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03x05 - Revelation

Posted: 08/05/23 10:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hardy Boys...

William Vogel.
George's chauffeur.

You trusted him enough
to take him on your little treasure hunt.

He knew about the crystal.
He stole a piece of it. Why?

- William had the crystal
designed into a necklace?

Every detail is unique,
right down to the custom clasp.

The Eye? It's powerful.

And I just think it's safer with me.

- If Laura is alive,
then we need to talk to the coroner.

I'm startin' to think
he's not a coroner at all.

- days since Laura disappeared.

Hey. Hey!

My name is Cadmus Quill.

My employer wants The Core.

Get it for him and we're willing
to give you the thing you want most.

Your mother.
- No!

- Oh!

- Somebody help! Somebody!

- It's okay. It's okay.

- ... ... and .

- What does it? What does it mean?

JB? JB? What does it mean?


No, come on!

Joe, we got to go.
Hey, come on.

Joe, we gotta go.

- I don't think we were followed.

We can hide out here for a while.

I'm gonna phone home.

Wait, JB said the phone lines
were compromised.

I'm gonna go use the safe house phone.


- It doesn't seem real.

- What did Frank say? Are they okay?

- They're in shock,
but at least they're still together.

They're staying out of sight for now
until they know they're safe.

- Did they see who, uh...?
- Frank didn't see a face.

All he said was it was a woman
with a hooded cloak.

I'm going to go call Jesse upstairs.

Stay as long as you'd like.

- We should be with Joe.
He's not going to be in good shape.

- I can get us to Dixon City, but--

- We don't even know where they are.

- Or if they're okay.
- They've got each other.

They'll be okay for tonight.

If I know Frank, they'll hole up at JB's.

In the meantime, we need to keep pressing.

We lost the energy core.

We have no idea where it is

or what Olivia is planning to do with it.

What leads do we have?
- We need to figure out who Olivia is.

Because if she's lying about
being a DSA agent,

she could be lying about being
Anya Kowalski's daughter, too.

- We should see if my dad
and Agent Driscoll have anything on her.

- What about George's chauffeur?
- His name's William Vogel.

We have a possible phone number
for him in Dixon City.

- Hopefully he could tell us
who he got the crystal necklace made for.

- Okay. Then I'll go see what I can
find out about this hooded cloak woman.

I think I know someone
who might have seen her face.

- Uh, what about Fenton?

Does anyone know where he is?

- You want me to eat,
you're gonna have to let me outta here!

Let me outta here!

-. That's our anniversary.

Fine, I'll eat.

I'll eat.

Did you sleep okay?

If you're hungry, there's some cereal.

There's no milk, but it's pretty good dry.

- Not hungry.

- Yeah.

I called Callie.

I gave her the number for here.

The rest of the g*ng's gonna work,
uh, some other angles,

you know, while we lay low here for a bit.

- The photo that Cadmus Quill gave us.

sh**t was wearing the same cloak.

You don't think--
- No.

- It's a pretty big coincidence.
- It wasn't--

wasn't Mom, Joe.

- The first time I met JB,

he was pretending to be the last
surviving crew member of the Astghik.

So dumb.

Might as well have had "con artist"
tattooed on his forehead.

But I knew I could trust him.

- Apart from all those times
you guys backstabbed each other?

- Yeah.

Well, it was always like,
kind of in a fun way.

You know?
Like, uh, "Get you back next time."

Now there's no next time.

- Sorry, Joe.

- He wanted out.

And he told me.

He told me a bunch of times yesterday,
and I just, I didn't let it go.

Just wouldn't believe him.
- Joe, a terrible--

- I just, I kept pulling him back in.

- Joe, a terrible thing happened.

Alright? But it is not your fault.

- If we had just burned the map,
like he said.

Olivia wouldn't have The Core

and he would definitely still be alive.

Every time we think we've won, we haven't.

Here we are again.
At another dead end.

- Why don't we check
the surveillance camera,

see if it caught anything yesterday?

There's no tape.

Maybe there's a backup.

I'm gonna need bolt cutters.

- --.

It's what JB said.

What are the odds?

- Jackpot.

- He wanted us to listen.

