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01x06 - Food For Thought

Posted: 10/27/10 06:15
by bunniefuu

I mean, really, is there anything as sweet as melty, melty cheese?

What are you doing? Do we have plans?

Do I have time to get changed?

I have plans.

I have a doctor's appointment tonight.

(Mouth full) In a push-up bra and sexy boots, at this hour?

Um, news flash... I don't think they're a real doctor.

Ha ha ha. It is with Lauren, knob...

Of course it is.

And I'm taking a test tonight. What do you think of this one?

(Clicks tongue) Uh, not low enough. You need more boob-ala.

You gotta let the girls breathe.

So what kind of a test is this?

Like a sex test?

She gonna grade you on your luscious curves?

Actually, it's pretty important, sort of like a succubus midterm.

Lauren's taking me out for a night on the town.

She wants to see if I've learned full control in the real world yet.

What's with the fashion panic?

I just... (Sighs) I wanna look nice.

For the test or for Lauren?

'Cause I was sensing some date jitters, and I know you like the ladies, so...

It is definitely, definitely not a date.

I just frickin' hate tests.

I'm better with multiple orgasm than multiple choice.


But you're right. I just need to chill.

I mean, there'll be no disasters on the menu tonight, just drinks, maybe dinner.

What could possibly go wrong with that?


(Liquid bubbling)



(Continues humming)


(Continues humming)

(Stomach gurgling)





(Bo) Life is hard when you don't know who you are.

It's harder when you don't know what you are.

My love carries a death sentence.

I was lost for years, searching while hiding... only to find that I belonged to a world hidden from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life I choose.

(Indistinct conversations)




Mnh-mnh. I'm just saying, the beauty of your kind is how elegantly they've evolved.

I mean, sometimes things that seem so fantastic are actually quite simple.

Oh! (Laughs) Did you just call me simple?

You know what I mean.


I wouldn't exactly call my whole 10-year k*lling spree "simple."

But we're working on that.

I mean, you're able to control yourself really well in the lab right now.


So now it's time for a test-drive in the real world.

Well, you certainly picked a good spot.

Mm. The sexual energy in this room is off the charts tonight.


So how do we do this?

All right, tell me something first... when you're in a crowd like this, how do you read libido?

I see energy flow.

Hmm, like an aura?

Kind of.


It's, like, the more aroused someone is, the hotter they burn. (Speaks inaudibly)

Take them, for example, okay?

See, he is average.

She is way more into him.

You can tell all that?


Okay, so on a scale of one to ten?

He's a four.

She's a seven.


What about me, right now?


What about keeping this professional?

Well, call it "scientific curiosity."


Well... you are definitely curious.

I'm not so sure it's entirely scientific.

We need another drink.

(Laughs) Yeah, we do.

Can we get two more?



If I have one more lime, I'm not gonna be able to feel my lips.

Mmm. I like you like this.

I love after-hours Lauren.


You need to work on not being so in control all the time.

No, we're here to work on you gaining control.


Come on.


You ready for this?

Hit me. (Chuckles)

(inhales deeply)

You feel that?

(Inhales sharply)


Now focus on what you're feeling.

(Heart beating)


This is crazy.

I can't do this. I... I... once I start feeding, I can't stop.

Yes, you can.

You just have to start believing it.

You're ready, Bo.

Some other time.

Okay. We'll keep working on it.

It might help if you stop fighting your true nature.

The fae aren't monsters, Bo, and neither are you.

Sleep on it. We'll talk in the morning.

How much longer is this gonna take?

Why? You got somewhere better to be?

I'm starving. Plus, this place gives me the creeps.

It's so Lauren.

Would you just give her a chance?

She's a lot more interesting than you think.

Yeah, only 'cause you wanna see her naked bits. (Chuckles)


Hey, you break it, you bought it.

I wouldn't be surprised.

Doctors are bigger con artists than I am.

Can you just dial it down, Kenzi?

She's really helping me.

Look, I'm really happy these "treatments" are working for you, but nothing in this world is free.


So ever asked yourself what she's getting out of this little arrangement?

Sorry I'm late.

Busy morning?

And it just got busier. Can we reschedule?

I have to get to an outside appointment.

Anything wrong?

It's just official business.

As in none of my business.

