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01x07 - Start Small

Posted: 08/16/23 02:41
by bunniefuu
Hey, hey! ♪[/i]

La la la la la ♪[/i]

Hey, hey! ♪[/i]

La la la la la ♪[/i]

Chasing dreams
And making it happen

We can be anything
We imagine

In harmony
It's clicking like magic

It takes two! ♪[/i]

When we're together ♪[/i]

Double trouble
Rocking a stereo

Better buckle up, baby
Here we go

You and me ♪[/i]

♪ It's lights,
camera, action ♪

It takes two! ♪[/i]

When we're together ♪[/i]

It takes two! ♪[/i]

[Barbie] And you've goto
tell Mom and Dad to stop

People just call New York
"The City That Never Sleeps."

But I am getting plenty of rest.

So what's up there?

It's Beach Cleanup Day.
We're leaving soon.

Even Ken's joining this year.

Oh, that's today?

I can't believe I'm going
to miss it.

It's one of my favorite days
of the year.

Right after fruitcake toss day.

If it makes you feel better,

I'll pick up some extra trash
in your honor.

Aww, that's sweet.

I think?

♪ [playing keyboard]

Not bad, not bad.

But not good either.

-[door opens]
-Hey Barbie, glad you're back.

I've been tossing around
a few ideas

for the chorus of our new song.


And I tossed them in the trash
because they all stink.

I'm sure they don't.

♪ [playing keyboard]

But we'll work on it and come up
with something great.

We always do.

-What's up with you?

Skipper reminded me it's
Beach Cleanup Day back home.

It's a family tradition
where we...

Clean up the beach?

Oh, so you've heard of it?

It's great.

The whole neighborhood comes
out and it's a lot of fun,

and it's really good
for the environment.

-Sounds cool.
-It totally is.

I'm bummed about missing it.

So don't miss it.

Let's start our own cleanup day
tradition here.


-We could clean up...
-All of Brooklyn!

♪ [sour note]

I was going to say our block.

'Cause if you're talking about
the entire borough, that's...

how can I put this?

A lot. Like huge.

You have to think big
to do big things.

You're not wrong.

OK. Let's do it.


But don't forget, we still have
to finish our song.

Otto won't wait forever.

No prob.

We'll get to it right after
we make Brooklyn sparkle.

Not you. The other one.

And it won't take long at all.

Is Beach Cleanup Day
the best or what?

Even better than fruitcake
toss day.

The best.


I like fruitcake toss day.


The flip to this flop.

Or just a flop.

Ha, someone lost their homework.

People leave the weirdest things
on the beach.

Wait, it's mine.

That's where it went.

[girl] Hello Skipper.

[coldly] Hello, Jessica.

[Western standoff music]

I see you're here
for Beach Cleanup Day.

Yeah, wouldn't miss it.

Me either. Wouldn't dream of it.

Nope. Sure it's hard work,
but it's worth it.

Oh, it's not hard work at all.

I consider it a fun makeover
for the beach.


That's what I meant.
Fun. Not hard work.


And who doesn't love the beach?

Nobody more than me.

Well, I love the beach a lot!

-Not more than I do.

It's not a competition.

Of course not.

[phone rings]

Hey Skipper. How's
the cleanup coming?

Find any weird stuff?

Jessica's here!

-Oh, no.
-Oh, yeah.

She said she loves the beach
more than I do,

and then basically challenged me
to a beach clean-off.

Oh, this is the bake sale
all over again.

That did not end well.

Her muffins were store bought!

You two always push
each other's buttons.

She's the biggest button pusher!


OK. I see what you mean.

[Barbie] Skipper. Focus.

This day is about the beach,
not your beef with Jessica.


Focus on the beach and don't let
buttons get pushed.

Atta girl. Check in later.


Skipper's just passionate.

Creative use of the word.

So. Where do we start?

How about with something simple

like picking up litter
on our street.

Like it. Quick and easy.

Wow. New Yorkers really
have to work on their aim.

Not all of us.


Nailed it.

Hey, I'm cleaning here!

Why even bother having
a trash can?

I feel like a salmon
swimming upstream.

The can is right there.

[sighs heavily]

All right. This might take
longer than I thought.

Nice job everyone. Looking good.

Time to move on to a new area.

Wait, did somebody leave behind
a fruitcake?

Looks like it's still wrapped.

Oops. Missed a piece.


Hey, come back with that.

Ooh, there!
Oh, over there!

Yes! Oh, that's mine.


Get back here, you!



I saw it first! It's mine!

Give me that! That's mine!


-Watch out!

Give me that!
Get it, get it!



Mine, mine, mine, that's mine!


