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04x12 - The Sportathon Part 1

Posted: 08/17/23 06:55
by bunniefuu
♪ Whoa oh oh oh ♪

So much to see

So much to do

Let's share a dream

Make it come true

Us girls got
The right combination

Make our way
To new destinations

Imagine all the possibilities

Hey hey hey

You can be anything

Hey hey hey

Barbie's here, gonna sing

Hey hey hey

Adventure, yeah that's our thing

♪ Woah oh oh oh ♪

It's the Dreamhouse Adventures

[Barbie] Every year,
my school does this cool thing

where all the students
get to do something special for our town.

Otherwise known as community service.

[loud gobbling]

No, no, no. Dude, dude. check me out.



Some take it more seriously than others

but a lot of us really get into it.

I just think giving back
is the most important thing you can do

and this year I was super excited

because Skipper would
get to do a project, too.

How could she not love
community service as much as I did?

All she had to do was choose
the right project

which turns out to be a lot
easier said than done.

Woah, dude.

[laughs] Too funny, dude.


[Barbie] This is so great.

Community service is one of my
favorite activities all year.

I know. You haven't stopped
talking about your last project.

Painting that mural
at the library was pretty awesome.


Way to go!


And, it increased library attendance
by percent.

You sure they didn't just
get better books?

Skipper, we had fun doing it.

The library loves it,
and that's all that matters.

You'll see, once you find your project.

Daisy's got one already.

Looks like she's putting
together a children's choir.

[off-key singing]
♪ La, la, la, la, la... ♪

Oh, boy. This town really needs this.

And Teresa's running
an after school gymnastics camp.



-What's Reneee got going on?
-[bell dings]


Go, Reneee!

-You got this.


Yes! [gasps]

One more?

-Oh, no.

[bell dings]

Yes! My best time yet!



-That was amazing.

Anyone else want to join Reneee's
All Recycling Road Racers?

You'll get a good workout
and clean the park at the same time.

Ooh, win-win.

-I'm in.

Thanks, but I'm gonna keep looking.

Being my first project and all

gotta make sure it's the right one.

Well, what about you, Barbie?

What's your plan?

Got some huge globe-changing idea already?

Well, to be honest?

I'm not sure what to do yet.

I just want whatever I do

to make a really big impact this year.

[mischievously] Hmm.

-Hear that?
-Uh, that was me.

I burped. Sorry.

-Ugh, not that.


She wants to make a big impact.

I think that's kind of the point
of this whole shebang.

Duh. And why I need to make
an even bigger impact.

You want to join our food drive?

After, we're going to throw a big party
with the leftovers.

[boys] Hmm?

You really don't get the point
of this at all, do you?


Ugh, I don't do leftovers.

I need a project that screams impressive.

The only point in doing this at all

is to make me look better than Barbie.

And, it's required.



[seagulls screeching]



Nice! I give you points.


It only goes to .

But thanks.

And thanks for letting me get
in some practice

before I start work today.

This new sports center is amazing.

Just glad someone's using it.

-Oh. Business pretty slow?
-Pretty invisible.

I thought adding a section
like this to the waterpark

would bring in tons more customers

but so far you and Melvin
the seagull there

-seem to be the only ones who like it.
-[wings flap]

It's only been open a little while.

I'm sure things will turn around.

-[seagull screeching]

I hope you're right.

I'm running out of hats.

Welcome, grasshopper,
to the zen of surfing.

I really appreciate the help, Ken.

See, there's this thing coming up...

You wanting to master the art of the wave
is all I need to know.

First, a little demonstration.

It's all about the correct riding stance

keeping your body weight centered

and feet planted on the board
like a tree in the soil.

What happens if you're not very tree-like?




[giggles] Got it.

OK, it's a little slow.

This is bad.

Barbie, the owners went way out on a limb

with the new sports center.

If we don't fill this place
with customers,

it'll take down both parks.

Oh, don't say that.

Business will pick up.

I have this saying,
"positive attitude changes everything."

Just think positive.



I think I positively dislike that seagull.


Woah, woah...


-Yes. Feel that wave.
-Hi, guys.

Uh, hey, Barbie! [screams]



I felt it, all right.

Right onto my butt.

All part of the training.

You never know
what might happen out there.

Change of wind, rogue seaweed,
flying fish.

I'll be ready.

Are you ready to go home?

My shift is over.

My work here is done.

Be one with the waves, grasshopper.

[laughs] Thanks, Ken. Later.

-[seagull cawing]



I thought he was making up
the flying fish thing.


That was really sweet of Ken
to give you surf lessons.

One question, when did you get
so into surfing?

I have my reasons.

What do you think of this turntable?

Like, I'd better not look
while I'm driving.

Ooh, hey. Here's a thought.

Why don't you look up some ideas
for community service projects?

Huh. Subtle.

I know, I know.

