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02x02 - Life Can Be a Dream

Posted: 08/16/23 03:24
by bunniefuu
Whoa oh oh oh ♪

So much to see ♪

So much to do ♪

Let's share a dream ♪

Make it come true ♪

Us girls got
the right combination ♪

Make our way
to new destinations ♪

Imagine all
the possibilities ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

You can be anything ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Barbie's here,
gonna sing ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Adventure, yeah that's
our thing ♪

♪ Whoa oh oh ♪

It's the Dreamhouse
Adventures ♪

Using my small but incredibly
powerful telescope

I may be able to discover
exactly what we're dealing with.

OK, this is weird.

[together] How weird?

Really weird.
But just so you know,

it happened in this crazy dream
I had yesterday,

which was completely unexpected

because everything
started off totally normal.

It was just me hanging out
in the back yard

with Teresa, Nikki,
Renee and Daisy.

We were playing this game
where we imagine ourselves

in our future lives.

Um, Barbie?
It's your turn.

You guys already decided

what your future
careers will be?

-Head of my own
lifestyle empire.

World famous DJ!

Mmpf, mmpf, mmpf!

Intergalactic skip tracer.

It's the future.

You really have no idea?

It's just... there's
so many possibilities.

How do I choose the exact
right one?

It's no big deal,
it's just a game.

And secondly, all that pacing's
making me dizzy.

Guys, it's just...
Well, it's more than a game.

We'll be in college soon
and when you're in college

people are always asking what
you wanna do when you graduate.

Your future. And I... I just
don't know where to start.

Barbie, calm down.

It's OK.

Come on, it's alright.
Start by taking a breath.

Calming down.

And having one of those
Zen moments you're always
talking about.

OK. [sighs]

You're right.
I can do this.

You guys are the best.

In fact, we're such good friends

we're gonna totally
abandon you now.

-Give you room to think.
-And it has nothing to do

with the cookies
you baked earlier.



This is perfect.

A quiet moment.
Just what I needed.

-[air horn]

[laughing] Yeah!

OK, my non-identical
identical dudes,

-prepare for epic
viral videoness.

Most extreme trampoline
water balloon fight ever!

On three.
One, two, fire!

-Whoa! Yeah!

-[balloons explode]
-[Barbie yelps]

Guys? You mind keeping it down?
I'm trying to think.

The only thing going down
around here

is the best water balloon
fight ever!



Was one peaceful moment
to plan my future

really so much to ask?

Apparently, it was.

Because the second
I closed my eyes

things got even crazier.

-Wha- what? Huh?

Gotta go. You're late.

Have you heard about the weird
thing that's happening?

What weird thing?

No time to talk.
You need to choose an outfit.

Come on, come on.
Keep it moving. Gotta hurry.

What're we doing? And why are we
doing it in such a rush?

A super cool outfit
for Barbie. Hurry.

[electronic voice]: One super
cool outfit coming up.

Why do I need
a super cool outfit?

Because you have
a super cool job.

[dings, then whirs]

There's a stack of stuff
on your desk to sign

and the incredibly fabulous
parade starts in an hour.

Plus, you need to deal with
the weird thing.

What weird thing?

We'll tell you all about it

right after you
get your hair done.





-Not even.


[all groan]

-Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Wow, nice work,
hairstyling machine.

Love the beach waves.

They're great but I still
don't know why-

You found her. Great.

I'll confirm everything
on the mayor's schedule.

OK, guys, come on.

What's with the beach waves
and the super cool outfit?

And why is Ken double checking
the mayor's schedule?

Does he even know
the mayor of Malibu?

Malibu? This is Futuretown.

What a kidder. Like she doesn't
know who the mayor is.

It's me?

Just so you know,
when out of nowhere

you suddenly find out
there's something weird going on

with your hometown
and you're the mayor,

your first words are...

I'm the mayor?!
How did that happen?

-[all]: You got elected.
-Huh. That's kinda cool.

Come with me, Mayor.
Your first appointment is here.



Award-winning journalist
reporter, Barbie.

Nice to meet you, Mayor.
Any comment on the crisis?

I'm the mayor and
I'm the reporter?

In Futuretown anything
is possible.

OK, so wait, did you say
there was a crisis?

This just in: Mayor Barbie
seems unprepared

for the pending disaster.

No, it's just...
What are you?

Recognize these?
Your greatest accomplishments.

Futuretown's new
rapid transit system,

a recently opened home
for homeless pets,

our beautiful picnic park
for family celebrations,

all because of you,
Mayor Barbie.

Because you really care
about the people of this city.

-I do, but...
-You heard it here.

She says she cares yet
has no plan to protect us all

from a totally weird thing in
the sky headed right this way!

What're you talking about?

As first reported right here,

a weird, giant object is
hurtling towards Futuretown.

