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21x12 - What in Hell's Kitchen?

Posted: 08/13/23 06:31
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen...

Nobody wants me

...Brett returned once again
to the Blue Team

- If it sounds like I'm whining...
- Yes, you are

[narrator] In the morning, Chef Ramsay
tested the chefs' palates with...

The blind taste test

- Peas?
- Peas?

[all laughing]

- Squash?
- [scoffs]


[narrator] While Dafne and Tara...

- Sweet potato?
- Yes!

- Asparagus?
- Yes!

- ...gave the Red Team the lead...
- Well done

...Alejandro's three correct answers...

Beets, Chef. Pineapple. Potato

- ...put the men back into contention
- Yes!

[narrator] But in the closest
blind taste test ever, Cheyenne...

- Potato, Chef
- [cheering]

...sealed the win for the Red Team

Blue Team, that's five losses in a row

[narrator] Later,
at a special charity night dinner service...

Dafne, spread out,
give yourself some space

- ...Dafne cracked under pressure...
- [Dafne] The stress

...and Brett's lack of leadership...

- Come on, Brett. Talk, please
- Yes, Chef

- ...led to a crucial mistake
- [Ramsay] Count the plates

- [Brett] We're down one
- I mean, f*cking hell

[narrator] Both Tara...

- Where's the f*cking lobster?
- Where's the lobster?

...and Alejandro...

- [Ramsay] Grab a spoon
- [Alejandro] That one's more salty

- Yes, Chef
- Come on!

...failed to live up to
Chef Ramsay's standards...

Come on, ladies
Where's the standard gone?

- ...while Sakari...
- I think it's good

- ...and Sommer...
- Everybody knows what they're doing?

...were the shining stars of the evening...

- So good
- It's fantastic

...and Chef Ramsay tasked them
with a difficult assignment

Sommer and Sakari, come back to me

with the two individuals that you think
should be up for elimination

- [narrator] Sakari nominated...
- Brett

- ...and...
- Alejandro, Chef

- ...while Sommer targeted...
- Tara

- ...and...
- Dafne, Chef

- In the end, Chef Ramsay sent home...
- Brett

...ending his chance at becoming head chef
at Hell's Kitchen, Caesars Atlantic City

And now,
the continuation of
Hell's Kitchen

- Good night
- [all] Good night, Chef

[exhales sharply]

- Don't be mad at me, guys
- I'm not...

Sommer, I honestly...
Dude, I've never talked shit about you,

because you legit know what you're doing

I have so much respect for you

Sommer's a very interesting person

She'll throw anyone under the bus
if she has to

- You have to do whatever you have to do
- [Sommer] Yeah, I know

It's gonna be really hard
to just move on from this

At this point,
I feel like I cannot trust anyone

It's time for me to be a bitch
That's just what's gonna happen

I just wish we could get, like,
a little pump-up video from our family

That's what I need

Not me. I'll be in f*cking shambles
I'll be like... [mimics crying]

I just need one little pep talk

You can do it


- That's all I got. I'm sorry
- Not enough, Alex

I need it from my family

All of these past few days
just keep getting more intense

I wish I could talk to my family


Like, I've never felt this much anxiety
in my life, this much pressure in my life

I feel so beat down,

and it's, like, sometimes hearing
those words like, "I love you, keep going"

really mean a lot

I've been through so much,
and I just wish I could just hold them

And they could just be like,
"It's okay, Daf, you got this," you know?

God. God

- [narrator] The final seven begin the day...
- Let's get the banner up first

...with some work
in the front of Hell's Kitchen

rolling out the red... uh, purple carpet

[Jason] Try to pull it a little tighter
so it goes up. The banner's too low

[narrator] And setting up a welcome banner

for some special guests
invited by Chef Ramsay

- How's it looking?
- [Alex, Dafne] Great, Chef

- We good?
- [Sommer] Yes, Chef

- [Dafne gasps] What in the world?
- What the...


[narrator] And apparently,
these guests like to make an entrance

- They're red and blue
- [Alex] Whoa. That dude is coming in hot

[all exclaiming]

Bloody hell

- Hey, good morning
- [Alex] Oh, my God. He's fast

- Oh, God. That's so fast
- [all cheer]

- Wow
- Yeah

Only in Hollywood, right?

The fact that there's fliers flying
all over the freaking sky, it's so cool

[Alex] Your shoe's on fire

What the Hell's Kitchen?

[Ramsay] Wow. Last one


[Dafne] Yeah!

