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21x06 - Til Chef Do Us Part

Posted: 08/13/23 06:27
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen...

- [alarm blaring]
- f*cking fire alarm

- [Brett] We gotta go
- [Mindy] Right now

Ah! This is crazy!

In a race to feed first responders...

It's gonna go fast and furious, boys

...the Blue Team's Alejandro...

The steak's f*cking raw

...stumbled on steak...

Last steak that comes up

- [Alex] Mid-well
- Come on, guys!

Just get it right. It's breakfast

...while in the Red kitchen...

You've gotta speed up. It's a salad

...Sommer and Alyssa bickered about salads...

You gotta talk a little louder

I'm talking. Every component on the plate

...and Ileana had problems
with her pancakes...

Damn it
Guys, these pancakes are f*cking...

I need two! Now!

Yes, Chef

...but that didn't stop the Red Team
from being the first to ring the bell

[Ileana] Yes!

[narrator] At dinner service, Ileana
had a nice rhythm on the meat station...

You sear it, you put it in
And pick it up

- I want all of them like that
- [both] Yes, Chef

...while the men...

Two strip, one Wellie

...were completely out of sync

Two Wellington. I've got one Wellington

Bro, you told me one Wellington

Help me f*cking out

Vlad, you f*cking burned me

[narrator] Despite a few setbacks...

- Garnish walking
- [Cheyenne] Walking halibut

...both teams completed
a respectable service,

but one kitchen had a slight edge

Congratulations, Red Team


[narrator] The Blue Team were forced
to nominate, and they chose...

- Vlad
- ...and...

- Billy
- ...and...

- Alejandro
- But in the end,

Chef Ramsay shockingly sent home...

- Nobody
- Yeah, baby

So, you get a pass,
but we are not going backwards

...keeping everyone's chances
of becoming head chef

at Hell's Kitchen,
Caesars Atlantic City alive

And now,
the continuation of
Hell's Kitchen

Get out of here

[all] Yes, Chef

I most definitely don't get
the respect I deserve

Thank you for not voting for me though

I wasn't put up for elimination tonight,
but my name was brought up,

and it rubbed me the wrong way

We got a little alliance going on here,

so we just gotta watch
our P's and Q's, man

Some people act
like their shit don't stink

and they got their nose turned up

- [Dafne] That was intense
- [Sommer laughs] Good shit, guys

I got a target on my back

We're here, bro

So, right now it's me and Billy
against the Blue Team

Kinda had almost a little
semi f*cking stroke out there, like...

- [Abe] Yeah
- I mean, a f*cking heart attack

I really seen true colors tonight, dude

Alex, dude, I just wanna
break his bitch ass down, man

I'm gonna take him out this competition

Since day one,
Alex, he already has it in his mind

that I don't belong
in the same category as him

But that's fine
I think I'm better than him

because of my passion, my drive,

because of the skills that I've learned
in the time that I have

Listen to me. Look me in the eyes


Is it me and you? Alliance or what?

Man, f*cking...
They got their alliance, dude

- You got my back?
- [Abe] Yeah, I got your back

I really think me and Abe
are the two Tasmanian devils

and Alex doesn't like that

- Man, congratulations, bro
- [Billy] Thanks, bro

I really thought
you were gonna go home, dude

[Billy] I had faith, bro

I've never failed
since I've been in this industry,

and it's like...


I've just... I've never had anything

[Billy] All right, bro. Relax, bro
Take a deep breath

- [Abe sobbing] I work hard...
- Hey. Take a deep breath, big boy

I got nine kids,
the most beautiful wife ever

If I see that picture and it's like...

It shows me what I'm fighting for

[narrator] After an emotional night,

the chefs are ready
to face another challenging day

- Good morning, ladies
- Morning, Chef

Let's go, gents

Good morning

[all] Good morning, Chef

How many of you are married?

Wow. Very important magical day, yes?

- [all] Yes, Chef
- I want to take you back to that day

Oh, God

[all] Aw

- [Ramsay] Billy
- Billy

I want you to look closely
at the big grin on his face,

- but why not on the bride's face?
- [all laughing]

Chef, it was the second time
she married me

- So, she knew it was over
- Right

Wait till you see this one

- [Tara gasps] Aw
- [Ramsay] Wow. Were his hands cold?

As he was grabbing the garter belt,
they were cold

[Ramsay] Gotcha. Let's move on

- [Alex] Whoa
- [Brett chuckles] Wow!

Who in the f*ck is that?

Alex, man
Like, did you play for the Beatles, dog?


- [all] Wow
- [Ramsay] Ileana. Tell me about it

My husband's Bangladeshi

So we mixed our cultures together,

and we had a ceremony
the night before our wedding,

and then a traditional wedding
the next day

Amazing. And...

[Ramsay] Geez
You've heard of the Brady Bunch, right?

[all] Yeah

[Ramsay] This is the Abe Bunch
Oh, my goodness me


[all] Aw

[Dafne] So cute

[Ramsay] The look of love

- Wow
- [Cheyenne] How cute

My husband can rock
the casual Hawaiian shirt, for sure

I hate that I'm single. [chuckles]

- [all] Wow
- [Dafne] Oh, my God

- Wow
- [all] Aw


Wow. How memorable was that?

