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21x07 - Wok This Way

Posted: 08/13/23 06:28
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen...

Season winner,
Trenton and his wife to be, Macee

Chef Ramsay invited two special guests

Trenton and Macee are getting
married tonight,

right here inside Hell's Kitchen

[narrator] Both teams were challenged
to create an outstanding marriage menu


- And while Alejandro's flatbread...
- I really, really liked that

- ...Billy's scallops...
- Smart combination of ingredients

- And Sommer's halibut...
- This screams the South

- ...lived happily ever after...
- It's got such depth of flavor

...Tara, Vlad and Sakari's dishes
got left at the altar

It's missing a little bit of depth

[narrator] In the end, it was Brett's...

- [Ramsay] Southern-style chicken
- We're gonna go Blue Team on this one

...that impressed the bride and groom
and clinched it for the men

Nice meeting you guys

Later, while the wedding ceremony
was filled with joy...

You may kiss your wife

- [cheering]
- Let's go

...unfortunately, dinner service was filled
with misery

"In sickness and health." They won't
even last the f*cking week married

[narrator] In the Red kitchen,
the women wanted to divorce Sommer...

It's f*cking rare inside

- ...and Alyssa
- Come on. It's like a roadside café, this

- Guys
- [all] Yes, Chef

Alyssa is so scatterbrained
She's like this, "Huh?"

- [Ramsay] Come on, girls
- [narrator] In the Blue kitchen,

- Abe and Billy...
- Just touch them in the middle

...struggled with scallops...

It's f*cking ice-cold

- Come on, guys
- Yes, Chef

If you can't do your job,
why are you here?

...which led a frustrated Chef Ramsay
to pop this question

Why are you doing this to me tonight?

[narrator] Not surprisingly,

Chef Ramsay said "I don't" to both teams

Get out! Get out!

In the dorms, Alyssa was under attack...

I think you're your worst enemy

...and Abe was on the attack

Y'all got y'all little alliance going on
to get us out of here

- I don't give a f*ck
- Then calm the f*ck down

Abe comes off too aggressive,
a little bit too challenging

When it came time to send someone home,

Chef Ramsay said goodbye to...

- Billy
- ...and...

- Alyssa
- ...ending their chances

of becoming head chef
at Hell's Kitchen, Caesars Atlantic City

And now, the continuation
Hell's Kitchen

Get out of here

[Abe] It really humbles me to be here

I have to make sure
that my team has confidence in me

I hope I didn't lose no respect
because I finally blew up,

but they gotta understand
where I come from

Abe, so we're all good, right?

I let it build up and I blew up
And it was the wrong time, wrong place

That shit was wild, man

This... It does tear you...
This place does tear you down,

just by... just the anxiety

So I didn't know how to deal with it

- Yeah
- But that's not me

- You know what I'm saying?
- Yeah

Abe continues to get in his own way
with how he's behaving,

so I don't believe a word
this guy is saying

Um, I love life. I'm always happy. Um...

[Brett] If he's gonna act immature
and start fights

and be bad for the culture of the team,
that's on him

I'm always just being me
and I do apologize

You know what I mean?
I don't mean to come off aggressive

They're on our team, we work together,
but they're all young. They're or

There's also some really big egos

I really like Cheyenne,
but Cheyenne's young

- [Mindy] Ugh. Her parents are our age
- [Tara] I know

- [Tara] I'm happy I have you to talk to...
- Yeah

...and connect with

- If one of us leaves, this is gonna suck
- I know. And it'll happen

Tara and I have been
through all of the losses together

Our bonding starts from the time
we wake up until the time we go to bed

It's too much. [imitating arguing]

- I'm, like, enough with the -year-olds
- [laughing]

[harp music playing]

Uh-oh, guys, it's about to be crazy

The music

Who would've known
that hell could sound so beautiful?

What is going on today?

How beautiful was that?

- Beautiful, Chef
- Amazing

[Ramsay] Just like in cooking,

a musical composition
must be arranged very, very carefully

One single instrument
can create beautiful melodies

But what do you get
when you add more instruments?

You get a symphony

[Alejandro] There's definitely a parallel

between being a world-class musician
and a world-class chef

It's all about layering flavors perfectly,
or it's always out of sync

The Hell's Kitchen Symphony

Chefs, for today's team challenge,

I want to test all your ability
to select five amazing ingredients

that work in perfect harmony together

You'll choose your five ingredients
from a series of five domes

Every time you hear
the Hell's Kitchen Symphony play...

you'll run to the dome

Whatever ingredients you manage to get,

those will be your instruments
to create your amazing orchestrated dish

One more thing

Today, I'm giving you a very powerful tool
to amplify your flavors

The amazing HexClad wok

That's the only pan
you'll be cooking with today

- Oh
- Wow

I'm a little nervous about this
Everything in a wok?

Like, you need to be able
to cook quick in a wok

I don't normally cook Asian food,
so I need to get the ingredients

that can make the wok accessible
and easy to use

On your mark, set...

