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05x08 - Barbie's Day Off

Posted: 08/17/23 07:00
by bunniefuu
Whoa, oh-oh-oh ♪

So much to see ♪

So much to do ♪

Let's share a dream ♪

♪ Make it come true ♪

Us girls' got ♪

♪ The right combination ♪

Make our way
To new destinations ♪

Imagine all
The possibilities ♪

Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ You can be anything ♪

Hey, hey, hey ♪

Barbie's here, gonna sing ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

Yeah, that's our thing ♪

It's the
Dreamhouse Adventures ♪


Where are the others?!

Gone. All gone!

- You're too late!
- No!

- [growling]
- What's happening?

Ever wake up
feeling like a zombie?

And then you think
"Come on, I'm fine.

I'll just get up
and power through

and do a million things,

Well, zombies aren't real
but the way your body feels?

That is something we all
need to pay attention to.

Because if you don't,
this could happen.

OK, let's run through it.

When making ice cream
the traditional way,

you have to churn and freeze the
ingredients like milk and sugar

for a long time.

But in molecular gastronomy,
we use chemistry

- to do the work for us.
- So exciting.

Just add liquid nitrogen
and voila.

It flash freezes the mixture
almost instantly,

creating extra small
ice crystals that result

in the smoothest
ice cream possible.

- Whoa!
- So cool!

You wanna try some, Tammy?

[Ken] It's raspberry vanilla
chip swirl.

- And really good.
- Ew! Ew! Ew!

No, no, no. It doesn't
matter what it tastes like

as long as we get an A
on our group project.

My dad is all bent
because my grades
aren't exactly stellar.

Oh, don't worry.

Barbie really knows
her chemistry.

With Barbie leading the project
nothing can go wrong.

Excuse me.

- You OK?
- Yeah.

My nose must be
a little sensitive

to liquid nitrogen
or something.

Ew! [groans]
You better not be getting sick.

This presentation has to be
a success tomorrow.

It'll be fine.
I'll be fine.



We got this.
Right, guys?

[both] Dude!



[Barbie sneezing]

You need some help there,

Thanks, but I've made
this recipe a hundred times.

[sneezes] Could you hand me that
can of tomatoes, please, Stace?


So, you excited about
bring your daughter

- to work day tomorrow, Chels?
- Yeah, it'll be fun.

Especially since I get
to miss school.

But you sure
you don't need some help?

There. Now all I need to do
is let it cook.

Timer set.

I have a better idea.

Why don't you get in bed
and see how you feel
in the morning?

Dad, I'm totally fine.


I guess I could use
a power nap before we eat.

Need all the energy I can get
for the big presentation
at school tomorrow.

Call me when it dings!


[Mrs. Reardon]
Trevelyan Finknottle Reardon!

Middle name time.

I'm in trouble.

What is the meaning of this?


Don't bother.
I'll tell you.

Your school has informed us

that you are on the cusp
of failing chemistry!

How could you, son?

We Reardon's are exceptional
at everything!

I'm exceptional at
the things that matter,

like yachting
and caviar tasting.

Don't change the subject!

You need to get this grade
up at once or...

I will be very disappointed!

Don't sweat it.

I got a huge project
due tomorrow,

and I totally got it handled.

Oh, my poor Trey!
Trey is so sick!

Does it hurt much?

Only when I think about
missing school today.

Don't give it another
second's thought.

You stay home
as long as you need to

until you are
percent healthy.

Anything you need at all,
just tell us.

Ah, thanks Mom.

- I would like a...
- Oh, we meant by text.

We'll be at the club all day!


Let my day off begin.

- [sighs]
- Honey, you're still here?

- Your plane leaves in...
- I know, I know.

See you when I get back.
Bye, girls.

- Bye, Dad.
- Have a good trip.

See ya.

- Bye. Are you ready, Chels?
- Ready.

Do I look grown up?

Very. Let's head out.

We'll drop Stacie
on the way.

We're gonna be late!


What? Where? Who?

Oh, Skip.
I guess I overslept.

Yeah, you did.
We have to go.

No prob.
I just gotta get dressed.

- [thuds]
- [groans]

- Are you OK?
- Hundred percent.

Never better.
Totally fine.

Oh, definitely not fine.

You're going back to bed.

