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05x08 - 9 Chefs Compete

Posted: 08/12/23 17:09
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen."

Giovanni, there's

a slight problem.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay evened

up the teams when he moved

Giovanni over to the red team.

- Happy?

- Fine.

There's a lot more girls there.

NARRATOR: And he was

instrumental in helping

his new team win

the tapas challenge.


absolutely delicious.

- Thank you.

- Well done.

GIOVANNI: Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: During the

blue team's punishment--

Unfortunately, this one sucks.

NARRATOR: --Lacey lost the

respect of her teammates.

If I fight with anybody

right now, I'm leaving.

Lacey, if you've got

to go, then just go.

NARRATOR: And then

she walked out.

Ugh, I hate you guys.

NARRATOR: At dinner service--

Come here, you

mouthy little bitch.

NARRATOR: --in the red kitchen--

The pasta's raw.


messed up on appetizers.

Why aren't you tasting?

I was tasting it, Chef.

NARRATOR: --but felt

Andrea was to blame.

I'm getting yelled at

because this stupid bitch

can't f*cking cook?

NARRATOR: And as for LA,

she was sleepy on garnish.

She's dreaming.

Come on.

More sauce, you silly cow.

NARRATOR: In the blue kitchen--

Where's the wellington?

NARRATOR: --while Ben--

- Just need another seconds.

- What?

NARRATOR: --had one of

his worst services yet.

I'm very upset with myself.

Yeah, no.

I wouldn't be

upset if I was you.

I'd be embarrassed.

- I understand.

I'm sorry, Chef.

NARRATOR: J's performance--

How can you do that, J?

NARRATOR: --was even worse.

Sorry, Chef.

J. I can't believe you

just screwed this service.


was thrown out even

before dinner service was over.

Get out.

Out, out, out.

Get out.


team clearly won.

Please, everything

off, please.

I can start shutting it down?



and Andrea weren't

in the mood for celebrating.

I'm just feeling like you

had your worst service ever,

and you're pushing

blame onto me.

I'm about to lose

my f*cking cool.

NARRATOR: At elimination--

Tell me who you don't want

on your team any longer.

NARRATOR: --the men were

unanimous in their decision.

My nominee is Lacey.

Lacey, Chef.

I don't want Lacey

on my team anymore.


nominated Robert,

but Chef Ramsey had his

eye on someone else.

Ben, I really

want your jacket.

NARRATOR: But in the

end he decided to give

Ben and Lacey one more chance.

Back in line.

NARRATOR: And although their

dream of being the head

chef at Borgata in Atlantic

City was still alive,

it was over for J.

[theme music]

And now, the continuation

of "Hell's Kitchen."

[music playing]

We won.

Let's all be happy.

Whatever happened, happened.

As long as we keep on

beating them, we stay here.

Everything he

said out there, I

felt like he was saying to me.

My performance tonight was

shit, and I'm going to take

full responsibility for that.

But if I had another competent

person working with me,

it probably wouldn't

have went down that way.

Our goal is to

win, to stay here

and fight for the grand prize.

It's not to fight

each other right now.

Carol's piss poor attitude

really brings the team down.

Not really something you

want on the team, you know.

You need to shut up

and work together.

If you want to

prove people wrong,

then get to the final five

and then shut them up.

Andrea is out for Andrea.

She's not a team player.

At this point I would

rather work with Lacey.

Lacey, you are so

lucky he doesn't see what

goes on behind the scenes, man.

No, Lacey.

Do you honestly see

yourself running

a million dollar restaurant?

You're here for the rewards.

You're here for the trips.

I want to continue to learn.

I don't want to go home.

You have a

certain skill level,

and we are at a

certain skill level.

So you should be, like,

absorbing us like a sponge

instead of fighting us.

It's not worth it

to care what they

think when the only person that

matters here is Chef Ramsay.

And it's the same

shit you did to them

that you're doing to us.


Good morning.

ALL: Good morning, chef.

Today we'll all be

working with a dish

that I think is somewhat

special, tartar.

Tartar beef and tartar scallops.

NARRATOR: Tartar is a raw dish

made with finely chopped meat

or fish that Chef Ramsay serves

at many of his restaurants

around the world.

Chopped shallots in first.

Lacey, do you like tartar?

I've never had it, chef.


So apart from Lacey,

anyone else in here

who hasn't made a tartar before?

Good, take one and

pass it along please.

Now, you are going to

concentrate on taste.

NARRATOR: The chefs have no

idea that the beef tartar was

actually made with tuna,

and that sea bass has

been substituted for scallops.

I think that the scallop

is just phenomenal.

The scallop is unbelievable.


Beef's % my favorite.

I could eat a bowl of that.

It's incredible

flavor and textures.