[musicians playing]

[narrator] Chef Ramsay is testing
the chefs' ability to adapt

The chefs must create their dishes

from one ingredient
under each of the five domes,

beginning with the selection
of the protein

[Ileana] It was like a Black Friday sale,

and Chef Christina's got a flat screen
under that dome

- [Cheyenne] Who got lobster?
- [Ileana] I got lobster

I was gonna do, like, lobster
with a lemongrass, uh, chili

Immediately when I think of my wok,

I think of making something "stew-y",
coconut milky

I'm not just a one trick kind of monkey

It's hard to figure out what you need
until you get it

I know. We don't know what else we got

[Brett] At this point,
it's every man for themself

I wanna be the first one to the dome
I want my first pick of ingredients

[narrator] With five minutes gone,
the chefs hustle to grab a starch

that hopefully harmonizes
with their protein

I know there's a hand
on this sweet potato, but it's mine

Oh, I wanted sweet potato so bad

- [Mindy] I'm so sorry
- [Cheyenne] It's okay

I love this team and I want to do
what's right for them, but I wanna win

What are you thinking?

Um, speaking sort of out of my ass...

[Christina] Let's hope the food doesn't
taste like it came out of your ass

I'm gonna build a snapper soup, Chef

What are you thinking?

- I'm going dashi, eggplant
- Yep

Debating if I should sear this off
or just take the skin off and poach it

Yeah, it's delicious

It's very hard to conceptualize
on the fly

Only way I know I'm gonna get the good
stuff is by hustling my ass down there

as soon as I hear the music start playing

- [music plays]
- Go, go, go!

These girls have lightning speed

I make it last to the dome again,
and I get snap peas

Snap peas, snap peas. f*cking snap peas

And also, only being able
to cook one thing at a time,

it is definitely not going
to be a wok in the park

Oh, my God, I almost fell off my chair

This is so tough

I'm doing a lobster Cantonese
mustard green salad

I utilized everything
I cooked down to the claws and the shells

So it's all about layering flavors,

trying to create a symphony
in your mouth of flavor

[Abe] Blue Team! Let's go, let's go

Come on, guys, let's push


Oh, yeah

Let's go

Anybody ever work with "galal"?
Galangal? Whatever galangal is?

Maybe it's like ginger?
Galangal? Gabangal?

I'm gonna work on some
buttery garlic Asian noodles

with some spicy tiger shrimp,
some sautéed bok choi

I'm trying to figure in this galangal

I don't want it to overpower anything
I'm gonna grate that into my sauce

But It could either make or break
my dish right now

- [Sommer] Oh, my gosh
- [Ramsay] Let's go. Final round


I'm pretty sure I pushed Ileana
Like, I'm sorry, girl

I have to get a good ingredient
I'm sorry

Good. Well done. Seaweed. Excellent

- Oh, you're f*cking kidding me
- That's good

Nori is the last thing I could've imagined
having in this challenge

- What the f*ck am I gonna do with nori?
- Shred it. Put it in something

I don't know what the f*ck I'm doing

I don't know either
It's just gonna hopefully turn out

I'm way out of my element
with these ingredients

I'm left for dead with the seaweed
and, you know, rice noodles

Throwing me for a loop at this point,
because I'm kind of backed into a corner

where I have to go Asian,
which is not something I've ever done

What do you got working, Sommer?

Uh, I'm making a flavorful broth
with the noodles and seared steak on top

Are the anchovies going in your broth?

- Yes, gonna mix it to make the flavor
- Good choice

You have got to go. Two minutes. Let's go

Almost ready to plate. Final touches

Yep, I'm going to start plating now

[Tara] It's tender

Let's go, Red Team

[Jason] Make sure there's finesse
Sometimes less is more

[Ramsay] Mm!

Thirty seconds to go. Come on. Come on

Finesse that shit. Let's go

Up, up, up!

- [Jason] Come on, Brett
- Yes, Chef. I'm gonna be there

[Ramsay] Five, four, three,

two, one,

and serve

Well done. Well done

[narrator] Coming up...

- Not right now. I'm not in the mood
- If you're pissed off, that's your fault

You're a grown-ass man
and don't speak to me like that

Most of your team has a problem with you

- because of the way you are
- My team has a problem with me?

You're done

We have a very, very special
guest judge today

- She is a James Beard Award-winning chef
- Wow

The mind behind the Girl & The Goat,
Little Goat, Duck Duck Goat

She is the GOAT of Chicago

Please welcome Chef Stephanie Izard


Oh, my God, are you freaking kidding me?
I love this lady

- Hi. Hi, guys
- Oh, my goodness

I'm excited, you guys. I'm hungry

Uh, why is the "goat" in every name of
the restaurants you have?

My last name is a type of goat in French,
so it's just become our thing

Well, fingers crossed, you're gonna
taste some extraordinary food today,

hitting all those right notes

Right, let's start off with
the Battle of the Chicken. Let's go

Alex and Dafne

[Abe] Let's go, Alex

[Dafne] Great, I'm going against Alex

He's literally one of
the strongest chefs on both teams

Dafne, let's start off with yours first

I made a kimchi fried rice
with chicken, daikon, nori

and a little chiffonade egg on top

I think when you're having a fried rice,
adding layers of flavor is so important

I think you could've gotten
more flavor on the chicken itself

Or maybe shred it, rather than
a sort of pedestrian type cube

- Alex, please describe your dish to Chef
- [Alex] Sure

Chef, pleasure. I shredded my chicken

The chicken was sautéed with baby bok choi
and Chinese sausage and coconut milk

And then I made you a black vinegar mayo
as the topping

You had me at mayo and vinegar

It's a winner

I love what you've done with the chicken

I love mayonnaise, but I think
it's stealing the show a little bit

[Ramsay] Chef,
which one deserves the point outright?