She's my best friend, Chef, so...

I said it was an emotional day,
and I can see you're getting emotional


I've got one more photo
I'm not too sure you'll like it

I think back in the days
it was black-and-white

[all cheering, chuckling]

[Ramsay] Man

- Oh, my goodness me
- That's good hair, Chef. [chuckles]

[Ileana] Oh, yeah

We've had so many
proposals and celebrations

right here inside Hell's Kitchen

But who could forget

when season winner, Trenton,
proposed to his girlfriend, Macee,

after winning the competition

Take a look

Incredibly honored
I mean, I love you so much

I just love you

Macee, will you marry me?

- Wow
- Aw

- [Ramsay] Incredible, right?
- [all] Yes, Chef

Trenton and Macee are back

Our travel partners, Allegiant Air,
have flown them in VIP from Las Vegas

So. Chefs, please give a warm welcome

The Young g*ns season winner
and the head chef at Gordon Ramsay Steak,

Trenton and his wife to be, Macee
Come on, give it up. Let's go

So good to see you both

- Good to see you
- You look amazing

- Thank you
- Absolutely amazing

Trenton, you are k*lling it in Vegas
How's it going?

It's been incredible
The line's out the door

Vegas is a machine out there

Have you set the date
for this incredible wedding yet?

It's actually tonight

[Ramsay] Tonight

Oh, shit

Oh, my God, we're gonna have
a wedding on Hell's Kitchen

It makes me more upset
that I'm not married

That's right. Trenton and Macee
are getting married tonight,

right here inside Hell's Kitchen

Your next challenge, all of you
are gonna create an amazing menu

that will be served to our lovely couple
for tonight's ceremony

- What would you like to see on that menu?
- We're from the Midwest,

so we really, really like
Southern comfort dishes

So we're looking for something
that brings a little bit of home to us

Nice. Chefs, any questions?

How are y'all on heat?

- We love spicy food
- Add it

- We love seasoning. We want flavor
- Love that. Vlad?

Any vegetables you guys like or dislike?

I love carrots. Really love that

Good. Right. Red Team, Blue Team,
you'll have minutes

to cook all your apps and entrées

- Trenton, would you like to do the honors?
- [Trenton] Yes, Chef

Chefs, you're minutes starts now

[Brett] Let's go, boys

In today's wedding menu challenge,

each team will be responsible
for three appetizers

Scallops, a shrimp pasta and a flatbread

Anybody claiming clams?

Trenton and Macee have also requested

a seafood, a chicken and a steak entrée

[Vlad] Guys, do we have carrots?

Like a harissa almost type of vibe

I'ma have to do a fillet

- Go ahead. I'll do strips
- [Cheyenne] All right

They're from the Midwest
I'm going meat and fried potatoes

[Vlad] Keep it simple and stupid, right?

Flatbread with caramelized onions,
arugula, figs, goat cheese,

- a spicy honey drizzle
- Yum

I'm excited for a wedding challenge
I chose the flatbread

I have a couple of different ideas
in my head that my clients love

Maybe figs and apples?

Going kind of Spanish,
kind of Mediterranean

Chorizo, clams
I'm gonna pull out of the shell

- This is a flatbread?
- Yeah

Does everybody still feel good
about time, right?

- [Alex] Yes
- Yeah

I just started cooking from my heart

I'd just seen my wife, so I was thinking
of something I could make her for dinner

I'm gonna oven-roast the chicken
to render out the fat,

and to finish,
I'm gonna pop it in the fryer

To have the opportunity to cook for them
on their wedding day is really exciting

I am hot, and I am swinging

So, I was gonna do a potato puree
with a sautéed kale

with some bacon in it
and a blackened halibut

It's a lot of pressure
making these apps and entrées

They want the spice
and I'ma give 'em the spice

Now that sounds VIP

- [Billy] Scallops, Chef
- [Jason] Scallops?

So I'm going to do a sweet corn puree,
a little corn salsa, hickory-smoked bacon

Trenton, dog, all I gotta say to you, man,

is happy wife, happy life
Live by it, bro

Hot behind

[Ramsay] Five minutes

Hot coming through

How long did you put it in there for?

Fifteen minutes

- [Christina] Fifteen?
- Yes

It's a little darker than what I'd like

We'll be good. I'm doing rustic

Even though it looks dark,
doesn't mean it's not gonna have

that flavorful juiciness on the inside

That's how I want 'em now

I'm worried about Alyssa's dish
She burnt it,

and that is a very, very sketchy protein

Hot swinging, hot swinging

[Ramsay] Sixty seconds to go. Let's go!

- Brett, you gonna check your chickens?
- f*ck me

Of course my dumb ass
forgot my chicken in the fryer

Bro, holy f*ck

- Oh, man
- [Brett] Don't be dry

Please don't be dry

I f*cked these up

- [Alex] Brett, need help?
- [Brett] Holy shit

[narrator] With time ticking down,

both teams are putting the final touches
on their dishes

for Trenton and Macee's wedding menu

[Ramsay] Sixty seconds to go. Let's go!

