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04x04 - 12 Chefs Compete

Posted: 08/10/23 13:06
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen"--

That's mine, right there.

I'm trying to catch a chicken.

NARRATOR: The men lost

the chicken challenge.

Craig, what in the

hell were you doing?

Craig sucks.

I'm going to start

throwing peppers at Craig.

Who threw that?

NARRATOR: Then, at dinner

service, Jason couldn't focus.

- They're desserts.

- I can't.

Oh, no.

No, I know this

shit, [inaudible]..

I can't.

- Oh, my god.


couldn't keep up.

Half the table are eating

and the other half are staring.


NARRATOR: And Rosann--

Stand back!

NARRATOR: --and Vanessa--

It's raw.


I can't believe

you've done this.

NARRATOR: --failed to impress.

I've never, never felt

so shitty about a night.


was Ben's fish--

Salmon's raw in the middle.

NARRATOR: --that put Chef

Ramsay over the edge.



Get out.

Get out.

Get out!

NARRATOR: With no winning team,

Christina and Petrozza each

had to nominate one

teammate for elimination.

I have nominated Vanessa.


NARRATOR: And Chef Ramsay

was through playing.

Jason, game over.

Yes, Chef.

Good night.

NARRATOR: And now, the

continuation of "Hell's


Now f*ck off, will you?

I'd love to say good night,

but it was a shit night.

Ben, punk.


Did you hear--

I got myself a chewing.

It's OK.

I know that I have it in me

to dig down and turn it out,

but there's just

a part of me that

feels that failure so deeply.

I can't fail at this,

because this is all I have.

We're still here, right?

Damn, Chef is crazy.

He's serious business.

This is "Hell's Kitchen."

This is gritty.

This is a dirty game right here.


I honestly think, deep down,

that this-- the Chef's trying

to test me to see if I do want

to be a chef again and if I do

want to commit myself to this.

He's digging on to

the personal level now.

NARRATOR: After a brutal

night in the kitchen,

all the aspiring chefs want

is for this day to be over.

Hey, you guys--


Ramsay has other plans.

Did you think for one moment

you're leaving that kitchen

in that disgusting mess?

No chance.

Get downstairs and get

the kitchen cleaned now.

It sucks so bad.

I'm just way too tired for that.

Come on, guys, let's

move our asses please.

Let's not even-- let's

get the f*ck out of here.

Well, I don't know.

Let's make a decision.

Seriously, stop wasting time.

It's like, come on.

I want to sleep at

the end of the day.

That's it.

It's really not that hard.

You know, these girls

right now are just so--

just talking, talking, talking,

and for me just to stand there

and, you know, make fake

conversation with them

is not really what I want to do.

And now she just

went upstairs.

Did she really?

Yeah, I think so.

She swept.

She didn't sweep.

There was shit everywhere.

Not one spot on that

stove top was touched.

She went back upstairs.

She didn't even say

she was going upstairs.

She just walked

out of the kitchen.

To go and lay down in bed

while we're still cleaning up

that kitchen, that's laziness.

Well, if you're tired,

maybe you should go home.

NARRATOR: With the

dawn of a new day

comes another

opportunity for Corey

to win over her teammates.

Right, Good morning.

Good morning, Chef.

- Corey.

- Yes, Chef.

How are you

feeling this morning?

I'm feeling like I'm

ready to lead my team,

Chef, and step up to the plate.

Ladies, who is the strongest

individual on the red team?

Put a hand up.

I think it is me.

- I think it's Jennifer.

- Jen.



Oh, thanks, ladies.

And why not Corey?

They don't like me, Chef.

That's not it.

Small example of why

it wouldn't be Corey

is last night when we were

all cleaning up the kitchen,

we turned around

and Corey was gone.

They're threatened.

That's their defense

mechanism is to bring

me down and tattle tale on me.

That right there shows me

that they're intimidated.

So Jen is the strongest.

Gentlemen, who is the strongest

chef from the blue kitchen?

Chef, I nominate Ben.

I agree.

I agree.

I want to be strong.

You know, I'm just going

to f*cking go for it

and just see how far I can get.

OK, let's be honest.

Our first three dinner

services in Hell's Kitchen

has been a disaster.

For me, an all time low.

Yes, Chef.