But I have to drive you...



Uh, I'll get a ride with Ken.

You're staying home.

OK. OK, for a few hours.

I have to be at school
for last period

to do
the chemistry demonstration.

School will go on without you.

Take a day for yourself
and get better.

- I would.
- I would, too,
if it was serious.

It's just a little cold.

I'll see you after school.

If you say so.



- Excited?
- Yeah.

And it has nothing to do
with missing school today.

I thought you liked school?

I do, most of the time.

But everyone knows being
a grown up is way more fun.

Well, I do enjoy my job,

but I'm not sure
how fun it will be for you.

But I do know one thing
you'll like.


It's doughnut day!

No school and doughnuts?
Best day ever!

No parents and a day to do
whatever I want?

Best day ever!


Worst day ever.

- [groans]
- Oh, sorry Taffy.

I can't seem to get comfortable.

Ah, this is better.
Nice and cozy.

I'll just watch a little TV.

That should help me
get to sleep.

Then I'll be refreshed
and ready for school.

See the pretty strokes.

Think of them as butterflies.

- Ah, perfect.
- Perfect to carry you away.

Today on Zombie Theatre...

Where's my classroom?
I have to find it!


Wait, Nikki's not in my class.


Don't worry, group!
I'm coming!


- Teresa?
- You shouldn't have
stayed home.

Your group needs you.

I know!
I have to find them!


Ken! Where are the others?

Gone. All gone!
You're too late!





What's happening!

Barbie Roberts, you should have
never missed school!

We had to make
the ice cream without you.

Yeah, it was awful!

[all groaning]
We want brains!




It was just a dream.

[phone ringing]

Ken! Don't tell me I slept
through the presentation.

Uh, no.
It's still first period.

How are you feeling?
Skipper filled me in.

Good! Never better.


OK, I've been better.

But I will be there
for sixth period.

There's no reason
for you to push it.

Not that we don't
want you here,
but we'll be fine.

- Trust us.
- I don't trust anyone.

You better not let us down,

I won't.
See you after lunch.





Well, this is Claire
and Jonathan.

Oh, and you remember
Mr. Hartog?

Nice to see you again, Chelsea.

You, too, Mr. Hartog.

So what're we going
to do today?

Well, after the doughnuts
we usually have a staff meeting.

What's a staff meeting?

Well, it's a meeting
for the staff.

- But we already met.
- Not that kind of meeting.

It's where we get together
and discuss things
we're working on.

That sounds interesting.

Using data from
we see the cost analysis

is very encouraging considering
the equity potential's limited

exposure for risk analysis.

Moving on to data from ...


Can I go to the bathroom?


I'm awake!

Ah, hi.
I meant to do that.

Uh, care to join me in a little
downward dog?

'Cause you're a dog? Get it?

- [laughs]
- [crash]


You hear that?
It came from next door.

Anyone home?

What's going on over there?

Oh. Nothing there.



It looked like a spaceship,
but it can't be a spaceship
because that would be crazy.

I know. Sleep.
I'm on it.

[female announcer]
The Happy Stuffer is the answer

- to all your plumbing needs.
- [groans]

[man on TV laughing]
Get ready to walk the plank,
ya scurvy rat!

Ooh, a pirate movie.


Would anyone help me?!

Arr, give up, Trey!
No one is coming to save you.

I am!

- Barrrrbie.
- En garde!




Tell... Renee...

I left the shirt
I borrowed from her...

in my backpack.


- I knew I could count on you.
- It's what I do.

You're my hero.
Now, for your reward.



That was terrifying.

I'm not sure the structure
will maintain its integrity.

What're you guys working on?


It's a new amusement park ride.

State of the art.
Never been done.

That sounds fun.
Can I help?

Well, isn't that cute.

But you should leave this
to us grown-ups.

Maybe you'd like some
pens and paper

to color with while we work.

That's OK, I brought my own.

No more sleeping.
No more dreaming.


- [whirring]
- [gasps]

What was that?


Yep, definitely seeing things.

I better check in with Ken.

- [ringing]
- Hey. What's up?

- [whispering] Why so secret?
- 'Cause I'm in class?

Why did you answer?

Because you called.
I thought you needed something.

- Do you?
- Oh, no.

Everything's great.

