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Furry Fortune, The (2023)

Posted: 08/06/23 15:40
by bunniefuu
[film reel clicking]

[dramatic music]

[whimsical music]

[wind blowing]

DAX: I know you're going to find

this hard to believe...

But everything

we are going to tell you

is 100% true.

[upbeat music]

ZOEY: Just ask our dog Nuzzles.

No, our dog does not talk.

It's not that kind

of story.

DAX: It all started

on the first day

of my favorite time

of the year...


ZOEY: I'd given up

on summer being anything

other than a hot nightmare

full of pesky insects

and wasted time.

But this summer...

was different.

[dramatic music]

[Nuzzles whining]

[light saber buzzing]

Take up the sword

and once and for all,

let's put the agelong

question to rest.

Who is the superior twin?

I think you're already

making that very clear.

You know,

you used to be fun.

[Dax inhales]

[Nuzzles whining]

[tense music]

[metallic scraping of sword]

[swords clanging]

[light saber buzzing]

[swords clanging]

[saber whirring]


DAX: No!

Zoey: You need to grow up.

[wind whooshing]

[Zoey sighs]

Do you need help?

Yeah, this is scary.

I don't think

it's going to hold me.

ZOEY: You're doing

a terrible job narrating.

No one cares about

your fear of heights. Duh!

Just get to the important part.

DAX: Okay.

That's when it happened.

[high-pitched chiming]

[inspiring music]

There was something down there.


What is it, Nuzzles?


ZOEY: Nuzzles!

DAX: Wait,

we should explain

there were two ways in

and out of our secret hide-out.

The elevator crate for Nuzzles.

ZOEY: And the ladder for us.

DAX: It's all controlled

by a complex set

of ropes and pulleys.

ZOEY: Come on.

It's simple mechanics.

They can keep up.

[leaves rustling]

[Nuzzles barking]

ZOEY: What was that?

Bigfoot. He found my note

challenging him to a foot race.


-DAX: Oh.

That's way

too small to be Bigfoot.


It's a leprechaun.

I'm going home.

What about Nuzzles?

[Nuzzles barking]

That same day we stumbled

upon our new neighbors,

the Kearsts.

[glass breaking]

ZOEY: And that's Odom.

-ZOEY: He's the one.

-DAX: Don't give it away, Z.

They don't know

that he's the villain yet.

Oh no, I said too much.


Okay, just ignore me.


-Keep watching.

Oh, is this a pound pup?

Uh huh.

My childhood dog

was a rescue, too.

A tiny terrier named Pebbles.

Odom, say hello to our new

neighbors and their dog.

Oh, joy.

WILLIAM: Be polite, son.

I'm sure you'll

all be best of friends

by the end

of the summer.

Hi. So nice to meet you.


-WILLIAM: Oh! [laughs]

You might want

to curb that behavior


the sheriff cites you

for disturbing the peace.

For barking?

You know, a little trick that

my dad taught me with Pebbles.

Whenever it barks,

you just firmly say, "Quiet!"

And then you

reward it with a treat.

Works like a charm.

[loud chewing]

I'll see you kids around.


[upbeat music]

DAX: I'll take some pancakes.

Oh, I'm gonna be late.

Son of a biscuit!

Please do not

race off to work, honey.

Better to be a few minutes

late than in a fender bender.

Oh, you're

gonna bring up that again.

-It wasn't my fault, Emily.

-[phone ringing]

DAX: I drew us

all as a superhero team.

EMILY: Hi, Mindy.


They're offering 40%?

I-- we're just

a local boutique store!

How do we compete with that?

[tea kettle whistling]

-Sure, do 45% off everything.

-[phone dinging]

DAX: A few years ago,

mom started a boutique

knickknack store.

ZOEY: Emily

has never listened

to my suggestions

on how to make it successful.

It's not going well.

We met the new neighbors

and the son

is a diabolical monster.

I'm sure he's nice

once you get to know him.

EMILY: Oh, that reminds me,

we should get them a bottle

of wine or something.

Could you pick up something

inexpensive after work?

I gotta work late tonight.

DAX: But it's

family movie night!

Oh, wow.

Breaking news.

Don't start, young lady.

How come you

guys always have to work?

Cause time is money

and money is time

no matter how much

you have of one,

you always

want more of the other.

ZOEY: Doug's an accountant

and loves giving advice.

DAX: Dad means well.

But I gotta say, sometimes

he doesn't make much sense.

Your dad'll

explain later, okay, Dax?

I love you, bud.


EMILY: Oh, make sure

to take time off

for aunt Didi

and uncle Fred's visit.

More money.


The answer

to your riddle, Doug.

Could you just be a normal

daughter and call me dad?

I'd take more money

over more time any day.

Because you know

how I spell time?


You are too smart

for your own good.

Oh, I can't wait

to go to Harvard

and get away from you people.

Would you do

me a favor and not grow up

so quickly, please?

Listen to me, kids,

the reason

your dad and I work so much

is not because we don't

wanna be with you, okay?

It's so you kids can

have everything you need.

Have you seen my keys?

[Nuzzles whining]

[sighs] Okay.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.



Too busy

to introduce yourself

to the new neighbor, huh?

Sorry, man.

I'm Doug Taylor.

That's my wife

Emily and my twins.

I've already met

your two kids and the dog.

-Quite the barker.


Yeah, I'm William J. Kearst

the third.

Please don't ever call me Bill,

Billy, Will, Willie or Liam.

It is William.

Well, it's nice

to meet you, William.

WILLIAM: Yeah, actually,

it's just me and my son, Odom.

[ominous music]

We just moved here from DC.

Looking forward

to a little peace and quiet.

Uh, yeah,

I would love to chat

but I'm gonna be late for work.

So, I'm...


yeah, don't want that.

You know what they say,

better three hours

too early than

one minute too late.

That's William Shakespeare,

from England.


My dad's an IRS agent.

Oh, now. [laughs]

Nobody likes a braggart, son.

[laughs] Kids, you know.

Most important thing

you can do is give them

a strong moral center.

No bragging. [laughs]

We do agree.