That's why I've

decided to change that.

For the first time

ever in Hell's Kitchen,

we're opening for a special

family night service.

New menu, and we're

opening tonight.

Damn, man.

Come on, give me a break.

- Follow me.

Let's go.

One of the staples of

our new family night menu

will be pasta.

And we all know by

now in Hell's Kitchen,

we make everything fresh.

That's what this

challenge is all about.

I'm not afraid to make

pasta because I'm an Italian.

Forget about it.

Watch carefully.

Before going

through the machine,

soften it, manipulate it.

NARRATOR: After the

dough is rolled,

it must be carefully

fed through the machine

until it is the

perfect thickness.

Pasta aerobics,

nice and strong.

Lightly dust it with flour.

Hands in the air, Bob.

NARRATOR: Finally, the pasta

must be hung to prevent

it from sticking or clumping.

Let it hang.


That is your next challenge.

Right, whichever team gives

me the most perfect pasta

wins the challenge.

Is that clear?

Yes, Chef.

You've got

minutes from now.


Let's go.

It's all strong,

heavy guys over here.

They got more muscle

and more power,

but I never ran from one dude

and I ain't about to pick

today to start running.

Are y'all pushing

through down there?

NARRATOR: What the women

lack in physical strength,

Jen is making up for

in determination.

Come on, damnit.

Come on.

- Let's go.

We're rolling now.

Come on, guys.

We rolling.

We need a win, bad.

And I'm going to individually

get these guys pumped up.

Pumped up.

I'm going to jump

on their backs.

Nice work, nice work, nice work.

Watch what you're

doing over here.

It's gotta go in f*cking flat.

Come on, guys.

Come on, guys.

You know, Matt didn't man up.

Instead, he just-- he stood

up there with his arms open,

you know, waiting for the pasta.

- Flat, flat.

- Matt.

Flat, flat.

You might want to rest

your arms for now, yeah?

Come on, guys.

[interposing voices]

Come on, Jen.

Yes, Chef.

Arms in the air.

Come on.

Come on, come on,

come on, come on.

Come on, feed it in

flat, Craig, straight on.

Use your arms.

Use your arms, Craig.

Use your arms.

Craig was messing

up the pasta.

Every challenge, you know, we

get, it seems like we always

have an issue with Craig.

Beat it in, Craig, beat it in.

What are you doing?

It's just--

Don't drop it.

Don't drop it.

Why are you stalling, man?

Everybody wants to rise and

shine and look good, and make

other people look like shit.

Come on, Craig.

Move, you lazy little fucker.

Come on.

[interposing voices]

Oh, dear, oh dear, oh dear.

Spread it out.

Roll spaghetti now.


Jen, of course,

wants to, you know,

shine and be in the spotlight.

She wants to be a leader,

but her way of leading

is just to be loud.

- Push, push.

- Come on.

Come on, Louross.

Come on, Petrozza.

Come on.

[interposing voices]

Flour it.

I'll pick it, I'll

pick it, I'll pick it up.


Five, four, three, two, one.



Bloody good efforts.

I've seen more energy

in the last minutes

than I have on the

last three services.

Well done.

Why are you ladies

holding hands?

She said her arms are tired.

Let's start

weighing it, shall we?

Yes, Chef.

Arm by arm.

Here we go.

NARRATOR: The team that

weighs in with the most

pasta wins the challenge.

Remember, my standards.

There it is there.

So that comes out.


I was just like, aw, hell no.

You know?

I was like, that's pretty low.

It looks like the

girls have a lot.

Ladies, let's go.


That is beautiful.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

against .

Wait a minute, y'all.

It ain't over yet.

I'm like, wait a minute,

because Matt still got pasta

all around his neck, a whole

load of pasta around his arm,

and Shayna just

has it on one side.

Let's go.

Gently, gently, gently.


It's beautiful.

With all that pasta, there's

nothing stuck together.

Gentlemen, .


Ladies, here we go.

Careful, careful,

careful, careful.

That's what I want

to get inside, there.


Very nice.

against .

You need just under three

quarters of a pound to win.

Here we go.


Woo, yes!

That's right.

--against .


Yes, thank you, god.

Thank you.

- Ladies, well done.

Fighting for that, Chef.

