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04x05 - Sister Class Act

Posted: 08/17/23 06:51
by bunniefuu
Whoa, oh, oh, oh

So much to see

So much to do

Let's share a dream

Make it come true

♪ Us girls got the right combination ♪

♪ Make our way to new destinations ♪

♪ Imagine all the possibilities ♪

Hey, hey, hey

You can be anything

Hey, hey, hey

Barbie's here, gonna sing ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

Adventure, yeah, that's our thing ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

It's the Dreamhouse Adventures

[Barbie VO] There's nothing like
the start of a new school year

to bring
everyone together. [sighs]

But just when you think
you've got everything under control...

Anyone else hear that?
[engine whirring]

[screams] Watch out below!

Oh, that's just
too hard to watch.

Stacie's science project
was headed for...

well, a picture is worth
a thousand words.

Or, in this case,

a thousand pieces
of splattered giant cupcake.

One thing was for sure.

This was a first day of school
none of us would ever forget.


On your left, honey.

Watch your back, dear.

I know it's kinda nerdy
but I love the first day of school.

Get to wear new clothes,
see old friends.

Eat good food.


Sloppy joes, grilled cheese,
pizza, fish sticks, sloppy joes.

[laughs] You said that already, Chels.

That's 'cause they're so awesome.

If you girls aren't careful
you might even learn something.

Way to ruin the moment, Dad.

[girls laughing]

[deflated sigh]

Stace? You okay?

Yeah. Just thinking.

About what?

Ms. Gomez.

Ah, that's right!

You are the third straight
Roberts girl to have her class.

Ah, you're gonna love her.

I know how much
she loved you two.

She already announced it
in the welcome back newsletter.

Don't worry, Stacie,
she'll love you, too.

You're gonna crush it.
You always do.

[computer voice]
This is your -second warning

Departure time
for multiple institutions of learning

has commenced.

You heard it.
Don't wanna be late.

Skipper's with me.
How cool is that?

We're finally going to the same school.

Well, it beats taking the bus.

Stacie, Chelsea,
you're with me.

Wait, before you go,

bring it in for the Roberts
family cheer.

One, two, three!

[all] Go Team Roberts!

Welcome to Golden Beach High.

Nikki, we're in every class together!

That's awesome!

Looks like I'm with you, T.

I like it, D.

Does that mean I'm R?

Uh, it would be a lot easier
on the basketball team

if I were just R.

What do you mean?

Coach says
our uniforms are shot.

Sure would cut down
on replacement costs

if we didn't have to sew
on my entire name.

Oh. [laughs]


I guess I'm flying solo.

I'm not in any of your classes.

There's always lunch.
That's kind of a class.

Sort of. Not really.

Lunch is great.

I'll see you then.

[locker door opens]

-Hello, Barbie.

Remember me?

That is my super shocked face.

You remember Tammy, right?

I sure did.

We competed on that Internet
game show
Bake 'til you Ache.


Apparently, Tammy Bounceaway

had just bounced herself
into my school.


Tammy, oh, what brings you
to Golden Beach High?

Duh, my convertible
and my dad's new job.

We're neighbors now.

Oh, and would you look at that?
We're in all the same classes, too.


[chuckles] You look just
like an emoji. [laughs]

[laughs nervously] Yeah. Funny.

Uh, maybe I could do
a comparison on my vlog.

Oh, you still have a vlog? [chuckles]

I hadn't noticed.

I've been so busy racking up
thousands of followers,

but thanks for the idea.

A side-by-side of you and emojis
would be hilarious.

Oh, um, anything for Golden Beach High's
newest student.

See you around!

Oh, uh... excuse me, excuse me.
Excuse me. Can I... can I just...

-[Tammy] Smile for the camera!




Bring it on, Chels.

[growls, barks]

Oh, it's on, Dad.

[Chelsea grunting]
[dogs barking]

Heads up, guys!



You okay, Barbie?