And here I thought we made progress last night.

You could tag along.

What is it, take a fae to work day?

You wanna know more about my work with other fae.

You'd get to meet one from one of the oldest fae orders.

Sure. We'd love to.

(Zips bag)

Uh, we're off to visit a sick patient at home.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sick? Nobody mentioned "sick."

Where's Halima? The Ash sent me.

Are you coming?

Uh, I'll take a pass.

Fae cooties. I'm not big on sick peeps.

Fine. Just wait here. Just try not to break anything.

(Mocking) Just try not to break anything.

(Normal voice) Ow! (Door creaks)


Oh. Oh, thank you for coming.

I so hate to cause a fuss.

Don't be silly. You know we take care of our own.

The Ash sends his best.

Actually, you're my first aswang patient.

I'm not surprised.

We rarely need to see a doctor.

Sorry. Aswang?

Oh, my assistant.


She's new to all this.

Aswang are one of the older fae orders.

They may not know it, but humans enjoy a very symbiotic relationship with them.

How so?

Oh, we eat human corpses.

Uh, say again?

(Coughs) She is new.

Oh, we would never take a human life.

We just use their dead bodies for our nourishment.


(Sighs and whispers) Score.



(Whispers) Yummy.

Aswangs help keep the contagions out of the human population by eating their diseased dead.

So both sides benefit.

It's bad, isn't it?

I'm not liking what I'm seeing.

Could it be due to someone you ate?


I really don't see how this could be food-related.

I've eaten everything... cancer, black death, ebola.

With no past side effects?

Just the occasional case of heartburn. (Sniffles)

Oh, but I know my body, and something is definitely wrong.

I'm dying, aren't I?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I'm sure that Lauren can help you.

Look, first, I need to isolate the cause.

And I'll have to check your food.

What have you eaten in the last 24 hours?


(Utensil clatters)

(Mouth full) What? What'd I do?

Aah! (Gags)

So not only does this ass-wang have a very unfortunate name... but it also eats dead people?!

And nobody thought to mention this to me?

Like, "hey, Kenzi, watch out for random body parts" or, you know, "by the way, foot soup"!

Please. Just try to keep it down.

I'm gonna need a second opinion, because that is the worst possible advice ever!

Kenzi, would you just relax? It's gonna be fine.

(Mouth full) Yeah.

It is, right?

We don't even know if the soup made Halima sick.

It could be completely unrelated.

I mean, even if it was the soup, it doesn't mean Kenzi will be affected.

Human physiology is completely different from fae.

Anybody have any mints?

So what do we do?

Well, I'll go check out the soup.

I should know more in a few hours.

Uh, Halima gets her food from Pelway Funeral Homes.

Just find out what you can about the foot.



Are you okay?


I'm fantastic, yeah.

Worst-case scenario... I just ate toxic soup.

Best-case scenario... I am a... a toe-sucking cannibal!

Kenzi, we're gonna figure this out, okay? It's gonna be fine.

(Shuts off faucet)

I'm always putting my foot in my mouth, but at least it's always my foot!

Drinks on you tonight.

Ah! Now that's one fine ale.

You should know. You order it every time.

What can I say? I take comfort in routine.

So... did you bring it?

In all these years, have I ever failed to deliver?


I've been craving a giant dish of colcannon, and this is the secret ingredient.

How does the old song go?

"Were those not the happy days, when troubles we had not?"

"Our mothers would make colcannon in a little skillet pot."

Yes! I'll drink to that!


So what do you want for it?


(Clicks tongue) How about... that?

The gleipnir?

Out of the question.

You used to have a better sense of humor.

Come on. Show it to me.


Hard to believe it once held the Fenris wolf.

Forged by dwarves, stronger than any other chain.

The more Fenris struggled, the stronger it became.

It's a beauty.

If ever you wanna trade it...

Never gonna happen.

Never say never, old friend.

(Organ playing) (Woman)

Poor Halima. That's terrible.

She's been a customer of ours for years.

How exactly does that work?

Well, on the surface, we operate as a typical funeral home and offer excellent service for our human clients.

And on the side, you do hot business by feeding grandma to the fae?

Uh, she's not feeling very well. Please continue.

We have very tight regulations for our food appropriation stream.