-DOUG: Put her there.

-Put what there?

It's a fist bump.

Never mind. I'll see you around.

Terrific, okay.


DAX: Even though the Kearsts

seemed a little weird,

we Taylors, including Nuzzles,

were happy

to mind our own business.

But Odom seemed

intent on declaring w*r.

[rhythmic rock music]

[object pings]

Clearly, our new neighbor

enjoyed picking on us.

And to make things

even worse,

we didn't even have

our family movie night.

Doug and Emily were worried

about the store's finances.

As usual.

What if we sold it?

What? No, we put

so much money into it.

-We'd never get it back.

-EMILY: Well, don't think

about the money

we'd be losing on it.

Think about the time

we'd be gaining without it.


I'm serious.

I mean, we've got the kids'

college to think about.

And your daughter

wants to go

to an Ivy League

business school.

I mean, how

are we gonna pay for that?


ZOEY: If we were wealthy,

I wouldn't

even have to do chores.

Fiona doesn't have chores.

This is why I'm

getting a business degree.

So, unlike our parentals,

I can be financially secure.

DAX: It doesn't bother

you that they canceled

our birthday this year just

because they both had to work?


are just repetitive

social obligations

around some arbitrary day.

You put too much importance

on some ancient ritual

of opening gifts.

Just give me

the cash in the card.

Besides, they did

promise us a belated

birthday party this summer.

And you got a cake.

Why can't we be

those cultured parents

that take their kids on grand

summer vacations to Europe?

I want our kids to toss

coins in the Fontana di Trevi.

And I wanna tour Rome

on a Vespa like Audrey Hepburn.

And drink vino in Venice

with the love of my life.


Because when

we opened the store,

we agreed

to make certain sacrifices

as small business owners.

I've never been

in a gondola, Doug.

Can we focus, please?

I have to wake up early.

We're running out of time.

[somber music]

DAX: The next day,

it happened again.

[chiming and whooshing]

So, we followed the sound

which I suspected was created

by a magical bearded

fairy all dressed in green.

A leprechaun if you will.

[thunder-like rumbling]

[Nuzzles barking]

[ethereal music]

Make a wish.

If we're at the end

of a rainbow and you just saw

a leprechaun,

you have to make a wish.

Your friend

Bigfoot tell you that?


I don't see

a pot of gold anywhere.

I'm done playing, Dax.

I have stuff to do.

Wait, where's Nuzzles?


Look what I found.

[quirky orchestral music]

I've never seen that much money.

Uh uh.

It's beautiful.

Uh huh.

There's so much

I could do with it.

We need to find out

where it came from first.

Don't worry, Z,

we'll get to the bottom of this.

The world's greatest

detective is, uh, all over it.

Enola Holmes?

No. Batman.

We'll find out

where this money came from,

prove it's ours and make mom

and dad happy again.

And then I'm gonna

build an underground Batcave

-for me and Nuzzles.


But my pony gets

to live in the Batcave, too.

Name it Alfred

and we got a deal.

[clicks tongue]


DAX: If you found a bunch

of money under your bed,

what would you do?

Okay, so yeah.

We bought a few things.

Solving the case

of the magic money could wait.

[upbeat music]



You guys really like

to online shop, huh?

Fine and thank you.

-Okay, bye.

-DELIVERY MAN: Okay, sure.


[machine whirring]

DAX: We burned through

all of the cash in the room

but then more money

started to show up.

All over the house.

Is this some kind of a prank?

What-- Where did all

this money come from, Doug?

I was about to ask you

why there's so many shipping

boxes in the recycling bin.


not right here.


[phone keyboard clacking]

I just think we should give

some of this money to a charity.

Check this out, Pilots N Paws.

Pilots and rescue dogs?

How cool is that?

We can only

buy C.O.D. online.

Cash on delivery.

[sighs] Fine.

Then I'm buying Nuzzles

a new water bowl.

What is going on in here?

Uh, we can explain.

Please do.

We found some money.

Legally, we have

done nothing wrong, Doug.

The Doug thing has gotta st--

Wait, wait, did

you get a new computer?

What did we say

about keeping secrets?

At least use

private browsers?

What? No!

Where did you

hear that young lady?

From you two.

[scoffs] I, uh--

We do not keep

secrets in this house.

Can you use this money

to help save the store, Mom?

The only way to make money

on that store is to expand.

Once I have an MBA,

I'll have tools to turn

the family business around.

Maybe even franchise it.

Don't worry, I'll take

care of you peasants when I do.


Sorry, Doug,

that was a little out of pocket.


How did you

know about the store?

Uh, we're getting

off of the point here.

We have to account

for all of this.

Well, for now,

let's just hide it

in a safe place

until we can figure out

what to do

with this situation.


ZOEY: Our parentals tried

to use the money responsibly.

-[doorbell ringing]

-They even tried to make

nice with the new neighbors.

A bottle

of sassicaia from Italy?

Expensive, Doug.

Very expensive.

ZOEY: But for every

dollar saved, or spent,

ten more appeared!

DAX: Where was it coming from?

[low voice] I had

to solve this mystery.

ZOEY: Really, Batman?

I was the one

who figured it out.






Our family dog is a real-life

canine piggy bank.

Wow. Our dog sheds money.

Oh, Nuzzles, you're gonna

make us a furry fortune!

DAX: So, now

we knew that Nuzzles

was shedding

money when he was happy.

But the real question was,

what would this money mean

for our family's happiness?

[plucky string music]

DOUG: Okay, okay, listen to me.

Don't buy anything.

Don't spend anything.

Nothing big. You hear me?

Because if anybody

finds out about this,

we can all get pinched.

Oh, okay, calm down, Di Niro.

I think that

what your father is trying

to say is that we just--

We just can't go

around buying anything

and everything we want.

This is where

we practice restraint.

Okay, just

because we have this money

doesn't mean

we have to spend it.

Yeah, we just,

we gotta be careful, okay?

I mean, this could pose

some major legal problems.

Okay, maybe we could just

buy each one thing, you know.

A one thing rule.


That's reasonable.

Yeah, just one thing, you know.

