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01x18 - Sailing on a String: a story about Kindness

Posted: 08/16/23 04:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Best friends and sisters

♪ Barbie and me

♪ Together our adventures
set us free ♪

♪ A mermaid here

♪ A princess there

♪ What happens
if you just believe ♪

♪ Imagine the possibilities

♪ Dreamtopia, where
adventure never stops ♪

♪ Dreamtopia, it'’s just a
sprinkle, sparkle, hop ♪

♪ Dreamtopia

♪ It'’s just a dream away ♪

♪ With a cherry on top

- [Narrator]
Sailing on a String,

a story about kindness.

[playful music]

- Here they are, scraps of
fabric for your kite tails.

- Thank you, Barbie.

Which ones do you guys want?

- I'’ll take these green pieces.


- And I'’ll take
this fish fabric.

Thank you.

- You'’re welcome everyone.

What about you, Otto?

- I'’ll take all of these
for my super-sized,

extra extravagant
Otto-tastic kite.

- But Otto, what am I
gonna do for my kite?

- Faster and faster,
make it go higher?

- [Kids] Whoa.

[tranquil music]


- [Princesses] Honey.

- Hi, Chels,
you'’re just in time.

The junior princesses
are creating their kites.

- For the Rainbow Cove.

- Night light.

- Kite flight.

- It'’s tonight.


- Kites in Rainbow Cove?

I bet they'’re
the best kites ever.

How do you make them?

Are you gonna use your powers?

- What else?

I'’m making an ice fountain kite.

[dramatic music]


- And I'’m making
a bouquet of light kite.

[playful music]


Oops, sorry, Blue.

- That'’s okay, I can fix it.


- Barbie, can we make
one together.

- Sure, I was thinking
of sculpting some clouds

into the shape of a mermaid.

- And we can make her
hair out of a rainbow.

[thunder crashes]

- You made a brain storm.

That means
you'’re thinking up good ideas.

- I have a feeling
we'’ll be seeing

a lot of those today.

[playful music]


What is it, Honey?


[gasping and barking]

- It is I, the Notto Prince

and my super spectacular,
extra extravagant kite.

What do you think?

- Well, it'’s very...

- Yikes.


[cloud sneezes]


- Sorry.

- [Chelsea and Barbie] Notto.

- No, my kite.

- Oh no, I'’m so sorry, Notto.

- Me too.

- I worked on it so long

and now it'’s ruined.

- We can help you rebuild
it, right, Barbie?

- Sure, that'’s what
friends are for, right?

- Really?

That would be great.

I have the list of materials
right here.

[magical music]

- That'’s a lot of materials.

- Guess we better get started.

- Item seven, gold dust flakes.


That'’s it, Chelsea,
keep bouncing.

- These clouds are like
a trampoline.

Are you catching them, Barbie?

- Yip.

Is this enough, Notto?

- Almost, just a few , more.

Nevermind, that'’s enough.

- What'’s next on your list?

- Nothing too difficult

but you'’ll need
to go underwater.

- You know what that means.

- [Chelsea And Barbie]
It'’s fish tail time.

[splashing and barking]

- Don'’t you love
being a mermaid?

- Ah ha but we really
should be getting back

to start on our kite.

Notto, is this enough?

- Oh yes, just what I need.

- Great, so we can go back and?

- Absolutely,
right after you gather

the last item,
seaweed, nice and leafy,

not the pointy kind.

I'’ll be supervising
from over here.

- Helping Notto is taking
a lot longer than I thought.

- I know but he did say
this is the last item.

- Almost forgot, misty fog,

thanks for reminding me.

- But we didn'’t.

- Genius, adding clumps of fog

will give my new kite
that extra Nottoness

that I was searching for.

A little less blue, more orange.


Blue is good.

- This is it, right, Notto?

- Yes as far as supplies go.

Then there'’s the matter
of putting it altogether.

- We'’d kind of like
to start on our kite.

I mean, when we offered to help.

- I was so very grateful.

Wait, you'’re not walking
out on me are you?

A friend to the end
and all that, right?

Unless you didn'’t mean it?

- We meant it

but friendship
goes two ways, you know.

- Hey, that purple misty
fog is pretty cool.

- Notto.

- The finishing touch.

It'’s even better
than my first kite.

- It is beautiful.

- And truly one of a kind.

- Wow, that kite is so fun

and I'’m all about fun.

- This should fly like a dream

and I know about flying.

- You did a great job, Notto.

- It was nothing, really.

What do you think, Nim?

Have ever seen anything
so fantastic?

- I, I, I,

[Nim sneezes]

- [Princesses] Gesundheit.

- Sounds like Nim has a cold.

- Not a cold, princess,

just a little kite fever.

[Nim sneezes]

- Honey, hang on.


- I'’ll get her.

I'’ve got you, girl.

- [Nim sneezes]

- Sorry.

- Honey'’s headed right
for the Rainbow Palace.

- Nim, get all the cloud people

to form a wall
in front of Notto'’s kite.

You will have to stop it.

- At last a performance
worthy of my magnificence.

Line up, cloud friends.

- Come on, everybody

- Brace yourselves.

[lively music]

Not the trick I had in mind.

[Nim sneezes]

- We have to help her.

- Hop on.

We'’ll each take a rainbow.

We'’ll save Honey.

- Go, Rainbow Queen, go.

- Look, Notto'’s kite is
almost at the palace.

[lively music]

- Just a little bit closer.



I got her.

Oh Honey.

We'’re gonna hit the palace.

- I can'’t stop it.

Too much momentum.

It'’s too heavy.

[lively music]

- It'’s time
for some weight lifting.

- Notto, your kite.

- Have to do it.

It'’ll make us lighter

and easier to steer.

- He'’s right, look, whoa.

[dramatic music]

- Whew.

[princesses cheer]

- [Princess] I knew
they could do it.


- We made another brain storm.

[lively music]

That was exciting.

- It almost makes up
for missing out

on building our own kite.

- Hey guys, wait up.

- Is that your kite?

- What'’s left of it.

Parts of it
are still okay I think.

- But we don'’t have
time to build it again.

- I was thinking
we could build a new one.

- Notto.

- Not for me,

for you.

I realized I took up
so much of your time

you didn'’t get a chance to
do what you wanted to do.

- Well, we wanted to help you.

- Just not all day long.

- It won'’t be exactly
like you were thinking

but it'’ll still be fun, right?

- Sure, let'’s see
what we can do.

- Everybody, the Rainbow
Cove night lights kite flight

is about to begin and.

[Nim sneezes]

- Gesundheit.


Hey Otto, do you have any
of those scraps left over?

I really could use some.

- Here, I don'’t need
all of this.

- Thank you.

- That will help a lot.

- Whoa.


[lively music]