take conference calls

and do paperwork.

You lied to me. You've been
lying to me my whole life.

Belinda... it's me.

Alright? I'm the same guy.

My job is to fix things.

We clean up messes other people make.

That's why we're in Bridgeport.

It's The Eye, isn't it?

We're trying to stop the power
from falling into the wrong hands.

Too late for that.

What are you talking about?

I know where the power of The Eye is.

That's actually why I called
this little meeting of the minds.

Where is it, Angela?

We tracked it to the Estabrook Estate.

Chet and Belinda already know that.
They were there.

I see I'm not the only one
keeping secrets.

Don't even start.

Frank and Joe were there, too.

One of them used the power

to draw us away
to save one of his buddies.

How? We have the relic.

That's right. We have the relic.

Frank Hardy has the power of The Eye.

Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

- No, that's... not... Why--
- Don't bother, Chet!

Dumb doesn't suit you.

I saw him on the beach.

So then why didn't you just
grab Frank on the beach?

We can't just take it back by force,
can we, boss?


I've been at Stratemeyer for years.

I've worked closely with people familiar
with The Eye. One thing is clear.

Using the relic, unlocking its power,

requires a willing participant.

If what you're saying is true,
the transfer of power from the relic

to a person would have required
a willing host.

If the power's in Frank?

Frank let it in.

Now, Frank needs to let it out.

And that's where you come in, Chet.

You're the one who's going to
convince Frank to give it up.

Okay, guys, it's simple.
We know Burelli eats

in the cafeteria here every night at :.

- Usually.
- What do you mean usually?

Well, every night I've been there,
she's usually there.

- Probably.
- No, we kind of need a definitely.

Okay, assuming
she sticks to her pattern,

this is where you steal her key card.

It's got the mag stripe on it, which
lets us get into Dennis' room, .

Then, we'll take him down
this hall to the north elevators

and into the P parking garage here,

and we'll hide him out in this van until
it's safe to bring him back into his room.

That's a lot of "we" talk
from the guy

that's gonna sit in the van
the whole time.

What do you want me to do? I'm banned!
It's not like I can sit on your shoulders

under a gown with a surgeon's mask
and pretend to be a doctor.



No! No, no.
We need to stick to the plan.

Okay, we have to stop Burelli's
hand-off to the Shadow Man.

It's not a perfect play,

but desperate times, desperate measures.

We really doing this?

You know Dennis best.
What would he say?

Dennis loves heist movies.

He'd say, "Thanks for having my back."

It's not a Hill cipher
or Playfair cipher

- or a Vigenère.
- We've got to be missing something.

Gloria begged us to find that crystal.

What's the connection to the book?

Burelli wrote the book.
Maybe she wrote the code, too?


And then Gloria put the code
in the spine of this book...

Because the book is the cipher.

Like an Ottendorf code!

Let's say the first row
of numbers equals the page,

the second row is the line on each page,

and the third row is the word.

So that's page ,

line , word three.

What's that?


There was a projector in my vision.

Keep going, this feels right.

Okay. Um... Page ...

Everyone set?

- Set.
- Check.

Good to go. Over.

Oh no! I'm so sorry!

Stop. It-it's fine. Thank you.

See the people walking down the street

Fall in line,
just watching all their feet

They don't know where they want to go

But they're walking in time

They got the beat, they got the beat

They got the beat

- Phase one complete.
- Copy.

Phase two when clear.

Oh! Oh no! Excuse me, I-I believe that

Dr. Burelli lost this.

I think she dropped it, obviously.

- Yeah.
- Do you think it's important?

I think it's important
because it has her name on it.

- Is there a lost and found here, so I...
- No.

No, there isn't.
No, I'll just take it. Thank you.

- Thanks.
- I love your sweater.

- Is that wool? Brings out your eyes.
- It is. Thank you.

- I'll make sure she gets it.
- Okay. Thank you.

All the kids just
getting out of school

Package en route.

Acting cool, hang around...

- Don't worry. I got you.
- Come on!

They got the beat, they got the beat

- Burelli's on the move.
- You guys better hurry.

Coast is clear on P.

Dr. Burelli!

