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02x10 - An Unexpected Return

Posted: 08/05/23 10:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hardy Boys...

We need to get the power out of Frank

before it destroys him.

They want your power.
They're going to try to take it from you.

And you are so close.

- I'm being framed.
- Dixon City Police! Open up!

It's only a couple stories up.

Don't do anything crazy.

You need me to steal back the relic

from Stratemeyer Global.

You bring Frank to the chamber,

I'll bring the relic, we'll get the power
out of him once and for all.

The Eye told me that I need the power
to get what I want most!

- And what is that?!
- I want my mom back, Joe!

Give up the power, Frank,

and everyone walks away from this alive.

Sorry, Joey.

I just wish
I could see the look on his face

when he realizes
that he ran off with a fake.

Shadow Man's at the school.
You have to get out of here.

I'm not going home
until I get at least one dance.

Tell us about Project Midnight.

We were attempting
to transfer one person's consciousness

into another person's body.

Adrian Munder was never
a part of Project Midnight.

Patient B was his brother, Aaron.
They're twins.

It was Aaron who did all of this,

all so that he could get
his hands on that crystal.

- But why would he attack his own brother?
- He didn't!

He had a bandage on his wrist
from getting stitches.

There's no way he could heal that fast.

We were right the whole time.


So, what was that bad thing
that was supposed to happen?


Everything's great.

Joe! Joe!

- I can't find Frank.
- What?!

Come on.

Angela's here. She has the tracker.

- You think she has Frank?
- I figured it out!

I figured it out!

- I figured it out.
- We figured it out.

- No cuts, no stitches.
- What are you talking about?

- It's not Munder in the hospital.
- Well it is, just not the Munder we know.

Mr. Munder has
an identical twin named Aaron.

He was the one who went
catatonic after Project Midnight.

- But how do you know?
- Did you find the nurse?

We found his nurse. Nurse Cody?
She was the one taking care of Aaron

all this time,
before his brother came to get him.

Mr. Munder switched places
with his twin brother.

Mr. Munder's the Shadow Man.

- Frank was right!
- Frank was right!

- Where is Frank?
- Angela might have him.

- What?!
- Frank had a vision that drew us here.

He saw someone getting att*cked
by the Shadow Man at the dance.

We thought it was Lucy, but she's fine.
We were dancing.

- Nice, man! What song?
- Not now, Phil!

- Now, Angela's here, and--
- And you think she's got Frank?

Wait. If Angela was just tracking Frank,

she would have gone to
the chamber where he had his vision.

- But she came here instead.
- So she's gotta be tracking the crystal.

Yeah, because they both give off
the same energy signature.

That explains the headache
that Frank got in the chamber.

Last time I saw that happen,
she had us tied up down there

the day of the parade.
The day of the robbery.

Her tracker lit up when
the crystal was being stolen.

- Are you saying--
- I'm saying

that there's a connection between
The Eye and the crystal.

And if the Shadow Man has the crystal,
he must have figured out the connection

and used it to lure Frank to the school.

The Shadow Man has Frank.

- What are we standing around for?
- He could be anywhere by now.

Where would Mr. Munder take him?
Where do we even start?

We need to go to Mr. Munder's house.
We could've missed something.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

Wait, wait, wait.
We don't have to chase down Frank.

- We go after Angela.
- We get our hands on the tracker.

If he has another vision,
it'll lead us right to him. Let's go.

You really think Mr. Munder
would bring him back here?
I just think we missed something.

What are we gonna
find that the cops didn't?

Well, everybody thought that Mr. Munder
was a victim of the Shadow Man,

but nobody searched this place
thinking that the Shadow Man lived here.

If Mr. Munder swapped places
with his brother,

he did it in a hurry
because we were closing in on him.

He had no time to clean everything.

- But why'd they take Frank?
- 'Cause Frank has The Eye.

Yeah, but Mr. Munder didn't know that.