Is it the Red Team, the Blue Team,
or do they both deserve a point?

I can find pros and cons on both of them

- Tough
- This is tough

It's Hell's Kitchen

For levels of creativity, I think I'm
going to go with one point for Alex

- Yes, Chef
- Go, Alex


I hate losing,
but it makes me heated to do better

I gotta give it to him
He really knows how to cook

While the Blue Team takes an early lead,

- the pressure shifts to Sommer...
- You got this deliver with her flat iron steak,

accompanied by lotus root
and rice noodles

I never worked with lotus root before,
so I roasted some so they're tender,

and I also fried some for a garnish

First of all, this lotus chip,
we're gonna just order bags of these

for my next little venture
to watch movies

- What's the heat in there? What'd you use?
- Red chilies

Those are intense. Some people
in my kitchen can eat them whole

I have a tiny little piece and I'm like...

- I'm sorry about that
- No, in a good way

Thank you

[narrator] Up next is Abe's flat iron
with coconut rice and lotus root

I love the sear on that iron steak

The rice itself, it's almost like
a rice porridge that isn't porridge,

- and it's also not stir fried
- Yes, ma'am

I'm going to have to go with one point
to Sommer and zero points to Abe

Thank you, Chef

Don't count me out

In the beginning, I struggled

I didn't have that confidence
that I needed to make me succeed

But I know what I bring to the table

[narrator] Next up,
it's Cheyenne's pork tenderloin roulade

with a snap peas stir-fry...

[Izard] Look at that technique
It's fun that you stuffed it

My mouth started singing
You're definitely using that hoisin,

- celebrating those flavors
- Absolutely

...against Brett's fried pork tenderloin
with vermicelli pasta

There's no acid or salt or spice
It's sort of just lacking

I'm gonna go with a point for Cheyenne
and no points for Brett

- Thank you
- Understood

[narrator] And after two consecutive
points for the Red Team,

next up, it's the...

Battle of the Lobster

Sakari hopes to impress with his...

Cantonese-style lobster
with a concón fried rice

Visually, it's beautiful, but lobster,
with the flavors you have going on here...

If you'd gone
the total opposite direction,

using the wok and getting it
all chopped up and in there,

you could've brought out
some really cool flavors

I agree

[narrator] After a shaky start for Sakari,

Ileana is hoping
to hit the right note with her...

[Ileana] Tom kha stew

Tom kha, one of my favorite things

When you're having a tom kha,
you want it to be more on the brothy side

I want to love both of these,
but I'm gonna go with no points

Neither of you did the best
you could with the lobster

I agree

It sucks when I feel like
I'm not bringing anything to the table

I should have gotten that f*cking point

With the Blue Team still trailing by one,

Vlad hopes to tie it up

with his tempura shrimp
and soba noodle salad

I really wanted 'em to soak up the sauce

'cause I didn't have a lot of time
to really marinate them

I just cut right into that shrimp
It's still nice and plump and juicy

There's a lot of flavor
It's well-seasoned

[narrator] Trying to maintain the lead
for the Red Team is Tara, with her...

[Tara] Garlic butter lo mein,
topped with shrimp that I sautéed

Absolutely nailed the shrimp
I love the garlic

Thank you, Chef

With your vegetables, great idea
Layers of flavor there

[Ramsay] Great execution with the shrimp

Chef, where are we going?
Tara or Vlad on the Blue Team?

I'm gonna have to say,
both do a point this time

I agree. Well done

- Thank you, Chef
- Thank you so much, Chef

I am shocked

I just haven't seen Tara get a point
in a while

So now it's time to see
what Mindy is all about

Mindy, your dish is fire

Final dish. Snapper
Mindy and Alejandro, let's go



Right, Alejandro, please

So we have a fried snapper with,
uh, yuzu dashi

that has been cooked in the wok
Very traditional, Chinese style

Smart choice in the way
you cooked that snapper

Just needed a bit more seasoning

And Mindy

Come on. You got this, Mindy

Please, describe your dish

[Tara] Teach these
twentysomething-year-olds how it's done

So today I have for you
a poached snapper soup

with sweet potatoes, mushrooms,
roasted garlic

and garnished it
with some fried carrot slivers

The flavor in the broth is...
It's on point

What's the base of the broth?

Vegetable stock,
but I elevated it with the sweet chili

and roasted the sweet potatoes

I love having this style broth and these
layers of flavor with that sweet potato

Thank you, Chef

Chef, final course

Is it going to Mindy on the Red Team
or Alejandro on the Blue or both?

