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04x11 - Family of the Year

Posted: 08/17/23 06:54
by bunniefuu
Whoa oh oh oh

So much to see
So much to do

♪ Let's share a dream
Make it come true ♪

Us girls got
The right combination

Make our way
To new destination

♪ Imagine all the possibilities ♪

Hey hey hey

♪ You can be anything ♪

♪ Hey hey hey ♪

♪ Barbie's here, gonna sing ♪

♪ Hey hey hey ♪

♪ Adventure, yeah
That's our thing ♪

♪ Woah oh oh oh ♪

It's the Dreamhouse Adventures

One of my favorite things
about having a big family

is that no matter how crazy things get

-I know we'll get through it...
-[girl] One, two, three!

-[girl] Yikes!


-[girl] No!
-[man] Stop it!

[giggles] But there are
different kinds of families.

Take our neighbors, the Reardons.

They definitely have their own
unique approach to being a family.

So when the Reardons were named
Malibu's Family of the Year,

I kinda had to scratch my head.

Was I missing something?

[fiesta music]


Cinco de Mayo! I can't wait.

This is my favorite party
we throw all year.

You say that about every party.

OK, this is my favorite party
we throw in May.

On the th of May, to be exact.

I'm with Stacie. This party is going to
be a party to end all parties.

Right, Mr. Piñata?

Sí. [giggles]



Can you see anything?

-Let's test her out.

Oh, ah, ha, ha, ha!

What's that sound?

-[yelps] Ahhh! Whoa!



Sorry, Barbie.

I guess I don't know my own strength.

You didn't do this.

Someone cut the branch that was
supporting the piñata wire.

[all] Reardons.

[distant snickering]

Mind keeping it down over there?

We've got some serious
tree trimming to do.

Malibu's Family of the Year
can't have shaggy trees.

Not after years of perfection in a row.

Good one, son.

Shall we?

But, of course.

Later, losers.

Family of the Year?

I gotta see this with my own eyes.

[Barbie] "The Malibu
city council congratulates

the Reardons for a decade
of upholding their title as

Malibu's Family of the Year."

-Well, scroll through the story.

Maybe they have the wrong Reardons?



Whoa, hey.


What're you doing?

Uh, don't mind me.

Just looking for... something.

Hmm. It's the right Reardons.

But only because they had
the wrong competition.

What do you say? Should we enter?

I mean, how hard can it be
if the Reardons have won

ten years in a row?

Don't be too quick to judge, girls.

I'm sure they have their good points.

[clears throat]

According to Poppy Reardon,

"The biggest challenge to living in Malibu

is the family of rowdy people
who live right next door.

It's not completely their fault
we can hear them at all hours.

Their house was very poorly designed."

I take it back.

Judge away.

It's not about judging anyone,

I just think that maybe
we could enter the contest

and show Malibu what a different
kind of family looks like.

Says you.

I want that big trophy.

We don't need a big trophy to tell us

what kind of family we are.

I'm really proud of our family.

Isn't that the best reason to do it?

Maybe we could help inspire others.

It would be kind of fun to be recognized.

And to get even for all the rotten tricks

the Reardons have pulled on us.

-I'm in.
-Me, too.

Me three!

Mom? Dad?

You had me at terrible house design.

If it means that much to all of you, sure.
What do we have to do?

I've got the completed
application right here.

All we have to do is drop it off.

And look at the address.

The Reardon's house.

It's all starting to make sense.

What're we waiting for?

Let's go.



There you are, Mrs. Stuffers.

You little escape artist, you.


Huh? You look smaller.

Let's get you something to eat.

But you have to promise
to stay in your cage

'til I take you back to school.

[snickering] Be ready, dudes.

Only five more minutes
and it'll be too late for anyone else

to enter the Family of the Year contest.

Oh, I am so ready.

-I've been saving the best for last.

-[Father] This is the place.
-[girl giggling]

[Father] Do we have our application ready?

[girl] Let's go, dad. Let's go.

Aaah! Bees! Run! Run!

Bees, where?

I don't see any bees.

These are uh, micro bees.


They're in my nose!

I'm a goner!


Save yourselves!


Bye bye!

Better luck next year.


Dude, watch it!

You can stop now.

We scared away every single applicant.

No one else will even enter
the contest now.


[Barbie] Whew. Just in time.

Um, Trey?


Your mom's gonna be so mad.

Good luck.


Aww man.

What in the...

We just entered
the Family of the Year contest.

But how did...

Trevelian Fincknottle Reardon!

I specifically said...


Well, congratulations.

May the best family win.

[all] Go team Roberts!

[groans] Oooh.

Dad, hold still.

We have to get ready for our interviews

with the Family of the Year producer.