So, okay, we're gonna

each take like one thousand

and each of you can

have like a hundred each.

One hundred?

EMILY: Adults

have bigger needs.

And then maybe

we could get something

for the whole family.

Like a family

vacation at the end of summer?

Aw, yeah.


Why don't

the three of you go

and I'll stay here

and take care of Nuzzles.

It's like you don't even

wanna be part of this family.

Who's gonna

watch the dog, Dax?

You? I don't think so.

Okay, we're all going.

That's final.

ZOEY: All the things

you could buy,

you guys pick

spending more time with us?

It makes no sense, people.

Okay, we all have

to follow the new rule.

Am I clear?

As ice.

Is that even--

is that a saying, bud?

[upbeat music]

ZOEY: The thing

about the money was...

the more we got,

the more we bought.


Are we online shopping, Mom?

Ooh, la, la.

Glitzy girls.

I was just supporting

another female run

business on social media.

You know, exchanging likes,

having a presence.

Just doing business.

Oh, that's how we do business.


Where did you get

those golf clubs, Dad?

Oh, these clubs?

These-- Uh, these old clubs?

These were

a gift from your uncle Fred,

way before you were born, bud.

-Since when do you golf?

-DOUG: You know what?

I never have, son.

I never had the time.

But I found

these today and I thought

I'd try something new.

And you know my motto,

my motto

that I say all the time

is never-- never be

afraid to try something new. So.

I've never heard you say that.

Well, it is a motto to live by.

Gotta go. Bye, son.

DAX: It's like

Mom and Dad became

kids who bought

whatever they wanted.

ZOEY: I wasn't about

to let Emily and Doug

spend all our money.

We needed to take as much

as we could for ourselves

before they spent it all.

DAX: Something had to be done.

Operation money bags

was a go.

[tense music]

[Doug snoring]


DOUG: Stop!

Stop, hit the brakes.

[Nuzzles barking]

[glass shattering]

Hmm, out of the way.

DAX: Okay,

we didn't get all of it.

But we got enough.

ZOEY: To buy

whatever we wanted.

[upbeat music]

But there was so much money,

Doug and Emily didn't

even notice what we took.

Bellissimali Italia.

Oh, you are going to love

the premiere Italian package.

Its rich and exquisite art,

captivating culture

and astonishing architecture.

Oh, and the food.

Oh, my God, the food.

Get yourself

a personal trainer right now

because you are

literally going to end up

eating your way

through Italy.


Come on in, man.

All right.


I just can't believe that the,

uh, former heavyweight champ

and Hall of Famer,

Bas Rutten, is in my house.

Well, my manager told

me that celebrities do this kind

of thing all the time.

So, uh, you better believe it.

-DOUG: Ha, incredible.


I have some former MMA

martial arts

experience myself,


-Oh really?

-Yeah, uh, sensei Williams,

summer camp '89,

you know,

but there's always

more to learn.


And I wanna learn from the best.

All right, yeah.



Hmm, I don't know.

I mean, this trip has always

been a dream of mine, but...

I'm also saving

for the kids' college.

I ask myself,

is a trip to Italy

really more important

than their education?

It is!

Oh, my God, it is.

Yeah. It is.

This'll be great for us,

a chance to reconnect.

Family time.

A little romance.


Okay, just hold on.


-Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, hey, bud.

This is MMA legend Bas Rutten.

BAS: Hey. How are ya?

He's here to teach me

some MMA moves.

BAS: Oh, that dog is so cute.

Hey, bud, I was thinking,

uh, maybe you could

teach me that rear

naked choke hold

and then I could pop it on

you real quick, huh?

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

-Hey, boy.

-Fair enough.

I'm guessing you spent

your entire life

making everyone else's

needs a priority.

Maybe it's time you made

your own needs a priority.

A little advice...

for once,

put yourself first.

DOUG: Could you

at least maybe say,

"It's better to do too much

than to do too little."

Nah, I'm not

gonna do that, either.

Oh, okay.

[Nuzzles whining]

[giggling] Look at him.

Look at you.

I think he likes you.


I heard that, too.

You know,

dogs only talk to dogs

who listen,

you know that, right?

-Wow, you have a lot of talent.


That animal sanctuary,

that's a nice touch.

Element of surprise.


Oh, man, I have

to fire my agent.

Oh, my sister

just had cards made.

Give her a call.

[clicks tongue]

-All right.


Thank you.

I don't normally

do personal meet and greets,

but honestly, you're such

a big spender, like respect.

So, do you want me to teach

you how to do your makeup?

-You're sweet, Aspen.

-Oh, thank you.

No, actually, I was hoping

you could enlighten me

on how you cultivated such

a large social media following

and use that

to start your own business.


So, let's start

with monetizing likes.


[upbeat music]

DAX: The spending spree

was getting out of control.



ZOEY: Yeah,

I couldn't believe it.

Between Emily's

European vacation

and Doug's

fan boy obsessions,

the parents

were outspending me.

It was like a bad dream.

DAX: Cry me a river, build

a bridge and get over it, Z.

I was dealing

with a real nightmare.

ZOEY: All right,

I'll give you that.

But no matter

how bad we thought it was,

it was about

to get a lot worse.

[saw buzzing]

DOUG: What is going on out here?

Oh, well,

you know what they say,

good fences

make good neighbors.

You butchered our bush.


now, legally speaking,

half of your bush

was over my property line. So.

Okay, I think we can find a way

to figure this out here.

-Did you get our bottle of wine?

-I did.

That was incredibly

generous, Doug.

But wine or no wine--

-The law's on our side.

-You can look it up.

It's city code CIV-862.

It clearly states that I can

build a fence right here.

But that's not right.

[laughs] Young lady,

it is right.

And not only is it right,

but it is legal.

And legal is legal.

[Nuzzles barking]

I have already told

your kids about the barking.

It is a direct violation of city

ordinance 185B.

Comfortable enjoyment

of one's domicile.

ZOEY: We'd had enough

of the neighbors bullying.

It was time to fight back.

DAX: Time for operation defense.

I will take care

of the dog barking.