Only suitable candidates are selected.

Define "suitable."

Well, there's an extensive checklist... no immediate family and factors... (Gargles) such as cause of death, age, ethnicity all helps to assign the bodies to the appropriate outlet.

That's so recycle-y of you.

I mean, why let something go to waste if someone else needs it, right?


Uh, we need to know about your last shipment to Halima.

Let's see. (Sighs)


Yes, right here...

"James Sibley, 43. He was the victim of a hit-and-run."

I didn't like the look of him.

I had him marked "aswang only," just in case.

Why ass-wang only?

Well, we provide for many carrion-feeding fae, but very few have the constitution of an aswang.

They can eat anything.

So we sent the entire shipment to Halima.

And Sibley's address?

Right there.

Are you sure you're okay?

'Cause you look a little bit flushed.

Do you want me to carry that bag?

Relax, mom.

I'm fine. Besides, I'll need it in a second.

What for?

Decent neighborhood, decent building... you do the math.

Um, I thought we agreed... no stealing on jobs.

Technically, you can't steal from a dead guy.

Seriously, it's a thing. Ask museums.


(Door squeaking)


Somebody was definitely looking for something.

What a mess.

(Man grunts)

I take it you're not the maid.

Shut up, whore.

Oh, mouth! There are ladies present.

Hey, hey!

What, are you kidding, little girl? (g*nsh*t)

(Grunts) (Grunts)

Kenzi! Kenzi, are you hit?

No. (Panting)

But suddenly, I don't feel so good.

(Whispers) What?


You are nasty, aren't you?

(Pants and sniffles) What happened?

She collapsed. Damn it.

Over here.

Everybody, just calm down.

It's just a little eye blood, okay?

Who hasn't had a little eye blood before, huh?

Can you help her?

I think I just... I sneezed too hard.

I just need to go home. Can we just go? Leave?

No. No.

I did develop a rudimentary treatment...

See? I told you, I'd be fine. Okay?

So give it to her.

Come here.

A treatment isn't a cure.

If she is bleeding internally, like Halima, I can give her a platelet transfusion, try to slow it down.

But it won't last long.


Exactly what are we dealing with here?

It's a hemorrhagic fever from some sort of thread virus I've never even seen before.

But where the hell did it come from?

Definitely the foot.

I found a a chemical substance in the tissue I can't identify.

The funeral director said that foot guy died from a simple hit-and-run, not some damn plague.

That may have been the official C.O.D., but he was definitely a very sick man before that.

You should know that Halima's getting worse.

Her family's bringing her in.

How do we fix this?

If we can find the original source of infection, theoretically, I can use a sample to create an antitoxin.

I'll dig into Sibley's life and see what I can find out.

Hey, I'll be back soon, okay?

You are in good hands.

You take care of her.

(Man) Hello, Miss Dickerson?

(Bo) Anything yet?

Well, it looks like this guy couldn't hold down a job.

And then, uh, eight months ago, right here, a steady stream of money started flowing into his account from Taberman & Associates.

Well, maybe they know something. Can you get an address?

No. It doesn't exist. It's a front.

(Whispers) Damn it.

Well, what about the guy tossing Sibley's apartment?

Do remember anything about him?

I don't know. He's a... a white guy, maybe 5'10".

He seemed like a pro.

Oh! He had a tattoo on his arm.

Well, what'd it look like? I'll run it through the database.

Uh, there was a skull and these big-ass horns and like a-a wheel or... or some kind of tire.

A motorcycle wheel?


I don't even need to look that one up.

It's the Iron Chains. It's a local biker g*ng.

Come on. I know where they hang out.

(Engine revs, laughter)

Hello, boys.

There he is.

(Man) How the hell did she get in here?

(Dog barking in distance)

Back off. I got nothing to say to you.

Friendly place.

(Grunts) (Man) Whoa.



(Grunts) Anyone else want to be stupid?

We're just here for some information.

Feel like talking now, huh?

All right. It ain't worth this trouble.

What were you doing in that apartment?

A guy paid me 500 bucks to clean it out.

What guy?

I didn't get a name.

I followed him downtown. I wanted to know where he was, in case he tried to stiff me.


And he went into this ugly building on the corner of Dunkirk and University... a place called Baron Chemical.