Sorry, Skip.

I'm more used to being
on the other side of a camera.

Oh, I'm so nervous.

My palms won't stop sweating.


Got ya covered!

Don't worry, you'll be great.

Just be your own wonderful selves.


-What is that?



It's only Mrs. Stuffers.

Your class pet?

Oh, when are you gonna take
that thing back to school?

She's a hamster, and Monday.

She keeps getting out of her cage.

But it won't happen again. I promise.

[laughs] I knew it was a hamster.

[laughs nervously]

Now, this time stay put, you.

Huh? There are two Mrs. Stuffers?

[Barbie] The camera crew is here!

I don't know what's going on here

but I'll be back as soon
as I can to figure it out.

Just stay out of trouble for now, OK?

OK, Roberts family.

Are you ready for your
individual interviews?


Ah, well, what family means to me?

Well, everything for a start.

Family means you always
have someone to play with.

It gives me a reason to get up
and give my all to every day.

[sighs] Is that too serious?

Is it too cornball?

Family means sharing.

Well, if you ask first.

I'm looking at you, Barbie.

[gasps] Chelsea!

[screaming] A mouse!

I hate mice!

It's not a mouse, it's a hamster. See?

Oh, I don't need to see.

Just keep it away.

That's a wrap.

Cameron, let's go.

The Reardons are expecting us.

[classical music plays]

More caviar mousse, my lady?

Oh, I couldn't eat another bite, Jeeves.

Give the rest to the dog. Wherever he is.

You are truly a remarkable family.


Get a good night's sleep.

Got a big day tomorrow.

I can't wait to show off
our house for the contest.

-Good night.
-Night, sweetheart.

[Chelsea] One, two, three, four, five.

Who knew hamsters could make clones?

I better search the whole house
just to be sure I got you all.

OK, now for the fun part.

We need a song to perform at
the Family of the Year banquet.

I have an idea!

How about something like this?

[rapping] ♪ My name is Stacie
And I'm here to say ♪

♪ Yo, I got a great family
They're A-OK, ha ha! ♪

Wow. OK, OK.

I'm gonna stop you right there
because, no.

Just, absolutely no.

We should do something cool.

Check out this sick beat I made.

[plays music]

That sounds like the dryer
with Chelsea's shoes in it.

-Hey, both your ideas are great.
-[blows raspberry]

But since we don't have that much time

I was thinking we might wanna perform

the song Daisy and I wrote on
our way to Windy Willows.

[plays piano]

♪ Things might be different
Not what you think ♪

♪ But there's a whole world
That's out there to see ♪

♪ Just gotta let go ♪

I mean, that song's great for you.

This song's supposed to be
for the whole family.

We can't have one person steal the show.

Steal the show? I was only trying to help.

-It's crunch time, here.
-I'm just trying to help, too.

-But it's a really good song.
-Yeah, if you want a lullaby.

Clearly we just need
to do my song. It's the best.

-[Stacie] No way!
-[Barbie] OK, OK. Stop.

We're not getting anywhere
arguing like this.

Why don't we sleep on it?

-Suits me.



Got ya!

You'd think by now we would have noticed

that there was more than one hamster.

I guess it says something about
where our minds were that we didn't.

This Family of the Year thing
was totally stressing us out.

The Reardons, on the other hand,
were really getting into it.

Brutal, mom. I guess I know
where I got my pranking skills from.



Shall we?

Now this is what I call quality
family time.


[hoot hoot]


-[doorbell rings]
-I'll get it.

That must be the film crew.


What is that smell?

Oh, hi, Ken. What's up?

Here's your paper.

I thought it'd be hard to find
it in all that trash.

What happened, anyway?

Looks like you had your own
personal tornado.



[gasps] Reardons!

Ugh. Maybe this contest was a bad idea.

We can't quit now.

We're so close to the end.

Roberts don't do quit.

But I think this trash can does.

It is pretty full.

Don't worry.

See? We got this.

And just in time.

-The crew is here.
-Hey there!

Let's get this over with.

The Reardons are having a buffet.

Welcome! We're so excited
to show you our dream house.

-Hi, there.

-Hello, everyone.



Oh no!

What do you say we start
with a tour of the bathroom?


[Reardons laughing]



OK, so we've had some setbacks.

Setbacks? We're sunk!

We're not the Titanic, yet.

But this house tour needs to go
off without any more surprises.



Like a rogue rodent?


I can explain.

My class hamster made clones.

And they got loose.

Chelsea, these are not clones.

They're babies.

Why didn't you tell us about them?

Did you learn nothing
from the bobcat incident?


[Mom] And the bedrooms are just up there.

Shh! Everybody act natural
and keep any hamsters out of sight.