- Well, maybe he did.
- How?

- Phil?
- What? Don't look at me like that.

Did you let it slip when you
and Mr. Munder

were solving the code
on the scroll like best friends?

- We are not best friends.
- Are you sure?

Yeah, Biff's my best friend.

Are you sure you didn't tell him?

No, no chance! No! What?

It was me.

When we found Aaron,

I was talking to Phil.

I said that Frank
had the power of The Eye in him.

Wait, that means that Mr. Munder
must've been in the house.


So, what? He was hiding?

- He had to be in earshot.
- Over here.

Okay, guys,
this is where we were standing.

I just don't get it.
I mean, Frank was so sure,

even with the power of The Eye in him.

We have no idea who we're chasing.

It's a secret basement.

Going somewhere, Doctor?

Who is it?

Mr. Munder is going to use the crystal

to transfer his brother's
consciousness to Frank's body.

Just like Project Midnight.

Burelli said there's
no vessel strong enough.

Frank will be strong enough.

Because of The Eye.

Guys, the vessel is the power.

Frank got taken because of me.

Joe, it's not your fault.

Mr. Munder would have found out
about Frank eventually.

Just look at the extremes
he went through to pull this all off.

But just think. Coming here that night,
you've ruined his original plan.

He can't use his creepy
secret basement anymore.

He's improvising. He's on the run.

So there's still time to save Frank.

If we can find him.

What happened? What am I doing here?

You're in a lot of trouble, Frank.

Wait. Did you just close
the door to the secret room?

You can't do that!
We're going to be trapped!

You're already trapped, Frank.

You don't believe me?

Just try to get out of that chair.

What's happening?

You're confused.
You need to focus.

You need to wake up!

Wake up!

Wake up. Wake up, Mr. Hardy.

Welcome to Project Midnight.

Former Dixon City
police officer Fenton Hardy

is wanted for questioning in connection

with multiple homicides in the area.

Hardy was last seen at the Grand Hotel

- where he evaded police...
- Hey!

- Hey, are you okay?
- Yeah. Thanks for coming.

Thanks for coming?
Fenton, you gotta turn yourself in.

Not till I track down Olivia Kowalski.

Do you have my files?

Yeah, they're in the back.


Okay, what's the plan?

We're gonna find the woman
who's framing me.

She k*lled McFarlane,

and then she k*lled another guy
in a vacant building.

Then she k*lled another guy
and dumped his body in my hotel room.

And I recognize him from these files.

Both those other guys that she k*lled

were each hired
to guard vacant buildings

owned by George Estabrook Enterprises.

So, why would Stratemeyer Global
be guarding empty old buildings?

- Maybe they're not so empty.
- Right?

Olivia stole a codex
from one of the buildings.

Willing to bet she's looking
for a second codex now.

- What's in the codex?
- Scrolls.

She tried to get McFarlane's scroll,
but he died protecting it, gave it to me.

And that scroll has got
ripped edges on two sides.

Makes me think that all the scrolls

are part of a larger document.

So she's collecting them.

Yeah. Got a feeling
we're going to find her

in an empty old building owned by...

George Estabrook Enterprises.

- We got to get there first.
- Yep.

If you're looking for Frank,
he's not here.

But he was. Where is he now?

Hoping you could tell us.

Don't tell me you lost him.

Oh no, we'll find him just as soon as
you give us that check.

And why would I do that?

Because you're out of options.
You made your play,

- you lost.
- Game's not over yet.

Sure it is.

Tell me, how are your bosses
at Stratemeyer Global

going to feel about you going rogue
and k*lling one of their own?

They're going to find out what happens
to people when they cross me.

You gonna k*ll us
like you k*lled Mack?

'Cause I don't think all of us
gonna fit in that bathtub.

Mack outlived his usefulness to me,

so I helped him stay relevant.

And, yes, that was a threat.

But if you're trying to get me
to confess on that hidden camera,

it won't work.

