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01x08 - The Roof Fairy

Posted: 08/16/23 03:23
by bunniefuu
Whoa oh oh oh ♪

So much to see ♪
So much to do ♪

Let's share a dream ♪
Make it come true ♪

Us girls got the
right combination ♪

Make our way
to new destinations ♪

Imagine all
the possibilities ♪

Hey hey hey ♪
You can be anything ♪

Hey hey hey ♪
Barbie's here,
gonna sing ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Adventure, yeah that's
our thing ♪

It's the Dreamhouse
Adventures ♪


Next time, I'm definitely asking
more questions.


But we didn't have time
for questions.

We were in the middle
of a crisis.

Chelsea, my youngest sister,
was losing her faith in dreams,

in the magical power
of imagination.

We had to save her.
I know what you're thinking.

And the answer is
yes, we were desperate.

Let's go back a few days.

[struggling grunts]
All of this is donations
for the school fund-raiser?

Yup. This year it's a giant
garage sale.

The volunteers are coming to
pick these boxes up any minute.

Cool. That gives us about
a minute to get this done.


Race ya to the sidewalk.

[running grunts]

[heavy breathing]

Hey. Time out.

You're giving away Magic Marcy?

You used to be crazy about her,
always telling me stories

about the amazing invisible
world she lived in.

You loved her.

But maybe it's time to let some
other little girl have her.

Well, like tonight, Mom
and Dad are out to dinner.

Till they're back I'm sort of
the adult in charge.

Aren't you more like the kid
in charge?

Just for that I'm leaving you
in my dust.





[Chelsea] Shhh.

You're making
too much noise.

Chelsea, what are you doing
sitting out here,

staring up at the sky?

I wasn't looking at the sky.

I was looking at our roof.
And waiting.

Waiting for what?


You can't figure it out?


I'm waiting for the Roof Fairy.

The...The Roof Fairy?

Are you making that up Chels?

Woohoo! I win.

I was distracted by all
that Roof Fairy chat.

I want a re-match.

Nice try. Not gonna happen.

Don't have time anyway.

Gotta go home and start a paper

I should've already finished.

Bye. Thanks for the help.

And talking about stuff that
should've already happened...

you should be in bed.

Wait. What if it just
seems like my bedtime

cause it's almost winter,
and it's getting dark too early.

Sorry. Mom and Dad
left me in charge

and I was supposed to have
you in bed like now.

But what about the Roof Fairy?

Hmm. Is this whole
Roof Fairy story

just an excuse to stay up late?
And even if it is,

I'm guessing you're talking
about the Tooth Fairy, right?

I don't think there's anything
called the Roof Fairy.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.
The Tooth Fairy came last night
when I lost my tooth.

Tonight's when
the Roof Fairy comes.

Ok. But I've never heard of her.

I've known about her
like longer than forever.

Like five-ever.


I know everything about her.

Like the Tooth Fairy
and her aren't sisters,

just really good friends.

And the Roof Fairy dances
across your roof

in a rose-colored dress

with glittery pink wings
on the back and...

She brings special magic
when you've lost a tooth.


And another important
thing about her is...

Hey. What if we turn
the lights down,

and I sit with you
until you fall asleep, ok?




Ok, but no way
am I going to sleep.

I'm staying awake
until the roof fairy comes.


Did I tell you she drops pink

flower pedals in the garden?

They help you grow a new tooth.

And she plays beautiful
fairy flute music...

it makes the place
in your mouth,

where the old tooth was,
not hurt so much.

[little yawn]
She also sends you sweet dreams
while your new tooth is growing.

And she does it all
with the help

of her magical rockhopper
penguin Dr. Ernesto.

Dr. Ernesto...

What the heck is Chelsea
talking about?

Where'd she get this crazy
Roof Fairy story?

Maybe she saw it on TV
or something?

I'll do a quick search.

[phone rings]

Hey, girls.

Hi Dad.
Just checking. Everything ok?

Nothing, anywhere,
about the Roof Fairy.

Well, Chelsea thinks
there's a magical Roof Fairy

who's friends
with the Tooth Fairy.

And Chelsea's convinced she's
coming to see her tonight.

(Both): Awe...

Our little Chelsea is six.

What a wonderful age.

I still remember all
the exciting things

the three of you imagined
when you were little.

(All): Yeah.

Nothing was impossible.

And I mean nothing.

When I was six I believed I
could magically become a pony.




That's our girl.