I'm sorry, um, but I don't have
a weird, giant object

listed on the mayor's schedule
for today.

Better double check that.
I just reported it.

-Oh, here it is, p.m.

Weird, giant object headed
for Futuretown today.

Huh. How did I miss that?

This can only mean one thing.

That I'm fired?

Wow, weirdness is sort of
in the air today.

No. It means that if I'm mayor
I need to deal with this.

Can you get me more information
on the weird thing in the sky,

from a reliable source,
like maybe a scientist

who knows about planets
and galaxies and space?

-On it.
-[Renee] Mayor Barbie,
come quick!

[Nikki] You've gotta see this!


An actual ticking clock.

It's retro and bizarre.

But what's it mean?

Ticking clocks don't just
show up by themselves.

Somebody sent it.

Bet you didn't see
that one coming, Barbie.

[evil laughter]

Who would do such a thing?

Check the gift tag.

"Giant ticking clock courtesy of
your favorite local villain,

Annoying Guy."

"When the little hand touches
the big hand, you lose.

And Futuretown goes...

I think he spelled that wrong.


Can't you two do anything right?

"P.S. The weird thing in the sky
that's getting closer and closer

every minute?
That's from me, too."

"Insert campy,
villainous laugh here."

[evil laughter]

Breaking news. Renee has
the best campy villainous laugh.

Judging by the hands there
we don't have much time.

[phone ringing]



The mayor's on her way.
Come on!

That reliable source you wanted
has been located.

Don't worry about us!

We can get the clock on our own.

[both groaning]


Maybe we could use an extra hand
with the clock.

[all groaning]

This is the best scientist
in Futuretown.

Astrophysicist Barbie.

An astrophysicist. Wow.

Someone who studies stars
and the universe.

Ooh, that sounds like
a great career.

It is. Sorry to have to meet
at the beach.

-I'm on vacation.
-Nice. OK.

Thanks for taking the time.

But just to be clear,
I'm the mayor,

the reporter,
and the scientist?

How cool is that?

Extremely cool.

Wow. Totally the best dream
I've ever had.

It's heavy.

And it's ticking.

So, as you can see, the clock
is heavy and it's ticking.

Can you help us?

OK, no problem.
Actually, one problem.

I don't know what
the problem is.

Like I said,
I'm on vacation.

Oh, right.

There's a weird, giant object
in the sky.

Could be a UFO,
but whatever it is,

it's headed right
for Futuretown.

Ah, that is a problem.
I'll take a look.

Before you do, tell me: how does
it feel to be an astrophysicist?

Studying stars and planets

is the most exciting thing ever.

It lets me use my imagination
and my math skills.

That really sounds like
an awesome career.

I'll have to keep that in mind.

But, uh, can we get back
to the crisis?

Right. Using my small, but
incredibly powerful, telescope

I may be able to discover
exactly what we're dealing with.

OK, this is weird.

[together] How weird?

Take a look.

The giant, weird thing
hurtling toward us

is round, red and,
for some reason,

really, really wild.

Definitely not an asteroid
or a meteor,

but what is it?

Let me alert the space station.

Maybe they can intercept it.

[computer beeping]

[evil laughter]


[evil laughter]

This is bad.

Uh, how bad, exactly?

Really, really, really bad.

A virus just shut me down.

And now I can't even get Wi-Fi.

[everyone gasps]

Whoever is behind this
is truly annoying.

[evil laughter continues]

And there's nothing
you can do about it.

That's why they call me...
let me hear it.


I need back-up here.

Sorry, we got distracted.

How come we're in this dump,

Where's your big budget
evil lair?

And your super cool
villain suit?

[scoffs] I don't know.
It's Barbie's dream.

Apparently, she's so busy
worrying about her future

she doesn't have time
to think about what I need.

I don't get it.

For some reason,
she's never liked me.

Is it because you broke
her bike?

Or because you stole her cake?

Remember the time
you fell over the fence

and destroyed her organic
herb garden?

-[laughs] Totally, dude.
-OK, OK.

She has her reasons.

But as soon as I ruin her dream,
I win.

And that makes everything OK.

I will finally get
what I've always desired.

The greatest viral video

of all time.

I thought we were going
for world domination.

That, too.

-[phone vibrates]

-Oh, a text from Annoying Guy.
-What's it say?

"The giant red thing in the sky
is on a collision course
with Futuretown,

and there's nothing you can do
to stop it."

This just in: Annoying Guy says
there will be no future

for anyone in Futuretown.

No future?
We can't let that happen.

What're you gonna do,
Mayor Barbie?


OK, to recap:

Futuretown was about
to be destroyed

by a giant, red, blobby thing
headed straight towards it

and I was the mayor
and a reporter

and a scientist
and really confused.

This was some kinda wacky dream.

Or was it?

Not to overstate the obvious

but we kinda gotta do
something fast.

We're not getting anywhere
around here fast.

All the roads are closed
for the parade.

-Plus, this clock is
ridiculously heavy.

So we've established.

But don't worry, Barbie.
I can lead us to safety.

I know this place
like the back of my hand.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Who put quicksand here?

That should slow them down.


Dreams are great.


Guess I don't know this town
as well as I thought.

You should speak with someone
who really knows its history.

Great idea.

Oh, I know just the person.
But she's far away.

No problem, we can take
my plane.

What? I'm starting to get the
hang of this dream thing.

Let's go!

Hey guys! A little help?

Oh, and somebody grab Ken!


[indistinct chattering]

Where did all these other
Barbies come from?

I don't know.
My imagination?

Hey, is anyone handing out
free water

and tiny bags of crunchy,
salty goodies?

Oh, you mean like
flight attendant Barbie?

She's not here,
but you have me, Pilot Barbie.

-[excited murmurs]
-Flying planes.

What a fantastic career.

It's both demanding
and fulfilling.

And the travel's great.

OK, everyone buckle up.
Time to land this puppy.

-[all cheering]

-She's so cool.
-Woop, woop! Let's land!

I love this dream.

[tick, tick]

OK, we're at the stables.
Now what?

-We wait for a sign.
-Like that?


[Barbie]: That's a bad sign.

It means time is getting
away from us.

Not on my watch.

-Get it!
-[Renee]: After it!

There she is.
It's me, again.

Reporter Barbie coming to you
live from the stables

where yet another Barbie is
going to weigh in on the crisis.

How can I help you,
Mayor Barbie?

I just finished teaching
a really interesting
history class.


You're a history teacher.

But why are you on a horse?

I'm also a jockey.

Who says you can't have it all?


What a great idea.

Combining two things you love
for the perfect job.

If you're willing to put
in the work,

you can be anything you want!

Good advice!
But I have a question.

In the history of Futuretown,

has a weird thing that nobody's
quite sure what it is

but is trying to destroy us ever
come sh**ting out of the sky?


Any other ideas?

Give up, Mayor Barbie.
You'll never figure this out.

Soon all of Futuretown
will be mine!

[evil laughter]

We stopped the clock
from getting away!

[all shout]

This dream is getting

Not for much longer.

There's almost no time left
on the clock.

Hang on.

The object is really close now.

That's bad, right?

But also good.
I know exactly what it is.


A huge, red water balloon?

How is that possible?

-Haven't you already
figured it out?

Anything is possible here.

Anything? But what if...


This just in: Mayor Barbie knows
the key to saving the future.

-But I-I don't.
-Are you sure?

When you imagine the impossible
you've taken the first step

towards making it possible.
All you have to do is ask...

What if?

What if.

Ah, the two most magical words
I know.

The minute you ask yourself
"what if"

you are using your imagination

and suddenly the world is full
of infinite possibilities.


Why didn't I see it before?

What if we all do this together?

Get me my helicopter!

[Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy]

Attention, Ballerina Barbie!

Please, leap and twirl super
fast over to Engineer Barbie.

I've got a plan and
I'm not afraid to use it.

[speaking French]

[French accent] We need
a giant bow and arrow.

Even bigger!


[phone ringing]

Business Owner Barbie.

Hi, Business Owner Barbie.
It's Mayor Barbie.

You own Robots, Robots, Robots
and I need a really giant

Consider it done.

[frightened crowd murmurs]

-[all grunting]
-Mayor Barbie? Hurry!

We're almost out of time!

Anyone else have mixed feelings
about that?

[grunting continues]

I am so close to winning!

OK, Team Future,
time to ask "what if"!

-[air horn]
-[all gasp]


-[all exclaim]

[mechanical whirring]

[electronic music]



Robot, ready?


[alarm goes off]


Bring on the glitter.


-Yeah, dude!

-Twinkle. Twinkle.
-Feel it. Love it.

-Oh, dude.

No! I hate glitter!

[Barbie]: Yeah!


Yes! Nice work!


Bien hecho, Barbie.

-Yay, Barbies!

-Woo! Woohoo! Yeah!
-Go, robots!

You guys, we did it!

This'll make history!

This just in: Barbie
has saved Futuretown.

But which Barbie?

All of us.





-Barbie, you OK?


You won't believe the dream
I had.

You were there.
And you, and you.

And did we help you figure out
your future?

Sure did.

'Cause that dream made me
realize something amazing.

When it comes to the future

I don't have to know exactly
what I want yet.

There's so much out there
to explore.

The possibilities are endless.

The one that's right for me?

I'll find it, when I'm ready.

But for now all I have to do
is ask "what if".