- What are you doing to me?

- I admire your strength
and perseverance, Mr. Hardy.

You're going to make an excellent soldier.

- Soldier, what?
What are you talking about, "soldier?"

Where's Laura.
What did you do to her?

- This procedure is the next evolution

in controlling consciousness.

Laura was getting too close to the truth.

She was about to expose us.

But instead of k*lling her,
we decided to control her.

And she far exceeded our expectations.


if you make a fuss during the procedure,

I won't hesitate to use this.

- Neither will I.

- Hi.

Sorry to bother you,
but I accidentally received

a package at my house for William Vogel.

Can I arrange a time to drop it off?

Mr. Vogel doesn't live here anymore.

He moved out years ago.
- Oh.

Do you know where he is now?

He was ill at the time.

I remember he was being sent
to Pine Grove Institute for care.

That's all I know.

- Okay. Thank you.

- Hello?

It's Fenton!

- Mr. Hardy, I can barely hear you.
I need to speak to Trudy.

- Fenton, where are you?
Are you okay?

The phones aren't safe.
You need to meet me at .

Think about it, Trudy.
Go there right away.

- He told me to meet him at .

- Is that a time or a date?
I mean, November is kind of far.

- It's an address. I know where that is.

Biff, call your mom.
Tell her I'm on my way to pick her up.

So I'm going to need cash flow
for the following--

a new passport, plane ticket,

wigs, human hair only.
I am allergic to horses.

Jacket with big pockets and a parachute.

Ms. Estabrook will cover

whatever expenses you may have, Mr. Cox.

And I'm gonna need a description

of the man I'm stealing it from.

He's tall.
You'll know him when you see him.

- This is from when JB was hired
to steal the Eye Relic from the plane.

- So he must have taped every phone call
he had with the people that hired him.

Somewhere in this pile is the person
that sent him after the codexes.

- Cadmus Quill's employer.

If we can connect
Quill and Olivia to the client,

then maybe we can unmask them
and find out where The Core is.

That's a lot of tape.

- I don't mind. I want to hear his voice.

Thirteen works of art from one museum?

Are you insane? Pass!

The-the only way I'm doing a casino
is if it's an inside job.

So I'll need a gig as a blackjack dealer.

No, no, I can get you the Cup,
but I'll need floor plans

to the Hall of Fame
and season tickets just for fun.

Hello, Mr. Cox. This is Fenton Hardy.

Well, well, well!

If it isn't the world's
greatest detectives' dad.

I found your CB radio in the note

that you left for Joe.

- Dad cracked the CB radio code.

- Dad's no slouch.

I give my sons a lot of leeway

because I trust them
to do the right thing.

I don't want an outside
influence steering them

in the wrong direction.

Yeah, they don't really
listen to me anyway.

I can relate to that.

So I heard you were looking
for a professional, mister...?

No names, Mr. Cox.
This is a very dangerous job.

All my jobs are dangerous.
This will top them all.

Even stealing the eye.
Do you still have it?

No. And to be honest,
I'm no longer interested

in tracking down ancient relics.
They're a bit of a pain.

I don't need you to steal relics.

I only need you to locate and steal
a couple of old codexes.

- We got him. We got him. That's him!

- Yeah, but who is he?

- Along with confirming
there are no DSA agents

by the name Olivia Kowalski,

we discovered Anya Kowalski
never even had children.

She passed away last winter.

Her will left everything
to various charities.

- So why would Olivia
use Anya's last name?

- To get our trust?
- Makes sense.

Someone you know
has history with The Eye.

Someone whose family was destroyed
by The Circle's deception.

- Well, she's neither
an agent nor a Kowalski,

but she is a suspect
in multiple homicides.

- There's got to be something
that leads to her.

- You're welcome to take a look
at what we've compiled so far.

- Really? You're gonna let us
root through your office?

- What? Everyone else
can play fast and loose?

I can't get an extra set of eyes
on some documents.

- No, no, that's great.
- Is it?

- There is no way.

- That's--
- And just try to keep it organized.

I have a, you know, a system.

- Ah, okay.

- That's Mr. Vogel over there.

Mr. Vogel?