I'll take either

of them any day.


You are all completely wrong.


GORDON RAMSAY: There's no beef.

That's tuna.

- What?

Never did it cross my

mind that it wasn't beef.

Damn, I'm a moron.



Your last famous words, it's

the best scallop you ever had.

That's sea bass.

Yes, chef.

Ain't that a bitch.

At least I'm not the only idiot.

To be a great chef, and

I mean to be a great chef,

yes, you have to have an

exceptional sense of taste.

That's why our next

challenge is the taste test.

Are you ready?

ALL: Yes, Chef.

Follow me into

the dining room.

Let's go.

CAROL: We're going

to do a taste test.

That's the challenge I was

looking forward to the most.

I'm gonna win this.

We need to even out the teams.

Red team, who's going to

sit out on this challenge?


That was fast.

LA second guesses herself

from beginning to end.


you're sitting out.

What a shame you're

not confident

within your own palate.

LA: My taste, it's a little

off and I'm a smoker,

so I'm not going to lie.

I thought it was gonna

be real difficult.

And I was like, you know what?

You guys go ahead and

jump up and take it.


go, Ben and Andrea.

NARRATOR: The blind taste test

will help Chef Ramsay determine

who has a good palate--


on first, please.

NARRATOR: --something

he believes

is essential to

being a great chef.

Headphones on

and music please.


Ben, you fat twat.

He definitely can't hear me.

Filet of beef.

Open up.


Ramsay's taste test,

each aspiring chef must

attempt to identify

four different foods.

The team with the most correct

answers will win the challenge.

What is that?

Sirloin of beef.



Andrea, what is that?





PAULA: When you see

the person up there

and they're not guessing

something as basic as filet

Mignon, you're like, OK, this is

really not as easy as it looks.

Fried egg white.


and Andrea correctly

identified fried egg white.





Well done.

NARRATOR: As well as beets.

- What is that?

- Beet.


- Beets.



NARRATOR: Now they

must try to identify--

Romaine lettuce.


What is it?



GORDON RAMSAY: What was that?

- Diced Romaine.


- Well done.

Blue team, three.

Ladies, two.

ANDREA: I was pretty

upset, because I've

put my team into

a position where

they had to pick up the slack.

Blindfolds on.

NARRATOR: Next up are former

teammates Robert and Giovanni.


It's scary in there.


What is that?

- Cream of cauliflower.

Cream of asparagus.

Or broccoli.

Broccoli, broccoli,

broccoli, broccoli.

Cream of something such shit.

Cream of broccoli.






Pea tendrils.





Pea tenders?

What are those?




Pea tendrils.

Dude, does it look like

I eat f*cking pea tendrils?

Oh, dear.


- Poached egg yolk?



Egg yolk?



I absolutely couldn't

believe Robert missed lobster.

Wow, really?

GORDON RAMSAY: Black truffle.

Open up.


correct answers,

both Giovanni and Robert

have disappointed so far.

But now the blue team

has reason for hope.

It's a win here.

It's a win here?

It's his favorite thing here.

This is his

favorite thing, is it?

What was that?

Tastes like shit,

whatever it was.



It's not shit.

It's your favorite,

black truffles.


Ain't that a bitch.

I'm not Helen Keller, bro.

I'm not deaf and blind.

I cook with all my senses,

you know what I'm saying?

What is that?

I've never tasted

that before in my life.


I don't know.


It's not I don't know.

It's black truffles.

Zero for four.

Back in line.

LA, happy now you sat out?


Now that I look back, I regret

that I didn't make Gio sit

to the side, you know,

because I definitely could

have done better than Giovanni.

GORDON RAMSAY: Dear oh dear.

NARRATOR: With the blue team

still leading three to two,

Carol and Lacey are

ready to face off.


Open up.

Open up.

What was that?

A daikon?



What was that?

It's Mushroom.



My favorite, calf's liver.

It's gross.

It tastes like liver.



Foie gras?

Oh, so close.


That's goose liver.

This is calf's liver.

NARRATOR: Neither can

identify broccolini and have

moved on to sweet potato.

- Cone on, Lacey.

- Come on, Lacey.

Let's go.

She's going to be like, beef.

Sweet potato?


GIOVANNI: Come on, Carol.

It's sweet.

I don't want to be wrong.

Is it sweet potato?



Oh, thank you.

ANDREA: Carol brought

us up, and good for her.

I'm happy.

I got to be nice today.

Let's go.

Red team are winning,

five to four.

It all comes down to

this, Paula and Danny.

Come on, Danny!

Come on, Paula!

For the final round

I'm gonna change it.

I'm gonna give you something

different to taste.

For the final round, you'll

both have an entire dish.

There's ingredients

in this one dish.


As you list an ingredient,

yes, you score a point.