Just clean up the sawdust.

We don't want any trouble.

Oh, Doug,

I certainly will,

because we are

good upstanding neighbors.

We follow the rules.

-[Nuzzles barking]


WILLIAM: Oh, oh, oh!

Don't you dare.

[tense music]


[William groaning]



Wait, you think

this is funny, Doug?

It's uh-- It's a little--

it's a little funny.

Oh, yeah. You know,

I really shouldn't be shocked.

If you can't control your dog,

I don't know why I would expect

you to control your children.

Children, children.

They mean no harm, okay?

Menaces to society.

I can now add aggravated as*ault

to disturbing the peace.

God, if you lived

in Mister Rogers neighborhood,

he would move out.


oh, so, more jokes?

You know

what's not funny Doug?

You are on my radar, sir.

My radar is going ding, ding,

ding, ding, ding, ding, Doug.

Huh, what's this?


Throwing money around,

Mister Accountant, huh?

No, no,

da, da, da, da, da, da.

You know what they say,

possession is

nine tenths of the law.

I guess it's ours now.

Ha, ha.

I really shouldn't

be surprised,

you accountant types

are always

losing money,

aren't you?

Or as we IRS agents call it,

tax evasion.

Okay maybe,

you know, maybe we got off

on the wrong foot here,

you know.

Allow me

this opportunity to apologize.

Oh, I don't think a simple

apology is going to suffice

for your family's behavior.

You know, I tried.

Boo hoo hoo.

Did you see that, son?

The Taylors just showed

us their true colors.

Okay, get inside you two.

This is not funny anymore.

ZOEY: That was embarrassing.

He actually threatened Nuzzles

and you caved

and apologized, Doug?


-Okay, could you lower the sass

meter a few notches,

please, ma'am?

I won't let anything happen

to you, Nuzzles. Ever.

Whoa, whoa.

Oh. What just happened?

Tell them.

Nuzzles is some kind of

certified moneymaking machine.

You expect us to believe

our dog sheds hard cash?

DOUG: How could a family

dog even shed money?

You're not actually

buying this, are you?

Well, can you

explain the honey?

I mean, you saw it.

I'm trying to wrap my head

around what happened here.

And frankly, it's a lot, okay?

-EMILY: It is a lot.



DOUG: So many thoughts.


WILLIAM: Something

is up with that family.

I don't know what it is,

but I will find out.

It's really too bad.

We could've been friends.

Hey, I'm really looking forward

to our Roman holiday.

Well, maybe we could do it

in a Ferrari

instead of a moped?


You would

look mighty fine driving

around Italy in that powerful

racing machine.

And even finer with you,

my belladonna by my side.

[both laughing]

[both purring]

-[Nuzzles barks]


Hey, buddy.

Better cancel Aunt Didi and

uncle Fred's visit this year.

Yeah, the last thing we want

is them snooping around here.

Shed daddy the money.

-Shed daddy the money.

-Shed the money.

-Shed that money for mama.

-Shed daddy the money.

-Shed the money for mama.

-DOUG: Shed daddy some money.

-What's going on here?

-Oh! Hey.

You guys never

snuggle with Nuzzles.

Yes, we do.

All the time.

He's our family dog,

not our personal ATM.


DAX: It was bad enough

Mom and Dad

were taking

advantage of Nuzzles.

But I expected

more from my twin sister.

Z, what did you do?


it a late birthday gift.

ZOEY: Let me remind you,

I wasn't the only one

buying stuff.

DAX: At least the gifts

I bought were for Nuzzles.

ZOEY: Okay, we get it, Dax.

-You're the superior twin.

-DAX: Whatever.

We were so distracted

by all the new stuff,

we didn't

see danger coming.

[tense music]


How does it look

so real?

I mean, it's not real, right?

But it looks so real.

[Nuzzles moaning]

ZOEY: Come on,

makes more money, Nuzzles.

Leave him alone.

Maybe he doesn't wanna

make money for you right now.

Wow, really?

So ungrateful.


You ordered pizza?

It's not like

we're hurting for money.

DAX: You don't

even care about Nuzzles.

All you care about

is if he makes you money.

-He's not a machine.

-Don't be so dramatic.

I can't believe you had

pizza delivered here.

Now the deliveryman

knows our secret hideout.

ZOEY: Grow up!

You just wasted

a perfectly good pizza.

It's not even Hawaiian style.


doesn't belong on pizza.

Yes, it does.

Come on, Nuzzles.

[somber guitar music]

Holding on to happy

can be so hard to do

But when you're

lost and all alone

When you're feeling blue

Life can knock you over

And make your heart afraid

and pray for better days


when you need a friend

There's nobody around


those you love the most

Are the ones

who let you down

Standing up

to this great big world

Can make you feel so small

But that can

be the bravest thing of all

Hmm, yeah, that can be

the bravest thing of all

I just hit the jackpot.

REPORTER ON TV: Thanks, Steve.

Sounds like another

doozy of a weekend.

Better get those swim

trunks out and stay cool.

Breaking news here,

reports of raining currency,

an Schatowsky is on the scene.J

JAN: It's true, Marvin.

Money falling from the sky

is creating chaos here

in the park.


[Nuzzles barking]

[sighs] Okay.

[intense classical music]

They're hiding money next door.

Ooh, look at you.

See, son,

I knew you had good instincts.

I knew you'd make a good agent.

What was your first clue?

Was it all the expensive gifts,

the packages,

paying with cash?

The dog is some kind

of money machine.

The whole house

is one big doggy bank.

That dog sheds money.

JAN: People are

fighting each other for it.

Like wolves, they're crazy.

If you're coming down,

make sure you come prepared.

Bring something

like a bat or something,

'cause it's

getting wild out here.


Thanks for the tips, Jan.

Again, viewers,

money, hard cash,

it's all falling from the sky.

Seems like the park

s the place to be. Right, Jan?i

You can't miss out on this.

Actually, I--

[man yelling]

I need an explanation

and I need it now.

[door opening]

Okay, new rule,

no one is going anywhere.

This is now a family crisis.

Really, Doug?

DOUG: What?