Hi. Is it okay if we join you
for a minute?

- You don't know us,

but we are friends
with the Estabrook fam--


Fast as lightning,

and completely untethered.

It can go everywhere you go.

And with it, you can go...

- You changed your hair.

- Oh, I think you're mistaking me for--

- Why aren't you wearing
the necklace I gave you?

- Whoever he thinks you are
has the crystal fragment.

Just, just go with it.

- Um...

Yeah. About the necklace--

- You used to love my stories.

The ones about the magic stones.
You remember?

- Of course. The relics.

- You made me tell you
those stories every day

over and over
on the way home from school.

- Maybe you could tell me
that story again, William.

From the beginning?

Not good enough.

I hired you to find two codexes,
not one scroll, Mr. Cox.

You sent me to some house on a hill

that doesn't exist anymore.

And I stumbled across a scroll, luckily.

You never mentioned that your codexes

might have sprouted legs and wandered off.

Your difficulties aren't my problem.

Calling to complain suggests you might
not be the man for the job after all.

- That voice is so familiar.
- I know.

- Could be Callie.
Could be Dad.

Hey, it's me, Phil.

You're not gonna believe it,
we found William Vogler.
- It's just Phil.

He's at a place
called Pine Grove Institute.

- Pine Grove?
Uh, yeah, it's here in Dixon City.

You guys better hurry up.
- Yeah, okay.

- Be right there.

You're gonna want to hear--
- Come on.

Man, this is a fool's errand.

You know how long it's gonna take
to get through all these boxes?

- It'll go faster if you stop complaining.

- Ugh. I have to see what this is about.

- Where do we even start
to find info on Olivia?

- I don't know.
Too bad we can't just use The Eye, huh?

- Right.
- Chet, have you used it?

- No, no, no, no. But

it is a lot of files.

We could use a little nudge
in the right direction.

- Just, um, a nudge?

- We probably shouldn't.

- Yeah, it's, uh, it's a bad idea.
- But it is a lot of files.

- No, no, no, no, no. We shouldn't--
- No, yeah, let's not do it.

- Okay, I'll, I'll put it away.
- Yeah. Yeah, sure.


- Are you okay?
- That was weird.

- What? What?
Did you, did you see something?

- What?
- I saw your dad.

- I was the groundskeeper at Edgecliff

when I started working
for a wealthy cryptographer.

A brilliant man

by the name of George Estabrook.

Dr. Porter, please pick up line three.

Dr. Porter, please pick up line three.

- William's been rambling on
about the treasure map

and the mystical relics.

He must have told all of this
to whoever he thinks Biff is.

- Olivia?
- I-I don't know. He hasn't said a name.

It was a...

- I mean,
if Olivia had a piece of the crystal

and she heard all those
wild stories as a kid,

at some point,
she must have realized they were true.

- William, these are some of my friends.

Is it okay if they ask you
a few questions?

- Hi, Mr. Vogel.


I don't know if you remember this, but

I saw you on a beach once.

Do you remember me?

- You look like someone
I used to work for.

- Why did you steal
George's crystal fragment?

- I didn't steal anything.

I, I took that little crystal
from off the garbage pile.

It was discarded, like I was.

The things I saw, the things I did.

George Estabrook trusted me with his life,

and his daughter Gloria came along
and tossed me aside

like I was nothing.

Just like you.

Your family ignored you.

They never saw your--
your spark, your genius.

But I did.

You're going to change the world.

- This family,

is it the one you worked for
after you left Bridgeport?

In, in Dixon City?

- Is it the Kowalskis?

- I worked for the Sparewells.

- As in Sparewell Technology?

- The voice on JB's recordings.

We need to find that commercial.
Where is it? Yeah.

- Sorry, Mr. Vogel.

This will just take a second.
- No, no, no, no.

- Phil, you're going too fast.

- There, go back.

- Too far back.

Stop, that's it.

- The Passenger, by Sparewell.

- That's it.
- The future is coming.

- That's the deep voice.

Hurd Sparewell
hired JB to steal the relics.

- William gave
the crystal necklace to Hurd's daughter.

- Is Olivia Kowalski
actually Olivia Sparewell?