- Brett, you gonna check your chickens?
- f*ck me

Bro, holy f*ck

I forgot my chicken in the fryer

I'm disgusted with myself
and feel like an idiot

[Ramsay] Thirty seconds to go! Come on

I don't have a pizza cutter

- Here
- We got it now


- [Ramsay] Ten, nine...
- Up, up, up

- ...eight...
- [Ileana] Max!, six, five...

- [Sakari] Go, go, go, go, go!
- ...four...

...three two, one

- And stop!
- Guys, let's go!

[Ramsay] Right, let's start off
with the flatbreads, the appetizer

- Let's go
- [Alyssa] Let's go, Tara!

Let's go, ladies

Tara, let's start off with you

So this is a flatbread
with some caramelized onions,

caramelized apples,

topped with some baby arugula
and some spicy honey drizzle on the top

Visually, I like it

But it's missing a little bit of depth

I think the flatbread is cooked perfectly,
but it does need some salt in it still

- Next one, Alejandro
- We have a Spanish-inspired flatbread

So, it's some Spanish chorizo, some clams

Flatbread with clams? What?

He went way outside the box

Clams on a flatbread

I really like that

Overall, a touch more acidity
and a little more fluff on your dough

- It looks like it was rolled out too much
- Right

Right. Trenton, Macee

Is it the flatbread from
the Red Team or the Blue Team?

- Yeah, Blue
- Blue Team

[Ramsay] Blue Team

Great dish

Well done

- Now that is thinking out the box, yes
- Thank you, Chef

You might see that on a menu
Eventually, at my own restaurant

[Ramsay] Really good

Right, next up,
the battle of the scallops

Ileana, Billy, step forward

[Alyssa] Go, Ileana!

Battle of the scallops. Ding, ding

I did a pan-seared diver's scallop
with a sweet corn puree

and a little pickled okra

It's cooked really, really nicely
I like the acidity of the okra

- Smart combination of ingredients
- Thank you very much

- [Ramsay] Right, Ileana
- Uh, I have made a charred corn succotash,

I did a hard sear on the scallops on top

The presentation of it,
I just feel like it's very wedding-esque

- I really liked it
- Thank you

[Ramsay] Trenton, Macee

Uh, is it scallops from the Red Team
or scallops from the Blue Team, please?

I feel like I really like yours

Thank you, Chef!

Well done, B-True!

- [Sakari] B-True!
- B-True

That's two points
B-True comes out of the gate swinging

Okay, Blue Team,
you're off to a strong start

[narrator] The next round
of wedding appetizers features...

Shrimp and pasta

Two from the Blue, Sakari and Vlad
And Dafne

[narrator] And while Dafne's...

Prawn and angel hair seafood brodetto

It looks like something you would get
at a fine-dining restaurant

Thank you

...and Sakari's...

...seafood pomodoro
So, there's some crab meat in there

The sauce is great

...impressed Trenton and Macee


Butter, white wine noodles,
blackened shrimp and clams

My first thought was,
"How am I gonna eat this?" about to be divorced

I'm gonna be wearing a wedding dress,

and I definitely
don't wanna get anything on it

[narrator] But it was the...

- Red Team. Absolutely
- Red Team, you guys got this

...who finally received an "I do."

[Vlad] Good job

I feel amazing

It feels so good to beat two boys

With the Red Team trailing by one,

- it's time for the first round of...
- Entrées

Let's start off with the meat, please
Thank you

[narrator] Mindy's New York strip with...

...a balsamic cabernet reduction

It's very country club feeling

...falls flat,
leaving Cheyenne's fillet with a...

...chipotle demi glaze go against Alex's...

...barbecue spice rubbed hanger steak


- We love hanger steak
- We're gonna go with the hanger steak

- [Ramsay] Hanger steak
- [Blue Team cheering]

[Ramsay] Good job

Really good

Let's go, boys. Let's finish strong

[narrator] Up by two, the Blue Team
is looking to Abe's fish entrée

to seal the win for the men

I have a pan-seared snapper

with a little bit of a Cajun sprinkle
on top of that

I think it's bright
and seasoned very well

[narrator] And now it's up to Sommer
to try to keep the Red Team alive

This is a super VIP blackened halibut

I made a bacon cream,

and I did collard greens
with bacon in there as well

- This screams South
- Two very good dishes

Both look really f*cking good

[Ramsay] Which fish dish is going on
as your entrées tonight?

Is it from the Red Team or the Blue Team?

- We love the Red Team
- [Macee] The Red Team

- [Trenton] You knocked it out the park
- Thank you

And it all comes down to
that Southern style chicken. Here we go

- Let's go
- [Vlad] Go, Brett!

I'm not really happy with the chicken

I am extremely nervous that
I had overcooked my chicken breast

Let's start off with Alyssa
Describe your chicken entrée please

So, I did a nice Cajun chicken

And then I did
honey-spiced glazed carrots

I really like the carrots
I like the seasoning on the chicken

- Chicken's cooked really well
- [Alyssa] Thank you

Nice and juicy. It's glistening

Oh, my God. We're gonna get this

- It's got such depth of flavor
- Thank you, Chef

Right, Blue Team
Brett, describe your chicken

What you have in front of you
is some braised collards

and mustard greens on the bottom

Then you have twice cooked chicken

I think it looks very Southern

The chicken is a champion here
Like, great flavor profile

- Thank you, Chef
- Ah, man. This one's gonna be tough

- This is close
- Pfft. Yeah

- We're gonna go Blue Team on this one
- Yeah

[Alex] Yeah, baby!