And when she was six,

Stacie imagined that
after the sun set

and disappeared
below the horizon,

it traveled underground
like a big flashlight,

turning on streetlights
all over the planet.

Still makes sense to me.

And Skipper believed
in an imaginary friend

who always knew
what she was thinking

and could make her
dreams come true.



We all had our childhood
daydreams so it only made sense

that Chelsea would
have some too.

Imagination is important.

Einstein said it's more
important than knowledge.

My job didn't even exist
when I was your age.


Someone had to dream it.

Uh huh.

Well, night girls.

Happy dreaming.

[blowing kiss]

(All): Night-night.


I wish I hadn't said there was

no such thing as the Roof Fairy.

Don't b*at yourself up.

Chelsea'll be fine.

Ok. Alright.

But what if I accidentally
flicked the first domino

and now all her belief
in unlimited possibility

starts crashing down?

I couldn't live with that.

Me, neither.
But what could we do?

We can make this Roof Fairy
visit a magical experience

Chelsea'll never forget.

She's got that look in her eye.

Resistance is futile.
We're in.


Okay, who's got
a short penguin?

Okay, so nobody's got a penguin.

Not a problem.
We can just make it seem like
Dr. Ernesto's around.


come up with some rock
penguin noises maybe?


[chicken gargling sound]


Um. Maybe one not

choking on something.
You're close though.

Ok. Now let's get to
the other Roof Fairy stuff,

like the rose petals
and the flute music.


Ok, Roberts family cheer
on three.

(All): One, two, three, woohoo.

[clears throat]

Look, pink rose petals.




And there's more downstairs.

Do you think they could be
from the Roof Fairy?



[odd squawks]

What's that?

Is it the Roof Fairy's friend...

[odd squawks]

Dr. Ernesto?

Not sure.
He sounds kinda funny.

[odd squawks]

Uh oh what...
These are secret missions.

If he sounded like an actual
rock penguin he'd...

[odd squawk]

Blow his cover, right?


You know what?
Forget about Dr. Ernesto, let's
talk about the Roof Fairy.

There's always flute music
when she's around, right?



[flute music]

What's wrong?
[shudders] The Roof Fairy's
playing the flute,

just like you said.

I know. But her music's
usually not so...

Hmm... lumpy.

[flute music]

What's going on?

You know, I've got a pretty good
ear for music and if you ask me

that is definitely the sound
of someone breaking in
a brand new instrument.

She must have gotten it
just for you.

That means she probably
got new teeny-tiny shoes too.

...teeny-tiny shoes?

The Roof Fairy
wears teeny-tiny shoes.

And she always
leaves footprints,

in the garden,
and more rose petals.

It's one of the most special
things about her.

How could you not know that?


Of course, yea.

Ha. I'll be right back.

Dr. Ernesto? You can sound
like yourself again.

It's just me.
And I'm a great secret-keeper.


[out of breath]

Never mind about the bad rock
penguin noises

and terrible flute music...


The point is,
this isn't about us.

It's about Chelsea.
And what she needs
is shoe-prints.

In the garden.

Made by teeny-tiny shoes.

Would be nice if
they're brand new,

but not a deal breaker.

What? First it was penguins
and flutes.

Now it's teeny-tiny shoes.

Is this one of Chelsea's pranks,

getting us to run around all
night doing ridiculous stuff?

No. You should've seen
how excited she was

about the rose petals, and...

...even that wheezing chicken
of yours.

Hey. I'm doing my best here.

The shoes have to be teeny-tiny.

And we can't grab any doll shoes
out of Chelsea's room...

Right. Too risky.

Ooo. Hold on.


Found some of my old doll shoes.

I don't get it.
You threw out your dolls
but kept the shoes?

Hey. It's a process.

Now what?
Well you've got
the smallest feet.

Not that small.

But I know someone who does.


C'mon, Blissa.

You can get it.

Ooh close.

Come on.

Good girl.



Chelsea, look. There.
Teeny-tiny shoe-prints.

[gasps in wonder]



Hey, what's up?

The Roof Fairy came.

She really, really came.

Oh no.
Those aren't hers.

But they're exactly
what you said.

They're teeny-tiny.

And they're in the garden,
where they're supposed to be.

But something's missing.

They don't have fairy dust
all around them.

Fairy dust? What fairy dust?

You didn't say anything
about fairy dust.

She didn't say anything
about fairy dust.


Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe there isn't a Roof Fairy.

Oh Chelsea, of course there is.

No. I don't think so anymore.

Chelsea, what if we get
a picture of her

and prove it to you?

A picture?