I disabled the feed,

just like you k*lled my listening device.

About that. I have a friend whose dad
owns an electronics shop, so I went

and made some modifications to that bug.

It's a whole lot cooler now because...

it's way more portable.

- You guys get all that?
- Loud and clear.

Move in.

I never admitted anything.

The motel room is still under JB Cox,
and your little recording is illegal.

That's okay.
The recording was just a bonus.

Yeah because, apparently,
Mack's k*ller was dumb enough

to leave her g*n in the room
she shot him in.

This isn't over.

- Frank!
- He's having a vision right now?

You're not gonna believe where he is.
Come on. Let's go tell the others.

You know I've been in here before.

I know about Project Midnight.

I saw your photo in the yearbook.
I know what they did to you.

You don't know anything.

Then help me understand!

Why am I here?

Why did you steal the crystal?
How does it help you get revenge?

Is that what you think this is all for?

I can see why
your young mind would go there.

That was my first instinct, too.

But, this...

is so much more.

Desire for vengeance

is a fleeting emotion based in anger

and hurt. Anger and hurt...

can heal with time.

But do you know what stays with you

no matter what, Frank?

What persists through time?


Love. Love never ends.

Aching, painful, mournful love

that comes with missing someone so much

that you would do anything
to bring them back.

Can you understand that?

More than anything.

Project Midnight
took my brother from me.

I'm not going to avenge him.
I'm going to save him.

Your brother.

Your twin brother. What was his name?

Don't you speak of him
in the past tense!

His name is Aaron.

- You said that--
- He's in the crystal.

That's what it's for. It's a way-station.

Aaron's body is in the hospital,

but his consciousness is in the crystal.

That's what Project Midnight was.

A way to transfer a person's consciousness

into the body of another. It's actually...

It's quite a remarkable idea,
but the project failed,

and Aaron became trapped.

His body rendered nothing more
than a catatonic husk, but my brother

is alive, Mr. Hardy. In here.

So, what do you need me for?

Why not put Aaron's
consciousness in Aaron's body?

That was the original plan.

I had my brother in the chair
in my basement.

I had my hand on the lever.

I had everything I wanted,
everything I worked for...

and then something stopped me.

What was it?

Imagine standing on the brink
of getting exactly

what you want most
in the world, Mr. Hardy.

Now, picture it slipping away.

Aaron's body failed once,
I couldn't risk it failing again.

So, I changed my plan.

I needed a test run.


Dennis was in the wrong place
at the wrong time,

and when he started to remember,
I helped him forget.

But you, Mr. Hardy, are exactly
where you're supposed to be.

Let's proceed, shall we?

Fancy meeting you here.

Your resilience is impressive.

Thank you.

Breaking the law
to come after me.

Didn't think you had it in you.

- But you shouldn't have come alone.
- You neither.

Oh! What are you doing?

- She was going for the g*n!
- No, she wasn't!

Well, it-it looked like she was!

How am I supposed to question her now?

You are so impulsive!

Oh, that's rich coming from you.
I just saved your life!

Will you please just
put that thing down?

Your adventuring days are over.

- Are you serious?
- Yep.

You're still in a lot of trouble, pal.

That is exactly why I need you to go.

I can't have you more involved
than you already are.

Plus, you're kind of a liability.

No. I got caught up in the heat
of the moment.

I can reign it in.

Yeah, you do that.

At home.

Take these.

Keep them safe.
Don't tell anyone.

What are you gonna do with her?

I'm gonna wait till she comes to,
and then I'm gonna question her.

You know, in some ways,
Bridgeport really is

the perfect place to pull this off.

Everyone here is so preoccupied

with the lore of Demon Day and Demon's Paw

and demon blah, blah, blah.
But no one seems to remember

the real threats walking among them.


You think I'm the demon here?

Mr. Hardy, I'm the victim.