[Brett] Yeah, I'm jazzed. I'm buzzing

And to get to cook for Trenton

who was honestly a huge inspiration
for me coming into this

To have him stand behind my dish
and pick mine. I couldn't be happier

Trenton and Macee. Thank you so much

Now get out of here 'cause you're
getting married in a few hours, yes?

- Good job. Well done. Go on
- Thank you

- [Ramsay] Take care
- Thank you

Blue Team, I reached out
to a very dear friend of mine

She's an award-winning James Beard chef
Suzanne Goin

You'll be treated to an exquisite meal
at her family's restaurant, Cara Cara

But before that meal,
I'm sending all of you

to Rage Ground, downtown LA

- And you can smash, throw, break...
- Yes!

...let some steam off, have
some freaking fun with this thing

Blue Team, get out of here

- Come on. Hurry up
- [all] Yes, Chef

Going to a rage room
Gonna get some aggression

Crazy. God, it feels good to win

Mmm, feels good

Red Team

As you know, Trenton and Macee
are getting married tonight

You need to construct the most luscious
six-tier Baileys Irish cream cake

- Off you go
- [all] Yes, Chef

[Ramsay] What a shame

[Alyssa] Damn, dude

We have the weight on our shoulders
of making someone's wedding cake

This is rough

I'll make the American buttercream

- You make the Baileys buttercream
- Yeah, I'll do Baileys then

I'm not a baker at all


But I've made icing before, maybe once

As we're making it, I'm pouring the
Baileys in, and it just smells so good

That's hella good

There's no way my clumsy ass
could build a six-tier wedding cake

[Sommer chuckles]

Oh. Mindy, what did I tell you
about doing dr*gs?

[narrator] While the women attempt
to make tonight's wedding a smash hit,

the men head to the rage room
to do their own smashing and hitting

[Alex] Check on Brett

Brett clearly needs to be seen
by a therapist

He's got a little too much rage

- What did it do to you?
- [Brett] Punched me in the f*cking face

Might wanna watch out for pinky

Whoo! You've got a skillet. Let's go!


Everybody hitting that one Helwig
Ping, ping, ping, ping

You guys missed a spot

Move out the way


This is for the ladies, baby

[Billy] Damn, bro

[Sakari] This is living the life, fellas

- [Alejandro] That's a spread
- [Abe] Oh, man

[Brett] Damn, everything's fire, huh?

[Alex] We're feeling good
We feel like a cohesive team

Even Billy pulled it together
this morning

Hey, but for real,
cheers to Billy bouncing back, y'all

- [Alejandro] Good job
- B-True

Thank you, gentlemen, I appreciate that

We're glad you m*rder*d Billy last night

Got rid of that boy. Eighty-sixed him

Now B-True's here

[narrator] While the men are getting rid
of a lot of their stress,

the women are stressing out
over the construction

of the six-tier wedding cake

[Ileana] No. Look, jiggly

It's like the inside is lava,

but the outside is starting to get
real crispy and brown

Oh, f*ck
Yo, this is still raw as f*ck inside

- Cheyenne, this one's gotta go back in
- [Cheyenne] Wait, what?

[Ileana] Man, this is falling apart on me

[Cheyenne] Oh, no

With the wedding quickly approaching,

the ladies have discovered...

[Ileana] Oh, f*ck
Yo, this is still raw inside

...the cake is half-baked

Cheyenne, this one's gotta go back in

[Cheyenne] Wait, what?

[Ileana] Shit, man
This is falling apart on me

I'm super pissed at myself, man

The best thing we could do
is just frost it back together

I don't know what you've been told

[Blue Team]
Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue

Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue

- [Brett] How'd it go? Is it all right?
- [Abe] ♪ Red Team, watching out

- Looking good, ladies. Looking good
- [Vlad] Are you making it?

- I would say take that off
- Can you not touch?

- Okay, sorry
- f*cking move. Don't touch my stuff

- You guys actually baking them?
- No, we didn't bake them

We f*cking stood around in a circle
and played patty-cake

[Vlad] Okay

We definitely see
that cake ain't ready yet,

and all the ladies are kinda down

That's great for us. You know what I mean?

Common sense, dude. Common sense

- Dude, you gotta chill the f*ck out
- I'm allowed to say what I want

- It's their wedding. Let's do it well
- Yeah

With the wedding just an hour away...