Great effort.

We was fighting, Chef.

Gentlemen, you'll be busting

your ass off now, prepping

all day long, all the new

items in the menu, ahead

of tonight's service

for both kitchens.


Yes, Chef.

This one hurt me.

This one's painful, and

I'm pissed, because it was

just about muscle and strength.

And I can't believe

that we lost.

Ladies, in true family style,

you're all off to the Santa

Monica amusement park.



Oh, by the way, your

Hummer Limousine awaits you.


Go and get changed and

get rid of that flour.

Jen, good effort, my darling.

Thank you, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Aw, man.

It was amazing to win

the challenge today.

It felt so good.

I led our team to a victory.

High fives.

High fives.

Oh, Craig.

Hate losing another

challenge, man.

I hate losing.

I'm pissed right now, dude.

I'm not mad at the

team, it's directly

pointed at Craig right now.

Come on, man.

It's f*cking ridiculous.

[inaudible] f*cking bullshit's

f*cking ridiculous, man.

He's not a team player, man.

NARRATOR: While the

men are mad at Craig,

the women are mad at--


I'm really f*cking sick of

seeing spit cups on there.

Ben chews tobacco,

spits in bottles,

and leaves them laying

around the apartment.

It's disgusting.


I'm mad at you, Ben.

For what did I do?

Your spit cup is up there

in the kitchen on the counter,

in the place where

all of us eat.

That's nasty, dude.

OK, I'll go get it.

The f*ck.

Please don't cry.

Well, I don't leave

tampons on the sink.

Please, OK.

So don't leave your nasty ass

tobacco spit in the kitchen.

Jesus Christ.

My own kids won't even

put a dish in the sink

without washing it.

And they're f*cking

ten years old.

Crying again, what a surprise.

Living with

these men is crazy.

They are so sloppy.

[inaudible] Be sure I don't

see you, because [inaudible]..


You guys get in

the f*cking kitchen

and get these f*cking

dishes out of here.

I ain't f*cking

cleaning them up again.

You touch-a my shit,

I break-a your face.

I'm not laughing, Ben.

I don't think it's cute

that you're a dirty slob.

Thank you, I appreciate

that compliment.

Yeah, I hope your

wife appreciates it.

Thank you.

I don't know how

your husband puts

up with your f*cking mouth.

I'm watching you.

You know what I'm saying?

[telephone ring]

All right, guys.

NARRATOR: While the

man get called down

to start their punishment--

Prep time.

NARRATOR: --the women get

ready to go on their reward.

I know these girls

talked about me,

and whatever, you

know, it's fine.

I can still go have a good time.

I'm here in California.

I'm going to enjoy it.

[inaudible] Hey.

Yeah, look at that.

I've never been in a

limo, period, much less

in a Hummer limo.

I don't think I've

even ever seen one.

Lord have mercy.

They don't have a whole

lot of that floating

around in Montana.

- Ladies.


What up, shut up, [inaudible].


We have arrived, ladies.

Y'all, I can't

believe we're here.

Oh, my god.

I think all of us want to

toss Corey off the ferris wheel,

but just to see the outside

world is just such a blessing,

to give us time to refocus.

Oh, it's great.

Hell yeah.

We're free at

last, free at last.

This is for Ben

and his spit cup.

Ben and his spit cup.

Right in the eye.

Right in the eye, girl.

There you go.




This is all my

reserve right here.

All my reserve energy

is going to this.

Yeah, this was it right here.

And we still got--

Right now, I'm exhausted.

We needed a day so bad to rest.

Going to be a long one, buddy.

Oh, man.

So listen.

When we get back, we

gonna have high energy,

and we gonna show

them boys that they

missed out on a real good time.

Hell yeah.

Hope the ferris wheel

f*cking collapses.

I hope the roller

coaster gets malfunctioned

and they just stay there.

Stay upside down.

And all that cellulite in

Corey's ass goes [inaudible]..

OK, I need one volunteer

to help me with something.

- I'll do it, chef.

- All right, come on, Ben.

Let's do it.


So since it's family

night out here, Ben,

we have some certain things to

amuse some of the children that

are coming tonight.

As you can see,

it stinks already.

Oh, my god.

Right when I walked

outside the door,

I knew what I was

going to have to do.