I'm the one triumphing over people

like Gloria Estabrook and Dr. Burelli

and The Circle of The Eye
and Stratemeyer Global.

Maybe you should reconsider
which side you're aligned with,

Mr. Hardy. The man moving
mountains to save his brother,

or the powerful people and institutions

that used and experimented on teenagers,

and then covered it up!

You did the same thing.

Did I?

- Please enlighten me.
- You used Vanessa and Lola.

They could have said no,
and I could have found someone else.

You could have done it yourself!

What would that have gotten me, Frank?


Caught. On Demon Day.

- That's what.
- All that time.

All that planning.
And then Dennis.

Why not just k*ll Dennis?

k*ll Dennis.

Have you ever taken a life, Frank?

I think not. I'm not a monster.

You k*lled Burelli.

Burelli had to die
because she knew who I was,

and she was going to ruin my plan.

But for Dennis, there was another way.

I used the machine
to wipe away his memories,

take him off the game board,

but it wasn't the full Midnight treatment.

Dennis will recover.

He may even get all of
his memories back. Eventually.

I just needed to buy myself time

to get the crystal.
No one was ever supposed to know.

But then, you and your brother
and your friends kept...

pressing! And I had to react.

I had to improvise.
I had to advance my timeline.

And it's a good thing I did.
Otherwise, I never would have found out

about you.

And the power of The Eye.

You know about The Eye?

Thanks to your brother.

The irony. Here I was,
on the verge of being caught,

Joe and his friends nipping at my heels,
and instead, fate intervenes

and delivers you to me.

- The vessel is the power.
- That's right.

You're the only one strong enough
to handle the transfer, Mr. Hardy.

You can't be sure
that's what that means!

Why else would Gloria Estabrook
write it on that scroll?

How do you know Gloria's
the one that wrote it?

She's the one behind Project Midnight.
It's her crystal.

You're not as smart as you think.

And what are you implying, Mr. Hardy?

That I didn't do my homework?
That I didn't think it through?

You over-thought it.

All the framing.

All the people involved.
All the variables.

You overcomplicated it.

Complicated ideas
require complex planning!

Like writing computer code.

"If this, then that."
"If that, then this."

"If then." "If then."

Every plan needs a contingency!
Every contingency needs a failsafe!

I never planned to kidnap Dennis
or k*ll Burelli

or swap places with my brother!

I never planned to kidnap you,
but I had to!

Because the transfer requires The Eye!

The power of The Eye!
The Circle of The Eye!

It's always been a part of this!

Even when it was just
a rumor at Rosegrave!

I never cared about it, but Aaron did!

I couldn't stop him.

Aaron! Aaron, wait!

You shouldn't have
followed me here, Adrian.

You signed up
for Project Midnight, didn't you?

I thought you were joining
the Latin Club with me.

To study some dead language?
What's the point?

That's better than being a guinea pig.

You don't get it.

They're going to let me join
The Circle of The Eye.

The Circle's a myth.

It's not.

It's real.

If I'm in The Circle, do you know
what that means for both of us?

We can have anything we want.

They're just using you.

I'm doing this.

Patient B is ready, Nurse Cody.

. .

. . .

. .

- No! Stop! Turn it off! No!
- .

- You can't do this!
- .

- .
- Get him outta here!

- . .
- Ah! Stop! Aaron!


. .

Is he dead?

Not dead. No.

But your brother,
as you knew him is gone.

He'll be taken to a facility,
Pine Grove Institute.

He'll be... well taken care of there.

But you can't visit him, Adrian.

You need to disappear.

The powers that be are paying
for my silence.

I'm willing to pay for yours.

Wouldn't it be easier
just to k*ll me?

For them... Yes.

But I'm a doctor, Adrian.
I don't intend to harm.

This was an accident.

Your brother knew the risks.

No, he didn't.

Take the money
and forget this ever happened.

Your life will be better for it.

I promise you.

I have a brother.

I am a brother.
You can't do this to me.