See you in sixth period.

I'll take that.


- [groans]
- [whirring]

Please tell me you saw that.

[soft growl]

Either we're in the middle
of an alien invasion,

or I really am too sick
to go to school.


By this point
I was feeling pretty bad.

Not just sick,
but terrible that I was
going to miss my presentation.

Leave it to my
imaginative little sister

to find a very
grown up solution.

[phone ringing]

Ah! I'm awake!

Hi, Barbie.
Mom said I could

use her phone to check on you.
How're you feeling?

To be honest, not that great.

- How's it going there?
- Well, at first it was fun,

but now they're just doing
serious stuff.

I guess that's why
it's called "work".


Will grown-up work
ever make sense?

That's why we go to school.

- I miss being in school.
- Me too.

But I know
I need to rest today.

Too bad I can't be
in two places at once.

- But you can be.
- What?

Don't you remember
when you were at camp

and Skipper needed
your help to make a cake,
so you made a...

- Robot?
- Robot!

Thank you, Chels.

And don't worry
about grown up stuff.

You've got this.


Come on.
I know it's here somewhere.


You're gonna help me
be two places at once.


- [panting] Hey.
- Hey.

Listen, Chelsea
found a way for me

to be lead the presentation
from home.


I don't know
if that's a good idea.

- Whoa!
- Why?

Because you're sick.
And you're not at your best.


And neither am I, apparently.

I know it's unusual,
but I really think
I figured out a way to...



Maybe we should
talk after PE?


Ooh. Good idea.
See you soon.

[Ken] Wait, see me soon?
How are you...? Whoa!

- Yeah, this'll work, right?
- [whimpers]


- [whirring]
- Whoa! What the...?


Best hooky day ever.


Trey! It was you!

I didn't do anything.
I'm home sick.

I mean the spaceship.
Keep it away from my robot.

Keep your robot
away from my spaceship.



Now I have to go find it.

Thanks for ruining
my day off.

I didn't mean to.

And anyway...

Different priorities, I guess.



OK, robot.
It's presentation time.



Get back here!

- Trey Reardon!
- Uh-oh!

What are you doing
out of school?

Oh, hey honey,
sorry to leave you like that.

I know this day hasn't been
that fun for you.

- Are you OK?
- Uh-huh.

- Whatcha doing?
- Helping.

Helping? How?

Who knows more about
theme park rides than a kid?

Hey, did you get it?

I'm having some trouble
with the reception.

Hi, Barbie.
Now's not a good time.

We're about to start
the presen...


Just hit both the odd switches.


I was just at dodgeball.

I'll begin in three, two, one.

Today we are making ice cream

using molecular gastronomy.

Feel free to follow along,
as my robot leads
a demonstration.

Ted and Ned,
prepare the crystals.

Tammy, if you could
bring the mixture over.

And, Ken, be ready
with the liquid nitrogen.

When flash freezing,
timing is everything.

And there you have it.

Smooth and tasty ice cream.


OK. I'm done.

See you all on Monday.



You don't have
to tell me twice.

Back to bed.

Mwah. Yes, thank you,
thank you. [laughs]

- Well?
- Hm. Definitely feasible.

- And wildly creative,
I must say.
- Thank you.

That's quite an inventor
you've got there.

I couldn't be more proud.

Mom, not in front
of my colleagues.

[all laughing]

Oh. I'm sorry, sweetheart.

- Whoa!
- Double whoa!

[both] Barbie?

At least she didn't
try to go to school.

That could've been a disaster.

Speaking of disasters,
what's up with that kitchen?

Ooh, I don't know,

but you better get it
cleaned up before Mom gets home.

Yeah, right.
I'm not cleaning that.

But your poor sister
is in bed sick.

She's your sister, too.

Why don't you help her?

I never found out
what happened to my robot,

but I did learn
that when you're sick,

no matter how much
you may think you're k*lling it,

you're probably not.

That's why it's OK to stay home

and take care of yourself

and rely on those around you
to keep things going

until you're better.

A day off really
isn't that big a deal.

Unless you were
faking all along.

There he is!


[tires screeching]

[pigs snorting]

Hurry up!


[honks horn]

[tires screeching]

Are you kidding me?




Get out of the way!



Ha, ha, ha.

There is a very good