OK, right this way.

We think of the living room
as fun central.

Uh, see?

There's George, just having fun.

-[clears throat]

This house really makes me feel at home.

[clears throat]

I love being a father of children.



This is our craft room.

And this is Chelsea.

Doing a craft.



[laughs nervously]

What are you... never-never mind.

With a family of six
something is always cooking

in the kitchen.


Oh, and-and here is where we usually eat.

Care to join us?

There's plenty.

Just pretend we're not here.

We need to get some slice of life sh*ts.

Please pass the butter,
sister Stacie, dear.



Oh, sorry.

No problem.

I always butter my bread
with my head, ha, ha!

Try it!


No, thank you.

Would you like some dessert?

[laughs nervously]


-I know what's happening here.

Food fight!

[girls fighting]



We have guests!


Oh, I am-I am so sorry.

I'll grab you some napkins.




Oh, no.

No wonder the Reardons always win!

I have seen enough.


We are leaving.



That's it!

Family meeting as soon as
we get this mess cleaned up.

OK, that's it.

We've got all we need.

You are truly a remarkable family.


So far, so good.

But what are we going to do
for our performance?

I got it covered.

[snaps fingers]

♪ F is for family A is for always ♪

♪ M is for mom and dad I is I got this ♪

♪ L equals love For Y is for Y-O-U ♪

That was terrible, son.

We're singing something else.

Mother knows best.


We still need a song.

Leave that to me.

I'm so sorry about all the hamsters.

I ruined everything.

No, you didn't, sweetie.

We've all done a pretty good
job forgetting what it means

to be the Roberts.

If Malibu is looking
for the perfect family

that isn't us.

You know what?

That's the point.

The Family of the Year
shouldn't have to be perfect.

What makes us a family
is how we stand by each other

no matter how crazy things get.

And you've given me an idea.

♪ We stick together
When things get crazy ♪

♪ That's what makes us family ♪

♪ When things are going great ♪

♪ And even when they ain't ♪

♪ Family will come through ♪

♪ We're always there for you ♪


[all] ♪ We stick together
When things get crazy ♪

♪ That's what makes us family ♪

That's a winning song.


[crowd chatters]

Good evening.

Welcome to the th annual
Family of the Year dinner

hosted as usual by Malibu's first family

the Reardons.


Woohoo! That's right!

OK, without further ado I give you...

The Reardons.

♪ We stick together
When things get crazy ♪

-♪ That's what Makes us family
-No way!

That's our song!

But how?

Ugh! This is so Reardon-y.

♪ Family will come through
We're always there for you ♪

[scattered clapping]

[plays tape of cheering]

Thank you!

What a performance.

And now I give you a day
in the life of a Reardon.

Why, look, dear mother.

We have company...

Stop right there, Trey Reardon.

Just when I thought
you couldn't go any lower!

I know you're better than this.

Look, I-I tried writing our own song

but they wouldn't give it a chance.

You can have it if you want.

This isn't over, Trey.

But thanks for the song.

Last minute change, guys.

Just follow my lead.

♪ F is for family A is for always ♪

♪ M is for mom and dad ♪

♪ I is I got this ♪

♪ L equals love For Y is for Y-O-U ♪


That was a song.


Before you all go off to vote online

have a look at some highlights
from the Roberts video.


May the better family win.



And we're doomed.

I think we're done here.

Let's head home.


I'm so bummed.

I really wanted to win this thing.

You know what?

We did win.

We don't need a prize to prove
that we're a special family.

So what if a family looks perfect?

We are perfectly imperfect.

And we love each other anyway

and that's what this family is all about.

Aww, thank you, honey.

-Love ya, sis.

[fiesta music]

Is this sombrero me?


Great Cinco de Mayo party, Barbie.

-[message alert]

Hey. I got an alert on my phone.

That Family of the Year thing
is about to be posted.

Might as well check to see
how much we lost by.


I give you Malibu's Family of the Year.

[gasps] It's us?


We are perfectly imperfect
and we love each other anyway

and that's what this family is all about.

We won!


Woah! This is awesome!

Ugh. Disgusting!

How could we lose to that?

Where do you think
you're going, young man?

We have sulking to do.

You can sulk your heart out.

I'm going next door, to the Roberts'.

That's right.

It sounds like a rockin' party
and we're invited.

Plus, they've got fish tacos!

All right. We'll go.

I love fish tacos.

But I will have my revenge... someday.

So competing with the Reardons

did teach us something
about being a family after all.

Turns out what Malibu wanted
was a real family

not a perfect one.

And there's nobody better
at being imperfect

than the Roberts'.

But our love for each other?

That is definitely real.



[theme music playing]