Someone turned this in for you.
You must've dropped it.

Go-go music really makes us dance

Oh no.

We've got a problem.

Puts us in a trance

The Watusi, just give us a chance

North elevators are a no-go.
We need an alternate route.

Your only option is the south elevator.
Backtrack and avoid Burelli.


Yeah, we got it

We're improvising.

Hang in there, Dennis.

Everybody, get on your feet

We got the beat

We know you can dance to the beat

We got the beat

Jump back, get down

Round and round and round

Woo! We got the beat

We got the beat, we got the beat,
we got the beat...

Gotta go handle something.

What? Off to do more
evil things for evil company?

It's a little more nuanced than that.

Like Prince Valkyrie from your 'zine.

Angela, we're done here.

Kids, go home.

Uh, can I borrow your truck?
I need to follow my dad.

- You want me to come with you?
- No. I need to do this alone.

- You okay to walk?
- Yeah. Uh...

- I gotta do something.
- Okay.

Oh, Dr. Burelli, I just have
a question here about this patient.

We're trapped.

Okay. I got this.

Dr. Burelli! I really wanna see Dennis

- before the transfer!
- Lucy, I told you.

He can't have visitors today.

You can arrange to see him
once he's more settled in Dixon City.

But, it's so far away,

and I can't afford a bus pass,

and my parents won't be able to drive me!

I don't know what to do!

- Please! Please!
- Okay... Okay...

Lucy's out. It's me and Dennis
heading to the south elevators now.

We'll radio when we're through. Over.


Biff! I don't copy! What happened?

Hang in there, Dennis. Almost home.

It's all about the image
you present to the public.

- The image I wanna...
- Wait a minute.

Is that Elizabeth Hooper?

Get over here, kiddo!

N-I-I'm good. That's okay.

Nonsense. This is perfect timing!
Jeff, we're gonna get

a photo of the two of us standing vigil
in front of Chief Hooper's door, alright?

I'm burned. Get to P ASAP.

Let's go. This is going to make
some magic. Let's do this.

I'm headed to P South to meet Dennis.
I'm almost there.


Phil, come in!

Oh... shi--

- I knew you'd be back.
- I need to know what you meant.

That I'm going to be the one
to convince Frank

to hand over The Eye. W-why me?

You know Frank better than I do.

But from what I understand,
he's got a bit of

an alpha male, hero complex
thing going on.

The kind of guy who
steals your girlfriend,

and somehow, you end up saying sorry?

Did I hit a nerve?


Maybe I should talk to Callie instead.

Better stay away from her.

Does Belinda know you're
holding onto old feelings?

I'm not h... Don't...

I want you to understand that if
Frank gives up The Eye willingly,

no one has to suffer.

No one you care about has to get hurt.

Unless that's what you want.

- No! No, that's not what I want!
- Me neither. So...

you're going to help me out?

Yeah, I'll try.

Don't try. Just do it.

- You lost Dennis?
- I didn't lose him! I failed

- to retrieve him after you lost him!
- Stop!

We need to find him.
He couldn't have gone far.

- Unless someone nabbed him.
- Shut up, Phil.

Let's split up.

- That way?
- Yeah.

Phil, come in!

Phil? Biff? Lucy? Anyone?

Damn it!

Come in.

Come in! Anyone!

Come on.

- How you doing?
- Uh, good.

I just have a few more
lines of code to go.

I don't think it was
project like projector.

I think it was project like...

like an experiment.

"Project midnight trials underway.

"Vessel A failed to respond.
Transfer aborted.

"Vessel B... prepped for The Sleep Room.

Awaiting your approval."

What is all this?

There. That's much better.

The crystal's calling me, isn't it?


Would you like to see why?

Patient B is ready, Nurse Cody.

What are you doing to my brother?

- Joe, snap out of it!
- Get him out of here!

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

It's me, it's me. You're back.

You're back. What happened?

I think Joe's in trouble.

- Huh?
- Come on.

Going somewhere, Doctor?

Where's the kid?

I don't know.

- He's gone.
- We had a deal.

- You owe me.
- I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for what happened,

what we did to you.

But I need you to know that
Midnight won't work on Dennis.