But this community project thing
is kind of a big deal.

Sure, it's fun, but they
also take a lot of planning.

So if you need any help getting started

just say the word and...


Am I seeing a goat crossing the road?

You are not. It's two goats.

-[goat bleat]

Hey there... goats.

Where are you going?

[goats bleat]

Uh, excuse me.


[goats bleat]




Nice car.

Hurry up, dear.

My new hats wilt in the sun.

-Yes, lovey.

-[Barbie] Sorry, coming through.
-[Skip] Sorry.

Ugh! Ahh!

Come back here!



Good job recycling.




We'll never catch them.

Never say never.

I'll go this way, you go that way.


We got you now!




Now where do you belong?

No way.


We're neighbors.


-OK, say "maaah."




Chews! Billy! You found them!

We did.

I'm Barbie, and this is
my sister, Skipper.

-Thank you.

I'm Casey.

They're for my class.

I teach goat yoga.

Wow. That sounds fun.

It is. And this is my daughter, Shelby.

We live around the corner.

How long have you lived here?

-All year.

I can't believe we haven't
met you already.

Well, life keeps us busy.

Then you need this.

My card. Babysitters Inc.

Or, just come by and hang out
with my other sisters

-Chelsea and Stacie.
-Can I, Mom?

Sure. I'll give you a call.

-We'll be ready for you.



That was pretty smooth how you
worked your business in there.

What about you and that goat wrangling?

Never would've made the connection

if we hadn't caught the goats
in the first place.

I guess we do make a pretty good team.

In fact, you know what?

Why don't we do our community service
project together?

Together? Like, do the same project?

Yeah. With your business skills,
and my... my...

Everything skills?

[laughs] Sure.

It'll be great.

Well, if that's what you want,
what could go wrong?


What could go wrong?

-[both gasp]

[both] Gotcha!


Welcome, Tamsters.

Today, you get to witness
how I'm making Malibu

a better place for everyone.

Looking great.

Very service-y.

Thank you, miss.

You are so kind.

[chuckles] This oughta be good.





This is priceless.


A fake?

Oh, your mother would be so ashamed.


My mother would think this is hilarious.

Yours, too, for that matter.




Told you you'd be good.




OK. Get ready for a big one!

Bring it. Woah!

Shark attack!



-You OK?
-Hi, Barbie.

We're helping Skipper practice surfing.

We're the unexpected things
that can go wrong.

Ah. So that's what the ambush
at the door was all about.

But, Skip, we were supposed
to start working on

our community service project.

I know, I was just squeezing
in a little extra practice

while I waited for you.

Well, I'm ready if you are.

We'll be here if you need
any distractions.

Those are my specialty.



We could weed the community garden.

I don't know. I just got a mani.

OK. Um, how about we work
in a soup kitchen?

As long as it's not cream-based.

I'm trying to cut back on dairy.

That's not how soup kitchens work.


Skipper, if you want to do this
with someone else...

No, no! I'm in, I'm in.

But look how cute this is. [laughing]

[Barbie] Aw, they are pretty cute.

Goat yoga. Who knew?

So weird how we never met them before.

-How do you miss neighbors with goats?
-I know, right?

Makes me wonder how many
other neighbors are out there

we don't know.

With crazy pets.

Hey. What if we hold a big event
and invite the entire city

to come meet each other?

A Get to Know Your Neighbor Day?

That's cool.

And they could bring their pets.

And exchange business cards.

And share hobbies, or whatever
they want to share about themselves.

It would be a great way to bring
the whole community together.

But where would we host
something like that?

Our yard is big, but not that big.

How about the waterpark?

You're a genius!

Darcy's been looking for a way
to get the word out

about the new sports center.

I'll call her right now.

Great. Let me know what she says.

-Where are you going?
-[phone ringing]

Surfing. I've had my brainstorm
for the day.

Um, OK...

-[Darcy] Hey, Barbie.
-Darcy, hi. Have a second?

So helping old folks across the street

didn't change any global anything.

Check out these ideas.

You could be a volunteer scarecrow
at the community garden.

Straw is not my color. Next idea.

Release all iguanas currently
held unfairly in captivity.

A, that's not a thing, and B, gross. Next.

We could give free haircuts.

We do our own, and we look fly.

-Chest bump!

Bump, bump! Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.


Oh no, no, no.

In case you haven't noticed,
I have a hard time with "nice."

If only I knew what Barbie was doing.

She's announcing a project right now.

Give me that.

Hello, Malibu.

My sister Skipper and I are doing

our community service project for school

and we need your help.

Skipper and I, well, even though
she isn't here right now

will be hosting an all-Malibu
Meet and Greet

at the new Oceans Extreme Sports Center.

You can get to know your neighbors

try out all the equipment,
and have fun in the pool.

And the whole thing is pet-friendly.