Get aprons on right away

...both teams are doing their final prep
for tonight's special service

We just gotta talk all night

Soon as we stop talking,
that's when shit goes south

Tonight is not the night
to let Chef down, guys

Tonight will be a night to remember,

as friends and family of Trenton and Macee
are now arriving for their matrimony,

as well as some familiar faces

[guests applauding]

There's the groom. All of you, line up,
please. Very quietly. Let's go

Line up, please. Let's go. Line up

Line up, line up, line up


["Wedding March" playing]

- [guests cheer, applaud]
- Wow


Welcome. We have come here together today
as the family and friends

of Trenton and Macee

Macee looked beautiful. And he just looked
so proud standing there

It was pretty cool 'cause
I haven't been to a wedding in a while

- [guests cheer, applaud]
- [officiant] And now, Trenton,

the moment we all know you've been
waiting very patiently for

You may kiss your wife


[guests cheering]

- [Ramsay] Oh, my goodness me
- Whoo! [chuckles]

Let's go

Guests from all over the country are here

to celebrate Trenton and Macee's
happily ever after

To reuniting

And it feels so good

The wedding reception menu will include

the winning dishes
from this morning's challenge

- Excited about everything?
- Oh, yeah

[narrator] The preparing and cooking
of the head table's appetizers and entrées

will be split evenly
between the two kitchens

Let's go

Let's go, boys

[narrator] With talented Hell's Kitchen
alumni in attendance...

I'm, like, so happy we get to watch
instead of cook. [chuckles]

...both teams are committed to making
Trenton and Macee's special night perfect

- [Cody] Cheers to Trenton
- Trenton, and your beautiful wife

- Congratulations
- Yeah!

Here we go. Four covers, table
Two shrimp pasta, two scallop

- [all] Heard, Chef
- [Ramsay] Let's go

- [Abe] Dropping scallops now
- Five and a half out on that pasta

[Billy] I'd rather sear the scallops

Yeah, dude. But it's not just one thing
I gotta do it all

[Abe] It's your dish. I understand that
But I've gotta make sure it all comes out

- All right, bro. You got it?
- Yeah

[Billy] Okay. Okay

Three minutes on two scallops

Billy's too excited
You know, he wants to do his dish,

but I want to make sure
that we get off to a rock star start

I've worked this station, he hasn't

Walking scallops. Walking scallops

It's f*cking ice-cold
Hey, you two. Come here

- Come here, you two. Touch them
- Yes, Chef

Just touch them in the middle

It's f*cking ice-cold

- Come on, guys
- Yes, Chef

- Shit!
- Come on. Bounce back

- [Abe] Bounce back
- [Ramsay] Come here, you

- Yes, Chef
- This is your dish

- Yes
- I've seen you cook f*ck-all

Why aren't you're cooking this?
Come on, teamwork

[Billy] I'll cook the scallops

And he's like, "No, you never worked
fish yet. Blah, blah, blah."

And I'm like,
"Bro, what the f*ck you talking about?

I've worked fish my whole life."

Scallops walking to the window

Walking two pastas

Scallops in the window, Chef

Now they're f*cking cremated

Hey, Blue Team. Come here

Now they've gone the other way

That's too caramelized now

Let's go. Two more portions

- [Alejandro] Come on, guys!
- Bro, you want me to cook the scallops?

[Billy] Scallops down

[narrator] As Billy finally takes the lead
on cooking his own scallop creation...

[Ramsay] Okay, Red Team

Four covers, table five
Two scallops, two shrimp

- Heard?
- [all] Yes, Chef!

...the Red Team is hustling
on their first appetizers

Three scallops are ready right here

- Six minutes on...
- [Cheyenne] Six minutes heard

Tonight's dinner service is very important

because this is a wedding reception

It's always a beautiful celebration

You're just surrounded by love,
good food and good vibes

- [Macee] To many more sh*ts together
- Yeah

[guests cheer]

We cannot f*ck this up

You guys, I'm ready to walk
Are you good with the scallops?

- [Cheyenne] Thirty seconds
- Heard. Heard

All right. Baste these scallops

[Dafne] Right behind

[Cheyenne] I'm so excited to cook
for Trenton and Macee

It makes me miss my girlfriend, Emily

We've been together almost two years

The days are getting
a little longer without her

But she would want me to be focused

All right, walking scallops

beautifully cooked, the scallops

Thank you, Chef

[Ramsay] Service, please

[narrator] Trenton and Macee's friends
are now enjoying their appetizers

from the Red kitchen

Okay. I'm impressed

I'm glad we got some

- [Victoria] Yay
- [chuckles]

While guests being served by the Blue Team

are still waiting on Billy's scallops

We're gonna sit here and starve,
and just eat bread and drink wine. Thanks

[Cody] Are we only getting food
from the Blue side?

I should've just seared scallops
from the beginning

You know what I'm saying, bro?

- How long?
- A minute and a half

[Abe] Minute and a half

[Billy] This is my signature dish

This is B-True coming with the mad flavor,
the full force, like the whole nine

- [Ramsay] Hey, Blue Team
- [all] Yes, Chef

[Ramsay] Just touch that

- It's raw!
- I'm sorry, Chef

[Ramsay] This is ridiculous

Young man, this is your dish

- [Billy] I'm sorry, Chef
- They chose your dish

I want the scallops

[narrator] It's minutes into
Trenton and Macee's wedding reception...

I want the scallops

I want the f*cking scallops

...and Billy has scuttled the team's
third attempt at his scallop dish

[Ramsay] Hey, Blue Team

Just touch that

- It's raw
- Sorry, Chef

[Ramsay] This is ridiculous

They're too dark. They're raw
They're overcooked. They're undercooked

Scallops. Five minutes

[Sakari] Come on, Billy
This is your dish

You gotta own it, man

Don't let it back you up, baby
You're a rock star

- Who's a f*cking rock star?
- Yeah, dog. B-True

Thirty seconds. Thirty seconds

f*cking hell

Billy, bring me that tray of scallops

Yes, Chef

- Cheyenne. Come here
- Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef

[Billy] Right behind you, Chef


- Yes, Chef
- Why are they black?