- Donald Dukay.
- Oh, my, God. What now?

- Tell me what really happened
at Rosegrave.

- You know, don't think
I can't tell what's happening here.

- What's happening here?

- All these silly little excuses
for you to chat me up.

"Oh, you got me blacklisted
from Rosegrave.

You have a b*mb,
you att*cked Drew!"

Come on.

You're obviously in love with me.

- Mm, no, I'm not in love with you.

- I mean, listen, come on.
It's cool.

You're not so annoying
that I couldn't be into it.

- You disgust me.

Yeah, but that's kind of part of it.
Like, that's our thing.

- We don't have a thing.
I'm not in love with you,

and I don't think you att*cked Drew.

- But I think I know
why you were att*cked.

Someone wanted Drew's laptop.

You were just in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

Did you see anything suspicious?
- No.

- Think, Donald.

No detail is too small.
Anything weird?

Anything out of the ordinary?
- I get it.

I mean... I saw a professor
wearing a big coat.

- Like a cloak?
- Coat, cloak.

What's the difference?
I couldn't see her face.

She had the hood up.

Which was weird because
it was super hot out, but whatever.

Then Drew showed up
and started being a jerkwad.

- You're the jerkwad threatening her
for whatever skeezy reason.

- Whoa, whoa. Who said skeezy?
Did she say skeezy?

I just wanted her to get me
an internship with her dad.

- Her dad?
- Oh, my God.

- What are you talking about?
- You still think your new best friend

is poor,
little Drew Darrow from River Heights?

You're so dumb.

She's been lying to you this whole time.

- What is wrong with you people?
You, you kidnapped me?

- What, are you going to pull the
"Do you know who I am?" card?

Don't bother. We already know.

- You're Hurd Sparewell's daughter.

Which makes you the heiress
to a tech billionaire's fortune.

- You said you were
a scholarship kid like me.

You lied.
- I'm sorry.

Okay, I-I didn't want anyone to know
that I was a Sparewell.

- Why not?

- That last name is the bane
of my existence.

- If that's the best you can do,
it's not good enough for my company!

- My dad is not a brilliant tech genius.

He is an evil man.

- What is the matter with you?
- Sorry.

He built his empire off of corruption

and theft of other people's ideas.

Okay, look, he and I, we are not close.

- I'm trying to work here.
Find somewhere else to be.

- When I was younger,
I entered a tech fair at my school

just hoping that I might impress him.

School's holding a science
and technology fair,

so I'm working on my video game concept.

It's an action-adventure roleplay,
but in the real world.

You can do anything--
go to school, get a haircut.
- Drew!

I'm busy.
That idea sounds terrible.

Why would anyone want to get
a haircut in a video game?

That's pointless.

Every judge was wowed
and I easily won first place.

But my dad,

he didn't even bother
to come to my demonstration.

- Oh, no. What a sad story.

- You are a Sparewell.
You know what that means?

- He doesn't care about me.

- Do you understand at all who I am?

- That must have been very lonely.

- Yeah, especially
after my brother Orrin died.

- And you had somebody else
come into your life who cared about you.

I'm sorry?

- William Vogel.

Good driver. Better storyteller.

- How do you know about him?

- Good old-fashioned detective work.

- William was the only person
who understood me.

He loved hearing my ideas

and-and he would tell me
these fantastical stories

about hidden treasures
and, and a magical man

that he helped send to live
inside a beautiful crystal.

The day of the fair, he gave me a gift.

He said it was a magical stone
for a magical girl.

Thank you.

- Why did you take these photos
of the inside of the Midnight Machine?

- You stole my stuff?

- Answer the question, Drew.

- They're nothing, okay?

It's-- nothing.

They're for my friend
who works at The Examiner.

She needs proof that
the experiments were powered

by Ley Line Energy and the crystal
interfaced with it somehow.

- You knew about the relics
and you said nothing.

You had the necklace
this whole time and you said nothing.

- Callie, I am sorry.
- No, I don't want your apologies, Drew.

- Do you still have it?

- Okay, let me explain.
- Do you have the necklace or not?

- Sort of.

What happened to the crystal?

- It's mine. It doesn't belong to you.