Holy shit

I don't know what's going on

There's a lot of people falling
from the sky. Pretty wild

They're obviously pretty crazy

These are the HK fliers

[Alex] Yeah!

And they've come to deliver
a very, very important message

Go ahead, guys

- [all cheering]
- [Ramsay] That's right!

- It's time for black jackets
- Oh, my God

Black jackets is crazy
It feels crazy that I've made it this far

Hopefully I can put up something
really good today

Continue to prove myself

- [Dafne] Good luck. f*cking k*ll it
- [Sakari] Game time, baby

- I could throw up right now
- [Dafne] All right

[Alex exhales sharply]

Obviously, there are seven of you
and only five black jackets

For your first black jacket challenge...

Chefs, to get where you are today,

I know there's been
some very important people in your life

Your spouse, your child, mentor

They've supported you,
and some have even sacrificed for you

So, I want you to make a stunning dish
that honors that individual. Clear?

[all] Yes, Chef!

Your minutes start now. Off you go

In today's first black jacket challenge,

each chef must prepare an outstanding dish

using any protein they want,
inspired by a person in their life

[Christina] You went right
for that lobster. You already have a plan?

Yes, I do, Chef. I'm doing
a ricotta gnocchi with some asparagus

- and a brown-butter lemon sauce...
- [Christina] Okay

...for my husband

My daughter just turned seven
She is the light of my life

That's why I made this dish today
They are in my heart

And I'm gonna show Chef Ramsay
that my heart is better on a plate

- How long have you been together?
- It'll be ten years this year, married

- Risotto?
- I'm gonna to do a vadouvan butter,

a butternut squash risotto,
pepitas and seared scallops

Nice. Have you made this before?

Nope, but it's something
that my wife would love

[Christina] Twenty-two minutes left, guys

- [Cheyenne] Heard,
- [Dafne] Come on, Daf, you can do this

Today, I am cooking
for Chef Mirko Paderno

He really showed me everything
that I know about making pasta

- [Cheyenne] How's it going, Daf?
- Good

- Pasta good?
- It's going. I've got to make it all over,

'cause I don't like the shape I made

I learned so much from him,
and I was his left-hand man for so long

- [Cheyenne] Well, good luck, dude
- Good luck, soldier

[Jason] What are you working on?

[Sakari] So I'm gonna do
an apple cider vinegar beurre blanc

with a butternut squash braise
and a lobster tarragon sauce

This dish means so much to me, man

My mother has been my biggest supporter
throughout my entire life

And after my dad passed
with complications from COVID,

it put in perspective
how important family is

So I just want to show gratitude to her

- Sounds good
- Thank you, Chef

[Christina] Sommer, you doing pasta also?

No, I'm making my mom's curry chicken,

something that she'll make
almost every night

- [Christina] Every night?
- The drumsticks you can cut in half

and kind of get that bone marrow
into the gravy, which adds extra flavor

[Christina] Just over nine minutes

- And you said fettuccine here?
- Yeah, Chef

- You're not gonna go too thin?
- Nope

I'm really confident in this dish

Not going home today
I will wear a jacket

I don't care what it takes
I'll get there

[Christina] That pasta's
gonna cook super quick, right?

- So you're doing it last minute?
- Absolutely

- I have bacon if anybody needs any
- [Alex] Heard, bacon

So the inspiration
behind my dish is my wife

One of our first dates ever,
we were out at a restaurant,

I got mussels, uh, and she thought
it was the grossest thing ever

So every time I see mussels,
I think about her

- [Ramsay] Five minutes, gentlemen
- [all] Five minutes, Chef

- You guys thinking about plating?
- [Alex] Yep

[Dafne] Oh, God. Stress

[Ramsay] Thirty seconds

- Five, four, three, two...
- [Christina] Let's go And serve. Well done


Right. Let's start with Sommer
Bring your dish forward. Thank you

[Sommer] My signature dish, I got a one

I was not confident
stepping into the kitchen,

whereas today I know exactly
what I was doing

The inspiration comes from my mother

Growing up, she wasn't really a cook,

but this is one dish
she really knew how to make

I cut the drum in half,

just so you can get that bone marrow
and the collagen in the gravy

And then I made the stew
with carrots and potatoes

That rustic charm
with the bones cut in half

and the drums sort of shattered
in a way that you can get all that flavor,

my God, it packs a punch

- Thank you, Chef
- [Ramsay] Really good


- Uh, up next, Alex, please. Let's go
- Let's go, buddy

[Alex] This is a lot of pressure,
a lot of stress

I'm like a duck on the water

I seem calm, cool and collected,

but underneath,
I'm having an anxiety attack

This is my wife on a plate, basically

Sea scallops are
her absolute favorite protein

Risotto is her favorite starch,

and I made my own
vadouvan butter to finish

I love the spice on those scallops

Be careful when you add the butter to
risotto, 'cause it's quite heavy and rich

Risotto generally is something that is
so overwhelming

Thank you, Chef

The second he starts to go into you
with a critique,

your brain just goes, "Ah... crap."