First thing you gotta to

do is clean up all this shit.

f*cking stinks out here.

Yes, sir.


This is what happens when you

don't win challenges, Ben.

I came to cook.

And I'm out shoveling

horse shit today.

Now, how am I supposed

to stand up and say,

yeah, I'm the best

one on the team?


Oh, pony rides.

Look, look, look.

There's Ben, shoveling poop.


Basically, the

winners came back

and it's just embarrassing

that, you know,

you're shoveling shit.

NARRATOR: In less than

an hour, Hell's Kitchen

will open for its first

ever family night.

And diners are already outside

working up an appetite.

After spending a

relaxing day at the pier,

the women are now rushing to get

up to speed on tonight's menu.

There were only

four apps, right?

This win is going to be

hard because now not only do

we have to do it fast-- five--

we also have to do

it on a menu that we

just learned half an hour.

Don't get ourself in a

mind frame of being scared.

We got this.

They were seriously

worried about this,

but it's burgers, and

pasta, onion rings.

If we can't do this, I don't

know what the hell we can do.

Come on, we ready.

We happy, we happy,

we happy, we happy.

NARRATOR: While Jen tries

to pump up the red team,

the blue team is

rallying around--


Focus, man.

This is your night, pal.

This is you tonight,

baby, all right?

It's you.

Don't afraid--

ask for help, man.

No one's a hero.


I'm working the pasta station.

Pasta's easy to cook.

I mean, it's not rocket

scientist to make pasta.

I know what I'm doing.

So shut the f*ck up.

Focus tonight.


Gentlemen, hey.

Egghead, Craig, that's you.


Let's go.

Come on, guys, please.


Moments from now, we're

opening Hell's Kitchen, yes?

Yes, Chef.

And boy oh boy, do

we need this one, yes?

Yes, Chef.

I'm not asking for

a perfect service.

I'm telling you we're going

to get a perfect service.

Of Is that clear?

Yes, Chef.


As an added incentive,

not that you need it,

the first kitchen, blue or red,

to complete a full service,

is the winning

team this evening.

It's in your hands now.

Is that clear?

Yes, Chef.



Come here, please, yes?


Open Hell's Kitchen.

Now, come here, you.

Come here, one more thing.


It's a family service.

Put your tie off and

relax a little bit.

Open your shirt.

Chef I'll-- I'll feel

more comfortable, Chef.

No, I'm not f*cking around.

Give me the tie.

- I'm going to take it off.



You're like a f*cking stick.

Walk straight, you donut.

NARRATOR: For Hell's

Kitchen's first family night,

Chef Ramsay has

customized the menu

to include fresh pasta, barbecue

chicken wings, and hamburgers.

I'm going to get

the potato skin.

Spaghetti with

white sauce and clams.

The macaroni and cheese.

What kind of

cookies are there?

Come on, guys.

OK, Jean-Philippe, we

need some orders, yeah?

- Oui, Chef.

- Yeah, move.

OK, here we go.

Ladies, up first.

Table , one onion rings,

one potato skins, one chowder.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Potato-- potato

takes five minutes.

Five minutes.

More than anything,

I need this win.

Last night, I screwed up bad.

But a new day, a new

service is a new chance

to prove that I can cook.

Starting corn fritters.

On order four,

give us table one

chowder, one potato skins, one

chicken wings, one onion rings.

Yes, Chef.

Ben, move.

Blue team's going to

be the first to finish.

I'm sick of f*cking losing.

- Got this, babe.

- Got this.


This is ours.

Tonight, the guys have to win.

Guys, we got this.

NARRATOR: While the blue team

works on their first ticket,

over in the red kitchen, Vanessa

is hoping to impress Chef

Ramsay with her appetizers.

How long?

Onion rings, potato

skins, chowder.

Come on.

Coming to the

window right now.

Plating it now, yes?

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, ladies, please.

Let's go.

Get it together, ladies.

Stay strong.

Very good.


Vanessa, this looks lovely.

Good girl.

Come on.

Service, please.

Piss off, let's go.

This is called momentum, yeah?

When we got the momentum

going, we never stop.

Yes, Chef.


Gentlemen, ladies are go

with their first ticket.

Move, yes?

Yes, Chef.