Blindfolds on, headsets And

the dish is minestrone soup.


round, Paula and Danny

will receive one point for

each of the ingredients

they successfully identify.

- Off you go.

- Chicken stock.


- Excellent.

- Potato?




- Carrot.


- Water?






- Maybe sausage?



Blue team are ahead

seven to five.

Come on, Paula.

You just need three, girl.









- Chicken.


Dear oh dear oh dear.


- Bacon.


f*ck me.

NARRATOR: Paula and Danny

each have one guess left.

It all comes down to

this, so what is it?

Come on, Danny.

Come on, Danny.

Come on.



Come on.

Paula, down to this last one.

- Celery?

- That's it.



Headsets off.

Well done, ladies.

Well done.

As the winning team,

you're all gonna

be stars in a photo sh**t

for an exclusive magazine

feature with "TV Guide."


Go upstairs and get ready,

cause they need you in makeup.



What person goes

through the grocery line

without seeing a

"TV Guide" cover?

It's awesome.

It's unbelievable.


Losing team,

here's the good news.

You will be participating

in the photo sh**t as well.


Let me just finish--

you'll be waiting on them

throughout the photo sh**t,

because we're having lunch

and it's gonna be cooked

and served by all four of you.

Throughout the

photo sh**t, you'll

be prepping both kitchens,

because tonight we

are open for dinner.

f*ck me, man.

Not again.

GORDON RAMSAY: Is that clear?

ALL: Yes, Chef.

- OK.

Back upstairs.

I'll let you know

when we're ready.


To prep both kitchens

again for the third time

which is such a bitch.

There's so much work to do.

It's gonna be a hell day.

Dude, I could have

handled the punishment

now prepping both kitchens.

And we gotta wait on

those snooty little--


That's nothing.

Oh my god.

You know what?

We got to pick it up.

We got to bang out

some service tonight.

That's it.

And it can be like f*cking

last dinner's m*ssacre.


So much planned

for you today, yes?


- Oh, I love this.

Let's see, prep the kitchen?

Go get your hair and makeup

done and do a photo sh**t.

Prep kitchen, photo--

I think I'll take

the photo sh**t.

Look at you, Paula.


You getting your

makeup done too, chef?

How could I get

makeup on those lines?

You want to sit in the chair,

I'll curl your hair for you.


with curly hair?


My first career was

working in a salon,

and I would have loved to

have done Chef Ramsay's hair.

They've all got

lovely hair, except Gio.

I'm just happy I have hair.

Keep hold of it, yes?

Can I interest you in a

bit of sparkling apple cider?


Gio, would you like a

chocolate dipped strawberry?

- No, thank you.

- No?

I was jealous.

I have always wanted to have my

hair done and my makeup done.

I have a face for the

magazines, come on.

Wow, LA.

It looks nice, Lacey?

Yeah, I really dig it.

LA: That scares me then.

I really don't like

any of these people here,

and having to wait on

these snooty b*tches.

Can I have that without

blue cheese, please?


All right, guys. come over.

Somebody I want you to meet,

somebody very important, yes.

Craig Tomashoff, West Coast

bureau chief for "TV Guide."

Come and say hello.

- Paula, nice to meet you.

NARRATOR: While the red

team gets a lesson in

how chefs should

deal with the media--

As somebody who

does interviews,

it's actually great if you

guys start taking control.

NARRATOR: --the blue

team is not completely

left out of the picture.


We're ready.

Yes, right away.

That's right, move.

Not only did they

lose, but all of this

took place out in Hell's

Kitchen dining room,

and that's just like rubbing

salt in the wounds big time.

- Crab salad.

- Wow.

Thank you.

Why isn't there

water on the table?

I'll get right on that, Chef.

- Ladies first.

- I know, Chef.

I just realized that.


Come on.

Where's your class?

I know you lost, but,

hey, do you mind?

- Yes, Chef.

- Yeah.

They can't even serve water

first or ladies first.

Where's our water?

Where's our silver?

Where's our salt and pepper?

It's just been a bad day, man.

It's just so trying around here.

Got to hustle, because we

still have other work to do.

NARRATOR: While the

blue team moves on

to prepping both kitchens

for dinner service,

the red team moves on

to their photo sh**t.

So the idea here is a really

engaged, fun, party photograph.

Excuse me, guys.

That guy has no wine.

[glass breaking]


LA: Oh, f*ck.

Did it scare you?

Well, the light was

a little shocking.

I can't-- I can't lie.

Some huge bulb, flash, whatever

startled the shit out of me.

You should have seen his face.

I thought I got

hit by lightning.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

- OK, Gordon.

You're here.

Look towards me and

then talk to them.

- Yes, Chef.

- And then you guys can--

- Is my hair OK?