- [narrator] Up next, it's...
- Cheyenne, please. Let's go

- ...presenting...
- [Cheyenne] Fettuccine pasta that I made

with a pepper
and three-cheese cream sauce

This dish is inspired by my dad

[Ramsay] The pasta's slightly overcooked

When it's that thin,
it takes literally seconds

- Yeah. Thank you
- Good job. Thank you

Up next, Alejandro


So today I have a mushroom, chorizo,
fennel, bacon, kind of stew

And then I have
some shawarma-marinated prawns

This is inspired by my wife

The actual broth is the winner
It's delicious

- Thank you. Wow
- Thank you, Chef

[narrator] Next is Tara's...

Lobster and gnocchi dish
with some brown butter and thyme

The dish is tasty. It just needs a sauce
It needs something to bring it together

- Chef. Thank you
- Thank you

I cooked from my heart
I cooked for my family

So I'm here for them
I'm doing this for them

I'm not leaving
without getting that black jacket

Right. Next up. Dafne, let's go, please

Chef, this is for my mentor,
Chef Mirko Paderno

This dish is a stuffed chicken ricotta
and mascarpone pappardelle

with a funghi brodetto

I did brown butter on top and fried sage

Wow. The pappardelle is beautiful

- Thank you, Chef
- Very nice. Seasoned amazing

Then you've got this amazing
chicken and mushroom filling,

which is beautiful. Really good job

- Thank you, Chef
- Well done

Yeah. Good

Right. Finally, Sakari, please. Let's go

- Yes, Chef
- Come on, Sakari

[Ramsay] Thank you

So, this dish right here
is inspired by my mother

- [Ramsay] Wow
- She was my biggest supporter

So today I have
a shellfish, clam, lobster broth for you

Some sautéed butternut squash,
butternut puree

That puree is exceptional
But just here, we're thirty seconds away

Thirty seconds off of my lobster
Thirty seconds

It was so close. So, so close

You seven have done an outstanding job
Impressive dishes

It confirms I have the right seven,

and this decision about who gets
the first black jacket is really tough

The first chef receiving
their black jacket is...

The first chef receiving
their black jacket is...


Let me just tell you something
The fact that you smashed those drums

to get the bone marrow out,
to thicken the sauce, exceptional

- Thank you, Chef. Thank you
- Congratulations

- Thank you
- Good job, Sommer

- Wow
- [Alejandro] Good job, Sommer

[Sommer] My mother helped me
through culinary school,

and she's the reason why I'm here today

Being the first black jacket,
it just feels so great

Now I can say,
"Hey, I'm the first black jacket

I deserved it, and I worked hard for it."

[Ramsay] Wow

I've been blown away today
with another chef's dish

that I'm gonna give out
another black jacket

This dish felt so real,

and it was almost like
everything made such perfect sense

The second black jacket goes to...


I got a black jacket. Yeah!

Oh, my God. Like, how do I look?
Don't I look great in black?

- Congratulations. Congrats
- Thank you so much, Chef

I just see my family flashing
in front of me, my chef, my mentor

And I just cannot
hold back the tears right now

I did this for them
I'm so proud of myself

Sommer, Dafne. Ladies,
say goodbye to your fellow chefs,

and, fingers crossed,
you'll see them shortly

- Good job
- [Dafne] Thank you

- Congratulations
- Good job

[Sommer] Thank you

[both laughing]

[Sommer] I wanna cry

- We got the first black jackets
- [Dafne] Oh, my God

This is crazy, dude

[electronic music playing]


- Oh, my God!
- We made it in the club!

Thank you, Chef Mirko!

Oh, my God!

This black jacket lounge,

literally, it's made for
a chef that's been through hell

"Never let anything get in your way."