Can you show him
how to sear the scallop now, please

Now. It's his dish. Now!

- Those scallops were too dark
- It's okay

Billy, you need to f*cking wake up a bit
and get some finesse

Yes, Chef

- Refire?
- Yeah. f*cking right, refire

- [Cheyenne] Yes, Chef
- Jesus f*cking Christ

I am so embarrassed

I know how to cook scallops
Like, what the f*ck is going on?

- [Ramsay] Scallops, please
- Right now, Chef!

- Go. Go, please
- [server] Yes, Chef

Finally, with a little help from Cheyenne...

Yes. What's going on?

...both teams are now flying
through the rest of their appetizers

I'm so hungry

[Cody] It does look good
I got seared scallops

I got things that looked plated well

But damn, that did take a long while

And the Red Team is ready to say, "I do,"

to their first order of entrées

Okay. Four covers, table
Entrée. Two chicken, two halibut. Heard?

- [all] Yes, Chef
- [Ramsay] Let's go

All right. Don't stay quiet

- All right, guys. Five and a half
- Five and a half?

- [Sommer] Two chicken, two halibut
- Dropping in one minute

Stop for two seconds. Stop

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this?

- [Dafne] It's too much on one
- Too much in there

That's not how we cook for a wedding

- I asked you cook with some love, yes?
- [Alyssa] Yes, Chef

Come on. It's like a roadside café, this

- Yep, you're right. Yep, yep, yep
- [all] Yes, Chef!

[Tara] Alyssa's so scatterbrained

A fog has glossed over her eyes
and she's like this: "Huh?"

Are you good? Okay. Go. Go

We're up. Add your stuff

Get this station in order, girl
Get your shit together

I'm walking with halibut

[Sommer] Basting right now

Start walking garnish
I'm right behind you with the chicken

Okay. Walking garnish

- [Tara] Can I walk my halibut?
- [Sommer] Yes. Start walking

Come on. Go, go, go
Chicken right now, Chef

[Ramsay] Chicken's raw

Come here

- It's f*cking rare inside
- [Sommer] Yes, Chef

"In sickness and health." They won't
even last a f*cking week married

- [Sommer] Sorry
- [Ramsay] Get it back in the pan


I don't know why
Mindy's not helping Sommer right now

Sommer is literally taking the beating
by herself

You have two proteins on there
with two women

Why can't you cook chicken?

[Sommer] All right. Coming right now

- [Ramsay] Chicken!
- Behind, behind, behind

Yeah, we heard

[Ramsay] Go, Christina

Service, please

[narrator] With Trenton and Macee's guests
enjoying their entrées...

The chicken's super tender

It's, like, perfect, yeah. Really good

...Chef Ramsay is ready to fire
the most important ticket of the night

Look at that top table

[Macee cheering]

Blue Team, one halibut,
two chicken, three steak

Red Team, one halibut,
two chicken, three steak

- How long?
- Six minutes, Chef

- How long?
- [Alejandro] Six minutes

- Six minutes. Let's go. Six minutes
- [all] Yes, Chef

Coming down. Coming down, coming down

[Alex] Fish, what do you need?

- Do I have a...
- [Alex] Good?

[Abe] I got my halibut dropping
Dropping like panties

Two chicken, two steaks, six minutes

[Alyssa] Good job, you guys
Let's keep communicating

Let's keep those voices

The top table's up
And it is absolutely %, % important

to make this bride and groom happy

[Ramsay] Why haven't you got
your collard greens on yet?

- [Alyssa] I'm dropping them now, Chef
- But you're dropping them now

Why aren't there any collard greens on?
How is that possible?

- I got it. I got it, I got it
- It's the top table!

[all] Yes, Chef

Alyssa talks ginormous game, I swear

It is nowhere to be seen, though,
when we're cooking

Come on, Alyssa

You're cooking like
you're out of your depth. Let's go

- It gives me PTSD, honestly
- Correct

I want to go up and help them

But I also am very scared
to go up and help them

Come on, boys. Come on, boys

When it comes to that top,
that head table, it has to be perfect

- Coming down
- Proteins are walking, if you're there

Let's go

f*ck. Alejandro! Let's go
Brett, yeah, come over

Look at it. It's ice-cold
It's just... It's rare

Why are you doing this to me tonight?

- Back in
- [Brett] Yes, Chef


- Come on. Let's go!
- [Abe] Yes, Chef

g*dd*mn, dude

[exhales deeply]

There it goes. This boat's sinking
Please. We gotta catch a grip

We've gotta bounce back
We've gotta bounce back

Coming down, guys!

Coming down

[Abe] Halibut to the window

[Ramsay] This is raw

[groans] Shit

All right, don't just... just...

You, you, you, you, you, you, you
f*ck off, will you?

Get out!

Get out!

Aw, sh**t

- Oh, no
- Is this whiskey?

- This is your whiskey
- I love you. I love you

[narrator] It's over minutes
into Trenton and Macee's wedding service

You, you, you, you, you, you, you
f*ck off, will you?