I have to.

It has to be you, Frank.

I need to download you into the crystal.

Because of the power of The Eye,
you're the only one whose body and mind

can handle the transfer.

The only one who can serve
as a vessel for Aaron's consciousness.

And this is my chance to save my brother.

You're his only way out.

It's time.




- You can't do this. No!
- . .

. .


- . . .
- No, no, no!

. .

. .


. .

Is this another vision?

No, Frank. It's the crystal.

Why does it look like
my Grandma's house?

This isn't Gloria's house, Frank.


Wait there.

It's The Circle, isn't it? Let me help.

Gloria, I will always love you,

but you will never be part
of The Circle of The Eye.

I know one day, you'll understand.

And I hope you'll forgive me.

Goodbye, Gloria.

Father, just stay
and explain your plan to me.

- Trust me!
- I do trust you.

But I can't tell you everything right now.

If I do, my plan won't work.

There is one thing you need
to know before I go.

A package will be coming for you from me.

You must follow
my instructions explicitly.

Whatever happens,
you must trust me. Tell no one.

And always remember
what must happen at midnight.

What are you saying?

What happens at midnight?

If I tell you now,

it won't happen at all.

I don't understand.

But you will. And I will see you again.

I promise.

Goodbye, my dear daughter.

Why are you showing me this?

Patience, Frank. You'll see.

- What is all this?
- Memories. Hopes.

Glimpses of the path towards
getting what one wants the most.

Too late, Frank.

Stop! Okay, we're wasting time!

We need to find Aaron
and stop the transfer.

What Munder's doing has nothing
to do with my great-grandfather.

It has everything to do
with George Estabrook.

It always has.

I'm trying to understand.
The crystal, it stores consciousness?

Yes, it can,

but it's more of a way-station.

The transfer in is fairly simple.

Getting out has always been...
the tricky part.

- Where's Aaron Munder?
- Not here.

Not anymore.


- His brother thinks--
- His brother thinks

exactly what he's meant to think.

Munder's plan will fail

to serve a higher purpose.

What purpose?

Our time is done together, Frank.

The Eye's loyalty has always been
with its original master.

I've been picturing this moment, Francis.

I always wanted to meet my great-grandson

ever since that day
we saw each other on the beach.

You didn't die when your plane
crashed into the ocean.

- You were never on it.
- No.

But my piece of the relic was.

I needed to be here to wait for you.

What are you, ?


- I'm .
- .

My goodness.
Time moves so differently here.

You'll get used to it.

What's happening?

The transfer is about to begin.

And then, I'll be free.

The Eye

has shown me the path, Francis.

This is all part of it.

I truly wish there was another way.

I'm going to stop you.


Once I step into the light,
I'll return to the real world.






You came for me.

Get me out of this.

Come on. Come on.

Come on.

Come on. Come on, Aaron.

It's okay.

It's okay, Aaron! Come on!

Come on. We're almost there.


What is it?

Come on, we need to go.
Come on, Aaron--

I'm not Aaron.

Your brother wasn't in that crystal.

He was just a pawn in a very long game.

So are you.


I'm so sorry for what happened
to you and your brother.

No. The transfer worked. I saw it work.

You're just confused.
My-my plan was perfect.

All the errors were accounted for.
You're just confused, Aaron!

Look into my eyes, Adrian.

What do you see?

Do you see your brother?

Do you see someone who loves you?

Hey! Hey! Hey!
Get off him! Get off of him!

Are you okay?

It's okay. It's over now.



Give up the power.


Before it's too late.

You swore on Mom's grave.

If I give up the power,

I won't get what I want most.

We'll still have The Eye.

We can still use the power.

It'll just be back where it belongs.

Not in you.

Do it. Now.

See, guys?

Wasn't so bad.

Who ordered Laura's death?

Give me their name.

I don't have it, Fenton.

You were in my way,
and I needed a fall guy.

So that's it?