We should take a picture

It was like some out-of-body experience

I got one. I got the first black jacket,
and it has my name on it

[laughing] I'm here, Mom. I made it
I made it, Mom. I made it

Okay. Chefs,
for your next black jacket challenge,

I want to really test your creativity

Here we have menus
from five of my flagship restaurants,

and inside each menu are just three
of the most popular entrées

You'll each have a chance
to come and pick a menu

and choose one of those entrées

I want to see your personality

and your interpretation
of my signature dishes

- What's your spin on it?
- [all] Yes, Chef

Tara, come up first and grab a menu

[Tara] Oh, my God

This is honestly the most stressful thing
I think I've ever done in my entire life

And I've done some things in my life

And you can grab one for Sakari too
Thank you

[Tara] I think it's more stressful
than childbirth

- That was easy compared to this
- Right. Let's start off with Tara

- Which restaurant have you got?
- Savoy Grill

Savoy Grill
Unique, classic, beautifully done

In fact, one of the most popular tables
is Sir Winston Churchill's table

Pictures of Marilyn Monroe
sat on booth number eight, incredible

- What's the dish?
- I'm gonna do steak Diane, Chef

I love that. Cheyenne

I have Ramsay's Kitchen
Scallops and slab bacon

Boston, Massachusetts
Famed for its scallops

When you combine that pork to it,

it just becomes a beautiful,
sweet surf and turf

- Alejandro
- I have Gordon Ramsay

Wow. We've just celebrated years
at three-star level

- Wow
- [Ramsay] And then before that,

I had to convince my wife
to sell our "flat," our apartment,

to get the deposit to get that lease

Big risk. What dish have you gone for?

- I'm gonna go for the ravioli
- Amazing. Sakari

Lucky Cat, Chef

Yes, our first, beautiful, Pan-Asian,
amazing restaurant

- What dish have you gone for?
- The grilled miso salmon, Chef

Alex, what restaurant menu have you got?

- "Petrus", Chef. Pétrus
- Pétrus

It's the most expensive, most glamorous
Bordeaux anywhere on the planet

- What dish have you gone for?
- The turbot, Chef

And read out the garnish

Heirloom carrots, fennel, grapefruit
and vadouvan

Vadouvan again. Coming back

- Sticking with a plan
- [Ramsay] Good

Your jackets await you

Get your hands on these quickly

Your minutes start now

- [Alex] Good luck, boys
- [Jason] Good luck, everybody

Oh, man

- [Sommer] It just turned on
- Oh, my God

- Have you cooked turbot before?
- No, never. Never even seen it

- [Sommer] Come on, Alex
- [Dafne] Come on, Alex

He deserves to be here
He's been through a lot

- I'm gonna upgrade it by doing a raviolo
- Mm-hmm

I love the egg in there. I'm gonna do...

- An egg yolk raviolo?
- Yeah

Choosing this dish from Chef Ramsay's
restaurant was absolutely bonkers

I think it was a ballsy move

I'm gonna take the skin off the salmon
and crisp it up,

- so it's kind of like a garnish
- If you pull this off, this could be epic

How's everything coming together?

I'm gonna do fresh pepper in the sauce,

so it's gonna be a fresh pepper
grit into the cognac sauce

I have to keep elevating,
keep thinking outside the box

And I have to be smart
I've never had a steak Diane

So it's almost like
a "steak au poivre meets a steak Diane"?

Kind of. Yeah

So I'm gonna be mixing
some of those flavors in that sauce

with sauces that I do know

Just over minutes

- Thank you, Chef
- [Cheyenne] Heard

- [Jason] What's with the oil?
- Gonna confit it

- Confit the salmon?
- Yeah

I'm nervous for this next round

I'm going up against
all the talented chefs

There's only three black jackets left

Then I'm gonna actually
grill and miso the kale

I've never done this dish before,

but I wanted to go
outside my comfort zone

- [Jason] Thirteen minutes left
- Thirteen minutes

- Come on, Sakari
- He has skill

[Christina] What do you have in this pan?

I'm gonna do a gastrique
with the pomegranate juice

A bit of orange juice as well

I'm super confident going into this dish

At my job at home,
we do scallops and bacon jam

So I immediately know
that's what I wanna do

- [Sommer] This is stressful
- This is... We were just doing this

This is like the Olympics of cooking

And the fact that they're fighting
for their lives, it's like...

the... the anxiety is back

Three and a half. Come on
Those jackets await

[Alejandro] How's everybody looking? Good?

[Sakari] Yeah

- Watch your back
- Microplane? Can I use yours, Cheyenne?