Get out!

Get out!

Aw, sh**t

[narrator] After another raw chicken
making it to the pass,

Chef Ramsay has seen enough

Hey, Blue Team!

[Alex] Yes, Chef

Yes, Chef

What the f*ck was that?

- Embarrassing, Chef
- Unacceptable, Chef

A disgrace. You should be embarrassed

- [Brett] We are, Chef
- [Vlad] I am, Chef

Try and do something as a team

- Come up with two individuals...
- Yes, Chef

...that could be leaving
in the next five minutes

- [all] Yes, Chef
- f*ck off

[narrator] While the Blue Team heads back
to the dorm in shame...

Three hanger, two chicken, one halibut
Ninety seconds

...the Red Team is still working hard
to complete their half of the head table

I'm still... I'm still weirded out
to be on this side of the kitchen

I'm like, I want to go in there
and be like...

- Tell 'em what to do
- [groans]

Thirty seconds

- You can start walking garnish, okay?
- [Alyssa] Heard

This is for the head table
I do not want to f*ck this up at all

- Can I walk with my halibut?
- Go ahead and walk

- Is garnish up?
- Walking

- You got it? Go
- [Mindy] It's f*cking hot

I'ma follow behind with two chicken,
all right?

- [Mindy] Three steaks going up
- [Alyssa] Walking garnish

- How long on the next table?
- [Mindy] It's hot, Chef

[Sommer] Okay
Walking with chicken right now

[Ramsay] Mindy come here

- Sorry, Chef
- Red Team, come here

Mindy said that's hot
Can someone touch that?

- That's not...
- [Ramsay] It's not f*cking hot

- In the oven, Mindy
- [Mindy] Yes, Chef

Oh, come on. Top table
She said it's hot. It's not hot

[Sommer] Convection for one minute

f*ck me, Jesus

Oh, f*cking hell


- [Dafne] You guys
- [Tara] Oh, my God

Oh, my f*cking good God

I'm sorry, guys. f*cking sorry

She can't even heat collard greens

Chicken raw

Mindy's giving me hot food stone cold
Oh, my God

We've just gotta bounce back

- [Sommer] Yeah
- That's all it is

[Tara] Meats are falling hard

Raw chicken
after raw chicken after raw chicken

Guys, it's not this hard to cook chicken

[Sommer] Basting right now

This is somebody's wedding
You better step it up

- [Mindy] This one?
- [Sommer] Yes

Behind you. Chicken

[Tara] Halibut walking. Halibut walking

[Dafne] Hey, is that chicken right?

- Sommer, is that chicken right?
- [Sommer] Yes. It's right

[Cheyenne] All right. Ticket's gotta
be perfect, or we're f*cked


Oh, shit

[Ramsay] What is that temperature?

- Medium-well, Chef
- [Ramsay] What is that?

- [stammers] I have one ready
- Medium-well, Chef

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven

Get out! Get out!

Oh, wow

[Tara] Chef Ramsay's embarrassed

He's embarrassed for Trenton
He's embarrassed for us

This is gut-wrenching right now

[Dafne] We had it so f*cking close

[narrator] With both kitchens
not being able to finish service,

Chef Christina and Chef Jason step in
to serve the head table their entrées

Oh. Awesome. Thank you so much

It's so good

It's cooked really good

Ending the night on a sweet note

with their Baileys Irish Cream
wedding cake

- Are you cutting it?
- No, you cut it

- No, you've got it
- You've got the knife skills, babe

[guests cheering, applauding]

[Macee screams, chuckles]

That's really good

This is so much f*cking harder
than what I thought

[Dafne] You just kind of shut off, dude

I don't know what happens
when you're like...

You can say I am, but I kept going
I may have forgot a few garnishes,

but I just picked it up
and tried to get it out. I didn't stop

I think you're your worst enemy, for sure

And, Sommer,
you were rushing your f*cking proteins

- Yeah, you can't...
- [Dafne] Which is dumb

This was a bad day for me,
and this will be the last bad day for me

The defeats today are, like,
so close it f*cking hurts

Sommer and Mindy, they absolutely
crashed and burned tonight,

but, man, Alyssa was
literally so confused

You can't keep someone like that around

You can't
[Tara] Did the boys get kicked out?

[Cheyenne] They got kicked out
minutes before we did

I had to go over there
and cook their food

They were sitting there staring at me,
still getting yelled at,

not knowing what they had on fire

They got kicked out first. End of the day,
they're still weak as shit

Who are the two weakest links?

[Alex] I think fish got us off
to a really rough start

When you start service like that,
you're doomed to fail

At the same time, they sent out steak,
they sent out chicken that was raw,

and that chicken f*cked us

The scallops f*cked us from the get-go

It sent us, from the beginning,
down a shitshow spiral

In my defense,

he wanted to take a leadership role,
and I wanted it. And he said no

Because of the fish part
You haven't done the fish and...

It doesn't f*cking matter

Abe's like, "I got this."
Obviously you don't

You should've let B-True
do his thing, bro

- So I vote Billy and Brett
- Okay

- And I vote Billy and Brett
- All right

So that's two me. Two Billy

- I vote Billy and Abe
- I vote Billy and Abe

I disagree. We wouldn't be here
if you hadn't gotten us kicked out

How many times did I refire chicken?