Fairies don't show up
in pictures.

Isn't that vampires?


It's fairies, too.

Well, what do we do now?

Chelsea's really sad and the
only way for us to cheer her up

is to actually show her
the Roof Fairy.

Which is impossible!

No, it isn't. It's exactly
what we're gonna do.

Imagination is a delicate thing.

Sometimes it just needs
a little boost.

Rose-colored dress, added.

Teeny- tiny shoes, added.

Magic flute, added.

Ooo. Don't forget
the pink fairy wings.

Adding pink fairy wings.


(All): Yeah.

Thanks to Skipper's hard work,

we knew exactly what the Roof
Fairy should look like.

Now it was time for Dr. Ernesto.

For him, we need to make a call.

Malibu Pet Costumes?

Open all night, free delivery?

Mom's old mop
from back in the day.

Exactly what I need to work
some fairy-hair magic.


My weird giant satin shawl
birthday present

from Aunt Agnes.

Instant rose-colored dress.

Homemade, three-D
food-printer spaghetti,

colored with watered-
down cranberry juice.

And we have...
pink fairy wings..


Delivery from Malibu
pet costumes.

One small dog tuxedo
as ordered.

Free boutonniere.

He's not getting married.

I mean, we're not weird.

Course not.

DJ. Where are you?


Come here, boy.

Ready to have some fun?


Ken. Hi.
I need your help because...

Ok. How good of a friend is Ken?
Before I even could explain,

he said there were only
two things he needed to know.

Where did I want him to be?

And how soon?


Next time I'm definitely asking
more questions.


What do you think?


I think all your phones
better be off.

Don't worry.
The Roof Fairy doesn't
show up in photographs.

I thought that was vampires.

Are you sure this will work?

Ok. Last minute checklist.

It's a full moon tonight
so when you're on the roof,

dancing on your knees,
all you have to do is...

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

I'm supposed to dance
on the roof?

On my knees? Why?

Uh, the Roof Fairy's shorter
than you.

Of course she is.

And once you're up there,

stand with your back
to the moon,

keep the light behind you.

That way, from the ground,

Chelsea won't be able
to see your face.

All we want her to see is the

Roof Fairy's glittering outline.

Oh. And the Roof Fairy
has a penguin.

A what?

Just a small one.
And his name is Dr. Ernesto.

Sure it is.
What else would he be called?


Remember to hold him like
the Statue of Liberty

holds her torch.

High and proud.

Get it?

Got it.




You ready DJ?

It's you and me, buddy.




Ah. No!

Come here.



Hey. DJ, come back.



Chelsea. Come quick.

There's something
you've gotta see.



I gotcha. Aha.

[shouting] Hey. You.

Wacky person in the bushes.

She's already up there
on the roof.

Aren't you excited?

Those girls should be in bed.

Who's shouting outside?

We're calling the police.

You and your whatever...
better hold it right there.

Inconceivable that we...

Is that the thing we're
on our way to see?

Stay here.

I'll go ahead.

[running grunts]

Ugh. Reardons.

This is ridiculous.


It's you.
[laughs hysterically]

Oh, man - this is priceless.

[snapping photos]

Trey, hold on,
here's my good side.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hup hup. Nothing to see here.

Everything's fine.

We're wasting our time
trying to help these people.

First it was the bad
flute music.

Now they've got a boy
wearing wings

hiding in their bushes
holding a ...

whatever that is.

He's just a fake little penguin.

Are we almost there?

Oh, no.

Come on Ken.

Come on DJ.

What exactly are
we s'posed to see?


OK. You got this?

Got it.

Ready Dr. Ernesto?



No, no.






Chelsea, are you ready?

Look up.

Huh? Whoa.

(All): Phew!


Ken, how is this possible?

How are you up there and
down here at the same time?

I never got up there.

(All): What?

Wow. It's her,
she was really here.

My new tooth, it's
growing in already.


Why is Ken dressed so weird?


It was perfect.

She was exactly like I imagined.

(All): Sweet Fairy dreams,
little sister.


I don't know how we did it,
but we did it.

[clears throat]
To all who believe in the magic
of imagination.

(All): Cheers.


It's Magic Marcy.

Guess you never picked her up
when we tripped before.

But weren't you guys in the
front yard when that happened?

How did Marcy get
all the way out here?

I don't know.

Why is there flute music now?

No way.

Skipper, show us your phone.

Not me. Battery's dead.


[flute music]

It was time to stop trying
to figure out the magic

of this night and just...
enjoy it.


[flute music]