Come on, Cheyenne. Please be here with us

Pull it out of your ass,
whatever you gotta do

[Dafne] I have no idea
if Cheyenne is gonna make it or Tara

But I just want it to be
the best person possible

I want it to be the person that is
the most creative, the most composed,

so I'm hoping it is Cheyenne

[Jason] Let's go, guys. Black jacket time

Five, four, three, two, one

And plate, Cheyenne. Well done

[Dafne] No!

Right. Let's start with Tara
Please step forward

So you chose the dish
from the Savoy Grill

- Yes, Chef
- A steak Diane. Describe the dish, please

I did a pepper-crusted, pan-seared fillet,

with glazed asparagus and root carrots,

then a version of a steak Diane sauce
mixed with a steak au poivre

It's a really good effort. There's
some areas you could've tightened up

But I love the elevation from
that New York strip to the filet mignon

- Thank you, Chef
- Thank you. Good start

[Tara] I'm so happy with
everything I put up today

I was proud of my first dish
I'm super proud of my second dish

That fillet was cooked perfectly

I'm not leaving
without getting that black jacket

Up next, Alex. Let's go

Go, buddy

So, restaurant Pétrus
Knightsbridge, London

- Yes, Chef
- [Ramsay] Right. Describe the dish please

[Alex] I've made
a heirloom-carrot vadouvan puree

Then I have a raw fennel grapefruit salad

I also have a grapefruit beurre blanc
over the turbot

When you've got fennel like that
and that aniseed-Pernod flavor,

make sure you hit that with seasoning

As it braises,
it washes the seasoning off,

- so it needs to be reseasoned
- Yes, Chef

It's one of the few vegetables that
need to be seasoned three or four times

You enhanced the dish finely
The fish is nailed

- That's in your wheelhouse, isn't it?
- It seems to be today

- The puree is exceptional. Good job
- Thank you

I am so ready
to get this blue jacket off of me

and a black jacket on me

Wow. Two strong dishes

Next up, Cheyenne, please

Let's go

So this dish was inspired
from Ramsay's Kitchen in Boston

- Describe the dish, please
- [Cheyenne] I took the pomegranates

and the cara orange,
and I made a gastrique out of it

I also did an apricot and bacon jam

Then I have some pomegranate seeds
and just fresh cara cara segments for you

The pomegranate reduction goes well,
but the orange is just a step too far

So, yeah. A little bit of self-editing,
but the scallops are nailed

- Thank you
- Thank you, Chef

Next up, Alejandro, please

So, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay
and lobster ravioli

Yes, Chef

No pressure, but we have customers
flying in from all over the world

purely for this dish

[Alejandro] Just wanted to elevate
the ravioli a little bit

The filling is a little bit of ricotta,
lobster claws and langostino tails

Black truffle on top

I took the salmon skin, made
a chicharrón, crumbled it over the top

[Ramsay] Wow. So, it looks beautiful
It's got that finesse

- Lobster's cooked beautifully
- Thank you, Chef

That egg yolk bursting with flavor,
really smart move

But the twist of that salmon skin
with the fresh truffle,

- it's a new beginning
- Awesome

Only thing missing with this dish...

is your jacket

[Ramsay] That's how good this dish is

- Congratulations
- Thank you

- Good job, Alejandro
- Wow

- Nice job, bud
- That's exactly what I was looking for

- [Tara] Bye
- Thank you, Chef

[Alex] Have fun

I was literally inches away from him
taking my chef's jacket off last night

And that moment sucked
I didn't wanna go home. I wasn't ready to

This is absolutely crazy

- [Dafne] Yes! Dude
- [Sommer] I knew it, bro

- Good job
- [Dafne] We f*cking knew it. We knew it!


Alejandro! Yes!

Put on your black jacket

When I saw that on the menu,
I was like, "I gotta go for it."

- This is...
- Put that shit on!