How many minutes

on your chicken?

One minute.

Make sure those chicken

are f*cking cooked, huh?

If you serve me raw chicken--

I will not serve

you raw chicken.

--I'll pickle your balls.

Let's go.

Come on, let's go.

Let's go.

Where's the three onion rings?

Are they seasoned, then?

Yes sir.

Hey, come here, you.

Come here, look.

It's not even coated.

I want a crispy onion.

f*ck off, you, yeah?

It was limp.


You heat it underneath, yes?

When he's screaming at

you, you can't-- you can't do

anything else but focus on him.

And you're just, like,

sunk into his eyes.

Don't stare at me.

Get on it, straight away.

Hurry up.

Do it!

Snap to it.

It's not f*cking

difficult, is it?

Service, please.

NARRATOR: minutes into

dinner service, blue diners

are receiving their appetizers.

The onion rings are good.

I like them.

NARRATOR: The onion rings

are getting positive reviews.

Look at it.


NARRATOR: The chicken, however--

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Raw chicken?

Yeah, raw chicken, Chef.

f*cking hell.


Raw chicken.


Pink and bloody.

Come here, you.

f*cking prick.

Yes, Chef?

- What the f*ck are you doing?

- Yes, Chef.

Sorry, Chef.

It won't happen again.

Oh, my god.

That's pretty major.

I mean, if a kid is biting

into a chicken wing that's raw,

that's just f*cking nasty.

It's the tartar again

with you, isn't it?

What is it?

I call it exotic tartar.

That's what it is, isn't it?

- No, it's not, Chef.

That's all you

can do, isn't it?

- No, it's not, Chef.

- Yeah?

I was this close to his face

and I didn't even blink at him.

Yeah, I can do a lot, Chef.

You can manage to

f*ck up raw food.

- No, I can't, Chef.

- Wake up!

Yes, Chef.

I'm not going to break.

I'm not here to break.

He's not going to

break me as a person.


NARRATOR: While Matt has

choked on the chicken dish,

thanks to Vanessa, the

red team has served

over half their appetizers.

Two spaghettis

coming to the window.


moved on to entrees.

Oh, no.

Don't-- don't--

- Oh, my god.

Oh, f*ck me.

Shayna's on fire.


Well, don't burn the

f*cking kitchen down, yes?


- [inaudible]

- Damn.

Somebody-- somebody

come and get some ice.

Holy shit.

Chef, can somebody get me

some ice and some burn cream,


She burned her hand, Chef.

She needs some ice.

I looked at her hand

and was blazing red.

My skin's coming off.

Then I seen that she was going

to start to break down and cry.

Three minutes on that, chef.

Holy shit.

I just-- I burned myself.

There was a oil in a saute

pan and when I picked it up,

it poured all over my hand.

Oh, it's starting

to f*cking hurt.

Ow, Jesus Christ.

Is it helping?

- No.

- All right.

Come with me.

What happened

to Vanessa, guys?

She's gone for a few minutes,

and she's not coming back,

she's not coming back, and

I'm just thinking, oh, shit.

What the hell's

going on out there?

Let's go, ladies.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

You're one man down.

She's on the way to

hospital now, OK?

If you start sucking

now, you're in trouble.

Get a grip, yes?

Yes, Chef.

Things could be very scary

for the red team without Vanessa

right now.

- OK, concentrate.

Don't start crying.

She's gone, OK?


Yes, Chef.

Don't start panicking.

Just get a grip now.

OK, Chef.

- Burger's going to the window.

- Thank you.


Down one, ladies, we're

still going to do this service.

NARRATOR: Two hours

into dinner service.

The red kitchen has

tickets left,

and the blue kitchen has .

- Let's go.

- Two crab cakes.

Where are they?

- Crab cakes, right here.

Put them up.

NARRATOR: The first team to

complete all their tickets

will win tonight's

dinner service.

Very nice, Petrozza.

Service, please.

NARRATOR: Food is now

flying out of both kitchens.

Service, please.

NARRATOR: And it's so

good, the customers

don't want to miss a drop.

Why is the f*cking

burger so small?

Hey, you, Matt.

Yes, Chef?

Come here with those burgers.

Why are we cooking the

burgers off so early on?

They're like ice hockey pucks.


