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03x04 - The Crash

Posted: 08/05/23 10:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hardy Boys...

You two get The Eye back.

Without Joe knowing.

- This isn't your realm anymore.

- I've seen the end.
This isn't right!

- You came for me.

This was always
a one-way ticket for me.

We'll be okay.

Is it, Frank?
- Yeah, it's him.

- You guys need to give up the power,
for good this time.

- Who sprung me?

- Someone wants you
back on the streets very badly.

My name is Cadmus Quill.

My employer wants The Core.

We're willing to give you both
the thing you want most.

It was all leading up to this.

- Mom.

See, I've got a cousin
up in River Heights.

He's never heard of any Drew Darrow,

but he does know a Drew--

- Look, if it's about money,
you name your price.

- I want something special.

Something only you can give me.

- Why would she be hiding from us?
You think Dad knows?

Somebody help!

We need to call an ambulance.

- Someone took my computer.

Your time's up, Mr. Cox.

- Great. Let's make this quick.

I've got all four scrolls.

Now, I know you only hired me to find two,

but as luck would have it,
I've got the whole map now.

And that means the price just went up.

Along with, I think, a little bit
of hazard pay on the top,

considering what I've been through.

You should have
left the map with the Hardy boys.

- Why?

It would have been less painful that way.

- Hey, hold on.

If those kids are in any danger,
I burn the map right now.

Do that and you'll regret it.

- Hm.

You're not the first voice
to thr*aten my life over the phone.

And somehow,
I always live to see another day.

Of course,
tracking the comet or any rogue debris

that could become a tiny asteroid
during the day is impossible

due to obstruction from the sun's rays

and can't be registered by telescopes.

Let's get back to
the top ten hits of the day!

Yeah. Alright.
- We'll take this.

- There better not be a smudge.

- This is really
embarrassing for you.


How did you even find out where I live?

- I saw the address on some
junk mail you left in your car.

You really got to clean that up.

- Look, my buyer knows who you are.

Whoever he is, he's looking
to use you two chuckleheads

to go find his treasure for him.

Now, that is a huge red flag.

You don't seem concerned.

Or surprised, at all.

You do realize you're walking
into a trap, right?

- Yeah.

But, uh, still got to do it anyway.
- Why?

This photo was taken a few days ago

right here in Dixon City.

- Is this...?

- Yes. Our mom is alive.

- You can't just hand over
these Relics to somebody

without knowing the horrible thing
they might do.

- But that's exactly what you're doing,
except for money.

- Yeah, you know, Frank,
it's really good to have the old you back

way up on your high horse.

But that was before,
when it was about finding dumb scrolls

inside little tiny puzzle boxes.

Not schematics that could be, for what?

Some kind of w*apon?

I'm out.

- Out of what?

- Milk.
What do you think, Joe?

I'm out of the race for the Relics.

I'm out of the game in general.

- No, no, no. You're just gonna
swoop back in at the last second

and betray us.
- Yeah, that would be very JB of me

but, no.

I'm done. I mean it.

- I think you're just mad
you can't cr*ck the map without our help.

- No, I am mad that you got me arrested.

- That wasn't me.

- What? Technically, it wasn't me either.
- Hm.

What's done is done.

And so am I.

Burn that map.

Walk away from all of this

before one of you gets hurt, or worse.

- We need to find out about our mom.

- Look...

if she is alive,
maybe you need to ask yourself,

why hasn't she bothered to come home?

- Okay, so I have a working theory.

I noticed these circles
on the map here, here, and here.

And, and I feel like
the design looks familiar.

- It matches.

- Now... check...

this... out.

Mm. I really thought
I had something there.

Okay, let's think
about this for a second.

I can't think with that TV on!

Maybe we need to rearrange them
or something.

We could try that.
What's that gonna do?

I don't know!

- Maybe that one here?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Whoa! Guys!

- We gotta hide.

- Quick! In here.

Let's go!

- Whoa. Secret safe house?