There'll even be free goat yoga classes.


[both] Free goat yoga? What's goat yoga?


OK. So, sign up online.

Hope to see you all there.

Huh. Good for you, Barbie.

What a totally awesome,
completely original, super idea.

Uh, is that sarcasm?

Cause it sounded pretty sincere

but I'm never really sure
with the way you talk.

Of course, it's sincere.

It's a great idea.

But, but not as great
as the idea Barbie just gave to me.


Got my notes, my laptop, my...



Did I distract you?

Very effectively.

I see you've branched out
from distracting Skipper?

Uh-huh. She's not here.

Not here? But we have so much to do.

-Do you know where she is?

She took her surfboard though,
so I guess somewhere with water.

Oh. OK. Thanks.

The Malibu Junior Surfers
are officially underway.

So this is why the sudden
interest in surfing.

I just thought, why not get good
enough to hang with the best?

And it has nothing to do
with the prize money?

[sighs] I really need a new turntable.

I guess as long as you have fun,

it's still true to the zen of surfing.

By the way, where's your family?

They love this kind of stuff.

Oh, I didn't want to get them
all worked up.

Especially in case I make
a fool of myself.

If I get past this round,
I'll let them know.

-Next up, Skipper Roberts.
-That's my cue.

Remember, stay centered, feet planted.

Feel the wave.

Be the wave.

You got this, grasshopper.

Do grasshoppers even surf?


And we can put the dunk t*nk there.

This is such a great idea, Barbie.

-I really owe you.
-I owe you.

Especially now that Skipper's MIA.

Seriously, without the waterpark

this event wouldn't happen at all.

I have a good feeling
this is just what we need

to turn the place around.

[phone beeps]

Oh, no.

You OK?

Bad news?

Do you know someone named
Tammy Bounceaway?

Yeah. She's a friend... sorta.

Goes to my school. Why?

-She just bought the waterpark.

"Your event is officially cancelled."

[seagull squawks]

You bought the waterpark?

Technically, my dad bought it.

But he said as long as it makes
me happy, well...


Oh, Barbie, Barbie, Barbie.

Isn't it obvious?

You have the best community
service project

and now that project is mine.

Tammy, this is insane.

You didn't buy my project,
you bought the location.

I'm still going to do my project.

I'll just have to find somewhere else
to do it.

Oh, good luck with that.

Like the community really needs
anymore positive stuff going on.

-[laughs] Am I right?

That is so far from the idea
of community service,

I don't even know what to say.

Then how about saying "bye-bye?"

[gasps] Ahhhhhh!!!!!!


[announcer] Woo-hoo,
look at the newbie tearing it up.

Skipper Roberts is going Richter.

Go, Skipper. Yeah!


Wooo! Way to go!

[exhales] Did you see me?

That was so fun.

You totally nailed it. Great ride.

And the final surfer advancing
to the next round is...

Skipper Roberts!

-All right.

Remember, surfers, it's not about winning.

A good ride is its own reward.

Did I tell you?

It's even better when the prize money
gets you a new turntable.

We'll be sending out texts
with dets and start times.

Until then, keep it rad.

Now you gonna tell your family about this?

-Oh, yeah.
-[phone beeping]

They'll get a big kick out of it.

Ugh. Except maybe Barbie.

She's not happy.

Hey there. So, life is funny.

Um, the whole Malibu Meet and Greet

has hit a sna... g.

Nope. That's lame.

OK. Sign ups for the All Malibu
Meet and Greet are going great.

One thing, we sorta
need to move the whole thing

so anyone out there willing
to step up and donate a venue

and all the food, and... prizes, and...

No. I can do this.

Hey, so if you are really
into serving the community

do I have a cause for you!

And it all has to be pulled off
by the day after tomorrow.


-[knocking at door]

Knock knock?

Uh, reporting for community service.

How's it going?

Huh. That good?

[sighs] Where have you been?


I got your texts.

All of them. What's going on?

What's going on is our project

has gone completely off the rails.

Tammy bought the waterpark.


Did not see that coming.

But what's it mean to us?

It means we can't hold our event there

because Tammy is doing her own event

which means we have no project
unless we move it

to somewhere else.

And I'm trying to find a new place

but it's not easy on such short notice

and... I could really have used
a partner today. Where were you?

I'm sorry, but I had something
pretty important going on.

This is important, too.

-To me.
-Exactly. To you.

Community service is your thing.

Service is my thing?

Community effects us all,
don't you get that?

Ugh, you're being so dramatic.

Give me one good reason why I should care

about what goes on in this community.



Uh, that was shaking.


And that is some serious shaking.

[both] Earthquake!

-Under the desk.
-[alarm blaring]

[computer] Earthquake protection
system activated.

Moderate to strong shaking expected.

Remain in safe shelter locations.

It's going to be a bumpy ride.

[theme song playing]