- It is an inappropriate gift.

Vogel's been fired.

- No. This isn't fair. It's not fair!

- Life isn't fair.

I have had enough of your nonsense.

You're going away to boarding school.

You need to learn
how the real world works.

- I was... sent away
to boarding school overseas.

And while I was there, I just kept

dreaming about William's stories
as if they weren't fiction.

And then one day,

I realized maybe
all of his stories were true.

When my father finally let me come home,
Adrian Munder was all over the news

and I thought maybe
there was a connection.

So I tracked William down,
desperate to find out

if the stories that he told me

had anything to do with
what happened to my brother.

But he wasn't much help anymore
and so,

the only way
that I could find out the truth

was to go to Rosegrave, start digging.

But not as myself.

I needed a cover.

But first, I needed to get
that necklace back from my dad.

But when I finally found it...


The crystal was gone.

Look, I--

I lied to all of you, and I'm sorry,

but, but I had to
keep my identity a secret.

If my dad ever finds out
why I'm here, I am done.

He won't let anything
jeopardize his company.

He'll just send me away again.

And all of this will be for nothing.

Everything about Project Midnight.

What happened to my brother?

It will never be exposed.

- Somehow, Hurd found out
that the crystal was powerful.

You think he used it
to build Sparewell Tech?

- Maybe. I-- I don't really know.

Believe me, I-I had no idea that
he was after the energy core.

- Well, we don't,
we don't have any hard evidence of that.

- We have him on tape hiring JB
to steal the codexes.

- Yeah, but Olivia is the one
who took The Core,

and we have no connection between them.

Something is still missing.

- Wait. Back up. Olivia?

- She's this kooky redhead.
Goes by Olivia Kowalski.

It's probably not even her real name.

- Do you know her?

- I know exactly how my father found out

that the crystal was so powerful.

Orrin wasn't my only sibling.

He has a twin sister.

- Where is it?

Where is the crystal?!


My family's about to do something
really awful, aren't they?

- Uh--
- Hey. You found something already?

- Uh, no.
- Where's my dad?

- Hm, he left a while ago.

I saw him on the phone
and then he took off.

- Do you know what it's about?
- He didn't say.

- Do you know where he went?
- He didn't say.

- We think he might be in trouble.

- Based on what?
- Um, mm...

- What kind of trouble?

- His car is overdue for an oil change,
and he always forgets.

I'm worried it might break down.
- Oh.

You're clearly lying.
- Okay, if you hear anything,

please just let us know.

- I'm going to enjoy my coffee now.


- This was Fenton and Laura's
first apartment

after they got married.

I had to couch-surf there once.

- Only once?
- Wasn't counting.


Brian. What are you doing here?

Damn it!

- What now?

- Well, I don't want to put
the cart before the horse,

but I think we need
to kidnap him, question him,

figure out what he's gonna do
with the energy core.

Maybe, maybe t*rture him a little bit.

I won't rule it out anyway.

That's The Core.

And there it goes.

- Do think she saw us?
- I don't think so.

But let's get out of here.
We've gotta tell the others.

- Yeah.

- Oh, man.

- How did you find me?

- Well, I got your message.

You know, the one
that you left in the facility.

-, Roman numerals.

On the wall.

You know?

It's our first apartment.

We chose it because the numbers.

-, November nd.

It's our wedding date.

You remember?

You thought I was being cheesy?

- I don't remember
what you're talking about.

Frankly, I don't care.

You need to be eliminated.

- Laura.

It's okay.

They put a microchip
or something in your brain

and it's making you do things
that you wouldn't normally do.

Just terrible things.

You need to fight it. Please.

Do you remember me?

Do you remember our lives together?

Do you remember our boys, Frank and Joe?

- Let go of me! Let go.
- No.

No. Laura, I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- Ah...

- I'm sorry. It's okay.

I'm sorry.

- Time to scrub in, Doc.

- My dad and my sister
know everything about the relics.

I guess they just don't know
how to find them.


- So what? You're a turncoat?
- 'Cause, no offense,

but can we actually trust you?

You're still a Sparewell.