I'm going to do a point for Mindy
and zero for Alejandro

- Thank you, Chef
- Well done, Mindy


Mindy clinches it for the Red Team

Mindy's back

Best bite so far today

Oh, my God, this just happened to me

Mindy, welcome back

Thank you, Chef

I had the best dish of the day

I won this challenge for my team

This is the thing I dream of

Please give it up
for the amazing Stephanie Izard

- Come visit. Bye
- [Ramsay] See you at the restaurant

- Yes
- [Ramsay] Take care

Man, what a joy

Red Team,

you're about to enjoy the hippest,
the chicest, rooftop dance party

- Yeah
- Absolutely

I've reserved the most luxurious
rooftop pool you've ever seen

That's how VIPs spend their days

And we were VIP today

I really needed this. I'm so happy

Blue Team, whilst the Red Team
are moving to the beat,

you'll be getting beat down
because we need plenty of beets...


...ahead of tonight's service
for a magnificent beetroot risotto

We need to grate down hundreds of beets,
hand-squeeze the pulp

I need an immaculate juice tonight

Alex and Alejandro,

you have those very
powerful Punishment Passes

How will you spend your day?

Working with beets
or twerking to the beat?

[all laughing]

- I'm gonna use my Punishment Pass. Yeah
- Ooh

Who are you trading places with?

- I'm gonna pick Sommer
- [Ramsay] Sommer

[Alejandro] Yeah

Sommer, welcome to the Blue Beet Team

- [Alejandro] Hi, guys
- [Ramsay] There you go

This was my strategy
to kind of throw Sommer off her game

I worked with her for two services,

and I think she's
one of the weaker ones in the competition

I don't wanna be around the weak ones

I want to surround myself
with as much talent as possible

Sommer, big fan of beets?

No, Chef. It sucks
because I earned a point for my team

I feel like I really
deserve a reward today

Alejandro is threatened by me
and I see it

He doesn't know me. When you piss me off,
that's when I'm at my height

So keep it going
I'm gonna show you what I'm about

- It's okay, baby
- Don't

- I'm not in the mood right now
- Don't take it out on us

I'm not,
but I'm not in the mood right now

I ain't joking around either,

so don't f*cking
bring that shit over here

I'm gonna do the punishment. I just
don't wanna shake your hand right now

- Am I... Is that okay? Okay
- Back the f*ck up off that shit

- Alex? Take your time
- Yes, Chef?

I'll be grating beets


Red Team, there's a surprise
up in the dorm for each of you

A present from me personally

Thank you, Chef

Enjoy your day

- [applause, whooping]
- [Sakari] Attaboy!

Poor Sommer is pissed

[all exclaiming, shouting]

Holy shit! What? Shit!

No, we did not just win the whole set

[Mindy] I've wanted these
beautiful HexClad pans for so long

[chuckles] I'm proud of myself,
I'm proud of this team

It's been a good day so far

[Dafne] Holy crap!

I love this

- Oh, my God, this is so nice
- [Cheyenne] How freakin' cool

[Ileana] Look at this view
Look at this beautiful spread

- [Dafne] Those towels are awesome
- [Cheyenne] Oh, my God

[Tara] Sommer would have loved this

She would have thought
this was complete VIP treatment

- There's music in it
- It's a silent disco

- Is this a silent party, dude?
- [Ileana] Oh, yeah

[Dafne] Ooh

[electronic music plays]

Yo, this is so nice right now. Oh


I've never been to one of these things,
and it's super cool

I get to pick my own music?

They were like,
"What is she listening to?"

I look next to me, I'm like,
"What are you listening to?"

- [disco music plays]
- [laughing]

I happened to be listening to
the disco, techno vibe

But maybe Alejandro's listening
to gangster rap?

[hip-hop music plays]

What was that?

Sorry, boys, I'm hanging out with
the ladies and listening to dope beats

[all chattering]

- [Tara] Look who it is
- The water's great

[Cheyenne] Look at her ass

It's not every day that you see
a basket of sushi

floating around in a pool, waiting on you

[all laughing]

I'm absolutely digging it
It's a great day to be on the Red Team

Please don't make me go back

I wanna speak to you. I feel like
you tried to turn up on me a bit

- You kinda pissed me off, so I was like...
- Let me be entitled to my...

- I was telling you, "We got you."
- [Sommer] I know

You used the word "f*ck." I said,
"Don't bring that over here like that."

I said,
"Not right now. I'm not in the mood."

- You didn't say it like that
- Yes, I did

But, you know what, it's over
And you're still coming at me like that?

- I'm a little riled up, 'cause I felt...
- I'm done

You came at me wrong, and I'm not
gonna sit there and snap at you

- I didn't snap at you
- Yes, you did

You're a grown-ass man
and I'm a grown woman, right?

Just don't speak to me like that

If you're pissed off, that's your fault

Somebody picked you
because you make yourself unlikable,

and that's what it is

That's probably why most of your team
has a problem with you, because...

- My team has a problem with me? Okay
- It's the way you are, all right? So...