You're usually the first one
to kick it

in the annual
Back to School Soccer Challenge.


Oh, yeah. I'm fine.

Just a little tired.

First day and all.

Tired all right.

Tired of Tammy.

Do I know Tammy?

Oh, you know Tammy.

Hey, Tamsters!

Are you dying to see
what my first day

at Golden Beach High
was like?

I'm sure you are.

'Cause I'm dying to show you!

Check it out.
I go to school with a living emoji.

That Tammy.

The girl you beat
on that game show.

The one and only.

She still seems a little mad

about the whole humiliating
loss thing, but it'll be fine.

She'll get over it. Eventually.


Hey, you know what? Enough about Tammy.

How did it go with Ms. Gomez, Stacie?

I guess it could have
been worse.

I'm not sure how, but...

First, I got called
to the front of class

where she spent ten minutes
lavishing me with praise

for having the greatest sisters
in the known universe.

Then she basically told everyone
that I was setting the bar

for the upcoming science project.

Which would be fine,

except I have no idea
what I'm going to do.

You know, Stace, my erupting
Mount Vesuvius is legendary.

Matter of fact, I think
I still have the plans somewhere.

They're framed in your room, dear.

[laughs] Oh, is that where they are?

I did a volcano
for my first science project, too.

It was so much fun.

Okay, so we already know
Ms. Gomez likes volcanos.

Maybe I should...

Or, what about something
based on the work of Daniel Bernoulli?

His discoveries taught us
to deduce

that the air across the top
of a conventional airfoil

experiences constricted flow lines

and increases airspeed
relative to the wing...

Ahem. Uh, dear?

-...therefore creating lift! And...
-Uh, dear?

I got it!

Stacie can make
a mechanical flying unicorn!

[chuckles] That's what I said, didn't I?

Not even close.

I'll figure it out.

But thanks, guys.

Okay. But remember,
everyone loves unicorns.

Anyone want the last hot dog?


I guess it really is
a dog-eat-dog world.

[nervous laugh]

I... Yep.

Meanwhile, Stacie and I
weren't the only ones

whose school year
was off to a rocky start.

[people laughing]

- [boy ] Dude.
-[boy ] Oh, man.

I've never seen anyone
who looked like so many emojis before.

How's this one?
Do I look like it now?

[chuckles] That's it.

Forget the emojis.

We have a serious problem here.


Having Tammy at our school
is gonna be awesome!

No, it's gonna be a disaster.

Every school needs a bad boy.
"A villain."

Someone everyone loves to hate.

That was my role until she showed up.

So what're you gonna do?

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

But Tammy
is a famous social influencer.

It's only a matter of time before
the whole school is following her.

Why would she join up with us?

Because we have
a common enemy.

Barbie Roberts, you're going down.

Was it too late to call in sick
for the entire school year?

[chuckles] I think you'll find that
my resume speaks for itself.


"Had moving truck towed
and left furniture out in the rain. "


"Cheated in city council race."

Always a good move.

"Faked a skateboard fall
to steal blueprints?"

A staple in any nemesis campaign.

Look, you wanna mess with Barbie
and I am an expert at it.

Why wouldn't we work together?

All right, consider this a trial run.

Welcome to Team Tamster.

[both] Uh! Yeah!

Chest bump.

Bump, bump,
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Ignore them.

That's what I always do.


Now, if you'll turn your focus
to my Golden Beach High Like ladder.

Uh, kinda small.


It doesn't go very high.

Kinda the point.

As far as out there goes,
I am k*lling it.

But for some reason,

when it comes
to my vlog's popularity

among Golden Beach High students,

Barbie is already way up there.

What is it about her
that is so likeable?

Uh, she's kind, and smart,
and funny.

So funny!

Oh, remember the time she...

Not helping.

I'm none of those things.

Look, all you have to do
is act like you are.

Make a big deal about something.

Do it for charity and... stuff.

The way Barbie does.