What? What?

What are

Aunt Didi and Uncle Fred

doing in the driveway, Doug?

I cancelled. I swear.

Oh, my-- What?

Clean up the money.

Okay, okay, okay.

EMILY: The couch.

There's some-- It's all over!

DOUG: I see it, honey.

-Hold on.

-[doorbell ringing]

[all] Hi!

We have arrived.

Oh, my Lord, what a trip.

I tell you.

Don't you look like

you've just seen a ghost.

Um, what are you doing here,

Aunt Didi?

What am I doing here?

Well, when Dougie

called and cancelled our visit,

we decided

we would just come anyway.

Because, brother, sister,

what kind of siblings cancel

on their family last minute?

This guy right here.

Is that-- is that a unicorn?

Air traffic control.

I don't--

The pyramids of Giza.

EMILY: A pencil.

It's a dunce cap.

The dumb siblings do that.

Shush, Freddy.

Look, Emily and Doug,

time is precious

and it just goes so fast.

You just gotta be careful

how you spend it.

Yes, our family

visits are tradition.

You don't wanna...

Give it a--

give it a solid thumbs up.

Milk a cow?

Is that how

you milk a cow, honey?

-I don't know how--

-She goes to a petting zoo once

and she just thinks

she knows everything.

Break traditions.

I'm using the thumb

-to break traditions.

-Break tradition.

Break tradition.

AUNT DIDI: Are ya done?

Now, where's my squishy

little niece and nephew?

Hmm, you should have

told us you uncancelled.

And what,

ruin the surprise?


Oh, forget it,

let's talk about that money.

It's all over the news.

It's flying through the air.

It's like a free for all

lottery, right honey?


Uh, uh, uh, uh, I told you,

we never discuss money.

UNCLE FRED: But it' exciting.

It's-- It's once-in-a-lifetime.

AUNT DIDI: Hush, Buttercup.

Money isn't everything.

And it certainly

can't buy you happiness.

[laughs] Um, so how long

are you two planning on staying,

Aunt Didi?

Oh, just throw us in one

of those tiny guestrooms

of yours for a while

and feed us some good food

and you won't

even know we're here.

-DOUG: Hmm.

-AUNT DIDI: We are easy-peasy.

Just remember about traditions.


-Is that a dishrag?

-Reaming it out.

-In the sink.

-Cleaning out the sponge.

-Make sure you squeeze out--

-You are sharpening

a pencil with your bare hands.

I'm k*lling tradition.

You don't

wanna k*ll a tradition.

-It's so easy.

-That's dark.


Just make me

a scotch while I go winkle.


Make me a scotch, too.

And come on,

this is just with the traditions

and the-- oh, forget it.

A couple of days?

-The guestroom?

-It's-- wait, I have a plan.

-Move them to a hotel?

-Honey, they're family.

Wait, do I need to remind

you that our guestroom

is full of cash

and our dog sheds money?

Ah, yes.


-Oh, come on.

Yeah, you're right.

[bright, whimsical music]

-[door slams]


Zoey, my little buttercup.

Come and give your Aunt Didi

a big ol' hug.

Love you, Aunt Didi.

Oh, I love you, too,

little one.

ZOEY: There was still so much

money laying around.

DAX: Mom and Dad needed to get

our aunt and uncle

out of the house.

DOUG: Hey, how

about the kids and I take

you guys out for lunch, huh?

Is that a yes?

-You got it.

-Okay, just, just--

-You got it.

-Just say it.

Just something for the road.

ZOEY: It became Emily's job

to hide the evidence.

DAX: A mission I named,

operation money transfer.

[upbeat music]

[car horn honking]

No, it wasn't too expensive.

I don't mind.

What the hell?

Oh, ho, hey!

There is a coyote

out in the front yard.


I think we're--

I think it's gone.

It's gone, yes.


[kids laughing]

[Doug breathing heavily]


Well, we brought you a cream pie

but Doug inhaled it.

UNCLE FRED: Uh, he has a knack

for ruining things.

Oh, well that's a shame, Doug.

Okay, all set.

Clean sheets.

Just let me

know if you need anything.



EMILY: Enjoy your stay.

Waiting on that scotch.

ZOEY: That night,

the neighbors tried

to get their hands

on our money.

-Stacks of moola everywhere.

-Which room?

The guest bedroom.

I've never

been inside the house.

I don't know which one's

the guest bedroom.

-I think it's this one.

-Gimme the thing.

All right.

[Uncle Fred snoring]

[suspicious music]

-[cymbal crashes]

-[Aunt Didi yelling]

AUNT DIDI: Fred, Fred,

there's someone out there!

There's a peeping Willie

out there.


[Aunt Didi screams]

Hey, hey, hey!

Stop, stop, what is going on?

There's a peeping Willie

out there.

-A weeping Pillie!

-A peeping Willie?


-I can't stay here.

We gotta

pack our things, Freddy.

[Aunt Didi cries]


Just what kind of neighborhood

are you raising my great

niece and nephew in?

We are so sorry.

We feel terrible.

Yeah, where will you go?

Somewhere safer, Dougie.

The nearest Four Seasons.

Tell our little rascals we love

them and we will see them later.

It is time for you guys

to make better life choices.

You know what I always

say about family.

It's all about the bond.

The family bond.

-They got it right. Can we stay?



Where'd you put

the money?

The garage.

[coffee machine hisses]

Going to Fiona's.

Wait, where's Aunt

Didi and Uncle Fred?

Where are you guys going?

It's our family film night.

-Not today, buddy.

-But you promised.

Oh, sorry, Dax. I love you.

Be good, okay?

Don't leave the house.

And no sweets.

[rhythmic drum music]

[fridge buzzing]

WILLIAM: To be clear,

I do not think

that this dog makes money.

But to be fair,

I never imagined bitcoin

was gonna be a thing either.

[Nuzzles barking]

WILLIAM: Let's get him.

Yeah, let's do it.

[playful, upbeat music]


-WILLIAM: You get it.

-ODOM: No, you get it.

-WILLIAM: No, you get it.

-No, you get it.

You get it.