- It doesn't matter. [stammers]
- [Brett] How many times did you refire?

How many times did a Red cook
come over to my station?


No. No
A Red cook never came to my station

[Abe] No, I'm talking about
I refired scallops twice

He took over. He fired 'em twice

[Brett] I had four plates of pasta
on my station that got thrown away

because of you guys

He didn't ask about service
He asked two weakest links

I vote for Billy
and I guess I'll vote Abe again

[Abe] That's bullshit, bro

Y'all got your little alliance going on to
get us out of here. I don't give a f*ck

This is my opinion. I'm allowed to have it
without you barking down my throat

We bounced back. We made it happen

They sent out some bad shit
You sent out some bad shit

[Alejandro] Come on, man

This is not personal
This is professional

- This is why you're not a good leader
- I am a good f*cking leader

Then calm the f*ck down

So you keep on coming at me

because you think you a bad m*therf*cker
and everybody else is shit

How do I act like it?

Because I'm not as f*cking educated
as you and shit like that

- Stop
- What are you talking about?

- Stop
- [Brett] Abe

[Ramsay] Question

Was that a wedding
or was that a funeral tonight?

the Red Team's first nominee and why

Our first nominee tonight, Chef,
is Alyssa

Alyssa lacked confidence on garnish

and she did not communicate
with anybody tonight

Second nominee

Our second nominee, Chef...

is Sommer

The meat station went down

and Sommer was responsible
for a lot of the raw chicken


So our first nominee is Billy

Billy couldn't make his own dish tonight

He didn't take charge
and when he did, he came up short

[Ramsay] Second nominee

Second nominee is...


He was on fish station tonight

And we just felt like they came out
the gate and kind of put us behind

Alyssa, Sommer, Billy, Abe,
step forward, please

Sommer, why do you think you should
stay in Hell's Kitchen?

I should stay in Hell's Kitchen
because I'm a natural born leader, Chef

I'm determined and I have drive
I don't... I don't give up


I know where I made my errors
I'm willing to fix these mistakes,

and be headstrong
and continue with more of a voice


Chef, I'm embarrassed
for my performance tonight

I believe that I can bounce back

And I believe, you know,
I should stay here, Chef


Chef, I think I've been
a strong competitor up to this point

I did not feel confident

None of us felt confident in Billy
to run the station tonight

We wanted to start off strong,
but I bounced back just like you wanted

I won't let it happen again
I learn from my mistakes

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is...


Come here

You talk the big game
You need to back that up

- You're right
- Okay?

Tonight's performance
did not give me confidence

that you're ready to be my head chef

I appreciate the opportunity, Chef

Good night

[Billy] Ciao

See ya, Billy

- Bye, Billy
- [Cheyenne] Bye, Billy

[Billy] It's crazy that I went home
because of my scallop dish

My boy, Abe,
kind of snaked me out tonight

I told him multiple times
that I wanted to take the leadership role

I thought Chef Ramsay
would see through Abe's BS

It is what it is,
and at the end of the day,

you know, I know I'm a talented chef

I'm not done

The next person leaving Hell's Kitchen...


Give me your jacket, please

Young lady, you need to know

that your performance tonight on garnish
absolutely sunk the kitchen

But you personally did not bounce back

- Yes, Chef
- Good night

[Alyssa] Good night. Thank you

I was a little surprised
by Chef Ramsay's decision

But if I could do this again,
I would come in with more of a voice

I didn't have a team
that initially supported me,

so I lacked my confidence

I should've not worried about my team

I should have kept my confidence,
because I know that I can do it

Sommer, Abe, back in line

Start thinking, individually, how you're
going to redeem yourselves tomorrow

Get out of here

I felt relieved, of course,
but this will never happen again

It gives me the motivation that I need
to show the type of chef that I can be

I'ma fight for what's mine,
and that position is mine

I just gotta make it mine
Like a perfect soufflé

It's either you're gonna sink
or you're gonna rise to the top

- [chuckles]
- You're so mean

A weight is lifted off my shoulders

From this point forward, it's game on

[Ramsay] It's so sad that on
Trenton and Macee's wedding day

I had to say "I don't"
to both Billy and Alyssa

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen...

If you're pissed off, that's your fault
You make yourself unlikable

Not now. I'm not in the mood
Don't speak to me like that's every chef for themselves...

Now I'm gonna work even harder,
so one of you guys go home the competition heats up...

Come on. It's not good enough

I got you

I need to show Chef Ramsay
that I'm a scrappy little bitch

...and reaches a fever pitch

- Come on
- [Sommer] Oh, my gosh

[narrator] It's an orchestra of odd

[in Dracula accent]
Would you like to drink some blood?

- [normal] Bravo
- [narrator] A symphony of silly...

Anybody ever work with Galal... Galabo...

Galan... Galan...

- I have no idea what this is
- Ugh

- ...and a cacophony of crazy
- [electronic music playing]

[Ramsay] Just touch them

Oh! I didn't say f*cking grab... f*ck off!

- [narrator] Next time...
- Too much... [babbling]

...on Hell's Kitchen