Yes, for charity. [chuckles]

I'm sensing a plan here.

An evil plan.

So you did go
with Mount Vesuvius?

Great choice, Stace.

I figured I'd go with a sure thing.

I can't wait to see
this puppy blow up!


Figure of speech, guys.

-[multiple message alerts]

Wow, sis. You're blowing up, too.

Nikki, what's up?

Have you seen Tammy's vlog post?

Turn on Today With Tammy right now.

Hello, fellow Golden Beach High
coastal chickens!



I hereby challenge Miss Barbie Roberts
to a cake-off.

Let's see who can bake
Malibu's biggest cupcake ever!

The winner will get
to donate the proceed

from the sale of both giant cupcakes
to a charity of their choice.

Meet me in the school gymnasium
in exactly one week's time,

where our own Principal Miller
will do the judging.

Are you ready for this rematch, Barbie?

Time to stop fakin'
and start bakin'.


You're not going to fall
for this challenge thing, are you?

I don't know,
it's for charity and Tammy...


Two words that should never be used
in the same sentence.

[both] Charity and Tammy.

Did I just hear my name? [chuckles]

Of course I did.

Who else could you girls
be discussing?

Is that fear I see?

That's what it looks like to me.

Wow, too bad. I already had
my charity all picked out.

Girl's basketball team.

[both] What?

My charity for the bake-off.

I'm in.

May the better baker bake it.

Judges, places please.

Hey, no sleeping while judging.

Okay, bark once if you love it.

Twice if you really love it.

In three, two, one.





Ms. Gomez might take off
a few points for that.

She's a stickler for neatness.

Good to know.

Okay, baking powder,
vanilla extract, some sugar... [sighs]

Thank goodness all the flour
is being donated.

[sighs] I'm so sorry, Barbie.

This is all we can spare.

Your adorable little friend
Tammy got here first.

She is quite the convincing one.

I do love her vlog.

Oh, yours too, of course.

Okay, flour back on the list.

[Trey chuckles]
[door opens]


Ugh. Trey!

Oops. Did I get you?

You know that Bernoulli guy?

Can I call him up
and ask for some help?


Well, if we were living
in Switzerland in the s...

Well, actually, no.

Even then
they didn't have phones, so.

So, can you help me? Please?

Can I?

[chuckles] I thought you'd never ask!

[sighs] I wonder why no one else
ever has?

All right, Tamsters. Keep it up.

We have hours to get in front
of the judges for the win.

Oh, yes. We have a question.

Um, when do we get to know
what the charity is?

You really wanna know? Now? Why?

'Cause that's why we're doing this.

Okay, ready?

The charity I have chosen is... me!

I'm doing an all-expense paid
glam vlogging expose

from Paris and Rome,
to Australia and New Zealand!

All Tammy, all glammy.

How great is that?

Thanks for the help setting up
the frosting station, Ken.

I call it the Frostinator .

It'll frost this baby in no time.

Amazingly awesome.

Watch your backs, people.

Top layer flying in!

[all] Woah!


The pressure's pretty high
on this thing.

My bad! I'll dial it back.

Uh-oh, it's not responding!

Got it!

Hold on!


I'll make more frosting.

Good idea.

Okay, attach this here,

bolt that over there.

Now gimme a push.



She's on a roll now.


Well, it's no flying unicorn,
but it looks pretty cool.

That should do it.

Congrats, Stacie. You did it.

[laughs nervously]

[sighs] No, I did it.
Didn't I?


But it looks amazing.

Ms. Gomez will have to be impressed.

But this was supposed to be
your project.

Ugh, I should have said no
to Bernoulli.

Who could say no to Bernoulli?

Whoever that is.

Anyway, I'm just glad
I have a science project at all.

Can I try it?

Of course.

Time to spread your wings.


What's this?

Altitude regulating wires.


It looks amazing!

And delicious.


Beat this, Tammy.

[engine whirring]

Anyone else hear that?