Any news on Adrian Munder?
Catatonic. For real this time.

I've arranged for him to be taken
to Pine Grove Institute

so he can be closer
to his twin brother, Aaron.

- And just to be clear, Aaron is...
- Also catatonic.

- Good. Great.
Well, at least we don't have to

worry about either of them
breaking out any time soon.

- Yeah.
- No, no, no, no, no. Don't laugh.

Don't mistake my youth
and jovial dry wit for weakness.

I'm not happy about this,
like, at all.

I want to know how it happened.

- I'll talk to them.

- So we went to see Munder in prison
to learn how to download

Joe's consciousness into the Crystal
so we could save Frank's consciousness,

which was actually trapped there
by George Estabrook,

who faked his own death
so he could take over Frank's body

when Munder ran Project Midnight on him.

But then Munder
broke out of the psych ward,

which was actually pretty good for us

'cause we probably
would have k*lled Frank and Joe

if we ran the experiment on our own.

But then Munder
double-crossed us so he could download

his consciousness into the Crystal too,

because George
secretly had Munder's brother,

Aaron's consciousness, trapped in there,

and there were too many
consciousness in the Crystal.

It became unstable and Munder

decided to stay back there
with his brother... in the Crystal.

The end.

- I can't tell Driscoll any of that.
It's insane.

Why didn't you call me the minute
Munder showed up?

- We were trying to get The Eye back.
- And?

- And we didn't.

- I see.
- Saving Frank was the priority.

Mm, okay.

Now I have to go explain
all this to Driscoll

in a way that doesn't sound
absolutely preposterous.

- What are you doing?

- I'm having second thoughts about giving
everything over to the government.

- Okay, then we talk about it.
Don't just go rogue on me, Chet.

- The Eye? It's powerful.

And I just think it's safer with me.

- But have you ever stopped to consider
that this may also make you a target?

Miss Darrow.
You seem to be recovering well

from your knock on the head.

Mr. Dukay is, too.

However, after discussing
the matter with Donald's father,

it has been decided
that he will not continue

the summer incubator program.

But quick question--

Did either of you see someone
lurking around campus

in a hooded cloak?

- A hooded cloak?

- Donald seems to think he remembers

someone who fit that description.

- No, I, I didn't see anyone like that.
- Me neither.

- Well,

once the investigators
have finished at the chapel,

perhaps they will conclude
that the escaped prisoner

wore the cloak as a disguise.

- But that timeline doesn't add up.

Why would Munder att*ck you?
- Yeah. Why would he steal my laptop?

- These are not questions that we need
to concern ourselves with, ladies.

What we need is to put
this incident behind us

and move forward as a community.

Rosegrave cannot handle
any more bad publicity.

- Okay. Thank you, Dean.

Let's go, Callie.

- All right. So here's what I'm thinking.

If George drew this map
under the influence of The Eye,

then there is a chance
someone could have helped him.

- George's chauffeur?
- Right.

He helped George fake his own death.

He drove Gloria around
when she was hiding the Codexes.

She was supposed to k*ll him
afterwards, but she didn't.

She paid him off
and he went on his own way.

- So he has a piece of the Crystal,

and he knows everything about the map
and the other Relics.

- We got to find him.
- Yeah.

- Biff, you're really good
at tracking people down from the past.

- Two for two so far.

- Great. Go to my grandma's house,

go through the old employee files,
see what you can find.

Anything that connects him to the Crystal.
- We're on it.

- Wait. Who's, who's we?
- You and me.

- Copy that.

- Phil, I think you were
really on to something

with these Codex Caps.

But there's three designs on the map,

and there's three Codex Caps.

But there's four scrolls
and four Codexes.

- Yeah, fourth cap
is back at Rosegrave.

Yeah, I put it back on the desk leg
after we got McFarlane's note.

- Great.
Callie's at Rosegrave now,

and Chet and Belinda are on their way.
They can get it with her.

So what does the cap matter?