That shitty-ass attitude's
what'll get you where you're gonna get

- The f*ck outta here
- You're done

Welcome to the team. [laughing]

The beets need to get grated by hand,

run through cheesecloth,
and it's gonna take hours

[Alex] Beets are the one thing on earth
I don't eat

Might as well go lick a tree

Don't grate your knuckles either
Be careful

"Beet" careful

Don't "beet" yourself up

[Brett] Gruesome
It's like a human beating heart

[imitating heartbeat]

Alex looks like a serial k*ller over here

Want me to smear it on my face?

We don't want to lose product
We're all on the same team

Except for me

- You're on our team now
- [Sommer] Yeah

[Abe laughs]

He said it so nonchalant too

Everything is a joke
That can be super annoying

Trying to f*ck with my psyche, like that?
That hypes me up

Now I'm gonna make sure I work even harder
to make sure one of you guys go home


- When Abe was coming at Sommer...
- That was crazy

- It's just uncomfortable, man
- He's too aggressive

If you're a grown man, I wouldn't
come at a young girl like that

He's twice her age. That's uncomfortable

- You wipe up that beet juice on the floor?
- Yes, Chef

[narrator] After the Blue Team finished
their "beet-down"...

- Okay, let's go, ladies
- Go

...and the Red Team returned
from their fun in the sun,

both teams are doing their final prep
for tonight's dinner service

Mindy, you know how to
make a carbonara, right?

Before coming here,
you knew how to make a carbonara, yes?

- I did
- [Ramsay] Good

- We got this, ladies. Filling up quick
- Yeah, we got it

- Matthew?
- Yes, Chef?

- Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go
- [Matthew] Absolutely

[narrator] Hell's Kitchen may be opening
for the sixth time this season,

but the energy and excitement
feels just like opening night

The microphone's in there

- Is there a microphone in there? I wish
- No, I'm teasing

That'd be awesome

[narrator] Orders are flying in
for Chef Ramsay's signature menu...

I'll have the rack of lamb

...which tonight features
a special beetroot risotto

I think I'll try the beet risotto

- Cheers
- Cheers

On order, four covers, table five,
straight out of the gate first

- Two scallops, two carbonara
- [all] Yes, Chef!

- How long, please, Mindy? Let's get it
- I need four minutes, Chef

Fire. Six covers, table one

- Two risotto, two carbonara, two scallops
- [all] Yes, Chef!

Okay, how long, Vlad?

No answer

- Young man, can you hear me?
- Yes, Chef

Talk to me then. Don't be so f*cking rude

Let's go, Vlad. Let's go

- Four minutes, Chef
- [Ramsay] Four minutes

Vlad is by nature a quiet human being

You gotta coax him like a baby tortoise

He's just trying to poke out a little bit

Carbonara walking to the window

Good. I'll take it
Scallops when you're ready, Vlad

- [Alejandro] Walking two risotto
- [Ramsay] Thank you

- Very nice, that risotto and carbonara
- Thank you, Chef

[Vlad] Behind. Walking scallops

- Nicely cooked, Vlad
- Thank you, Chef

[Ramsay] Service. Go, please

[narrator] While the Blue Team nails
their first round of appetizers...

Wow. That's really good

...the Red Team is waiting on
Mindy's carbonara and Tara's scallops

to complete the first ticket of the night

- [Tara] How long on your carbonara, Mindy?
- Give me one second. One second

f*ck it. It's f*cking hot

- Just keep counting down on apps
- Keep counting down

- Don't shut up at all
- Got it

Um, I need seconds
Thirty seconds, Tara. Tara?

- Tara, answer, please
- Yeah, seconds

Tara is not great at communicating

She tends to put her head down,
look really stressed out

And Mindy has almost no confidence
during service

Just make sure you move it around,

- or else it's gonna... Yep
- Get stuck?

Do I need a little Parmesan?

- No, wait for it to emulsify
- Okay

Or else it's gonna be super wet

Unfortunately, Mindy...
I'm the one that's kinda babysitting her

At this point in the competition,

you have to be able to handle a station
by yourself

Don't forget about your peas

Thank you
Thank you for your leadership here

Yes, always

Scallops, please, Tara

[Tara] Coming with scallops right now

- Come on, Mindy. Let's go
- [Mindy] Yes, Chef

[Sommer] Are you almost walking, Mindy?

Finish it with a little bit of Parmesan
and then kind of whip it up

Ten seconds, carbonara. Carbonara walking

Scallops are walking

- [Christina] Thank you
- Scallops walking

Hey. Make this adjustment now
You're giving me way too much

Okay? That was for two

- It's essentially raw egg
- [Mindy] Okay

- See, I told you. Too much base
- Yep, I got it

[Christina] One, two, three,
four, five, six. That's only one order

Tara, it's two scallops
I've got one portion. Come on, hurry up!

- I thought... Oh, my God
- It was two, yeah

- Just...
- Oh, f*ck

- [Sommer] It's okay. Come on
- Hey, look. Hey, just look at me

I got it, Chef. I got it, Chef

- Two more scallops, yes?
- Yes, Chef

That's right, let's go. Mindy, hello?

Mindy? Earth to Mindy. I don't know...