- Yeah, your hair's fine.

You look fine.

I'm just so excited.

To just fathom the

thought that somebody

is going to have my picture

on their coffee table

just blows my mind.

The picture's gonna be

this little party shot.


like the last supper.

NARRATOR: As the red team

wraps their first shot,

the blue team is busy

wrapping the Wellingtons.

Lacey, what are you on?


Still working on potatoes.

Do you guys need anything

else before you stop me again?

No, really.

Do you need anything else?

No, no.

Just-- just-- just

see if you can bang

those out a little quicker.

She is something else.

There are few

people that I've met

along the way that

have created such

a sick feeling in my stomach.

All I want to do is put

her out into the street

and call her a cab.

NARRATOR: While Ben tries

to keep Lacey working,

the red team keeps on playing.

We're gonna work

on our second shot.

Choose something

glamorous to wear.

Carol looked beautiful.

I don't know why she thought

she didn't look good.

I think her outfit was a

little too short for her,

but you know.

I think she looked beautiful,

How about you upstairs?



It totally gave me an--

an idea of what these celebrity

chefs nowadays go through,

and I'll tell you what.

I love it.

You still have

other work to do,

because we've got to get

ready for dinner too.

All day I was slaving in

the way in the kitchen,

serving them, and then

watching them get their photo

sh**t for "TV Guide."

It ate away at me all day.

All right, man.

Let's do this. we're getting

close to dinner service.

Yeah, it's like almost

dinner service guys.

Let's really kick it

into second gear here.

Lacey, can you get

all this dirty shit out

of here while we doing this?

- Yeah.

Get right on it.

I have no idea what's

going through Lacey's head.

You either need to cook, or

you need to pack up your knives

and just get the hell out.

f*cking jackass,

I swear to God.

Every time I heard her

clucking away in the f*cking

kitchen, all I wanted to do was

just put her out of her misery.

Oh god.

Shut up.

We got so much stuff to do.

- Set up the station.

- Hee haw.

NARRATOR: With Hell's Kitchen

just minutes from opening,

both teams hurry to complete

their final preparations.

I've found that going in

there with a lot of confidence

doesn't work.

If you go in there a little

nervous, you're perfect.

I'm going to have my

best service ever tonight.

There are five in

the red kitchen, four

in the blue kitchen,

and I feel that we

are two up on the blue team

because they have Lacey.

Are you ready?

You know where your

chicken, your lamb.

You feel good?

You got some already egg washed?

I am on meat this evening.

Check your oven, see

what temp you're at.

Lacey doesn't know her ass

from a hole in the ground.


Do we want it

lower for the lamb?

JP, let's go.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

NARRATOR: As usual, Hell's

Kitchen is fully booked,

and tonight there are some

celebrities in the house.

Spaghetti with lobster.

WOMAN: My mother

used to make me that.

Spaghetti of lobster with

basil and fresh tomatoes. ooh.

One order, two covers,

table , here we go, guys.

One scallop, one lobster

entree, one John Dory, one lamb.

Ramp it up, Robert, yes?

I'm on hot apps.

I like that station.

Saute, man.

That's my shit, man.

That's my home.

NARRATOR: While Robert

settles in on appetizers,

over in the red kitchen Paula is

delivering her first appetizer.


Why's it got mush like that?

Come here.

All of you.

Taste, quickly.

Oh my god.

A lesson in tasting.

- Salty.


Yes, Chef.

It's inedible.

I don't expect that

from you, Paula.

All right, Chef.

Making another one right now.

With the experience

that I have, I shouldn't

be sending out food like that.

If your stock is salty,

Paula, you've got no chance.

Right, Chef.



the blue kitchen,

Robert has delivered

his first appetizer.

- Robert?

- Yes, Chef.

There's only one spaghetti.

Look at the size of it.

Hey, you're cooking for the

customers, not yourself.

- Yes.

- Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Yes, Chef.

Two spaghetti, two risotto,

one scallop, one Caesar.

Ben, all you're doing

is mixing potato.

Get in there and help him

out, you lazy fucker, yeah?

Let's go.

- Shit.

I want to do it myself.

I got pasta.

I will help anyone in the

kitchen who needs my help.

I'm the best cook on our team.

Scallops, lobster, how long?

I've got two

minutes out on that.

I didn't say take over.

I said help.

Yes, Chef.

Sorry, Chef.

There's a big difference.

How long?

Two minutes, chef.

Ben doesn't know when

to keep his mouth shut.

Two risotto, one

scallop, one Caesar.

Your window on that.

Go ahead.

Less than seconds, Chef.

GORDON RAMSAY: Two nice risotto.


helping Robert,

the blue team is

beginning to get

appetizers out to their diners.

Come on, guys.