There's no spot for it on the map.

- Every little detail matters.
Everything matters.

Alright? This is how we do things.
Just try and keep up, okay?

Now let's focus on the Core.

- Which brings us right back to the map.

- But there's no obvious starting point.

- No, there is.

You just have to look at it in a new way.

What does that look like to you?

- It's the machine in The Chamber.

- Okay. I think we bring the map
and the Codexes down to The Chamber.

- No, no, no, we can't.
The Chamber is a crime scene.

- It's swarming with bogeys.
You're gonna get caught.

- No, we're not. We have secret tunnels.

- Oh, you have secret tunnels?
Forget I said anything.

Yeah, you're still gonna get caught.

- You're just gonna sit around,

do nothing while we get captured?

And m*rder*d?

- Okay, I know you're joking,
but that might actually happen, so...

Fine. Fine.
But this is it.

I'm doing this. After this--
- You're done.

Yeah. Okay.

All right, let's go.

- It's just good to have you back.

You know, taking charge, solving stuff.

- Yeah, well,

it's good to be back.

- Looks like they're boarding up
the Sleep Room for good.

If Rosegrave had been exposed years ago,

the Munders would be happy and healthy.

And my brother...

would still be alive.

Look, we're going nuclear.

- Meaning?
- Meaning we forget proper channels.

We'll leak all this information
to the media.

Let them run wild.

- The Dean is gonna lose her mind.
- Good.

I hope the public does, too.

It's not just Rosegrave
that needs to be taken down.

The world is filled with Rosegraves.

I know a journalist who works
at the River Heights Examiner.

She'll run an exposé,
but she'll want lots of information

to back up the story.

- A picture's worth a thousand words.

- If we can get back into the Sleep Room

and get photos, it would be irrefutable.

- We can't hack the lock
without your laptop.

- But is the chapel the only way in?

- So,

it was pretty awesome
when we got Frank back, huh?

I mean, quite the moment.

Everybody cheering and, and hugging.

- It was a friend hug, Phil.
- Totally. Totally.

So I guess, uh, what I'm wondering
is if at any point

maybe in the near distant future
that, that it could turn into

maybe more, more than just a friend hug?

Anyway, i-it's just an idea.
I-I thought I'd put it out there,

you know, you know, to get your thoughts.

- Uh...

- There's a lot going on right now, Phil.

It's just not really a good time.

- Totally. Totally.

But, but a wrong time
suggests that in theory,

there will be a right time.

- Can we just focus on finding
what we're looking for?

- Yeah. Yeah.

Actually, I found the name
of the chauffeur here a few minutes ago.

See? Right here.

It's in the overlap
between George's final years

and the beginning of Gloria's records.

William Vogel.

Where are you now?

- Hey, buddy,
you can't be down here unprotected.

Didn't anybody tell you about the air?

- What?
- Look,

is there anybody else down here with you?

- No.
- No? Okay, that's good.

- All right. Coast is clear!

This place gives me the creeps.

The hairs on the back of my neck
are standing up.

- It's a weird energy in here.
Never felt it before.

- It's like static electricity.

Like in the Sleep Room.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

- The future is coming
and it's in your hands.

- Hey, hey, hey, let's go!



Frank, let go!

Let go!

Frank, let go!

- Let... it... go!


- Hey!

- How did you get my switchboard number?

And why did you call me?
- Olivia, what are you doing here?

- Go easy.
Not looking to get bricked again.

I'm DSA.

- Why did you call me?

- I'm looking for Fenton.
- Huh.

Makes two of us.
I was with him a few days ago.

Now he's MIA.
- What's he looking into?

- What did he say he was looking into?

- He said he had a new lead.

- He sent you back to Bridgeport
with the Codexes, didn't he?

Yeah, he did. The boys have them now.

- Did they open them?
- I'm gonna say probably.

- If they get ahold of the Energy Core,
it could be game over.

- What? What energy core?
- I'll explain on the way.