[screaming] Watch out below!


Get out of the way!
I can't stop this crazy thing!

Woah! Woah!


At least she didn't hit the cupcake.




I'm okay!

On the bright side,
we still have plenty of frosting.




I know why you're here, and you
have nothing to apologize for.

It was an accident.

And I'm sorry about
your science project.

It was cool.

A little crazy, but very cool.

Ms. Gomez would have loved it,
that's for sure.

If it had actually, you know,
made it to class.


You really are both great sisters,
as Ms. Gomez continues to remind me.

Is... is that what this is about?

You trying to top me and Skipper?

Not top, just... measure up.

Stacie, you are your own person.

Yeah, you are.

You don't need to do anything
to impress Ms. Gomez

other than be yourself.

That's what makes her
such a great teacher.

She lets her students
just be who they are.

What if who they are is a failure?

You are not a failure.

You are Stacie Roberts.

You don't throw in the towel,

you use it to clean up
and get back in the game.

You get what I'm saying?

That I need a shower?

Let me handle this.

Stace, what are you, not me
or Barbie or mom, truly into?

I don't know.

I love dogs, sports,
dogs doing sports, sporty dogs.

[laughs] So do that.



That's a great idea!

Combine two things you love
and your project

is sure to be like no one else's.

It would be like you. Truly unique.

What're you gonna do about
the cupcake contest, Barbie?

Go over to Tammy's studio
and congratulate her.

There's no way I can finish
by tomorrow,

but it's all for charity anyway
so it's still a win in my book.

Knock, knock.

Wow, this is a blast from the past.

Yeah, my dad bought it for me
when the show ended.

Are you here to gloat?

Actually, I came to tell you I'm...

What's going on?
Why aren't you finished?

Tamster mutiny. [sighs]

My helpers didn't seem as committed
to glam vlogging as I thought they'd be.

That was your charity?

It doesn't matter.
It's over for me.

So much for fitting
into my new school.

Wait, fitting in?

[sighs] Duh.

Being the most popular
is what it's all about.

But what do you care?
You're already popular.

Well, what I don't care about
is being popular.

I was doing this to help
the girl's basketball team,

and so were my friends.

Doing something for others has a way
of bringing people together.

You should try it sometime.

Like maybe now.

You have a cupcake, I have frosting.

I call it
the Puppy Pupper-Upper.


It's got stations for cardio,
agility, strength, and stamina,

so we can figure out which exercise
is best for each individual puppy.

As you can see here,

the treadmill is best for Honey
because she's got a ton of energy.

The obstacle course
is best for Rookie

because he's a problem solver
and is easily distracted.

So this is what the latest Roberts girl
came up with.

Um... yes.

Interesting. Very interesting.

Was it as good
as my sisters' projects?

Was it at least close?

Oh, my goodness.

It's terrible, isn't it?

No, it's wonderful!

What I did to you was terrible.

I didn't mean to compare you
to Barbie and Skipper.

I am so sorry, Stacie.

In this class you are free
to be exactly who you are.



[crowd murmurs]


I only see one giant cupcake.

That is correct.

Turns out both Tammy and I
ran into complications.

More like the complications ran into us.

Anyway, since it was for charity,

we decided to pool our resources
and work as one team.

And since I'm new here, I wanna show

I'm already
a dedicated coastal chicken.

I agree that donating the proceeds

to the girl's basketball team
was the nicer thing to do.


Looks like we have a new record.


Yay chickens!

Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.

So the basketball team got
everything they needed and more.

Stacie got a big fat A
on her science project,

which sorta sent Chelsea
into a tailspin.

But Chelsea doesn't need
to worry.

Following in someone
else's footsteps

doesn't mean your
own dreams won't fly.

It's like Bernoulli's principle
taught us.

A plane can only take flight
based on the shape of its wings.

As for Tammy, let's just say
she's still figuring out

the shape of her wings.

At least she's on the runway.
I hope.


[theme music playing]