My wife, Randi, would be very, very proud

You know, it was hard leaving home
and leaving her and my son

And that's the motive, you know,

the drive that's keeps on getting me going
every day,

is just kind of trying to make them proud

- Tara's dish is so-so
- Yeah

Alex's dish was pretty stellar

- And Cheyenne's dish made sense
- We saw

- But we couldn't see you guys plate it
- The judging

- No plating? No plating either?
- No

[Sommer] Take that blue bandana off

- Makes sense
- [Sommer] Come on

- [Alejandro] This is crazy
- Dude, I'm so proud of you

- [Dafne] You f*cking k*lled it, bro
- Black jackets

- Yeah
- [Alejandro] Doesn't feel real

Sakari, step forward, young man

- Lucky Cat. Salmon miso
- Yes, Chef

- Thank you
- So, I have a coconut-soy braised sauce

mixed in with a bit of salmon roe

I made a crispy mushroom and fish crumble
on top, just to add some texture

I cured the salmon with miso

- Wow
- And then I confited it

The salmon is absolutely nailed,
but I would never coat that in sauce

Good job. Love the ambition

[Sakari] Man. I wish I would've just
put less sauce this time

I've just gotta trust myself
and just lean with my heart

This is so hard

I am gonna give out another black jacket

The next chef earning
their black jacket is...

I am gonna give out another black jacket

And the next chef earning
their black jacket...

is Alex

Congratulations, young man

Turbot was absolutely
cooked to perfection

- Congratulations, young man. Well done
- Thank you, Chef

Getting a black jacket validates
everything that you've done

All the drive, the dedication,
the passion

Just solidifies
that I'm supposed to be here

Oh, my God! Welcome!

I literally cannot believe
that I have this on

I didn't see it coming

I mean, I did, in my dreams

[Dafne] Dude, this is exactly
who I imagined coming in

Oh, my God. That was so stressful

Now only one more person

This is your final black jacket challenge

Now, behind you on the pass,

there are three domes

Underneath those domes is one of
the most difficult proteins to perfect

I have no idea
what he's gonna throw at us

No matter what, I'm gonna keep fighting

I don't care what it is
I don't care if it sucks. I'm still here

You'll have minutes

Your time starts now. Off you go

In the final challenge of the day,

Tara, Cheyenne,
and Sakari are all cooking pork

for the one remaining black jacket

Once I lift up my dome, and I see
there's a big ol' pork chop under there,

every bit of worry I had, all my anxiety,
everything goes away

Pork chop is
my favorite protein to work with

I'm completely ready. Nothing else
matters besides this pork chop

Three rounds back to back to back

I mean, this is exhausting
But I'm locked in. I'm ready to go

I'm about to fight for my life
and cook my heart out

- Who do you think it's gonna be?
- Sakari

Sakari or Cheyenne

- I don't know
- [Alejandro] I think Cheyenne

It's a toss-up

My gut is still up here
It hasn't gone down since this morning

Everything is on the line right now

You're either gonna keep going forward,
or you're going home

I'm just lasered in
I know what I have to do

I know what flavors I have to achieve

I need to get this done
It has to be perfect

[Ramsay] Nice color, Cheyenne

- We are the next-generation chefs
- Not this m*therf*cker

- He's the last generation
- Listen here, buddy

- I'm here. I made it
- No surprise in that, Alex

That's all I gotta say

I knew from the first day
Like, "This m*therf*cker's gonna make it."

[all laugh]

- Just under five minutes, yes?
- [Sakari] Yes, Chef

[Cheyenne] Thank you

I need to plate mine now. Spoon

Taste everything, yes?

I have to beat these amazing chefs

I have to go out there and k*ll it
It's super stressful

[Ramsay] Make it count

I'm gonna put the best food possible
out on the plate,

and, um, just let it speak for itself

Twenty seconds

Let's go. Come on. Use a proper spoon

I did things that feel
really correct to me

To be honest, I did a dish
I was just comfortable with doing

So, for the first time in the competition,
I feel safe

[Ramsay] Five, four, three, two, one

And stop. Well done

Now, you all know what's at stake

One of you is going to receive
the final black jacket

For two of you, unfortunately,

it's going to be your last time ever
inside Hell's Kitchen

Bring those dishes up, please

This is such a difficult decision

Right now, I am not sure what to do

Cheyenne. Tara. Sakari

All three of you,
just head up to my office

[Tara] Oh, my God

What's going on? My gut just drops

Take a seat on the sofa
I need to work this out

- [Tara] Of course, Chef
- Give me two minutes

- [Cheyenne] Yes, Chef
- Shit

[Cheyenne] We're gonna sit on Chef's sofa?

Man, this is hard

We all brought it this round

Oh, my God


I don't want to walk out those doors
I wanna walk through those doors

- Y'all, this is taking a long time
- I know

- [Dafne] Yeah. What does it mean?
- [phone rings]

- [Alejandro] That was scary
- [Sommer] Hello?