Keep this going, yes?

NARRATOR: Meanwhile

in the red kitchen,

Paula is ready with a second

attempt at her first risotto.

Behind, hot.

Let's go.


Yes, Chef.

How you can go from a

disgusting risotto to something


- Sorry, Chef.

No, no, no.

But how can you do that?

I don't know, Chef.

NARRATOR: minutes

into dinner service--

The scallops.

The scallops.

Man, that's what I'm having.


NARRATOR: --the blue team gets

the first celebrity order.

One order, four covers,

table , VIP, Eric McCormack.

You know who he is?

"Will and Grace"?

Oh, wow.

Yeah, he's here tonight.

One spaghetti,

two scallops, yes?

One with scallops, well done,

entree, one Dory, one chicken,

one lamb, one Wellington, VIP.

ALL: Yes, Chef.

Hey, he's not going home

in embarrassment, yes?

ALL: Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.


- seconds, chef.

Come on, Danny.

VIP tables to me are

just like any other table.

I put into every

dish, every time.

Two regular scallops.

Wells are right behind it.


Very nicely cooked, Danny.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Service, please.

Table eight.

Eric McCormack, yeah.

Watch his table, yes?


customers on both sides

enjoying their appetizers--

That is really good.


NARRATOR: --the teams

are feeling the pressure

to deliver the entrees.

Chef, that first

ticket, that well

done and mid well, I'm at least

five minutes longer, maybe


Five minutes longer?

What's your oven on?

Right now, it's at .

Ramp it up to then.

I don't care.

I definitely had

concerns about Carol

being on meat station.

- Are you ditzy?


I don't want to burn

the rest of them.

She's so ready to

judge everybody else

that I just had a

gut feeling that she

was going to be going down.

Paula, I'm backed up

and she's acting ditzy.

I'm warning you now, we're

gonna be in the f*cking shit

if we don't start

getting this stuff done.

Yes, Chef.


NARRATOR: While Carol struggles

to get the rest of her meat

out, Chef Ramsay

checks in with--

Lacey, let's go.

VIP, Eric McCormack.

Lacey, don't make me--

Yes, Chef.

Don't make me look stupid.

Away, Wellington,

lamb, chicken, Dory.


Get a grip.

Wake up.

Let's go.

Lacey, talk to me.

I don't know.

I honestly don't know.


Boy oh boy.

Lacey had no clue

what she was doing.

You got your lamb reheating?


I can't-- guys, I'm serious.

Hey, it's cool man.

Just breathe, girl.

Come on.

- Keep focused.

Just get your

lamb in your oven.

Grab a pan.

Lacey on meats, I was

just like, oh man.

That's going to be up

in four minutes, OK?

Just spoon feeding her.

Like relax, calm down

it's not that bad.

You're fine.

Just tell me what you need.

I don't know.

That's the problem.

How long, Ben?

I believe we're going

to need some more time

from the meat station, Chef?

Talk to, madame.

I don't know how long, Chef.

Really, I don't.

What did he want me

to do, lie to him?

f*ck it.

I didn't know.

I didn't lie to him.

Get on there and help her.

I'm no good at meat, guys.

I told you that.

That's fine.

Which one is your well done?

Leave it.

f*ck it.

What is that?

- I--

What is that, I said.

Look at it.

It's on fire.

Is this your well done?

I don't know.

She was lost.

I don't know what's

going on here.

What's the matter with you?

I can't cook meat, Chef.

What do you mean

you can't cook meat?

Obviously, I'm

way too confused.

Madame, get out.

Get out.

Can't handle the heat,

get out the kitchen.

I can't cook meat?

I'm-- I just got

really confused.

If you got confused, why

didn't you say something?

I did, and then Robert

cooked the chicken

and the chicken went on fire.

Why can't you just

make the effort?

I'm trying to make an effort.

Do you want to go back in

there and make an effort?

Yes, Chef.

Well, wake up and get a grip!

Come on.

Lace, it's me and you.

We're here now.

Tell me which one would

be the well done one.

One of these is well done,

and I forgot which f*cking one.

You know what?

Let's pick the smallest one.

LACEY: This one.

As much as I wanted

her go down in flames,

I went over there and

tried to calm her down.

Two seconds of your

attention, all right?

That's fine.

Here we go--

What happened?

What-- what'd you do?

What did you just do?

NARRATOR: It's over an

hour into dinner service,

and while Ben and Lacey

struggle to get out entrees--

I need you right now.

You need to put

me on something

easier than f*cking Wellington.

- Hold on.

NARRATOR: --Robert

has managed to handle

the appetizers on his own.

Come on, guys.

f*cking do it.

Go, move this!


Come on, guys.

Keep pushing.

All I heard was rip.

BEN: Robert's ass is hanging

out all over the place.

Ooh, i feel a little

breeze on the back of my ass.

I cook in my boxer shorts.

I don't give a shit.


NARRATOR: While Robert plays

it cool in the blue kitchen,

over in the red kitchen things

are about to heat up for Carol.

It's cold.

Carol, two Dorys,

one Wellington.

How long for that one?

At least five minutes.

We're really in

control, aren't we?


I'm getting it together, Chef.

She kept telling

Chef Ramsay, I'm--

I'm getting it together,

Chef, getting it together.

And I was like, what the f*ck?

All right, give me a

count down on that.

If this sits for

a minute, it has

to f*cking be restarted, OK?


Yeah, let me know, cause

I'll have to totally refire.

Come on let's go.

Let me know what's up?

Can I go?

You have your sauce?

Can I go or not?

No f*cking answer.

I kept communicating

with Carol, and I

kept saying it's going

up, it's going up,

and there was no

communication on her part.

Right behind you.

Right behind you.

- Di you talk to her?

- Right behind you.

Right behind you.

Right behind you.

ANDREA: She's not even ready.

Coming with my lamb right now.

Where is the two Dorys?

f*ck me.

Where's that Dory?

It's at--

Hurry up, rapidly.

Yes, Chef.


Coming down the line.

Coming down the line.

- Hey, madame.

- Yes, Chef?

What is that?

Come here.

Come here.

Just touch that.


It's overcooked, Chef.


Why'd you do that to me?

It was a timing issue.

It's rubber.

I was never told by Carol, you

know, a certain amount of time,

and my Dory sat there

for way too long.

Dry and rubbery.

She should have

just made a new one.

She had plenty of time.

So to blame me for that,

just, I mean, ridiculous.

You know what?

It's not a big deal.

It takes a little longer

to cook the Wellington.

Those take five seconds.

NARRATOR: Despite Carol and

Andrea's lack of communication,

red diners are enjoying

their entrees--

I got to tell you,

it's really good.

NARRATOR: --while

customers on the blue side

are still waiting.

VIP, away, Wellington,

lamb, chicken, Dory.

You, back on your station.

- Yes, Chef.

- Oh, f*ck.

No way.

I got you.

I got you.

When Lacey started losing

it, I was like, f*ck.

Here we go.

Can't cook f*cking meat.

One minute to the window, yes?

Hey, madame.



Yes, Chef.

I need three minutes, Chef.

Three minutes?


It's all there.

Every seconds, madame,

where's this da da da.

Like, shut up so maybe I can get

you your well-done Wellington.

Chicken, lamb, Wellington.

Let's go.

You can do one table, surely.

Sure, Chef.

I'm just gonna see what happens.

- Send it.

Let's go.

Behind you, Robert.

Excuse me, Robert.

Behind you, Chef.

- Oh my god.

LACEY: f*ck me.

- Come here.

All of you.

What is that?

The f*cking bone's

thicker than the meat.

What is that?

I don't know, Chef.

It's not good enough.

Get out.

You're not good enough.

Piss off.

Madame, look at me.

Let's be honest, you're done.

You can't waste my

time any longer.

I agree.

Give me your jacket

and leave Hell's Kitchen.

And go in there and

say goodbye properly.

Say it properly.

Let's go.

Thank you for everything.

There's a small

violin just for Lacey.

[blows raspberry]

She sucks.

Adios, beotch.

Piss off.

Let's go.

Step up a gear.

On the one hand,

it's a relief.

I can get back to

my normal life.

At least now I get

some sleep at night.

But you know, another part of

me wishes to stay and learn more

and have that chance to win.

But unfortunately,

I f*cked up tonight,

and I can only look back on

the positive things, which

there weren't many for me.

You know, my mom told me when I

came here, don't make enemies,

and that's the first

thing I did and kept doing

the whole time I was here.

Sorry, mom.

I should have listened.

NARRATOR: It's more than two

hours into a dinner service,

and with barely any entrees

served the blue kitchen

needs to make up for lost time.

You can do it, yes?

ALL: Yes, Chef.

It was just our chance to step

up and show Chef Ramsay that we

are worth the shit around here.

Two Wellingtons, one

lamb, one chicken, VIP.

You, get on the section.

Now push.

Let's go.

Chef, we got it.


to the challenge,

the blue team starts

pushing entrees out

to their appreciative customers.


NARRATOR: Meanwhile,

back in the red kitchen.


What's the matter?

Well, they requested medium.

It's still too pink, so I

have a refire for two medium.


Carol, lamb back.

They requested medium.

Look, it's still moving.

Oh, f*ck.

Carol, yeah.

You gonna blame

the oven this time,

or are you gonna

blame the sheep?

It was rare.

Right now I'm feeling

really, really low.

Definitely second guessing

myself and what I'm doing.

Madame, two medium, rapidly.

Yes, Chef.

Please be well-done, baby.

Please, I'm begging you.

Oh my god.

Where's the Wellington?

Let's go.



Ah, LA.

Back off that garnish.

They're not done.

She got me a little mad

tonight, because I got all

these pans lined up, waiting.

I was sitting there

ready to roll,

and, you know, Carol just

got freaked out and scared,

and she just lost it.

The meat station

is not that hard.

Come on.

My shit's getting full, guys.

I swear if I could

crawl in the oven

and make it cook

faster, I would.

I know LA was quite

frustrated with me

because I kept changing

the time on her.

You know, what else

are you going to do?

Where's the lamb, please?

Stone cold.

Come on.

That's not good enough.

Bland, cold, horrible

mashed potato.

Chef was on LA cause

she was a little late.

I don't know what happened.

All I know is that she

didn't have a good day today.

Wake up.

Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: On the blue side, the

men continue to rally and have

nearly completed entrees.

Let's go, three man station.

Let's go.

Chef, hot pan.

Dory garnish.

Right behind.

Coming down.

To medium lambs, chef.




Nice cook.

We kicked ass.

We really came together tonight.

And the last ticket

is two Wellington,

one chicken, one salmon.

Yes, Chef.

Chicken garnish to sell, Ben.

That's our last ticket.

NARRATOR: As the blue team

nears the finish line,

Chef Ramsay has a

question for Carol.


Where's the chicken?

It's coming right now.

Yeah, so is Christmas, madame.

Where's the chicken?

Where'd it go?

Wait, somebody grabbed it.


Well, I'll f*cking

squeeze it out of you.

Where's the chicken?

Where is the chicken?

In my f*cking face.

Sorry about the time, yeah.

Ditzy's nail broke.

NARRATOR: While Carol's

lost chicken has slowed down

the red kitchen,

over on the blue side

the men are making a final

dash for the finish line.

Come on, guys, yes?

Last table.

Ramp it up, Robert, yes?

Yes, Chef, finish strong!

GORDON RAMSAY: Carrots, Ben.

Hot pan.

Service, please.


OK, switch off.

Let's go.

Danny, Ben, Robert, well done.

Three guys doing all that

food, you cannot but be

proud of us tonight, man.

NARRATOR: While the blue

kitchen has finished

serving all their tables,

in the red kitchen

Chef Ramsay has lost hope.

Three of them

in there cooking.

They've sent all their entrees.

Five of you, and

we're still waiting

on two Wellington from Ditzy.

She gives me a rubber John Dory.

She's shouting at

me about the oven,

and she can't even give

me a hot mashed potato.

One, two, three pathetic excuses

for three pathetic women.

I've had enough.

Stove's off.

I don't know what happened.

We just couldn't

get it together.

It was embarrassing.

It wouldn't surprise me

whatsoever if we lost service.

[music playing]

Blue team, Spacey Lacey, gone.

Since I've been here,

I've never, ever seen

more teamwork than tonight.

Well done.

ALL: Thank you, Chef.

So the winning team by

a mile is the blue team.


Yes, Chef?

The only thing that

was missing from you

tonight on service

was your alarm clock

and your sleeping blanket.

You five did not work as a team.

All of you go back upstairs and

come up to consensus on which

two of you should be leaving.

Piss off.

[music playing]

I don't know how

you guys want to pick.

Well, he did say

work as a team,

and that was the most

important thing he said, so--

I mean, if I was the executive

chef in this kitchen tonight

and somebody had to get

fired, it would be me.

PAULA: Who's your second vote?


My nominations

are Carol and LA.

Andrea and I have not

gotten along from day one,

and this is her opportunity

to have me go buh-bye.

So we have a

Carol and an Andrea.

We have a Carol and an LA.

Moving along.


Carol, based on tonight

and a few other nights.

My second vote's going to be LA.

It's wrong, and I know-- and

I know why you chose me, and I

know why you didn't choose her.

I'm definitely not surprised

that Paula picked me.

She's not gonna

pick Andrea, even

though she sees that

Andrea is weaker than I am.

They're, like,

f*cking, like, this,

whether they want

to admit it or not.

Gio, bud, you're going to

have to make decision, bro.

CAROL: You don't-- you don't

need to even say my name.

Wow, this is gonna

be hard for me to say.

I mean, I have to pick LA.

I mean, I think you can run

a kitchen better than LA.


Your vote?

I'm going to nominate

Carol and Andrea.

I really don't feel like I'm

one of the weakest on this team.

If you're not here

to fight for yourself,

and if you're not here

to stick up for yourself,

who the f*ck is going to do it?