It's not just her, it's you

[Sommer] Mindy and Tara,
they've been struggling lately

They don't really elevate themselves
and push themselves to work harder

- Carbonara behind
- [Christina] Thank you

The younger chefs think that
I'm somebody who is a weak link,

but I'm gonna continue
with my grit and guts

and I will prove myself to them
that I have every reason to be here

- Very nice, the carbonara. Scallops
- Thank you, Chef

Yep, scallops coming right now
One, two, three, four...

Come on, please, Tara. f*ckin' hell

Scallops walking. Scallops walking

- My bad
- [Christina] Okay

[narrator] While the Red Team begins
to push their appetizers out...

- [diner] Oh, my God!
- Mmm

...Chef Ramsay is moving on
to entrées in the Blue kitchen

An order, four covers, table

- Two halibut and two New York strip
- [all] Yes, Chef!

- How long you need, Vlad?
- I need four to the window

All right, let's go five then
I need five

[Abe] I'll be in the window three minutes
with garnish

- Garnish in three
- Got ya, cucaracha

My mind is set. I'm driving the ship,
working garnish

So I'ma execute
I'ma execute. I'ma execute

Hot pan. A really hot pan, Chef
Really hot pan. Please be careful

[Ramsay] Of course it's f*cking hot

f*ck me

- Hey, all of you. Quickly, come here
- [Vlad] Yes, Chef?

I get "hot, hot," and just touch them
Just touch them

- They are what?
- Cold

- Come on, young man. It's not good enough
- Yes, Chef

Can't shout "hot, hot"
when it's f*cking ice, ice

Heard that, Chef

Such a stupid mistake

- Coming to the window now
- Come on. Come on

[Abe] At this point of the competition,
there's no room for errors,

because that puts a target on my back

Hey, that's enough for two orders, right?

No, I would drop more in, like, now. ASAP

Two minutes to the window with garnish

[Vlad] We're waiting on french fries

Garnish should not be the one
slowing anybody down

Two halibut, two New York strip

- Yes? Come on
- [all] Yes, Chef

I'm ready on my halibut. They're resting

- Steaks are ready, yes?
- [Brett] Yes

- Garnish to the window, Abe. Let's go
- It's coming up one minute, Chef

Almost there

- Coming in. Two seconds...
- Two seconds to the window

[Abe] Two minutes. A minute and a half

Are we waiting for the garnish?
Look at me, Blue Team. f*cking look at me

Don't hold back!

There's being professional
and being a f*ckin' arse-kiss

- Come on, guys!
- Yes, Chef

If he's dragging the fries, he's home

It's minutes into dinner service,

and Abe has brought the Blue Team
to a standstill

Look at me, Blue Team. f*cking look at me

Don't hold back!

- Come on, guys!
- [all] Yes, Chef

If he's dragging the fries, he's home

[Abe] Sixty seconds on them fries

- We've gotta go!
- [all] Yes, Chef

Walk to the window
I've got the fries coming

I'm not trying to be a donkey of the day
off some french fries

I have to bounce back quick

Every little thing could
send me home right now

Fries to the window

- Stop f*cking around, okay?
- Yes, Chef

- [Ramsay] Service, please. Table , yes?
- [server] Thirty-four, Chef

Good job, guys

[narrator] While the diners begin to enjoy
the Blue Team's entrées...

That is perfect

...the Red Team fires

- Two lamb, two New York strip
- Yes, Chef

Tonight I am on meat station with Ileana
We've both worked meat before

so there's no reason
that we shouldn't have a good night

Sommer, we're about to walk on
two strip and two lamb

Give me seconds
and I'm gonna start walking, okay?

[Cheyenne] We're walking, one minute

- Can you get the mushrooms out the oven?
- [Mindy] I got it

- Two lamb, two New York strip, yes?
- Two lamb, two strip. Yes, Chef

- Let's go
- [Sommer] Walking garnish

Walking now, Chef

Go ahead. I got your au jus for...

Heard. We don't need jus
Coming down, walking

- Sorry
- [Sommer] That's a hot pan, Chef

f*ckin' hell

- Cheyenne, Ileana?
- Yes, Chef?

Lamb back in. Quickly. Come on

- Yes, Chef
- Quickly. In the pan, in the pan

- The pan. Yes, Chef
- Let's go

Oh, my God. It feels like

- all my fears are coming true
- Let's go

I really need to focus on meat station

because you're trying to prove
to your team that you deserve to be here,

so you don't want to stick out

Behind. That's a hot pan. Hot pan, Chef

[Ramsay] There you go. There you go

[narrator] After Ileana quickly recovers
on lamb in the Red kitchen...

That's delicious

[diner] Great rack of lamb

...the Blue Team moves on to...

- [Ramsay] Two lamb, two Wellington
- [all] Yes, Chef!

[Brett] Three to the window

- Two lamb, two Wellington
- [Alex] Heard!

