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01x37 - cr*ck

Posted: 08/17/23 14:29
by bunniefuu
the w*r between the autobots and the

decepticons rages are as they struggle

to retrieve the prized mini-cons beside

who wins is the side that collects the

most and if the decepticons prove

victorious then megatron and his corrupt

minicons control the universe the

earth's only chance for a peaceful

cosmos before optimus prime on the

autobots to destroy their enemy

now get ready for a new battle


interesting the star saber sword the sky

boom shield and the requiem blaster each

have their own unique powers

yet when they combine they become the

ultimate w*apon of mass destruction

but why are you telling me this sideways

because you seem to be the only

decepticon who's level-headed enough to

destroy the autobots




come on men let's look alive we got a

w*r to win oh come on jet fire we're

working like dogs here you'll just keep

working huh hey starscream what are you

doing just standing around me help ha

this is all a waste of time jetfire i

suggest we launch an all-out att*ck

against the decepticons instead of this

mindless exercise hey we're not the

aggressors here our job is to protect

the mini cons first yeah whatever god

you're a fool no you're the fool

at this rate you'll never defeat

megatron and that's what i'm here for i

joined the autobus to bring megatron

down the minicons mean nothing to me you

haven't changed hey take it easy and

just relax jet fire and that goes for

you too star scream you understand

where you going yeah get back here

typical decepticon i know

enough chit chat ladies we've got a job

to do

sorry red alert but what about

starscream you mean star traitor don't

you get back to your stations

man hot sh*t huh

progress report how's everything going

down here


is there anything that matter hacha

well there is something

it's just that the men and i don't think

we can work with starscream and it's not

like we haven't tried


i guess the decepticons are programmed a

lot different than us with that in mind

hotshot don't you think that just might

be the reason we're still battling them

yeah i guess so

i think the first step we should take

with starscream is to try to understand

our differences and then we should

attempt to come to some mutual agreement

on how best to work together



good now let's get back to work


oh thrust exactly how do you propose we

capture the star saber and the sky boom

shield i have developed just the plan

for that task megatron leave everything

to me sire



what's going on

thanks a lot for the presents


don't think i follow thanks for the rock

you brought back from mars yeah we never

really had a chance to say thanks big

guy and alexis figured we should throw

you you know a little appreciation party

and we even got a cake we made this for




what is it

a handmade polishing chamois use it to

polish anything even runway for example


right even us guys help sew it together

yeah and we even have the needle pricks

to prove it so when you're gonna cut the



oh don't you like it uh no no

i wouldn't say that i mean it's very


it's just that i've never had anyone

give me a present before you can't be

serious what about on your birthday you

never got nothing

so what does one

do in a situation like this

why don't you just try saying thank you

thank you

thank you right

so give us the scoop on what it was like

up on mars dude yeah we want to hear all

about it

does anything grow up there that you can

eat without croaking on the spot hey are

there any aliens living on the red

planet well kid hey starscream how about

sharing some of the work around here by

going on surveillance duty up in the

control room

i'll never give you the autobots work

ethic well i guess you better get going

don't worry if i don't do it someone

will take care of it no big deal you

cannot be serious starscream

i mean sloughing off like that it's not

the way autobots work don't you get it

they're a team and without teamwork

nothing at all would get done around


hey where do you think you're going

to get a little peace and quiet

oh man what's his problem

whoa he sure is self-centered

oh this teamwork talk is starting to

make me go

soft what is that


someone's watching


thrust thanks for coming star scream i

was so worried you wouldn't remember our

little signal i sent you on the autobots

monitor so

what's it like being a traitor

please forgive my rudeness i don't know

what came over me i must confess i too

have become rather disheartened by



i've had enough of your games

i agree with you that megatron has

failed to prove himself as a leader so

join with me and together we can bring

megatron down no deal thrust you are a

fool if you believe you can destroy him

with the help of those pathetic auto


hey billy i got a question you think

starscream like that shammy we gave to

him of course dummy everybody always

likes their first present don't you know

anything i guess you're right huh what's

up bud look it's starscream gee i wonder

what he's doing way out here me too


well then here's a simple question have

you considered returning to your


what back to the lunar base yes and may

i suggest your chances of overthrowing

megatron are greater from within no way

only a fool with a death wish would

return to stand before megatron and

trust me thrust i for one am not a fool

here's a simple solution bring megatron

some worthless autobot trophy and i

assure you all will be forgiven trophy

you say

something like oh i don't know the sky

boom shield perhaps it's just a thought


there's no hurry starscream take your

time and when you've decided you can

tell me your decision back at the lunar



oh man what was that all about fred i

don't have a clue well we gotta tell all

the others about this let's go

excellent the seed has been blended yes

your dramatic skills truly impressed me


but do you really believe you convinced

him that by joining forces with you it's

his best option to destroy megatron i do

sideways but now imagine how shocked he

would be if he only knew that you and i

had formed an alliance so with megatron



starscream what's wrong uh nothing's

wrong i have better go i've got what to


don't ask me why you guys but i got a

feeling something smells fishy here


i know


am i doubting myself



oh man this totally bites i wish we