It's all a lie.

You're already chasing ghosts.

What's one more?

But it wasn't all a lie.

Just the part about Laura.

I have a mission, Fenton.

A noble one.

Well, I'm gonna take you to the police,

and you're going to have -to-life
to think about how noble

your mission is.

All those murders.

Were they worth it?

Hey. Go easy, go easy, go easy.

Everything's okay. Everyone's safe.

- So are you.
- Where is it?

The relic.

I gave it to Belinda's dad.

What did he do with it?
What if he--

He won't.

Okay? He'll make sure The Eye

never sees the light of day ever again.

So you never planned for us to keep it.

You lied to me.

I did what I had to do.

I had to save you,

from Mr. Munder and from The Eye.

I wanted my brother back.

Thank you.

The Circle is everywhere, Fenton.

You need to let me
finish what I started,

or you're going to end up like your wife.

You leave her out of it.

I'm trying to prevent something terrible
from happening!

You have no idea how close
you are to losing everything.

My mother tried to warn
your boys last year.

"The ground you walk on is cursed.

"And if you're not careful,

your lives will be, too."

The Eye is only the beginning.

There are more relics out there.

Their powers are great.

But the curse is even greater.

If these relics fall into the wrong hands,

the peril that follows
will be insurmountable.

I've been collecting the codexes
for someone

who won't be corrupted by the relics.

Someone who can protect them.

And all of us.

I want to meet this person.

You're not ready for that.

You take me to your partner,

or you are going to
find out the hard way

how far I am willing to go.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

Is that Joe Hardy?

I thought I recognized
the back of your head.

Good one.

I'm sorry about the dance.
Okay, I know I said that I--

I don't want your apology.

Just... call me when
you don't have a case.

You will find what you dread.

The most dead of the dead.


the Bridgeport Demon.

So, what do you think?

I have notes.

Lose the poem,

voiceover's not working,
the ending sucks,

and you really think you're
getting a "co-directed by" credit?

"Additional editing by"?

No! I have to recut the whole thing!

Whatever, Dennis!

I'm glad you feel better,
you heinous spaz!

Why do you love
that poem so much?

- Hello?
- Can I speak with Elizabeth Hooper?

Uh, yeah. Hi, this is Biff.
Or Elizabeth.

You left a message
on my answering machine.

Is this Abigail Owens?

No, I'm her daughter.

What's this?

These are the world-famous
milkshakes from Wilt's

that I still owe you.

Oh, you mean the ones
you over-hyped so much

it can never live up to my expectations?

Uh... Mm-hmm.


You got lucky. Yeah.

Yes, I did.

So, think you're gonna like
living in Bridgeport?

I think I'm going to love it.

I thought I'd find you up here.

It's hard to believe
that was only two weeks.

Time. It's all relative.

Just glad you're okay.

I thought I lost you in The Sleep Room.

What's wrong?

I can't do this anymore.

It's okay. It's over now.

We've got the whole summer
to get back to normal.

Normal for us, at least.
I'm not talking about the mysteries.

I'm talking about us.

I'm not happy. I want to break up.

The Eye's been a part of me for so long.

I don't know who I am without it.

I need time to figure it out.



After everything we...

You wouldn't have gotten through
any of this if it wasn't for me!

I'm not trying to hurt you.

You've been a great help.

Who do you think you are?

Don't move.

Turn around.

Which is it?
Don't move or turn around?



It worked.

It all went according to plan.

Everything The Eye showed me,
I made it happen.

We both did.

You did wonderful, Gloria.

My darling daughter.

It's no use.

You can't get out.

You no longer have enough strength.

The power of The Eye
belongs to me once again.


No no no! No no no no no no no! No!


No no no!


I know I promised I'd return

and I'd explain everything.

Alas, it seems that we don't
have that kind of time.

Where are they, my darling?

Try very hard to tell me.

I need to know, Gloria.

Where did you hide my scrolls?