- I mean, yeah,
under different circumstances,

it would have been--
would have been cool to meet you, but--

- Sparewell might be my last name.

But they are not my family.

And if this is going to take
my father down for good, then...

I want in.

- Guys, she's just trying to help.

- Look. If The Core
is in the Sparewell building,

then Drew
might be the only way in there.


- We're gonna need one heck of a plan.

- It's got to be Aunt Trudy.

- Hello?
You're too late, Hardy boys.

I have everything I need now,
and you can't stop me.

- Yeah, well, we know who you are,

Hurd Sparewell of
Sparewell Technologies.

And soon, everybody else will too.

By the way, we know
you're keeping The Core

in that fancy little building of yours.

Where it's impossible
for you to get to it.

I admire your spirit,
but my plan is so much bigger

than you can fathom.

- You know we've dealt with
psychotic megalomaniacs before.

- Quite a few, actually.

And it hasn't really turned out well
for any of them.

I have something they didn't have.


You and your friends
will stay out of my way

or more people are going to die.

Just like JB Cox.

- What do you mean?
I have your Aunt Trudy,

Jesse Hooper, and Brian Conrad.

- Hey, hey, hey. B, wait, wait.

They're alive for now.

And they'll be returned to you
safe and sound

as long as you stay out of my way
until it's all done.

- Until what's done?

Until what's done?!

- You can't be serious.

The procedure was not designed
to be undone.

- Then you should have thought about that

before you put a microchip
in my wife's head.

It was medical advancement.

Human advancement.

What you're asking me
to do now is reckless!

I don't have my team.
I don't have a--

- And I don't have time for your excuses.

I want my wife back... now.

- I can't get the microchip out
without putting her life at risk.

- Then you are going to give me
the next best option.

- I can disable it.
- You can?

- Do it.

- All right. But what then?

How would we actually know it worked?

- I'll know the moment she wakes up.

And until then,
you're not going anywhere.

- It'll take hours.

- Looks like
I'm not going anywhere either.

- It's still ringing.
Nobody's answering.

- Okay. The last I heard,
Trudy was picking up my mom,

and they were heading to meet Fenton.

- Yeah, Driscoll said the same
about my dad.

He left around the same time,

but there's no answer at my house.

- Maybe Hurd's lying.
- I mean, why would he lie?

- To throw us off?
To keep us distracted

long enough to do
whatever it is he's trying to do.

- Which is what?

- Joe!

- Drew.

- Yeah?

- Your dad said he would return
everyone safely

when it was all done.

Can we trust him to do that?

- My dad is a man
who makes good on his threats.

But I've never seen him keep a promise.

- Hey, it's okay.
I know you're on edge.

On edge?

We fell off the cliff a long time ago.

We keep losing
and it feels like JB died for nothing.

And now Aunt Trudy's gone.
- She's not gone.

- What about Dad? Where is he?

- We can't give up now.

Not when the people we love are in danger.

- You can't save everyone.

George said that, and he was right.
- Forget George. All right?

We beat George. We'll beat her too.

- I don't know if we can.

- I found this earlier.
It's JB's watch.

I think he'd want you to have it.

- Part of me still doesn't
even believe he's gone.

- He's not. He's still helping us.

But JB led us to those recordings.

Those recordings led us to Hurd.

He wants us to finish this.

- No one else gets hurt.

- No one.

- Hurd doesn't win.

- We win.

- Guys. What, what are we gonna do?

- We're gonna get your dad back,
I promise. Alright?

We're gonna get everybody back.

- How? By doing nothing?

- Or by letting Hurd activate
the energy core?

- Uh, Callie,
you said that Olivia put the core

in a temperature-controlled case, right?

- Yeah. The lower temperature
must keep the relic stable. Why?

- My dad, he has been spending a fortune

upgrading one of his labs.

Something about testing
within the lower limit

of the thermodynamic temperature scale.

- What does that even mean?
- I don't know. But it sounds cold.

- So you think Hurd's using
that lab to house The Core?

- I mean, it makes sense, right?

- How do we get to it?
- Well, uh, that depends.

- On what?
- On how you guys feel
about daring heists.

- I'm listening.

- Good.
'Cause this one's gonna be a doozy.