could help the autobots build the

spaceship or do something cause i'm

bored out of my mind hang in there bud

it won't be much longer why won't when

they finish building the spaceship

so do you think they'll return to

cybertron rad good question and i wonder

if they'll take us along yeah i wonder

i don't know i guess we'll just have to

wait and see if they do man that'll be a

drag they've become like our closest

friends you're right carlos but that's

never gonna happen

right huh

i'd miss you too

but let's not get all bummed out about

it okay guys yeah

hey i got it forget tomorrow and be

happy about today guys well

i think that just about does it i'm all

done over here jet fire guys we just saw

a cone-headed decepticon you mean thrust

he was just outside our base what are we

waiting for come on let's go get him

yeah baby

hang on a sec hotshot starscream chased

the creep away already starscream is my

hero you are one twisted kid what's so

wrong with a kid having a hero huh yeah

like starscream's a hero

starscream we were just talking about


i hope it was all good don't play dumb

with us buddy fred just told us you

drove off thrust way to cover our back

starscream oh that

yeah right i wish i'd been there to see

you in action my friend where you are

where'd you take off to

what's up with you smokescreen that's

what i came to find out i can't find the

sky boom minicons anywhere the minicons

are here hey uh that reminds me


didn't that cone-headed guy ask you to

bring the sky boom shield with you to

their moon base yeah what's up with that

anyway don't tell me you're about to

double-cross us did you hand over those

three mini-cons to them starscream


don't be ridiculous but you do admit you

saw him outside our base right

i just knew this would happen hold your

horses men huh

come on let's not jump to any

conclusions here starscream is on our

side don't you remember and don't forget

he's innocent unless he's proven guilty

okay starscream help me out and explain

what's up here because if you don't

let's put it this way you are so at the

creek and right now you look pretty

guilty guilty huh

i don't think it matters what i say

because you've already convicted me

but thanks for trying hotshot ah

that is not true please let's face facts

i am much different than you

i was programmed as a decepticon and i

don't apologize for that

i've tried my best to understand the way

you and the others think but i must

admit it was a failed experiment

no one said you did it we just want to

know the truth

but you can't handle the truth

what's all this ruckus

optimus sir the three sky boom shield

mini cons are missing sir

the kids told us they saw thrust outside

our base and he was insisting that

starscream delivered the sky boom shield

to their lunar base that's the story so

far sir starscream isn't saying anything


starscream explain yourself



att*ck now

ready or not here we come

looks like we've got company boys i hope

you brought a parachute deceptive cause

you're going down

your wish is my command

get fired

look jet fire's taking a pounding hey

wait a minute how come starscream's not

out there helping how can you tell who's

out there fred they're kicking up too

much dust

have you made your decision

i have trust i think i'll stay put here

with bots i can trust

you disappoint me and you'll live to

regret your decision what

starscream i fully understand your

desire for revenge against megatron you

don't understand anything about me


i'll get my revenge because i have the

tools to get the job done so out of my

way or i'll slice you in half you

pathetic snake oh you talk a tough game

name your price starscream join forces

with me and together we can take down

megatron i too am a warrior on a mission

i aspire to lead the decepticons to

victory if one obstacle remains in my

way a thorn if you will and i intend to

pluck it

why are you resisting my offer you know

there is strength in numbers starscream

so shall we unite and bring down

megatron together hmm i need you



jet fire let's power link ready when you

are optimus sir

there's no time to wait let's get busy

incoming bogey sighted and locked on

it's time to sink you for good tidal


all right that's a bullseye literally

you transformed mine autobot oh man this

is getting a little too close for


okay overgrown lunkhead just keep going

boy that creeps dumber than a bar of


hey who's out there

hey it's us hotshot

hey what in the world are you kids doing

way out here huh


dirt boss mirage downshift we've been

looking all over for you guys we thought

you might have been captured by the

decepticons we were just trying to help

out so we decided to take them for a

walk huh

sorry hotshot i guess we should have

told someone what we were doing with

them oh no i almost forgot we accused

starscream of stealing them huh

okay you guys listen up good

i need you to power link with the shield

you're gonna pay for this starscream how

dare you steal our sky boom shield

oh the sky boom shield

starscream is innocent you never stole

the minicon smoke screen they were with

the kids great i guess we all owe

starscream a giant autobot apology

it seems your friends have found what

they were looking for

why are you angry at me i only wanted to

form an alliance with you what's that we

both want megatron destroyed but why do

you insist on working against me that's

enough stop yammering

why can't i

destroy him

and we even got a cake

the decision is yours

you can either become soft and forget

your glorious heritage or you can join


and if you decide the latter it is only

a matter of time until we drink from the

cup of victory you must choose but i

suggest you choose wisely

your childish blathering annoys me

starscream you are a decepticon now act

like one

destroy all autobahn hang in there

optimus the sky boom shield's on its way


heads up optimus


i don't believe it it worked it actually

worked starscream bought it

oh and don't think i'll forget about

your little moment of insubordination


good work smokescreen what

optimus sir



i don't know if this is the right choice

i have made my

decision well

what is it

i must do everything there is in my

power to bring megatron down

and i swear i will crush him personally


goodbye kids

and thanks i'll never forget you

i can't believe this


why starscream why