We coming out the gate strong

It's me and Brett
We've both been on meat

I didn't waste my time coming here
I came here to win

- This one feels super tight
- It feels good to me

- Is that lamb ready?
- Yes, Chef

Let me know
when those Wellingtons are rested

[Brett and Sakari] Yes, Chef

Hey, Blue Team. Stop

- Sakari
- Yes, Chef

You're slicing too early
which is turning the meat gray

- It's oxidizing
- Yes, Chef

You can't slice it
and stick it in the f*cking oven

- Yes, Chef
- You know that

- Yes, Chef
- [Brett] Last thing we'll do, Chef

I didn't know that, but now I know

Man. I hate making mistakes

Like, not tonight
I just gotta brush it off and keep going

[Brett] That's beautiful
That's exactly what he wanted

Walking lamb, Wellie
Coming now. Walking proteins and sauce

[Ramsay] Oh, no. f*cking hell


- Hey, Blue Team
- Yes, Chef

[Ramsay] I'm... I'm not even close there

Get that back in the pan
and baste it with butter

- Yes, Chef
- [Ramsay] Hurry up

We all got this pit in our stomach,
because Sakari clearly f*cked that up

We can get through this, but I can tell
Sakari is really disappointed in himself

Can't believe I sent f*cking raw lamb

Coming up behind. Coming up

That f*cking lamb

- Brett, much better. Sakari, yes
- [Brett] Thank you, Chef

Thank you, Chef

- Oh, my God
- This is really good. Wow

That seasoning!

- Entrée. Two halibut, two Wellington
- [all] Yes, Chef!

- How long for your meat?
- I need six minutes

Okay. Let me know
when you're three minutes out

- Three minutes on my halibut
- I got you

Next Wellies are coming out

Heard. Dropping halibut

- [Ileana] Sommer
- [Sommer] Yeah, these are still rare

[Ileana] Yeah, they're still raw
They're still f*cking raw, dude

The Wellingtons
are taking extra long tonight,

and I don't like to keep
Chef Ramsay waiting

It makes me nervous

We need one minute
Can we do one more minute?

[Tara] Pulling my halibut out
'cause I don't want to overcook it

[Ramsay] Two, halibut, two Wellington
Where are we?

- I'm dropping... I'm walking now
- Need a minute and a half on that

- You're still a minute and a half out?
- Yes

Let's go

- Slicing Wellie, guys
- Heard

Perfect. We're walking in ...
seconds to the pass

- I'm walking
- Fifteen seconds. Garnish is up, guys

Hang on, hang on

Halibut I can walk

I know it's gonna overcook

I know. I don't want it to overcook, Chef
You're right

We're good?

- f*ck
- f*ck!

- [Sommer] Put it in convection, guys
- Okay. All right

- Wellies, a minute and a half
- Two minutes

Two minutes on Wellington, Chef

He took my halibut. Sorry, guys

Send the halibut
I've just been called another two minutes

I need to be showing Chef Ramsay
that I'm a scrappy little bitch,

and I know what I'm doing
Otherwise, I think I'm going home

Behind, behind, behind, behind

- Two Wellies
- [Christina] Right here

[Ramsay] Oh, my God


It's minutes into dinner service,

and after slowing the Red kitchen down
on their last ticket,

Ileana has finally
delivered her Wellingtons to the pass

[Ramsay] Ileana, that's rare

The f*ck is going on?

Come here, you two

I don't know why your timing's off
It's not a guessing game

- Refire, yes?
- Yes, Chef

- I need to get two Wellie in now
- How long you guys need?

- We still need a hard five
- Heard

Literally the last ticket tonight,

meat did not have the temperature
on the Wellington down

Ileana just drops the ball a lot

- We're gonna finish. It's just, like...
- Yeah

And that's the last f*cking thing we've
got to send out, man, is our Wellies

[narrator] While the Red Team is stumbling
at the finish line...

[Ramsay] Come on, ladies

...the Blue Team is trying
to come together and finish strong

[Abe] French fries coming up
in the window. Sixty seconds

- [Vlad] Heard that
- Garnish is gonna go up first

- Yep
- We all walk proteins together, okay?

Good. Love that

[Abe] Two fries

Coming down, two salmon with proteins

- You ready?
- [Brett] Yes, walking

Every time something goes up
to that window,

especially at the end of service,
it's like, that pulse...

[imitating heartbeat]

[Ramsay] Beautifully cooked,
that salmon. f*cking hell

Good hustle, guys. Good hustle

[Ramsay] Service, please. Table , yes?

[Abe] That's it on the tickets, guys
I don't see no more tickets up there

- Good job. Good job
- Good job, bro

Great f*cking job, guys. Great job

May I try yours?

- No? [laughs]
- No. It's really good

As the Blue Team and their diners

are all smiles from tonight's service...

- Yeah?
- Yeah, that's good

...the Red Team is desperately
hoping that Ileana's refired Wellingtons

will end the service on a positive note

[Ramsay] I want the Wellingtons now

[Ileana] Walking, walking

- Walking Wellie
- Behind. Walking wellie. Behind

It's a hot pan. Hot pan, Chef

[Sommer] Sauce is here

It's steaming in the middle which is nice

- [Christina] Mm-hmm
- [Ramsay] Huh? Service

- Good job, guys
- [Ileana] Yeah

[diner] I don't wanna dig in
It's so pretty

- Oh, wow
- [diner] It's almost too pretty to eat

Mmm. Wow. Cooked perfectly

- Red Team! Come on. Whoo!
- Red Team!