You're younger.

ODOM: You're older.

That's why you get him.


-Let's go.

[Nuzzles yelping]

DAX: Something

was going on with Nuzzles.

Things were getting sticky.

ZOEY: Ha, ha, Dax.

-Very funny.

-DAX: Thanks, I thought so.

I took up the sword

and set out to save the day.

WILLIAM: Okay. Ha.


-[phone dialing]

-[clears throat]

-[voice speaking indistinctly]

Yes, hello,

this is William J. Kearst

the third,

internal revenue agent,

series 1169, grade 5/7.

I'm requesting field agents

for a criminal investigation.

Yeah. Yes.

[person speaking indistinctly]

Yes, I'll hold.

[tense music]


[somber piano music]

Nuzzles had

never run off before.

So, I started to wonder

if he was

in some kind of trouble.

But who would ever

do anything to Nuzzles?

WILLIAM: Just send

them over to the address

I submitted in my report.

Do not make me

pull rank, Madam.

Watch this.

Comply or I'll have your job.

Oh, I'm on hold again.

Yes, yes, hello?

Hi, yeah, yes.

Uh, yes,

I do have evidence, lady.

I have substantial evidence.

I have stacks

and stacks of evidence.


We got disconnected.

[clears throat]

What happens now?

[door opens]

What is wrong with you?

Why can't you just be happy?

We're rich.

Our dog sheds money.

It's the American dream.

Where's Nuzzles?

I lost him.

And I can't find him.

As long as I can remember,

Nuzzles has always

been there by my side.

You couldn't find a better dog

if you went to outer space.

But now, he's gone.

ZOEY: You can't just quit

when things get tough.

Help me, Dax.

You're Nuzzles' only hope.

[low rumbling]

ODOM: Check it out, dad.

It's an old video

for when we were in DC.

Huh. Would you look at that?


Dad, I miss my friends.

I miss our old life.

Are we ever going back?


We are?

-Can I see Mom?


Oh, uh...

[William laughs]

Mom is off being Mom.

It's not fair.

Some people have everything.

My son,

jealousy breeds bitterness.

Now, most people work

for what they have.

But others get everything

just handed to them.

But we do

not take handouts, no sir.

And we will not be left at.

No, no, no one laughs at

the Kearst family, you got me?

We are a proud bunch.

Be proud, my son.

[rhythmic bongo music]

DAX: Sometimes

in the darkest hours,

we find

the brightest hope.

A clue!

ZOEY: Uh, Dax, we just

found candy on the ground.

DAX: Yes, Z, but

it's what the candy means.


A little trick

that my dad taught me,

reward it with a treat.


[voice warping]

Treat. Treat. Treat.


Odom dognapped Nuzzles.

It is not about the money.

No, no. It's about justice.

It is about doing what is right.

Someday, I wanna be

an agent like you, Dad.


How about I teach you

some things?

Did you know that we,

IRS agents,

we work for the American public?

That's right.

And our job is to foster


in the tax system.

And we swear

an oath to bring justice

to those who refuse

to pay their fair share.

Cheaters hurt all of us.

Now-- [clears throat]

building a case

against cheaters requires

proof and documentation.

And this camera will help us

capture all the proof we need

that this dog sheds money.

ZOEY: We had to confirm a theory

that the neighbors

had taken Nuzzles.

DAX: Which meant dangerous


sneaking into the dragon's den.

[suspicious music]

[camera beeps]

[Nuzzles groans]


Would you like to do the honors,

agent Odom?




-Okay, get over there.

Three, two, one.

Shed some moola.

Make money.

Nothing happened.

You make money for us,

right now or else.

Yeah, fuzzy butt. Or else.

Or else what, Dad?

WILLIAM: Or else

I'm gonna call the pound.

You will make money

right now or I will take

you away from that perfect

little family of yours.

It was a threat, son.

It was a threat.

I thought that was

perfectly obvious.

Please get your head

in the game.

You know what they do at

the pound to animals like you?

Oh, I think you do.

It'll be lights out.

-Your time is limited.


[yells] Don't you dare talk

to me like that.

Show me the money.


-We need a plan.


No, an actual plan.

You're the brains, not me.

If it weren't for you,

I'd still be

stuck in the second grade.

We need a distraction.

DAX: Operation:

retrieve the dog.

ZOEY: Yeah, I thought the name

was a bit on the nose.

But we set the plan in motion.

[upbeat music]

Dax, you copy?

DAX: Copy, red leader.

ZOEY: Setting the trap now.

Light it up.

DAX: Fire in the hole.


ZOEY: Wait, wait,

wait, wait, wait.

That is not what happened.

Someone chickened out

on the pyrotechnics.

DAX: Whatever.

At least

I came up with a plan B.

[tense music]


[upbeat rock music]

[grunting and shouting]

[William grunts]

ODOM: Whoa!



Hey. Come on.

The package is secure.



Operation retrieve the dog

is a total success.

[buttons beeping]

[phone ringing]


Sheriff's Department.

Look at this.

I bought this thinking

it might stop the shedding.

What's this?

It's a new collar.


[door alarm chimes]

What is going on with you two?

ZOEY: The neighbor

tried to dognap Nuzzles.

But we saved the day.

So, first we saw

all this candy--

--candy on the floor.

Okay, okay, okay, you two.

Enough with your wild


Leave the neighbor alone.

-It was real.

-He hates us already

and he cannot know about,

you know what.


Hmm, what's up?

-EMILY: What was that?

-What was what?

I thought we were supposed

to buy stuff, Doug.

What? I--

Today seemed like a good day

to break the sound barrier.

EMILY: You are an accountant,

not a race car driver.

Sweetheart, when we finally

let go of what we are,

we discover what we could be.

What we should be is examples

for our children.

Mom, you're doing it, too.

Yeah, who's the hottie

in the bright

tight T-shirt, Emily?


Julio is a fitness



-Do not shame me

for needing a little help.

It's not fair

to expect working moms

to look like

wonder woman on her own.

We should

be trying to save the store,

not buying stupid stuff.

Oh, sweetie, we will.