Sommer, I need you, and you only,
right now, in the dining room, please

[Sommer] All right, Chef

Just me

- To where?
- The dining room

Dude, we all f*cking brought it
We all brought it this round

Oh, my God

The three chefs in Chef Ramsay's office...

- We did so good
- ...just cooked for their lives,

trying to earn the final black jacket

- Y'all, this is taking a long time
- While the four that already have theirs...

- [Dafne] Yeah. What does it mean?
- [phone rings]

- ...are about to find out what's going on
- [Sommer] Hello?

Sommer, I need you, and you only,
right now, in the dining room, please

[Sommer] All right, Chef

Just me

What the hell does he need me for?

Do I have another challenge ahead of me?

- To where?
- The dining room

[Alejandro] To Chef Ramsay?

- How are you feeling?
- I feel great

- One final piece of business
- Okay

I just want you to taste and tell me
which one you think is the best

But I'm not gonna tell you
who cooked what

- Okay
- You're judging blind

Now, this is a beautiful single pork chop,

with a brown-butter carrot puree

The sauce goes really well with the pork
It's kind of sweet

This one is a double pork chop
with some braised cabbage,

sweet potato puree
and flash-fried brussels sprouts

- Okay
- It's dry

And then, finally,
this one is a double pork chop

that's been sat in a bed of kale
with bacon and a lemon sauce

This one looks the best to me

- Visually?
- Yeah. With the onion ring

Yeah, this one is cooked better
than that one

Small bites

So, Sommer, which pork dish do you prefer?

Is it the single chop
with the carrot puree?

Is it the red cabbage and pork?

Or is it the kale and pork?

I would say this one

- The...
- The taste is balanced

- That's why I'm asking
- Yeah

- Thank you. Good
- Thank you

Come on, Chef

- [Sakari] I wonder what he's doing
- Maybe he's bringing everybody down

so that they find out
who gets the last coat

Holy crap

- Tell me what you think
- Okay

It's undercooked, but...

It's freaking embarrassing. Like,
you should be able to cook a pork chop

I hope the raw pork chop isn't Sakari
or Cheyenne's

Second one
This one's got a sweet potato puree


Was not expecting that flavor

It goes pretty well together

God, I wish I knew who cooked this

The third and final pork

- So they did an onion ring on top?
- That's right

- Interesting
- Take your time

This is a very, very important decision

Now, which of these pork dishes
is black-jacket worthy?

I'm gonna go with this one, Chef

Oh, my God

[Ramsay] It's a carrot puree

For me personally,
the pork is a little under

That undercooked pork is just not it

And to be honest,
I think this is Tara's dish

[Ramsay] Next, this is a double pork chop

The pork, I cut into the center of it

It's super juicy

In my head, off the rare bits,
I know it's Cheyenne's

Brussels sprouts are good

Pork chop, for me,
is cooked way better than the first

And finally...

The idea of it makes a lot of sense

This one's a solid one
I definitely think this is Sakari

Out of all these three pork dishes,

can you tell me which one
you think is a black-jacket worthy?

This one

- Thank you, Alejandro
- Yep

Oh, my God, man

Sauce is a little sweet for me
Pork chop is a little bland

[Ramsay] Mm-hmm

I don't have the foggiest idea
who cooked what at this point

All of them, honestly, look similar

It's nice and pink

It's definitely got more seasoning
than this one. For sure

Maybe a touch overcooked for me,
but they're all the way through

It's nice

I think this one, for me,
had the most well-rounded flavors

The pork chop with the cab

[sighs] Oh, my God

Oh, oh, oh

Chef would like to see you three

- [Sakari] Good luck, everybody
- Good luck, guys

- Good luck, guys
- f*ck

I'm super excited,
but I'm also super nervous

This is the biggest moment of my life

Tara, Cheyenne, Sakari

Whilst you were upstairs in my office,

I asked your fellow chefs
to taste all of your dishes,

and they judged them blindly

A decision has been made

And one of you has earned
the final black jacket

Unfortunately, two of you
are gonna be leaving the competition

The first chef not receiving
a black jacket

and leaving Hell's Kitchen is...

I asked your fellow chefs
to taste all of your dishes,

and they judged them blindly

Sommer, Dafne, Alejandro, and Alex voted

And as a result,

the first chef
not receiving a black jacket

and leaving Hell's Kitchen is...