(Bo) We got a break in the case.

What can I do? (Monitor beeping rhythmically)

You can rest.

I can handle this one solo.

Just hang in there till I get back. Deal?


You'll stay with me, though, right?

You bet.

I'm not going anywhere.




I'm not scared or anything.

I'm just bored, and you amuse me.

You think Baron Chemical's involved?

Well, that's what everything is pointing to.

I mean, maybe... dramatic for the fae.

I mean, none of the phase III dr*gs that they're testing would cause this.

Whatever is k*lling Kenzi is somewhere in that place.

I'm breaking in, and I need your help.


What can I do?

You can come with me.

Oh. (Sighs)

I need your expertise.

I don't even know what I am looking for.

It's crazy. It's too dangerous.

So what, I should just let Kenzi die?

Of course not. (Sighs)

Besides, I work for The Ash.

I just can't go and pursue things unapproved.

This thing kills fae. I mean, how is helping me find it not in The Ash's best interest?

We're in luck.

Baron Chemical's been cited for processing errors in its labs, and it's struggling to calm stockholder jitters.

Well, how is that lucky?

Because they're bringing in outside quality control inspectors.

I could pose as this one.

She's flying into town tonight. You think you can detain her?

We've got someone placed at customs. He owes me a favor.

He could possibly hold her for 24 hours or so.

Let me check.

Call me when Kenzi wakes up.

What do I do?

Well, uh, Baron's chief of operations is a legendary letch, so...

(Lauren) He's had a revolving door of assistants over the past year.

I'm sure you can convince him to take you on, so to speak.

I am here to see the director of operations.

That's me.

Hi. (Laughs)

What can I do you for?

I'm Cindy. I, uh, heard that you could use a new assistant.

Walk with me.


I'm telling you, I am a doctor.

I am not a drug mule.

So you keep saying.

Okay, look, can we just please talk about this?

I'm sure that there is some logical explanation.

And I'm sure the judge is interested.

Can you get me a 1059, please?

Okay, this is ludicrous!

Call Baron Chemical.

They flew me in to start a new contract.

With a drug company. How convenient is that?

I have no idea how that stuff got in my bag.

What stuff, the dr*gs or the pipe b*mb?

b*mb? Wh...

(panting) I need to sit down.

Be my guest.

You're gonna be here a while, so please get comfortable.
Hey, uh, can you watch her while I, uh, take this down to evidence?


Here's the Baron I.D.

So what happens to the real Karina?

Well, legally I can hold her for 24 hours, and then she'll be released. No charges.

Thank you for this.

To be honest, I'm surprised The Ash is condoning it.

Well, he wasn't going to. I talked him into it.

Well, for Kenzi's sake, I hope you know what you're doing.


(Panting) Dyson?


(Voice echoing)


(Man) She's unresponsive. (Gasps)

Get two large... (Speaks indistinctly) started. (Monitor beeping erratically)

B.P.'s dropping. We're losing her.

(Distorted voices echoing at once)

(Monitor emits continuous tone)

No. No. Please, somebody help her.

(Man) Get the human out of here. Please help her.

No. Let me go. Let me go.

No! No! No! No! Stop!



What took you so long?

I have been waiting in rat city for, like, the last half-hour.

I think they're starting to judge me.

I'm sorry. I couldn't get away.

They were giving me the grand tour.

What about on your end? Any problems with Kouyoumijian?

No. None. I'm in. What did you find out?

What we're looking for is probably in sector 6, but I'm not cleared for access to it.

Well, what about the security?

There's three on every floor, two posts.

Okay, I can handle it. Let's go.

Bo, listen to yourself. You're not thinking clearly.

No, I don't want to think, Lauren. I want to do something.

Our chances of actually saving Kenzi go up if we're not actually caught first.

Look, I know that you're impulsive, but we need a plan.

That's how I work.

Fine. Fine. We'll play it your way.

What is your brilliant plan?

Okay, well, sector 6 is a restricted zone, so we need a key pass and a voice cue.

You need to get both from your boss.

Okay, no problem. I'll just succubus him.

Again, use your head.

If you lose control and start leaving bodies all over the place, it's just gonna bring more attention.

If I can't succubus him, how am I supposed to pull this off?

You have more than enough charms all on your own.

Now listen. Our odds go up if we try this after-hours, so at 7:00, I'm gonna create a diversion in the lab that'll temporarily disable the guards. That's your cue.

If we screw this up, how long does Kenzi have?

Look, let's just make sure that doesn't happen.


Didn't you already take my blood?

If this is some weird blood donor thing, cookies are usually provided.

What do you have to be so high-and-mighty about, huh?

It's not like you saved that aswang.

That's right.

You couldn't save her.

So how hard are you gonna try to save a dirty human, huh?


Unless you wanna get stuck with a contaminated needle, I need you to help me get outta this hellhole.

What do you want?

Strip. (Panting)

You let her leave? Where did she go?

No idea.

Can't be far, though. She's deteriorating too fast.

How long does she have?

She's human, so it's hard to know for sure, but I'd say less than 12 hours.

Is she contagious?

Not unless you plan on eating her, which would serve her right.

We have to keep this quiet. No one can know... not Lauren, not Bo, no one.

Got it?


I called your references.

You come highly recommended.

Oh. (Chuckles)

Well, that's me... satisfaction guaranteed.


You know, I... I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me, though.

See, I'm... I'm a good girl.

I'm very, very good.

(Chuckles) I can see that.


(Beeps) But I do have one small confession to make, and it's kind of embarrassing.

Oh, your secrets are safe with me.

I don't know how to pronounce your name.

Is that all? (Chuckles)

Oh, don't be embarrassed. It happens a lot.

It's Mkhitar Kouyoumijian.


Uh, not bad.

(Chuckles) So strange.

See, I don't usually have trouble wrapping my mouth around things.





Such a sexy, sexy name.



It's 5:00. I'll see you tomorrow.


Oh. (Door opens)

Oh, you little tease.


(Bell tolling)


Big ups for finding me.


(Clears throat)

It's a rather morbid choice of resting place.

I came here a lot when I was a kid.

Sometimes you just need a place to think, you know?

You promised you wouldn't leave.

I'm sorry about that.

Bo needed help.

Came back as soon as I could.

I'm not going back to that place, period.

It's way too "cuckoo's nest."

I'd rather die in a ditch.

Kenzi, you're not gonna die.

But I'll take you somewhere else... somewhere safe.


(Clears throat)

But can we stay here a bit longer? It's nice.

Unless you have... (Clears throat) somewhere to be.

(Crows cawing)

No, I'm good.




Those quality control geeks allowed to be here unsupervised?

Hey, Clint, be advised. Clearing out a bogey on floor five.

Dr. Hansen?

Dr. Hansen?

(Door squeaks)


(Coughing) (Coughing)

Sorry. You'll sleep it off.

Bo? You're good to go.

Thanks for closing early.

Yeah, the fewer who know about this, the better.

You know... they're gonna be expecting her back at the lab.

The Ash could come after you for insubordination.

Yeah, I don't always take my orders from The Ash.

True, but he's not supposed to know that.

Can you do anything for her?

I can buy her some time... but the rest is up to Bo and Lauren.

Did I just wake up in Narnia?

Or is that the fever talking?

Shh. Rest.


You know what? You... really... fill that out.

You aren't cleared to be here, ma'am.

Oh, I know, but I just love a man in uniform.

(Effeminate voice) Honey, that makes two of us.

Oh, shit.

Succubus it is.

(Grunts) What are you... what?


(Inhaling deeply)

(Gulps) I really shouldn't be enjoying this.


(Grunts and gasps)

(Inhaling deeply)


Oh, no. No.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Come on. (Taps cheek)

(Muttering) That was... great.

I did it.

I did it!

Check me out! (Chuckles)


Not so fast!

What the hell did you do to me?

Apparently, not enough.

So this is what I get for playing nice, huh?

I don't know what you're playing, but this...

(Moans) (Thud)

Look at you, saving my ass, huh?

I know.

It was incredible.

But he'll... he'll be okay once it wears off.

But I am officially out of my element.

It's time we play it your way.

Good. Let's do this.

(Whispers) Come on.

Wait, wait, wait.

Did you... you know, with him?

(Normal voice) Yeah.

But he's alive.

Yeah. I stopped myself.

(Whispers) Now come on.

You're late, Arval.

I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show.

Patience. You requested a very rare commodity.

And did you get it?

With difficulty.

I had to trade some of my prized possessions... my last Phoenix skin, a rare tusk, the first edition of...

Yeah, let me see it.


It's perfect.

It's expensive. You think you can afford it?

The gleipnir.

You sure?

I'm sure. And a further future trade.

We have a deal, my friend.


Take care.



What is it?

(Sets tray down)

Something I no longer use.

Come. Have some tea.

This should improve your strength, slow the bleeding for a little while.

I had to guess the human dosage.

For a cranky old bartender, you do pretty good with the nurturing, huh?

(Chuckles) I've had experience.

There you go.


What is it?

Eye of newt?

Something like that.

It's a...

Abath horn.

Oh. Thanks.

And thanks for letting me crash here.

I'm feeling better already.

I think this is just one of those, like, 24-hour plagues, you know?

So our work is... is... is paying off.

I mean, you can control it. You know what this means.

It means I have a lot to thank you for.

But first, we gotta save Kenzi.


Mkhitar Kouyoujimian.

(Buzzer sounds)

Okay, eyes open.

We need to find core samples, genetic materials...


You think it's whatever's in the giant fricking t*nk?

Here, fishy fishy.

Oh, wow. That is not a fish. That is a snake.

That's no snake.

That's a Basilisk.

Is that bad?

Well, it's just bizarre.

It's an extremely rare underfae with incredibly toxic skin.

I'm amazed they even got it in here.


Poor thing. They have it on life support.

I'm fricking freezing, dude.

Can you, like, wolf out and lie on my feet?

Maybe later.


Bo's gonna come through.

She always does.

Then why do you all look so freaked out, huh?

It's not polite to lie to the dying girl, you know.

(Clears throat) It's bad juju.



Just lay back.


Look, I need you to, um, to full-up, deathbed-promise me something.


I see more than anyone thinks, and that's because no one's watching me.

Everyone's always watching Bo.

And what I see is you helping her, even though it hurts you.


So how can you protect her if being with her makes you weak? (Coughs)

I'm working on that.

Look... what I'm asking is, if I'm not here someday, can I count on you to have her back... even if it means cutting her loose?


Will you just please drink your tea?

What are you doing?

I need a tissue sample.


I'll do it. Go get his attention.


Okay. Where?

Uh, okay, uh, uh, to your... your right.

Okay, where?

Okay, uh, uh, right here. To your left a little bit.

Right. (Growling)

Sorry. Almost. No.

Where? Where? Where?

Okay, one more time. Right there. Right there.


Now! (Grunts)

(High-pitched squealing)

(Grunts) (Growls)

What else do we need?

Just this. I'll use it to make an antitoxin.

Good. Let's go.

What's wrong?

Well, we can't leave it here. It's too dangerous.

Well, we're not gonna take it with us.

Look, it's no good to them if it's dead. Help me.

(Ventilator hissing)

Okay, on my go, you pull that plug.




(Alarm blaring)

They're on to us. We don't have much time.

The lab's gonna be on a*t*matic lockdown.

Okay. Let's go.

She's still burning up. How long is this supposed to take?

It should be working by now.


Hey. Hey. I'm right here. I'm right here.


I'm hungry.


Any special requests?

Yeah, no more feet.

(Trick chuckles)

Healing will be slow, so she's gonna need to take it easy for a while.

Yeah, good luck convincing her of that.

Hey, Lauren.

Thank you... for, um, for everything.

I should be thanking you. It was... it was really nice to get out of my shell for a little while.

Um, Lauren, listen. I...

It's okay.

I know. We're not undercover anymore.

This is the real world.

I'm happy Kenzi's gonna be okay.

I should go.

Mmm. Meaty goodness.

Come to mama.

Is everything all good?

It's great, actually.

Kenzi's on the mend.


I scored major points with The Ash for helping solve this, and my sex life is no longer on the critical list.

Oh, yeah? How so?

My training is working.

I can probably have sex with humans now, no casualties.

Well, that's a good thing.

I guess we have the good doctor to thank for that.

She gonna be your first test subject?

Would that be a problem?

What you do with other people is your business.

So... you wouldn't mind if I started seeing other people then?


Not at all.

Good to know.