Catch, catch.

There you go.

Look, look.

There you go.

Up, up.

Are we a fast food joint now?

No, Chef.

And you're standing

here eating little balls

of f*cking-- look at them.

f*cking shit.


- Yes, Chef?

Could someone

get a grip in here?

Can we not cook a

burger to order?

Yes, Chef.

Then do it.

I'll correct

the problem, Chef.

Put some burgers on.

Put about five burgers on.

Put your head down and cook.

NARRATOR: With Bobby taking

over in the blue kitchen,

Chef Ramsay looks for a

leader in the red kitchen.

Who's counting

down the entrees?

Me, Chef.

Shayna, you do one meatball,

one clam, one crab for you, OK?

One crab.

How long?

We lost Vanessa and I

just kept it strong.

Come on, ladies.

I don't want none of

us going home tonight.

We gotta do this.

I didn't even give

it a chance to fall.

Ain't no stopping

us now, ladies.

How long, Jen?

In the window now, Chef.

Thank you.

Good girl.

Service, please.

Plate tickets, y'all.

We got it.

NARRATOR: As Jen leads the

women towards the finish line,

Chef Ramsay is hoping

someone on the blue team

will emerge as a leader.

Let's go, Bobby.

Coming through.

[inaudible] yeah?

Gold star.

Go, please.


Let's go, gentlemen.

Come on, we can do it.

This is what we've

been talking about.

Let's go, big Ben.


They can't break me, baby.

Not tonight.

Not tonight.

Not tonight.

Ben, I can see from here that

it's all one big f*cking jolly.

I'll just tell him, Bobby,

hey man, good job, you know?

Wasting my f*cking time,

effort, and f*cking money.

OK, what's the joke?

We were just congratulating

each other because we're

getting the food out.

That's all we were doing.

One, two, three, four, five,

six tables' entrees to go.

They've got two tables to go.

So if I was you, I'd dig deep,

touch your balls, and wake up.

The girls are almost done.

Let's pick up the pace.

Let's go.

Push, push, push.

The last two tables, ladies.

Let's go.

f*ck me.

Hold it together, Shayna.

This is it.

Two more tables.

This is it, y'all.

The guy's got a whole

f*cking list over there.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: While the women race

to get out their final tickets,

in the blue kitchen, Craig is

eager to make up the difference

and show Chef Ramsay that

he can handle the pressure.

Where's our spaghetti?

That's a spaghetti

of f*cking clams, no?

Hey, Craig.

Four macaroni, one burger,

one spaghetti of clams,

and you give me meatballs.

One's called a f*cking meatball,

and one's called a clam.

Spaghetti is clam,

meatball is meatball.

Where is the spaghetti of clams?

Right here, Chef.


It's raw.


Don't worry about it.

Start over.


I got it, I got it, I

got it, I got it, I got it.

- So how long?

- No, I got it.

I got it.

- These are mine.

Doesn't even answer you, look.

He doesn't even

give you an answer.

Craig, answer

the Chef already.

Two minutes.

NARRATOR: While the men wait two

minutes for Craig's spaghetti,

the women see the

end is in sight.

Last table, ladies.


Let's go.

Two crab cakes, two meatballs.

Wake up, get a grip, move.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, ladies, let's go.

Need more seconds on

my clam, we'll be done.

All right, ladies.

Come on, let's go.

Let's finish our first service.

Let's go, ladies.

Very good.

Go, please.


Come here, come here, come here.

Well done.


When we won, I just wanted to

start dancing, going crazy,

because I'm just-- oh, god.

It felt so good to win.

Get in there and help them.


- Come on, girls.

There you go, fellas.

What can I do for you?



What do you guys need?

What y'all need?

Jen, stand next to Chef Ben.


- All right.

Cook with him.

The thing for

me, you know, it's

just embarrassing that just

called them in to come help.

Look at the current situation.

Then go around and slap

yourself on the back now, then.

I thought we were close,

Chef, but I was wrong.

- Yeah.

- You're f*cking close.

I was wrong.

Let's give a big round

of applause to the captain,

hit an iceberg on

the f*cking Titanic.


Yes, Chef.

Stick next to Craig.

What do you need me to do?

I got it, I got it, I got it.

I got it, I got it, I got it.

- I got it.

- What do need?

What do you need?

Tell me what you need.

I got it, I got it.

Don't tell me you got it.

What do you need?


Take the help, even

if it's from a girl.

Let's just push

out the plates.

Let's just do it and

just end the day.

I'm waiting now, one

crab cake, one meatballs,

one clams, one caesar.

How long?

How long for the f*cking clam?

OK, you're burning,

you're burning.

He's not even

giving me an answer.

Come on, answer him.


It's making me

feel f*cking nervous.



Let's go, come on.

Craig, Craig, Craig,

Craig, pasta's ready.

Come on.

How long for the f*cking clam?

It's coming up right now.

f*cking listen.

Oh, my f*cking god.

Go, please.



Yes, Chef.

--you did complete

a dinner service.

Started off slow, we got in the

weeds, but you bounced back.

And throughout

that determination,

out comes a star.


Thank you.

Thank you, Chef.

Honestly, the best

cook in both kitchens.

There was one star.

And when I heard him say Jen,

man, my heart just melted.

It really did.

- Gentlemen.

Yes, Chef.

If family night in

Hell's Kitchen was a movie,

tonight was a horror film.

The dinner service m*ssacre.

It was embarrassing.

You don't need me to

tell you that you lost.

Craig, we couldn't

even cook pasta.

Was it that difficult?

No, Chef.

Ben, what you've done

and the ambitions, you

do seriously surprise me.

Thank you, Chef.

I was hoping you'd see that.

I mean, I give it all I got.

Give you .

You surprised me

to how shit you are.

Oh, thank you.

I was expecting more.


Maybe you shouldn't have quit

your f*cking day job so early.


The best of the worst.


You make me feel

safe in a kitchen.


Yes, Chef.

Could someone

get a grip in here?

We correct the problem, Chef.

So if that trust is

there, don't break it.

Yes, Chef.

Get back to the dorms.

Think of two individuals to

nominate for elimination.

Yes, Chef.

And let's be honest.

You're not short of choices.

Nominate well, Bobby.

When we first came in to

Hell's Kitchen, you know,

I got off to a rough start.

But tonight, I was the best.

Oh, what's g-- the tables

are turning a little bit now.

He-- he hates me.

What did I do to him?

Vanessa, oh, my god.

How are you doing?

- Oh.

How you feeling now girl?

I'm alive.

I'm gonna go see a

plastic surgeon on Monday.


A plastic surgeon?

Right now, I don't know

what's going to happen.

You know, right now I

can't even move my hand.

But the girls banged it out and

they finished their service,

and that's badass.

Needless to say, Lou's

going up for elimination.

Everybody has a f*cking ego.

The pasta thing, we were

all working as a team.

We just didn't get it done.

There's nobody to

blame but everybody.

I know right now that I didn't

perform up to my standards,

but then again, did Matt?

Did Ben?

You want to talk?

Let's go talk for a minute.

If I'm put up for elimination,

I'm put up for elimination.

I'm not going to go

chasing after him.

I'm not anybody's

f*cking pet dog.

Just you and him, or me and--

No, just me and Bobby.

f*ck everybody.

I don't I don't need

anybody's bullshit.

You know, I don't know, man.

I don't know what

Bobby's going to do.

I really don't.

Bobby, I don't

know if I just want

to go just for the mere

fact that Chef hates me.

You know?

Ben, he's having a

couple bad services.

You know, he always seems

to be at the wrong place

at the wrong time.

I just think I'm sitting

on a clothesline, just ready

to get wrung out.

Me and Bobby are pretty

tight, but, you know,

friends doesn't mean shit.

This is a competition, and

as far as I can see here,

everybody's out

to get everybody.

Yeah, have a seat.

As you know, I

gotta nominate two.

Yeah, I know.

Who do you think

I should nominate?


He don't communicate

with the Chef.

Dude, he threw shit right

in front of the Chef.

That's disrespecting

the man's kitchen.

I had a bad service,

but Craig is hopeless.

He needs to go next.

He's a pain in the f*cking ass.

Bobby, have you

made your decision?

Yes, Chef.

First nominee and why, please.

Um, I nominate Craig.


He's like a broken

compass in the kitchen.

Whatever station he's at,

he's pretty much lost.

Second nominee and why?

My second nominee is Matthew.


He's a little nervous when

he's working the station,

and we're, like, too far

long to be nervous about what

you're doing here now.


Matt, Craig, step

forward, please.

Honestly, I don't want to

go any further right now.

There's one more person standing

behind you I need to hear from,

and he knows who he is.

And without even

mentioning his name,

I'd appreciate if

he steps forward.



I'm really, seriously

disappointed with you.

I know you, Chef.

Why should you stay

in Hell's Kitchen?

You know, this is the

only thing that God has

given me a talent in my life.

And I'm not going to stop.

This isn't going to get me down.

It's only going to

make me work harder.

I'd be f*cking embarrassed

if I was in your shoes.

Craig, why should you

stay in Hell's Kitchen?

I honestly could say I didn't

have a good service tonight,

but I have the drive, the

determination, the motivation,

to do better next time.

Craig, tonight was the easiest

menu ever in Hell's Kitchen.

You were cooking pasta.

I'm greatly embarrassed.

Matt, why should you

stay in Hell's Kitchen?

Chef, I've changed

since I've been here,

and I want to prove

myself to you, Chef.

You served raw

chicken to youngsters.

I feel ashamed and

embarrassed that it

even went out to begin with.

All three of you should

walk through that door.

I'm just going to keep giving

you %, Chef, every day.

And I'll give you %, Chef.

I don't know percentages,

but just over that.


The person leaving

Hell's Kitchen--

I got it, I got it,

I got it, I got it.

So how long?

Two minutes.

They can't break me, baby.

Not tonight.

Look at the current

situation and go around

and slap yourselves on the

back now, then, you prick.

Raw chicken.

Pink and bloody.

Wake up.

The person leaving

Hell's Kitchen is Craig.

Take your jacket off and

leave Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you for giving me

one big f*cking headache.

My dream when I

came to Hell's Kitchen

was to get my own restaurant.

I didn't do the job

I was supposed to.

I had a lot more to prove.

I'm like, like

stunned and amazed.

Like, this sucks.

Ben, Matt, you've

both dodged that b*llet,

and I'm chasing your

f*cking asses, big time.

Now I'm starting

to question myself.

Ooh, he just doesn't

like me, but, um,

I'm not ready to go home.

I got a lot left in me and

I got a lot left to prove.

You two are barely here.

My heart was racing so fast.

I thought it was going

to jump out of my chest.

I never want to be on

the chopping block again.

Get both your acts together.


- Yes, Chef.

Welcome back.

Thank you, Chef.

Jen, don't stop.

It feels so good to get

complimented by Chef Ramsay.

Told you, America,

I had it in me.

This is the new Jen, and

it's time for me to shine.

I can teach

someone how to cook,

but Craig was a bad cook

with an even worse attitude.

There was no hope for him.


time, does romance

blossom on "Hell's Kitchen"--

That's my little cutie pie.

NARRATOR: --and at dinner

service, rivalries grow.

Louross, there's no room

for b*tches in this game.

Are you calling me a bitch?

I'm f*cking pissed.

I'm about to lose this

dessert order if I don't

get a set of hands, please.

I'm feeling really angry.

My teammate just

stabbed me in the back.


I didn't come into

this to make friends.

I came into this to end up

running this restaurant.

NARRATOR: Vanessa struggles

to compete with one hand.

I feel useless,

and it's k*lling me.

The choice is yours

to leave Hell's Kitchen.

I'm not a quitter.

I'm not weak.


- Listen to me.

You ain't listening to me.

Listen to f*cking me.

NARRATOR: --the men can't

seem to get it together.

There's only one person I need

to answer to in this kitchen,

that's Chef Ramsay.

NARRATOR: The women refuse to.

Get together.

Talk to each other,

not f*cking me.

NARRATOR: And one chef

does the unthinkable.

I want to get the

f*cking food out.

Come here, you.

How f*cking dare you.

If you don't know how to cook

meat, can you say something?

NARRATOR: And at elimination--

I feel that I decide my

fate in Hell's Kitchen.

NARRATOR: --Chef Ramsay

sets the record straight.

That's my job, sweetheart.

NARRATOR: All next time on

a shocking "Hell's Kitchen."