It's not like we're

gonna run out of money now.


Okay, well we're gonna

discuss this later.

No, I think we should

discuss this now.


-EMILY: Don't be childish, Doug.

I'm not, okay?

I just don't wanna be late

for my racecar lessons.

Well, I am very disappointed.


-EMILY: You're both grounded.

And take back whatever

you've gotten so far,


that hideous sweater.

He was stolen!

The neighbor

and his diabolical

son dognapped him, Mom!

-I don't wanna hear it.

-You have to believe us.

I do not wanna hear it.

You're grounded.


You guys, go clean up

and go hide the money.



ma'am, Sheriff Miller.

[whimsical music]

We have had a complaint,

an anonymous complaint

about a barking dog.


There must be some mistake.

Our dog doesn't bark.


I didn't realize a dog

barking is against the law.

Well, normally ma'am,

it is not but in this case,

when said dog

is disturbing the peace,

it is an infraction

that I need to investigate.

May I enter the premises?

Uh, uh--

-Sorry. Of course!


-I have nothing to hide.


But it is, it is really messy.


-So, um...

Ah, where are my manners?

I'm-- I apologize.

I didn't

catch your name, ma'am.

-Oh, Emily. Taylor.

-SHERIFF: Emily.

Misses Taylor, sir.

And these are my kids,

-Dax and Zoey.

-SHERIFF: Hi there.

Ah, and this must

be the culprit here, huh?

Oh, no, please don't

put our dog, sir.

-He nips when he's scared.


So, he is a barker

and he is a biter.

Oh, uh, I think he's just

acting differently


of these changes recently.



Tell me about these changes.

Well, um...

-They're building a fence.

-Next door.

And there's a lot of noise

and dust and, uh, construction.

-EMILY: He's territorial.


What can we do?

You could, and probably

should muzzle Nuzzles.

EMILY: Sorry, we will make sure

there's no more barking.

No more barking.

That's all I'm asking for.


Oh, what is this?

It's obviously your money.

You believe all this,

uh, this money business

people are talking about?

Mo-- uh, mon--

Yeah, the downtown.

Have you guys heard?

Everyone's talking about it.

Everyone around town.

It was just

literally raining money,

money from everywhere.

Was it drug money?

Was it counterfeit,

stolen money?

Rest assured, I made it

my personal mission

to get

to the bottom of it.

I will investigate

this money mystery

until we figure out,

I will not sleep

until I've cracked

this case like an egg,

like a chocolate

Easter egg.

So, sorry, thank you

very much for your time.

Uh, please,

I don't wanna come back.

It's such a cute dog

and I hate to come back

with animal control and--

Got it.

We will get the barking

under control. Thank you.

-Okay, have a good evening.

-EMILY: Sir, thank you.

SHERIFF: Miller for Sheriff.

Vote Miller!


DAX: The heat was on.

Nuzzles was a wanted dog.

We had to get

him to a safe house.

ZOEY: Somewhere no one,

especially the Kearsts,

could find him.

[dramatic piano music]


You know,

we make a pretty good team, Dax.

We do, don't we?

I'm sorry

I ruined your pizza party.

Their deep dish is overrated.


Hey, I'm starting

to think it was

that crazy rainbow

that made all this happen.

How stupid do you have

to be to wish for money?

I didn't even make a wish.

I know. I did.

I just wish I could

take it all back now.

We'd be better off

without all the money.

I just thought

that if we have more money,

Dad can have more time with us.

And Mom could save the store.

And everything

could be happy again.

Just like it used to be.

But you'd rather be

anywhere but here with us.

Hey, that's not true.

I don't mind

hanging out with you.

You make life fun.

Shut up.

No. You shut up.



-[Nuzzles barking]

I'm coming for the dog.

How did you find

our secret clubhouse?

By doing what I do best,

following the money.

[ladder rattling]


Give me the dog,

you preteen tick.

You had

no right to take our dog.

Oh, I had every right.

You either send that dog

down now or I will have

both of your parents

arrested for harboring

a counterfeit

money-making machine.

I will ruin your father's

accounting practice

and shut down

your mom's little store.

And I will--

I will destroy both

of your pathetic

little tiny baby lives.

I can't wait to read

the headline on Twitter,

"the Taylor family

gets caught red-handed

with a butt load of illegal

cash made by their pound pup

which they hid

in their secret wizard clubhouse

out in the forest."

I mean it's a lot

of characters for Twitter, okay?

Go workshop that.

This dog is coming

down one of two ways.

Either peacefully

or I'll take him by force.

[somber piano music]

We're not giving up, Z,

not ever.


-Is it broken Dad?

-No, it is not broken, son.

It's totally broken.

Dad, check it out.


I am trying to figure out

how they got the dog

up there

so that I can figure out

how we can get up there.

Stop bothering me.

That'll work.

That dog is mine.

This is our chance.

If we can

get down in the crate,

we can outrun

Odom and get away.



ZOEY: I'll buy you time.

I'll make

the right wish this time.

And bring him home safely.

I know you will.

DAX: The choice was clear,

be brave or lose Nuzzles.

I could return

to the magical rainbow

and make everything right again.

I just had

to take the first step.

[pulley squeaking]

[tense music]

Dad, I don't wanna

do this anymore.

WILLIAM: Come on, Odom,

whatever you do,

don't let him get away.

ODOM: This is not fun anymore.

You're so extra.

This is why Mom left us.

It's over, kids.

(pants) You have nowhere to go.

[low rumbling]

I'm sorry.

I am-- I'm--

don't, don't--

[inspiring music]

[ethereal music]


So, what we got today, a family?

Yeah, William

called this one in.



You know, I heard he got one

of his own men arrested.

-Is that right?

-Yeah, I also heard he threw

-a guy out a window.

-What? Is that right?

No, not the last one

but he did get someone arrested

so we should

make this one quick.

[inspiring music]

WILLIAM: Holds more the ten

thousand dollars in cash,

it must be reported

to the Internal Revenue Service,

i.e., the IRS.

And the financial crimes

enforcement network

or as we agents

like to call it, the F-CEN.

Look, you know the deal.