He's given us an

assignment as a team to be

% sure in our decision.

We're still divided.

There's no f*cking way

I'm going home tonight,

and there's no way I'm going

up on that block tonight.

Red team.

ALL: Yes, Chef.

Have you come to a consensus?

No, Chef.

Kind of chef.

No, Chef.

Kind of, Chef.

What does that mean?

Chef, it means

that some of us have

different opinions on who should

be up for elimination tonight.

Cut the bullshit, madame.

I'm in no mood to

f*ck around now.

Paula, who are the two nominees?

First one and why.

My first nominee, Chef, is LA.

I just feel that

her services have

been OK, but nothing superb.

Second nominee and why.

Carol, Chef.

Carol, why?

I just feel that Carol has

had a few very bad services,

and tonight was one of them.

And just as a

matter of interest,

who was the other person?

Chef, the other person that

we were debating was Andrea.


She wasn't one of my votes.

Did anybody nominate Andrea?

I did, Chef.

I did too, Chef.

You have failed

as a team again.

LA, Carol, Andrea, all

three of you, here.

Andrea, tonight's performance,

mark yourself out of .

I would probably mark

myself a six, chef.


Why so high?

I had difficult communication

with a meat station.

I had to fire a John

Dory three times in order

to get it out with

Carol's meats.

So if you're not going

home, who do you think should?

My first nomination

is LA, chef.

Carol at least has

the initiative to take

leadership role in the kitchen.

You two don't exactly

work in harmony.

You work as if you

hate each other.

We get the job

done in the end.

We just work very differently.

You get the job done.

What kitchen were you

standing in tonight?

LA, why should you

stay in Hell's Kitchen?

I can cook my ass off, Chef.

The only reason why

I'm up here is they're

basing it on my communication.

They think that I can't run a

kitchen because I don't yell,

and because I don't show

emotion on the line.

That's bullshit.

Carol, why should you

stay in Hell's Kitchen

on the back of

tonight's performance?

I would give anything

to redo tonight.

I just need another

chance to show it to you.

Who would you send home?

The only reason I

would say Andrea over LA

is because LA hasn't

had a bad service.

She's been consistent,

and doesn't make excuses

and doesn't blame anybody

else for her shortcomings.

[music playing]

The person leaving

Hell's Kitchen is--

Carol, Andrea, back in line.

LA, take your jacket off please

and leave Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you.

LA: I definitely think Chef

Ramsay made the wrong decision.

Anything I did in there, I did

it to the best of my ability.

I'm big on not showing

emotions in a kitchen.

Emotions are weakness, and

I will never be weak, never.

I'm looking for a leader.

Someone had better

start showing me

that they're hungry for this.

Is that clear?

ALL: Yes, Chef.

Now get some sleep.

You know what?

I should have thrown that stupid

f*cking bitch under the bus.

Andrea steps up and

pretends like she's

the leader of our group.

She's the mass

confusion of our group.

She just can't f*cking cook.

Right now, I feel like a caged

up tiger that hasn't been fed

for weeks, and every

fiber of my being

just wants to get in

there and chew everybody

up and spit them the f*ck out.

Tonight is what "Hell's

Kitchen" is about.

It's about overcoming obstacles.

It's about pushing through

the shit and making it happen.

I want to just put

w*r paint on my face

and go running through

Los Angeles right now.

GORDON RAMSAY: LA was a real

workhorse in the kitchen.

I kicked her out

of Hell's Kitchen

because she lacks two crucial

skills to be a great chef,

leadership and creativity.

NARRATOR: Next time

on "Hell's Kitchen--"

Do you realize

this is k*lling us?

NARRATOR: --the feud between

Andrea and Carol intensifies.

If you have

something to say to me,

don't say it up on

the chopping block.

There's just some

people that just

don't know when to shut up.

NARRATOR: As the chef's

get closer to their dream--

One of you is going

to become the head

chef of Borgata Atlantic City.

NARRATOR: --they will

do anything to win--

What is that over there?

I just poured

more cream on it.

I'm gonna put it back in.

- God.

If she fires it when

the order comes in--

Now you're blaming her.

NARRATOR: --even

turn on each other.

You're doing that

to sabotage him.

Never, Chef.


Make yourself look good.

If Chef Ramsay thinks

that I'm sabotaging people,

then send me the f*ck home.

NARRATOR: One diner dares

to tangle with Chef Ramsay.




Don't whistle at me.

I'm not your dog.

f*ck off, will you?

This is going to be

a difficult decision.

NARRATOR: And you won't

believe who goes home.


I feel has given up--

NARRATOR: All next time on

the most cutthroat episode

of the season--

Not good enough.

I'm coming for you.

NARRATOR: --of "Hell's Kitchen."

[music playing]