Ugh!!! Ahhh!




Blame him.

Don't let her push your buttons.

Don't let her push your buttons.


That was a little harder.

OK, a lot harder
than I thought.

But we did it. All clean.

And as long as no one
else walks by,

maybe it'll stay that way.

Don't even think about it.

Keep walking, buddy.
Take your trash elsewhere.

Selfie time.

Gotta document our progress.

[shutter snaps]

And posted. #cleanup-day.

Now let's go work on the song?

Not yet.

We're just getting started.

Just focus.

Cleaning the beach, good.

Letting Jessica and some
seagull get to me, bad.

Hi. Are you done
with that trash?

Anything else I can take?

You done with that sandwich?

No? Well I saw a bug on it
so I think it's trash.

Thanks. Actually I saw bugs
on all your stuff so uh,

can't be too safe these days.

Thank you.

But this is not about me.
This is for the beach.

I'll show you "for the beach."


Wow. Did not see you there, sir.

The hat looked like
it was trash.

I mean, oh, uh, not on you.

On you it's great.


[wings fluttering]


Woah, woah, woah. Not cool!

That wasn't actual graffiti.

Graffiti sweeties is the name
of my store!

[train rumbling]

So we had a few setbacks.

But I still think we can clean
the whole borough.

[train rumbling]

Let's see Jessica top that.

And she topped it.

[laughs weakly]

Now she's starting to push
my buttons.


You again?


Give me that! That's mine!


Get back here you. That's mine!

You find your own!



Give me that!

Ganging up on me, huh?


No, no, no, I've worked way
too hard to lose now.

Don't think I've forgotten
about you!

Hey, come back with that.

You come back here
with my trash!

Get over here.



Give me that! That's mine!



Mine, mine, mine, give me it,
give me it!

[all] Skipper!


It was the birds?


Young lady, what on earth
is going on?

Yeah. Why have you been acting
so scary?

Honey. I know we raised
you better

than to chase birds for trash.

-Or ruin a family picnic.
-Or dig someone up.

I, everything was going great
until Jessica showed up.


This silly competition
between you two

has gotten out of control.

You didn't leave your room
for two days

after that library
fundraiser incident.

Her uncle bought
all those books!

You're right.

I might have a problem.

And like Barbie said.

You spoke to Barbie? How is she?

She mention me?

I should just focus on
the beach, not Jessica.

And, yeah, maybe I did get
a teensy bit out of control.

But I'm fine now.

Seriously. I'm totally over...


That's my cup and you know it!

Go ahead, say it.
You were right.

Trying to clean up the whole
neighborhood was too much.

I'm not going to say it.

Though I should,
'cause it was a lot.

Like, a lot. But I won't.

Hey. Don't beat yourself up.
You gave it a good go.

So, how about we go home
and eat some waffle fries

and get to work on that song?

I guess.

Did you just say "I guess"
to waffle fries?

I'm just not ready
to give up yet.

OK. Maybe we need
to rethink things.

When you learn a new
dance routine,

you don't learn it all at once.

You take it one step at a time.

So instead of trying
to do everything,

let's start small.

And focus on cleaning the park.

But we should def get
waffle fries after.

No question.

Step by step ♪[/i]

That's how we do it ♪[/i]

Left right left ♪[/i]

All there is to it ♪[/i]

Breath by breath ♪[/i]

Nothing is too big ♪[/i]

Here we go ♪[/i]

On your toes ♪[/i]

There's a mountain
You gotta climb

♪ And it's looking giant ♪

The best views
Are the highest

Starting small ♪[/i]

Let it snowball ♪[/i]

Take it one little beat
At a time

Go moment by moment ♪[/i]

Get ready to own it ♪[/i]

Chop it up into confetti ♪[/i]

Watch us win it
Slow and steady

Step by step ♪[/i]

That's how we do it ♪[/i]

Left right left ♪

♪ All there is to it ♪[/i]

Breath by breath ♪[/i]

Nothing is too big ♪[/i]

Break it down down down ♪[/i]

Step by step ♪[/i]

Bring on the challenge ♪[/i]

Left right left
Keeping our balance

Breath by breath ♪[/i]

Working like magic ♪[/i]

Break it down down down ♪[/i]

[phone rings]

Hey Ken.

Hey Barbie.

So glad you picked up.
It's great to see you.

I really missed you here
on Beach Cleanup Day.

-I mean, we all miss you.
-[Skipper] ...That's mine!

-Not just me.
-Yeah, me too.

What's going on back there?
Is that Skipper?

Oh, right. Skipper.
That's why I called.

She's out of control!

Why do you even want that cup?

You can't eat it.