They failed

to report cash payments

well over ten thousand dollars.

Oh, oh, oh, ho,

there is a laundry list

of laws being broken.

So, you're saying they have bags

of counterfeit money

in a secret location?

And purchasing goods

with intent to defraud?

Ding, ding, ding.

I got this, boys.

Let me tell you something,

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor,

as a federal IRS agent,

I am hereby arresting you

for manufacturing

counterfeit currency.

And you can laugh

and smirk all you want.

Let me tell you something,

mister man,

that is a direct violation

of title 5-72

of federal code.

So, we are going to be

placing you under arrest

and confiscating the dog.

[Nuzzles whining]

I knew I'd get you, Dougie.


That's him.

That's the peeping Willie.

Madam, my name is William.

Federal agent

William J. Kearst the third.

Oh, you should

be ashamed of yourself,

sneaking around

in the dark, trespassing,


through windows at night.

[laughs] Yes, I was

conducting an investigation.

[laughs] You were doing what?

WILLIAM: Oh, oh, oh, oh, okay

good, good, Sheriff, Sheriff.

I want you to listen to this.

And my IRS brothers,

I got you.

-Okay, okay--

-Mister William Kearst,

you are under

suspicion of trespassing

which you just admitted

to in all these people.

And you,

you know that comes

with a hefty fine

and possible jail time.

WILLIAM: Well, I know.

I mean, I was just...

[laughs] I mean...

Look, we are here

to talk about that beast

and the furry fortune

that they are hiding out

in the treehouse

out in the woods.

I'm telling you,

that animal

is a bona fide canine ATM.

Uh, oh, okay, see?

Now, when you pet the dog,

wait, come back.

Come back. Come back.

When you pet

the dog, it sheds money.

Okay, all the money you saw

flying around downtown?

This dog, watch this.

Okay, we just pet him,

just pet him like this.

And money.

There's no money.

No, no, no, no, I'm telling you,

you pet him,

he turns into money.

It's money.


Wait, please

don't arrest my dad.

Listen, sprinkles,

you and your dad

are in a lot of trouble.



I just wanted

to spend time with my dad.

SHERIFF: Okay, don't do that.

Don't do that.


Looks like I really made

a mistake this time, didn't I?


-WILLIAM: Well, as usual, I...

seem to have taken

things a little too far.

And I'm sorry about that.

I'm gonna--

I'm gonna figure out how

to make this up to you, okay?

Somehow, someway.

[inspiring music]


they're not criminals.

EMILY: Sheriff,

please listen to my son.

You know, we've decided

that we're

not gonna press charges.


-Speak for yourself, Dougie.

Sheriff, we are

pressing charges.

That's right.

We would like to--


-Is that dancing?

-EMILY: What is that?

-DOUG: What are you--

-I don't know what this is.

-Balance the scales

-of justice, darn it.

-Nobody here

is pressing charges,

Aunt Didi.

They made some bad choices

but they shouldn't go to jail.

We can sort this out

as neighbors.

It's what neighbors do.

Wow, that was powerful stuff.

You are a brave young man.

But you,

I have my eye on you, Billy.

You and your shenanigans

have got to stop.

Stop it.

I will call your mother.

All right,

thank you for your time.

You've confused me thoroughly.

I will take my leave.

Oh, by the way,

I'm up for re-election

this year

so please vote for me.

Miller for Sheriff.

DAX: Everything wasn't

back to the way it was.

It was better.

And you made me very proud, Dax.


Now that the drama was over,

we decided it was time

to share our secret treehouse.

DAX: We thought we'd make mom

and dad honorary wizards.

They'd earned it.

So, what do you think,


It's perfect.

It is just magical.

You know what,

let's all make a family promise,

that we will always work

together as a team.

And no more secrets.

We promise.



Can we donate this to charity?

Yeah, please?

You know, kids, as we look

back on this crazy summer,

let's just remember that it was

that sweet little rescue

pup right there

that taught us

unconditional love.


I figured out the answer

to your riddle, Dad.

Oh yeah?

You can use time

to make money,

but you can't use money

to buy more time.

All right.

This has just been

the best summer of my life.

Better than a Roman holiday?

Better than all of Italy.

DAX: There's a famous quote

that describes

my summer perfectly.

Family's not an important thing,

it's everything.

Some say the superpower

of dogs is their ability

to bring people closer together.

-ZOEY: Oh, that's good.

-DAX: Just ask Odom.

ZOEY: Yeah, he turned out

to be a great Wizard.

ZOEY: And this was

a great little story.

DAX: Even if maybe it's not

a hundred percent true.

ZOEY: But pretty close, though.

Like 89.3% true.

DAX: Most importantly,

it's our story.

Right Nuzzles?


[upbeat jazz music]

Life's full

of sweet surprises

No matter what arises

You'll work it out

and come what may

The sun'll keep on burning,

the world'll keep on turning

Have yourself a lovely day

You live your life

with passion

That certain style

and fashion

A little goes

a long, long way

No trouble's gonna find you,

your worries are behind you

So have yourself

a lovely day

Dream the big dream

Listen to your heart

'Cause heaven knows,

the future glows

When love is where we start

No room for hesitation,

each day's a celebration

So, even

if the skies are grey

Don't wrap yourself

in sorrow

We'll always have tomorrow

Have yourself a lovely day


[woodwind solo]

Dream the big dream

Listen to your heart

'Cause heaven knows,

the future glows

When love is where we start

No room for hesitation,

each day's a celebration

Even when the skies are grey

Don't wrap yourself

in sorrow

We'll always have tomorrow

Have yourself a lovely day

Get on with life

It's for the loving, ha

[bright uplifting music]

Holding on to happy

Can be so hard to do

But when you're lost

and all alone

And when you're feeling blue

Life can knock you over

Make your heart afraid

And pray for better days

Sometimes when you need a

friend there's nobody around

Sometimes those

you love the most

Are the ones

who let you down

Standing up

to this great big world

Can make you feel so small

That can be

the bravest thing of all

Hm, yeah, that can be

the bravest thing of all

[birds tweeting]