Let's get one thing clear

- That was a comeback service, right?
- [all] Yes, Chef

It wasn't perfect,
but it was our best service yet

we need to continue to trim the fat

Both teams go back to the dorms,

and come back to me with two nominees

- Get out of here
- [Alex] Thank you, Chef

This is just getting harder and harder
every single day

Now we have to nitpick
and use a microscope

and be like, "How did you f*ck up today?"


- This sucks so much
- It's just tough

I have to go with Ileana and Mindy

The only reason I'm saying you, Mindy,

it has been times where you have been
on the station and shut down

I'm gonna go with Ileana

And I'm gonna go with Mindy

There's times where I want you to speak up
and be the leader

I expect more from you

I understand

Deep inside,
I know I've had a few bumpy services

But if they don't see
that I'm being a better chef,

I'm not sure what else I can do

- That's what it is
- Okay, so we're good then

[Alex] It was a decent service
We definitely had some hiccups

[Brett] My vote would be for Sakari

I mean, the f*cking lamb, dude

- [Alex] I wish you would talk more
- But you were also lead on meat

- So you wouldn't hear Sakari's voice
- Yeah, I was

Yeah, Chef was talking to Brett

[Vlad] Sakari messed up,
but Brett was also on that station

He needs to take responsibility for that

Definitely going Abe

I was waiting to walk the steaks
because I wanted your fries to be ready

Cold mushrooms

That mushroom was just
a rookie, stupid mistake

I don't think I'm the weakest chef
I bring that fire that our team needs

I'm not going nowhere

[Sommer] I wanted to have it sitting, so...

- I need some water or something to drink
- I need a drink. Yeah

I need to get my contacts fixed

I really didn't want to vote you,
but I can't f*cking throw Tara...

- I know
- I was about to vote Tara

But it's like, what can I f*cking say?

[Cheyenne] Imagine if Tara's on meat
by herself tomorrow

Yeah, that's what I'm saying
I would love to see Tara go up

She's only worked two hot app, two fish
Confused as shit

Well, I don't know
I think I might change my vote

Best service yet,
but my expectations are high

They're only going to get higher


Red Team's first nominee

Our first nominee tonight is Mindy, Chef

Second nominee

Second nominee is...

Sommer, second nominee

Second nominee is Ileana, Chef

She doesn't do well during challenges,
and she just hasn't been consistent

Vlad, Blue Team's first nominee

Chef, our first nominee is Abe

Second nominee

Second nominee is Sakari

Abe, Sakari, Ileana and Mindy,
step forward, please

Sakari, why do you think
you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?

I believe I'm a selfless chef
I put others first

That's what a real leader does

I feel like I'm consistent

I had a minor setback,
but I learn from my mistakes

and put my heart
into everything that I do, Chef

- Abe
- Chef, I'm a natural-born leader

- I just keep getting better
- So why are you up here again?

They think what they think about me
It's not gonna stop me

I know I'm great enough
to... to become your head chef

I just gotta keep fighting for it,
and I won't stop fighting for it

Ileana, why should you stay
in Hell's Kitchen?

I should stay here because I'm resilient
I'm a leader

I'm getting better, Chef

I know I'm only going
to keep on getting better

Mindy, why should you stay
in Hell's Kitchen?

Chef, I will admit to having bumps
in services

I do occasionally ask for help

when I feel like I won't have
something perfect to deliver to you

Um, but I woke up a different person
this morning,

and I want to keep being this new,
fighting, gritty person every single day

This is really difficult

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is...


Young lady, take off your jacket, please

I've got so much respect for you,

having taken that huge leap
and change careers

Let me tell you something important
You've made the right decision

Thank you, Chef, for everything

- Keep your head up
- I will

Good night

[Mindy crying] It's hard leaving here,
but knowing that my kid is proud of me,

and that I did something that
not a lot of people get to do, is just...

It's mind-blowing
I'm just so happy I had this opportunity

Back in line

- Congrats
- [Ramsay] Remember to keep fighting

Never let anything
or anyone get in your way

- Good night
- [all] Thank you, Chef

[Tara] I'm a little nervous about this

I'm the only -year-old left
on the girl's team now

But I know I'm a great cook

These girls need to know
I'm a force to be reckoned with

[Ileana] I'm not ready to go home

I'm excited to prove to Chef Ramsay
he made the right decision

I am a fighter, and I'm gonna keep
climbing my way up to the top

I feel like a brand-new man

That chopping block
doesn't bother me one bit

That just shows the threat that I am

That position is mine
I've just gotta make it mine

Mindy had the guts to get her this far,

but I had to go with my gut
and cut her loose

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen...

Are you okay?

[Tara] You go f*ck yourself

[narrator] Beware. It's the reign of Tara


[narrator] With Mindy gone...

Now Tara's the last one in the room

Go f*ck yourself, everybody

...the lady's turn their sights

on the final fortysomething
on the Red Team

Because they're catty b*tches

But when a member of the Blue Team...

- Like, are you kidding me?
- [chuckles]

...commits the ultimate betrayal...

Love you. Love you

Go f*ck yourself

Oh, my God

...will it shake both teams to their core?


- [all shouting]
- [Brett] Tara!

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen