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03x06 - Totally Spying

Posted: 08/16/23 03:32
by bunniefuu
Whoa oh oh oh ♪

So much to see ♪

So much to do ♪

Let's share a dream ♪

Make it come true ♪

Us girls got
the right combination ♪

Make our way
to new destinations ♪

Imagine all
the possibilities ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

You can be anything ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Barbie's here,
gonna sing ♪

Hey hey hey ♪

Adventure, yeah that's
our thing ♪

♪ Whoa oh oh ♪

It's the Dreamhouse
Adventures ♪

[groans] Easy...

-You really need to be
sitting like this...
-Ah! Ahh! get the full
healing benefits. [grunts]
-[Trey groans]

[groans] But my body
doesn't go like that.

Just a little bit further!

Now doesn't that feel better?

Hmph. I guess...

I know that might seem
a little un-neighborly.

But some might say
Trey deserved it.

In our defense,
Trey was being...

particularly Trey-ish that day.

Like, "evil twin" Trey-ish.

It all started when Stacie
was trying to get some new

skateboarding footage.


Drone cam is online.

[dog yapping]

[electronic whirring]

Helmet cam is fired up!

Time to make some epic
skateboard magic.

Hit it!

Check me out!

-Whoa, whoa!
-[heavy thud]

[groans] Oh, no!
Blissa, look out!


Go, Blissa!



-[dog yips]

[confused meow]

[happy meow]

Good girl!

What on earth is all
that racket?

-[dog barks]
-My bad.

-Blissa accidentally just
skateboarded over here.

-What's a "Blissa"?

-Good kitty!

Can't you give a cat
a normal name?

Like Rover?
Or Spot?

You guys don't really do
pets, do you?

-[dogs yap]
-[groans in disgust] Get away!

-Stop it!
-We'll get out of your hair.

Come on, guys!
Treats for everyone!

Later, neighbors!

-Ugh, that family.
-The worst!

-Always so cheerful
and fun-loving.

What I wouldn't give to see
them move far, far away!

That's not going to happen,

now that they've built their
"dream house".

Where's my issue
of Spoiled Rich Kid Weekly?

Nothing here but Roberts' mail.
It's not even anything good.

Just some kind of notice
from Malibu City Hall.

Let me see that.


I just figured out a way to
solve our neighbor problem!


-What you doin'?

Working on my D baking

I added a secret ingredient.

Is your secret "yucky"?

'Cause that's all I taste.

[groans, then coughs]

Not the flavor
I was going for.

I must have used salt
instead of sugar.

Ugh, yucky is right.

We're starving!
What's on the menu?

-Not these.

Trust me, she's doing you
a favor.

[Trey] Ow!



-Trey? What happened?

So much for trying to be
nice to you people.

I was bringing you your mail
when this thing att*cked me!

My skateboard!

Ugh, wait, wait, wait.

-Easy does it, Trey. Careful...

Okay, okay, okay.

-Are you all right?
-Oh, I'm just dandy.

This is how I always walk.

Honestly, Trey,
I am so sorry!

He's gonna be okay,
isn't he?

-I hope so.
-[groans weakly]


Or not.

Let us help you inside.

[groans dramatically]

Help! I saw my life flash
before my eyes.


Tell me if this hurts.


Of course, it hurts!

You're touching
my broken leg!

Oh, my gosh!

No, no. It's not broken.

[facetiously] Thank you,
Dr. Barbie.

I'm not a doctor yet, but
I am first aid certified.

There's no break, and I
don't see any swelling,

but maybe we should get
an ice pack

-just to be on the safe side.
-I'll do it!

Shouldn't we call your parents,
have them come get you?

They're out of town, but I don't
mind being home alone.

That way no one has to hear
my cries of pain.

[groans] Hold on...

Come on.

-Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Just rest a bit, Trey.

We'll stay with you
till you're ready to head back
over to your house!

Oh, don't stay on my account.

Go back to whatever it was
you were doing.

The further away, the better.

It's okay. We don't mind
keeping you company
till you feel better.

-I do.

[hushed] Skipper!




So, this is nice!

Is there anything else
we can get you?

-I am kinda hungry.
-[Barbie]: Okay, great!

-I'll go make you a...
-A steak!

I was gonna say a snack,
but, uh...

Yeah, sure.

We'll help!

Oh, and a baked potato?
Or maybe mashed.

You know what? Just do both.
I like both.

[pained] Sure.

[sighs] Finally.

[Stacie]: Here you go!

Want me to help you with it?

The same way you helped me

by leaving your skateboard out
for me to trip over?

No thanks. I'm good.

-Can you pass me that potato?
-I'll help!

-Fine by me.
-It's the least I can do.

Poor Trey.

Poor us!
We're stuck with him.

Come on, he's not that bad.

"Not that bad"?

Are we talking about
the same Trey?

Got it!

-Oh, no.
-[ball popping]

[Trey chuckles]

[inhales] Ahh.

Okay, fair point,
but this is different.

-This wasn't his fault.
-Right! It was Stacie's.

Now you're making me feel
even worse!

Stace, we know it was
just an accident.

My question is...
was it?

I understood where Skip
was coming from.

Trey wasn't always the most
truthful of guys,

but for whatever reason,

I still felt that deep down,
he had a good heart.

Helping him find it...

that was going to be
the tricky part.

[phone buzzes]


Give me a break!
It took them forever to leave.

We don't have forever!

The postcard said they must
file their blueprints

with City Hall by tomorrow!

That means you need to find
and destroy them today!

-[pained yelp]
-I know.

Don't worry, I got this!

[Barbie]: Trey?


[dramatic groaning]

The pain is never-ending.


Mm. Okay.

My arms feel like rubber.

I'll take over.
Is this good?

-How was the steak?
-[Trey]: Gone.

You can bring dessert now.
Baked Alaska.

In fact, bake something
for all the states.



[forced laugh]


This pillow is so uncomfortable.

You! I need another one.

Extra fluffy.

I'm Chelsea.

Other you... Skippy!

Why don't you go get me, oh,
I don't know, something to read.

[offended] It's Skipper.

And you have a phone.

I'm saving the battery.

In case I need
immediate medical attention.

-I don't mind.

Here, Skipper.
You can take over fanning.

I'll show him
how to use a fan!

Remember your calming chant?

Om... Om...


We'll do it together
when we get back.

You okay to be left alone
for a sec?


Uh, I mean...


I'll manage.

[sighs with relief]

[phone buzzes loudly]

Mom!? I'm on it!

On what, your bottom?

No! I had to get them
all out of the room.

Chop, chop!


[grunts] Whoa!

[curious whine]

[Barbie]: Trey?
You okay in there?

Fine! Fine! Fine!

Everything's fine. Ah!

What is going on!?

You sound crazy!


Get your dog breath
off my phone!

Travellian Finknottle Reardon!

-How dare you?!
-Not you, Mother.

-I'm trying to...
-[phone call ends]

[exasperated groan]
Let go!

It's mine!
You're a dog!

You don't even use phones! Oh!

Bad dog! Come here!

-Give it back!
-[Stacie]: Found one!

Ha! Point Trey.

[growls, barks]

Is this fluffy enough?

It's the wrong color.

What? It's every color!
It's a rainbow!

[moans weakly]

I'm not feeling so well.

I think all the colors
are making me sick.


I'll get you a less
colorful pillow. [groans]

And take your time!

Ugh. Dog slobber.


I can't believe you're making
him that dessert.

[Barbie]: It's just cookies.

[Skipper]: In the shape
of all states.

I like to finish what I start.

[Stacie]: Okay.

You think Trey will
like any of these?

As long as they aren't

Who hates rainbows?

I cannot wait until he leaves.

-[offended gasp]
-Guys! Come on, he's hurt.

We need to be nice to him.

♪ Someone's feeling guilty ♪

Guilty or not,
Stacie's right.

He's our guest, and we treat
our guests with kindness

and generosity, no matter
how they got here.

[sighs] Well, it is
the right thing to do.

I guess he's really not
that bad.

He's actually a lot of fun
once you get to know him.

-[timer dings]

Ooh. Oklahoma and Tennessee
are done.

Chelsea, can you put the cooled
cookies in that basket

-and take them to Trey?
-You bet!

This oughta be good.

[phone vibrates loudly]

Have you found them yet?!

No! And stop calling me!

I'm gonna get caught.

-Who wants cookies?


[barks, growls]

Gimme, gimme, gimme!

What state is that?


Wait a minute!
That's not a state!

[spits, then gags]


So salty! Bleh.

It tastes like salt!

You weren't supposed
to eat those...


What are you guys trying
to do to me?

[all] Um...

[fake groaning]

If I'm too much of a burden,
I can just...


No! It's okay...

Oh, the pain, ugh...

The agony! Ohh!

My tummy!

Your tummy?
But you hurt your leg.

[gasping] I'm so hot.

[shivers] Ooh, now I'm cold.

So cold, so cold.

Hmm. You don't feel hot
or cold.

But there's a pain
in my eye!

And my ears are itchy.

And I have a terrible thirst,
a terrible thirst.

For watermelon juice!

Watermelon juice?

Fresh squeezed.
Has to be fresh squeezed.

Hmm. Okay, uh, we'll go get you
some watermelon juice.

I don't think
all of us need to go.

If you stay, could you
wash my feet?

Assuming you can get
my dirty socks off.

I haven't changed
them in a while.

-I'm going with Barbie.
-Me too!

And take your time!

Is it just me, or was that
some really bad acting?

The worst!

That list of symptoms did sound
pretty suspicious.

Not you too! What happened
to being nice to our guest,
no matter what?

It doesn't count
when the guest is a rat.

You're taking this guilty
conscience thing way too far.

Easy for you to say.

You're not the one responsible
for someone else's suffering!

Hang on.

What if we could prove
it wasn't your fault?

Okay, Trey,
time for spy mode.

-[dramatic spy music]
-[Trey sings along]

You think you can see me,
but you can't see me,

'cause I'm too sneaky, yeah!

[grunts] Whoa, too fast!


Those blueprints have got to be
around here somewhere!

[door opens]

-[door closes]

-[Trey]: Oh, the pain!

-The agony!
-How are you feeling?

The girls called and said
you were hurt,

-so we raced right home.

I'm feeling a little better.

Can I get you anything?

A small snack would be nice.


Like a full course turkey dinner
with all the fixins?


Um, I'll see what I can do.

How about a bit of company?

Must be pretty boring

just sitting around
with nothing to do.

No, I'm fine here by my...

I could use something to occupy
my growing, young mind.

How about I look at your lovely
home's blueprints?


Oh yeah!
I'm big into, uh...

-Yeah! That's it.

One day I hope to design
a famous... building!

Like, uh, the famous guy...

who made, uh...
famous buildings and stuff.

Okay! I'll go get the blueprints
right now.


Well, this is going to be a lot
easier than advertised.

Great shot of Blissa!

But what does that have
to do with Trey?

Keep watching.

Apparently, Stacie forgot
to stop recording

when we went inside.

[Blissa howling]


-[yells dramatically]
-[all gasp]

So, Trey wasn't hurt at all.

The leg, the tummy ache,
everything was a fakeout.

I wanted to get to
the bottom of it,

but all Stacie wanted was...

Revenge! I want revenge!

And to think, I had to fluff
all those pillows.

He made me feel horrible because
I thought it was my fault!

Little faker.
Oh, we are so getting him back!

Slow down, he's still our guest.

At least, until we find out
what he's up to.

What does that mean? We have to
keep being nice to him!?


So nice, he just might wanna
confess to make us stop.

k*ll him with kindness.

That sounds like something
I would think up.

Demented, but kinda genius.

Trey, my boy,

here are those blueprints.

Yeah, I had them all laid out

since we have to file them
with the city tomorrow.

Don't wanna miss that deadline,
or we'd be in big trouble.

They could even force us
to move!

I know!

I mean, great, thanks!

-And look what else I brought.

What am I supposed
to do with this?

Carve ducks.


Well, technically, you could
carve anything you like,

but seriously, what's
better than ducks?

Mmm, yeah, I'd rather
just look these over.

They're not going anywhere.

I'll just sit here and work
on my gouging technique.

[contented sigh] Isn't wood
carving just the best?

-It is kinda fun.
-[phone buzzing]

Come on, Trey.
Eyes on the prize.

I'm three ducks ahead
of you!

You know, Mr. Roberts,
I'm feeling a little woozy.

You mind if I take a break?

Sure, sure.
Yeah. You rest.

I'll check back in a bit.
Uh, when did you say your
parents are getting home?

Uh... very soon!


Sorry, Roberts.

[Barbie]: Trey!

You must be feeling better.

Yeah, I am feeling better,

I think I'm fine.

I'll be going now.

Uh-huh. That's what it said
you'd be like.

-Who said?
-The Internet.

-We went online and entered
in all of your symptoms.

And according to the Net,
you're really sick.

How sick, exactly?


It's a good thing we searched
for a cure.

A cure?

No, no, no, no, no!

[Barbie]: There!
Doesn't that feel better?

[soft grunt] I guess...

Now for the best part!

Remember these?

No, no, no, no, no!

Anything but those!

Actually, turns out salt is
exactly what you need right now.

Open up! Here comes the airplane
into the hangar!

But I don't wanna be a hangar!

Okay! Then, you can be a runway!

No, no, no, no, no!

Please stop!
Where's your humanity?

Ugh! Look!

I really am fine.

I was never hurt.
I was faking!

[insincere gasp] Faking?


Who would have thought?

You knew, didn't you?

Why would you do all that stuff
to me if you knew I wasn't hurt?

Why would you pretend you were?

I felt awful, I thought
I really hurt you!

I'm sorry.

Really, I... didn't mean to
freak you out.

Then, you mind telling us
what this was all about?

Why was I faking...

Because... I just wanted
to spend some quality time

with a nice family.


You guys are so kind

and care about each other,

and the ducks, and...

You know, I just wanted
to feel some of that.

Wow, Trey.

You don't need to fake
some crazy illness

just to hang out here.

You're always welcome.
We're neighbors!

[Mom]: Girls!

I could use some help stuffing
the turkey!

[Dad]: Anyone seen
my straight chisel?

Well, I gotta go.

Okay. But we'll see
you later, right?

-[dog barks]

Go on.
Put 'em back.

It'll be our little secret.

[Dad]: Huh. How did Rookie
get the blueprints?

Ahh! Ow!

Call it karma.
Trey's been in a cast all week.

A real cast.

We still don't know
what he was up to, exactly.

But the way I see it,
that's all the more reason

to just keep being the best
neighbors we can.

Oh, yeah, terrible.

Way too much salt!

I gotta get some water.