Young man

The chefs behind you loved the flavor

The big issue they had is
the temperature of the pork was under

- It's been a pleasure having you here
- Thank you so much

- But I do need your jacket
- Yeah

- See you
- Later, you guys

Nothing compares to the challenges

and the journey in Hell's Kitchen

It's a very complex dish

I'm just sad that I could
only give you five

I cooked my heart out every single day...

Sakari, that salmon's cooked beautifully

Thank you, Chef. [groans]

...done things that
I never thought I would do

Cheers, well done

[Sakari] Leaving here today
on the anniversary passing of my dad,

I know he's looking down,

and I have that connection with him
to know that he's proud

And it comes down to this

Tara, Cheyenne, two phenomenal dishes

[Tara] Cheyenne thinks I'm weak,
but I am going to win

I am a strong, strong, badass female
in that kitchen

I can come get the prize

[Cheyenne] There's no way to believe
you're safe ever in Hell's Kitchen

but, I mean...

a giant onion ring on your pork chop,
uh, there's...

I feel like I have it
I just feel like I have this one

But there's one dish
that's got one more vote than the other

Final recipient of the black jacket...


Young lady, come here


Take that, and go stand over there
with your fellow chefs

Great job


Man, I am so excited

This was the most stressful day
of my whole life so far

But here I am
Here I am in a black jacket

Tara, come on over, young lady

Oh, goodness me

You've been a real warrior

And it's very rare we find
someone that strong, that talented,

but someone that always bounces back

That level of determination is
gonna get you to where you wanna go

- Trust me. There's a bright future ahead
- Thank you

- Hey. You did great
- No, I'm proud of myself

And so you should be

- [Sommer] Bye, Tara
- See you, Tara

- [Ramsay] Come on. Great job
- Thank you. It's an honor

- I'm not gonna stop, absolutely
- Don't you dare stop

[Tara] Coming into Hell's Kitchen,
I knew I had the chops

The cook on the pork is beautiful


Please, Tara

- Asparagus?
- [Ramsay] Yes

[Tara] But Hell's Kitchen is
the hardest experience of my life

Two and a half minutes, yeah?

- Careful
- Ow, f*ck!

I've had an emotional roller coaster
the entire time

Why aren't there any collard greens on?
How is that possible?

[all chanting] Red Team! Red Team!

You've been gunning for me
since day one on this team

- 'Cause you're weak
- I'm not a weak f*cking chef, Cheyenne

I am so proud of where I am
and everything I've accomplished

Anybody ever work with "galal"?
Galangal? Whatever galangal is?

- Well done. Ring the bell. Tara, please
- Ring the bell

[Tara] It's honestly
the best experience of my life,

and I would not give it up
for anything in this world

Now where's my wine?

[Ramsay] Oh, my goodness me

Getting a black jacket today,
it's an amazing honor

And it's just going to make me push
even harder. I'm ready to go

- First of all, brilliant. Well done
- Thank you, Chef

Come on
Let your hair down, man. Congrats

[Sommer] Being part of the Fab Five
is definitely VIP,

but I'm trying to be the super VIP
of the whole competition

There's one final present

From our amazing travel partners
at Allegiant,

two tickets to go anywhere
where Allegiant flies

- Wow
- [Ramsay] Anywhere

- That's right
- [Cheyenne] Anywhere?

- Anywhere
- Oh, my God. Thank you

[Ramsay] Black jacket privilege

- Thank you, Chef
- Oh, my goodness me

Oh, my gosh

My short-term goal to come here
was top eight,

and I'm three places ahead of that,
and I couldn't be more thankful

Now I'm just ready to keep going

I wanna be final four, three, two and one
I wanna win this thing

Congratulations, black jackets

- [all] Black jackets
- [Ramsay] Black jackets. Well done

What a day. What a day!

[narrator] Next time, on Hell's Kitchen...

- One hell of a ride
- We're still on it

...only five chefs remain

The stakes are huge

And as the black jackets come on...

Tonight, it's a monumental service

...the gloves come off

- Working with my sworn enemy tonight
- [Sommer] Yep

I knocked you off. That's it

- Is there a reason why you talk so loud?
- f*ck you

- [narrator] With the finish line in sight...
- Who's got the ride? Who's driving?

- Me
- Then drive it!

...any stumble could cost them
the competition

- [Cheyenne] Whoa. What?
- Stop. Look at me. You're out of control

On the most intense episode of the season...

- Buckle up
- It's about to be a bumpy ride

[both shouting]

- ...on the next...
- The wheels have come off!

- ...Hell's Kitchen
- [Ramsay] Fab Five, my ass!