- On the way where?
Do you know where the kids are?

- No, but we've got eyes on Bridgeport.

You're gonna help me find them.

Before it's too late.

- Okay. So let me get this straight.

You were telling the truth

about Frank having
the Power of The Eye in him?

- Yes! But that was, that was
before we had to give it up.

- Sorry, we? I thought that--
- Yeah, I, I needed the power in me

to get him out of the crystal realm.

- My head hurts.

- Oh, your head hurts?

What, did you have a seizure vision, too?

- Do you swear you gave up the power?

- Yes, I swear.
Do you swear?

- Yeah!

So how did we have that vision?

- "Once you see, you can't unsee."

- Huh?
- That's what Young George

said to me in the Crystal
when I was trapped.

Sorry. By "Young George," you mean

your mind's manifestation
of the younger version

of your great-grandfather?

- Yeah.
- Right.

- So? So what? We're just--

We're just going to have
the power forever?

- No. Not exactly.
He said it would fade.


- Okay, well, eventually people
are gonna come looking

for Mr. Unconscious over there,
so we need to get it together.

Take the map out, figure it out.
What do you think, guys?

- And I'm about to be arrested again.

- That's a relief.

- You guys okay?
Yeah, we are now.

Well, TBD.

Did you bring the last Codex Cap?
- Got it.

- Okay, well, now it's just
a question of where it fits in,

because there's only
three designs on the map.

- What?

- How is it doing that?

- The energy from the Ley Lines
is activating the map.

- The-the what lines?

- Theoretical supernatural energy
that traverses the globe.

- Not so theoretical.

- George used the Ley Line energy
to power up the machine

and break up the Eye Relic.

Codexes must be doing the same thing.

- Like lightning and conductor rods.

- So what are we looking at?

- Like all the Relics
are working together.

The Crystal fits in the Core.

- It's burning.
- No, I feel like i-it's more radiating.

- No, the Codexes
are burning the map, there.

- Oh!
- Wait.

- Dang. b*rned right through.
Those Ley Line powers are no joke.

- It's ruined.

It's ruined.
Can we even still read it?

- Could we read it before?

- Wait. This line and the circuitry?

It looks like a coastline.

- Joe. You have a map of Bridgeport
in your bag?

- I've got four of 'em.

- You have four maps?

- I have my main one
in case one gets lost.

In case one gets stolen.
And in case one gets ruined.

Guys, it's a treasure hunt.
We should all have maps.

Do you even have a map?

- Up here, baby?
- Yeah.

Lot of help that does us.
- Yeah. Just lay it out.

- The burn holes are location markers.

This one is where we are, where
the Eye Relic was found in The Chamber.

That's the beach
where George found the Crystal.

- How much you guys wanna bet
that the last Relic's right there.

You think the Core
is in the rock quarry?

- One way to find out.
Let's rock-n-roll.

- Pack it up.
- Okay.

- I've been up and down
the employee files.

No other addresses for William Vogel.

No phone number either.

- So basically,
William Vogel could be anywhere.

- For all we know, he could be dead.

- Did I hear you say William Vogel?

We played ball together.

He was a little younger than me,
but Billy and I were pals.

- Really?

William Vogel, who was
George Estabrook's personal driver?

- Yeah, that's him.
He drove George for years.

Apparently, he wasn't
good enough for Gloria.

I don't know the whole story,
but Billy was pretty angry

Gloria fired him after George d*ed.

He left Bridgeport after that.

- Do you know where he went?
- No. We lost touch.

But, uh, well, that's the way things go.

So hard to stay connected to people, hm?

Great. Official dead end.

- Maybe we've been coming at this wrong.

We've been chasing William.

- What else is there to chase?
- The crystal fragment.

Gloria paid for William's silence,

but he still stole
the crystal fragment. Why?

- Tons of reasons.

Spite. Revenge. To get back at her.

- That's all the same reason.

- H-He must have known it was special.

M-Maybe he thought he could sell it?

- Hey, uh, Wilt, who was
the best jeweler in town back then?

- Bickford's.

The owner passed away
but his son still runs the shop.

Hey, so I've been
thinking about your mom

and that picture of her in a hooded cloak.

I spent a lot of time
wishing my mom would come back.

When I finally realized
it wasn't gonna happen,

it was crushing.

I want it to work out differently
for you and Joe.

- Me too.

- Okay, so who knows
how to find a rock-like Relic

in a giant rock quarry?

- We're gonna have to check every rock.

- Are you out of your mind?

- Down, down, down.
Get down, get down!

- This isn't good.

Hey, we gotta go.

- Wait, wait!
They followed you from Dixon City?

- Yeah, they must have.

They are chasing after me and not you.

But I can lead them from Bridgeport

all the way to Dixon.

Look, all this mystical mumbo-jumbo,

it is over my head anyway. Okay?

But maybe I can find out
who Cadmus Quill is working for.

So stay here. Find the Core.

Good luck.
- Hey. Hey!

This is obviously a setup, right?

- You know why I like you, Joe?

You question everything,
and you trust your instincts.

I'm the exact same way.

But if your gut is telling you right now

that I'm playing you, it's wrong.

I want the best for you.

You can trust that. Okay?

- Okay.

Don't get all mushy about it.

- Where do I meet you?
- Ah...

Well, I'm guessing my

phone line and answering machine
are compromised, so

you and Frank meet me here tonight.

- Isn't this a bar?

- Yeah, it's a pool hall.

It's busy. There's a lot of faces.

You can get a Shirley Temple.

- What about this face
makes you think I can get into a bar?

- I think you can manage.

Good luck, Joe.

See ya tonight.

Come on, come on.

Who is that?


Yeah, I, I heard you're looking for me,
you hired g*ons!

Come on!

- Hm.

And where do you end up

little irregular ventilation shaft?

- I wonder...

Project... Midnight.

- Gotcha.

Thanks again for meeting us,
Mr. Bickford.

- Oh, no, it's fine.

- And it's my pleasure.

I love digging into my father's work.

- From the time period you mentioned,

there is an appraisal record for a one
William Vogel.

- A, a crystal?

- Precisely.

William brought in a small crystal.

Unfortunately, my father seemed
to deem the crystal worthless.

"Material cannot be identified."

"It does not seem to match
any substance or mineral on earth."

- Let's see what lies beneath.

"Any value is of the sentimental kind."

- Did William leave an address?

- No, but there is a receipt. Hm.

- He bought something?

- Uh, no, he had something made
several years later.

- William came back and had
the crystal designed into a necklace?

- But he had just left Bridgeport by then.

Why would he come back here?

My father had loyal customers.

But more importantly,
he was a talented jewelry designer.

A true artist, unmatched skill.

Just take a look at the sketch
that he made for Mr. Vogel.

Every detail is unique,
right down to the custom clasp.

JB bought us time and we're wasting it.

It's a needle in a haystack, Joe.

More like a needle in a needle stack.

- So what do we do?

- We go back when the coast is clear.
- And do what?

I am not checking
every rock in the quarry.

- This is honestly starting
to feel like a wild goose chase.

- Maybe if we go back to The Chamber
and put the Codexes on the map again,

we'll get another projection
with another burning clue?

- I think we've used up all our magic.

What do you guys think of the star charts
and constellations on the map?

They're not related to any other clues.

- Maybe it's not about the map.
Maybe it's about the Relics.

The Eye is made of a foreign material.

Nothing ever identified on Earth.

Same with the Crystal.

So theoretically,
the last Relic should be the same.

- Okay, so we have another space rock.
Where is it?

- What if it's not buried?

What if it's above us?
Like a star?

- But a star is not a rock.
It's a ball of fire.

- Maybe it's a fallen star.
- Like a meteor.

- Guys--

Guys, think about it.
Think for a second.

George was waiting
in the Crystal for decades. Why?