I can't watch.

Give me it!

[breathing heavily]

See what I mean?

Ken, put Skipper on.

Uh OK. I'll try to catch her.


Give me that! That's mine!


Here. It's Barbie.

Whew. You are fast.

Hey Barbie.
Can't talk, there's this bird.

Forget the bird.

But he's got my cup.

Forget the cup!

I thought we talked about
this earlier.

We did, I know. But Jessica.

Buttons were pushed,
ohhhhh, so many buttons.

Then seagulls were chased
and then,

I guess I tried to do way
too much and it all went wrong.

That makes two of us.

I really wanted to clean
all of Brooklyn,

but then the other Brooklyn
reminded me

that you gotta focus on
one thing at a time

and take it step by step.

You mean like dancing?

[Barbie] Exactly. You get it.

Thanks Barbie. Both Barbies.

And I know what my first
dance move is.

[Barbie] You got this.

Hey. I think it's clear that
we both love the beach equally.

So I propose a truce.
What do you say?

I say...

Ugh. Finally.

Keeping up with you
is exhausting.

Me? I was trying to keep up
with you.

And what's up with those birds?

[laughs] Right?

They're ridiculous and honestly
kind of creepy.

Beady eyes.

Hey. Can we work together
from now on?

There's no telling what we could
do if we actually...

Teamed up? Where do we start?

Well my sister suggested we
take things one step at a time.

So instead of trying to clean
the whole beach,

let's start smaller.

You're on. I mean we're on.

Great. But after we rest
for a minute?


So tired.

Step by step ♪[/i]

That's how we do it ♪[/i]

Left right left ♪[/i]

All there is to it ♪[/i]

Breath by breath ♪[/i]

Nothing is too big ♪[/i]

Break it down down down ♪[/i]

Step by step ♪[/i]

Bring on the challenge ♪[/i]

Left right left ♪[/i]

Keeping our balance ♪[/i]

Breath by breath
Working like magic

Break it down down down ♪[/i]

We got major expectations ♪[/i]

We got moves and motivation ♪[/i]

Give it
Just a little patience

Yeah ♪

♪ Step by step
That's how we do it

Left right left
All there is to it

Breath by breath
Nothing is too big

Break it down down down ♪[/i]

Step by step ♪[/i]

Bring on the challenge ♪[/i]

Left right left
Keeping our balance

Breath by breath
Working like magic

Break it down down down ♪[/i]


And posted. #cleanup-day take .

I gotta admit that was fun.

And definitely tradition worthy.

Annual Park Cleanup Day
is a must.

For sure. Great idea.

This again? What's up?


I'm glad we cleaned the park,

But I still wish
we could've done more.

Come on.
We did the best we could
and our best was a lot.

Did you see that park?

After all, we're just
two Barbies.


[both] Rafa!

I was hoping I'd run into you.

Check it.

I've been all over the
neighborhood collecting junk.

One man's trash is another man's

super-successful environmentally
conscious jewelry line

with all the profits
going to charity.

From trash to cash. Nice Rafa.

Great for the earth
and my wardrobe.

Love a win-win.

Actually, and I know you'll find
this hard to believe,

but it wasn't all
my genius idea.

You two inspired me.

We did?

Uh yeah, your posts.

After I saw what you guys
were doing

I figured I should do my part.

You know what that means?

We aren't just two Barbies.
We're two Barbies and a Rafa.

It's not just me.

You inspired a whole
bunch of us.

Your posts went viral.

Well, small scale viral.

You don't pack the kind of
follower count I do, but look.

Epiphany convinced Buddy
to let her start

a compost bin at the cafe.

Well technically he gave in

just to stop her from
talking about fungi.

But still...

Stefan picked up trash
in Times Square.

Some of it was imaginary,
but a lot of it was real.

Even Dash did
something positive.

The Dash?

Don't get me started.

Well what do you know?

We're way more than
just two Barbies.

Yeah. I guess we are.

Feels pretty cool to make such
a big impact, huh?


And we got a great song
out of it.

We really outdid ourselves.

[phone rings]

Hey Skip. How'd it
go with Jessica?

Oh, and please tell me you left
that bird alone.

Birds? They're fine.

And Jessica and I
called a truce.

We painted a lifeguard
tower together.

Oh, hey, great job with the

We saw your posts.

Ken couldn't stop looking
at them.

Oh, gotta go.

The whole fam's going
to work together

on the next lifeguard tower.


-[phone beeps]
-Time for waffle fries?

Thought you'd never ask.

And maybe a little more
cleaning at home?

I think Etta has some
old cat toys

that'll make k*ller earrings.

[closing theme music]