He isn't strong enough.
It won't work on anyone.

- You're lying.
- No.

I tried to tell you. We failed!

There is no vessel strong enough.

Come in, Joe...

No! No!


- ...
- I found Dennis. He's on the first floor.

- Oh, thank God.
- Is he okay?

Yeah, h-he's in someone's room,
watching TV,

and apparently walking again.
But, he's safe.

Hey. It's me.

- ...
- It's Lucy.

Wait, you guys lost Dennis?

What are you doing?

- You shouldn't be here.
- In my 'zine,

Prince Valkyrie is a double agent.
Did you know that?

I knew, and I knew you'd catch on,
but it's not safe here.

- No! Tell me what's going on!
- I will, at home.

No, Dad, I want the truth now!

Damn it, Belinda, listen to me!

Angela doesn't know,
so I had to keep up the front.

But I'm a whistle-blower.

Now get out of here.

Go home. I'll meet you there.



Hey, man. Hey, where's Joe?

Uh, he's upstairs with Biff and Phil.


- Are you good?
- No.

Not really.

I really need to talk to you guys.

Okay. Um, what's up?

I never made a big deal
about you guys getting together,

but the way it happened sucked.

- Chet...
- No, Callie, please.

I need to get this out.

I know I broke up with you,
but it should have been you that did it.

And I think you know that
it shouldn't have been on me

to make it easier for you.

And then you, man, you just
swooped in out of nowhere.

I didn't want to be a jerk,
but what you did wasn't cool.

It hurt.

I know I should've said something earlier.

That's on me, but we all went along
like nothing ever happened.

Then, I felt like I couldn't say anything

because I didn't want
to lose my best friends.

I saw how happy you guys were.

And I tried. Believe me,

I really, really tried
to let go how it all went down,

but... I was mad.

I was mad at you,

but I was really mad at myself
because I never spoke up.

I'm not jealous.

I'm not hung up.

It just all felt unfinished.

No, you're right.

I made a mistake, and I'm...

I'm glad you said that.

Chet, I'm really, really,
really sorry. Okay?

Hey, me too, man.

I messed up, and I'm sorry.

Okay. Okay. Appreciate that.

Well, I feel better already.

Oh, there's one more thing.

You're in real trouble, man.

Angela and Stratemeyer Global
are coming for you hard.

Yeah. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Okay, so we decoded a secret message

from Dr. Burelli to Gloria.

It was dated almost years ago,

and it mentioned an experiment
called Project Midnight

that happened in a place
called The Sleep Room.

There wasn't any information
about what the experiment actually was,

but it required vessels.

- We think it might be the crystal.
- No.

No, it's not the crystal.
The vessels are kids.

I overheard Burelli
talking to the Shadow Man.

He said he wanted to use
Dennis as a vessel.

He must be trying
to restart the experiment.

What for?


Burelli was scared. She said she
was sorry for what they did to him.

There is a kid in my vision.

Burelli had him strapped to a chair.

She was experimenting on him
with some strange machine.

Wait, that's gotta be
the Shadow Man, right?

Okay, so if we figure out
what Project Midnight was,

- we could figure out who Shadow Man is.
- How?

The kid only exists in visions.

Now, sure,
but he was a patient back then.

He's either Patient A or Patient B.

He exists somewhere.

You think there might be records?

It's possible.

We need to figure out exactly
where the experiments took place.

We need to find The Sleep Room.

I mean, what's with that scroll anyways?

Like, the calligraphy's so weird.
What language even is that?

Shh! I'm trying to think!

- Oh... Okay.
- I could just trigger another vision.

Don't. Stratemeyer's tracking you.

So what? They haven't come for me yet.

Dude, I'm telling you, they will.

I know where The Sleep Room is!

Frank saw stained glass windows,
a chapel, and a kid

in a navy and burgundy sweat-suit.

Your dad got the scroll
from Dean McFarlane,

the former headmaster at Rosegrave.

Rosegrave has a chapel
with stained glass windows,

and the official colors
are navy and burgundy.

- Oh my god.
- The Sleep Room's at Rosegrave.

They're experimenting on students!

- What? What?
- What?