- He was waiting for me to beam in with
The Power of The Eye.

- Yeah, exactly.

But when he got out,
he wasn't even a little bit worried

that somebody else
could have gotten the Relics

in the meantime.

Why do you think that is?

'Cause the last Relic isn't on Earth.


Yeah. Yeah.
That's gotta be it, right?

- Frank, that news report at JB's,

didn't it say there was supposed
to be some sort of--

- Whoa!

Is that heading
where I think it's heading?

- We were in the right place
just not the right time.

- We need to get back to the quarry.

Frail elderly lady disguise.

- Oldie but a goodie.

- You're a thief, not a m*rder*r.

- Thinking of changing things up
a little bit.

Who do you work for?

- Fine.

This is on you.

Is it done?

JB Cox is dead.

His apartment
is filled with damning evidence.

You might want to come and take a look.

I'm on my way.

- Very good.


God, it's so hot.



- Guys, let's go. We got company. Come on!
Frank, come on!

Guys, let's go!

Go, Joe. Go!

- Keep going, keep going!
Get off the road!

- Go, go, go!

- Come on, guys!

- Split off!

- Joe, pedal!
- I am pedaling!

- Aunt Trudy?
- What's going on?

- It's okay. It's okay.

This is Olivia Kowalski.
She's a government agent.

What agency?
- You've never heard of it.

Try me.
- DSA. Defense Support Agency.

Combining the Relics
creates a power source,

but it's highly unstable.

My agency has a containment facility.

Do you still have the Eye Relic?

- No.
- Where is it?

- Vaporized in the Sleep Room.

- What about the Crystal and the Core?

The Map? The Codexes?

What, you've got 'em bouncing around
together in a backpack, huh?

You're lucky you haven't been vaporized.

- Yeah. We're not giving 'em to you.

- This isn't up for debate.
You have no idea what you're dealing with.

- I get the hesitation.
I actually respect it.

Let's find a middle ground.

I have a protective case
that can transport the Relics safely.

We'll put them in the case,
then put them in the trunk of my car.

Then the two of you and your Aunt Trudy
will ride with me to Dixon City together.

- What happens in Dixon City?

I take you to your father.

By now, I have a feeling he has good news.

- He found Mom?

- Is he with her now?

- After everything you've done
to secure the Energy Core?

Reuniting the Hardy family
is the least I can do.

- How'd you know Fenton has good news?

Back at the house,
you said you lost track of him.

- He left a message with an address.
- When was this?

- I was informed by one of my agents
right before we found the kids.

- Glad Fenton's okay.
He'll be so happy to see the boys.

- You know, when, uh,
your Dad and I were kids

we never wore seatbelts.

Your grandpa used to lecture us
all the time.

"Lots of crazy people on the road, Gertie.

Safety first, Gertie."

- What was that?

- Olivia's lying about Fenton.

Either she doesn't know where he is
or she does.

Which is way worse.

- We need to get the Relics.


- Joe, they're coming!
- No. No, we need to get the Core
and the Relics!

Go, go, go! Run!


Maybe JB found something.

- Hasn't JB betrayed you multiple times?

- Well it's not like he could
steal the Energy Core.

Even if he wanted to.

- There's a bus stop in Gresham.

We can take a ride to Dixon City.

- I'll hot-wire a car and let
the others know about Olivia.

- You can hot-wire a car?

- I'm a Hardy, too, you know.
I had a life before I was your aunt.

- Stay safe. Call me when you get there.

- There's no William Vogel
in Ducksworth.

- There's a W. Vogel in Dixon City.

- What's wrong?

- Everything.

Oh, thank God you're here!

- Oh!

Oh, no!

- No!

All right. This has got to be it.

How do we get in?

Look confident. Follow my lead.

- Okay.
- Evening.

- Keep walking, kid.
- Very good. Very good.

- Masterful. You shut up.
- Shut up!

- What now?

- Go.

- Somebody help!